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Dream Interpretation why an owl is dreaming. What is the dream of an owl in a dream book. What is the dream of an owl in the Esoteric dream book

Dream interpretation of S. Karatov

Why dream of seeing an owl - then you will suffer from loneliness.

Why dream of seeing an owl at night - then you are in danger.

If in a dream you heard an owl screaming, then an addition to the family awaits you.

See also: why the woodpecker dreams, why the lark dreams, why the white swan dreams.

Dream Interpretation of A. Vasiliev

Why is the owl dreaming?

An owl dreamed - then a bad person is watching you, you need to be on the alert.

Dream interpretation of V. Melnikov

What does the Owl dream about in a dream book:

An owl dreamed - then you do not need to be in the company of bad people.

If in a dream an owl flew right in front of your face, then your loved one will soon get sick.

Why dream of seeing an owl that flew during the day - then you will be able to get around a dangerous situation.

I dreamed of an owl that flew around the apartment - then grief will happen at your house.

Why dream of seeing a stuffed owl - then you will be forced to admit your mistakes.

Dream interpretation for girls

If the Owl is dreaming, what is it for:

The owl is known to be a symbol of wisdom. If this bird was present in your dream, then you are now in a difficult position and you can make a mistake. If you do not want to let this happen, you need to consult a close friend who will definitely help and give you a lot of help. good advice. Hearing the cry of an owl in a dream - you can imperceptibly offend your friend, tell him something offensive. If you really value friendship, then you need to be more careful about your words.

Dream interpretation of O. Adaskina

Why is the Owl dreaming, what does it mean:

A dreaming owl is a symbol of loneliness. Her cry (like the cries of all nocturnal birds) warns of danger. Beware of ill-wishers, the machinations of enemies, bad news. Perhaps life will push you with a person who leads a very secluded lifestyle, hides some secrets. An owl can also dream of a love date. Seeing an owl flying low over your head is slander and gossip that will significantly harm you.

To see a dead owl is to avoid a serious illness.

A dream in which you hear the threatening hoot of an owl portends the danger that will overtake you soon after receiving unpleasant news.

Worldly dream book

What is the dream of an owl in a dream book

The dream in which you had an owl warns you of the danger - to hear the cries of an owl in a dream - to illness, as well as to misfortune with a loved one. You should take precautions, do not leave what is happening to chance, then you can avoid completely or at least partially those misfortunes that are destined for you.

Seeing an owl on a tree branch - enemies and envious people will slander you, if you happen to see an owl on the roof of a house in a dream - a series of misfortunes will occur in this house. An owl always dreams of bad news that will follow immediately after your dream.

If the owl broke loose and flew away from its familiar place, this suggests that in reality misfortunes can be happily avoided. If you saw in a dream that an owl died, this is also good sign, telling you that the bad in life will pass you by, while you can even rise and receive some honor.

I dreamed of an owl that you kill - this means that in reality you will be able to get rid of influence bad man that has been preventing you from living for a long time. This person will disappear from your life forever, leave you and your loved ones alone.

Also, a dreaming owl can predict loneliness, especially if the dream itself left behind a feeling of melancholy and anxiety.

Dream Interpretation of Birds and Animals

What does the Owl dream about in a dream book:

Traditionally, owls perform a dual role: they are a symbol of wisdom, learning, and are endowed with the ability to predict the future, especially the gloomy one. However, modern magic is dominated by the positive aspects of owl symbolism.

In classical mythology, the owl was sacred bird goddess Minerva, the Roman goddess of wisdom, and her predecessor in ancient Greek mythology goddess Athena. The eagle owl, for example, is a messenger of battles that personifies the wisdom and benefits that the gods bring to people. The little eared owl has always been considered a friend of hunters. And only the cry of the virgin owl foreshadowed misfortune. Although some Native American tribes associated owls with witchcraft and ghosts, there were some Native American tribes who were more inclined to pay attention to the positive aspects of the owl as a symbol and considered owls to be protectors from witchcraft spells.

For them, the owl was the father of the Night and could give warriors, especially those for whom she was a totem bird, a special ability to see in the dark. Also, the owl was considered the protector of all those who traveled at night or in the dark. In the cultural traditions of New Zealand, owls, especially if they were white, are regarded as spirits that protect people. Among the Maori peoples, owls were considered the embodiment of their ancestors of noble origin.

Universal dream book

What does it mean to see an Owl in a dream?

Brief interpretation: wisdom; healing; predator.

Popular expression: sharpness; beaten truth; life wisdom; incident.

The owl is a multi-valued symbol. To interpret such a dream, first think about your origin. For example, if you are from the Caucasus, the owl symbolizes wisdom and knowledge for you. If you live in the Mediterranean area, the owl is a symbol of healing for you. In the times of the Etruscans and the ancient Romans, the owl symbolized the place where one could get medical care. And in the traditions of the original inhabitants of the northeastern part of America, the owl was associated with a predator.

The owl also symbolizes spiritual quest. A dream can also indicate that if you take a closer look at the problem, you can solve it.

Do you have a vague idea about something? An owl can represent your secret side. It may appear in your dream when you can realize and accept some of your qualities that you previously refused to recognize. It is important to understand the main idea of ​​sleep, for this, pay attention to where you are in a dream. Do you dream that you are in a place where training is taking place? Perhaps in this period of life you should observe and learn more. Do you dream that an owl sits on someone? In this case, the dream speaks of an understanding that arises between you and this person. Why dream of seeing an owl landing on some part of your body, you may need medical treatment.

Seeing that you are afraid (perhaps you are running from an owl or it is attacking you) means that someone wants to take advantage of your thoughts or creativity.

Owls also catch mice, so they can be considered pest exterminators. Why dream of seeing an owl throwing itself at some person, perhaps this person is a source of evil for you and you should stop communicating with him. An owl can also symbolize the desire for loneliness. This is a lonely creature, and it is his loneliness that makes him so mysterious.

Dreaming of an owl? See the next interpreter.

Lewis' dream book

Why dream in a dream Owl in a dream:

Being a symbol of wisdom and dignity, the owl as a night bird is also a natural symbol of the unconscious. Important, serious and wide-eyed, the owl can bring news to which the dreamer should pay attention.

Lunar dream book

Why does the sleeping Owl dream, it means:

you are being watched by a black magician or an unfriendly person and an esoteric. Be careful. Black Moon.

Dream interpretation of O. Adaskina

What does the Owl dream about in a dream book:

A mysterious owl sitting on a tree dreams of a fire. To hold a bird in your hands is to receive a boring guest. Kill an owl - suffer from slander.

Owl (see him) - get into the field of view of the black magician.

Owl and eagle owl are interpreted almost the same in various dream books. An owl flying overhead in a dream often warns of an approaching black streak in life, its cry promises misfortune, and the bird's aggressive behavior indicates the presence of an enemy in the dreamer's inner circle. At the same time, a dreaming owl with large prey portends a victory over ill-wishers and success in business. If you dream of an owl with owls, then a man expects profit and promotion, and a woman - a desired pregnancy.

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      General interpretations

      Often an owl flying in a dream is a sign that a person will have to show wisdom and patience in relation to others in life. Some people close to him see him as their spiritual mentor and role model. Or the sleeper wants to gain wisdom in order to solve some everyday problems. In such a dream, a person’s hidden need for wise advice or having an experienced mentor.

      • A night bird flying to the window in a dream symbolizes the dreamer's strong desire for truth and openness. IN real life they treat him with distrust or he himself does not trust his circle of friends. There is a desire for mutual understanding with other people.

        A dream about a nest with owls for a man is a sure sign of imminent success at work or in business. You can expect big profits or a long-awaited promotion. For a woman, this is an undoubted sign that it is time to have children or the desired child is already on the way. Here important point is the presence of a mother owl in the nest. If the owls are with their mother, then the woman is mentally and psychologically ready for the birth of a child, if alone, then the pregnancy came as a surprise to her and she worries about the future.

        An owl flying low overhead is a warning of danger. In life, a "black streak" is possible. Having seen such a dream, you can not expect success at work or the prosperity of your own business, success in love affairs is also very doubtful. Do not wait for the emergence of new pleasant acquaintances. If a wedding is planned, then it should be postponed. The dreamer no longer trusts his partner, or there are reasons to suspect infidelity.

        Seeing a bird in a cemetery means fear of loneliness and death. It is also possible that someone close to you has a serious illness or is exposed to other danger, his imminent death is likely. Such an explanation for the appearance of an owl indicates to the dreamer the need to properly say goodbye to this person. Such a dream does not bode well for a woman either. He may dream of a lonely woman, without a family, or in separation from her beloved. On the day before which such a dream occurred, one should expect losses and minor setbacks.

        A bird perched on a tree under which a person is located means fear of being disgraced. Someone spreads evil rumors about a person in order to slander him. The sleeper is afraid that he will be used for selfish purposes, deceived by trust or framed with a threat not only to reputation, but also to life. Such a dream, which a woman had, speaks of the presence of a personal enemy who will seriously offend her. It's worth being on the lookout.

        If in a dream an owl sits on a hand, this means that a person is under strong guardianship. For both a man and a woman, such a symbol indicates an inextricable bond with the mother. Such a dream can be seen by young people who are just entering adulthood and are afraid to lose their mother's care, to be left without help. If the bird left wounds on the hand, it is worth reconsidering your relationship with the parent. Her excessive guardianship makes a person uncomfortable. A bird that has flown into the house threatens discord in family relationships.

        A dreaming owl with a broken wing is a sign of difficult changes in life. Rush is expected at work or in other matters that require huge physical and moral costs. The broken wing here symbolizes the impossibility of the sleeper to rise above the problems that have arisen and move away from them. Overwork, insomnia and malaise are possible. You need to beware of depression and suicidal thoughts. Seeing an owl with a broken wing for a woman is a warning about possible gynecological health problems. There is a need to undergo an examination and pass tests.

        Coloring and actions of a bird in a dream

        The interpretation of night vision with an owl largely depends on the color of the bird's plumage and its actions in a dream.


        For the correct interpretation of the dream, it is necessary to take into account the color of the bird:

        • the gray owl symbolizes new knowledge, making important decisions;
        • black speaks of the need for changes in life;
        • a white owl is a sign of the dreamer's curiosity and lively mind.


        The cry of a night bird in a dream often prophesies misfortune. If in a dream a person hears a dull hoot, one should expect trouble and bad news. He is probably already waiting for news about some event or person, the bird only gives out inner excitement.

        The dreamer, frightened by the cry of a bird, will receive unexpected news, and not always of a negative nature. Hearing the dull lingering cry of an owl is a sign of an imminent illness. If an owl screams in a dream, and when the dreamer comes up, it takes off sharply, it is worth waiting for the death of a loved one. If a woman in a dream hears the cry of an owl near the house, an addition to the family is expected. A hooting night predator portends a pleasant meeting with an old acquaintance. This is an experienced and intelligent person, who is an example to follow, and the dreamer sincerely respects him.

        Carries prey

        To see a hunting owl means to be afraid of becoming a victim of a crime. There is not just fear here, but a real phobia. Such a dream can be seen by a suspicious person who is constantly under stress even in everyday situations. The fear of becoming a victim of a criminal, who in such a vision is personified by a night hunter, develops into a mania, from which it is difficult for the dreamer to get rid of. For a woman, it is the fear of being raped.

        Seeing a bird carrying prey means fear of being exposed. In life, a person has secrets that he does not share with anyone, which depresses him, and the fear of betraying these secrets weighs heavily on him. If there is nothing to hide, such a dream warns that you should not be too frank in talking about matters of the heart, especially if they concern other people.

        Watching from the side how an owl hunts, attacking small prey, means that in reality you need to be prepared for injustice. This applies to both the owner of the dream and strangers to him. There is an internal feeling of resentment, someone treated him unfairly, humiliated him, demonstrating his power. All this depresses a person and results in nightmares. The dream has the opposite meaning with a bird that flies overhead, carrying large prey in its beak. Such a vision promises a major victory in business or business, especially if the process is at the negotiation stage. In a more general sense, a person will get what he has been striving for so long: he will defeat an opponent or overcome an ill-wisher who has annoyed him for a long time.


        A bird that shows aggression towards the dreamer is a harbinger of conflict in life. A person has a strong and insidious enemy, whom he should be afraid of. Someone is trying to knock out the ground under their feet, make them make mistakes and lose the respect of others.

        An owl pecking at the head means disturbing thoughts that haunt a person, torment him and return in the form of a similar dream. A person who seeks to escape from an attacking bird is most likely afraid that his rights will be violated. He may be the victim of an unfair accusation or persecution for false motives. Here lies the fear of being caught or the fear that someone will use the dreamer's words or thoughts against himself.

        If in a dream a person watches from the side how an owl attacks his acquaintance or friend, then the dreaming person should not be trusted. It is worth taking a closer look at him so as not to become a victim yourself. A dream may be a subconscious projection of hatred for this acquaintance, a desire to "peck" him, to hurt him. There is a possibility that in reality there is a confrontation with a dreaming acquaintance, and it is worth resolving it peacefully.

        An owl beating through the window of an apartment speaks of troubles in the family. Relationship problems may already be present, or a tense atmosphere promises future misunderstandings and resentment. After such a dream, it is better to sit down and talk with your other half, find out the reason for the disagreement and try to find a compromise.

        Sits on the hand

        A night bird sitting on a hand is a warning of trouble. Often an omen of fires and accidents. For a woman, such a dream means problems in relations with relatives.

        If you managed to tame an owl in a dream, you should expect great achievements, new knowledge and impressions. The eagle owl, as a symbol of wisdom, will bring patience and prudence into the dreamer's life, saving you from making quick decisions. Sometimes such a dream is interpreted as a solution to old problems that have tormented a person for a long time.

        A bird that sits on a girl’s hand promises an engagement with a lover or speaks of an imminent love that should meet on the path of life. Catching an owl by the wings is a big trouble with money and property. If in a dream a person was also injured, in life it is worth waiting for one of the ill-wishers to want to "let him bleed."

        A bird sitting on its head carries a mysterious, mystical meaning. A person will have to face inexplicable phenomena and forces that can be both positive and negative.

        Interpretations of popular dream books

        The compilers of famous dream books offer their interpretations of dreams with owls.

        Miller's dream book

        Seeing an owl in a dream threatens to bring false accusations to a person , slander and disgrace. If an owl screams in a dream and this causes fear in the sleeper, in real life danger creeps up on him. It is worth being careful and protecting not only yourself, but also your loved ones. You need to expect bad news and be prepared for it.

        A dead bird, paradoxically, is a sign that a person will be able to avoid a serious and even fatal illness. A bird with prey in its beak promises big financial success and all sorts of material goods. An owl sitting by the window portends a replenishment in the family or the arrival of distant relatives or friends.

        Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

        An owl in a dream is a sign of an imminent meeting with a stranger who owns dark magic. This meeting can end badly for a person, so such a dream should be taken as a warning.

        Many birds flying in one direction signify the onset of dark times. Perhaps a civil conflict, political destabilization and so on is brewing in the country. Owls are non-migratory birds, so such a dream indicates the need to leave for another city or country.

        Killing an owl in a dream is a bad sign. It is worth waiting for bad news that will bring a lot of troubles and misfortunes to a person. This interpretation is similar to the one given by Vanga to this dream.

        To dream about how a nocturnal predator hunts is to be wary of aggression from strangers. Perhaps a person is afraid of new acquaintances.

        Freud's dream book

        In this dream book, an owl and an owl are interpreted as symbols of death and illness, so their appearance in a dream does not bring anything good.

        The appearance of an owl in a man's dream speaks of the aggressiveness of a man. Perhaps he shows excessive assertiveness in relation to loved ones, vents evil on subordinates or passers-by. Such a dream may also have sexual overtones. According to Freud, if the bird was with prey, a man should settle down and choose one sexual partner, otherwise he is in danger of illness or death. It can also be interpreted as sexual aggression. A man seeks to dominate, show and prove his strength through sex.

        If a night bird dreams of a woman , she should beware of a new acquaintance. Care must be taken in choosing a sexual partner. Perhaps closer communication will show the most impartial sides of it, which the woman is already beginning to guess. There is a possibility of an unplanned pregnancy if a bird brought a dead mouse in a dream.

        Esoteric dream book

        A dreaming gray owl is a symbol of longing and sadness. Most likely, the owner of the dream looks at life too gloomily, has a melancholy character, is prone to soul-searching and depression. Just stop looking at negative sides life and start looking for the positive in everything.

        A screaming bird warns a person about the negative influence of a bad society. The surrounding people drag him down, belittle his dignity and ruin his talent. After such a dream, you should reconsider your social circle and think about whether those people are nearby.

I had this dream six months ago, but I still can't forget it. I dreamed that I was walking with my boyfriend in a park located on a hilly bank of a river. Some kind of indistinct - either a spring or autumn day (not sunny, but not gray either, there is no foliage, no snow either). We hardly talk, but this is a slight silence of two close people. Our mood is serene and upbeat. Suddenly, nearby we see some lively crowd: children and adults are laughing loudly and holding something in their hands. We came closer and saw that everyone had brought owls to this place. The owls were completely different: large, small, white, motley, blue, apathetic, active. It turned out that at the place where the owls were brought - the steepest descent from the hill to the river - there will be races: the owls must go down on foot. My beloved liked this idea so much that he ... with a gesture of a magician fished out a small, white plush owl from somewhere and wanted him to also participate in the run. But the organizers began to object. Then he was very indignant and began to make a fuss so that most of the organizers and spectators immediately disappeared somewhere. All this time I was silent and calmly looked at this strange scene. There was some kind of mini-dialogue between us, but I forgot it (it seems that some kind of reward was promised to the owner of the most frisky owl). The last thing I remember is a separate picture of how all these funny owls run down the slope, and in front of them all a white plush owl comes to life. A month and a half after this dream, we broke up. A month before this vision, I already felt that he was moving away from me, that he was deceiving me, cheating on me, but I was still ready to cling to any lie, and not to sort out our relationship at all, because I loved him too much and did not want to lose. And even now, when the most critical days are behind, this dream is constantly remembered, it still excites and worries me.


I am standing on my balcony and I see a big old owl with three heads that flies in my direction, it is clear that it is very tired and flabby. Well, I invited her to sit on the railing of my balcony, she sank so heavily on them, and immediately four of my dogs jumped out onto the balcony (I actually don’t have any animals in my house in my life) and began to bark and jump at this owl, and she had such a long tail, right down to the floor, and so these dogs (in general they are nice, funny like that) will all bite her by the tail, and I try to pick up this tail and take it away from them. But they nevertheless bit off this tail, or, more precisely, pulled it straight out of it, and after the tail, a small black kitten jumped out of this three-headed old owl, with such short, stiff fur. Well, my dogs didn’t like it by itself (I don’t remember where the owl went) and they completely attacked him, at that time I went into the room with a kitten in my arms, and they had to be kicked out into the corridor, they all barked outside the door. I liked it very much and I decided to keep it for myself. And then a few days later I dreamed that I went on a ship to the island of black cats, and it seemed like I was helping them to move to the mainland. It would be nice to know the opinion of such experienced people in the interpretation of dreams. Thank you.

I dreamed that I was walking along the road and passed by a small group of guys. Two of them began to fight in a friendly manner, eventually fell over the fence. I went further and met a sitting rook or crow, she was black. I started walking towards her and she jumped off and started silently flying next to me. I had a fantastic experience. Then she began to sit on my arm and when she landed she turned out to be an owl or an eagle owl. She was light brown in color and sat on her left arm, with her back to me. As far as I remember, she sat quietly and I saw a little of her muzzle, in my opinion she was with her eyes closed, as if she were sleeping, I stroked her neck and she reacted calmly. It looked realistic, like it was real. disheveled feathers were clearly visible on the neck when I stroked it, and then I woke up.

I dreamed that a very beautiful owl flew into me: neither white nor black, but so pockmarked, but beautiful. And she lay down right in front of me on her back, I began to stroke her stomach, she closed her eyes with pleasure. soft, fluffy and I said "Look how pretty" And she lay and it was clear how she enjoys,

I dreamed that I was an owl. I looked at her and she looked at me, but I knew that she was me. She had mine Blue eyes. I was very pleased and comfortable. And I knew it was a gift to me. The owl was an ordinary gray, except for the eyes and saucer feathers around them, they were white. It was a wonderful and wonderful feeling.

I dreamed that I was in my friend's garden, it was summer, but she was almost invisible at home .... I saw myself from the outside and my friend was also almost invisible. I stood against the backdrop of a dense forest ... there was a slight wind, and I was quite good weather. We laughed with her, discussed something ... and we just had a lot of fun! Then I saw that a very big one flew up to me, very fluffy like a big cat, and then I hugged her, she was quite playful and cheerful! I did not stop laughing and rejoicing, she rolled over on her back without flying away from me, opened her wings, then her paws and I began to stroke her with both hands on her tummy, she was so cute and very soft! I stroked her non-stop, and you could see how she closed her eyes a little with pleasure and seemed to be smiling! My friend and I were almost not surprised at all, and while all this was happening, we just flew away with happiness. Then I let her out with a smile and she disappeared as quickly as she appeared. But some kind of cute animal sat on me or spun on me, but I didn’t see him .. and that’s where the dream ended.

Why is the owl dreaming? In a dream, this is a rather rare, but very significant symbol. It reflects wisdom and secret knowledge, but at the same time warns of life's difficulties. Interpretation examples and popular dream books will help you find the right interpretation.

Miller's dream book opinion

If in dreams I happened to hear the deaf and gloomy cry of an owl, then troubles and sorrows are already close. The dream book advises to gather strength and exercise extreme caution in everything, because you have to go through one of the most difficult stages in life.

Dreamed of a dead owl? The dream interpretation is sure that you will avoid a serious illness or danger. A living owl in a dream symbolizes the slander and slander of enemies.

Interpretation of sleep according to Aesop's dream book

Why is the owl dreaming? She is a universally recognized symbol of wisdom. This bird reflects some mysterious force that influences the dreamer's life from the outside or dormant inside him.

Did you happen to see that an owl attacks another bird or animal? In reality, you will become a participant in events during which a powerful and strong man subdue the weaker.

Had a dream that you found an owlet? The dream interpretation is sure that someone will give you a wise and useful advice. Why dream of an owl without feathers? Certain circumstances will literally piss you off and force you to commit a stupid act.

In a dream, an owl sat on its head? Dream Interpretation believes that you have to face real Evil. The cry of an owl next to the house marks an addition to the family or, on the contrary, a tragedy.

Interpretation of the dream book of D. and N. Winters

What is the dream of an ordinary gray owl? She conveys a gloomy and dreary attitude towards life. Perhaps you really have reason to yearn.

However, the dream book believes that the negative will not help to cope with the blues and real problems. The image of an owl in a dream suggests acting decisively, but at the same time relying not so much on sober calculation as on your own intuition.

Prediction according to D. Loff's dream book

An owl is a symbol of longevity and secret knowledge in a dream, which is directly related to predicting the future. You may not even suspect that you have the talent of a real seer.

In addition, the image reflects spiritual searches and attempts to understand something incomprehensible. By the way the owl behaved in a dream, you can understand whether you are on the right way and whether you have the opportunity to learn something unknowable from the point of view of the inhabitants.

Interpretation of the dream book from A to Z

What is the dream of an owl, according to this dream book? He believes that you risk falling into bad society. If you dreamed that an owl flew right in front of your face, then a loved one will get sick. If in a dream an owl flies during the day, then in reality you will be able to avoid mortal danger.

It is bad to hear an owl's cry in a dream - this is a harbinger of the fact that you have to attend someone else's funeral. Had a dream that an owl flew into the house? There will be misfortune. A dead bird promises romantic experiences, and a stuffed owl predicts: you admit a mistake you made earlier.

Deciphering the image according to the dream book of the White Magician

Why is the owl dreaming? Be careful, ill-wishers dream of taking advantage of your weakness. The day following the dream will bring a lot of trouble.

Did you happen to see how an owl hunted in a dream? Your soul is filled with unfounded fears. Subconsciously, you are terribly afraid of being the victim.

Had a dream that you killed an owl? What you have in mind is not good. The act you are willing to take will make the situation even worse. To solve the problem, the dream book recommends contacting competent people.

What is the dream of an owl outside the window in the forest

Dreamed of an owl in the forest? You want to become a wise person or solve some difficult problem. Sometimes the interpretation of a dream indicates a certain female person who harms you unconsciously out of "good" motives or intentionally.

What else is an owl outside the window for? This is a reflection of personal spiritual quest. The vision hints that the answers are nearby, you just need to be able to consider them.

In addition, the owl outside the window in a dream reflects the secret side of the personality. Perhaps soon you will discover something in yourself that you did not even suspect before. Look around, the place where you had to see an owl will tell you which area of ​​life the coming changes concern.

I dreamed of an owl in the house, in my hands

If in a dream an owl was in your hands, then you can consider what was previously hidden. There will be complete clarity and absolute understanding of the situation. In fact, you are destined for a series of insights that will completely change your views on the world around you.

Did you dream of an owl in the house that rushes at a certain person? Remember this character - it is he who poses a threat to you in the real world. It is better to see that an owl calmly and voluntarily sits on someone's shoulder. In reality, an almost telepathic understanding will be established between you and him.

An owl in the house is a symbol of voluntary loneliness and even hermitage. But you deliberately hid from society, which opened up opportunities for comprehending the deep secrets of being and the universe. If the bird sat on some part of the body, then it is there that the dormant ailment is hiding.

What does a white, polar, ordinary owl mean in a dream

What is the dream of an ordinary gray owl? She warns of danger or fear. At the same time, the bird personifies a wise woman, receiving advice, her own intuition. Dreamed of a gray owl? Get the news or face the other side of the usual things.

A white owl in a dream marks the discovery of some secret and hints at an early romantic date. Dreamed of an unusual owl with burning eyes? These are obsessive thoughts of the dreamer, which over time can develop into a real mania.

I dreamed - an owl beats out the window, flies, flies away

Why dream that an owl beats out the window. Alas, you are destined for great misfortune. The same image reflects the intrigues weaving around your person. The owl that knocks on the window symbolizes fear.

Seeing an owl fly means that someone will take advantage of your ideas and plans. If in a dream an owl flies and loudly flaps its wings, then danger threatens a whole group of people, including you. If it flies away, then the threat will pass accordingly.

Owl in a dream - even more specifics

If you dreamed of an owl, then you will have to show wisdom in some delicate matter. This bird dreams quite rarely, because the dream can be considered prophetic in any case. Moreover, you should remember exactly the words that she might say in a dream.

  • watch the flight of an owl - dive into dark secrets
  • flying owl - occult knowledge
  • overhead - danger
  • flies to you - trouble is close
  • flies away from you - everything will work out
  • with small prey - getting rid of small worries
  • with a large one - victory over evil
  • sitting on a stone - poverty
  • on a tree - the advice of a loved one
  • in the room - a difficult situation
  • in a cage - unrealized opportunities
  • white - date
  • gray - woman
  • black is a threat
  • attacks you - an insidious enemy
  • caught a mouse - your secret will be revealed
  • small bird - problems in children
  • tame an owl - wisdom, worldly experience
  • hold in hands - fear
  • hear hooting - trouble, trouble, bad news

Why else is an owl dreaming? The interpretation of sleep depends entirely on the characteristics of the cultural traditions that the dreamer adheres to. Therefore, the same vision can warn of illness, failure and even death, or of healing (physical or spiritual), absolute success and wisdom.

The dream symbolism of an owl is obvious, there is hardly a person who does not know what an owl is dreaming of in his hands. For many centuries, this nocturnal feather has personified experience, knowledge and wisdom. But not all dream books are so complacent to the owl, some argue that in a dream it is an alarm signal. Remember everything that you dreamed about and look for answers in several interpreters. And after that, analyze which interpretations are suitable for your situation.

G. Miller's predictions

He does not share Miller's dream book, the opinions of most interpreters about the dreaming owl. If you hear his hooting in a dream, it means that soon you will face failure, the interpreter prophesies. It can also mean the delivery of bad news.

Had a chance to see in a dream an owl in the hands of a friend, relative, or at home? You will be slandered, and undeservedly. But, explaining why a dead owl is dreaming, the dream book gives a positive interpretation. This dream means that you will avoid misfortune, accident, injury or an incurable disease.

How did the bird behave in your arms?

By the way the owl behaved in its hands, you can also tell a lot. Compare:

  • slept - life will be smooth, without emotional outbursts;
  • pulled out - you have to worry and worry;
  • basking or clinging to her fingers - you will have to seek help;
  • pecked at the palm, showed aggression - do not rush to make decisions, first think about them.

White bird - a sign of good luck

Most dream oracles say: if you dreamed that a large white owl sat on your hand, expect success. In pastor Loff's dream book, you can find the following interpretation of sleep: you see in a dream that the polar owl sat on inside palms - to profit, on the outside - to a successful investment.

But, according to the Lunar Dream Book, to see a white owl in his hands, which sat on his shoulder, is a signal that the dreamer will meet an influential patron who will ensure his prosperity and peace.

Owlet, as a symbol of wisdom beyond his years

Did you dream that you were holding an owlet in your hands and stroking it? In an attempt to find out why such a vision is dreaming, you will find such interpretations: holding a little night bird is a symbol beyond the years of wise conclusions. You will find yourself in a situation in which success will depend on how you decide to act. Don't worry, you'll make the right decision.

Do you dream that the owlet you are holding breaks out and worries? This warns that you will doubt the correctness of your own behavior, broadcasts the Eastern Collection of Dreams.