Mixer      08/11/2021

Quotes from famous managers. Aphorisms of management. On becoming a leader: Chanda Koshar, ICICI Bank

Do you need a commercial newsletter for your newsletter, business presentation, website or inspirational posters? These change and change management quotes will help you drive employee motivation, employee engagement, and inspiration.

These quotes about change management and change will help your employees achieve success in business, success in management and success in life.

Quotes on change and change management

“People cannot live with change unless they have an unchanging core.

The key to the ability to change is an unchanging sense of who you are, what you are and what you value.” - Stephen Covey

“When we see the need for deep change, we usually view it as something that needs to happen in someone else's. In our positions of authority, such as parent, teacher or boss, we are especially quick to force others to change. Such directives often fail, and we respond to resistance by increasing our efforts. The power struggle that ensues rarely results in change or results in excellence. One of the most important insights into making deep changes in others is when deep change actually begins.” - Robert E. Quinn

“Your success in life is not based on your ability to simply change. It is based on your ability to change faster than your competition, customers and business.” - Mark Sanborn

“I was born not knowing, and I’ve had a little time to change that here and there.” - Richard Feynman

"If we could change ourselves, the trends in the world would also change. When a person changes his own nature, the world's attitude towards him changes... We do not have to wait to see what others are doing." - Mahatma Gandhi

“People don’t resist change, they resist change!” - Peter Senge

“Change is not only likely, it is inevitable.” - Barbara Sher

“Change can either challenge or threaten us...Your beliefs will pave your way to success or block you.” - Marsha Sinetar

“The culture doesn’t change because we want to change it. Culture changes when an organization transforms, the culture reflects the realities of the people who work together every day.” - Francis Hesselbein

- ~Sidney J. Harris

“It is not the strongest of the species to survive, and not the smartest to survive. It’s the one that’s most adaptable to change.”

- Charles Darwin“Everyone has accepted by then that change is inevitable. But this still implies that change is like death and taxes, it must be delayed as long as possible, and no change will be much preferable. But in times of upheaval such as the one we are living in, change is the norm.”

Peter F. Drucker

"Change before you have to."

Jack Welch "Change is difficult because people overestimate the value of what they have and underestimate the value of what they can get by giving it away."

James Belasco and Ralph Stayer “Company cultures are the cultural cultures of countries.

Never try to change it. Try working with what you have instead."

Peter F. Drucker “Change does not roll on the wheels of inevitability, but goes through continuous struggle.”

- Martin Luther King, Jr.“I can't say whether things will improve if we change; I can tell they have to change if they are to get better.” - Georg Lichtenberg

“ Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, engaged citizens can change the world. Really, it's the only one that ever was."

Margaret Mead “I have a bad reputation in our society. But it's not all bad - not by any means. In fact, change is necessary in life - to keep us moving... to keep us growing... to keep us interested... Imagine life without change. It would be static...boring...boring.”

Dr. Dennis O'Grady "There is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more dangerous to lead, or more uncertain in its success, than to take the lead in introducing a new order of things."

Niccolo Machiavelli “Future shock is the destructive stress and disorientation that we cause in people by exposing them to too much change in too short a time. "

Alvin Toffler

“All changes, even the most eager, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another.”

- Anatole FranceMore quotes.


1 What's easy? - Give advice to others.

/ Thales, ancient Greek philosopher, one of the 7 wise men /

2 A business is like a car: by itself it will only move downhill.

3 It is human nature to make mistakes, but our company does not tend to forgive.

/Commandment of American Managers/

4 If you don't agree with me, it only means that you didn't listen to me.

/From management postulates/

5 The point is not whether you solve the problem or not, but who you assign responsibility to.


6 I can’t give you a formula for success, but I’m ready to offer you a formula for failure: try to please everyone.

/G. Swope, journalist/

7 If you are initially unsuccessful, destroy all evidence that you tried...

8 A committee is twelve people doing the work of one.

/John Kennedy/

9 Leadership is the art of getting others to do all the work.

10 If people heard themselves more often, they would talk less.

/Management Postulate/

11 One and only one person must be responsible for every assigned task.

/ Otto von Schönhausen Bismarck, 1815-1898, prince, first Reich Chancellor of Germany

empire in 1871-1890/

12 The highest prudence is to make the difficult decision to leave this world as we found it.

/Baltasar Gracian, Spanish thinker/

13 Trust, but verify.

14 If you sow care, you will reap initiative.

/Vladimir Prishchepa, director/

15 To lead people, follow them.

/Lao Tzu, Chinese philosopher/

16 The best leaders are those whose existence the people do not notice.


17 When a leader who deserves the title of the best completes his work, people say: “We did everything ourselves.”


18 If you have smart, well-trained employees and you don't involve them in shared decision-making, you're wasting your own time.

/Management Postulate/

19 ...A more reasonable agricultural approach: create a good climate, provide adequate nutrition and let people grow on their own. Then they will surprise you.

/ McGregor /

20 If it is not clear what you should do, then always adhere to the rule - it is better to give your subordinates more than they should, than not to give them less than they should.

/Principle of the English company "Marks and Spencer"/

21 Alexander the Great, listening to an accusation against someone, plugged one of his ears, and when asked why he was doing this, he replied: “I will save this ear for the accused.”

22 PRINCIPLE OF REASONABLE APPROXIMATION: The price of perfection makes it impractical, approximation is cheaper."

/TO. K. Jie/

23 Some are useless in the first row, but shine in the second.

/Voltaire, 1694-1778/

24 Only two incentives force people to work: the thirst for wages and the fear of losing it.

/Ford Sr./

25 It doesn’t matter what they tell you - they don’t tell you everything

/Todd's principle/

26 The viewing angle depends on the space occupied.

/Miles' Law/

27 Do not see malice in something that can be explained by stupidity. -


28 If "K" is a collective, 1 + K is greater than 1, even if this unit is an outstanding person.

29 When there is agreement, small things grow; when there is disagreement, the greatest things perish.

/ Guy Sallus Crispus, 86-35. BC./

30 You can't achieve anything unless you have something exciting.

31 We need a series of factories where a person thinks, “It would be nice for my wife and daughter to work here.”

/Opinion of the President of a Japanese company/

32 Who lives in the greatest anxiety and toil? - One who in a high position tries to preserve his well-being.


33 People, if you let them, will drown you in ideas.

34 He who shouts is hard to hear.

35 If you see a face without a smile, smile yourself.

36 People need trust, not warnings.

37 The worker is a source of ideas, and not just a pair of working hands.

38 An organization's core philosophy plays a much larger role in its achievements than technological and economic resources, organizational structure, and deadlines.

39 Never enter into a business if you do not know how to conduct it.

40 And each of us who assumes that he can lead others must constantly and intensely study.

/A. V. Lunacharsky /

41 A bad leader knows what needs to be done. And a good one shows how to do it.

42 Every flaw has a first and last name.

/WITH. Ordzhonikidze/

43 Looking for meaning in any trouble is an activity devoid of meaning.

/Baltasar Gracian/

44 Not every truth can be told: keep silent about one for your own sake, about another for the sake of another.


45 You can only rely on what resists.

/Blaise Pascal/

46 An enemy who seeks out your mistakes is more useful than a friend who wants to hide them.

/Leonardo da Vinci/

48 Anger is short-term madness.


49 Those who want to work look for means, those who don’t want to look for reasons.

" /SP. Korolev/

50 When we spend time planning, it becomes more.

51 If you want to always be pleased, serve yourself.

/Benjamin Franklin/

52 Others are not fools, they are just not you.

/P. S. Taranov/

53 “THE STRAWBERRY AND CREAM PRINCIPLE”: “Personally, I love strawberries and cream, but for some reason the fish prefer worms. That’s why when I go fishing, I don’t think about what I like, but about what the fish like ".

/Dale Carnegie/

54 Every person I meet is superior to me in some way, and in this sense I can learn from them.

/Ralph Emerson, American philosopher/

55 Dishes with a crack have no wear and tear - but looking at them is sickening!

/Baltasar Gracian/

56 If you don’t know how to bear the burden of adversity, you aggravate its severity.


57 We can do as much as we know. Knowledge is power.

/Francis Bacon, English philosopher/

58 A drop of honey will attract more flies than a gallon of bile.

/Abraham Lincoln/

59 What is measured will be done.

60 To understand everything means to forgive.

/Madame de Stael, French writer/

61 You must approach any work with a light heart. Nobody likes to work with a manager who is always gloomy and serious. Before you take on anything really important, you must first learn to treat the matter with some irony. A little humor can help soften the most tense situations.

/M. Rustam, Indian scientist/

62 Even the most beautiful girl in France can only give what she has.

/French proverb/

63 A leader does not have the luxury of learning from mistakes.

/The principle of the American automobile company General Motors/

64 You need to learn not from your own, but from the mistakes of others.

65 Let the other person be angry too. If you raised your voice, then he (or she) also has the right to raise his voice.

/The principle of the General Motors company/

66 Prudence in conversation is more important than eloquence.

/ Baltasar Gracian /

67 It's better to be crazy with everyone than to be smart alone.


68 Those who cannot speak will not make a career.


69 Professionalism is efficiency, reliability, responsibility.

70 To find mutual language, you should bite yours a little.

71 Loyalty to a company is not a profession: you still have to work.

/P. S. Taranov/

72 The leading condition for the career growth of new ideas.


73 In people-oriented work, there is only one key to success - TRUST.

74 The calling card of a leader is the ability to win someone over.^

75 Professional unsuitability - lack of sensitivity and tactlessness.

76 Learn to listen, and you can benefit even from those who speak poorly.


77 Managing employee behavior means, first of all, managing your own behavior.

78 A person is worth as much as others are worth | will appreciate it.

/Baltasar Gracian/

79 Don't flaunt everything you have - tomorrow | You won’t surprise anyone anymore.


80 The plan is not just about how many tables and chairs need to be made. A plan is a delicate lace of norms and relationships.

/A. S. Makarenko/

When there are many helmsmen, the ship must be on the reefs.

82 At the beginning of the journey, if you deviate one step, you will soon be on someone else’s road.

83 When it is no longer possible to work harder, start working smarter.

84 If you can, be smarter than others, but don't show it.

/Philip Stanhope Chesterfield, 1694-1773, English diplomat, writer/

85 Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

86 A smart person studies all his life, a fool teaches all his life.

/Pavel Zheleznoe, poet/

87 PRINCIPLE OF UNITY OF COMMAND: “A body with two heads is a monster.”

/A. Fayol, American organizer/

88 A management structure in which ten or more direct subordinates are focused on the manager is a heart attack.

/IN. I. Tereshchenko, economist/

89 The experimenter must be lazy enough not to do unnecessary things.

90 The thesis that haste is necessary when catching fleas is supported and developed precisely by those who are too lazy to catch a flea...

/Vitaly Korotich/

91 Organizational structures become short-lived and unstable. Previously, they changed over several generations. Now, before the company has time to carry out a major reorganization, everything starts again.

/P. Drucker/ a2 Those who are trusted are not held by the hand.

93 The best manager is the one who has enough common sense to choose the right people to do what he needs, restraint is enough not to interfere in their affairs for this time.

/J. Straub, professor/

94 Time mode is the first step. Making a plan is the second. The struggle to fulfill the plan is the third and decisive one on the path to effective rationalization of spending one’s own and other people’s time.

/A. K. Gastev/

95 In a hierarchy, each individual tends to rise to his own level of incompetence.

/Peter Principle/

96 The main thing is not to punish, but to force them to act.

/A. P. Lukoshin/

97 If a person does not have the data to become a leader, you won’t teach him, teach him or not.


98 Do not rush to carry out the order, because the command “Leave!” can always follow.

/Army folklore/

99 To manage means:

a) foresee - study the future and establish a program of action;

b) organize - build a double organism of the enterprise: material and social;

c) dispose - put into action the personnel of the enterprise;

d) coordinate - connect and unite, combine all actions and efforts;

e) control - observe that everything happens in accordance with established rules and orders.

100 A person cannot obtain freedom from the outside greater than that which he possesses from within.

/T. V. Muranovsky, Doctor of Philosophy/

101 People sometimes bite off more than they can chew. But any boss worth his salt will always prefer to deal with people who try to do too much than with those who try to do less.

/Lee Ya Cocca, famous American manager/

102 It is impossible to do without a certain amount of risk. In a real situation, you always need a person who will say: “Well, okay, it’s time! We start in an hour!”


103 I have always adhered to the line of maximum democracy until the moment when it is necessary to put an end to D. And this is where I turn into a ruthless dictator. “Well, I listened to everyone,” I say. “Now we’ll do this and that!”


104 Keep order, and order will keep you.

/Latin formula/

105 All management ultimately comes down to stimulating the activity of other people.

/Lee Iacocca/

106 It’s a pity that there is no educational institution where they teach LISTENING. After all, a good manager must be able to listen no less than speak.


107 It is not at all necessary to accept every rationalization proposal, but if you do not exclaim: “Well thought out!” - and if you don’t pat the person who came up with it on the back, he will never offer you anything else. This kind of reaction shows a person that he means something.


108 If you want to praise a person, do it in writing, but if you want to give him a dressing down, make do with a phone call.

/Charles Beach/

109 Promotion is the moment when it is most convenient to assign additional responsibility to a person.

/Lee Iacocca/

110 The personnel of an enterprise are like a football team: the guys must play as a single team, and not a bunch of bright individuals.


111 Many who visited my Chrysler office were surprised that on my desk The computer terminal is not visible. They probably forget - the computer only outputs what is entered into it. ...The secret of success is not information, but people.


112 And yet the monarch sits on the throne with only his butt.

/Michel Montaigne, 1533-1592, French, philosopher/

113 Don't let those "who work for you live too calmly. Don't let them get firmly established. Always do the opposite" of what they expect from you. Let them worry and look over their shoulders all the time.

/Henry Ford/

114 The first goal is quality, and profit will come itself.

115 "1-10-100" - formula valid in the USA and others developed countries. This means that if a dollar is spent on basic research, then 10 dollars are allocated for R&D, and 100 dollars are allocated for implementation. The ratio "1-10-100" cannot replace any enthusiasm.

116 One must look at the day as a small life.

/A. M. Gorky/

117 An enterprise is personnel.

/Motto of the Japanese automobile company "Nissan" /

118 The levers of the economy are inexorable: whatever is of secondary importance in payment means less interest.

119 In management practice, it is traditionally believed that the goal is almost always obvious and efforts should be concentrated on finding means and ways to achieve it.

/IN. Sh. Rapoport/

120 Opposites placed side by side become more pronounced.

/Bonaventure, 1221-1271/

121 "MANAGEMENT BY DEFICIT" - this is when the entire control apparatus actually works according to the commands of the assembler.

122 When you hire, you take not only " skillful hands" or "a smart head", but also a person, with his character, habits and destiny.

/P. S.Taranov/

123 Even before the revolution, in order to get a job in the Expedition for the Procurement of State Papers (as Gosznak was called at that time), the guarantee of two employees was required, knowledgeable beginner personally. If the newcomer did not justify the trust, then all three quit.

124 The client’s impression of the company is formed from the first telephone call to it.

/Principle of Japanese management/

125 When you come up with something yourself, there is a high chance of not coming up with anything. But when you live in someone else’s mind, you certainly can’t do anything. Never do

what others are doing. This is one hundred percent doomed to failure.

/Andrey Mikhailovich Budker, academician/

126 Leaders are divided not into young and old, but into smart and fools.

127 In the mirror, as you know, everything is the other way around. But without him we would never see ourselves.

/Jalaleddin Rumi/

128 Don't hate your enemies, you may have to work together.

/Essar, American humorist/

129 There are moments when everything works out, don’t be horrified - it will pass.

/AND. Renard, French humorist/

130 Never trust those subordinates who do not find any flaws in their superiors.

/U. Collins, English writer/

131 When a decision needs to be made, take action.< быстро и решительно - берите больничный. За работу нужно болеть. / Yu. Maksudov, comedian /

132 Don't be afraid of responsibility. Responsibility is like a wife: you can always get away from it.


133 Helping people does not always guarantee that they will respond kindly.

134 Never assume that a so-called professional will act solely in your best interests. /David Mahoney/

135 Skill in dealing with people is a commodity that can be bought just like we buy sugar.

or coffee... And I will pay more for such a skill than for anything else in the world.

/J.D. Rockefeller/

136 Doesn't a rope support a hanged man?

137 To reason with the stupid is as pointless as scratching a rock.

138 Education is the ability to act correctly in any everyday situations.

/John Hibben/

139 The greatness of a great man is revealed in the way he treats little people.

/Thomas Carlyle/

It's been three years since I made the leap from successful accountant to entrepreneur.

Before taking this leap, I read quotes from successful leaders to motivate myself.

Here are some quotes that inspired me then, and a few new ones that inspire me now.

Whether you're planning to start your own business or have been running your company for a while, you can learn a lot from the world's most successful CEOs.

This list includes best tips from leaders about success, working with your team, becoming a leader, being a leader, and working with clients as a leader.

Each quote helped me become a better leader than I was before.

On success: Brian Chesky, Airbnb

“When you start your own company, it's more like art than science because you don't know anything. Instead of solving core problems, try solving something deeply personal to yourself. Everything will be perfect if you an ordinary person and simply solve your own problem in a way that can help millions of other people.”

On success: John Stumpf, Wells Fargo

“I never prepared to become a leader. I was always preparing to become good dick team, a good colleague."

About success: Ben Horowitz, Andreessen Horowitz

"Every time you accept something difficult, correct solution, you become a little braver, and every time you make an easy, bad decision, you become a little more cowardly. If you are a leader, this election will make your company either brave or cowardly.”

On success: Carly Fiorina, Hewlett-Packard

“To build a great company, which is the job of a leader, you have to confront the social mindset.”

About success: Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook

“My goal was never to start a company. A lot of people misunderstand this, that I don't care about revenue, income and other things. But for me, not being just a company means something else – creating something that makes a big difference in the world around us.”

About working with your team: Andrea Jung, Grameen America

“Talent is the most important priority for a leader. You think the most important thing is vision and strategy, but in reality it’s more important to find the right people.”

About working with your team: Taso Du Val, Toptal

“Teaching your employees something new creates an ongoing connection, and they will respect you for it. If you can achieve this directly in the interview, then you will confidently attract the smartest people. Money doesn't mean much to most of the world's smartest people - they want to develop their minds, not their wallets. If you show employees that they will grow intellectually in their careers and economically while working for the company, then they will want to work with you.”

About working with your team: Gary Hamel, Gary Hamel Consulting

“Nothing inhibits employee engagement quite like raw, cold, centralized authority. In most companies, the power hierarchy extends down from the CEO. Employees are not only excluded from the decision-making process, they even lack the power to rebel against self-centered and tyrannical managers.”

About working with your team: Anne M. Mulcahy, Xerox

“Employees who believe their management cares about them as whole individuals are not just employees—they are more productive, more satisfied, more joyful. Satisfied employees lead to satisfied customers, which in turn leads to profitability.”

About working with your team: Jack Ma, Alibaba

“The lessons I learned from the dark days of Alibaba are that you must bring value, innovation and vision to your team. Besides, as long as you don't give up, you always have a chance. And when you’re young, you have to be very focused and rely on your brain, not your strength.”

On Becoming a CEO: Elon Musk, SpaceX

“The path to the manager’s office should not go through either the CFO’s office or the marketing department. It has to run through the engineering and design department.”

On Becoming an Executive: Denis Morrison, Campbell Soup Company

“If you want a leadership position, you should prepare for it with a vengeance.”

On becoming a leader: Chanda Koshar, ICICI Bank

“I still believe that when you start, you should have a big dream – a big goal – but it’s equally important to move towards it step by step. So, you know, frankly, if you had asked me this when I started as a trainee manager in 1984, I don’t know if I would have really thought that I could become a real leader.”

On Becoming an Executive: Indra Nooyi, PepsiCO

“Just because you became a manager, you shouldn’t think that you’ve already settled down. You need to constantly learn, improve your thinking, your ways of organization. I never forget about it."

On becoming a leader: Carlos Ghosn, Nissan

“As a leader, I have to worry about the short term, the medium term and the long term.”

On becoming an executive: Tim Cook, Apple

"I am who I am, and that's what I focus on as an Apple executive."

On Becoming a Leader: Alexa Von Tobel, LearnVest

“Being a wife, daughter, friend and the founder and CEO of LearnVest, my daily schedule remains very simple. But I learned how to carefully manage my own time.”

On becoming an executive: Travis Kalanick, Uber

“As an entrepreneur, I try to push boundaries. Squeeze the gas pedal."

On becoming an executive: Michael Gokturk, Payfirma

“The hearts of a successful team beat in unison.”

On Becoming an Executive: Larry Ellison, Oracle

“When you innovate, you have to be prepared for everyone around you to tell you you're nuts.”

On becoming an executive: Marissa Meyer, Yahoo!

“I always did things that I wasn’t quite ready for. It seems to me that this is how a person grows. When you have that moment of 'Wow, I'm not sure I'm ready for this,' but you deal with those moments, that's how you push forward."

Thoughts, aphorisms, quotes. Business, career, management Konstantin Vasilievich Dushenko



See also “Businessman” (p. 18); "Control. Leadership" (p.259); "Work with people. Teamwork" (p. 307)

The managerial revolution.

Title of a book by an American publicist James Burnham (1905–1987),

Rarely (or perhaps never) has a major social institution—a new stratum of leaders—emerged as quickly as management in the mid-twentieth century. Rarely has any institution in the history of mankind proved its indispensability so quickly; and even less often new institute met so few opponents, caused so little confusion and so little controversy.

Peter Drucker(b. 1909),

Technocrats are the new universal clergy. Their religion is business success; their criteria of virtue are growth of production and profit.

John Galbraith(b. 1908),

In any business, managers are the most valuable and rarest resource.

Peter Drucker

The science of management is at about the same stage as medicine was when it finally came to the conclusion that the owner of a drug store would not necessarily be a good doctor.

Lawrence Appley(b. 1904),

American management specialist

To make work more successful, you need to train managers better and keep fewer of them.

William Woodside American manager

Good management and entrepreneurship are not synonymous.

James Hayes(1895–1971), president of the American Management Association

A corporate manager is not the same as a profit-seeking capitalist. His goal is more a career in an organization that gives power and high position than profit or great wealth.

Adolf Berl(1895–1971), American diplomat

Out of every hundred newly created firms, seventy-five disappear after not having existed for even five years, and main reason death is poor management.

Peter Drucker

There is no bad business or bad management. There is only management, which is bad for this particular business.

Arnold Goldstein,

President of a consulting firm (USA)

Management is not business management, just like, say, medicine is not obstetrics. (...) Running a chain of retail stores is not as different from running a Catholic diocese (...) as store employees and clergy believe (...). 90% or so of all organizations' problems are the same. As for the remaining 10%, there are no more differences between for-profit and non-profit organizations than between different business sectors, for example, between a transnational bank and a children's toy factory.

Peter Drucker

Many people equate good management with excellence. This is mistake. If perfection could be achieved, management would not be needed.

James Hayes

Wisdom is the ability to give up perfection at the right moment.

Vladimir Horowitz(1904–1989),

American pianist

I am very good man. I'm just a very bad wizard.

American writer Frank Baum(1856–1919) (in The Wizard of Oz)

To become a manager, you need to start at the bottom; There are no exceptions to this rule.

Henry Block American manager

Someone who thinks he looks funny in the saddle cannot command a cavalry brigade.

John Pierce American businessman

Management is the ability to see a company not as it is, but as it can become.

John Teets American businessman

An effective manager lives in the present – ​​but focuses on the future.

James Hayes

There are times when even the best manager finds himself in the position of a little boy with a huge dog on a leash. He watches where she is pulling the leash and leads her in that direction.

Lee Iacocca(b.1924), American manager

A truly good manager cares not so much about his own career as about the careers of the people who work for him.

H. S. M. Burns(1900–1971),

President of Shell

A good manager is one who knows how to ask the right questions.

Robert Heller(b. 1933),

publisher of Management Today magazine (USA)

MANAGER: a person who makes quick decisions - and sometimes correct ones.

Elbert Hubbard(1859–1915),

American writer

Only the paranoid survive.

American businessman Andrew Grove(b. 1936) in response to the question of how he managed to achieve such success at Intel Corporation

The best manager is the one who has enough instinct to choose a good performer and enough intelligence not to interfere.

The ideal manager is a person who knows exactly what he cannot do and looks for the right people to do it.

Philip Rosenthal(b. 1916),

German politician and entrepreneur

The talent of a leader is to make a decision quickly and find someone who will do all the work.

John Garland Pollard(1871–1937),

American lawyer

A manager is a person who never puts off until tomorrow what he can entrust to someone else today.

An outstanding Prime Minister must have the zest for life of a leisurer and the zeal of a workhorse.

Walter Bajott(1826–1877),

British economist and political scientist

A manager should not manage anything for more than five or six years. Otherwise, he runs out of steam, loses his previous interest in the matter and becomes a prisoner of his own patterns, which were revolutionary ideas when he headed the organization.

Robert Townsend(1920–1998),

American businessman

Never put an inventor at the head of a company. You will never get him to stop thinking and come up with anything marketable.

Royal Little, American businessman

The office is a great place for current work, but not the most the best place in order to think.

W. E. Azzell, American businessman

An ordinary worker goes home when working hours are over. The manager leaves when the work is done - or takes it home.

Mary And Eric Allison,

A manager is only as good as his health.

Jeffrey Archer(b. 1940),

English writer and politician

For a born boss, all ailments begin on Friday evening and end on Monday morning.

Cyril Northcote Parkinson(1909–1993),

English publicist

The King of France may die, but he cannot be sick.

Louis XVIII(1755–1824)

shortly before his death, when doctors insisted that he withdraw

in the celebration of St. Louis

I'll stay until I'm tired. And as long as Britain needs me, I will never tire.

Margaret Thatcher(b. 1925),

British Prime Minister

We know better the motives, customs and the most intimate aspects of the life of the primitive tribes of New Guinea than the inhabitants of the office offices of the Uniliver company.

Roy Lewis And Rosemary Stewart

American management experts

When you meet most corporate presidents, you immediately understand what President Woodrow Wilson meant when, after living in the White House for several months, he said: “Nobody comes here in the evening.”

J. Elliott Jenny

80 percent of our managers would not be able to answer completely sincerely the simplest questions: “What is my job? What's really important about it? How well am I doing it?

Edwards Deming,

American management consultant

You talk so much about what you need, but why do you need yourself?

Rabbi Shneur Zalman(1747–1812),

Hasidic teacher

Success is when you have made so much money that you can hire a professional manager to explain to you why you haven't made more.

From the “Dictionary of Unreliable Definitions” by L. L. Levinson

A manager is a person smart enough to run your business and wise enough not to have his own.

Driving, like swimming, cannot be learned from books.

Henry Mintzberg(b. 1939),

Canadian management specialist

Listen and learn.

Motto Franklin Roosevelt(1882–1945)

during the first hundred days of his reign

Management has something in common with medicine. He creates problems as much as he solves them.

Warren Bennis(b.1925), American economist

ASPIRIN DOCTOR: a manager who tries to solve every problem in the same way, like a doctor who prescribes aspirin for every disease unknown to him.

Harold S. Hook American manager

Many people confuse bad management with evil fate.

Elbert Hubbard(1859–1915),

American writer

The only companies that are well managed are those that you are not familiar with.

Fred Vanderschmidt American manager

There are extremely successful companies in the United States, as well as extremely highly paid managers. The main thing is not to confuse one with the other.

Philip Wrigley(1861–1932),

American businessman

The salaries of directors of large companies are not market rewards for their achievements. Often this is just a manifestation of sincere friendly feelings towards oneself.

John Galbraith(b. 1908),

American economist and diplomat

It has always been a mystery to me why a person earning $250,000 a year needs additional financial incentives to do his job well.

Irving Bluestone(b. 1917),

American economist

Most managers eventually become what they hate most: bureaucrats.

Alvin Toffler(b. 1928),

American sociologist

Industrial bureaucrats.

John Galbraith about corporate managers

There are only two types of coaches - those who have been fired and those who will be fired.

Ken Leffler

American basketball coach

Many managers retired without leaving their posts.

Peter Drucker

Timely retirement saved many managers from ulcers and helped their wives get ulcers.

We require managers no older than 35 years of age with forty years of experience.

From the book by E. Mackenzie “14,000 phrases...”

Don't accept the position of captain of a sinking ship.

Wieslaw Brudzinski(b. 1920),

Polish writer

A person who has not become a boss by the age of 46 will never be useful for anything again.

Cyril Northcote Parkinson

This text is an introductory fragment. From the book The Manager's Path from Beginner to Guru author

“A manager is a person who must survive” http: //www. e-executive. ru/directorsadvices/managers/article_267/Interview with Anatoly Karachinsky, President of the IBS Group of Companies Biographical information: Anatoly Karachinsky was born on July 12, 1959 in Moscow. In 1981 he graduated from the Moscow Institute

From the book Friday Manager. About managers jokingly and seriously author Community of E-xecutive managers

“Managing is not the ability to solve problems, it is the ability to work with people” http: //www. e-executive. ru/directorsadvices/managers/article_253/Interview with Alexander Izosimov, general director VimpelCom company Biographical information: Alexander Izosimov was born on January 10, 1964. In 1987

From the book Passion for ISO 9000. A sad and comic story about obtaining a certificate for a quality system author Dolgov Vlad

Friday manager: who he is and why he is... read “On Friday evening, managers all over the world loosen their ties, throw off their jackets, move from their offices to the nearest pub or cafe and “have a blast” in full. They are very noticeable among visitors

From the book Famous Press Secretaries author Sharypkina Marina

Chapter Two Quality Manager Required Every worker should have the right to move from one job to another and choose the one he likes. Capable workers advance further. Henry Ford For an organization to have a quality manager (QM), it is better

From the book Thoughts, aphorisms, quotes. Business, career, management author Dushenko Konstantin Vasilievich

Epstein Brian Impresario, manager, press secretary of the Beatles Brian Epstein was the manager of the Beatles from 1962 to 1967. It was under his general leadership that the Beatles achieved fame, first in Great Britain and then throughout the world. In Russian transcription the surname

From the book It's Okay to Be a Boss by Tulgan Bruce

Manager See also “Businessman” (p. 18); "Control. Leadership" (p.259); "Work with people. Teamwork" (p. 307) The managerial revolution. The title of the book by the American publicist James Burnham (1905–1987), published in 1941. Rarely (and perhaps never) the most important public

From the author's book

Difficulty Four: “I’m a New Manager... or New to the Team” You finally got the promotion you wanted. You still work on the same team, but now you're in charge. You suddenly find yourself having to manage people