Well      06/20/2020

Do-it-yourself table made of wood cuts. Do-it-yourself table made of wood cuts, what could be easier

Previously, so useless, small saw cuts of trees went into the furnace. Now, various products from wooden cuts at the peak of its "boom". Not just like that.

Items made from wood cuts look very beautiful and very solid. Free material, in the form of dry branches in the forests, is another plus in the piggy bank, various kinds of products from saw cuts.

In today's article, we will tell you step by step how to do wooden saw table

Table from saw cuts of a tree step by step

In order not to forget anything in the process of work, we will immediately indicate what is needed in order to make a table of wooden cuts

For work you will need the following materials:

  • Your desire to make a table (main ingredient)
  • Branches or finished, small saw cuts of wooden branches, equal in length
  • Saw or jigsaw (what is)
  • old piece thin plywood that bends easily (or plastic). Approx 20cm x 100cm
  • Epoxy resin
  • Piece of PET film, approximately 1m x 1m
  • Sanding machine or grinder with grinding attachment
  • Sandpaper, with different grains (minimum 3 types), the grain is the largest, medium and fine
  • Epoxy leveling brush
  • adhesive tape

The process of making a table from wooden cuts

First of all, we need wooden saw cuts. If you have already prepared, then this step can be skipped.

So, we take branches, the diameter of the branch can be different, but for the table, it is advisable to use saw cuts no more than 10-15 cm in diameter. We cut the branch into saw cuts of equal length (up to 10 cm in height)

The next step, we need to make an edging to collect and fill the table with epoxy. For example, thin, bending plywood.

We saw off a piece from plywood equal to the desired height of the table and a length equal to the desired circumference of the future table.

We fasten the ends of the plywood with adhesive tape, having finally decided on the diameter of the table

On work surface we lay a piece of polyethylene that will not allow the epoxy to leak onto the work surface. We thread the polyethylene inside the “hoop”, form a “bath” for the future table

We put the "hoop" of plywood on polyethylene. Inside the “hoop” we lay out the wooden saw cuts as close to each other as possible. Start laying out saw cuts from the center to the edges

We begin to pour the resin, first of all filling the voids

And finally, fill the entire surface with epoxy

Let dry completely

After the resin has completely hardened, we will remove the film and the “ring” from our blank for the table

We grind the surface of the entire workpiece along the perimeter with coarse-grained sandpaper

We finish grinding with fine grain

We return the "hoop" in place. And refill the entire surface with epoxy.

Align the resin with a flat object, such as a plank, as in the photo. Leave until completely dry

After the resin has completely dried, we grind the surface again with a medium grain.

Natural natural materials are increasingly found in the interior. This time, a table with a characteristic uneven edge will be made from a beautiful saw cut. With the countertop will have to work long and hard. Details of this process with a description and photo of each stage in the master class.


To make a table from a saw cut of a tree with your own hands, prepare:

  • raw cut wood 170 x 60 cm, 2.5 cm thick;
  • a flat piece of steel 60 x 3.5 cm long, 3 mm thick;
  • 9mm steel rod 1.5m long x 4;
  • transparent epoxy resin;
  • transparent top coat for wood (wax and varnish);
  • black spray paint;
  • 19mm screws #12;
  • masking tape;
  • grinder;
  • chisel;
  • hammer;
  • sandpaper;
  • drill;
  • welding;
  • safety goggles and gloves.

Step 1. Using a hammer and chisel, remove the bark and loose fibers along the edge from the saw cut. Level the surface of the board with a grinder. Give it smoothness by hand, using sandpaper of different grain sizes: from coarse to fine.

Step 2. Depressions and cracks on the surface of the saw cut must be eliminated. To do this, use masking tape and epoxy. When pouring it, do not forget to warm up the layers blowtorch so that bubbles do not form in the thickness of the material.

Step 3. After the epoxy has dried, level and sand the entire surface of the board again.

Step 4. Cut a flat piece of steel into eight pieces of 10 cm each. Divide them in pairs and weld them together in the form of a corner. Sand the weld area.

Step 5. Bend the steel rods in the middle. These will be the legs of the table. Weld their ends to the metal corners.

Step 6. Drill in the corners to make two mounting holes.

Step 7. Paint the resulting legs with black paint.

Step 8. Cover the surface of the cut with a transparent varnish with a matte texture.

Step 9. Polish the countertop with wax.

Step 10. Attach the table legs to the tabletop.

The use of wooden slabs is considered by many to be the main trend in modern design. At the same time, some regard this term as a replacement for well-known concepts with a catchy foreign word. Despite its apparent simplicity, this topic raises many questions. We will answer them in our article.

What are wooden slabs?

Slabs made of wood are wide longitudinal cuts of an integral section of the trunk. Massive slabs of elm, oak, poplar and other types of wood are used to make original furniture or as independent interior elements. Exposing the entire section allows you to most fully reveal the grandeur and nobility of the tree.

In the array, all the beauty of the natural texture is exposed: the nature of the strand, color transitions, the presence of knots and small defects. When processing slabs, the natural cut lines are preserved: the slab has a free geometry that follows the natural contours of a tree trunk.

Isn't there a substitution of concepts behind the fashionable term?

Indeed, one might think that the catchy foreign word "slab" is used as an unreasonable substitute for such well-established concepts as a solid board, array, saw cut, wood plate and other terms more familiar to our ears. But it's not. The concept of slab does not have a full-fledged analogue in the Russian-language lexicon of woodworkers.

Key features of the wooden slab:

  • plate thickness varies from 50 to 150 mm;
  • a longitudinal cut is made from the lower part of the tree, which is characterized by a greater width and increased strength.
  • a real slab is, by definition, a solid array, excluding gluing and the presence of other types of connections.
  • the edges in the slab are left unprocessed or artificially emphasize their natural relief;
  • in the slab, the emphasis is on the original lines of the tree: saw cuts are especially valued in places where the trunk branches or bends; the strict geometry of the array with processed edges is more of a variation on the slab theme.

A slab can be called not only longitudinal cuts of a tree, but also transverse cuts of the trunk. Small end cuts of logs that have undergone proper processing are used to make designer tables, bases for lamps and other creative things.

How are wooden slabs used?

The popularity of slabs is inextricably linked with the triumph of such a design trend as Live edge. In this style, which can literally be translated as "Living Edge" or "Natural Edge", furniture and other interior attributes are created. In Live edge, the emphasis is on the authenticity of wood and minimal interference with its natural forms: they preserve the natural geometry of the cuts, leave areas of the bark, emphasize the knotty, cracks, and graininess of the texture.

They create from a slab of wood massive tables, kitchen countertops, bar counters, cabinets and small coffee or coffee tables. Thinner cuts are used for the production of chairs, stools, long benches (in this case, valuable species such as teak, etc. are especially in demand). Slabs made of oak, elm, larch and other tree species are used to create window sills, shelving, headboards.

A separate direction in the manufacture of designer furniture is the combination of slabs with figuratively cut glass or an epoxy resin layer. Typically, such solutions are used to create tables and countertops. The effect of the "flowing river" can be enhanced by adding phosphorescent additives to the epoxy resin.

With a polyphony of ideas wooden furniture from slabs can be found in the photo in our gallery.

DIY wooden slabs

Solid wood furniture is a very expensive pleasure, so the question of how to make a slab yourself is of interest to many who have access to deadwood. In our latitudes, oak, elm, larch, poplar, less often birch, aspen, and even pine are most often used for these purposes.

About the intricacies of choosing a tree, its transportation, dissolving a log into slabs and proper drying we wrote .

Dissolving a massive trunk (with a diameter of 1 m or more) on boards without the involvement of specialized equipment is an almost impossible task. This procedure is carried out directly in the forest on the national team band sawmill using loading equipment.

It is more realistic to prepare a wooden slab with your own hands by choosing oversized logs for cutting. For these purposes, they usually use mini sawmills - devices based on a chainsaw for longitudinal dissolution logs.

Drying and stabilizing the slab

An obligatory preparatory stage for such material is drying. It can occur in natural conditions or with the use of vacuum or infrared exposure in special cells. The duration of this process depends on many factors: the type of wood, the thickness of the slab, its length and width, the moisture content of the wood.

During the drying process, drying stresses arise in the wood structure, which in turn provoke cracks, splitting and deformation of the workpiece. In the case of slabs, the probability of warping is much higher, because due to the large thickness, the outer and inner layers dry unevenly, which increases the drying stress. To minimize such risks, the surface of the slab is treated with special stabilizers that protect the wood from cracking and warping during the drying process. For additional stress relief, shallow transverse cuts are made from the back of the slab. But, again, the need for this is determined by the size of the slab itself and the type of wood.

How to process a wood slab for countertops and other products?

As finish coat for slabs I use the widest range finishing materials. The choice of the optimal coating depends primarily on the specifics of the operation of the product. Surfaces subject to intense wear, such as countertops, desks, etc., are coated with polyurethane, work surface oil, epoxy.

If you want to fully preserve the beauty of the texture and tactilely feel all the advantages of wood, it is better to refuse the finish that creates a wear-resistant film on the surface of the products. In this case, preference is given to a high percentage of solids or.

  1. How to choose the shape of the countertop?
  2. What is required for work?
  3. Stages of work
  4. Preparation

Dreaming of creating cozy interior, many pay attention to tables made of wooden sections. What options exist? Which model to choose?

Getting to the manufacture of a wooden table, you need to consider its design. And then start working.

Features of models of wooden tables: we determine the support

First, let's choose the shape of the support. The choice of material, finish, tools depends on the decision. Models are different.

    Model on a single support. The round table looks good.

    Models created on two legs must have a jumper. Then the table will be stable and easy to use.

    The easiest way to create a traditional table on four legs. This design is the most reliable.

It is important to understand how to implement emerging ideas. And if the top of the table can be hidden with a tablecloth, then the legs turn out to be an important aesthetic component that can give out deviations from the standards.

How to choose the shape of the countertop?

Slab tables are made with tops of various shapes. Which possible options exist?

    The round model looks good in a spacious room created in a rustic or scandinavian style. Only voluminous space will provide freedom of movement for people.

    For dining area the oval model is best suited. A large-sized table is created, at which the whole family and guests can be accommodated.

    Furniture that has small oval tabletops is coffee or coffee tables. For the living room, it is better to choose high quality furniture, functional and elegant.

    There is also a universal form of the table - with a rectangular wooden countertop from solid wood. If you decide to choose a rectangular model, then you can successfully implement any design. You can create a small table of a folding or portable type.

A table from a saw cut can be made by anyone. There are no restrictions regarding the shape, height and size.

What is required for work?

Before creating a table made of natural wood, it is important to take care of the availability of all the necessary materials.

You can use an old countertop or a piece of plywood. Only a high-quality countertop made of end cuts will allow you to count on a long service life.

  1. End cuts. Configuration, the number of cuts depends only on your plan. There should be enough elements for a uniform, tight installation across the entire countertop. you can use different kinds wood or material of the same species. Wishing to create beautiful table from wood, it is best to combine.
  2. Epoxy resin with a hardener is a substance that will fill the space between the cuts. The amount of material used can be any. From quality material the table will turn out beautiful and reliable. Cheap things don't last long.

  3. Joiner's glue is needed for attaching wood slices and countertops. The volume of glue is determined by the specifics of the work. You must be sure that each end of the structure is attached securely. From one package, 200–300 g of finished glue is obtained.
  4. Electric sanders are used to grind wood surfaces. grinders. Additionally, sandpaper with a grit of 120 or higher will be required.

Stages of work

The technology for manufacturing countertops from wooden saw cuts is specific.


    The first task is cutting the material into thin saw cuts. You must do everything accurately and accurately.. If you can cut fragments of the desired thickness, the impregnation with a protective agent will turn out to be of high quality. Yes, and epoxy can be saved. The thickness of the cuts should be 1 cm. If you do not have special equipment, contact a professional who can correctly cut the recommended thickness of the material with a chainsaw or circular saw. Dry blanks are used for cutting. If the end cuts are wet, the slab needs to be dried.

    The next step is to prepare the foundation. It is best to refuse to use chipboard, since the material can deform or fall apart when the humidity level changes. Use slices natural wood or thick plywood. Moisture resistance is important.

When buying a material, you can order it to be cut according to the calculated dimensions. Masters can correctly cut the material for the table of the required dimensions.

Description of the main part of the work

How to make a table using natural wood cut, on one's own?

    The slab needs to be properly processed. Carry out sanding and bark removal. The material should become smooth along the end edge. The first stage is the blank for the countertop, then the layout of the sections and the manufacture of a quality product will not be a difficult task.

    Now you can fix the elements with wood glue. Lubricate each cut, and then press it close to the base. Follow the recommendations of the adhesive manufacturer, set aside the structure until the adhesive is completely dry.

    Now we need to make the sides around the edge of the table. For rectangular tables use plywood or wooden slats, for semicircular - flexible sheets. Fastening can be carried out in any convenient way, therefore the use of nails or self-tapping screws is allowed.

    Then getting ready epoxy resin. Use fillers to get the desired shade. To create a coffee color, use 10% carbon black and bronze powder, for white color- classic chalk, for gray - cement, for black - soot. You can buy ready-made dyes.

    Epoxy resin needs to fill all the voids, then wait for the product to dry completely.

    Now it is allowed to grind the entire surface. To do this, you will have to remove the upper thinnest layer using emery wheel. You must create a countertop that has a pronounced saw cut pattern.

    The last step involves applying varnish. best material- polyurethane. Durable and resistant to abrasion.

A table using a slab will last a long time. Creativity, ingenuity, a little experience with wood - and you can count on a good result.

Today, in the age of all-consuming urbanization, various interior styles are becoming increasingly popular, symbolizing unity with nature, such as country, Provence, peasant style and others. We lack simple natural things, we are drawn to nature in search of peace and tranquility. We invite you to create a stump table with your own hands that will fit perfectly into the interior of your city apartment or country house provided that you prefer exactly these directions or their adequate eclecticism. He will decorate the home and give it a lively personality, and at the same time will not make a hole in the family budget.

A table made from a cut of wood does not have to be "clumsy work"

In order to create a table from wood cuts with your own hands, you need very little, the main thing is imagination and desire.

So, let's begin.

To implement the idea, you, quite naturally, will need a suitable stump. This goodness is enough for the happy owners of a summer cottage with a house on furnace heating. If you are not one of them, do not despair, there will certainly be such friends. Otherwise, you can just visit the nearest forest. But no, do not cut living trees! Find a fallen tree and cut it into pieces. If you are lucky, you will get not only a table, but also a chair from a stump, or even a whole set.

If a tree has been uprooted, that same root can also be put to good use.

Quite picturesque interior specimens are obtained from the root.

Important! The tree must not be rotting. If the wood is damp, it will need to be dried. To do this, leave the prepared cuts in a dry, warm place for another month. The bark should peel off the tree easily.

Except himself important material will also need:

  • chisel or chisel and hammer (in order to carefully remove the bark from the trunk);
  • building level (the tabletop of your table should be perfectly flat, right?);
  • planer for leveling the surface (if necessary);
  • sandpaper of various grits for grinding wooden surfaces;
  • antiseptics for the treatment of wooden surfaces;
  • various finishing coatings(stain, paint, varnish, etc.) depending on your wishes and preferences;
  • various fittings, which can be purchased in furniture stores(legs, wheels, handles, etc.).

Operating procedure

  1. After suitable material selected and prepared (cleaned of dirt and dried), tools and other necessary attributes are prepared, you can get to work. Carefully remove the bark from the tree using a chisel and hammer.

  1. Evaluate the evenness of the surface with a level and level it with a planer if necessary.
  2. Then, using sandpaper as intended, carefully sand the workpiece from all sides. You can speed up the process by using a grinder.

  1. It remains to cover your table with a special antiseptic and selected paints and varnishes, as well as mount accessories, for this you will need screws, a screwdriver or a screwdriver.

By the way, the tabletop of such a table can be made of another material. For a picturesque tree, for example, durable transparent glass is perfect.

If you are interested in the process of making furniture from hemp, and there is a great desire to try it, then for inspiration you can use the following ideas for creating interior masterpieces from the end cuts of wood.

As you can see, not only heating material can be made from hemp, but with a little effort and imagination, you can transform your home, creating a really worthy option in today's eco-style.

Furniture from tree branches

Having applied hemp, sections of the trunk and roots of a tree, one should not neglect the remaining parts, namely its branches. Consider the options and their applications.
Branches can also make a good table.

However, the process of its manufacture will take much more time and effort. It will take remarkable skill or the help of someone close to you. Glue for wooden surfaces, as well as small screws, will help to connect the parts together.

Interior items from branches

Before starting work, select the appropriate material. The main condition is the absence of rot and mold on the branches. In turn, cracks will add decorativeness to the branches.

  1. Clear natural material from excessive dust and dirt, and then dry thoroughly. It is best to dry the tree in the shade in a well-ventilated area, or even under a canopy, if possible.
  2. Next, you need to process the branches with kartsovka. Process in the direction of the fibers, first with a coarse and then a fine nozzle. Don't forget the end cuts.
  3. As already noted, you can connect the parts to each other using glue, screws, wedges, etc.
  4. After the blanks for the final product are ready and sized for joining, they must be processed. Large cracks, which are very embarrassing, can be eliminated with the help of epoxy resin in several stages. After the resin dries, sand down everything that has come out.
  5. The next step is product assembly.
  6. The finished piece of furniture must be decorated. To do this, you can use a stain, with which the color of the tree can be changed dramatically, while not losing all the charm of the texture of the material.
  7. In the final, it is desirable to use a varnish applied in at least two layers.

Your raging imagination, as well as our photos, will help to adapt the branches!
Dare, and do not stop in front of difficulties!