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Decorative wall decoration - an overview of the main materials. Wall decoration: types and features of their application Types of finishing coatings for walls

Repair in the apartment implies high-quality and original design all existing surfaces in the room. For this, modern materials are used for wall decoration in the apartment.

Types of finishing materials that are used in the interior

Wall decoration options in modern apartment design are quite diverse (see Wall decoration with MDF panels).

For this are used:

  • Wallpaper.
  • Decorative plaster.
  • Fake diamond.
  • Ceramics.
  • PVC panels (see Wall decoration with PVC panels).

Wallpaper in the decoration of the room

Wall decoration, options for using wallpaper are very different due to the difference in the material itself (see Wall decoration in the living room).

Currently used:

  • Paper.
  • Non-woven.
  • Vinyl.
  • Textile.
  • Liquid.

All about paper wallpaper, characteristics:

  • This is the most common type of wall surface design. They are excellent breathable. Therefore, do not use the material in rooms where there is humidity. They also absorb moisture easily. To a greater extent, they perform decorative functions.

  • This material has a large selection of colors and designs. The standard width of paper wallpapers is 50 cm. The material is produced in rolls 25-50 m long. Paper wallpapers are very light and are used on their surface. different types embossing.

Non-woven wallpaper:

  • This type of wallpaper is a more durable material. It is also made in rolls, only the width in some cases can reach 1-1.20 m. Non-woven wallpaper is moisture resistant, which makes it possible to clean them very simply and easily.

Advice. The surface of such wallpaper can only be cleaned with a damp cloth and do not use abrasive products.

To date, there are two types of non-woven wallpaper:

  • For painting.
  • Structural.

Vinyl wallpaper

Vinyl wallpaper is a fairly common option for wall decoration. They are a material on a paper or non-woven base, the protective layer of which is polyvinyl chloride.

This type of wallpaper is also moisture resistant and its surface is not able to absorb dirt. It is easily cleaned with a normal damp cloth. Wallpaper is glued very easily and quickly, as they have different sizes.

On the surface, you can often find embossing elements that give originality to the design of the room. Vinyl wallpaper can be silk-screened. There are some types of them that have a heavy mass. Due to this, they can be used to level the surface if it has not too deep and large defects.

Textile wallpapers

Wallpaper of this type is a rolled material, the surface of which is a fabric. The material is quite dense and durable (see Cloth wall decoration).

Advice. Textile wallpapers should not be used in rooms where there are different smells and high humidity of the air masses, as they absorb unpleasant odors very well.

Textile wallpapers have a variety of designs and types. They stick to the surface quite easily and quickly.

Advice. When using such a finishing material, it is worth considering that the wallpaper is quite dense and in order for the finish to be of high quality, glue is applied to the surface of the wall and to the inside of the wallpaper.

Liquid wallpaper

Liquid wallpaper is a new type of finishing coating, which consists of special mixtures and fabric inclusions. Such material is sold in dry form, and in order to apply it to the surface there is a certain instruction according to which they are bred.

For the installation of such material you will need:

  • Container for mixing solution.
  • Construction mixer, with which the solution is mixed.
  • Two spatulas.
  • Spray fluid.

The principle of applying such wallpaper is very similar to applying plaster. Everything is done in a similar way, only here it is necessary to impose only one layer. In case of damage to the surface, it is necessary to moisten the place, usually with water, and rub it with a spatula, and as a result, the appearance of the wallpaper is renewed.

Wallpapering the surface

The process of pasting the surface is quite simple, and you can do it yourself without the involvement of specialists in this field. The most important thing is to properly and properly prepare the surface for such work.

Preparatory work:

  • It is possible to glue this finishing material only on a flat surface. You can level it with drywall or plaster. Drywall is a more practical material that is mounted on a special profile metal frame. With plaster, the volume is larger, and the whole process is characterized after completion by a large amount of construction debris and dust.

Advice. If the leveling of the surface must be carried out very quickly and efficiently, then it is better to use drywall.

Be sure each surface must be treated with a primer solution. If it was not at hand, then ordinary wallpaper glue is used instead, with which the pasting process will be carried out. It is applied in a small layer on the surface and wait for complete absorption.

pasting process

For gluing walls you need to use:

  • Container for mixing adhesive.
  • Tool for mixing the composition (wooden stick).
  • Brushes (1 - for applying glue to the wallpaper, 2 - to the surface of the wall).
  • Foam rollers for leveling wallpaper on the surface.
  • Dry rag.

Stages of work:

  • Before cutting off the required strip size for the surface from the wallpaper roll, you must first attach the material to the wall and make marks at the top and bottom with a pencil. With the help of scissors, a piece is cut off and smeared with glue. The same actions are carried out on the surface of the wall.
  • The strip is applied and begins to level from the very top to the bottom, using rollers and rags. All this is also done with other bands.

Advice. As a rule, when wallpapering, quite often there are difficulties with the joints of the material, which are formed as a result of poor-quality coating of the strip. To prevent this from happening, a special paper tape is glued to the surface under each joint, which easily holds the edges of the wallpaper on the surface.

Decorative plaster in wall decoration

Modern wall decoration in an apartment can be done using this interesting tool as decorative plaster. The main type of plaster has been used for centuries.

Types of decorative plaster:

  • silicate plaster.
  • Silicone.
  • Acrylic.
  • Mineral.

More about materials:

  • Silicate plaster is quite strong and durable. It does not absorb dirt and is fairly easy to clean with a damp cloth. Before choosing this type of plaster, it is worth considering that it very easily breaks off the surface with an accidental impact.
  • Silicone plaster is the most practical. It consists of polymer binders. Its price is quite high. It is easy to apply to the surface due to its elasticity.
  • The most versatile is acrylic plaster. It is used not only in internal, but also in external works. It is used in any room with any humidity and temperature changes. The drying process is very fast, which makes it possible to finish several times faster. Finishing work.
  • Mineral plaster is not very durable. Especially in the case when the walls are constantly exposed to some kind of vibration. It is very easy to crack and crumble from the surface and use it in decorative works Not recommended. This is the cheapest remedy.

Advice. The choice of decorative plaster is based on the surface material and the complexity of the work.

How to apply decorative plaster

wall decoration modern materials distinguished by its simplicity and ease of implementation. All this can be said about decorative plaster. For its application, it is necessary to prepare the surface.

Surface preparation:

  • It is possible to apply decorative plaster only on a flat surface, since the purpose of its application is to decorate the room. To level the surface, drywall, plaster or any other methods are used.

Advice. When choosing a material for leveling the surface, it is worth considering that decorative plaster can only be applied to ordinary plaster.

  • Therefore, the starting plaster is applied to the surface in several layers (the number of layers depends on the size of the defects on the surface), each of which, after complete drying, is processed with sandpaper.
  • After the starting plaster, a finishing plaster is applied, which is designed to hide small defects in the first layer. It is applied according to the same principle as the starting one.

To apply ordinary plaster you will need:

  • Building level.
  • Construction grid.
  • Two spatulas of different sizes.
  • Construction mixer for mortar mixing.
  • Solution container.
  • Sandpaper.

The process of applying decorative plaster

Making the surface of the wall using decorative plaster is a fairly simple process (see Finishing the corners in the apartment is recommended).

For him you will need:

  • 2 spatulas of medium size.
  • Sandpaper.
  • Capacity and construction mixer.

The agent is applied in small layers, it all depends on the type of plaster.

Advice. In any case, the first layer on the surface of decorative plaster should be translucent. It will be the basis for further surface decoration.

The video shows such a process from beginning to end and there is nothing complicated in it, especially if the surface is well prepared.

decorative trim walls, that is, interior finishing work - the most "delicious" creative part of the repair. Most different ideas options for wall decoration, design of comfort own house or office are achievable today more than ever! The market offers a myriad of finishing materials for indoor walls. It has long been known capacious saying that even the walls of the house are treated - people do not say that in vain. So that a large selection does not lead to some kind of confusion, it is enough to have a clear idea of ​​​​what you want, as well as a little understanding of what modern finishing materials are.

Lovely thought out, harmonious interior, indeed, relieves stress, soothes.

wall decoration various materials, which has become so organically relevant, so loved, has a number of advantages:

  • such design is almost always unique, unrepeatable;
  • adaptive to absolutely any stylistic decision - from classic to the most daring;
  • perfectly camouflages slight irregularities, surface defects;
  • at times increases sound insulation;
  • significantly enhances the moisture resistance of surfaces.

Interior wall paint

Staining is the most frequent, main method available decorative design walls. It is based on the application of coloring materials (paints) to the surface. A huge selection of colors, the presence of various techniques (which can be used even without special training) make it especially popular. Two main types of paint are mainly used for interior coating: either acrylic or alkyd.

Acrylics include water-based and water-based water-based paints. Advantages: such a dye is affordable, easy to work with (due to the nature of the composition, it has practically no smell), it is suitable for decorating absolutely all rooms. More often acrylic paints used to cover large surfaces, they dry very quickly.

Decorative wall decoration, photo:

Alkyd paint is used a little less often, it is dissolved with white spirit or turpentine.

Advantages: indispensable for the study of large, small wooden or metal elements - window, door frames, pipes, heating radiators. Combining different gradations, tones of the same color, related or contrasting colors in one room, you can easily create a unique, unusual, but cozy space.

Decorative plaster for interior wall decoration

Another undisputed leader in the construction market, used for internal works- decorative plaster. This is an excellent finishing material for walls inside the apartment.

No wonder, because the advantages of this material are obvious:

  • protection against mechanical damage;
  • individual design of rooms is achieved with a minimum of effort;
  • the composition includes environmentally friendly natural materials;
  • for a long time the condition remains good, keeps its shape perfectly;
  • well washed and cleaned.

In appearance, decorative plaster is a special heterogeneous mixture of different structures, grain sizes. For interior work, compounds that dissolve with water are ideal (they do not have a strong odor).

Pictured wall decoration decorative plaster:

As a rule, plasters can be tinted, that is, several shades of pigments can be mixed in order to achieve an individual exact tone, to realize the plan as much as possible. There are a lot of plastering techniques, all of them are quite simple to perform.

Wall decoration with wallpaper

Classic wallpapering seems to never cease to be relevant, simple, affordable.

Currently, the choice of high-quality, exquisite wallpaper is very wide. The most common:

  • paper classic;
  • washable vinyl;
  • non-woven;
  • natural;
  • represented by liquid textures.

Ordinary paper wallpapers are background or embossed, single-layer or double-layer. Given their environmental friendliness, they are simply indispensable for a child's room or bedroom, they are inexpensive, "breathe", and are easily glued. The other side of the coin, regarding the types of wallpaper finishes: they are short-lived, fade, easily get dirty.

Non-woven wallpaper - non-woven, with a high density, applied to paper. They have great strength, but at the same time let air through. Camouflage cracks, surface roughness. They are very easy to stick - the adhesive mass must be applied only to a solid base.

Vinyl wallpaper is foamed vinyl applied to a paper or non-woven base. They are smooth, embossed, with a pattern, made using hot stamping or silk-screen printing.

Great for hallways, corridors, as they are moisture resistant, which means they are perfectly washed and cleaned. Such wallpapers retain color saturation for a very long time, practically do not fade, are airtight (therefore, it is better not to glue them on the walls of a bedroom or nursery).

Natural wallpapers are made from environmentally adaptive, natural derivatives:

  • traffic jams;
  • jute;
  • straws;
  • veneer;
  • bamboo;
  • cane;
  • algae.

They are applied to a paper, or, less commonly, to a non-woven base. This is an exclusive, very cozy, pleasant to the touch decorative material. To protect against dust, the manufacturer processes such wallpapers by special means. Most often, such natural coatings are used to focus on individual elements. They are somewhat capricious, require protection from sunlight.

Decorative panels for interior wall decoration

Today, the construction market offers a wide range of similar decorative materials for inner lining walls. The shape, the material of manufacture, coupled with the convenience and speed of installation, make it possible to achieve excellent results quickly and relatively inexpensively. With the help of panels, you can hide flaws, irregularities, electrical wiring, and other building communications. These decorative materials are attached to a special metal crate, which is initially mounted on the mother surface.

Decorative panels presented as sheets, rectangular canvases, narrow slats. Thus, you can choose an individual, convenient variant of the cladding, their installation is carried out horizontally or vertically. The most demanded, frequently used data type decorative coating made from fiberboard, chipboard, MDF, polyvinyl chloride, gypsum, natural (or recycled) wood, cork raw materials. Decorative 3D analogues stand apart.

Photo of wall cladding with different materials:

quality panels for interior cladding must be environmentally friendly, resistant to moisture, temperature changes. Use of various detergents should not be a problem, low flammability in the event of a fire hazard is also important.

Wall decoration with drywall

Drywall - modern, inexpensive material, a smart alternative to plaster when a smooth surface is required. Even a novice builder can handle drywall, it is non-toxic, non-flammable, after working with it does not remain a large number dust, construction debris.

The advantages of plasterboard cladding are:

  • excellent sound insulation;
  • maintaining an acceptable indoor climate;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • the possibility of implementing any design designs;
  • compatibility with other finishing materials that can be used as a top coat;
  • low price.

When working with drywall, its fragility should be taken into account, and it also needs a reliable frame. If there is an increased level of humidity, then, most likely, it may be necessary to pre-coat the mother surface with a special primer.

Clinker tiles for interior wall decoration

The use of this modern, up-to-date facing material makes it easy to implement a design plan - a high-quality imitation of wood, stone or brickwork. Today, clinker tiles are in demand, because in addition to their high performance, they look very aesthetically pleasing, are not inferior to those natural materials that mimics.

Clinker stone imitation, photo:

It is easy to work with such a tile, its minimum thickness is only 8 mm, it has a long service life, resistance to mechanical damage. If you are lining a kitchen or bathroom, then the level of moisture resistance of this coating should be appropriate.

Clinker tiles have a rich color range, and, over time, the shades do not fade, do not fade. For cladding, you can choose a material of any texture: smooth, glazed, rough, rustic. Clinker tiles are not affected by mold or various kinds of fungi, do not emit toxic fumes, are fire resistant, and durable.

Brick panels for interior wall decoration

Often, the design concept of interior design requires a realistic implementation. brickwork. Brick-like interior cladding looks stylish, modern, and differs from real brick cladding by saving space, time, and effort. By using this material you can decorate a separate wall or partitions between rooms, or arrange the entire room for masonry, if the situation requires it.

Brick panels are produced in a variety of colors, textures, perfectly hide defects, engineering communications. They are harmoniously combined with wallpaper, plaster, painted or wooden fragments of the interior. With the help of brick-like panels, you can place accents, create a unique, completely individual interior. The most commonly used brick imitations made of PVC and MDF.

Types of decorative wall decoration - brick cladding, photo:

The advantages of this facing coating:

  • simple installation - even a beginner can handle it;
  • easy cutting (it is convenient to join corners);
  • no additional finishing work;
  • good sound insulation;
  • additional thermal insulation;
  • no need to pre-level the work surface;
  • replacement separate fragments panels if damaged.

An acceptable pricing policy is also a significant advantage when choosing this brick decoration.

Wall decoration with laminate

We all know that laminate flooring has been successfully used for flooring for a long time. It looks aesthetically pleasing and is relatively inexpensive. Not so long ago, designers decided to use laminate for wall decoration. This design move - a wall laminate for interior decoration - unexpectedly fell in love with customers, and began to be used to emphasize individual interior details. Naturally, a surface completely sewn with a laminate will look ridiculous, but skillfully inserted inserts or fragments will only emphasize the individuality of the style.

Facing with laminate, photo:

If you correctly select the shades of the laminate, combine them with the color scheme of the floor or wallpaper, you can favorably emphasize the nuances of any style direction - from high-tech to timeless classics. Fragments of laminate can be mounted horizontally or vertically.

Wooden panels for interior wall decoration

No matter how many new building materials appear on the market, natural wood will always be in demand and relevant. Such a cladding, no doubt, has a lot of positive qualities, but it is the appearance that plays the main role. Solid, practical, presentable wooden panels look appropriate in any room. They can also be made as imitation natural wood. This option will also look good, its price will be much lower than its natural wood counterpart. We are talking about facing MDF and fiberboard / chipboard.

Wooden panels, photo:

The advantages of this coating are a long service life, environmental friendliness, soundproofing qualities. With its help, you can easily, quickly hide flaws, irregularities, highlight individual areas in the room, give it respectability. Wooden cladding products do not lose their external and operational qualities for a long time, they will look appropriate in an apartment, country or country house. At will you can choose any color scale of material, its texture, a form.

Artificial stone for interior wall decoration

It looks authentic and, surprisingly, harmoniously, it is produced in different colors and textures. With it, you can highlight individual details or corners in the room, it is in perfect harmony with wallpaper or plaster. With the help of artificial stone, you can embody any design fantasies. Even a small fragment of a room (for example, a zone entrance doors), decorated with this facing product, can change the perception of the room as a whole.

Artificial stone, photo:

This is a reliable imitation of a variety of natural textures, sometimes it is even difficult to distinguish artificial stone from natural rocks. In terms of weight, it is much lighter than its authentic counterpart, its scope is much wider due to its versatility.

Artificial stone adapts to the temperature of the room, it will never be cold when touched. It is easy to fix it on any surface, whether it is wood, concrete or brickwork - it is very convenient. This decorative element is environmentally friendly, made from cement, water, appropriate dyes, sand impurities, water, plasticizers.

Wall decoration with plastic panels

Plastic is a truly universal facing material. It can be installed in absolutely any room, it is not afraid of moisture, low temperatures. The low price is a pleasant bonus against the background of the undeniable advantages of this facing product. Plastic elements have the widest range of colors, shades, can be of different widths, lengths (there are also square, rectangular tiles). This cladding is different long term service, high moisture resistance, thanks to the lock type of element connections.

Workflow photo:

The soundproofing and heat-insulating aspect also takes place (cellular structure inside the panel). The surface of modern plastic panels can be made in wood or ceramic imitation, marble, leather covering.

The parts are easily mounted on any surface (a frame crate is required), they do not require high building skills, after working with them there is a minimum of construction debris. It is easy to care for such finishing panels (abrasive agents cannot be used), along with the cold, they are able to withstand high temperatures.

Wood wall decoration

As mentioned above, wood is a great, environmentally friendly, visually appealing decorating material. For these purposes, a variety of species are used: oak, apple, walnut, spruce, pine, birch, alder, linden, larch. When choosing wood, it is necessary to take into account its texture, for example, the same conifers may have multiple eyes, knots.

Photo of wood cladding:

Choosing wood cladding, you provide the room not only with a presentable appearance, but also with a favorable atmosphere (moisture exchange, thermal insulation qualities, pleasant smell). To date, it is important to cover the walls with clapboard, timber, blockhouse, board, the so-called wooden wallpaper, gusvarblok. Let's take a closer look at the most commonly used options.


This is the most budget option, if we take into account natural wood. Fragments of lining are easy to mount, they can be easily replaced if damaged, painted if desired. Such a cladding is quite durable, has good soundproofing qualities. The lining is durable, but it does not like moisture, it can be attacked by fungus and insects.


It is not too different from the usual lining, an indicator of the European standard is the presence of ventilation recesses, improved grooves for connecting fragments. Ventilation grooves prevent the formation of condensate, and the grooves help minimize gaps during installation. There are three categories of eurolining on the construction market - "A" ( best quality, without knots and notches), “B” (medium rating, with a rare presence of knots), “C” (worse than the first two, extremely rarely used for finishing).

Block house

When facing with a blockhouse, it seems that the walls were built from a log house. It all depends on the special technology of sawing the log: the upper, lower, side parts of the log are really cut off, the resulting semicircles are used to make a blockhouse.

The square middle is used either entirely as a beam, or sawn into boards. Thus, all parts of the log are used.

Blockhouse is good for everyone - it looks beautiful, environmentally friendly, retains heat, absorbs sounds. The production technology of this facing material implies high-quality impregnation with antiseptic and flame retardant compounds. As a result, the blockhouse becomes heat-resistant, unattractive to insects and fungi. It is issued different sizes, but for a room it is better to take a narrow format so that the area is not “eaten up”. It is easy to install, and the most budget option (spruce, pine) exudes resin, which improves waterproofing qualities and strength.

Such lining is quite durable, will not lose its operational characteristics for many years.


Possesses positive qualities of the options described above, has the most diverse design (there is even wood carving, embossing, brushing).

This is a rather expensive type of cladding, it can be used to create an exclusive coating, hidden docking grooves allow you to create complete canvases, without disturbing the pattern. With all this, the installation of the gusvarblok is quite simple, it does not require special skills, preliminary training.

Natural wood wallpaper

This is a thinly sliced ​​veneer of different thicknesses and widths, glued to thick paper. The choice of types of wood is incredibly wide - more than 100 varieties. Such wallpapers are designed as rolls, if desired, they can be pasted over rounded surfaces, which cannot be done using other analogues described above.

Wooden wallpapers require a special approach, they must be periodically treated with a special varnish or wax. It should be borne in mind that they are prone to swelling when in contact with moisture, and also change color when exposed to sunlight. Wood wallpapers are afraid of insects, fungi, high temperatures(fire hazard). An alternative to such a coating is analogues from a thermowood. They are more practical, impregnated with special antifungal compounds, fire resistant, and look good after a long time. Thermal wood wallpaper can only be glued to a flat surface.

Decorative wood panels

This is one of the most expensive cladding options, made from noble woods (cedar, oak, alder, maple). It signals the wealth of the owner, looks elegant, respectable. There are panels with a multilayer structure, the front layer of which is made of valuable wood. To make the middle and lower layers, a more budgetary spruce or pine is used. Decorative panels can be covered with acrylic fixative or special wax to retain moisture and prevent sunlight. The wax option is considered more environmentally friendly, recommended for bedrooms, children's rooms. Once every 5-6 years, the panels must be treated with a special varnish or wax mastic.

Stone effect wall panels for interior decoration

This is a demanded, quite popular material, which was previously used only for outdoor work. Such a coating is convenient, easy to install, relatively inexpensive. The basis of its manufacturing technology is the mixing of plastic and stone powder.

Photo of stone cladding:

Varieties of stone panels are made:

  • from PVC, by casting (homogeneous structure);
  • combined type - expanded polystyrene with a polymer;
  • combined type - polystyrene foam with polystyrene;
  • "Stone" options for the facade.

The most popular options for wall decoration are marble imitation, malachite, granite, limestone rocks. The placement of "stones" on the canvas can be uniform, chaotic, staggered - whatever. The color palette is also diverse - without exaggeration, you can find any shade here.

This decorating coating is resistant to temperature changes, is not afraid of moisture, has sound-proofing qualities, and is difficult to deform.

MDF wall panels for interior decoration

This is a kind of wooden interior cladding elements, as well as one of the most inexpensive, easy options for leveling the “native” base. They are easy to mount, they are easily attached to any surface. In the manufacture, mainly wood waste is used, which remains from the processing of wood of various species.

MDF coating, photo:

A big plus of using this facing material is the absence of toxic components. Composition of the product - wood fibers, acrylic lacquer, carbide resin, wood veneer. MDF panels have an attractive appearance, are resistant to moisture, have soundproofing qualities, and can be of any shape and size.

Summing up this review, it is worth emphasizing that the quality Construction Materials is the best guarantee of life safety. They need to be chosen wisely, because we will spend every day in their environment. Choosing solid, proven building materials with a quality guarantee, appropriate certificates, you can be sure of taking care of yourself and your loved ones. Decorative wall decoration - milestone repair. If you approach this process with taste, give freedom to creativity, you can create a room in which you will always be comfortable!

What types of wall decoration are the most popular today, which are the most practical, and which are fashionable and spectacular?
Let's try to answer these questions.

All options for wall decoration, an overview of materials, advantages and disadvantages.


Wallpaper is the most familiar, publicly available way of decorating walls. For a long time, wallpapers in Europe were exclusively made of fabric or leather. Hence the name - they were not glued, but nailed.

Wallpaper today - a diverse range of products for all occasions and wallets. Here are paper, and textile, vinyl and non-woven, acrylic and fiberglass, wood, cork, metal ... Wallpaper in the form of huge photographs and paintings, as well as with 3D images. And each variety has its undeniable advantages.

Paper wallpapers are affordable and organic, and an impressive range of colors, textures and patterns opens their way to any room. In addition, everyone can cope with sticking paper wallpaper, which allows you to save on repairs.
Most of all, paper coating is suitable for the walls of the hallway, living room and bedroom.
A variety is glued in the corridor, which, in which case, can be painted, and the living room is decorated, as a rule, with multi-layered, embossed, primed types of wallpaper. Inexpensive, but “funny” paper wallpapers are also used in the nursery - if an artist wakes up in a child, it will not be difficult to quickly change such a finish.

The disadvantages of paper coatings include their fragility, fragility: only the best, multi-layered samples are able to serve without visible loss of quality for 5 years or more.
And also paper does not tolerate moisture, is easily flammable and fades fairly quickly.

Wall murals became popular in the late 80s of the last century, and still do not leave their homes. This is because their range is truly limitless, the price is not sky-high, and you can stick such wallpapers yourself. In addition, modern photo wallpapers are highly resistant to fading, repel dust, have an additional protective film and can be made according to individual orders - for example, with portraits of household members.
Actually, this is the pluses of paper photo wallpapers.

The disadvantages include the fact that such wallpapers require absolutely flat surfaces and, like any paper, are not very durable. The average service life is 3-7 years.

Textile wallpapers are linen, felt, silk, velor; on a non-woven, paper or synthetic basis.

The advantages of fabric upholstery are its naturalness, good thermal insulation, greater, compared to paper wallpaper, resistance to fading, decent appearance and richness of textures. And also a solid - an average of 10 years - service life.

The most environmentally friendly option, linen upholstery on paper basis, you can safely advise in the nursery. Silk wallpaper, as if by magic, will turn an ordinary living room into a chic salon. And felt or velor wallpaper will make the bedroom warmer, more secluded.
If more insulation is required, the walls are covered with textile wallpaper on a porous synthetic base: their thickness can reach 5 millimeters. This variety is the least susceptible to deformation. The maximum period of use of such a coating is up to 10 years.

Negative qualities of fabric wallpaper: the need for regular cleaning, instability to mechanical stress, relatively high price. In addition, fabric wallpapers require perfectly flat planes, as well as knowledge of the nuances of applying to walls.

Jute wallpapers belong to an extensive family of decorative materials with a natural vegetable coating. They are also called wallpaper-mats. They can be based on both paper and interlining.

Jute wallpapers are valued for 100% naturalness, breathability, resistance to ultraviolet radiation and mechanical stress. And the characteristic, nodular structure elevates these wallpapers from the category of ordinary coatings to the rank of stylish design chips.
Most often, jute is used when they want to emphasize the character of the interior.
These wallpapers are primarily used for living rooms and bedrooms; however, the safety, hypoallergenicity of jute makes it a welcome "guest" in children's rooms.

The disadvantages of jute coatings include their ability to absorb odors (which is why you rarely see jute in kitchens), the need for regular cleaning and a considerable price.
The average service life is 10-15 years.

Vinyl wallpapers are on the crest of popularity today. Still, because this type of finish is able to imitate stone, wood, plaster or, say, suede.
It should be noted that vinyl wallpapers are also divided into a considerable number of subspecies: structural, with a relief and a layer of foamed vinyl, with hot stamping and silkscreen effect.

TO strengths such coatings include a high degree of sound insulation, the ability to mask small irregularities, roughness on the walls, resistance to fading and moisture. Due to the fact that water and steam are not afraid of vinyl wallpaper, they are relevant in kitchens and bathrooms.

But also vinyl wallpaper there are disadvantages: airtightness, difficulties in self-gluing, relatively high cost, and also a not very pleasant smell that cheap samples can exude.
The service life is on average 20 years.

On the basis of non-woven fabric, there can be paper wallpaper, and fabric, and vinyl.
These are rolls of cellulose fibers bonded with polymers. Their advantages are environmental friendliness, breathability, a wide palette of patterns, and also the ability to repaint these wallpapers, smooth out small bumps and flaws on the walls with their help. The service life of non-woven wallpaper is about 10 years.

And now for the shortcomings. Firstly, not everyone can afford high-quality non-woven wallpaper. Secondly, dust accumulates in the “folds” of their embossing. They are also quite easy to damage, for example, when rearranging furniture. Finally, the non-woven coating must be glued to exemplary clean, plain walls. Otherwise, spots and stains may be visible.

It is believed that this is an analogue of vinyl coatings, which are based on paper, and foamed vinyl replaces polymer coating.
Advantages - hypoallergenicity, strength, practicality, moisture resistance, which allows you to use the wallpaper in the living room, and in the kitchen, and even in the bathroom. And also resistance to mechanical stress and ease of handling. No wonder acrylic wallpapers are preferred by families with naughty children or pets.

Disadvantages: such wallpapers are inferior to vinyl "brothers" in thickness and, therefore, in durability. Yes, and their color scheme is not so diverse.
The term of application is 10-12 years.

This, yet non-trivial type of finish is gaining more and more points - thin, glass yarn rolled into rolls. It consists of dolomite, sand and similar additives, therefore, naturalness, harmlessness is one of the "trump cards" of glass.

There are other advantages: high strength, resistance to chemical and mechanical stress, fire and moisture, the possibility of coloring.
Fiberglass is so presentable that it often adorns the walls of pretentious bars and restaurants.
Nothing prevents the use of glass wallpaper in any room, but they look especially impressive in classic as well as modern living rooms.

The disadvantages include the complexity of installation and, especially, dismantling, the requirement for an absolutely flat surface of the walls. In addition, glass wallpaper, due to the complex production technology, is an expensive pleasure.
But the service life of the glass coating is up to 30 years.

The raw material for their production is the bark of the Mediterranean oak with its unique resinous substances. The advantages of the material are obvious: environmental friendliness, bactericidal properties, creation of a special, healing microclimate.
The cork coating also has enviable insulating properties. If someone in the apartment, for example, plays music, then the neighbors are unlikely to hear, because the cork will absorb decibels.
It is also important that, in contrast to wood flooring Cork is non-flammable and does not support combustion.
After all, the velvety feel of cork bark is pleasant to the touch, which is why it is used in rooms for the smallest children.

Among the shortcomings of cork wallpaper, a relatively narrow range of colors should be mentioned. It cannot be said that their patterns are uniform, but their natural color is in the range of natural wood - from light yellow to dark brown. And it is also worth considering that they will cost a lot, although the high cost in this case is offset by a rather long service life.
Service life - up to 30 years.

It may seem that we are talking about a novelty, but this material was invented back in 1877.
These are rolls that are formed from wood flour mixed with wax, rosin, linseed oil.
The surface of the linkrust is embossed, patterned, which gives the finish an expensive, respectable look.

The best qualities of linkrust - environmental Safety, commendable thermal stability, durability, resistance to deformation, wide choose colors and shades, the possibility of painting, unpretentious care.
The shelf life of linkrust wallpaper is practically unlimited, which can be confirmed by the perfectly preserved interiors of many old houses.

Linkrust looks great in,. However, it also has some flaws - for example, instability at low temperatures, a complex installation process, and high cost.

Metallic wallpaper

Metallic / metallized wallpapers can be embossed, blackened, etched, painted, patinated ... Due to the decorative variety, this type of wall covering is a signature technique of many well-known designers.

Wallpaper covered with a layer of foil, namely they are called metal, are resistant to moisture, wear, good thermal insulation. Well, if they are of a mirror type, then they also have the ability to visually “push apart” the space.

Metallic wallpaper of a noble shade is adored by fans of expensive, pretentious styles such as, and. Designers especially recommend these wallpapers for decorating halls, lobbies and halls.

The disadvantages of such a coating are airtightness and low resistance to mechanical stress. Metallized wallpaper, moreover, they require ideal smooth walls…and a lot of investment.
Their shelf life is on average 10 years.

Liquid wallpaper, they are also flock, silk plaster. Despite natural basis, after hardening on the walls, such a coating is not much like wallpaper.
pros liquid wallpaper- practicality, damaged fragments are easy to restore, environmental friendliness, the ability to pass air, sufficient strength.

Cons - relatively high cost, as well as not such a wide selection of patterns and colors, as is the case with ordinary paper ones.

Suitable liquid wallpaper in the hallway, hall, nursery, bedroom and living room. The average service life is 6-8 years.

Decorative plaster

This general term refers to a layer of building and decorative mixture applied to the surface of the walls. It levels the walls, insulates them, insulates them, and, of course, is one of the most ancient methods of ennobling the home inside and out.

Plaster mixtures can be divided according to two criteria - according to the composition of the mixture and artistic qualities.

Mineral plaster is the most economical type of plaster. This is due to the basis of the mixture - cement, which is "seasoned" with chemical additives that give increased moisture resistance. To this we can add environmental safety, vapor permeability, resistance to fungi and mold, temperature extremes, as well as fire safety.

Among the shortcomings are not a very diverse color palette and the complexity of application.
But the average period of operation of the mineral coating does not exceed 15 years.

In addition to the mineral, there is also: silicate, based on liquid glass; silicone, based on silicone resins; polymer - with acrylic resin in the composition.
The longest service life of silicone and mineral plasters.

Textured (structural) decorative plaster is a way of decorating walls, which can be called an unfading classic. Due to the fact that various additives (pebbles, fibers, marble chips or ground bricks) are included in the plaster mixture, such a finish can look like rock, valuable tree, cork bark, patterns in the sand, cracked clay, dug velvet.

The textured types of plaster include the famous “fur coat”, as well as bark beetle plaster - a method of finishing halls and hallways that has been popular for many decades.

Textured plaster is a great solution for those who want to get a unique interior. It will definitely provide picturesqueness, sophistication. And at the same time also strength, durability, fire resistance.
Plaster will help hide small defects on the walls, and its price does not bite at all.
Textured plaster will not disgrace any of the palace, will be a good find for the hall, living room, dining room.

Judging by the reviews, there is only one drawback to this design - it is difficult to remove it when a new repair is needed.
The time during which textured plaster will not lose its attractiveness is 15-20 years.

It is hard to believe that this type of coating is over 500 years old. "Venetian" gives the impression of a noble stone - marble, granite, onyx, jasper, opal, malachite, amber. Such a sophisticated type of decoration literally asks for the walls of spacious living rooms, where there are fireplaces, canvases hang in magnificent frames and the spirit of the Renaissance hovers.
Venetian plaster is unique: there are no two identical copies of it in the world!
It is she who can be seen inside the palaces of the Venetian doges, the villas of Italian aristocrats.
"Venetian" is not only charmingly beautiful, but also safe, moisture resistant, durable and able to please the eye not for years, but for centuries!
But the price is right for her.


The market offers a truly huge number of various interior paints. Water-based paints are considered the safest and most non-toxic, while solvent-based paints, when dry, form a denser, shiny layer. You can choose moisture-resistant paint, which is suitable for the kitchen, and vapor-permeable, which will be in place, for example, in the hallway.

Concerning decorative properties, then the paints are glossy, matte and even embossed. The former are suitable for impeccably flat surfaces, while the embossed one is able to hide roughness and minor errors on the walls.

  • Paint on water based have the "softest" chemical composition. Their other advantages include an attractive price and a huge selection of colors and shades.
    The disadvantages are instability to abrasion and high humidity.
  • Acrylic paints more tolerant of vapors, but drops or jets can destroy them.
    The most durable among water-soluble paints are latex paints. They are even allowed to be washed, but they are not too tolerant of ultraviolet radiation, and they are more expensive.
    Walls covered with acrylic-based paint are not afraid of sunlight, are non-toxic and do not fade for 15-20 years.
    The disadvantage of such colors - long term drying.
  • Alkyd paints They are inexpensive, easy to use, have a wide range of colors and dry within an hour of application. True, alkyd-based dyes are short-lived - a year later, the walls can become stained and lose their original brightness. Still they don't like sunlight, and most importantly, quite toxic. In connection with the last point, these paints are not recommended in bedrooms and nurseries.
  • silicate paints created on the basis of liquid glass with the addition of pigments and fillers. Most often they are used on verandas, balconies, in basements - where exposure to moisture and temperature changes is required.
  • silicone paints vapor-permeable, have dirt-repellent qualities, are not afraid of water and create a sufficiently strong coating layer.
    It is not surprising that their service life is equal to a quarter of a century.
    Silicone paints can decorate the walls of the bathroom, use them in the hallway, in the kitchen. However, it should be remembered that the bumps and depressions on the walls covered with this relatively new type of paint and varnish products will become more noticeable.
  • Oil paints with drying oil at the base today are rarely used for interior decoration. The reason is the harmful components that are used in their production. In addition, oil formulations dry for a long time, do not allow surfaces to "breathe", and can bubble and crack.
    The merits of oil paints include, perhaps, their affordability. Because of this, oil paints can be useful in household, utility rooms- they paint pipes, window frames, heating batteries.
  • Enamel often call for help when they start repairs. Among the advantages of enamel dyes are the budget price, aesthetics (it forms a smooth, glossy film), strength exceeding the strength of oil and alkyd paints.
    Enamel is called a universal coating, because it easily falls on any surface, be it brick, concrete or wood, and dries within a day. The paint resists moisture well, so enamel sometimes covers the walls of the bathroom.
    But we must not forget that enamels are flammable, which is why they should not be used near cooker.
    The durability of enamel paint depends on the type and ranges from 10 to 15 years.

Decorative brick / stone. Today, few people will be surprised by this way of decorating living rooms and bedrooms, although recently brickwork was not “allowed” beyond the hallways. It's all about fashion. It turned out that brick as a way of decor is organically combined with many current styles - from classic to minimalism and.

Rigid tiles imitating brick are based on gypsum, cement, clay and other compounds. So, white gypsum tiles are the most affordable. By weight, it is quite light, for its masonry it is necessary to purchase a special glue.

The main disadvantage of this material is its high moisture absorption - this should be taken into account when planning repairs and should not be used in rooms with high humidity.
The average service life is at least 15 years.

In addition to brick, walls can be covered with decorative artificial stone that imitates sandstone, shell rock, slate, tuff, basalt, and more. Despite the variety of textures, produce decorative rock mainly from gypsum, sand, clay, cement and related dyes.

The advantages of this finishing option are diversity, which allows the wildest design fantasies to roam. Artificial stone is quite easy to install, it is hygienic, has a low weight, which can also be attributed to the advantages.

Decorative stone is used most often to highlight corners, openings, arches, framing a fireplace, in other words, to create stylish accents.
The service life with careful attitude is up to 30 years.

This finishing material can be called eternal: trends change, and bathrooms and kitchens are still decorated with tiles. Ceramic tiles have earned confidence due to such qualities as environmental safety, moisture resistance, hygiene and unpretentiousness in everyday life, immunity to fungi and bacteria, abrasion and burnout. A variety of formats, colors and textures, copying the appearance of precious stones, minerals, crocodile skin and much more, gives the tile a pass to any room.
A high-quality ceramic facing material can serve for 50 years or more. The only thing that is required is to restore the seams between the plates.

For ceramic granite tiles are characterized by strength, greater than that of tiles, environmental friendliness, low degree of water absorption, resistance to chips, as well as to low temperatures. The last point makes porcelain stoneware a leader in finishing when it comes to balconies, terraces, loggias and verandas.

As for the range of colors and textures of porcelain tiles, it will satisfy any tastes and whims. Porcelain tile will last more than one generation.
Among the disadvantages of such a coating is an impressive weight and relatively high cost.

Finishing PVC panels cost 30-40% less than ceramic tiles.
In addition to low cost, PVC panels are practical, easy to use, and resistant to temperature extremes.
Installation of panels is also quite simple.
Contrary to rumors, PVC does not emit toxic substances and is considered a safe finishing agent. For the appearance of the panels, and they come in different colors, you can not worry about 8-10 years.

Among the disadvantages of PVC finishes, they call it less strength, toxicity during combustion, and, oddly enough, low cost compared to ceramics: for many, this is an indicator lack of prestige.

MDF panels are a modern modification of particle boards, known as chipboard. At MDF production, however, do not use harmful phenol, which makes this product environmentally friendly.
The advantages of MDF include a wide range of products: manufacturers offer multi-colored, ornamented panels, smooth and with a relief surface. They are easy enough to mount on the walls, they are durable, with a high coefficient of thermal conductivity, insensitive to fungus and mold, and since they are covered with a laminated film, they are also resistant to moisture.
The service life of MDF panels is 15 years.

3D panels

Most of these three-dimensional, embossed products are made from gypsum, although they can be made from MDF, bamboo, reed, plastic, glass, aluminum ... backlight.
What unites all these variations?
In general, 3D panels are hypoallergenic and non-toxic, they fasten quickly, and have good insulating qualities.

A serious bonus is the ability to manufacture custom-made panels.
A wide selection of samples allows you to fit such a finish into any style: 3D bamboo panels will suit simple, emphasized eco-friendly interiors, 3D panels with a metallic sheen and a futuristic pattern will emphasize and, plain 3D panels will add a twist to, and panels with a patina effect will harmoniously complement the art - deco and .

Among the disadvantages of this coating, consumers call the ability of panels to accumulate dust on a relief surface. And psychologists add: an excessive amount of convex patterns will not only overload the interior, but can provoke irritability, bad feeling. Based on this, it is better to use 3D panels in fragments - on one wall, for example.


Drywall - worthy alternative plaster. It is used to create suspended, sub-ceiling systems, for decorating ventilation, pipes, engineering communications as well as wall coverings.

Most often, drywall decorate rooms with normal humidity - hallways, living rooms, bedrooms. But there is also a special, moisture-resistant drywall, the service life of which can last up to 10 years.

Drywall is a good sound insulator, it absorbs excess moisture and creates a perfectly smooth surface. Installation of plasterboard products does not constitute great work, while they can be cut, create various shapes from them for decoration.

The disadvantage of drywall is that it “eats up” the volume of the room, and after installation on the walls it requires puttying the seams and finishing. It is also depressing that hanging a TV or a shelf on a wall covered with drywall is problematic.

Mosaic is a favorite in bathrooms and kitchens. It is produced from a wide range of materials: for example, from natural stone, which gives the product special strength and durability, or from ceramics, glass, wood, metal.
The source material, of course, greatly affects the type of mosaic, its lifespan, as well as what styles and rooms it is fit better Total.
The most common mosaic is ceramic-based. It is used in bathrooms, toilets, as well as in kitchens - for example, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe work surface.

The merits of the mosaic coating include, firstly, the possibility of using them in niches, on ledges, uneven surfaces. Secondly, a variety of structures and colors make it possible to create plots from mosaic tiles: walls are monochrome and colorful, patterned and in the form of paintings. Add to this the fact that the mosaic perfectly adheres to any surface - concrete, plaster, wood.
But each finishing agent has flaws, and the mosaic is the price. However, it is justified, because we are talking about an exclusive product that is made from natural materials and lasts 15 years or more.

During repairs, many act out of habit - they buy traditional finishing materials, and in the end they are dissatisfied with the result. But no matter how much you change paper wallpaper or painting, it is impossible to get the effect that decorative wall plastering with your own hands gives. This is a chance not only to transform the interior, but also to realize bold dreams using your creative potential. There are a lot of relief options obtained by means of a mixture for wall decoration, with which you can paint entire panels with a roller and spatula. With the basics of technology and a little practice on the control surface, it's easy to create a unique decor in your entryway or living room.

Such a huge butterfly on the wall will not go unnoticed

Even the simplest strokes with a spatula will look like a work of art as a result.

The harmony of color in the room will charge you only with positive energy.

What is needed for decorative plaster with your own hands?

For decorative plaster you need a special dry mix, but you can make something unusual from ordinary putty with fillers and pigment. Having mastered how the base is applied and the “bark beetle” texture or other pattern is formed, you can make interesting patterns, in accordance with the design intent. Do-it-yourself putty decor will save money and hide minor coating defects. Whatever the choice, plaster is classified as:

  • interior;
  • facade.

Both varieties are suitable for spectacular decoration of the walls of the apartment with plaster. But a shatter-resistant facade mixture may have chemical components that allergy sufferers are sensitive to. Therefore, before buying, it is important to carefully study the instructions and see the composition.

Interior (for interior decoration) plaster is produced on a different basis:

  1. silicate.
  2. Mineral.
  3. Acrylic.
  4. Polymer.
  5. Silicate-latex (with silicone).

Each has its own texture options, for example, “fleece” or “bark beetle”. If you want to work with a repeating relief, you need to purchase special roller nozzles that squeeze out a special rustic background on the wall. Gypsum plaster can "sculpt" art panels, but it sets quickly, so they work quickly and confidently.

This method of wall decoration is durable, plaster can last for decades.

This type of wall decoration is sure to arouse the interest of guests.

Each variety is applied and shaped in a special way, some surfaces can be additionally painted. Most expensive - Venetian plaster, it is applied in layers, creating decorative wall"marbled" with their own hands. For such work, a professional who owns the technology is needed, and the surface requires additional processing with interior wax. But you can, according to all the rules, prepare the basis, and then invite a specialist - this is much more economical than hiring a whole team of finishers.

Pasta is prepared strictly in accordance with the recipe described on the package. This guarantees optimal consistency, coating thickness and coating drying time. Otherwise, the solution will seize too quickly, the desired pattern will not work. You can check the results on a small area.

The decor of the walls of textured or decorative plaster is applied with a spatula on the prepared base, leveling with a grater, but without much effort, otherwise you can “pull” it. Different patterns are created from the same composition, if you use suitable tool or texture. For example, by applying crinkled foil to the solution, Maple leaves or faux fur, it is easy to get a spectacular lining.

Walls in bright mustard color will only cause a smile

Textured plaster with a pattern will complement the interior of the room

A wide variety of types and colors makes it possible to make the room perfect

The multi-stage process of decorating walls with putty with your own hands involves the following steps:

  • work planning;
  • purchase of materials and tools;
  • preparation of room surfaces (cleaning of wallpaper or other unstable coating);
  • creation of a starting basis;
  • applying plaster;
  • final decoration or painting.

Using the possibilities of decorative plaster, it is easy to create exclusive design an interior that cannot be repeated by anyone from the inner circle. But it is better to create something new on the basis of what has been tested in practice for years. Today, ready-made and dry mixes are produced, but it is proposed to use gypsum or putty, which are also suitable for creating a magnificent relief.

This way of finishing will be in perfect harmony with the furniture.

An excellent solution would be to finish the walls and the fireplace with decorative plaster

Advantages of decorative putty plaster

In several rooms, it is easiest to create decor with one plaster with your own hands, which will result in a different relief (work different instrument). Then, even with a conventional finishing mixture, different surfaces can be obtained.

For more variety, a pigment or "color" is added to the mixture. It is necessary to observe the proportion so that the shade does not change on different surfaces.

Each type of roller nozzle with light pressure gives its own pattern. There are also tools for strict geometric lines, which you will need to frame an art panel, fresco or mosaic, as in the photo.

Gorgeous wall decor with stucco resistant:

  • to mechanical failure;
  • temperature fluctuations;
  • humidity fluctuations.

This coating “breathes”, that is, it absorbs excess moisture and then gradually evaporates it if the wall is not varnished or waxed. Excellent sound insulation and fire resistance are additional “bonuses” for decorating walls with do-it-yourself plaster.

Plaster for interior decoration is included in the list of environmentally friendly materials, it does not emit harmful fumes. Not only dyes are added to the finished paste, but also structural inclusions in order to obtain new finishes:

  • fabric fibers;
  • sifted crumb of shell rock;
  • small stones;
  • coarse river sand.

Lamps on the wall will create will create new lines

Decorative plaster in the kitchen will be a great solution. It is durable and not afraid of high temperatures.

Rough finish will give the room a special atmosphere

Another "plus" is its availability. Luxurious decor from textured putty will look like an expensive repair after application and painting. If desired, the impression can be enhanced by coating it with varnish, which is available with different reflective properties:

  1. Matte.
  2. Semi-matte.
  3. Glossy (maximum gloss).

Decorative plaster has high adhesion (adhesion to the base), after hardening it is difficult to remove. If there is no desire to level the surface of foam concrete or brickwork, a mixture of decorative plaster is applied immediately after the initial treatment with a primer.

The textured surface will last for many years without losing its aesthetics. If desired, it will be possible to update the panel with painting. There are also unconventional methods painting a surface with a relief, for example, a wrinkled cloth on a roller - gaps are created. The plasticity of the mixture and the availability of ready-made nozzles for the roller make work a pleasure.

The possibilities of the modern market are almost limitless to offer consumers a lot of interesting options wall decor with putty or textured plaster.

Each type of plaster has its own application technique.

Venetian plaster will immerse you in a state of calm

The recipe for the preparation of decorative plaster from putty

Caution: Some bases can also be mixed to create new surface finishes, but it can be difficult to get the right proportion.

At the seams of the GKL, a primer of maximum penetration is used or the dry powder is diluted with PVA building glue.

On the basis of the building mixture, you can prepare different compositions for decorating with putty.

The most common recipe is from 3 components;

  • water;
  • PVA glue;
  • gypsum base with additives.

This is kneaded with a construction mixer in a container of a suitable volume. After dissolving the dry powder in water, glue is added until a plastic paste with the consistency of sour cream is obtained. You need to work immediately after preparing the mixture so that it does not freeze in the bucket. Having stretched the plaster with a wide spatula along the wall, they work with a roller with template nozzles, as in the photo.

A spectacular texture requires a more expensive base, which is prepared using imported finishing mixtures from Knauf and other companies. They are applied over a dried primer on a flat surface, working with a small layer of decorative plaster on the walls of the interior.

Pictures on the wall will perfectly complement the decor.

Types of plaster are completely different

The combination with a flexible stone will be an excellent solution for a variety of interiors.

The mixture should include:

  • water;
  • 3 parts of sifted river sand;
  • 3 parts of finely dispersed dry gypsum putty with elastic additives;
  • 1 part polymer putty.

First, all dry ingredients are mixed, then diluted in containers with a construction mixer.

Decor with putty on the walls is also done according to a different principle - a mixture with which you can create a textured coating:

  • water;
  • dry mix "Satengips";
  • acrylic based deep penetration primer.

First, the primer is diluted with water in a ratio of 2: 1, then the dry component is introduced, all this is kneaded with a construction mixer until a creamy paste is obtained. She works on the prepared starting surface, creating "liquid" patterns. They quickly seize, leaving a spectacular texture, which can be additionally painted over with a fluffy roller or sprayed from an airbrush.

Embossed pattern on the wall will catch the eye of all guests

The range is huge. There is something for everyone

Possibilities of decorative plaster

Obviously, there are a lot of coating options. Experts recommend reviewing the catalogs, where it is easier to choose the wall surface you like using samples. But it is important to evaluate your own capabilities - to obtain a complex relief, you need some experience with a spatula, trowel and roller.

Well, when there is a practice of a plasterer, then it is much easier to master the method of making this or that decorative coating. For the "bark beetle", for example, you need hard granules and work with a spatula in certain directions - down, randomly or to the sides. This will give different terrain options. Liquid paste is modeled with a roller with different nozzles.

If you have little experience, it is easiest to work with stencil rollers, which themselves squeeze out a certain pattern during processing. But even with them you need to work carefully, performing movements in a certain direction, so as not to disturb the periodicity of the resulting ornament.

Rough surface will look unusual

A variety of application will bring zest to the interior

Intricate drawings with vine leaves will give inspiration

You can “sculpt” masterpieces with anything, even with your fingers, fashioning vines or fantastic flowers from plaster.

By rotating a trowel or other flat tool, you can get spectacular circles on the surface of the wall.

Small circles are easy to complete with a few strokes to form roses or other images.

Some craftsmen create their panels using "knots" of textured fabric. Having tried what “imprints” leave various rough materials, one can “draw” entire volumetric bas-reliefs on one basis.

Specialists also use:

  • spatulas of different sizes;
  • flat elastic bands with curly slots (draw a tree trunk);
  • building graters (smooth trowels and rough);
  • plungers (draw circles);
  • sandpaper;
  • faux fur caps;
  • natural and synthetic sponges;
  • wide and coarse brushes, brooms and hard brushes.

The complex relief pattern on the wall will be the center of attention in the room.

Wall decoration will look great in any room

Before plastering the wall, you need to take out all the things from the room and lay the floors, if they are after repair. This is necessary so that the dry suspension and lumps of paste do not settle on all objects. Remains of wallpaper and old crumbling putty are removed from the walls.

After sealing the cracks and preliminary preparation, you can work with decorative plaster. After the process is completed, the vertical and horizontal are checked to eliminate defects that are most noticeable in side lighting.

You can also master the method of washing and “dry brushing”, using paint, wax or varnish. If you have a desire to master such technologies, watch the master class on the video.

Video: Decorative plaster

50 photos of examples of wall decoration with decorative plaster:

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WITH Modern finishing materials for internal walls strike the imagination. It is not surprising that it is so difficult for beginners to choose them, because at this point it is important to choose the design and type of coating. For walls, not all types of building materials presented in construction stores, and therefore it will be useful for many to understand them.

Liquid wallpaper on the walls

Finishing materials for interior walls are important to choose according to the principle of their use in a particular room. So, for the kitchen and it should be different coatings due to different environmental conditions. The parameters to be guided by when choosing a coating material are as follows:

So, almost all types of wallpaper and chipboard, wood or fabrics do not like moisture, so it is better not to use them in rooms with high humidity. But they will look great in other rooms. For bathrooms and kitchens, it is better to choose PVC panels, stone or ceramic tiles. The same materials are suitable for the hallway, which is the most passable room in the house.

The advantages of wallpaper include their great variety, ease of application - just glue and a flat surface, as well as aesthetic appearance and low cost. The disadvantages include increased abrasion and fragility. There are washable and moisture-resistant wallpapers suitable for kitchens, as well as photo wallpapers and wallpapers for painting. By priming the latter in a special way, you can get the original color and even the relief of the walls.

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Paint - beauty in simplicity

If your walls are even, then you can just paint them. Or you will first have to sheathe drywall, and then paint it in suitable color. Paints are isolated on the basis of oil, polymers, water emulsion, enamel or glue.

The advantages of paints include a variety of colors and ease of application, the disadvantages are a long wait for drying and a strong smell in some species, a precaution if you are making repairs with a finished floor and ceiling.

Panels - convenience and reliability

They are considered no less popular type of finish than. A variety of panels also allows you to choose the right shade and look. Panels should include PVC, MDF, chipboard, wood, glass, gypsum vinyl and.

Among the cutting-edge materials include 3D panels with a three-dimensional pattern. In fact, even a laminate can be attached to the wall, which will also be considered a panel and look very noble. The advantages of the panels include fire safety, wear resistance, ease of application, durability and resistance to moisture. The downsides can be cost and increased consumption.

Decorative plaster - nobility and gloss

A complex option, but perfectly distinguished in the interior. The most durable finish. The types of plaster include structural, textured, Venetian and mineral. Each of them has its own characteristics of application, but they all require a lot of time and cost.

Tiles - practicality and ample opportunities

According to the material of manufacture, PVC, ceramic, glass, polystyrene foam or quartz-vinyl tiles are distinguished. Depending on the chosen material, the tile will have increased aesthetic and strength properties. Its advantages include a wide choice, environmental friendliness, ease of maintenance in everyday life. The disadvantages are the difficulty in applying to the wall and the cost.

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Stone - comfort and originality

Natural stone is becoming more and more popular when choosing a facing material. This is not surprising, because it looks noble and is considered the most wear-resistant material. The disadvantages include high cost, styling and weight. Often the entire wall cannot be finished with just one stone due to its large mass, which can lead to sagging or destruction of the wall.

Having chosen the one that is suitable for you from finishing materials for interior walls in terms of cost, appearance and color, carefully familiarize yourself with its application and installation. Often you need to know little tricks for a perfectly even application of the selected finish, which does not bring hassle in further maintenance. If you doubt your own abilities, you can always turn to professionals - construction teams will help you finish the apartment according to your desire, and they will do it quickly and professionally.