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The most beautiful interiors of loft-style apartments. Loft in the interior - photos of the brightest design ideas. Dining area and kitchen in loft style

Nice photos on the Internet! What should the residents of a one-room apartment do? Do they also want to live in a luxurious, spacious loft? Despite the skeptics, we will prove that a small loft-style apartment is not absurd, but reality. We will also show that the loft style is ideal when the renovation budget is very small.

Because interior style is a way of life and the atmosphere of a home. Not the footage.

Many people believe that the loft style is only suitable for apartments, or at most for a country house, they say, a loft is a huge industrial space, and it’s impossible to recreate it in 40 square meters unrealistic, which means there’s nothing to write about here.

But the designers disagree - and do an excellent job with small-sized loft-style projects. The trouble is that the residents small apartments Often there is no money for a designer. So, excuse me, dear designers, we will style our house as a loft with our own hands.

Loft style design - why is it like this?

The fact is that the loft style is not so much an architectural format as a mood, a way of life. It all started with the fact that in the 1940s, land prices in New York rose greatly, and industrialists had to move their plants and factories away from the big city. But the buildings remained.

Wealthy people completely refused to move into the empty workshops, but for the simpler contingent, and especially creative people, the huge premises were quite suitable - both inexpensive, and an art studio-house in finished form. Because a little tidying up, arranging art objects and a few chairs - and here you have a bohemian salon for exhibitions and performances, and you can also live. So the loft style ceased to be an architectural indicator and turned into a way of thinking.

And this is what the loft is all about: it is asceticism, contentment with little, endless creative flight and rejection of luxury (although a chic velvet sofa looks great against the backdrop of old plaster).

Do you understand? For a true loft style, five-meter ceilings are not so important as the spirit of freedom. This is not a brick wall and pipes under the ceiling, but a creative eclectic interior, unthinkable without modern art in all its forms.

Even designers don’t fully understand this line, but now you know: you need a creative interior first, and an industrial one second.

What should the interior of a loft-style apartment look like?

So, what should be changed during renovation to make the apartment feel that same American loft mood?

1. Bring the spirit of the factory (crossed out) into the loft interior

But you will have to start by searching for those very elements of the “abandoned factory”. Because if initially industrial premises were converted into residential ones, then you, the owner of a standard apartment, will have to do the opposite, turn the apartment into an industrial facility.

Here you will need to think: what in your apartment is similar to the look of the factory? It turns out that a whole system was once hidden under the drywall water pipes, under the plaster load-bearing walls you can find old red brick, and cast iron batteries, it is worth removing the decorative flap and painting them brighter, it will be ideal for the situation. So we look under the laminate and wonder what we have there suspended ceiling... Bare concrete? Gorgeous - let's leave it! However, it would be better to fill the floors with a special dust-free mixture, but on a concrete ceiling, even metal hangers may not have to be removed.

Many such “finds” will be revealed during the renovation process. Write down all observations in a notebook so that you can later use them when drawing up your own project.

2. Work with surfaces. Top 3 textures for a loft according to Loggia

Materials and surfaces play a huge role in a loft interior. And if the walls of your Khrushchev building are made of shingles, it doesn’t matter, brick and concrete can be perfectly imitated with the same textured plasters.

Italian manufacturer decorative coatings Loggia recommends choosing textures that combine luxury and rough industrial processing. It is the loft style that allows you to use, say, a “concrete-like” coating on one wall, and on the other - Venetian plaster or a “velvet” texture - and all this in one room! We recommend the following materials.

  • Kymera is a unique coating that not only has a rust effect, but a natural oxidized metal that even has magnetic properties.
  • Marmo Romano - allows you to create a deep texture.
  • Diamond - the effect of natural metal.

After all, the task of a loft is to give one room a variety of functions (as if the former workshop had become a kitchen, an office, and a living room at the same time), and to separate functional areas it is better, if possible, not with partitions, but just different designs walls and floor. In this sense, decorative plasters, which have become last years more accessible, they allow the soul to unfold. Brickwork, concrete blocks, crumbling plaster, noble surfaces of silk or marble - plasters can do everything. Unless you should use natural wood in the loft, even if your master knows how to perfectly imitate wood with plaster.

Of course, we are far from a classic loft with spacious rooms, but maybe even in your apartment the layout can be changed? Talk to an architect you know or show the apartment plan on a professional forum - it may very well be that, for example, the living room can be combined with a kitchen or the partitions between rooms can be made of glass. Here is the treasured space for you.

Even if it is impossible to move the walls in your case, just the feeling of a large space will be enough. Light color walls, not too high furniture - there is enough advice on the Internet, we even wrote an article about expanding the space. Having thought about the loft, it’s time to think about storage systems and choose the best hidden ones.

And also the windows: it is unlikely that you will be able to radically enlarge them, but removing traditional curtains does not cost anything - there will be an order of magnitude more “air”. If you have to hide from your neighbors, choose simple roller blinds or something similar. But don’t even think about replacing the windows with plastic ones, you’ll kill the style - you can quite reasonably restore and insulate old wooden ones, and after successful contrasting painting they can become an interior decoration.

4. Remove excess

The loft does not tolerate the accumulation of unnecessary things. You will have to take out many attributes of comfort from the house: give carpets to your student neighbors, give the blankets with which each chair was covered to your grandmother, and in order not to offend, ask her for an antique bookcase in return.

For comfort and homely atmosphere in the loft there are objects of art, unusual furniture and attributes of romance.

By the way, for renovating an apartment in a new building, the loft style is generally a salvation. At the same time, you can save a lot of money: the walls don’t have to be plastered, and the floors don’t have to be perfectly leveled. The ceilings can also be left rough, and you don’t even have to hide the wiring in the walls, saving on stripping them. But in order not to overdo it, choose only one or two surfaces that you leave untouched, the interior should remain residential and welcoming.

5. More style, more creativity!

To decorate an apartment in the loft style yourself, you need to be truly free. Here you can safely combine Buddha figurines and modern paintings with an ironic colorful chair, a magnificent crystal chandelier with a cheap plastic furniture- loft calls for mixing styles and eras.

In recent years, a rare issue of the magazine “Ideas for Your Home” has been published without an interior designed in the loft style. From this we can conclude that this style meets the needs of metropolitan residents who dream of functional and modern interior.

1. Combination of loft and eco-style

Architect Ksenia Bobrikova. Photo: Evgeniy Kulibaba

In the design of the representative zone, traditional signs of the loft style (undisguised auxiliary structures) are combined with natural warmth. Thus, the wall is decorated with two columns made of logs left after dismantling a hundred-year-old log house, which the author of the project personally sanded and varnished. They are attached to the mortgages on the ceiling with special metal loops. And the space between them fits well with a painting depicting a bullfight, painted especially for the interior by Sergei Bobrikov, in bright colors typical of pop art. It stands out against the background of muted tones of rather simple but comfortable furniture.

The decoration of one wall imitates brickwork, the second is covered with fine-grained plaster. Lamps on an undisguised auxiliary structure locally illuminate individual areas and emphasize rough textures.

2. “Male” loft

The black brick wall emphasizes the “masculine” character of the interior. Visually softens brutality Wall panel with a characteristic natural texture, a fire in the fireplace, a bright yellow pouf and plants (floor and indoor) hanging planters), which decorate the dining area.

3. Loft aesthetics: brick walls and metal shelving

Architects Mark Safronov, Natalia Sirbu. Photo: Ilya Ivanov, Yuri Afanasyev

The owner of this one is a girl who works in the fashion industry. The loft aesthetics here are defined not only by the design of the walls (white brickwork in the partition between the windows) and the floor, but also by the industrial-looking shelving made of wood and metal with characteristic factory elements - brutal metal strips with studs, which line the edges of the shelves and the frames of the sections with drawers.

4. Photo wallpaper in the loft interior

Designers Pavel Alekseev, Svetlana Alekseeva. Visualization Pavel Alekseev

In this case, it is noteworthy that a fragment of a brick “passage” wall in the center is placed in a metal frame and under glass, depicting rusty metal and concrete.

5. Two-level loft

Design Bureau Totaste.studio. Visualization: Max Zhukov

Two-level - space to realize the fantasies of the authors on the loft theme. To create the appropriate atmosphere, the walls were partially covered with clinker tiles and finished with concrete-like plaster. But initially they decided to leave the concrete ceiling in its original form. The visual image for creating the second tier was a bridge in San Francisco with thin bent metal railings and spiral staircase.

6. Raw textures and exposed structures

Project manager Elena Mizotkina, designer and visualizer Elena Danilina

To create a brutal atmosphere in a small living room of 9 m2, intended for a young man, the authors used a restrained palette, raw textures and naked architectural structures. Pay attention to the successful “finds” of the designers - a “sloppy” painted surface concrete walls and ceiling, as well as a mezzanine for storage made of perforated metal sheets and corners.

7. Public area

Architect and photographer Alexey Bykov

Loft style public area for young people whose work is related to art. According to the architect, he used only “honest” (without imitations) materials that demonstrate their texture and properties. These are warm colors of brick, wood, textiles made from natural fibers in furniture upholstery. The author also chose to free the old walls (the apartment is located in a house from the beginning of the 20th century) from layers of previous plaster and leave the authentic brickwork exposed.

8. “Chocolate” loft

Architects-designers Olesya Shlyakhtina, Sergey Vetokhov, visualization by the authors of the project

The wall decoration is made of Dutch brick-like tiles, which emphasizes the color of details made of brass, bronze and black painted metal, and also goes well with the overall “chocolate” palette of the interior. Looks impressive and ceiling lamp Spider by Serge Mouille with three long rotating and bending arms.

9. Loft with concrete wall

Original idea: brutal wall made of panels imitating concrete covering with a relief texture and traces of formwork, it serves as an excellent background for common things (projector, skateboard and snowboard), turning them into a spectacular art object.

10. Rough textures and “soft” accents

Designer Natalya Maksimenko. Photo by Alexey Lukichev

The high concrete ceiling was lightly sanded and coated with clear varnish. Its surface does not press due to the light finish of the walls and the white “shadow” from arched window, which visually stretches the space vertically. The rough textures characteristic of the loft style were softened with textile upholstery on the sofa, decorative pillows and a faux fur blanket.

11. Bright furniture in an industrial space

Designer Nina Romanyuk. Visualization by Design Studio Ideas

In the living room, against the backdrop of brickwork, a red sofa, yellow pillows and shelves sounded expressive. An additional detail that emphasizes the industrial character of the interior is a steam-punk clock with open mechanism.

12. Synthesis of loft and Scandinavian minimalism

Designer Konstantin Valuykin. Photo: Evgeniy Kulibaba

Illustrates the synthesis of loft (a finish that imitates rough Construction Materials) and Scandinavian minimalism (natural colors, straightforward furniture compositions). The window sill area was interestingly played out, which turned into an open bookcase and, at the same time, a bench where you can sit comfortably for reading.

13. Traditional loft with phytowall

Designer Ksenia Eliseeva. Photo: Vitaly Ivanov

The interior contains traditional loft style features: concrete surfaces, unplastered but painted brick, ceiling lined with black stripes of bus lights. And the role of the main accent is given to the phytowall, the greenery of which softens the “harsh” aesthetics of the living room. Several round niches were also filled with the same stabilized moss.

14. Combination of the incongruous: concrete ceilings and floral photo wallpaper

Designers: Natalya Tsetsulina, Maria Malyshkina. Photo: Artyom Semyonov

And it can rightfully be called floral. The author's concept is to use mutually exclusive stylistic techniques. So, concrete ceilings with exposed electrical wiring coexist peacefully with the “rose garden” on photo wallpaper and decorations reminiscent of garden pergolas, and open Ilyich light bulbs are friends with a glamorous crystal chandelier.

15. Unity of opposites in the loft interior

Design and visualization: Oksana Balabukha

Brutal materials (concrete plaster, aged brick tiles) contrast with glossy surfaces (floor, furniture facades). Please note that the designer selected an art object to decorate the space of the concrete column, continuing the theme of the unity of opposites. “Blocks” are responsible for creating a positive mood yellow color.

16. Loft with a “stamp of time”

Project manager Irina Goncharova, designers Anatoly Kostenko, Elena Lobatskaya. Photo: Vitaly Nefedov

The living room bears the “imprint of time” inherent in a real loft, and also demonstrates an unusual mix of several styles. For example, a white column will not fit into a loft style, but thanks to its bronze tinting, it organically coexists with pendant lamps and exposed electrical wiring.

17. Natural wood tones and bright color accents

Designers: Ivan Korvegin, Nikolay Miroshnichenko

The color scheme of the interior fully meets the requirements of loft aesthetics. As a base - natural shades of wood, as well as sanguine, ocher and White color. A bright colors(blue, blue, red) act as accents. The lack of historical context (old plastered walls and brickwork) is replaced by modern materials (brick tiles). The chosen theme is also supported by such an attribute of the industrial premises as exposed wiring.

18. Loft interior built on contrasting colors

Design and visualization: Alexey Zhukov

In this representative area, the cool color scheme of the furniture contrasts well with the warm shade of the tiles to resemble aged brick.

19. Combination of industrial loft style and vintage furniture

Design and visualization: Alexander Savinov

IVD No. 4/2015 This interior organically combines the industrial style of a loft and vintage furniture. Brick walls became a good background for the exhibition of black and white photographs and art objects.

20. Stylish loft in a brick “Stalin” building

Another example: a living room in a brick “Stalin” building, where it was possible to preserve the authentic historical environment. The layout, textures and materials correspond to the spirit of the loft, and every non-standard detail fits organically into the overall composition. The old red brick walls were cleared of layers and restored. Here and there there were gaps in the masonry that had to be filled modern bricks, which differ in color from previous bricks with original marks. The furniture is made from natural materials(or in natural upholstery), which have pleasant tactile properties and are pleasing to the eye.

The most important design trend today is the interior of an apartment in the loft style. It is unusual, even provocative. In this case it can be like expensive repairs, and very democratic.

For people tired of the classics and pomp of the Baroque, and for young owners who have escaped from the atmosphere of their parents' home.

Is it possible to fit this Western fashion trend into Russian realities? Quite! The loft style in the interior of a small apartment is possible if you know its specifics.

What are the differences

Loft (English: “attic”) is distinguished by negligence, rough details, and ostentatious simplicity. Originally originated in large metropolises full of young and free creative individuals who were rebuilding for permanent residence basements, attics and even workshops of abandoned enterprises.

Artists and novice architects, somewhat limited in funds, used the color of buildings to their advantage: not being able to make a full renovation, they made its absence a feature.

Gradually, this sparse look became widespread and now a modern loft in the interior is created carefully and thoughtfully.

Character traits:

  • Lack of any finishing of walls and ceilings.
  • Wooden or stone floor. In general, natural building materials are assumed.
  • Large windows and high ceilings (if possible).
  • Ordinary, incompatible furniture.
  • A combination of retro and modern technology.

Walls and ceiling

As already mentioned, brickwork is welcome, which can be left in its original form, or can be deliberately carelessly painted. Leave all surfaces like this living rooms not recommended: too uncomfortable and cool.

As a rule, only one wall or a couple of corners are untouched.

Floor coverings

Stone, wood, ceramics. For the living room and bedroom - parquet or laminate. It is possible to use a matte self-leveling floor - it is even closer to the originals, because... in the workshops the floor was concrete.

But for coziness and comfort, it is advisable to make it warm. It is also appropriate to use porcelain stoneware in the bathroom and hallway.

By the way, many Soviet apartments still have old floors made of boards coated with oil paint.


Abundance of spot light and lighting of each zone separately. Antique floor lamps and hanging lights with laconic shades are welcome. Designer lamps often forged, welded from pipes. Edison lamps are very popular.


Emphatically simple, inexpensive at first glance. Everything must be useful in everyday life. Metal, stone, wood (preferably solid) are acceptable.

Combining items with each other is not necessary and even undesirable. You need to create the impression that it was simply “dragged” here from flea markets, or even assembled from what was at hand. Huge leather sofa It would look great here with a coffee table made from pallets. You shouldn’t deny yourself flowers either.


Wooden, in as a last resort with dark glass. In the original lofts on window openings there is nothing, but for our compatriots it will be difficult to get used to it. Therefore it is allowed horizontal blinds And roller blinds. No multi-layered curtains with frills!

Loft style apartment

A loft in the interior involves complete immersion in the atmosphere of a “semi-abandoned” room. Therefore, decorating one room is pointless - it will look unfinished and ridiculous.


The walls can be left completely untreated. It can also be covered with plaster, more suitable for exterior finishing tasks.

The floors can be anything, but for practical purposes it is better to give preference to plain tiles.

The furniture is simple, functional, no frills. The older she looks, the better. Old hangers, small cabinets and a chest of drawers, a free-standing mirror in full height- all this will emphasize the unusualness of the house right from the threshold.

Living room

The rule of spot “untreated” walls works here: residents spend a lot of time here, and between concrete slabs they will be very uncomfortable.

No wallpaper! You can put it near the sofa Persian rug or a rug that will contrast with the floor.


The place where you can afford to soften the situation. Curtains, tulle, and soft rugs near the bed are allowed here.

The bed itself should be simple and comfortable. A chest of drawers and a small wardrobe, bedside tables with retro lamps will fit perfectly. By the way, “grandmother’s” chests are perfect for storing things.


Ideally it connects to the living room, because... Initially, lofts were studio apartments. Conditional division: using dining table, bar counter, open shelving.

Plenty of open shelves and small parts in the kitchen. Even shelves with glass will stand out from the overall look.

Myself kitchen set wooden, preferably with stone countertop. Plastic is unacceptable - the achievements of industry here will be personified by modern household appliances.


Variety of materials: ceramic tile, artificial and a natural stone, mosaic, plaster. The main thing is that the finishing meets the hygienic requirements of the room.

Retro plumbing fixtures: toilets with flush handles, claw-foot bathtubs, washbasins with bronze faucets.

The loft style in the interior is multifaceted. It can be super expensive, or it can be super cheap. It can be bright and cheerful, or it can be gloomy. For a bachelor and for a girl. The choice is yours.

The variability can be appreciated in numerous photos of loft-style interiors, each of which can offer something different.

Photo of a beautiful design in loft style

Loft style interior design is the most popular style today, especially among young and creative people.

The main difference between the style is the use of concrete, brick, glass and metal in combination with designer furniture. In essence, the loft style is a style from the masculine element, since it contains elements of brutality, a certain rudeness and strength.

The content of the article:

Like any style, the loft also has its own history.The word itself means “attic” and already speaks of its origin.

During the recession years in America, an urban revitalization program emerged, during which old factory buildings, railroad warehouses, schools and factories began to be converted into housing.

They were populated mainly by people of creative professions, adding their own original touch to these dull, abandoned premises. This is how the loft appeared.

That is why traditional loft looks rather uncomfortable and adheres to certain rules:

  1. Rough walls (unpolished cement, brick).
  2. Homogeneity and mutedness color range(gloomy gray, brick, dull brown).
  3. Nude communications combined with bright art objects.
  4. And all this in an open space with minimum quantity partitions.

However modern loft can afford more neat and aesthetically attractive brickwork, a more processed wall texture next to modern materials (glass, steel).

In addition, such a design will no longer look “abandoned”, which means it will have a positive effect on mood and health.

Here's a great one example small and cozy cafe in this style.

Surprisingly, a loft can be very cozy!

If you want your interior to look more modern, then you need to include as many as possible modern materials(glass, steel) in contrast with the restored texture of materials (restored parquet, slightly tidied up brick wall).

Two keys to a successful interior in the loft style - creating a maximum feeling of spaciousness and a mixture of old and new (contrast of abandonment and well-groomed).

Interior design in loft style: key features

To implement loft design in the interior of your apartment, you must adhere to characteristic features style:

Materials and styling in a loft interior

Let us consider in detail the use of materials in the interior.


If you want the interior to be more comfortable, you can use parquet or parquet board. However, if you still have old parquet, do not remove it; it would be better to restore it as a loft.


  • decorative plaster for concrete (cold colors: shades of gray, blue or marsh colors),
  • brickwork (the more natural the brick looks, the better it will be to convey the loft-style atmosphere).
  • white matte emulsion
  • mosaic plain tiles

On a note:

  • if you want to use the loft style in the interior of a small apartment, then you need to use smaller bricks or even paint it. There are brick options that have a slight metallic sheen.
  • When choosing, avoid perfectly flat and smooth surface bricks


Ceilings can be a dazzling white to give the space a feeling of spaciousness and light.

Furniture and textiles in loft style interior design

Since the loft should combine “abandonment” and a creative touch (after all, warehouse spaces were often inhabited by people of art), furniture and textiles will become the means of expressing this creativity.

The most important thing is to achieve a contrast between the general “shabbyness” and abandonment and the elite shockingness of textiles and furniture.

What then can textiles be? Expressive, bright and even flashy.

If you have an open floor plan and a lot of free space, then you need to create "focal spots" to avoid the impression of boredom and emptiness from the interior. Such stains can create fabrics with large, expressive patterns.

In this youth interior, quite a lot of such “spots” are visible: carpet, sofa, armchairs. A painting and an art object on the wall are also bright details, but this is no longer about textiles.

The most important thing to pay attention to is texture and color:

The main thing is to be able to combine the rough and harsh with the flashy and shiny.

Concerning furniture, then it is important that its dimensions fit the dimensions of the room. In the same way, as already said about the fabric pattern, it should be proportionate to the room. Agree, a small sofa in a huge space will simply get lost.

But if you put a brutal leather sofa, it will fit harmoniously into the interior, but will not create contrast. However, the total amount of furniture in this style is minimal.

Decor and accessories in loft interior design

Window, as a rule, should merge with the overall interior. For example, they can be painted to match the color of the walls, the main thing is that they do not stand out. The window design is laconic and clear: white cotton roller blinds, wooden slats or lifting steel blinds.

Skirting boards usually painted either in color flooring, or in the color of the walls.

As decor It would be appropriate to use various art objects, art objects and designer furniture. For example, you can install an avant-garde installation on the floor or large lamp. The highlight of your interior can be a pop art painting or your own photograph in this style.

This lamp reflects the idea of ​​a loft - use industrial materials in the interior.

Loft style color scheme

The color scheme in the loft style is not quite clear, as it might seem at first glance. It is important to determine what impression you want from the interior: urban graphic aesthetics or a brighter and more expressive design solution. How to divide residential areas?

Usually the question of zoning in this style remains open. A loft apartment is an open space, but only bedrooms, bathrooms and utility rooms are isolated. For the rest, zoning techniques are used.

So, you can zone the space using:

Furniture is also a subject of zoning. For example, 2 armchairs separate the dining area from the living area. Please note that the different colors of the walls in these zones also help create the illusion of zoning.

Who is the loft style suitable for?

  • For young, creative people who are ready to turn their home into an art space.
  • For owners of apartments with an open plan
  • For those who have no need for privacy

The difficulty of interior design in the loft style is to create a completely suitable cozy space for living, which at first glance seems uncomfortable. Remember, if you can create such an impression, the loft is a success!

Since an open layout is common in a loft, which blurs the boundaries between rooms, functional zoning occurs precisely due to the arrangement of furniture. Sometimes you can use glass block separation or sliding partitions. Carpets and runners will also help achieve zoning.

The color scheme for renovating and decorating an apartment in the loft style is strict, consisting of two or three harmonizing or contrasting colors. Mainly: white, gray, brown, red brick color. Wood, concrete, red brick, metal, and plywood can be used in decoration. If desired, you can use imitation: wood-look tiles, concrete-look wallpaper or decorative plaster under metal

You can leave concrete or wooden load-bearing beams, ventilation structures, communication pipes or wiring on the ceiling. If the ceiling height allows, you can install metal truss or just plaster and paint. Don't worry about uneven or rough surfaces. Such details fit perfectly into the loft.

The furniture is selected either very modern and multifunctional, or in a retro style (with peeling paint or frayed edges). With equal success, you can fit both a modern modular sofa and massive table on metal legs with a tabletop made of oak slab, and a battered antique grandmother's cabinet.

As for the decor, here the owner is given complete freedom. There is no thing in the world that could not become an interesting accessory in a loft: old tree stumps, a hammock, a swing on chains, road signs, Street lights and urban lamps. All this can be easily combined, obtaining a completely unexpected and extremely original result.