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Yesenin biography briefly the most important interesting facts. Interesting facts from the life of Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin (15 photos). Sergei Yesenin and the gendarmerie

In our material you will learn, what grain semolina is made from, what semolina has beneficial properties and contraindications, how it is used in healthy and dietary nutrition, how to choose it correctly and how to store it carefully.

Is semolina porridge healthy and why?

Semolina porridge is one of the products that has been on our table since childhood. It is also a constant and obligatory dish. in hospitals. This is precisely because the benefits of the product and its restorative properties for the human body have long been known.

Let's begin with porridge for breakfast- This is an old remedy. It is known that a portion of porridge in the morning starts the work of the entire intestine, so porridge was considered useful from a medicinal point of view.

What about diets? Semolina cleanses the intestines from mucus, normalizes work Gastrointestinal tract, therefore is an immutable attribute therapeutic diets for people suffering from diseases such as ulcers, colitis, gastritis. In this case, the porridge is cooked in water, practically without salt and sugar.

Semolina is also good for rehabilitation and recovery after serious illnesses and operations– it gives energy and strength. It is also indicated for patients with chronic fatigue and those who suffer renal failure.

What is semolina made from and what useful elements does it contain?

What is so healthy about semolina porridge? What elements make it a medicinal and dietary product?

Semolina porridge is prepared from semolina, which in turn is produced from medium ground wheat grains. The cereal contains both protein and vitamins RR, B1, B2, E, as well as potassium, phosphorus and iron, necessary for good brain activity, blood circulation and work nervous system, bone and muscle strength.

More than half of semolina consists of starch and contains only two percent fiber, which is especially important for people sensitive to gluten content.

More liquid and viscous porridges are prepared from soft wheat, for adding to main courses - pancakes, meatballs, casseroles - use durum wheat.

Semolina for weight loss

As a monoproduct semolina porridge ideal for mono-diets, that is, those that basically use only one dish.

However, being not the most dietary of porridges - after all, the starch in its composition makes it, on the contrary, quite high in calories - semolina cooked in milk has a caloric content of 98 kcal per 100 g finished product, on water - 79 kcal / 100 g. These numbers will stop people on a diet who do not suffer from gastrointestinal diseases and are not recovering from surgery from consuming it in its pure form.

Therefore, we say that porridge is more suitable for losing weight for those people who have gastrointestinal problems and high levels of sludge in the body, and then you should not rely on this product, giving preference to it only as a monoproduct.

Semolina porridge as part of the diet

Is semolina good as part of a diet? Yes, of course, if this diet, as already mentioned, is therapeutic or restorative. For a diet to lose weight – not really.

As part of a recovery diet for strength gain, weight gain, after surgery semolina porridge eat well in the morning, there are casseroles with semolina. As part of a diet to normalize work Gastrointestinal tract, it is also recommended to eat porridge in the morning to speed up work intestines. Viscous semolina porridge as a monoproduct is also suitable for ending the day, an early light dinner, for people on a cleansing diet with stomach and intestinal problems.

Semolina, as you can see, is not the most effective remedy in the context of weight loss diets. What properties do other popular cereals have in this regard? You can read materials, for example, about or porridges and decide for yourself which one is best to include in your dietary and daily diet.

Cooking methods and features

Basic recipes for making porridge vary in whether the porridge is made with milk or water. For weight loss, porridge cooked in water will definitely be more useful. It is less calorie and more liquid. Porridge with water is also used to treat gastrointestinal diseases, without salt and sugar.

Porridge with milk is suitable for people recovering from surgery or gaining strength after a serious illness.

You can cook delicious porridge in several ways: in a saucepan on the stove, in a slow cooker, in a pressure cooker and even in the oven. A simple recipe for porridge with milk for one person: boil one glass of milk, add three teaspoons of semolina into the boiling milk, stirring constantly. It is better to stir the porridge constantly to avoid the formation of lumps. Add salt and sugar to taste. Cook until thickened. Our mothers used to prepare porridge according to this recipe. Porridge is cooked in water in the same way; you can add dried fruits for taste. A pressure cooker or multicooker usually has a " Milk porridge».

What oils can be combined with semolina porridge for diet and medicinal purposes?

The classic option is to add it to the finished porridge or during the cooking stage butter. It’s tasty and reminiscent of childhood, but it’s not as healthy and certainly not dietary at all. It's good to replace butter. The familiar one is also suitable, and, which contains twice as much vitamin E as sunflower, which, like semolina itself, is especially useful during the recovery period after surgery, heals wounds and strengthens the immune system.

Harm and contraindications for use

Semolina porridge, although recommended for consumption by people undergoing rehabilitation therapy, gaining weight, with chronic fatigue, and gastrointestinal problems, is highly not recommended for people struggling to lose weight and who are sick diabetes mellitus.

The fact is that semolina contains high glycemic index, which means that fast carbohydrates from the porridge are instantly absorbed into the blood. This is the so-called “fast” sugar, which is the most harmful and is similar to eating a bun. Calcium is washed out of the body, the body tries to get it from the blood, but it cannot restore itself to the end.

Also, semolina porridge is not suitable for patients with celiac disease and people sensitive to gluten content in food. Semolina, like any porridge containing ground wheat grains, contains gluten, also known as gluten, which is the causative agent celiac disease.

Although in the world, according to rough estimates, only one percent of people suffer from this disease - complete intolerance to flour and flour-containing dishes, studies are being conducted that prove that the very content of gluten in food contributes to the development of diseases metabolism and circulatory system. While the scientific data is varied and does not claim to be 100% reliable, it is better for people who already know about their sensitivity to gluten to refrain from eating porridge.

Choosing good cereals

For classic semolina porridge, cereals from soft wheat. On the packaging of factory products, look for the letter “ M" For second courses (pies, adding to minced meat), durum wheat cereal with the letter “ is suitable T" on the package. Cereal type " MT"Also found on sale.

How to properly store cereals

The correct method of storage: transfer the newly purchased cereal to glass or plastic jar with a tight screw cap. This will prevent bugs and other insects from getting in. The jars themselves are good to keep in ventilated area.

You should not immediately make large reserves of semolina; it is better to buy more as needed. If someone is infested in the cereal, it is better to get rid of such cereal, since the presence of insect waste products will spoil both the taste and quality of the porridge you prepared.


Semolina porridge is a healthy and nutritious product that has been used for breakfast since ancient times. Porridge is especially useful for people undergoing recovery after operations, in case of problems with Gastrointestinal tract, For weight gain. Porridge should be consumed in moderation or on a special diet for people losing weight, as well as for diabetics.

You can cook porridge as follows: with milk, so on the water, in a saucepan on the stove or slow cooker. The right way Storage of cereals will involve placing them in glass or plastic containers.

Feel free to use semolina porridge in your recovery diet. Bon appetit!

We hope that our review helped you get a good idea of ​​the benefits and harms of semolina porridge (or semolina). We will be glad to receive any of your wishes and comments. in comments.

Sergey Yesenin (1895 - 1925)

Russian poet, representative of new peasant poetry and lyrics, and in a later period of creativity - imagism. He died at the age of 30, but in these short years he managed to do a lot for Russian literature.

Today we wrote many interesting facts related to the life of the brilliant poet.

Facts from Yesenin's life

Sergei Yesenin was born in the village of Konstantinovo, Kuzminsky volost, Ryazan district, Ryazan province, into a peasant family.

In 1904, Yesenin went to the Konstantinovsky Zemstvo School, after which in 1909 he began his studies at the parish second-grade teacher's school.

Sergei Yesenin graduated with honors from the Zemstvo School, then from the parochial school. But an interesting fact is that while studying in Konstantinovo he was retained for the second year in the 3rd grade due to bad behavior.

After he graduated from school, he went to work in a butcher shop.

In 1914, Yesenin's poems were first published in the children's magazine Mirok.

In 1915, Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin decided to leave Moscow to conquer Petrograd.

In 1915-1917, Yesenin maintained friendly relations with the poet Leonid Kannegiser, who later killed the chairman of the Petrograd Cheka, Uritsky.

During the period of Yesenin’s passion for imagism, several collections of the poet’s poems were published - “Treryadnitsa”, “Confession of a Hooligan” (both 1921), “Poems of a Brawler” (1923), “Moscow Tavern” (1924), the poem “Pugachev”.

In 1924-1925, Yesenin visited Azerbaijan, published a collection of poems at the Krasny Vostok printing house, and was published in a local publishing house. There is a version that here, in May 1925, the poetic “Message to the Evangelist Demyan” was written.

In Baku, Yesenin stayed at the New Europe Hotel. He also lived in the village of Mardakan (a suburb of Baku). Currently, his house-museum and memorial plaque are located here.

Yesenin had 2 sisters: Shura and Katya. He was especially kind to Shura, with whom he was 16 years apart. He called her Shurenko and Shurevna.

In 1924, Yesenin decided to break with imagism due to disagreements with A. B. Mariengof. Sharply critical articles about him began to appear in newspapers, accusing him of drunkenness, rowdy behavior, fights and other antisocial behavior, although the poet, by his behavior (especially last years life) sometimes himself gave grounds for this kind of criticism.

In 1924, several criminal cases were opened against Yesenin, mainly on charges of hooliganism; The Case of Four Poets, associated with the accusation of Yesenin and his friends of anti-Semitic statements, is also known.

At the end of November 1925, Sofya Tolstaya agreed with the director of the paid psychoneurological clinic of Moscow University, Professor P. B. Gannushkin, about the poet’s hospitalization in his clinic. Only a few people close to the poet knew about this. On December 21, 1925, Yesenin left the clinic, canceled all powers of attorney at the State Publishing House, withdrew almost all the money from the savings book and a day later left for Leningrad, where he stayed at No. 5 of the Angleterre Hotel.

Yesenin's poems can even be heard in the rap genre.

In the fall of 1921, in the workshop of G. B. Yakulov, Yesenin met the dancer Isadora Duncan, whom he married on May 2, 1922. At the same time, Yesenin did not speak English, and Duncan could barely express herself in Russian. Immediately after the wedding, Yesenin accompanied Duncan on tours in Europe (Germany, Belgium, France, Italy) and the USA. Their marriage was brief, and in August 1923 Yesenin returned to Moscow.

Yesenin began writing poetry for the first time at the age of 5.

In 1923, Yesenin became acquainted with the actress Augusta Miklashevskaya, to whom he dedicated seven heartfelt poems from the series “The Love of a Hooligan.”

On December 28, 1925, Yesenin was found dead in the Leningrad Angleterre Hotel by his friend G. F. Ustinov and his wife. His last poem - “Goodbye, my friend, goodbye...” - according to Wolf Ehrlich, was given to him the day before: Yesenin complained that there was no ink in the room, and he was forced to write with his own blood.

Yesenin's name became the most popular among young people in 2016.

Yesenin was hostile to the Bolsheviks.

In 1995, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation issued a commemorative coin (2 rubles, silver, proof) in the series “Outstanding Personalities of Russia”, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of S. A. Yesenin.

On September 18, 1925, Yesenin married for the third (and last) time - to Sofya Andreevna Tolstoy (1900-1957), the granddaughter of L. N. Tolstoy, at that time the head of the library of the Writers' Union. This marriage also did not bring happiness to the poet and soon broke up.

Fyodor Andreevich (Yesenin’s grandfather) was strict towards his grandson. From the age of five the child learned to read. Spiritual literature served as a primer. His grandfather instilled in him a love of books and became his guide to the world of poetry. Natalya Evteevna, my grandmother, spoiled me with fairy tales and amazing stories.

At the time of Yesenin’s death, his body was found hanged in the hotel. And to this day it is not clear whether he was killed or committed suicide himself.

It is believed that Yesenin’s alcoholism became the basis for his departure from their lives.

A year after Yesenin’s death, Benislavskaya also shot herself at his grave.

Sergei Yesenin is one of many Russian poets whose poems were used in songs. IN different time songs based on Yesenin's poems were performed by Alexander Malinin (“Fun”), the Alpha group, Lyudmila Zykina (“Hear the sleigh rushing”), Nadezhda Babkina (“The Golden Grove Dissuaded”), Galina Nenasheva “Birch”, Nikolai Karachentsov (“Queen”) , Oleg Pogudin, Nikita Dzhigurda, gr. Mongol Shuudan (“Moscow”), Vika Tsyganova, Zemfira and many others.

In the 1970-1980s, versions arose about the murder of the poet, followed by the staging of Yesenin’s suicide (as a rule, OGPU employees are accused of organizing the murder). Investigator of the Moscow Criminal Investigation Department, retired colonel Eduard Khlystalov, contributed to the development of this version.

Sergei Yesenin, who was fond of fist fights from his youth, was, according to the recollections of his contemporaries, a fairly strong fighter who could provide active resistance to the killers who attacked him.

Imagism (from Latin imago - image) is a literary movement in Russian poetry of the 20th century, whose representatives stated that the goal of creativity is to create an image. The main expressive means of imagists is metaphor, often metaphorical chains that compare various elements of two images - direct and figurative. The creative practice of Imagists is characterized by shocking and anarchic motives. The style and general behavior of Imagism was influenced by Russian Futurism. According to some researchers, the name goes back to English Imagism - an English-language poetic school.

In March 1915, Yesenin came to Petrograd, met with Blok, who highly appreciated the “fresh, pure, vociferous,” albeit “verbose” poems of the “talented peasant nugget poet,” helped him, introduced him to writers and publishers.

Moscow State Museum of S. A. Yesenin - was opened on a voluntary basis in 1995 on the 100th anniversary of the poet’s birth. In 1996 the museum received the status government agency culture. House No. 24 on Bolshoy Strochenovsky Lane in Zamoskvorechye was Yesenin’s only official address in Moscow - the poet lived and was registered there from 1911 to 1918.

As of 2013, 611 squares, streets and alleys in Russian cities and villages bear Yesenin’s name. There will be more today.

For many years, the poet’s father, Alexander Nikitich, lived in the house that stood on this site, working as a senior clerk in a butcher shop for the merchant N.V. Krylov. In 1911, it was here, to visit his father, who lived separately from the family, that young Yesenin came from the Ryazan village of Konstantinovo. The poet quickly quarreled with his father and ran away from him, but a year later he registered in this house until 1918.

In 1975, the USSR Ministry of Communications issued an envelope with a portrait of S. A. Yesenin (artist A. Yar-Kravchenko).

Yesenin Park is a park in the Nevsky district of St. Petersburg, bounded by Bolshevikov Avenue, Dybenko Street, Podvoisky Street and Tovarishchesky Avenue, and is part of the Okkervil municipal district. On October 6, 2013, on the occasion of the 118th anniversary of his birth, a monument to Sergei Yesenin was solemnly opened in the park, and the Alley of Writers was founded.

There is a house-museum of Sergei Yesenin and a street in the village. Mardakan (Baku, Azerbaijan).

- talented Russian poet. His poems are very popular to this day. Even young people who are not at all interested in Russian literature have probably heard them in modern performances - songs.

Films are made about Sergei Yesenin, and monuments to him are erected in many Russian cities. Numismatics, philately... His name is immortalized everywhere.

It is worth noting that he was not a “typical” poet of his time. Sergei couldn’t decide on the genre for a long time. New peasant poetry, lyrics, imagism... Neither in life nor in his work did he try to adhere to consistency.

Yes, Yesenin is famous not only for his poetry, but also for his addiction to alcohol, rowdy behavior and illogical actions. However, all great people behave strangely.

If you like the work of this poet and would like to know a little more about him, pay attention to our article. We present to you a list of 10 interesting facts about Sergei Yesenin: biography and briefly the most important stories from the life of the writer, who fell in love with readers for his sincerity.

10. Comes from a peasant family

Yesenin’s homeland is the village of Konstantinovka, by the way, a very picturesque place. The boy was born into a peasant family. He had two sisters. Sergei was two years old when his parents had a big quarrel. They lived separately for some time; Yesenin spent his entire childhood with his grandfather (on his mother’s side), who had a fairly good financial situation. He had three adult sons, “mischievous and desperate kids.”

They devoted a lot of time to Sergei, and the poet subsequently recalled them more than once. As a child, the boy was not distinguished by exemplary behavior, often took part in fights, and committed various pranks.

9. First job - in a butcher shop

Sergei's father worked in a butcher shop in Moscow and was a clerk. IN native village I didn’t come often, even after getting married. At the age of 17, as soon as he graduated from school, Yesenin also moved to Moscow. He got a job in the same shop, as an assistant to his father. He worked there for a short time. After a conflict with his father, Yesenin went to the printing house.

8. Nickname "Ariston"

The first poem “Birch Tree” was published in 1914. Mirok magazine, pseudonym "Ariston". Yesenin wrote that he became famous very quickly, and he was asked to write under his last name. Until 1955, no one knew that “Birch” was Yesenin’s creation.

What did this sonorous pseudonym mean? Many associated it with the name “music box”. At that time, mechanical winding instruments had just begun to spread. However, this version has not been confirmed; it is nothing more than an assumption.

7. Busy personal life: novels and marriages

The poet's personal life was very eventful. His first serious hobby was Anna Izryadnova. They worked and studied together. A civil marriage, after the birth of his son Yesenin left the family.

Soon he married Zinaide Reich. In this marriage, the poet had two children; they also did not become an obstacle to divorce.

Second marriage to an American dancer Isadora Duncan lasted more than a year.

His last wife was Sofia Tolstaya, granddaughter of Lev Nikolaevich. Yesenin did not find happiness in this marriage either; it did not last long.

In addition to official relationships, Sergei had many fleeting romances. The list of his loves is quite impressive. It included the actress Augusta Miklashevskaya, Nadezhda Volpina, the latter even had a son from Yesenin.

6. Relationship with Isadora Duncan

Perhaps the most striking relationship in Sergei’s life was his affair with Isadora Duncan. They met when a dancer from America came on tour to Russia. The language barrier was not an obstacle. Isadora did not know Russian, Sergei did not speak English. They were not embarrassed by the age difference; she was 17 years older than her lover.

After celebrating the wedding, the newlyweds went on a tour of Europe and the USA. Isadora worked, and Yesenin dreamed of showing the West, “ what is a Russian poet" A little more than a year later, they filed for divorce. The reason for the separation is unknown. Two years after the divorce.

5. Articles in newspapers about the poet’s drunkenness and rowdy behavior

Yesenin never thought about his moral character. He liked to drink, carouse, got into fights and committed many antisocial acts. It's not surprising that soon the first articles appeared in the press about Sergei’s inappropriate behavior. After some time there were even more of them.

The poet was not afraid of criticism; he consciously gave reasons: quarrels, fights, hooliganism. Maybe he liked the “notoriety”? One way or another, Yesenin went too far. Several criminal cases were even brought against him.

4. Themes of the homeland and revolution in creativity

Already in his first poems, the poet touched on important topics: homeland and revolution. “Birch”, “Blacksmith” - although Yesenin wrote a lot about his homeland, he never visited the village in which he grew up.

Of course, Sergei could not ignore the revolution. The events that took place in October 1917 made a great impression on him. He supported the revolutionaries, but from his peasant side.

The first work on this topic was the poem “Transfiguration”. “Jordan Dove”, “Heavenly Drummer” - these works are also dedicated to the revolution.

3. Songs based on the poet’s poems

As already noted at the beginning of the article, many of Yesenin’s poems began to be used for songs. One of the first was the poem “Letter to a Mother.” Composer Vasily Lipatov liked it. The romance was performed by more than one Soviet singer.

Composer Grigory Ponomarenko also used Yesenin’s lyrics for romances. Alexander Vertinsky, Muslim Magomaev, Evgeny Martynov... The list can be continued for a long time. Most Soviet performers happily sang songs based on Yesenin's poetry.

His work was in demand not only in Russia, but also abroad: Italy, Poland, Bulgaria. Modern performers also do not ignore his poems. Vika Tsyganova, Stas Mikhailov, Zemfira, Elena Vaenga, Nikita Dzhigurda... Sergei’s works even sound in the rock and rap genres: “Rock Syndrome”, Misha Mavashi, “The Way of the Sun”.

2. Yesenin’s difficult, expressive character

Sergei had a very complex character. His main features: a tendency to rebellion, shocking behavior, a heightened sense of justice. He did not want to put up with the circumstances and was ready to go against everyone.

Yesenin inherited this character. His mother and grandfather were also difficult people. Passion for alcohol is also a kind of protest. Yesenin saw what was happening to the country and he didn’t like it.

1. Murder and suicide debate

Sergei tried to commit suicide several times. The first attempt was made in 1913. It is still unknown under what circumstances the poet died: was he killed or did he leave voluntarily?.

In 1925, the poet was discovered in a room at the Angleterre Hotel. He hanged himself. There was a noose around the neck from a torn sheet. Everyone was sure that Yesenin committed suicide. His mental state was unstable. A week before this event, he was discharged from a neuropsychiatric hospital.

In the 70s and 80s, another version arose. Colonel Eduard Khlystalov believed that this was the work of a special political organization, the state security structure of the USSR (OGPU). This version was considered unconvincing, although even posthumous photographs show that the poet was severely beaten. Unfortunately, now it is unlikely that we will be able to find out the truth.

What else to see:

Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin(1895-1925) - an outstanding Russian poet, a representative of new peasant poetry and lyrics, and in a later period of creativity - imagism.

In front of you short biography Sergei Yesenin, in which we will briefly talk about the main events of the short but bright life of the wonderful Russian poet, whose name is on a par with, and.

Biography of Yesenin

Sergei Yesenin was born in 1895 in the village of Konstantinovo, Ryazan province (see). His parents were peasants, and besides Sergei, they had two daughters: Ekaterina and Alexandra.

In 1904, Yesenin entered the zemstvo school in his native village, and in 1909 he began his studies at the parish school in Spas-Klepiki.

Having a hot-tempered and restless character, Yesenin came to Moscow on an autumn day in 1912 in search of happiness. First, he got a job in a butcher shop, and then began working in the printing house of I.D. Sytin.

Since 1913, he became a volunteer student at the University named after A. L. Shanyavsky and made friends with the poets of the Surikov literary and musical circle. I must say that this was of greater importance in the further formation of personality future star on the horizon of Russian literature.

Special features of Sergei Yesenin

The beginning of creativity

Sergei Yesenin's first poems were published in the children's magazine Mirok in 1914.

This seriously influenced his biography, but after a few months he left for Petrograd, where he made important acquaintances with A. Blok, S. Gorodetsky, N. Klyuev and other outstanding poets of his time.

Yesenin reads poetry to his mother

After a short time, a collection of poems called “Radunitsa” was published. Yesenin also collaborates with Socialist Revolutionary magazines. The poems “Transfiguration”, “Octoechos” and “Inonia” are published in them.

After three years, that is, in 1918, the poet returned to, where, together with Anatoly Mariengof, he became one of the founders of the Imagists.

Having started writing the famous poem “Pugachev”, he traveled to many significant and historical places: the Caucasus, Solovki, Crimea, and even got to, where he stayed with his friend, the poet Alexander Shiryaevets.

It is believed that it was in Tashkent that his performances before the public at poetry evenings began.

It is difficult to fit into a short biography of Sergei Yesenin all the adventures that happened to him during these travels.

In 1921, a serious change occurred in Yesenin’s life, as he married the famous dancer Isadora Duncan.

After the wedding, the couple went on a trip to Europe and America. However, soon after returning from abroad, the marriage to Duncan broke up.

The last days of Yesenin

The last few years of his life, the poet worked hard, as if he had a presentiment of his imminent death. He traveled a lot around the country and went to the Caucasus three times.

In 1924, he traveled to, and then to, where his works “Poem of the Twenty-Six”, “Anna Snegina”, “Persian Motifs” and a collection of poems “Red East” were published.

When the October Revolution occurred, it gave the work of Sergei Yesenin a new, special strength. Singing love for the motherland, he, one way or another, touches on the theme of revolution and freedom.

It is conventionally believed that in the post-revolutionary period there were two great poets: Sergei Yesenin and. During their lifetime, they were stubborn rivals, constantly competing in talent.

Although no one allowed themselves to make vile statements towards their opponent. Compilers of Yesenin’s biography often quote his words:

“I still love Koltsov, and I love Blok. I’m just learning from them and Pushkin. What can you say? He knows how to write - that’s true, but is this poetry, poetry? I don't love him. He has no order. Things climb on top of things. From poetry there should be order in life, but with Mayakovsky everything is like after an earthquake, and the corners of all things are so sharp that it hurts the eyes.”

Death of Yesenin

On December 28, 1925, Sergei Yesenin was found dead in the Leningrad Angleterre Hotel. According to the official version, he hanged himself after being treated for some time in a psychoneurological hospital.

It must be said that, given the poet’s long-term depression, such a death was not news to anyone.

However, at the end of the twentieth century, thanks to lovers of Yesenin’s work, new data from the biography and death of Yesenin began to emerge.

Due to the length of time, it is difficult to establish the exact events of those days, but the version that Yesenin was killed and then only staged a suicide looks quite reliable. We will probably never know how it really happened.

Yesenin's biography, like his poems, is filled with a deep experience of life and all its paradoxes. The poet managed to feel and convey on paper all the features of the Russian soul.

Undoubtedly, he can be safely classified as one of the great Russian poets, called a subtle connoisseur of Russian life, as well as an amazing artist of words.

Posthumous photo of Yesenin

Yesenin's last verse

Goodbye, my friend, goodbye.
My dear, you are in my chest.
Destined separation
Promises a meeting ahead.

Goodbye, my friend, without a hand, without a word,
Don’t be sad and don’t have sad eyebrows, -
Dying is nothing new in this life,
But life, of course, is not newer.

If you liked Yesenin’s short biography, share it on social networks.

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