Mixer      19.02.2019

Industrial safety at the enterprise. Industrial safety of production facilities

Key Issues

  • What is labor protection and what is Industrial Safety, What is the difference?
  • Why confuse labor protection and industrial safety?
  • Should an occupational safety specialist be involved in industrial safety?
  • Should work on labor protection and industrial safety be combined?

What is labor protection and industrial safety

On job search sites, vacancies often appear for the position of "engineer in labor protection (OHS) and industrial safety PB)." It seems that these two concepts mean the same thing, but they are different concepts.

Main the purpose of OT is to create safe conditions for work employees, i.e. the object of OT is a person: his life and health. PB, primarily aimed at accident risk reduction at hazardous production facilities (HPO). Human well-being is a secondary goal of PB.

The industries in which HIFs are involved are always associated with a risk to the lives of employees. For example, work in coal mines, nuclear power plants, hydroelectric power plants, the petrochemical industry, on stationary lifting mechanisms, etc. In such conditions, it is possible to make the working environment safe only through the well-functioning work of the OT service.

At the same time, the OT system is being implemented not only at HIFs, but also in offices. Thus, OT may well exist without PB, but industrial safety without OT cannot.

The head of the organization can be trained and take on HSE responsibilities if the organization has less than 50 employees. This will save a lot of money for small businesses.

What is the difference between labor protection and industrial safety?

OT combines diverse activities:

  • legal (development of normative documentation on labor protection);
  • economic (budget planning taking into account the costs of labor protection activities);
  • social (insurance of employees against accidents at work and occupational diseases);
  • organizational and technical (creation of a safe technological process);
  • therapeutic and prophylactic (organization of medical examinations);
  • rehabilitation and others.

The PB is more narrowly focused and technically oriented. Organizations operating HIFs must:

  • comply with PB legislation;
  • ensure the operation of instruments and control systems;
  • carry out an examination of the industrial safety of buildings and structures;
  • carry out diagnostics, testing, examination of the used structures and technical devices.

In OT, other legal acts are used than in PB. The main law governing OT is labor Code, and in the field of PB - the Federal Law "On PB OPO dated July 21, 1997 No. 116" (in the current edition).

The bodies of state supervision in these areas are also different. OT is in charge of the State Inspectorate of the Ministry of Labor, PB - Rostekhnadzor.

Organizations have 10 working days to register HPOs in the state register. If such an object is not registered within this period, Rostekhnadzor is entitled to impose an administrative fine on the company.

Hazardous production facilities

During the operation of HIFs, an accident may occur, for example, due to the use of flammable and explosive substances, pressurized equipment, lifting mechanisms etc. HIFs include not only subway escalators, cable cars, but also facilities where mining is carried out, equipment operating under pressure of more than 0.07 MPa is used, rooms where combustible and explosive substances are stored, processed, transported, etc.

Rostekhnadzor is authorized to control hazardous industrial facilities, which licenses all types of activities at such facilities.

If the organization does not comply with the requirements of the industrial security, incl. there is no license for hazardous activities, the manager faces a fine of up to 50,000 rubles or disqualification up to 2 years. The organization itself can be punished with a fine of up to 1,000,000 rubles or suspension of activities for up to 90 days (Article 9.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Why are labor protection and industrial safety confused?

Health and safety often overlap in government regulations. For example, the legislation in the field of industrial safety indicates that workers with the appropriate qualifications and without medical contraindications are allowed to work at HIFs, and construction, reconstruction, overhaul HPF - organizations with the admission of SRO to HPF.

2 aspects of OT are visible at once: employee training and medical examination. At the same time, the concepts of "OT" and "PB" merge together.

Who should be involved in industrial safety in the organization

There are two different positions in the qualification handbooks: "Occupational Safety Specialist" and "Industrial Safety Engineer". Labor law does not prohibit an employee from combine.

But not everything is so simple. The industrial safety engineer must have a higher technical education in the profile of the production facility where he works. Whereas, in order to combine the position of an OT specialist, it will be enough for an employee to undergo professional retraining. Thus, the position would be more correct to call "HSE Engineer"

Should work on labor protection and industrial safety be combined?

Health and safety are two different mechanisms that work for the safety of people. Based on the nature and volume of production, employers must independently decide whether to combine two positions or not.

Conclusion: a specialist performing both occupational health and safety duties must be highly qualified and be able to work with a large amount of regulatory documentation and track their changes.

What are the functions of an industrial safety engineer?

An industrial safety engineer has a wide range of responsibilities. He must:

  • control and check how the rules of the PB are implemented;
  • organize the examination of the safety and production control;
  • draw up an action plan for the localization of accidents and the elimination of their consequences;
  • control the introduction of new equipment, construction or reconstruction of HIFs;
  • prepare employees for certification in terms of industrial safety;
  • inform employees about changes in food security requirements, and so on.

Please note that additional responsibilities can be assigned to you only with your consent and for an additional payment (Article 151 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In addition, in order to fulfill your new responsibilities, you must have a higher technical education in the profile of the production facility where you work. If you do not have such an education, but have sufficient practical experience, then you can take a position only after certification.

Do I need to follow safety recommendations at a hazardous production facility?

by PB. These activities must be carried out without fail (clause of the Rules for the examination of the food security). After the comments are eliminated, a positive conclusion is issued, which will indicate the period of safe operation of the facility.

When the security requirements cannot be met, the operation of the object is immediately terminated.

Information about this is provided to Rostekhnadzor (clause 4.4.4 of the Rules).

Do I need to insure a hazardous production facility?

HPF insurance is a mandatory measure. Compulsory insurance contract for each HIF is concluded for at least 1 year.

What is industrial safety?

An economically developed state, which is our country, must be able to competently prioritize industrial growth, taking into account the requirements of the world community regarding compliance with environmental standards, and controllably increase the level of technical equipment and re-equipment of existing industries. It is difficult to imagine the modernization process without the purchase of new equipment, the introduction of new technologies, and the development of new production standards. However, any industrial enterprise, any of its constituent facilities, individually or in combination, cannot be allowed to operate unless there is a permit from Rostekhnadzor. One of the main activities of Rostekhnadzor is industrial safety. Conducting industrial safety is a set of measures and procedures, including the study of project documentation, the study of the technical base, location, type of activity, and even the plans of a particular enterprise for the future in order to form a holistic view of the operation of the facility being built or reconstructed. What is industrial safety? Industrial safety is the safety of a single production facility for the environment, working personnel and neighboring enterprises, organizations and the population of the region. Industrial safety, in fact, combines many aspects that are disclosed in more detail in the activities of other oversight organizations. In particular, Rostekhnadzor simultaneously inspects and coordinates compliance with safety regulations at enterprises, compliance with fire and explosion safety standards, such as proper organization systems of gas analysis, lightning protection and fire extinguishing. Of course, Rostechnadzor is not an organization that controls everything at once, but permission to use Rostechnadzor is issued only after approvals have been passed in all related instances. Industrial safety expertise is a complex but mandatory procedure that allows regulating only the standards for the construction of facilities, the procedure for using equipment and mechanisms and the impact of enterprises under construction on the ecology of the region and the country as a whole. Industrial safety expertise is a guarantee that each of us can feel safe coming to our workplace visiting public places and returning home.

Industrial Safety is the protection of the individual and society from accidents at hazardous production facilities and their consequences. Industrial safety implies, first of all, the safety of people working at the enterprise and living in the production area.

This is to ensure the safety of a hazardous production facility for the environment, operating personnel and neighboring enterprises, organizations and the population of the region.

Industrial safety and labor protection

Industrial safety is not an integral part of labor protection. We can say that these are intersecting sets. The main goal of industrial safety is to prevent and/or minimize the consequences of accidents at hazardous production facilities. Accident - destruction of structures and (or) technical devices used in hazardous production facility, uncontrolled explosion and (or) release of hazardous substances. The main goal of labor protection is to preserve the life and health of workers. Those. accidents are quite possible that do not cause harm to the life and health of workers, and, conversely, harm to the life and health of workers can be caused without accidents.

Occupational safety includes fire safety, electrical safety, safety, life safety, occupational health. The employer is obliged to provide safe working conditions for his employees. But the employee himself must fulfill necessary requirements: if necessary, use personal protective equipment, wear overalls and safety shoes at work, observe safety precautions, inform management about the occurrence of dangerous situations.

Industrial safety is mainly the concern of management. Personnel are only required to undergo regular certification and medical examinations.


IN the basis of the safety of any enterprise is the observance of all norms and instructions for safety and technological processes. Any violation of the rules of production, storage of raw materials and goods, storage technical materials, fuel, lubricating oil, non-professional maintenance of equipment can lead to an accident, which will entail damage to human health and material losses to the enterprise.

What is industrial safety?

Industrial safety of a hazardous production facility is the determination of the protection of the interests of people and workers from accidents that may occur at a particular hazardous production facility. Hazardous production facilities include facilities where oxidizing, flammable, combustible, explosive or toxic substances are produced, processed, used, transported, destroyed or stored. Industrial safety is necessary to prevent or minimize the consequences emergencies. To ensure safety at any facility, buildings, structures, documentation and technical devices are carried out.

The operation of hazardous production facilities must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of industrial safety. Now we will not dwell on this issue. You can familiarize yourself with the requirements of industrial safety in.

Ensuring industrial safety

Statistics show that an accident on any industrial enterprise can cause irreparable damage to the environment, take many lives and hit the country's economy, even if production is not associated with combustible substances or harmful chemicals.

The work of emergency services

Only professional and experienced lifeguards can give important recommendations on the organization and protection of production, prevention of emergencies, preparation of mine rescue, gas rescue and other measures aimed at quickly localizing the source of fire, explosion or pollution, evacuating personnel, rescuing people, providing first aid to victims, eliminating the source of the accident and the consequences of an emergency.
Together with the management of individual enterprises, our specialists conduct exercises in which, along with professionals, employees of a plant or institution take part. The exercises are held in a simulated form, which the rescuers must cope with. Each situation is prepared based on the specific working conditions and production at the enterprise. In the process of developing an emergency model, the most possible accidents and situations that may arise at a given production facility are taken into account. Rescuers on concrete examples show how to act in the event of an explosion, leakage harmful substance fire, equipment malfunction. They give explanations, analyze the mistakes of the personnel and work out with them the skills of behavior in case of an emergency.
This assistance is a great contribution to the common cause of providing safety of industrial facilities, which should be given great attention by the management of the enterprise and each of its employees. Our employees are ready at any time to conduct training sessions with the staff and give irreplaceable recommendations on organizing events aimed at ensuring and improving the safety of your plant or institution. If you need our advice, go to the section ""

Industrial safety at the enterprise is often put on a par with labor protection. But in fact, these two areas are only related activities. So, for example, labor protection involves ensuring the safety of the health and safety of the workplace of employees of the enterprise.

Industrial safety at the enterprise is responsible for the protection of the territory of the enterprise and other adjacent areas. Thus, industrial safety is a comprehensive measure to ensure the safety of the enterprise and its employees.

The main direction of industrial safety at an operating enterprise is to ensure safe working conditions at an emergency site, as well as minimizing harmful effects on human health and eliminating other negative factors. Elimination of the consequences of disasters is also one of the directions in the work of industrial safety.

Training of industrial safety employees is carried out at a specialized enterprise, as well as timely industrial safety certification already employed employees.

Each enterprise should provide for the implementation of measures for industrial and counter fire safety. All this should be carried out in order to reduce emergency situations and subsequent minimization of possible damage to the property of the enterprise and the health of workers. That is why every employee of the enterprise must be prepared for the possible occurrence of emergency situations.

Industrial safety training is conducted in specialized centers according to the established standards and norms of Rostekhnadzor of Russia. In the same centers, professional retraining of personnel for compliance with the position held is also carried out.

In order to avoid possible sanctions from Rostekhnadzor, the heads of departments carry out comprehensive work with employees sent for training, and additionally, each employee of the enterprise is instructed.

Additional training of employees of the enterprise is carried out in the training center, in particular, retraining of electrical personnel. On proflections, the working conditions of all installations related to electricity are studied.

Intersectoral labor safety is being studied, mandatory requirements on the arrangement of electrical installations, fire safety rules and familiarization with the rules of individual protection, the ability to provide first medical care and study job descriptions.

After completing the training, a certificate of conformity is issued. In the case of a narrow focus of the employee's profession, a certificate with a special note is issued. For example, working at heights, working on energized installations, cleansing work insulators with the possibility of their replacement and others.

Professional development and training in industrial safety is carried out not only for the heads of the enterprise, but also for the employees of this enterprise and experts who conduct examinations in emergency hazardous areas.

If an enterprise is included in the list of industrially hazardous facilities, then all industrial safety requirements are regulated by Law No. 116-F3. This list includes such works as the transportation of dangerous goods, geological surveys, mining, gas rescue and others.