Shower      07/02/2020

What should I do to make it stand? Folk remedies to make your penis stand well all night. Recipes for potency products

Statistics increasingly show that it is not only older men who experience failure in bed. Lifestyle modern people, low physical activity, improper diet, psychological blockages have their consequences. Because of these problems, men under 30 years of age cannot satisfy their partners and because of this they create even more problems for themselves.

You can try to eliminate the problem with the help of medications, but not everyone has the desire to try them on themselves side effects, but being treated with folk remedies is quite comfortable, and most importantly, effective. That is why it is worth taking a closer look at the question of how to restore male strength using folk remedies.

The benefits of folk recipes for men's health

If a man is faced with the question of how to restore male strength, he does not have to immediately run to the pharmacy. Certain folk recipes, proper selection of diet, and physical activity will help restore sexual desire.

The benefits that folk remedies will bring to a man are the following:

  • Strengthening general condition health.
  • Increased male hormone testosterone in the blood.
  • Restoring sexual desire.
  • The ability to make sexual intercourse last longer.

In order for the penis to stand and sexual contact to last longer, a man must make a little physical effort, and traditional medicine will do the rest for him.

Effective recipes that will help restore male strength

In order for the penis to stand well and sexual intercourse to always be pleasant and long-lasting, a man can use the following folk secrets:

Our regular reader got rid of problems with potency effective method. He tested it on himself - the result was 100% - complete relief from problems. This natural remedy based on herbs. We tested the method and decided to recommend it to you. The result is fast. EFFECTIVE METHOD.

  • Correct selection of diet and inclusion in the daily diet of foods that increase libido.
  • Practice an active lifestyle, supplementing it with a set of physical exercises.
  • Take tinctures, decoctions or herbal infusions daily.

In this way, it will be possible to completely restore male strength and potency in a few weeks, and some remedies even work a little faster.

What to include in your daily diet

Our grandfathers knew how to quickly restore male strength using folk remedies and actively used them. To have a erect penis, a man needs to regularly eat the following foods:

  • Walnuts.
  • Figs
  • Ginseng (added to tea).
  • Lean meat.

You should not add too many products from the specified list to your diet, because the principle, the more, the better, will not work here.

Physical activity as a way to restore potency

Eating healthy foods to increase libido and restore potency is not enough. A man needs to restore lost strength through physical activity. They should not be excessively large, but this method is indispensable if you need to achieve a visible result. It’s not hard to figure out how to make your lifestyle more active, because you can just get up in the morning, go jogging, do a few squats, and do a couple of push-ups.

Effective recipes of traditional medicine

You can make your penis stand up using special relaxing baths. To cook them, you need to brew them with boiling water. bay leaves and chamomile flowers. The decoction must be strong for its effect to be complete. When it cools down to comfortable temperature, a man needs to spend 30 minutes in such a bath. It is better to carry out the procedure before bedtime.

If you mix honey and chopped walnuts in equal proportions, you can get good result already in a few days. Accept this useful remedy It is necessary three times a day before meals, without using more than a tablespoon of the auxiliary mixture at a time.

An infusion of Dubrovnik herb helps restore male strength very quickly. To prepare it you need to do the following:

Dubrovnik herb infusion

  • place five teaspoons of dried raw materials in an enamel bowl;
  • boil a liter of water;
  • pour boiling water over the herb and leave to steep for 45 minutes, covering with a lid;
  • strain and consume throughout the day.

Dubrovnik can be bought at any pharmacy at an affordable price.

Aloe juice has a good effect in terms of restoring male power, but to achieve your goals, it must be used correctly and included in the following recipe:

  • 150 milliliters of aloe juice.
  • 400 milliliters of Cahors wine.
  • 300 grams of natural honey.

The components must be mixed until smooth and left for a week in a dark place. Take a tablespoon before meals, this is exactly what you need.

Additionally, you can prepare tea with nettle, ginseng, thyme, calamus, and take a small amount of dry white wine. These techniques help restore male strength and, as popular practice shows, they do it quite quickly and a man no longer has to ask what to do and how to overcome his impotence.

Do you have serious problems with potency?

Have you tried a lot of remedies and nothing has helped? These symptoms are familiar to you firsthand:

  • sluggish erection;
  • lack of desire;
  • sexual dysfunction.

The only way is surgery? Wait, and do not act with radical methods. It is POSSIBLE to increase potency! Follow the link and find out how experts recommend treating...

Before talking about non-traditional help, I would like to note modern means, returning the stone riser. The vacuum pump ensures a strong penis after one workout.

It is quite simple to use; it is important that it is used before sex, which will increase the duration of sexual intercourse and guarantee an elastic penis.

The second option is an extender. Reviews note that the device not only allows you to increase the length of your penis, but also has a positive effect on the sexual capabilities of the stronger sex.

In alternative medicine there are many recipes that will allow you to restore the former elasticity of the penis and again enjoy a regular and active intimate life. You can make a nutritious mixture based on honey and walnuts:

  • Grind the kernels of 20 walnuts.
  • Add a few spoons of natural honey.
  • Mix everything, eat two tablespoons every day.

Ginger root for men is natural medicine, helping to restore sexual strength. You can use it to prepare various tinctures and decoctions, or you can simply add fresh root to tea daily.

Ginger-based tincture:

  1. Grate 200 grams of root, add to 200 ml of alcohol.
  2. Leave for two weeks, shaking periodically is recommended.

Filter to remove any remaining root. Take 20 drops every day in the morning and evening. The duration of therapy is 1 month.

A win-win remedy that will restore male strength in the shortest possible time is Dominator spray. Thanks to him, a man receives not only high potency, a high-quality erection, but also the main thing happens - penis enlargement, which no man in the world will refuse.

Traditional healers, healers who lived many centuries ago and passed on their recipes to our generation, knew how and what drugs (herbs, tinctures, ointments) to use to increase erection in men.

We will look at some of the folk recipes right now.

  1. Make a mixture of walnut kernels and milk, taking a ratio of 3 to 1. Take this mixture daily on an empty stomach for a month. The product has an excellent effect on both the male genitourinary system and the immunity of the stronger half.
  2. Carrot juice will also help overcome the disease, which experts traditional medicine It is recommended to mix it in equal portions with honey. It is recommended to take the product 20-30 ml, three times a day. After just a week of taking it, men can feel increased potency (erection).
  3. Take dry parsnip root, chop it and mix in equal proportions with vegetable oil. The product significantly increases sexual desire in men. The mixture can be used in combination with meat and fish dishes.
  4. Red wine (only dry red wine), which traditional healers recommend mixing with honey and aloe juice in equal parts, will also help with erectile dysfunction. After this, the mixture should be left to brew for 7 days. The traditional medicine for potency should be taken one teaspoon once a day. This treatment needs to be continued for several weeks. It can cleanse blood vessels and release blood, which will begin to flow to the genitals. As a result, potency will improve.
  5. It may not be strange, but regular apple juice (natural juice without sugar) also helps improve erection. Traditional healers recommend mixing it in equal proportions with carrot juice (use fresh juice, juice without sugar) and adding a few tablespoons of honey to the juice mixture. Take ¼ of a glass three times a day before or after meals. The course of such treatment can last up to several months. The product is safe for the health and body of men.

Doctors do not trust traditional healers and traditional recipes. Correct treatment, doctors believe, can only be prescribed by a specialist after conducting a series of studies, analyzing the causes of the disease and evaluating the patient’s tests.

Only a properly selected course of treatment can save the patient from the disease forever.

And, remember, problems with potency are the result of poor nutrition and poor lifestyle. You shouldn’t treat erections without a doctor’s recommendation by stuffing yourself with various potency medications. In order to gain real, natural male power, it is important to use a comprehensive treatment method and strictly follow the recommendations of your urologist.

But do all these factors affect sexual health so seriously that you need to consult a specialist? According to sexologists,

Doesn't seem enough? In fact, the rest of the time we restrain ourselves or deliberately try to prolong sexual intercourse.

But if ejaculation occurs faster than one and a half minutes, and this happens regularly, then you should still consult a doctor. By the way, too long intercourse, as a rule, indicates sexual dysfunction. But how then to achieve the “golden mean”, what to do to make it stand for a long time?

Before you figure out what needs to be done to make the penis stand, you need to understand why it started to act up:

  • Psychology. Constant stress at work. Problems at home, lack of normal sleep;
  • Fatigue;
  • Physical inactivity. If you spend all your time near the computer, then your muscles weaken, and this also applies to those that bring the penis to the upper position;
  • Physiological changes. Well, it’s clear here - only a doctor;
  • Drop in hormones;
  • Poor nutrition.

What can you do to make your penis stand for a long time?

Pills for a powerful boner are divided into several types:

  • “First aid” products that provide a long-lasting and powerful erection half an hour to an hour after administration;
  • Drugs for a course of administration that promote improving erectile function by influencing the causes of weakening.

Next I will give you a few of the most simple recommendations, which, with relatively normal sexual health, will help to shed sexual intercourse and make your sex life more interesting. Moreover, these are the safest ways to solve the problem.

  1. Give up bad habits or reduce alcohol consumption and smoking to a minimum. Start exercising. Believe me, in your younger years, this is the cheapest and easiest way to improve your sexual health. It’s not easy for men after thirty to quit smoking, and their health is no longer the same. By the way, it is physical exercise that maximizes the production of the male hormone testosterone. This extremely important substance for any man is produced less and less with age. As I said above, physical exercise stops this process and even reverses it. But nicotine and alcohol not only reduce the duration of sexual intercourse, but also adversely affect potency and reduce libido.
  2. The next one is good and safe way To prolong sexual intercourse is to use breathing exercises. It’s no secret that premature ejaculation often occurs due to severe overstimulation - most often during contact with a new sexually attractive partner. What is this breathing exercise? Actually, this simple technique how to control your body in a certain way. Experts advise that with each friction, first take a deep breath through your nose, and then gradually exhale. After practicing several times, you will understand that by starting to concentrate on your breathing, you are distracted from excessive excitement and tension, and thus prolong sexual intercourse.
  3. Pills. Now manufacturers produce a variety of drugs to maintain potency. But almost all of them contain the main active ingredient called dapoxetine, which slows down the onset of orgasm in men. Moreover, these can be both relatively inexpensive generics and expensive and absolutely safe original drugs. As a rule, their duration of action is up to twelve hours. But here a lot will depend both on the general state of your health and on the combination of them with fatty foods or alcohol. Special plant-based supplements are also available if synthetic drugs are contraindicated for you. However, these often contain substances that can cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, if you are allergic to any plant or animal components, pay attention to this. But in any case, before using the tablets, it is still better to consult a doctor. After all, there are always a number of restrictions, for example, heart problems, allergies to something, severe liver and kidney diseases, malignant neoplasms and minor age.
  4. In order to have a hard-on for a long time, various ointments and gels are now being produced to prolong sexual intercourse. Moreover, for those who really suffer from chronic diseases, this is the safest remedy. I'm talking now about prolonging lubricants, water-based or silicone-based. Such means can even be used together with barrier contraceptives, since they do not compromise the integrity of condoms. The action of lubricants is based on the fact that they have a slight cooling effect, which ultimately slightly reduces the sensitivity of the glans penis. Gels usually contain lidocaine, which reduces the sensitivity of certain receptors. But for serious health problems, such remedies are unlikely to help.

There are many ways to improve the quality of your sex life. Those who are wondering what to drink to make their penis stand well turn to traditional medicine. Often homemade recipes help better than traditional medicine.

Advantages of traditional treatment:

Traditional methods
  • herbs act slowly on the body, but there are no side effects;
  • natural cleansing of the body;
  • no addiction to substances;
  • complex effect on the entire body;
  • general well-being improves.

Many people experience a placebo effect. Even without special medications, potency improves due to the psychological state.

Ginseng root is often recommended. This tool is available to everyone, and it has a number of advantages, for example:

Ginseng for potency

  • quickly relieves inflammation;
  • an excellent general tonic;
  • stimulates the nervous system;
  • improves blood circulation in the genital area.

In addition, the production of the male hormone testosterone increases. If problems with potency are not chronic, it is enough to drink ginseng tincture several times. But this must be a systematic treatment.

Erection may worsen due to inflammation of the prostate gland. Then you can take decoctions based on sage or St. John's wort. It is better to combine them with conservative therapy. These plants relieve inflammation and fight various infections.

Many people eat oysters to have a long-lasting erection. Seafood contains a lot of organic zinc and essential for men's health amino acids. The penis becomes more sensitive

It is also worth paying attention to flounder. The main thing is not to get carried away with any one product.

Turnip is a popular product for increasing potency. You can consume both the vegetable itself and the seeds or decoction based on it. Many men note that later at night there are no problems in bed. After a short period of time, the erection will last longer.

Among traditional methods of treatment, quick-acting tablets are popular. For example, Viagra. The stimulating effect occurs almost immediately. But the danger is that these drugs have a bad effect on the condition of the cardiovascular system and liver. At the same time, the state of potency does not get better.

Physiotherapeutic treatment gives good results. For example, massage or physical therapy. The main emphasis is on improving blood circulation in the pelvic area.

4 Tablets

Effective drugs:

Side effects and contraindications
The most popular and powerful medicine for fast. In order for the penis to stand as it should within 40-50 minutes, you need to take only 1 tablet. Therapeutic effect Viagra lasts up to a day. The mechanism of action of the drug is based on the fact that its active substance, sildenafil, inhibits specific phosphodiesterase type 5, which leads to an increase in the level of nitric oxide in the cavernous body of the penis. As a result of this process, smooth muscles relax and blood flow to the phallus increases. Other drugs of this class work on the same principle: Cialis, Levitra, Zidena
Side effects after taking Viagra can include sleep disturbance, redness of the skin of the face and hands, headache, and impaired color vision. The drug is contraindicated in men with anatomical curvature of the phallus, simultaneously with other erectile stimulants, with pathologies internal organs and personal intolerance to one of the components of the drug

The drug belongs to the class of androgenic-anabolic steroids. The therapeutic effect of Proviron is manifested in a rapid increase in sexual desire, increased erection and increased sperm production. The main indication for the use of the drug is testosterone deficiency in the male body caused by aging, disease or removal of testicles
Proviron is contraindicated in prostate and breast cancer

It should be taken with caution when serious illnesses liver. Side effects may include acne on the back and arms, surges in blood pressure, changes in body weight, and baldness.

Dietary supplement created on the basis of antibodies to endothelial NO synthase

Once in the body, the compound stimulates the release of nitric oxide in the corpus cavernosum of the penis, relaxes smooth muscles and increases blood circulation in the groin area. Impaza also activates the production of male sex hormone, which leads to increased sexual desire
A contraindication to the use of the supplement is hypersensitivity to its components. No significant side effects

Red root
Dietary supplement for improving erection in men contains forgotten kopeck root extract, vitamin E, zinc oxide. The drug relieves inflammation in the prostate gland, improves blood circulation in the groin area and increases blood flow to the penis. Red root should be taken three times a day, 1 tablet with meals.
The active components of the supplement can cause small surges in blood pressure, so it should be taken with caution by men with pathologies of the heart and blood vessels.

The use of medications should be under the supervision of doctors. It is strictly forbidden to independently determine the dosage and dosage regimen. Dietary supplements to increase potency should be taken according to the recommendations specified in the instructions.

Effective recipes that will help restore male strength

In order for the penis to stand well and sexual intercourse to always be pleasant and long-lasting, a man can use the following folk secrets:

Our regular reader got rid of problems with potency using an effective method. He tested it on himself - the result was 100% - complete relief from problems. This is a natural herbal remedy. We tested the method and decided to recommend it to you. The result is fast.


  • Correct selection of diet and inclusion in the daily diet of foods that increase libido.
  • Practice an active lifestyle, supplementing it with a set of physical exercises.
  • Take tinctures, decoctions or herbal infusions daily.

In this way, it will be possible to completely restore male strength and potency in a few weeks, and some remedies even work a little faster.

What to include in your daily diet

Our grandfathers knew how to quickly restore male strength using folk remedies and actively used them. To have a erect penis, a man needs to regularly eat the following foods:

  • Walnuts.
  • Figs
  • Ginseng (added to tea).
  • Lean meat.

You should not add too many products from the specified list to your diet, because the principle, the more, the better, will not work here.

Physical activity as a way to restore potency

Eating healthy foods to increase libido and restore potency is not enough. A man needs to restore lost strength through physical activity. They should not be excessively large, but this method is indispensable if you need to achieve a visible result. It’s not hard to figure out how to make your lifestyle more active, because you can just get up in the morning, go jogging, do a few squats, and do a couple of push-ups.

Effective recipes of traditional medicine

You can make your penis stand up using special relaxing baths. To prepare them, you need to brew bay leaves and chamomile flowers with boiling water. The decoction must be strong for its effect to be complete. When it has cooled to a comfortable temperature, the man needs to spend 30 minutes in such a bath. It is better to carry out the procedure before bedtime.

If you mix honey and chopped walnuts in equal proportions, you can get good results in just a few days. You need to take this useful remedy three times a day before meals, without using more than a tablespoon of the auxiliary mixture at a time.

An infusion of Dubrovnik herb helps restore male strength very quickly. To prepare it you need to do the following:

Dubrovnik herb infusion

  • place five teaspoons of dried raw materials in an enamel bowl;
  • boil a liter of water;
  • pour boiling water over the herb and leave to steep for 45 minutes, covering with a lid;
  • strain and consume throughout the day.

Dubrovnik can be bought at any pharmacy at an affordable price.

Aloe juice has a good effect in terms of restoring male power, but to achieve your goals, it must be used correctly and included in the following recipe:

  • 150 milliliters of aloe juice.
  • 400 milliliters of Cahors wine.
  • 300 grams of natural honey.

The components must be mixed until smooth and left for a week in a dark place. Take a tablespoon before meals, this is exactly what you need.

Do you have serious problems with potency?

Have you tried a lot of remedies and nothing has helped? These symptoms are familiar to you firsthand:

  • sluggish erection;
  • lack of desire;
  • sexual dysfunction.

Healing folk recipes

You don't have to rush to the doctor right away. Sometimes homemade herbs work much better than pharmaceutical pills and medical operations. Why? Because:

  • Typically, herbs have a complex effect;
  • There is no rollback effect after them;
  • They cleanse the body;
  • No side effects;
  • General improvement in well-being;

In addition, do not forget about the placebo effect. In this case, herbs will definitely help, because the very fact of taking a magic potion removes the psychological barrier. And as a result, the man will again please his wife with a confidently screwed in bolt. What herbs and folk remedies can be used to improve potency?

Ginseng root

This is the most effective available funds to improve potency directly. Ginseng root has:

  • Effect stimulating the nervous system;
  • A good increase in pressure in the right places;
  • Anti-inflammatory effect;
  • General strengthening agent;

In addition, ginseng is a good energy drink and can stimulate testosterone production. Usually, a course of several bottles of tinctures or decoctions helps restore male strength. This lasts for several months, after which it is necessary to repeat the course of treatment with ginseng root.

Sea urchin fillet

If we consider folk remedies of the world, and not just Slavic ones, then an excellent source of a good male mood is fillet sea ​​urchin. It works extremely simply - it supplies the body with creatine, nitrogen and ready-made testosterone.

The result is a comprehensive and instant result for 100% penis lift. The only drawback of this remedy is that it does not solve the problem for a long time, but only helps to have a pleasant evening.


Today, tribulus can be found in every pharmacy. And if you try, you can grow it in your own garden. The plant is so popular that it is also used in classical medicine, making tribestan. But still, tribulus itself will be more effective. What is he doing?

The course of tribulus should be approximately 2-3 weeks. This is enough to normalize the level of hormones in a man’s blood. As a result, several more years of no problems with potency and erection.

In addition, an excess of testosterone improves libido. And this means that it will not only stand, but will also be able to not complete the process for a very long, long, long time. And then, return to the second, third, fourth and fifth circle almost immediately. Even teenagers will be able to envy the performance of the penis, which is achieved thanks to tribulus.

Decoction of sage and St. John's wort

Few people think that most often potency disappears due to inflammation of the prostate gland. And if a man continues to be stubborn, refuses to go to the doctor, and other means that directly affect the quality of potency no longer help, it is worth trying to relieve inflammation.

Decoctions of St. John's wort and sage are excellent. They can be combined with absolutely any means because... they do no harm. They help temporarily relieve inflammation of the prostate gland and remove infections, which are often the real causes of male incontinence.

The effect will follow within an hour after using this folk remedy. But if the reason was really inflammation and difficult blood flow to the head of the penis, then this is a good reason to go to the doctor and start treating the problem at a more serious level. Otherwise, the man faces at least infertility and, at most, impotence.

If it’s not worth it, don’t despair. Most folk remedies can not only help restore an erection, but also solve the problem once and for all. Sometimes complex treatment, together with cleansing the body, will return the sperm to its former mobility and your spouse to its former passion.

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Doctors prescribe the medicine if a man does not have the ability of the penis to harden to such a state that it is possible to have sexual intercourse, thereby normalizing the physiological response of the male body to arousal. If this drug is approved for use in women, it is possible that it will be studied in men as well. Other drugs are inferior to impaz, and can indeed be positioned by the manufacturer as a drug for one-time stimulation of sexual activity. Then they put her on another table, gave the woman a hammer and asked her to hit the pipe. The husband did not cure it completely, and it began to manifest itself in other places. dynamico 100 mg 4 tablets in Samara Sealex is produced in the form of capsules and, like all others medical supplies, has its own equally effective analogues. An intact blood vessel system (cardiovascular system), allowing blood to flow freely into the vessels of the penis and flow out without interference. By improving blood circulation in the pelvic area, the medicine dilates the blood vessels of the penis, thereby improving the elasticity of the erection. There are quite a lot of stimuli that can bring the nerve centers of the brain into an excited state. To improve erection, there are other effective medications that guarantee continuous success for some time. Pour half a liter of boiling water over the ginseng root and leave to steep for two days. This analogue was one of the first to appear among all analogues of potency stimulants, therefore it has been in demand and trust for more than ten years. why does it get up and fall quickly? Such use will ensure good sexuality after just a few doses. It is worth noting that the therapeutic effect and composition of generic Cialis are no different from the branded drug. Under the influence of ethyl alcohol, they become lethargic and change structure, and there are more pathological sperm.

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Voluntary erection occurs as a result of sexual thoughts, arousing visual and auditory stimuli and intimate touch. As a result, you have a mountain of muscles in front of you, which can only be used to carry a bedside table. It is recommended to take a Cialis tablet 20-30 minutes before sexual intercourse with plenty of plain water. This physiological reaction of the body, when the male genital organ is observed in an excited state, is evidence of the man’s health, and does not at all indicate his sexual obsession or promiscuity. Our online pharmacy offers to buy Cialis in Kyiv and other Ukrainian cities at quite affordable prices. increasing libido bad A friend, who also suffered from such a problem at one time, suggested Viardot Forte to drink. Seeking professional help will give you a new perspective on how to deal with complex forms of stress. Hot spices, such as garlic, hot pepper, horseradish, make food not only healthy and tasty, help reduce the number of fat folds around the waist, and also awaken sexual interest. The smooth muscles of the penis relax and more blood flows into the penis, causing an erection and lasting the right amount of time for sexual intercourse. Similar queries new drugs to enhance potency decreased libido in men restore potency after long-term abstinence self-medication of impotence can concor affect potency impotence pills treatmentTaoist secrets of increasing potency which drug is better to enhance potency? buy drugs for potency in Chelyabinsk impaza for the treatment of impotence coffee erection #PFZHFNJNEDCTV4526CKJYH8767TYFQNB# mantra for increasing potency decreased hormones decreased libido where to buy Spanish fly Moscow green tea influence on potency increasing potency of older men

What to do if treatment doesn't help

Sometimes traditional methods complement the treatment prescribed by the doctor.


To avoid problems with erection, you need to follow the following tips:

  • You should take walks in the fresh air more often and organize walks. They restore blood circulation throughout the body, including the pelvis. Fresh air cleanses the body and fills it with new strength;
  • you can play sports. This applies to everyone without exception. You can purchase a gym membership or exercise at home on your own, but the main thing is to exercise;
  • you should try to avoid stressful situations, nervous breakdowns - be calmer about any negativity and evoke more positive emotions;
  • It is recommended to balance your diet: include the consumption of vegetables and fruits, eat nuts, pumpkin seeds, quail eggs, reduce the consumption of fast food, preferably eat homemade food;
  • give up bad habits such as smoking, drinking alcohol;
  • It is recommended to have sex more often - this restores male power.

By following these tips, you can avoid the recurrence of erection problems. If there are any signs of a problem, you should consult a doctor to find out the exact cause and begin treatment as soon as possible.

What to give up

  1. smoked;
  2. alcohol;
  3. beer (contains female hormones);
  4. excessive consumption of sugar or salt;
  5. Avoid very large consumption of cilantro (in small doses it is harmless);
  6. coffee;
  7. energy;
  8. fast food;
  9. soy contains an abundance of female hormones;
  10. food fried in oil;
  11. spicy and fatty foods;
  12. soy products;
  13. food with high content cholesterol (mayonnaise, margarine, sprats, liver pate and others);
  14. yeast white bread.

That's all. Now you know 26 good products for potency and improving performance in bed in men.

Be healthy!

What should you eat to make your penis stand up very well? If this issue bothers you, then it is not the way you would like it to be. Well, you need to know what to eat to improve potency without harming your health.

Psychological attack

As soon as self-esteem is low, problems with potency will not keep you waiting:

  • ridiculing a man in front of friends - at the same time self-esteem drops greatly;
  • indifference to his life, problems at work;
  • a constant reminder that the man is a loser, old (although he is 40 years old), an absolutely unsuccessful lover, having done his job, over time the man’s potency will decrease;
  • remembering all mistakes (and this must be done constantly);
  • talk about how he is a worthless driver and the woman is afraid to get into the car with him;
  • comparison with other men, and others should always be on top - an excellent technique to turn a “downtrodden” macho into a little man;
  • men don’t want to sleep with grumblers, so you need to “cling” to your husband on every occasion, even without him;
  • do not buy new clothes for your husband, others will look at him with regret, this will cause a decrease in male libido;
  • “command, command and command again” - raising your voice also leads to a decrease in self-esteem, as a result - potency will decrease;
  • for any offense - punishment in the form of refusal of sex;
  • a great way to turn your husband away from sex and desire, and make him impotent - check mobile phone, meeting him from work, suddenly appearing in places where he spends time with friends;
  • the more often a woman apologizes for her husband’s idiotic jokes somewhere at a party (despite the fact that everyone is laughing heartily), the faster his sexual desire will disappear;
  • You should take money from your husband with contempt - they say, what kind of income is this, but Svetka has a husband...

It is curious that the list of factors that suppress male libido includes women's perfumes.

Therefore, to reduce sexual desire, you should sprinkle all the “favorite places” of a man in the house.

Psychologists say that women's tears can work wonders. If a woman cries for any reason and throws constant tantrums, then potency in men is significantly reduced. In addition, Israeli researchers have identified interesting fact. They claim that the smell of women's tears scares away male libido and reduces potency.

What should you drink to make your penis last long?

Finishing early is a problem for many men. This is understandable, because in 1.5-2 minutes it is impossible to warm up properly, and it’s time to call it a day. Although you shouldn’t get attached to stereotypes, because for some couples a 2-minute marathon successfully ends with mutual orgasm. But if this time is not enough for one of the partners to enjoy, then discontent gradually accumulates, which results in quarrels and disagreements.

To prolong sexual intercourse, inventive men use various tricks: count in their heads, pause, try to concentrate on minor details, put on a cock ring with pain in their hearts, trying to delay orgasm by at least a couple of minutes. Almost all attempts to control an erection end in failure, since it is very difficult to deceive the body.

Traditional recipes for improving erection

There are many traditional medicine recipes that allow you to achieve improved erection at home through the use of herbal infusions and mixtures.

Here are some of them:

From ginseng root

Add 0.5 liters of boiling water to 100 g of root, leave in a warm place for 3 days, then boil over low heat for 4 hours. After cooling, add 2 tsp. cinnamon and 50 g honey, stir well. You need to consume 100 g 2 times a day - and a good boner is guaranteed. Thyme tincture: chop the herb and pour 10 g of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes. and strain, drink 0.5 tbsp. 2 r. in a day.

Nettle infusion

50 g of fresh nettles pour 1 tbsp. boiling water, leave, strain, add 1 tsp. honey This folk remedy for boner should be taken immediately 30 minutes before. before sexual contact.

Walnut kernels (200 g) with honey

stir (honey should cover the mixture), keep in a water bath for 2-3 minutes. and pour into a glass container and leave for 3 weeks. Take 2 tbsp. every day, better with tea.

  • often walk barefoot, stimulating active points on the foot that respond to male abilities;
  • use a contrast shower when bathing, twice a day;
  • put mustard plasters on your feet for 1 hour, wearing warm socks, then rinse your feet cold water and wipe well - have an effect on enhancing erection;
  • physical exercises that improve blood circulation in the pelvis and genitourinary system; one of the well-known complexes is special Kegel exercises: their essence is to train the muscles of the pelvic floor to strengthen them (these are the muscles that men use to stop urinating) - 18 contractions daily in a lying or sitting position and a powerful erection is ensured;
  • There are also some exercises that allow you to prolong your erection as long as possible and learn to control the ejaculation process, for example, the “stop art” technique or the “squeezing” technique, etc.

We are taking priority measures

A healthy lifestyle should be the motto

If sexual problems arise, every sane man should set priorities and quit smoking forever. After all, smoking makes it difficult to saturate the body with oxygen. And thus, it damages blood vessels, which leads to disruption of blood supply, including blood flow to the penis. Naturally, simply giving up a bad habit will not restore male strength, but this is one of the mandatory conditions of the complex.

Also, without a doubt, it is necessary to reduce the amount of alcohol consumed to the standards established by WHO.

There doesn't always have to be a lot of good people

Excess weight of all ages leads to a decrease in the level of testosterone in the blood - the most “male” hormone. In some cases, a decrease in testosterone concentrations of up to 50% is observed. In addition to erectile dysfunction, this increases the risk of developing diabetes mellitus and prostate cancer. So those with a beer belly should think about the amount of drink they consume.

Physical activity will help bring your weight back to normal by burning unnecessary calories. Sport helps accelerate blood supply to organs and tissues of the body, which is a prerequisite for a full erection. This is more about cardio training than strength training. And external attractiveness increases self-esteem and interest of the opposite sex, thus solving some of the psychological aspects.

Simple and effective - this is a diet. Obese people often eat large amounts of animal fat. This subsequently leads to an increase in cholesterol levels and the development of atherosclerosis, including those of the vessels that nourish the penis. Therefore, menu correction can do a good job in solving a delicate problem.

We think we're eating

A man needs protein like fish needs water. As sources of protein, you should eat all types of fish, lean meat, cottage cheese, and eggs. Fish is also a large source of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are healthy and essential fats. In addition to fish, these acids are found in oils (linseed oil, soybean oil, pumpkin oil, olive oil), as well as in nuts (pistachios, peanuts, Walnut) and seeds. Seafood will provide the male body with the necessary amount of zinc.

In no case should you forget about vegetables. Foods such as onions, celery, parsnips, carrots, green beans, garlic, olives and mushrooms will provide the male body with selenium and vitamins, without which normal functioning of the penis is not possible. Folk recipes They advise not to forget about greenery. Everyone has heard about the effect of parsley on potency, but dill, spinach, mint and lettuce have no less power.

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Medical statistics claim that a third of the stronger half of humanity have various problems in the sexual sphere, including often turning to doctors with the question of how to prolong an erection. At the same time, she became significantly “younger”.

Increasingly, doctors are detecting the absence of a boner even in twenty-year-old guys. Such dysfunction rarely becomes irreversible. Sometimes it’s enough just to change your usual diet and lifestyle so that questions about how to prolong an erection in men or how to make your sexual partner also enjoy them no longer arise.

Sexual intercourse occurs in several stages, they include:

  1. Prelude. A favorable atmosphere for sex is created, sexual partners caress each other so that the vagina is moistened and the penis is erect. The duration of this stage always varies.
  2. . The penis is standing at this time, its head is enlarged, as are the female labia. The intimate organs of both men and women become covered with mucus secretions.
  3. Friction stage (friction stage). The duration of friction for each pair of sexual partners takes different time. It is this stage that I really want to extend.
  4. The final stage. At this stage the work nervous system is inhibited, sexual partners experience satisfaction, and the muscles of the legs and pelvis contract. Usually at this time the caresses of sexual partners are still ongoing. The duration of the stage, according to doctors, can be very long.

The duration of sexual intercourse is an individual indicator for each representative of the stronger sex. However, medical scientists have determined approximate norms for this process.

There are many factors that influence the duration of sexual intercourse, the first of which is the age of the stronger sex. But the opinions of doctors and scientists on this issue differ.

Note! The research was conducted through a survey. Doctors' answers are not considered completely truthful, since many young people exaggerate their sexual capabilities.

Scientists using special techniques determined average duration sexual intercourse (from the moment the penis enters the vagina and until ejaculation). The duration of sex is from five to ten minutes. However, urologists consider the normal duration of sexual intercourse for healthy men to be from two to six minutes.

If ejaculation occurs faster, then this condition is called relatively or absolutely accelerated ejaculation. In the first case, sex lasts from 30 seconds to two minutes, and its duration in the second is less than half a minute.

The extent to which representatives of the stronger sex exhibit long-term erections depends on many factors, the main ones of which doctors consider:

  1. Frequency of sex. The less often a man has sexual intercourse, the more likely it is that he will ejaculate early and the penis will quickly become limp.
  2. Age. Scientists note that at a young age, sex may take longer due to lack of experience. Then the time of this process will gradually decrease (22–26 years), and then lengthen again, since excitability in adult men gradually decreases.
  3. Health status. If you are excessively tired or have a cold, sexual intercourse will most likely be prolonged, and ejaculation may not occur at all, and the penis will continue to stand. A member of the stronger sex does not always enjoy sex in this state.
  4. Environment. Lighting, music, and comfort level influence the prolongation of erection. Some men will be highly aroused by novelty in sex, such as intercourse in a park or forest. In this case, ejaculation will occur quite quickly. With a low comfort level, a man will have a long erection.

A man’s attitude towards his sexual partner plays a big role.

With a strong attraction to a woman, the peak of pleasure for a representative of the stronger sex can come very quickly.

After ejaculation, the penis becomes soft.

Useful video: how to prolong sexual intercourse

Causes of low arousal

Factors influencing the weakening of the riser can be divided into two types - physiological and psychological. The second ones include:

  • stress, nervous and emotional overstrain;
  • excessive fatigue;
  • experiences associated with unsuccessful sexual intercourse;
  • depressive states.

These reasons can lead not only to weakness and other sexual dysfunctions. Due to their prolonged exposure, even a complete lack of erectile function may occur, in which the penis does not stand up.

Physiological reasons include:

  • diabetes;
  • pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the brain and spinal cord;
  • long-term use of certain medications;
  • bad habits – smoking, drug use, alcohol abuse;
  • poor nutrition, excess weight;
  • prostate diseases.

Diseases of the genitourinary system, namely, inflammatory processes in it, can also lead to unpleasant consequences for the riser. To understand how to prolong erection time, you should consult your doctor and follow his recommendations.

Useful video: 5 ways to prolong sexual intercourse

Ways to prolong an erection

Allows any representative of the stronger sex to feel confident. Many people need this for self-affirmation. Therefore, all representatives of the stronger sex are interested in how to prolong their penis erection.

All medications for enhancing and increasing the time of sexual intercourse are divided into two categories: means for external and internal use. The latter include tablets and sometimes injections, which are used to eliminate the cause of erectile dysfunction.

Injections do not have an effect immediately after use, unlike tablets. Medicines in tablet form for the stronger sex are produced as medicines and dietary supplements.

To prolong erection in men, you need to consult a doctor to prescribe therapy. First, the doctor recommends using simpler medications. For example, medications in tablets: Tongkat, Dapoxetine, Fluoxetine. Such drugs should not be taken without a doctor's prescription, as they may cause adverse reactions. These medications allow you to prolong potency, which helps to increase the duration of sexual intercourse.

The most popular means of making the penis erect is Viagra. Scientists have long proven that the drug has the following effect - prolongation of erectile function. It must be borne in mind that the medication cannot be used by all men, as it has contraindications. Therefore, you should consult an experienced physician before using it.

Important! In no case should you assume that if you take Viagra, then a long-lasting erection is guaranteed to any man. In some cases, the drug may have an unexpected effect on the stronger sex using it.

Preventive exercises

IN last years An increasingly frequent request on Google is the question: how to prolong an erection in men at home? There are special exercises to prolong potency. Doctors recommend doing them twice a day: in the morning and in the evenings. Among these physical activities are:

  1. Combat step. Straightening your back with your arms down along your body, you should raise your leg, bending it at the knee. Hold for a few seconds and lower. Do the same with the other leg. Such manipulations are carried out ten times with each limb.
  2. On knees. In order for the penis to stand for a long time, it is recommended to walk on all fours. In this case, the feet should be extended, completely touching the floor.
  3. Muscle control. The body position should be the same as in the “combat step” position. Inhale and hold as you exhale. At this time, you need to strongly tense the muscles of the anus. Hold on as long as you can and breathe out. After performing such gymnastics daily, a man is guaranteed a long erection.
  4. Squats. Actions are performed while exhaling. After squatting, extend your arms between your legs and pause. Then rise smoothly, also while exhaling.
  5. Butterfly. You need to lie on the floor and bend your knees. The feet should touch the buttocks. You need to grab your knees with your palms and, as you exhale, spread your legs with forceful movements. Then bring the limbs together in the same way. To prolong potency, this gymnastics must be repeated at least three times.

These workouts will help ensure a long erection and answer the frequent Internet request for how to prolong an erection in men. They do not require much time to complete, and the advantage over other complexes is that they can be done every day.

Local ointments and creams

What else needs to be done to make your penis stand better? In order to prolong sex, doctors recommend using special local remedies for the stronger sex. Their difference from tablets lies in the minimal range of negative reactions. They are used immediately before sex (10 minutes before).

We must remember that the effect of using ointments, gels, sprays and creams will last about an hour, so you should not delay the preliminary stage of sexual intercourse too much.

Of the most common external means for sex in the form of sprays, Stud 5000 is noted, among ointments - heparin, nitroglycerin. A good gel is Delay-Gel and a cream is Rhino. They contain substances to prolong arousal.

Doctors say that sprays are considered the most effective external medicines to make the penis erect in men. However, for some representatives of the stronger sex, after using them, the brightness of the sensations of sex decreased, and they were not very happy. Ointments have a milder effect.

Doctors say that before applying the medication to the head of the penis, it is necessary to check for the presence or absence of allergies. For this, a skin test is performed. Before sexual intercourse, doctors recommend washing off the medicine or putting on a condom so that the partner does not have an allergic reaction or decrease sensitivity.

Psychoautogenic training

Nowadays, psychologists and sexologists use various methods to combat erectile dysfunction, the skillful use of which produces positive results.

With the help of autogenic training, you can control the level of sexual arousal and the duration of sex. This method is carried out using self-suggestion. This is considered a certain type of hypnosis.

First, the representative of the stronger sex achieves a decrease in emotionality, which helps him reduce the tone of smooth muscles and relax. Then, with the help of self-hypnosis, he inhibits the level of arousal, thereby controlling ejaculation and ensuring that his penis prolongs his erection.

At the same time, a young man can ejaculate at any time he wants. With the help of psychoautogenic training, representatives of the stronger sex are able to achieve a long-lasting erection and continued sex.

Correction of lifestyle and nutrition

You need to know that a long penis erection is sometimes possible just by adjusting your lifestyle and diet. All bad habits negatively affect potency. For longer if sexual intercourse lasts, you should first give up drugs, frequent drinking and smoking.

In order for the penis to stand long time, you should cleanse the body of toxins and waste.

There are several ways to do this. One of the methods of prolonging the erection is the use of physical exercises. Physical education has a healing effect and removes harmful substances from the body. Various exercises strengthen the immune system and improve blood circulation in all organs, including the pelvic area. This is of no small importance for sex.

It is important to know! Prolonged sexual intercourse is facilitated by frequent visits to saunas and steam rooms. Hot steam helps eliminate toxins through sweat and improves blood circulation.

Many representatives of the stronger sex are interested in how to maintain an erection longer and what to drink so that the penis can stand for a long time. There are many herbs that help prolong sexual intercourse. Daily use of decoctions of sage and St. John's wort will help with this.

It is important for every man to know what to do to maintain a long erection. For a good erection you need to eat right. Doctors recommend including more cereals on the menu. They provide significant benefits if eaten in the morning. Any cereal brings a lot of energy.

You should choose lean meat. It should be added to soups and stews. You can steam the cutlets. Seafood and greens bring great benefits to the male body.

To understand how to prolong a boner, and therefore sexual intercourse, with the help of food, you can consult a nutritionist. It will help you choose the right diet. A healthy diet will further help prolong sexual pleasure.

Useful video: about the most current methods of prolonging sexual intercourse


In order to solve the problem with a weak riser, the issue must be approached comprehensively. We should not forget about the psychological attitude, but only self-confidence and the desire to prolong an erection in combination with the use of the right products may not always be able to solve the problem.

But the desire to correct the situation in combination with doing exercises, using medications (on the recommendation of a doctor), observing lifestyle and nutrition rules will certainly lead to the desired result.

Sexual intercourse occurs in several stages, they include:

  1. Prelude. A favorable atmosphere for sex is created, sexual partners caress each other so that the vagina is moistened and the penis is erect. The duration of this stage always varies.
  2. Stage of sexual arousal. The penis is standing at this time, its head is enlarged, as are the female labia. The intimate organs of both men and women become covered with mucus secretions.
  3. Friction stage (friction stage). The duration of friction for each pair of sexual partners takes a different time. It is this stage that I really want to extend.
  4. The final stage. At this stage, the work of the nervous system is inhibited, sexual partners experience satisfaction, and the muscles of the legs and pelvis contract. Usually at this time the caresses of sexual partners are still ongoing. The duration of the stage, according to doctors, can be very long.

The duration of sexual intercourse is an individual indicator for each representative of the stronger sex. However, medical scientists have determined approximate norms for this process.

There are many factors that influence the duration of sexual intercourse, the first of which is the age of the stronger sex. But the opinions of doctors and scientists on this issue differ.

Using special techniques, scientists determined the average duration of sexual intercourse (from the moment the penis enters the vagina until ejaculation). The duration of sex is from five to ten minutes. However, urologists consider the normal duration of sexual intercourse for healthy men to be from two to six minutes.

If ejaculation occurs faster, then this condition is called relatively or absolutely accelerated ejaculation. In the first case, sex lasts from 30 seconds to two minutes, and its duration in the second is less than half a minute.

The extent to which representatives of the stronger sex exhibit long-term erections depends on many factors, the main ones of which doctors consider:

  1. Frequency of sex. The less often a man has sexual intercourse, the more likely it is that he will ejaculate early and the penis will quickly become limp.
  2. Age. Scientists note that at a young age, sex may take longer due to lack of experience. Then the time of this process will gradually decrease (22–26 years), and then lengthen again, since excitability in adult men gradually decreases.
  3. Health status. If you are excessively tired or have a cold, sexual intercourse will most likely be prolonged, and ejaculation may not occur at all, and the penis will continue to stand. A member of the stronger sex does not always enjoy sex in this state.
  4. Environment. Lighting, music, and comfort level influence the prolongation of erection. Some men will be highly aroused by novelty in sex, such as intercourse in a park or forest. In this case, ejaculation will occur quite quickly. With a low comfort level, a man will have a long erection.

A man’s attitude towards his sexual partner plays a big role.

With a strong attraction to a woman, the peak of pleasure for a representative of the stronger sex can come very quickly.

After ejaculation, the penis becomes soft.

Causes of low arousal

In ordinary cases, a young man does not experience problems with potency. If you are over 40 years old, then the deterioration of your erection is no longer so surprising.

However, as already mentioned, no one is immune from difficulties in their sexual life. It is only important to figure out what caused the deterioration in potency.

Often the problem is associated with a psychological state if the patient is under 30 years of age. Let's say a man experiences failure in his sex life.

It is also worth considering following reasons impotence:

Also, a man’s penis may not stand for a long time if he leads an incorrect lifestyle.

Problems arise due to low physical activity, as well as due to the presence of bad habits.

It is worth understanding that in the first case, a sufficient amount of blood does not flow into the pelvic organs.

And alcohol, smoking and drugs not only affect hormonal levels and the cardiovascular system, but also worsen the functioning of the central nervous system. As a result, the man begins to experience difficulties in his sexual life.

Of course, impotence does not occur immediately, but even a weak erection can spoil intimate relationships. A short “hard-on” will also have a negative impact on the intimate sphere. That is why it is best to think in advance about improving your sexual function. Because it’s easier to prevent problems from arising than to try to solve them later.

Factors influencing the weakening of the riser can be divided into two types - physiological and psychological. The second ones include:

  • stress, nervous and emotional overstrain;
  • excessive fatigue;
  • experiences associated with unsuccessful sexual intercourse;
  • depressive states.

These reasons can lead not only to weakening of the boner and other sexual dysfunctions. Due to their prolonged exposure, even a complete lack of erectile function may occur, in which the penis does not stand up.

Physiological reasons include:

  • diabetes;
  • pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the brain and spinal cord;
  • long-term use of certain medications;
  • bad habits – smoking, drug use, alcohol abuse;
  • poor nutrition, excess weight;
  • prostate diseases.

Diseases of the genitourinary system, namely, inflammatory processes in it, can also lead to unpleasant consequences for the riser. To understand how to prolong erection time, you should consult your doctor and follow his recommendations.

How did I enlarge my penis by 3.5cm in 14 days?

Hello friends! My name is Nikita Korablev, I am a popular blogger and until recently the owner of a 13cm penis! Yes, yes - exactly 13cm! But I decided to change my penis and I succeeded! This is what I wanted to talk about...

When you have a little one, your girlfriend, of course, tries to calm you down, say that the main thing is not sex, but the soul and all that. But I am a young and healthy man, I was 25 – and I believed in this nonsense... Until the moment they sent me a video of two healthy men spanking her. So much for “sex is not the main thing”...

I decided that it was time to end this and began to study tons of literature on penis enlargement. I watched foreign videos, translated English literature in search of a set of measures that could help me. I started trying jelqing, various traditional methods, creams and gels, pumps and all that stuff.

After 2 years, I came across Titan cream, ordered it and... it didn’t help me!

Although it helps every second person. I started researching the problem and this is what I discovered...

For some, the structure of the penis is different - that is why it is so difficult for some to enlarge it with the help of Priapus gel. But there is a way out! The genetics and structure of the penis cannot be corrected, but you can use different exercises and methods of penis massage (jelqing) and together with Titan gel this technique gives REAL RESULTS! After several years of searching and a huge number of methods that I tried, I finally found my method that works: TITAN GEL JELQING was able to enlarge my penis by 3.5 cm in 14 days, and after a few months of training by another 1.5.

Total 5 cm in the end! 5CM FRIENDS! Now I am 18 cm and I can be proud of this size! Yes, not huge, but it’s more than enough to make women moan from orgasm.

Use this technique and satisfy your women in bed! Order Titan gel and start using jelqing. Good luck to you!

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For repetition intimacy Men require different amounts of time to recover. For some, 30 minutes is enough, others rest for several hours. To raise the penis after sexual intercourse to prolong the night of love, you can use PDE5 inhibitors. The effect of the tablets lasts for at least 4 hours, which provides the opportunity for several intimate contacts.

Regular physical activity, a properly structured diet and proper rest ensure a normal level of erection when needed. Healthy image life helps to maintain sexual power even for old men; accordingly, if you follow the simplest recommendations, you can avoid looking for ways to increase potency.


In order to solve the problem with a weak riser, the issue must be approached comprehensively. We should not forget about the psychological attitude, but only self-confidence and the desire to prolong an erection, combined with eating the right foods, will not always solve the problem.

But the desire to correct the situation in combination with doing exercises, using medications (on the recommendation of a doctor), observing lifestyle and nutrition rules will certainly lead to the desired result.