Mixer      06/29/2020

Where is the snake island in the ocean. The most dangerous island with snakes is in Brazil. A completely non-resort place

Brazil has many amazing places. The island of Queimada Grande, about 90 miles off the coast of Sao Paulo, appears to be another one of these beautiful spots - at first glance. Almost every Brazilian knows about the island, but most of them are not eager to visit it - it is home to from 2,000 to 4,000 poisonous vipers, one of the deadliest snakes on the entire planet.

Horrifying stories

The venom of these vipers can kill a person in less than an hour, and numerous local legends tell of the terrible fates that met those who wandered the shores of Snake Island. Rumor has it that a fisherman landed on the island in search of bananas - only to be found a few days later in a boat, dead in a pool of blood and with multiple snake bites on his body.

From 1909 to the 1920s, several people lived on the island to operate the lighthouse. According to legend, the last lighthouse keeper died along with his family when snakes slithered into his house through the windows.

Appearance of vipers

Some claim that pirates brought the reptiles to the island in hopes of protecting their gold. In fact, a dense population of island bothrops has evolved over thousands of years without human intervention. Around 11,000 years ago, the sea rose enough to cut off Queimada Grande from mainland Brazil. As a result, the species of snakes living on the island evolved along a different path than their mainland brothers.

There were no predators on Queimada Grande, which allowed the vipers to multiply rapidly. To find food, the snakes rushed upward, hunting migratory birds. Often spearheads chase their prey and, after biting, wait for the venom to do its work. But golden vipers can't track birds, so they've developed an incredibly powerful and effective venom that's three to five times stronger than any snake on earth.

Ban on visiting Snake Island

Due to the threat, Brazilian authorities strictly control travel to Queimada Grande. But even despite the government ban, the island will not become a major tourist destination: in some places the concentration of snakes is from 1 to 5 per one square meter. A bite from a golden spearhead carries a seven percent chance of death, and even with an antidote, victims still have a three percent chance of dying. Snake venom can provoke renal failure, necrosis of muscle tissue, cerebral hemorrhage and intestinal bleeding.

Brazilian authorities strongly request that doctors be present for any legally authorized visits. The Brazilian fleet makes an annual stop on the island to maintain the lighthouse, which has been switched to automatic mode since the 1920s. Queimada Grande is considered an important laboratory for biologists and scientists, who are given special permission to visit the island to study golden spearheads.

Black market and illegal trade

Due to black market demand from scientists and animal collectors, smugglers known as biopirates visit Queimada Grande. They catch snakes and sell them through illegal channels - one golden viper can cost between 10 and 30 thousand dollars. Habitat degradation and disease have also damaged the island's population, which has declined by nearly 50 percent over the past 15 years, according to some estimates. The snake is currently endangered and is included in the Red List of the International Union for Conservation of Nature.

Queimada Grande Island, also called the Snake Island, is one of the most dangerous places to travel in the world. Located off the Brazilian coast, the island includes about 445 km 2 of forest, and its main danger is that it is home to hundreds of thousands of different snakes, including poisonous ones.

Queimada Grande Island - a deadly natural wonder

This incredibly dangerous one is located about 32 kilometers off the coast of Sao Paulo in Brazil. Many locals are aware of its existence, but there are only a few who have dared to set foot on the most dangerous island in the world, Queimad Grande, and come back alive.

Not every adventurer will risk his life to admire the deadliest snakes in the world, capable of melting human flesh with their venom. Indeed, Queimada Grande, or Snake Island, is considered so life-threatening that Brazilian authorities have banned visitors to it. Interesting fact is that there is another Snake Island in Brazil, located in Rio de Janeiro, but without snakes.

History of Snake Island

According to one theory of the origin of the island, 11 thousand years ago the sea level rose significantly and separated a piece of land from Brazil. The snakes that remained there, despite favorable climatic conditions, found themselves in a very difficult situation (in terms of food), which probably affected the lethality and bloodthirstiness of their future descendants.

Abandoned in complete isolation, the snakes continued their lineage, and were fed by migrating birds that used the island (Queimada Grande) as a transit point during their seasonal travels. Many snakes are excellent tree climbers, so it is not difficult for them to obtain food by hunting birds. From time to time, snakes themselves become prey, mostly young individuals. Cormorants flying in attack the baby snakes, while avoiding the adults.

Not a good place to stay at all

The island is called forbidden due to the fact that there are 5 per 1 m2 of area, according to the legends. Perhaps this fact is a little exaggerated, but, nevertheless, it is still relevant to real indicators. Queimada Grande is an island where snakes are the rightful owners of the territory, and it is better for people not to appear here.

If you observe the island from the water, you can see whole balls of snakes calmly basking in the sun on the coastal rocks. If you really wanted to, you could try to evict these reptiles from the island. But the fact is that many of them are on the verge of extinction, and the island of Queimada Grande is the only place where they can be found, so all measures are being taken to protect and protect them, despite the fact that they themselves are also able to stand for myself.

Island bothrops - one of the best on the planet

Despite the attractive appearance, the island has nothing in common with a paradise. The only building in this uninhabited place is a lighthouse built in 1909, which now operates autonomously. Of the thousands of species of snakes on the island, the most dangerous is the island jararaka (island bothrops). This is one of the deadliest snakes in the entire world. Its bite causes necrosis of muscle tissue. Due to the incredibly strong poison, for example, an animal the size of a small mouse dies in 2 seconds.

The effect of the island bothrops bite on humans

Bothrops is a very fast, strong and poisonous reptile. Its poison is dangerous not only for animals, but also for humans. Bite survivors tell their most terrifying stories after encountering a snake. The fact is that the bitten places are literally corroded, and the human flesh falls off in whole pieces, and large blood losses also occur, and the person experiences acute painful sensations. After several deaths, attempts to inhabit Queimada Grande (the island of poisonous snakes) stopped.

Unsuccessful attempts to inhabit Snake Island

At the end of the 19th century, several businessmen from the city of Sao Paulo tried to colonize the island. The plans of the entrepreneurs were to set up extensive banana plantations in this area, burn out forests and destroy creeping reptiles. But the true owners of the island showed the colonialists who was boss. Once on the shore, the hired workers were immediately attacked by snakes, from which even high rubber boots could not save them. This round ended in favor of the reptiles.

After some time, colonization was continued by a more prepared group. The work clothes were made using special technology and provided good protection against snake bites. However, another unaccounted problem arose here. Queimad Grande (Snake Island), whose inhabitants are photographed in horror, is characterized by a very hot climate, and workers had to make a cruel choice: be bitten or die from suffocation. In such a rubberized suit in the heat, people’s hearts simply could not stand it.

They even tried to burn the island, which was hampered by periodic precipitation. After unsuccessful attempts to recapture the island from the snakes, ownership of it returned to the state. A lighthouse was built on the partially liberated territory, which, however, does not mean that shelter can be found here, but warns that looking here is unsafe for human health, which does not stop curious tourists who want to at least from a distance look at the snake-infested island.

The island of Queimada Grande has a second name - “Snake Island”. The territory of this paradise could be an excellent resort town for visitors, but travelers are not particularly keen to spend their holidays there. The state took the green area under its guardianship and declared it a special nature reserve, since it is a real terrarium created by nature. Today this place is called nothing less than the most dangerous island with snakes.

Location and features of Queimada Grande

The island is located off the Brazilian coast, representing 445 sq.m. forest area. Its main feature is that a huge number of all kinds of snakes live here, both completely safe and poisonous. Queimada Grande is located 32 km off the coast of Sao Paulo. The majority of the population knows that it is located not far from them, but only a few have been here who still decided on this brave act. A trip to the island could be the last for any daredevil.

A tour to a nature reserve is very expensive, so there are only a few people willing to visit the island. Brazilian authorities accepted correct solution, prohibiting any visit to this area. The state has another similar island on its territory, which is located in Rio de Janeiro, but the main difference is that it is completely safe for tourists.

How did the island with snakes appear?

There is an assumption that Snake Island has existed for 11 thousand years. The piece of land was formed after the sea level became significantly higher, separating a piece of Brazilian land. It is quite possible that the most dangerous island in the world with dangerous snakes could be completely different now. Why? The reptiles remaining on the island found themselves in quite a situation. difficult conditions, it was almost impossible to get food using previous methods, so it can be assumed that due to the current circumstances, they became more dangerous than they were before. The snakes had to feed on birds that migrated to Queimada Grande during their seasonal wanderings. Some of their species are good at climbing trees, which made the hunting process much easier. The most dangerous island with deadly snakes was sometimes endangered by other birds. Brazilian cormorants flew to it and, avoiding adult snakes, hunted their cubs.

A completely non-resort place

According to some data, it is known that per 1 sq. m. of the island there are 5 dangerous snakes. The figure may be a bit exaggerated, but most likely it is close to reality. The most common species here is the island bothrops. Some facts about him:

  1. It has a fast-acting, powerful poison that kills all tissue cells in an instant.
  2. You can recover if you have time, but after the bite you feel unbearable pain.
  3. Distributed on the shores of South America.
  4. There are 30 varieties of bothrops.
  5. They usually hide on human-trodden paths among the thickets, and if you just touch the snake a little, you can immediately get a bite.

This part of the land in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean is called Queimada Grande, and is popularly called “Snake Island”. The territory is quite small. Its area is just under 0.5 km², and its height reaches almost 200 meters.

Yes, this place is indeed very dangerous. No wonder the local government even issued a decree prohibiting visiting the island. Queimada Grande is home to a huge number of species of snakes. It is even home to the deadliest snake on earth – the island bothrops. The bite of this creature first causes necrosis of the skin tissue, then the bite site swells, and after that there may even be bleeding. internal organs. The result is one - death. It is true that there is an antidote for the bite of this snake, but it is not a fact that it can help the victim.

The island itself is really very beautiful. There is pristine nature, excellent landscapes that evoke admiration, a beautiful golden sandy beach, but all this is beyond human access. The reason for this was the inhabitants of this island - snakes, of which there are thousands and tens of thousands. As the researchers reported, there are 3 representatives of these unpleasant animals per square meter. Agree, a lot. Every step on the island could be your last. That is why it is impossible to meet anyone here. Snakes feed on birds, which, after a long flight, unsuspectingly land on land. These seconds become fatal for birds.

Like any interesting place on earth, it is not complete without its legends. They sound quite plausible, so it is quite possible that this is not fiction at all. According to the first legend, a lost sailor once sailed to the island, who wanted to pamper his stomach with the fruits that grow on the island. However, before he could reach the shore, snakes crawled into his boat and left him no chance of survival.

According to the second legend, there was a lighthouse on the island, and the keeper’s family lived in it. One night, snakes entered the room and began to attack all family members. They tried to get out of the lighthouse and run away, but they could not hide from the snakes on the island. When the lighthouse stopped sending signals, sailors sailed here and began to inspect the island. The bodies of all members were found near the tower. The lighthouse itself is now infested with these deadly creatures.

Despite the ban on visiting the island, particularly curious people try to sneak here secretly. Also, for a good amount of money, local residents who know the island well are ready to give you a tour of it. But before you go to Queimada Grande, you should protect yourself with special equipment and clothing.

Today, this island is considered the most dangerous in Brazil, and one of the most dangerous in the world. Research is regularly conducted here and documentaries are filmed.

There is a place on earth that is similar in nature and terrible in nature. It's called .

Snake Island is one of the island formations of Brazil and is located off the coast of Sao Paulo. This island can be found on the map under the name Queimada Grande, but the Brazilians simply call this place Snake Island.

Snake Island and its features

Snake Island is closed to people. Only occasionally are groups of scientists allowed there to examine the island and count the population of snakes on it. Interesting area The sushi in the local water area is densely populated by a variety of snakes, many of them are poisonous and feel just great on the island.

A lighthouse has remained on the island since the last century. Once upon a time a brave caretaker lived there, today the lighthouse is automated and uninhabited. For one sq. There are an average of two snakes per kilometer on the island. The venom of many of them is fatal; death from a bite occurs almost instantly.

The total area of ​​the rocky island is 43 hectares.

Snake Island is located 35 km from the coast of Sao Paulo. Despite all the danger that Queimada Grande poses for tourists, excursions are still conducted there, only groups do not swim close to the island, but view it from afar.

Fishing and diving are common around the island formation. The island territory is home to the most dangerous snake in the world - the island bothrops. This kind poisonous snake found only on this island. Another name for the menace crawling on the ground is island jararaka.

Because the rare view the snake can easily disappear from the face of the earth; the island is under state protection. It will not be good for random sailors if, after a shipwreck, they end up on Snake Island, inevitable death awaits them there.

Island bothrops

Island bothrops is a spear-headed snake. The body of the snake, developing, grows up to 1 meter. The venom of one snake can destroy a company of soldiers. A dangerous predator lives in trees and bushes. The aggressive look has the following colors:

  • Golden;
  • Brown;
  • Yellow spotted.

The venom of this snake causes severe tissue necrosis, after which intestinal bleeding occurs. The substances in the poison literally dissolve the flesh, leaving the victim not a single chance of salvation.

Bothrops are intersex, which indicates the ability of these snakes to fertilize themselves. In one litter, a female can bear and give birth to up to 6 cubs. The reproduction of snakes on Snake Island occurs at a tremendous speed.

Legends of Queimada Grande

There are many legends associated with the forbidden island zone. According to one legend, pirates brought snakes to the island to guard their countless treasures. The pirate crew never returned, and the snake species spread throughout the island.

There is another story about Queimada Grande. It is believed that the family of a lighthouse keeper lived on the island for a long time. One night, snakes attacked the lighthouse, driving the frightened people into the forest. There, the caretaker with his wife and three daughters died from numerous bites. A month later, the military landed on the island and discovered the bodies of the unfortunate people. After the incident, it was decided to automate the lighthouse.

Another legend says that a long time ago a fisherman swam to the island. The poor guy was out of luck. Before he could set foot on the shore, he was bitten by bothrops right on the leg. The fisherman managed to crawl to the boat, but could not swim away, since the poison had already completely paralyzed the unfortunate man. Other fishermen accidentally stumbled upon the body in the boat, after which an official ban on visiting the island appeared.

Because of all the horrors and dangers associated with Queimada Grande, almost no one visits the island. What then do numerous snakes eat? Snakes are saved from starvation by migratory birds who choose this piece of land for rest during the migration period.

Amazing facts about Snake Island

The ominous island with its poisonous inhabitants hides a lot of interesting things on its lands. Let's look at the facts about him in more detail:

  • The group of herpetological scientists landing on the island for research always includes a doctor capable of providing emergency assistance;
  • The island is officially recognized as a nature reserve, and also has the status of one of the most dangerous places on earth;
  • After a Brazilian company decided to plant bananas on the island, many workers at the event died. Since then, there has been a ban on agriculture on the island territory.

Residents of Sao Paulo in a nightmare will not be able to imagine the reason why they could be brought to Snake Island. Creepy on the inside and beautiful on the outside, over the centuries the place has turned into a real snake kingdom, the borders of which only desperate daredevils dare to violate.