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DIY kitchen curtain ideas. Curtain patterns - where to start and what should a beginner know about when starting work? (111 photos). How to sew curtains for the kitchen with your own hands

Over time, the usual interior becomes boring, and there is a desire to change something. This is especially true in the kitchen, where many housewives spend most of its time. Completely changing the design of a room is a troublesome and expensive task; it will require numerous resources and costs, but certain transformations are still possible. For example, replacing curtains.

Decorative design window openings today is an important part general design interior Master classes with different options manufacturing DIY curtains for the kitchen, with patterns and step-by-step instructions from experienced craftswomen.

Requirements for curtains for the kitchen

Kitchen curtains give a lot of scope for imagination and the embodiment of a wide variety of design ideas. But in the pursuit of originality, one should not forget that the kitchen is, first of all, a place for eating and relaxing, so the interior of the room should be calm and appropriate. Properly selected curtains will help create a cozy atmosphere and give the kitchen not only individual features, but also the necessary warmth.

When choosing products or sewing them yourself, you must take into account the shape of the window, general style and room design. Curtains should be in harmony, fit into the interior of the kitchen, and not stand out from it.

Using light-colored curtains you can visually enlarge the space, but there is a risk of excess light if the windows face the sunny side. In this case, you should avoid bright colors. For rooms with little light, translucent curtains are well suited. You shouldn’t hang too luxurious curtains in the kitchen - it’s inappropriate and impractical.

Kitchen curtains are more of a decorative element than a practical one; they often do not cover the window completely and do not always go down to flooring. The option up to the windowsill is very popular.

Fabric selection

When choosing fabric for a future curtain, you need to take into account the existing style of the interior, the size of the window and the degree of lighting in the kitchen. You should not purchase material that is too variegated in color, as bright colors They get boring quickly, and they quickly make your eyes tired.

The atmosphere in the kitchen should be more calm, conducive to rest and eating. You should not match dark curtains to light furniture, and vice versa. Curtains should be combined with the overall decor, but not merge with it.

The main rule for choosing curtains is that the products should attract attention and be harmoniously combined with the interior.

For a classic style, warm shades of curtains made of dense fabric of a traditional style are suitable; for a minimalist direction - Japanese, Roman or rolled canvases with colors to match the furniture. For country - curtains made of linen, chintz or cotton with a variety of patterns.

People often cook and eat in the kitchen, so even the most careful housewife is unlikely to be able to avoid contamination. When choosing, it is better to give preference to modern stain-resistant fabrics that do not absorb odors. Cotton is the best natural material; it does not get dirty and is easy to wash.

You should not sew curtains from heavy fabrics that require too much attention and take a long time to dry after washing; it is better to take a light one, air material, does not attract dust and is easy to clean.

Types of kitchen curtains

There are many types of curtains for the kitchen: Roman, Japanese, French, roller, cafe curtains, classic, thread, with loops or ties. Products can be long or short, with or without lambrequins, beautiful folds.


Perfect for kitchens in a minimalist style, they give the room more functional view. They are mounted on a special cornice that allows you to adjust the height of the curtains.

The products are practical and quite comfortable; they do not require a lot of fabric to sew, but this is not the easiest option for self-made, it will require certain skills and abilities. However, if you are patient and do the work carefully, the reward will be unique, not similar to purchased analogues, modern curtains.


French curtains in the kitchen - an infrequent phenomenon, but quite acceptable, provided that the curtains are stylistically combined with the interior. To make them, it is best to use lightweight fabrics in light shades and hang them in a well-lit room.

Sewing French curtains is not the easiest and rather painstaking task; in order to sew curtains for the kitchen with your own hands, you need to use patterns and follow the instructions exactly.

On hinges

These curtains are made from almost any simple fabric. Curtains can cover only half of the window, reaching the floor or window sill. This is the simplest and quick way sewing kitchen curtains, which is suitable for beginner needlewomen who have virtually no cutting and sewing skills.

It’s easy to make fastenings for curtains with your own hands, and if you use your imagination, you can get original little masterpieces. Also important are small parts: lambrequins, tiebacks and others decorative elements, which will make the window design complete.

Types of curtain fastenings:

  1. Buttons. They make it easier to remove the curtains from the cornice and at the same time serve as a decorative element.
  2. Straps. The fastenings are similar to ties.
  3. Unusually wide loops. They are secured with fasteners - tapes made of the same fabric.

With strings

Such curtains look very cute, cozy, and homey. Decorative finishing Bow-tie loops will add even more charm to these, by and large, simple models. The simplest option for self-production, which does not require serious sewing skills.

The advantage of this option is that for fastening to the cornice, not tightly sewn patches are used, but ribbons, cords or textile strips that can be effectively tied with a beautiful knot or bow.

Calculation of the quantity of materials

To calculate correctly required amount fabric, you need to seriously approach the issue of the style of future curtains and their length. The next step should be washing and ironing the fabric. Many materials are prone to shrinkage; if you wash the product after cutting, there is a high probability of its damage.

To determine the length of the classic curtain model, you need to measure the distance from the cornice to the desired level - to the floor or window sill. For width - measure the length of the cornice, multiply it by 2–2.5 (depending on the assembly) and add extra bending on both sides.


For tulle, the length of fabric consumption is calculated as follows: curtain height, plus 15 cm (bottom hem) and plus 10 cm (top hem). Material consumption in width: the length of the cornice multiplied by two.


The fabric consumption for long curtains is determined in the following way: the height of the curtains, plus 15 cm for the hem and 10 cm for the fold at the top.

Fabric consumption in width: for curtains made of one fabric - the length of the cornice, multiplied by 2–2.5, plus 10 cm (5 cm per bend on both sides). For two curtains, everything is done in approximately the same way, but 4–6 cm should be added for each side bend. This can be omitted if the selected fabric is not cut, but has an edge - in this case, it does not need to be further processed.

The nuances of sewing curtains

To properly sew curtains with your own hands, you need to take into account all the nuances of this process: accurately calculate the required amount of fabric, make the correct pattern and do the work carefully. The hanging product should have an attractive appearance, not be skewed and lie in even folds. For many models, tension on the curtain rod is not allowed (the exception is Roman blinds and the like).

Simple curtains to the windowsill

Recommended for small window openings and small rooms. The nuances of sewing this curtain include the choice of fabric - it should seem light and simple. Heavy or expensive materials will not fit here and will not look good.

It is better to make such curtains in the Provence style - plain cotton, checkered, striped or with a floral pattern. You can make tiebacks and decorate them with lace or other decorative fabrics.


If you decide to sew full-length curtains to the floor, you should remember that they must match the size of the window and are best suited for large and tall openings. For medium frames, the preferred length is 10–15 cm below the level of the window sill.

Multilayer compositions will look good, perhaps an addition in the form of a lambrequin, but the shape of the curtains itself should be strict and laconic. When sewing them, you should remember about convenience - they should not interfere with the opening of window sashes.

Curtains with eyelets

Eyelets are metal or plastic rings inserted into fabric holes that are strung on a cornice. Only careful making of holes and correct installation elements will provide the curtains with an attractive appearance.

When making curtains with eyelets, you need to consider the following points:

  1. The distance between the elements directly depends on the depth of the folds: the greater it is, the distance between the eyelets should increase.
  2. The number of rings is always made even.
  3. The distance from the top edge of the curtain depends on the density of the selected material.
  4. The diameter of the ring should be 2–3 cm smaller than the top bend of the curtain.
  5. Marking holes and cutting them out must be done very carefully to avoid damage to the product.

The eyelets are fastened with special punches or using improvised materials.


Curtains with lambrequins look quite elegant and fit almost any interior, which is why they are especially popular. Most often, living rooms or bedrooms are decorated with such curtains, but this option is also acceptable for the kitchen, you just need to choose the appropriate fabric.

The lambrequin can be made from the same material as the curtains, as well as from a contrasting fabric, for example, plain curtains and a patterned lambrequin.

  • simple rectangular;
  • multilayer rectangular;
  • semicircular (arched version);
  • avant-garde;
  • fantasy.

Sewing this decorative element is not at all difficult, the main thing is to correctly calculate the amount of material and make a high-quality pattern. Fabric consumption for a lambrequin is approximately one fifth of the total volume.

DIY sewing

After the style, fabric and color have been chosen, the size of the future curtain has been determined and the material has been purchased, you can proceed directly to creating the curtain.

General sewing rules

In order for the finished result to bring joy and satisfaction, and not disappointment in your abilities, you should not immediately take on the production of complex curtain models. It is better to start with simple curtains without any special decorative elements.

Often curtains do not require a pattern - this applies simple models. It is still necessary to take correct measurements of the window opening and accurately determine the fabric consumption. When cutting the fabric, you must remember to allow for hem allowances at the top and bottom, as well as on the sides. You should start by aligning the bottom with the perpendicular side.

Careful tailoring is the key to obtaining a quality product. There is no need to rush, even if all you need to do is fold the fabric - one unsightly seam can ruin the appearance of the curtain.

Required tools and materials

For sewing you will need to have it set to desired type fabrics sewing machine and a flat surface for cutting out the product.

All sewing supplies needed:

  • needles;
  • pins;
  • threads;
  • scissors;
  • chalk or pencil for drawing marking lines;
  • paper for pattern.

To sew some models, curtain tape or other elements will be required - they will be indicated additionally in each description of the sewing process.


Before you start cutting, you need to wash and iron the fabric. This must be done, as the material may shrink, and then the finished product will be too short and narrow. If the selected fabric is smooth, “sliding”, you should exercise maximum care when cutting out, making more frequent fixations with pins.

Basic Rules:

  1. Need to cut on flat surface(on the table or on the floor), be sure to pin the pattern to the fabric so that the product is not skewed and the seams are even.
  2. Don't forget to allow for folds where necessary.
  3. Cut gently and carefully, without removing the pins so that the fabric does not slip.

Roman curtain

A simple and functional model, the creation of which will require a fabric cloth 25–30 cm larger than the window opening, a special cornice, a weight bar, metal or wood slats, a cord (preferably nylon) and small rings.


  1. Calculate and mark the number of identical folds (one fold is at least 18 cm).
  2. Fold over to the wrong side and sew the side seams (folds).
  3. At the bottom of the curtain, sew a fold-pocket for a 6 cm wide weight strip.
  4. Along the intended lines of folds with wrong side sew strips of braid or make drawstrings 2 cm wide.
  5. Sew the top fold (10 cm).
  6. Insert slats and strip.
  7. Attach the rings for the cord to the cornice.
  8. Sew rings on each strip of braid along the edges.
  9. Hang the curtain by passing the cord through all the rings. Bring the cord to one side, tie it and secure it to the wall.

If you don’t have a curtain rod for a Roman blind, it’s okay; it can be replaced with adhesive tape sewn on top.

Curtains with eyelets

Very popular modern model curtains, looks great with metal curtain rods. For sewing you will need fabric (with the width calculated multiplied by the fold factor - 2.5–3), finishing fabric, eyelets (an even number) and eyelet tape.

Stages of work:

  1. Cut out the curtain, hem the bottom (double fold), stitch.
  2. Treat the upper part: bend it 7–10 cm (depending on the diameter of the ring - it should move 2–3 cm away from the edge), glue it with grommet tape.
  3. Fold the sides and stitch.
  4. Mark the location of the rings, each subsequent one should be at a distance of 15 to 22 cm from the previous one. The step size depends on the selected material: the heavier and denser fabric, the larger it is.
  5. Carefully cut the fabric inside the ring.
  6. Install eyelets.

Eyelet rings can be of two types: fixed by snapping and using a press. They are installed by pressing in certain places with a special device or improvised means.

With lambrequin

A pattern will only be needed for the lambrequin itself; the curtain can be cut without a pattern. You will need to make two curtains, the size of each of them should be equal to half the window opening. The proposed option is a lambrequin arch.

How to sew curtains with your own hands, step-by-step instruction :

  1. Cut out the curtain, trim the edges, sew curtain tape and loops (if necessary) along the top fold.
  2. Make a lambrequin pattern: set aside lengths along the edges equal to the expected height of the product. From the obtained points, draw perpendicular lines about 15 cm long and connect the newly obtained points. Find the middle on the drawn line and set aside about 5 cm from it inside the pattern. Draw an arcuate line through the resulting point so that it connects the two side marks. The result was a pattern for half of the lambrequin.
  3. Fold the fabric in two layers with a fold, attaching the pattern to it. Cut, leaving seam allowances.
  4. Process the sides and top. Sew on the curtain tape, pull it up the right size.
  5. Finish the bottom of the product with fringe.

If folds are expected on the lambrequin, then you should remember the assembly factor - for both the main fabric and the lambrequin this value is 1.5–2.

Curtains for the kitchen

Curtains for the kitchen, especially made of translucent fabric, are an excellent choice for a small room in apartment building. It will suit almost any interior, will let in light and visually expand the space. Sewing it is very simple, the main thing is to choose the right fabric and do the work as carefully as possible.


  1. Lay the canvas on a flat surface, aligning it along the top edge.
  2. Mark desired length along the shared thread.
  3. Fold the bottom of the curtain 10 cm and sweep.
  4. Fold the sides 3–4 cm and sweep. Try it on the window, check for distortions.
  5. Sew all seams.
  6. Sew curtain tape.

All that remains is to iron out the seams - and the curtain is ready.

Austrian curtains

This curtain model looks very attractive, and sewing it is not difficult at all. The main thing is to correctly calculate the required amount of material, while not forgetting about assembly allowances (festoons). It is better to choose a fabric for such curtains that is translucent and easy to drape. Additionally, the work will require curtain tape, braid with rings and nylon cord.

Work order:

  1. Cut out the curtain: width = length of the cornice, multiplied by 2 + 6 cm (by the side hems); length = desired length + 50 cm (for scallops) + 10 cm (top and bottom hem).
  2. Calculate the length of the braid: the number of proposed sections (30 cm each) + 1, multiplied by the length of the fabric.
  3. Fold and finish the bottom of the curtain.
  4. Lay out the canvas on a flat surface and mark the sections with parallel lines.
  5. Apply braid with rings to the resulting dividing lines so that between bottom ring and the edge of the curtain was a distance of 5 cm. Sew the braid along the edges.
  6. Fold the top edge of the fabric inside out, iron it, and sew on curtain tape.
  7. Thread the cords through all the rings and secure them at the bottom.
  8. Bring all the cords to one side, threading their upper ends through the rings and the holder on the curtain rod.

All that remains is to tighten it, setting the required length, form folds and tie the cords in a knot.

Methods for attaching curtains

The method of fastening directly depends on the model of the cornice - for example, string clamps will not fit a tubular metal one.

Types of fastenings:

  • hooks;
  • clamps;
  • rings;
  • curtain tape;
  • loops;
  • eyelets;
  • drawstring

For open cornices, it is better to use decorative fasteners, such as rings and eyelets, and for ceiling cornices, it is better to use hidden fasteners: curtain tape, drawstring and others.

If you completely lack cutting and sewing skills, but you really want to transform your kitchen design by making curtains yourself, don’t despair, this is a completely solvable task.

Tips to help make the sewing process easier for beginning needlewomen:

  1. There is no need to immediately take on complex models with a large number of decorative elements. It is better to start with simple classic or modern styles. If you do the work carefully, then even regular curtain it will look beautiful.
  2. It wouldn’t hurt to practice on pieces of fabric to ensure the stitching is even, so that you don’t have to rip and redo the finished product later.
  3. It is better to start creating your first “creations” using ready-made patterns and sketches for beginners, following the recommendations step by step. Ideas can be taken from the Internet or magazines; it is recommended to leave independent design until you have acquired at least a little experience.
  4. Be sure to strictly follow all instructions, especially if this is your first experience.
  5. Do not forget about the mandatory combination of curtains and the surrounding interior.
  6. Curtains assembled from scraps are sewn with lining.
  7. The upper part of the curtains is often reinforced (especially for soft tissues).
  8. If you use a fabric with an edge to make a curtain, you will not need additional processing of the sides.
  9. Lambrequin and tiebacks are calculated and cut out separately. For the first decorative element you will need approximately 1.5 m of fabric. It will take about a meter to pick it up.
  10. For decoration you can use: ribbons, straps, fringe, beads, embroidery, applique.

There is no need to worry if at first something doesn’t turn out the way you wanted, a little practice and everything will definitely work out. In any case, every thing made with your own hands is unique and inimitable, and kitchen curtains, sewn yourself, even the simplest ones, will transform the room, bring warmth and comfort to it.

Photo gallery

Examples of possible curtain designs.


Watch a master class that shows how to properly sew a Roman blind with your own hands.

How to choose curtains for the kitchen (photos of curtains and patterns below), what types of curtains will be most suitable for the kitchen and how to sew curtains for the kitchen with your own hands? In this article we will look in detail at how to choose curtains in a store or make them yourself and which curtain design is most suitable for the kitchen. Click on the link to expand the master classes, with which you can easily sew curtains for the living room or bedroom yourself.
The kitchen is the favorite place of every housewife, where she spends more time than anywhere else in the house. Many holidays, tea parties and friendly feasts take place at the kitchen table.

When choosing curtains for the kitchen, you need to be guided not only by aesthetic perception, but also by convenience. Curtains should not be too bright and distract attention. Various folds and decorations will also be inappropriate. Steam and soot will be in the kitchen in any case (no matter what kind of hood it is).

If the kitchen is small, short curtains are suitable for her. It is important that there is enough light in such a room. The fabric should not greatly impede the penetration of sunlight. Look at the photo of kitchen curtains below and pay attention to the patterns that are suitable for sewing curtains with your own hands.

It is better to take synthetic or mixed material so that the curtains are easy to wash and can please the owner’s eye for a long time without losing color.
If you take window framing seriously, you can visually enlarge the room with the help of curtains and, if necessary, visually raise the ceiling.
Maybe you want to use curtains as a highlight of your kitchen interior? Interesting option! But keep in mind that first of all, the kitchen should be bright.

Many housewives need an affordable and practical design kitchen window. But it is not possible to spend a lot of time on this process. In this case good solution Roller blinds will be used.

When you want to choose fabric for kitchen curtains
, do not pursue the color scheme first. Look at the quality of the material, think about how much it will get dirty, and how quickly it will fade in the sun. Nowadays, textiles are sold with spraying, which prevents dirt and dust from adhering to the fabric. Manufacturers also impregnate the material with a mixture that prevents the material from burning and color fading in the sun. It is better to take curtains made of linen and synthetics; they can be washed without problems, they do not wrinkle much and look good in any kitchen.

Do you prefer to decorate the interior of your premises with modernized elements? You will love Roman blinds for the kitchen. They look simple and elegant at the same time, making the kitchen more functional. It doesn’t matter whether it’s curtains on the window or drapes, Roman blinds will highlight any style. You just need to purchase a special cornice, it can be attached to window frame(plastic) or ceiling. This cornice will allow you to change the length of the curtains depending on the situation and mood. Roman blinds require very little fabric and do not require any special care.

Choosing the right curtain design for your kitchen is not so difficult, given that there are dozens of options for the same room. The emphasis can be placed both on the texture and elements of the pattern on the curtains, and on color scheme.

Look different curtains to the kitchen, photos of which are posted below and select several options that you like. Absolutely every housewife can sew curtains for the kitchen with her own hands. By making curtains yourself, you can bring to life exactly the design that will fill the kitchen with comfort and warmth. Below you will find advice, with help which you can improve the interior of your kitchen with your own hands, as well as patterns for sewing curtains at home.


We hope that this material will help you not only choose the appropriate curtain design for the kitchen, but also try to make this important and functional decorative element with your own hands. Any beautiful curtains for the kitchen, the photos of which you saw above, you can do yourself at home. Particularly popular today are the so-called Roman blinds, which for many families are universal solution for a kitchen interior that combines elegant simplicity and practicality.

Every housewife dreams of a cozy and multifunctional kitchen. Therefore, its design is carefully thought out. Curtains are an important part of the interior. Curtains that fit perfectly into a particular design can be difficult to find.

Curtains for the kitchen, handmade items made independently and with love, organically complement and stylishly decorate the overall interior.

In this article you can learn how to sew kitchen curtains with your own hands, look at the patterns. What else, if not self-sewn curtains, will make the kitchen more comfortable?

Handmade never goes out of fashion.

Today, sewing curtains is a fairly simple task, because there is a lot of information available on the Internet.

Even a housewife who has never done needlework before can make an exclusive decorative element.

You can start sewing immediately after purchasing the fabric and equipment. First, the fabric is cut using a sketch. They do this on the reverse side.

We align the canvas along the top edge, and then mark it using a grain of thread.

If the fabric is synthetic, it must be ironed before starting work. Next, fold, matching the edges, fold the edges and cut the two sheets. Then cut each one, taking into account the measurements. Use leftovers too.

Side edge finishing

The width of the processing is determined independently, but most often it does not exceed 2.3 cm. First, the edges are folded inside out, ironed and chipped. After that they are put away.

We sew the future curtain from the sides.

Processing the edges from below

The material from below is pinned about 5 centimeters, ironed, and then tucked another 5 cm and chipped. Then they stitch it together.

Align the fabric along the bottom edge and process it with a hem seam.

Finishing the edge from above

You need to fold the fabric 1.5 cm, iron and stitch. Attach the tape with loops and stitch it, before it chips with the fabric. Trim and secure the edges.

We try on the future curtain on the window opening, then attach the curtain tape.

Take note! The width of the crossed panels should not be more than half the cornice.

What fabrics are suitable for the kitchen?

It is difficult to say which curtain fabric is suitable for a particular kitchen. It all depends on the interior and its style. But there are aspects that need to be taken into account when choosing fabric.

In order to make it pleasant and easy to be in this room, you need to think about its proper design.

  1. Keep sunlight out.
  2. Suit the size of the room.
  3. “Fit” into the style.
  4. Easy to care for.

Calculation of footage by window

To sew classic curtains, you should use this pattern.

The length of the required cut should correspond to the distance from the cornice to the floor or from the cornice to the window sill.

Note! Secure the curtain rod in place before measuring so you can measure the length and height. The cornice is located above the window at a distance of 7.5 - 12.5 cm. On the sides of the window it protrudes 15 cm so that the cornice can be moved apart and illuminate the room.

Patterns and patterns for sewing, examples of models, photos.

Before sewing curtains for the kitchen with your own hands, you should look at the photo with the pattern. You should approach sewing responsibly, study pattern diagrams, prepare everything necessary materials and equipment.

To begin with, you should start with a pattern. Let's consider the construction of a drawing of curtains called “arch”. This model has been popular for several years. Its advantage is that it has no limits in the selection of fabric.

A kitchen curtain is a voluminous product, so cutting the fabric will require a lot of space.

Important! When draping a window opening with a classic curtain, you will need fabric that forms soft folds.

How to sew curtains yourself (equipment and tools)

To sew simple curtains yourself, you should prepare the equipment.

Prepare all the necessary materials for sewing curtains.

  • Sewing machine. She will help you sew curtains correctly. When purchasing, you should pay attention to the fact that it has a zigzag function and a buttonhole foot.
  • Ruler. It is better to have several: a small school one, a one and a half meter one and a square. The main thing is that the divisions are visible, in which case the cut will be correct.
  • Pattern. A special tool that will allow you to make beautiful curved lines.
  • Chalk. But not ordinary, but tailor-made. It can be replaced with a soap with a sharp edge.
  • Tape measure. On it, as on the ruler, the divisions should be clearly visible.
  • Scissors. It is important that they are well sharpened. It's better to have several pairs in stock. Tailors are needed for fabric, and regular ones are needed for paper patterns.
  • Pins. For fastening parts.

Advice! Choose brightly colored pins so that they are easy to spot on the floor.

Once you are sure that everything is ready, you can start creating.

  • Needles. They should be different so that, if necessary, they are suitable for both thick and thin fabrics.
  • Needles for the machine. The thickness depends on the density of the fabric. When purchasing a machine, you should also buy a set of needles.
  • Threads. The thickness of the threads will depend on the material.
  • Thimble and steam ripper. A thimble will protect your middle finger, and a seam ripper will help you quickly unravel the seam.
  • Iron. Will be needed when ironing the finished product.

How to choose fabric for curtains in the kitchen

Before purchasing material, you should take into account the design of the room and decide which style of curtain will look more harmonious. Below are the materials that are used most often.

Products sewn with your own hands bring special pleasure.

In such a matter there should be no excess and diversity.

Organza. Organza curtains will add lightness to the interior. It transmits light and is quite transparent. Not suitable if you want to hide imperfections in windows or walls. She requires careful care. After washing it must be ironed. Organza also goes well with other materials, such as heavy curtains.

It drapes quite simply and shimmers in the sun.

Suitable as light curtains for almost any design.

Linen. This is a natural material that allows air and heat to pass through. It, unlike organza, does not require careful care. In most cases, linen is preferred when choosing curtains, because it:

  • firstly, it does not cause allergies;
  • secondly, very durable;
  • thirdly, it is pleasant to the touch and easy to care for.

Linen is a versatile fabric that does not require special care.

A linen curtain will look best in classic interiors or in Provence style.

Tulle. It will bring an atmosphere of comfort and tranquility to your home. It drapes well and diffuses sunlight.

Tulle is easily combined with other types of material.

This combination will look great on the kitchen window.

Important! When using tulle in the kitchen, it is better not to make it too long.

Veil. A veil is a translucent material made of silk and cotton. Often found with embroidered patterns and designs.

Excellent air permeability.

Suitable for a classic interior.

How much fabric should I take by meter?

Knowing the length and width will help in determining fabric costs. To determine the length you need to measure from the top of the “rail” to the position of the curtain weight. Hem allowances should not be taken into account; they are added when calculating fabric costs.

The width of the canvas is determined by the type of required fastening of the curtain to the cornice and its length. To count fabric, you need to know the gathering factor.

You need to focus on fashion trends and your own idea of ​​beauty.

VIDEO: How to sew a curtain for the kitchen with your own hands.

50 examples of curtains for the kitchen, sewn yourself.

If you have no design ideas, then you can look at examples of how to sew curtains for the kitchen with your own hands.

A skillful housewife has everything in her hands. If she wants to learn how to sew curtains with her own hands using patterns, then she will definitely succeed. With a little patience and diligence, she can even make a lambrequin on her own. The main thing is to strictly follow the instructions, then there is a 100% guarantee that you will not spoil the material.

Where to start?

First, determine the model of curtains that you like. It is important to decide what the purpose of the future product is. Functionality or aesthetics may come first.

Start by looking at sketches of curtains; you need to find out how closed the window opening will be, how to make patterns, what additional elements will be needed for sewing the design. Read the original instructions for beginners, it will help you understand every step.

Now you can start taking measurements. You will also need to find out which curtain dimensions will suit you best. Do not ignore certain nuances:

  • The length of the cornice coincides with minimum size. Protect yourself from intense natural light by adding approximately 20 cm.
  • For fans of styles with folds, an additional 1/3 of the length is added to the length of the cornice.
  • Curtain length is affected by many factors. The product must match the style of the interior. Your fantasies and preferences play not the least role. The canvas can completely cover the window, reach the floor, or cover only 1/3 of the window. For a short model to look beautiful, the curtain must completely hide the upper wall.

What cutting features should a beginner know about?

Sewing curtains using ready-made patterns is a doable task. Most simple option design is considered to be a pattern of curtains at an angle of 90 degrees. This design is made on the material. You just need a ruler with chalk.

When the housewife already has experience and she wants to sew a more complex model, it is better for her to first make a sketch on paper. It is not difficult to transfer the designed variation of the pattern to the material.

Leave a seam allowance of 2 cm for the edges, but for the bottom edge this increases to 10 cm.

If you decide to make a lambrequin, cut out the part at an angle of 45 degrees. In the future, this will simplify not only sewing, but also draping.

How much material is needed to sew a lambrequin?

The amount of material is determined by the number of swags, ties and the presence of other decor. When elements overlap each other, the length of the overlap is at least a third of the width.

Making a swag pattern

For work, prepare a vertical surface and a multiplier cord. You will:

  • On the top of the pattern, mark the estimated width of the swag; to do this, mark 3 points – 1,2,3.
  • Then divide the distance 1 and 2 into 3 equal parts and mark 2 more points here - 5.6.
  • Determine the height h and mark it with point 4.
  • Connect 1, 2 and 4 together. Use a special rope for this. Tie a simple pencil to one end and a needle to the other.
  • You can start shaping the circle from below. The height, designated 4-4a, is a percentage of the curtain width of 50-80%.
  • Connect 5 with 6 to get a straight line 1a-2a, marking the place of the folds.
  • Don't forget to allow 2cm of seam allowance.

Cutting out the scarf model

The result is a one-piece fabric, which is secured by hand to the cornice. Take a look at the photos of curtain patterns offered design solutions comparable to classic models. The height of the swag should not exceed 1/6 of the window.

The scarf model is considered one of the lightest, so it can be cut on fabric. It is important to follow certain rules:

  • Determine the length of the curtain rod and the height of sag you need. Imagine what a lambrequin decorated with embroidery will look like. For this purpose, hang a cord on the cornice, mark the value for the height and the length of the sag.
  • At the top, mark the middle to set aside the tails.
  • Below from the center, mark the sag arc. Connect the marks with the marks along the width of the cornice. Sew the braid along the marked line
  • Pull the material together and decorate the tie with bows or other decor.

Decorating the kitchen with your own hands

If you buy ready-made textiles, you have to limit yourself only to those options that are available in the store. Curtain patterns for the kitchen offer more options for decorative design window opening. The most suitable varieties models for this room:

Classic. Curtains are attached to both sides of the window and can be moved and pulled apart. Can be combined with other models and lambrequins.

Roman. A worthy alternative classics that look laconic and beautiful. The Roman blind pattern is easy to make. The products themselves are a canvas in which there are sewn slats. Lifting them, the panel is collected into neat folds. Fix the curtain on the right level in order to adjust the intensity of natural light in the room.

French. The fabric is divided into scallops; on each such section, bends with folds are formed from the fabric.

Austrian. The model combines the characteristics of French and Roman. This type of curtain is often used for non-standard window openings.

Country. These light curtains consist of a lambrequin on top and two curtains with tiebacks on the sides. Such an element can be lateral, incomplete or central. Curtain tiebacks are attached using hooks and loops, Velcro, buttons, and special pins. The main thing is that the color scheme is chosen correctly. Textile products can be complemented with bows or appliqués.

Japanese. A universal model with long narrow panels attached to an aluminum profile. A bar for weighting is sewn into the bottom.

Fabric for sewing kitchen curtains must be UV resistant. It is important that it is required easy care. Choose the most practical option. Fabric with protective coating It won't get dirty soon, and you won't have to wash it often. You can find it on the market finished goods, the surface of which is treated with dust-repellent compounds.

Photos of curtain patterns

The complexity of choosing a design for a kitchen interior is due to the fact that it is necessary to achieve the maximum combination of beauty and practicality. There can be no unnecessary details here. The comfort and overall impression of the kitchen interior depends on the thoughtfulness of each element, on the functional content of each piece of furniture and each surface.

Today we’ll talk about such an important element of the interior as curtains. You can get by with ready-made, purchased curtains. But it’s more interesting and practical to sew curtains for the kitchen with your own hands.

Which curtains to choose?

Asking the question: “How to sew curtains for the kitchen with your own hands?” Let’s first decide on the material.

It all depends on the size of the room, the shape, location and size of the window and the chosen design style.

Proper use of textile framing will make the window one of the main elements of the interior.


If the kitchen is large, then silk, velvet, taffeta, cotton, and poplin would be appropriate. The window can be decorated richly, with lambrequins, with complex folds. However, keep in mind that in this case, caring for the curtains will be labor-intensive.

If the size of the kitchen leaves much to be desired, then you should just choose natural fabrics.

Light cotton fabric goes perfectly with light walls; regular tulle will perfectly highlight the beauty wooden furniture, the minimalism of woolen Roman blinds will emphasize the elegance of high-tech.

There are fabrics on sale with a special coating that will protect curtains from fire.

In addition, the material you choose should not be afraid of frequent washing, such as polyester, and the color and pattern should not fade.

Don't limit yourself to just one material. The same organza goes perfectly with lace and jacquard, and taffeta is ideal for tulle.

As for color, it is good when it is repeated in other interior items according to the rule of contrast or, conversely, compatibility. However, there is one main rule: dark curtains conceal the room, while light curtains give it volume.

The pattern on the curtains should preferably correspond to the specified style. Geometric patterns will emphasize the clarity of minimalism. Flowers, butterflies and fruits are suitable for a country-style kitchen.

Before selecting and sewing curtains for the kitchen, you need to decide on the design of the room. An article about . will help you in solving this issue.

Large drawings are appropriate for an interior made in pastel colors - then the window will serve as a kind of color spot that will give the room dynamism. Small drawings are typical for a romantic setting.

Video: How to sew curtains, drapes

So, the basic requirements for the material from which curtains can be sewn:

  • wear resistance;
  • ease of care;
  • practicality;
  • compatibility with the chosen style.

Popular styles

In the world of design, there is also the concept of fashion.

If recently cuisines were popular in classic style, then in Lately More and more people are choosing the following:

Country style

This style is characterized by cheerfulness, rustic simplicity and even a certain funniness. Material for curtains - linen, cotton, satin, chintz. Drawings follow the principle “the brighter the better”: checkered patterns, polka dots, floral motifs, butterflies, plants.

Country style curtains always look very elegant. As befits everything rustic, any handicraft elements would be appropriate: scallops, flounces, appliques, ruffles, bows.

  1. Classic country style: lambrequin, two canvases, tied with bright garters.
  2. A country style curtain can only be made in the form of a lambrequin. Its originality attracts attention no worse than lush drapery. Deliberate simplicity perfectly conveys the airiness of the interior.
  3. The style is light, so there is even room for jokes. Funny curtains in the form kitchen apron create a carefree and cheerful mood.
  4. Don’t forget that it is also advisable to decorate towels, napkins and tablecloths in the same style. This will give the room harmony.

High-tech style

High-tech is one of the coolest styles. He does not favor any excesses at all. Often, designers suggest abandoning curtains altogether and giving preference to blinds.

There is nothing easier if the kitchen is decorated in high-tech style.

Some tips:

  1. A simple light canvas on the window. No folds, flounces, bows! The most clear and simple outline.
  2. Cool colors: gray, blue, white, black. The combination with any metallic shade is widely used: gold, silver, steel.
  3. The fabric is smooth, the designs are graphic. But it is better to choose a monochromatic solution for curtains, and then combine the canvases.
  4. The best choice for a high-tech kitchen is roller blinds or Roman blinds: extremely laconic, strict, and extremely practical.

Japanese style

The main motives of the style are contemplation, peace, simplicity and naturalness. Materials – natural: linen, bamboo, wood, silk, a natural stone. Colors are everything that occurs in nature.

Since natural lighting is required, the curtains are transparent and do not block access to the sun and fresh air.

At the same time, there is nothing superfluous. Perfect option- V Japanese style– Japanese curtains.

Japanese curtains are sheets of fabric that are attached to a special cornice.

Such curtains can be combined in a variety of ways: hang two panels on either side of the window opening, arrange them in a checkerboard pattern, or even create a stepped line.

The beauty of Japanese curtains is that you can use any fabric to sew them: from the usual viscose fabric to ultra-modern ones - jute, straw or bamboo.

Sewing curtains in the form of Japanese curtains is simple. You only need processing of the side seams, weights for the bottom of the curtains and a special cornice.

East style

Oriental style is luxury, softness, rounded lines, and the enchanting magic of the East. The style does not tolerate vanity and diversity. This is a real oasis where calmness and comfort reign.

IN oriental style, it is appropriate to use rich fabrics: like moiré, silk, velvet, calico, organza.

Such curtains are characterized by a complex pattern, soft, flowing folds. Oriental style curtains look good in large kitchen, since it is desirable for the fabric to reach the floor. You can experiment with tiebacks, lambrequins, and clips.

Master Class

Before you sew curtains for the kitchen with your own hands, you need to take the measurements correctly.

Video: Sewing curtains with your own hands


  1. measure the distance between the ends of the curtain rod. If you are going to make folds, then the result must be multiplied by 2.5. For heavy fabrics – 3.


  1. It doesn’t matter whether you have curtains that reach the floor or reach the window sill. The length must be measured in 2-3 places to avoid distortions. Don't forget about seam allowances.
  2. Next, subtract from the resulting length the distance by which your curtains will recede from the floor.
    For sewing roller blinds you need to remove the length and width of the window along with the trim.
  3. Calculation of fabric for lambrequins, swags, and tiebacks is done separately. One lambrequin takes up to 1.5 meters of fabric. For tiebacks (depending on the width of the tapes) – up to 1 meter.


Ordinary curtains do not require special patterns. For example, to sew Roman or Japanese curtains, you only need two even sheets the size of the window. But decorative elements require patterns.

The chalet style in the kitchen interior welcomes any homemade decorative elements. You can learn more about the chalet style from.

If you have a lot of space, then you should read the article.

Brick wall in the kitchen interior will visually increase the area of ​​the room and make its design unique. You can find out which brick wall is best to make.


Look at the drawings of patterns for a wide variety of elements: swag, lambrequin, bell, tie, Roman blind, country-style curtain.

It’s not difficult to complete them, but your curtains will be no different from those ordered in the salon.

How to sew Japanese curtains?

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Buy a special cornice.
  2. The width of 1 plank is 60 cm. This is the standard, but it is better to measure the width of the planks on the cornice again.
  3. Add 10 cm to the desired curtain length. They will be needed for fastening and weighting.
  4. Add 2 cm to the width per hem.
  5. First, we sew on the Velcro tape, with which the curtains will be attached to the cornice. Important! We iron everything, even the Velcro tape, so that it does not sag in the future.
  6. We process the edges of the curtains.
  7. We bend the bottom of the curtains according to the width of the inserted strip. It is desirable that the bar passes freely. We're spending.
  8. We iron the curtains and attach them to the cornice.
  9. We evaluate the results of our work.

Curtains for a small kitchen

A small kitchen always wants to add light and space.

When choosing a curtain style for a small kitchenette, pay attention to the following design tips:

  1. Curtains should not reach the floor - they hide the already small area of ​​​​the room. The ideal length is up to the windowsill. Or you can get by with just one lambrequin.
  2. Color. The lighter the better. Heavy curtains will give the room a crowded look. It is better to choose light, airy, iridescent fabrics that can transmit sunlight as much as possible.
  3. Fewer decorative elements. If the kitchen is completely tiny, then you should choose curtains in the form of Roman blinds or blinds.
  4. Multi-layering is good, as long as the multi-layer curtains are made of transparent fabrics. They give the kitchen airiness and lightness. Here you can experiment with colors.
  5. A small window can be visually enlarged by choosing a wider cornice.