Well      06/29/2020

Stories for children about the chestnut tree. Presentation on the topic "chestnut" - presentation. Medicinal preparations of horse chestnut

I covered the paths and parks with a colorful, cheerful carpet of leaves. How pleasantly they rustle underfoot...

Somehow my friends and I decided to go for an autumn walk in the park with the children. We had the most wonderful company: three mothers of the same age and six wonderful mischievous boys, three of whom are classmates, and three of them are younger brothers with a difference of about six months between them.

We were such a wonderful group with two strollers and a children’s bicycle in the autumn park.

We couldn't pass by the swings and sports equipment. We ran and jumped... and then the wonderful chestnut fruit caught our attention. But chestnut is an excellent tool for development of fine motor skills! And we went in search of this miracle so that there would be enough for everyone :)

How much fun passers-by had on Saturday afternoon when they saw three nine-year-old boys running around the park and looking for beautiful trees with seven-leaved leaves. Having found this miracle, they call their mothers and babies. And now all six boys and their mothers are sorting through the leaves and picking up fallen chestnut hedgehogs...

In general, we walked around and had a lot of fun! And most importantly, they came home with trophies - full bags of chestnuts and acorns!

This is how our funny acquaintance with chestnuts began. However, there was a continuation at home, no less interesting and fun. It turned out to be spontaneous Thematic lesson about chestnuts.

What is a chestnut?

The introductory part of the lesson began in the park. We looked at and studied the chestnut tree. The chestnut we encountered is called horse chestnut. It's not edible. The children were very interested to learn that there is an edible chestnut, the fruits of which are tasty and highly valued by many peoples.

On Wikipedia, I found several versions of why this inedible chestnut was called horse chestnut. According to one version, the ripe fruits (aka seeds) of this plant resemble the skin of a bay horse in color and shine. The second version says that the leaf scars left on the shoots after leaf fall resemble the shape of a horse's horseshoe. A third source claims that the seeds were brought by the Turks as feed for horses and a cure for horse cough.

One way or another, but horse chestnut- a beautiful slender tree. Remarkably early flowering. In spring, it is impossible to pass by without looking at the cheerful white “candles” with small yellow specks, up to 30 centimeters high. Bees love the nectar of chestnut flowers. And the chestnut itself helps the bees in their sweet work. Ask how? It’s very interesting: the yellow spots on the flower petals change color to red after the nectar release stops, thereby signaling the bees not to fly up to such flowers.

Chestnut fruits are no less interesting. The chestnuts themselves - the seeds are hidden in boxes. The boxes, reminiscent of nuts, are green in color with very sharp numerous thorns. When a ripe fruit falls to the ground, the box opens and the chestnuts spill out. They say that the maximum number of chestnuts in one box is 3 pieces. However, we opened one box and found as many as 6 seeds!

Here is such a horse chestnut! Why do we need chestnuts at home? Well, what for, chestnuts, like acorns - this is a wonderful natural material For all kinds of crafts. In addition, chestnut is very pleasant to the touch and children of all ages love to play with it, developing along the way fine motor skills hands. We came up with a lot educational games with chestnuts! We also planted a chestnut seed and an acorn in a pot. Let's see what grows :)

Children's crafts made from chestnut

Fresh seeds are very pliable and soft. Using a knife you can cut out all kinds of shapes and notches. While Arseny was sleeping after such a long walk, I tried my hand at carving. This is the basket and fungus I got from chestnut seeds:

Tip: When cutting figures from chestnut, the cut areas should be painted with white gouache. Otherwise, the seed pulp will turn black.

Teddy Bear

For the chestnut bear cub we needed plasticine and chestnuts. We selected two rounder chestnuts and connected them together with plasticine. The ears, eyes and mouth of the bear cub were made from plasticine. Here's a funny teddy bear made from chestnuts:

We also created the chestnut Snake Gorynych, and sent him to the competition, which I wrote about in this article.

Drawing with chestnut leaves

We tried this drawing a couple of days later, finding a horse chestnut tree not far from the playground and collecting wonderful leaves.

Surely many of you have already tried this technique. My boys drew like this for the first time and they really liked it. Special to Alyosha, having drawn a chestnut sun, he began experimenting with paints. And then we decided to combine a chestnut leaf and a rainbow, because a chestnut has seven leaf feathers, and a rainbow has seven colors. Well, how can you not take advantage of this coincidence? These are the leaves we got:

Then I decided to cut them out along the contour and decorate the children's room with autumn motifs.

And here's how we played with chestnuts.

Educational games with chestnuts

Building a train

We started our educational games from the train construction site. By placing chestnuts one behind the other, like carriages, we got trains of different lengths. We touched on the topic of long - short and counting.


Mix chestnuts and acorns in one bowl. Arseny carefully and inquisitively placed each seed into separate cups.

Musical seeds

When the chestnuts and acorns ended up in different cups, Arseny wanted to shake them. Tossing seeds in one cup or another, the son learned that heavy chestnuts emit a more ringing and loud sound than acorns.

Fun slide

They placed the lid of the box at an angle and began to roll the chestnuts on it. It would seem such a simple task! But it took the child a very long time! In addition, by playing this way, you can arrange competitions to see whose chestnut can roll down faster. Along the way, we studied some properties of objects. Rounder chestnuts roll faster, while flatter chestnuts roll slower.

The most accurate

Alyosha joined our games and we organized a competition for accuracy. To do this, they placed a bowl at a short distance, divided the chestnuts equally (we repeated the division with Alyosha :)) and began to throw the chestnuts into the bowl one by one. Whoever scored the most goals won! And this, it turns out, is not as easy as it seems, because the cheerful chestnuts, having fallen into the bowl, immediately jump out of it on the other side. We ended up with a friendly draw :)

We work by car

Arseny began to carry chestnuts in the back of the car. I build a “house” and ask him to bring one, two or three chestnuts. Sometimes she asked to give me “the same number” of chestnuts as were laid out in front of him.

Well, in the evening before going to bed, remembering how we ran around the park in search of chestnuts, my mother was born fairy tale "The Chestnut Hunters". But I will publish it in the next article. Don't miss out and subscribe to updates, or by entering your e-mail in the box under the article. Don't forget to confirm your desire to receive new articles by clicking on the link in the email you receive.

This is what happened to us thematic lesson about chestnuts


Some sources say that his homeland is Europe, while others - Australia. However, there are 14 to 30 varieties in the world. Most of them can be found in China, Japan, North America and European countries.

Without the slightest flaw

If we organized a beauty contest among trees, then the chestnut would, without a doubt, take one of the prizes. The refined and extraordinary beauty of the inflorescences, leaves and luxurious crown look harmonious with the formidable appearance of this titanium. This paradoxical combination can be characterized by the following series of magnificent features:

These perennials They love the sun so much that they grow up to 15-30 meters. Of course, such a result can only be expected after several decades. In this regard, many are interested in how long a chestnut tree grows. It is worth knowing that in 12 months the trunk of this giant increases by 30-50 cm. Therefore, by the fourth year of its existence, its height will be about 1 meter. At the same time, the tree will be able to meet the 10th spring of its “life” with charming blossoms and luxurious fruits.

A powerful root system and dense bark allow the chestnut to withstand severe frosts. At the same time, trees adapt to different types soil. Still, it is better for them to choose non-saline, well-drained and moist soils.

Three nuts for Cinderella

From the usual brown fruit a beautiful and mighty chestnut tree can grow. Planting and caring for its seedlings at home is very simple, but has some subtleties. Gardeners know two options for nut germination: autumn and spring. In this case, the harvest needs to be done after the fruits fall to the ground.
You need to choose hard nuts with a perfectly smooth edge and no damage. Before autumn planting it needs to be stratified. To do this you need:

If the farmer plans to plant for the spring season, then the container with sand and nuts must be stored in the basement/refrigerator all winter. Some advise to dig this container somewhere in the garden.

However, losses are inevitable. If a gardener wants to plant just one specimen, he should prepare three or more nuts. Extra seedlings can always be donated to neighbors.

Spring planting boom

7 days before planting, which may fall at the end of February or March, the container with valuable genetic material must be removed from the basement. Over the next 5 days, the fruits are soaked in warm water. In this case, the liquid should be constantly changed, because it can deteriorate. Thanks to this “spa treatment,” the peel becomes softer and the embryo wakes up. When a white sprout appears, the chestnut can be planted in a small pot of soil, taking into account the following wishes:

After half a month, the gardener can already admire the first shoots. When the danger of night frosts has passed, and this is the second half of May, then the seedling can be transferred to its “ permanent place residence."

It is worth considering that the chestnut tree is a real titanium. Therefore, the distance between seedlings must be increased to 3 meters. As a result, the crown of each of them will be thicker, the flowering period will be longer, and the fruits will be tastier.

Secret technique

Of course, there is a lot of debate about when is the best time to plant these trees. However, each of these options has its advantages. Autumn “natives” emerge faster. Nevertheless, spring specimens are characterized by intensive growth, resistance to frost and a healthier appearance. Among other things, important role The planting process itself plays a role in this matter. Here's what experts advise in this regard:

Don't forget about the importance of feeding. It is carried out both in spring and autumn. In the first case, it is diluted urea or mullein (15 g per 10 liters of water), and in the second it is added (the proportions are the same).

At first, an unprotected seedling should be constantly watered and the soil periodically loosened. With the onset of cold weather, the branches need to be wrapped in burlap, and the roots should be protected with a large “cushion” of dried leaves and humus. At the age of four, pruning should be done. First, it is advisable to shorten the main rod by ¼ of its length, and then the side branches. Thanks to this, the crown will grow dense and symmetrical.

Particularly dangerous diseases and pests

Like any other tree, chestnut is not protected from disease, and rusty leaves are the first and most common problem. Dried brown foliage makes the majestic giants pitiful and helpless. Such a sad picture can be observed in many cities in the middle of summer. Experts distinguish the following types of spots:

Spraying procedures are carried out in the evening to avoid additional burns.

In addition to these diseases, the chestnut tree suffers from a tree mite, ( white coating in the form of a web) and chestnut moth. To combat them, it is advised to apply phosphate or potassium top dressing. Leaves affected by dew should be removed and burned, and the crown should be treated with fungicides every 2 weeks. Of course, it is necessary to fight these dangerous pests / diseases on early stage because they are rapidly progressing. Such measures will help maintain the visual attractiveness of the perennial plant.

Chestnut diseases - video

Belongs to the beech family. Scientists suggest that it existed in the Tertiary period. In the past, its distribution area was much larger than today: it grew in Sakhalin and the Caucasus, in Greenland and North America, on the shores of the Mediterranean. The birthplace of the chestnut is considered to be Asia Minor and the Caucasus.

Impressive beauty

The modern chestnut tree is about 2 meters in diameter and grows up to 35 meters in height. There are exceptions, for example, in Sicily the “Hundred Horsemen Chestnut” grew of gigantic proportions; it was almost 20 meters in diameter. The leaves of the tree are quite large - up to 25 cm long, the width of the plate is 8 cm. They are arranged spirally on the shoots. The color of the leaves changes with the seasons. In spring they are brown-red, in summer they turn green, and in autumn they turn golden yellow. In adults, it starts from a height of at least 7 meters, the lower branches fall off. After the leaves bloom, the plant immediately begins to bloom.

Fruits are the main wealth

Even in ancient times, people realized that the chestnut tree could be used for their own purposes. Its nuts in some areas of the planet where it is impossible to grow cereals were the main component of people's food. Fruit flour by availability

Nutrients exceed those of wheat, and by mixing them, it was possible to significantly improve the taste and quality of bread. The nuts themselves were also eaten - they were boiled, fried, dried.

In the service of man

is still widely used today. Its fruits are used not only in Food Industry, but also in medicine, and are made from wood magnificent furniture. Chestnut is an excellent honey plant; one mature tree can produce up to 20 kilograms of honey. The wood is also used in construction, and natural dyes are obtained from the bark and leaves. But the main wealth of the chestnut is its fruits. The annual world production of nuts reaches one and a half million tons.

distant relative

Only (Castanea sativa) has the right to be called a true or noble chestnut. But he has a relative who is popular

significantly inferior to its brother, but well known in Russia. This is a common chestnut, called horse chestnut in our country. In these two species, only the fruits are similar, but the leaves and flowers are completely different. They even belong to different families. The real one belongs to the beech family, and the horse one belongs to the horse-chestnut family.

Tree - traveler from the Balkans

Until recently, it was rare to find middle lane Russia. And although the city of Kyiv was already completely decorated with these magnificent trees, in the territories north of the capital of Ukraine he was considered a heat-loving guest performer. Today, chestnut, the cultivation of which has become commonplace in our country, is considered a native plant in many Russian cities. And few people remember that its real homeland is forests. In Europe, horse chestnut has long been revered as an outstanding tree that can decorate any park. Its impressive stocky trunk, grayish-white bark and large seven-fingered leaves give it a special charm.

Chestnut is found in the northern hemisphere between the Tropic of Cancer and 45° N. w. in three separate areas in the Mediterranean, East Asia and the Atlantic coast of the United States. In Western Europe, due to mild winters and high humidity air extends to Scandinavia. Cultivated in the Caucasus, Crimea, Moldova and western Ukraine. It doesn't grow well in Central Asia.

City chestnut, or Japanese chestnut (lat. Castanea crenata) In nature, the species' range covers Japan, China and Korea. Naturalized in North America and Western Europe. American chestnut, or jagged chestnut (lat. Castanea dentata). In nature, the range of the species covers North America

The softest chestnut, or Chinese chestnut (lat. Castanea mollissima). In nature, the species range covers China, Korea and Vietnam. Naturalized in North America. Chestnut undersized (lat. Castanea pumila). In nature, the species' range covers North America from southern Pennsylvania to northern Florida and Texas.

Description Deciduous tree, up to 25 m high, some forms are found in the form of shrubs, reaching m. The chestnut leaf is large, complex, five to seven fingered, with a long petiole. Chestnut leaves form a dense crown. The flowers are bell-shaped, bisexual, asymmetric, irregular, fragrant. Trunk with deep furrowed, brownish-brown, thick bark.

Inflorescences are large, pyramidal, erect racemes. The axis of the inflorescences and the stalks are pubescent. The floral cover consists of a green cup with 5 sepals fused at the base and a whitish corolla with a pink base with 5 free petals, one of them is located between 3 and 4 sepals, small, sometimes completely absent. 7 stamens with long and bent filaments. The pistil consists of 3 carpels. Flowering lasts from May to June.

The fruiting capsules of the noble chestnut are densely covered with small needles, which resembles hedgehogs. Each such box contains several nuts, smaller than those of horse chestnut, with pointed tops. The fruits of the edible chestnut are tasty and are used to make cookies, salads, soups, snacks, and are ground into flour, which in its properties and nutrient content is superior even to wheat. When raw, their taste is similar to nuts, but after cooking, the taste is more reminiscent of

Ecological needs Edible chestnuts are very thermophilic. In cultivation they usually do not grow north of Kyiv, do not tolerate dry air, are shade-loving (do not grow on southern slopes), require acidic fresh soils and do not tolerate lime. Chestnut grows relatively quickly, has a high growth capacity from the stump, which it retains until old age. The largest known specimen is the Hundred Horse Chestnut, 24 thousand years old, with a trunk circumference of 57 m.

Chestnut tolerates the urban environment very well, purifies the air from sulfur dioxide, and traps dust. We only have to regret that it is still not very common in urban landscaping. It is especially good at lining wide city and park alleys and boulevards. Its presence is desirable in the landscaping of schools, universities, and highways. And, of course, its resistance to smoke and gases makes it a welcome guest in landscaping factories, industrial zones, energy facilities, etc.

Tree diseases The main diseases of chestnut are the following. On trunks and branches: endotiosis, caused by the fungus Endothia parasitica. Chernyts necrosis is caused by the imperfect fungus Cytospord ceratophora. Dangerous pest branches and trunks of chestnut is the Caucasian gypsy bark beetle Xyleboris pollicosua. Greatest harm The fruits are affected by the chestnut fruit moth or moth, which damage up to 30% of the crop.

Application The chestnut plant has decorative value and is used for landscaping streets, creating alleys, parks and squares. It is distinguished by a thick, spreading, beautiful crown and patterned large leaves. It is especially attractive during flowering; during this period its crown is decorated with numerous erect inflorescences resembling candle shapes. Blooms profusely on edges, lawns and in single plantings. The chestnut fruit is a nut used to make women's jewelry. Medicines that have venotonic, antithrombotic, and also antithrombotic effects are produced from chestnut seeds. medicines used for venous congestion and varicose veins. The wood of the tree has no commercial value, but is durable and light, which is why small household utensils, boxes and souvenir crafts are made from it. The bark of this plant contains tannins. The leaves are rich in vitamins C and B. The wood of this tree is very durable, so it is often used in carpentry both solid and veneer. The structure of the chestnut is oblique, the wood itself is grayish. The structure of chestnut resembles oak, but in cross-section, unlike this massive tree, it does not have the characteristic shine. Edible chestnut is used in the production of furniture, it sharpens and cuts well, and can easily be processed in any way. Its soft wood has a uniform density, is well polished, varnished and tinted. Products made from oak and chestnut differ only in weight; externally, with appropriate toning and selection of structure, it is difficult to distinguish them.


In a white sundress
With handkerchiefs in pockets
With beautiful clasps
With green earrings.
(A. Prokofiev)
It is the birch that is considered the symbol of our country. Since ancient times, songs and poems have been composed about this tree:
There was a birch tree in the field,
There was a curly girl standing in the field.
* * *
White birch tree under my window
Covered with snow, like silver,
On fluffy branches with a snowy border
The tassels bloomed with white fringe.
(S. Yesenin)
Birch is unpretentious and grows on dry sands and marshy soils. It can be found in the forest, in the field, and in parks.
In early spring When the buds swell on the trees, flowers appear on the birch - inconspicuous earrings. In summer they noticeably increase in size and turn brown. Each ripe earring contains several hundred small seeds. And on a whole adult tree, in fruitful years, up to several million of them can ripen. The smallest fruits, similar to a very small butterfly with open wings, are carried by the wind over long distances and germinate next spring suitable soils. That is why birch is one of the first to occupy vacant plots of land.
The white bark of birch - birch bark - reflects the sun's rays and protects the tree from overheating. Since ancient times, birch bark has been used to make household products. Raw materials were harvested in the spring. At this time, the birch bark sheds, that is, it freely separates from the wood. The raw materials were dried in the shade and smoothed under a press. Tueskas, mugs, bread bins, boxes and other household items were made from birch bark. Bast shoes, baskets, trunks were woven from the inner part of birch bark - bast.
When people did not yet know how to make paper, they wrote on birch bark. Birch bark letters, which are 700–800 years old, have survived to this day.
Birch is still beneficial today. Furniture is made from its wood. Birch buds have healing properties, they are used to prepare medicines.
Sticky buds
green leaves,
With white bark
Stands above the mountain.


Oak of rain and wind
Not afraid at all.
Who said that oak
Scared of catching a cold?
After all, until late autumn
I'm standing green.
So I'm resilient
So, hardened.
Oak is a powerful, majestic tree. The trunk is thick, covered with brown-gray bark with sinuous cracks. The older the tree, the deeper the cracks. The oak is considered the personification of heroic strength. In Greece, an oak branch was a symbol of strength, power and nobility. The oak was dedicated to the patron of the arts - the god Apollo. IN Ancient Rome acorns were considered divine fruits. The ancient Roman scientist Pliny the Elder wrote about oak trees: “Untouched by centuries, of the same age as the universe, they amaze with their immortal destiny, as the greatest miracle of the world.”
The oak was also considered a sacred tree by the Slavs; it was dedicated to the god of lightning and thunder - Perun.
Oak is the king of all trees,
He has a big role.
(I. Goryunova)
In the middle zone there are no trees that are larger than oaks. Oak trees live 400–500 years. Single specimens reach an age of about one and a half thousand years. The oldest oak grows in Germany. Its age is about 1400 years.
Oak is a light-loving tree. Have you noticed the oak branches? They are repeatedly curved, as if twisted; old oaks have bizarre curves. The fact is that the branches are constantly reaching towards the sun, towards the light. So they change the direction of growth depending on the lighting.
Oak trees bloom in May. The fruits - acorns - ripen in the fall. Many forest inhabitants like to eat acorns: wild boars, deer, field mice, jays.
Oak has valuable wood: dense, hard, durable with a beautiful texture. It is used in shipbuilding, furniture, and carpentry.
I crawled out of the little barrel,
Sent roots and grew up,
I have become tall and mighty,
I'm not afraid of thunderstorms or clouds.
I feed pigs and squirrels -
It’s okay that my fruit is small.
* * *
In this smooth box
Bronze color
A small oak tree is hidden
Next summer.


The sun rose early
Looked into the house.
Chestnuts have bloomed
Behind my window.
The bird sings
Close, somewhere close
So it's coming
Golden summer.
(G. Boyko)
Horse chestnut is a majestic tree with a spreading, dense, uniform, highly arched crown. The trunk of mature trees is very powerful, usually straight. This tree reaches a height of 25–30 meters.
Horse chestnut deservedly enjoys the reputation of one of the most beautiful park trees. It is often planted in parks and gardens, near houses and cottages. In early spring, large sticky greenish-pink buds appear on the chestnut tree. After a few days, original large leaves appear, divided into 5–7 leaflets.
In early May, the chestnut tree blooms. Its flowers are very beautiful - pyramidal panicles up to 30 centimeters high, consisting of large white flowers with yellowish or reddish droplets of juice. Flowers that resemble candles on a Christmas tree give the tree a unique look. Chestnut fruits also look attractive: green, spherical capsules with numerous thorns, each containing 1–3 shiny, dark brown seeds.
Noble chestnut grows in the southern regions. It is so different from the horse chestnut that scientists attribute them to different families. They are similar only in appearance, in both species they are shiny, brown, like polished nuts, enclosed in almost identical shells, only in the edible it is brown with thorns, and in the horse chestnut it is bright green with tubercles. It is difficult to say exactly why the chestnut began to be called horse chestnut. There are two versions. According to one of them, after the leaf has fallen off, a scar remains at the place where the petiole is attached to the branch, resembling the trace of a horseshoe. According to the second, there is a gray spot on the dark brown surface of the fruit, similar to the print of a horse's hoof. Horse chestnut wood is used in furniture production for the production of high quality barrels. The extract prepared from the bark is used for tanning leather, dyeing cotton, wool and silk fabrics in dark brown and olive color. Baskets are woven from young branches.