Mixer      06/29/2020

Interesting facts about the countries of the world

There is no clear answer to the question of how old Ukraine is in 2020, since in different sources the date of the appearance of this state is calculated differently. For example, some scientists believe that Ukrainian statehood dates back to the creation of Kievan Rus. This state appeared on the map of Eastern Europe in the 9th century (882). Thus, today Ukrainian statehood dates back more than 1131 years.

As for independence, most sources indicate two dates on which Ukraine became an independent power:

01/09/22/1918 – independence of the UPR from Soviet Russia;

08/24/1991 – independence of Ukraine from the USSR.

Today, the Ukrainian authorities are still more inclined to the first date, when, according to the IV Universal, issued by the Central Rada, the UPR gained independence and became “... a free sovereign state of the Ukrainian people.”

It would be most correct to consider the moment of the formation of Ukraine as an independent and separate state precisely 08.24.1991 - the date of signing the Act of Declaration of Independence of Ukraine, based on the results of the meeting of the leaders of the USSR, where the Belovezhskaya Agreement on the Union of Sovereign States was concluded. Thus, the question: “How old is Ukraine and its independence?” implies the only correct answer – 28 years.

How old is Ukraine? (information from Wikipedia)

History of Ukraine- events on the territory of modern Ukraine from the moment the settlement of people began until the present day.

How many states are there in the USA now?

The admission of a territory to the United States is preceded by a lengthy procedure: the territory’s mandatory adoption of its own constitution, which must satisfy the US Congress, which decides on its admission to the United States. Under the precedent set by the U.S. Supreme Court's Texas v. White decision in 1869, states cannot unilaterally secede from the United States.

How many subjects are there in the Russian Federation in 2020? On this moment there are 85 subjects- republics, territories, regions, cities federal significance, autonomous region, autonomous okrugs. Each subject of the federation, in addition to federal bodies, has its own executive (usually a governor or head), legislative (

People tend to live not alone, but in a society of their own kind. That's why we create families. In a broader sense, we live near other people. This is how cities, regions and countries historically arose. Today there are about 200 countries and more than 2 million settlements in the world, home to more than 6 billion people.

Each of us cherishes the city where we were born. We are also interested in the cities where our relatives or friends live. We are also interested in those cities that we have once visited or are still planning to visit. Today this interest can well be satisfied by the Internet. So we have created a section on our website “Countries, Regions and Cities of the World”. About 100 countries, regions and cities have already been described here. There are also photographs of some interesting places. Issues of history and the present time of various countries and cities are often discussed on the Vorkuta forum. And now we present to you the thematic section “Cities” in the news section of our website.

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You too can become a member of the news section team. We invite Vorkuta media, thematic media (about countries, regions and cities) and free journalists, as well as various organizations related to the celebrations, to cooperate. If you are interested, please contact the site administrator (details are given on the "Contacts" page).

The favorite saying of many of our government officials, that everyone should pay taxes, has already set teeth on edge. They say that the state cannot exist without them. They say that taxes are the main source of government revenue. They say that roads, schools and hospitals are built with money collected in the form of taxes. This money pays for the army. Such statements look ridiculous in a country rich in minerals and other resources. After all, there are dozens of countries in the world that have roads, schools with hospitals, and an army, but taxes there are either not taken at all, or they are taken but in a purely symbolic form. What countries are these?

Our Earth is truly an extraordinary place. That's probably why interesting facts about the countries of the world you can find a great variety. The most “musical” state on the planet, a city where it is officially forbidden to die and a small American village whose mayor is a cat - read about this and much more further in our article.

  • The American city of Yuma, located in the southern state of Arizona, is officially the hottest city on earth.

In some of its suburbs, daylight hours reach 11 (!) hours, and 90 percent of weather forecasts indicate dry and clear weather. In total, the sun shines over Yuma for more than 4,000 hours throughout the year. And the average annual temperature reaches 32 degrees Celsius.

  • But the coldest place on our planet is the Polar Plateau, located in Antarctica.

In this place the temperature often drops to -90 degrees!

  • The most popular country among tourists is sunny and romantic France.

According to the UNWTO (World Tourism Organization), this country is visited by more than 85 million people every year. The USA (70 million) and (61 million) are in second and third place by a significant margin. Thailand (27 million) and Russia (28 million) round out the top ten most popular tourist countries. Iran is at the very bottom of the ranking. Only 15 percent of tourists who visited this ancient state rated their trip positively. Although in Lately the trend began to change.

  • Quite a lot interesting facts about countries can be found in our native Europe.

For example, Iceland is considered the cleanest and most environmentally friendly state on the planet, and the Dutch city of Groningen is the city with the most a large number bicycles per capita. In addition, Prague Castle, located in the center of the Czech capital, is the largest presidential residence in the world, as well as the largest castle on the planet.

In addition to this, the Czech Republic also holds another record - the inhabitants of this country drink more beer than any other nation in the world. On average, one adult in the Czech Republic drinks more than 165 liters of beer per calendar year. Russia, traditionally considered a very drinking country, occupies only fifth place in the overall list.

  • Prosperous and successful in every sense, Sweden is known as the most musical country on the planet.

Despite the fact that the population of the kingdom is relatively small - only 9.7 million people - it is here that, per capita, there are greatest number world pop stars. Abba, Europe, Ace of Base, Loreen, Arash, Doctor Alban, Army of Lovers, E-Type, The Cardigans, Basshunter - all this is just a small fraction of the wonderful performers that this northern country gave to the world.

  • However, interesting facts about European countries this by no means ends there.

For example, Greece is the country where residents have the most sex (at least where the largest number of condoms per capita are sold annually). But the happiest countries on the planet, according to the UN, are Norway and Denmark.

In addition, Norway is known for the fact that it is on its territory that the small town of Longyearbyen is located, where it is officially prohibited to die. However, so interesting fact This is not explained by superstition or the fact that the total number of inhabitants in the city barely reaches 1000 people. The reason is the frozen ground on which Longyearbyen is located. Due to the high degree of glaciation in the soil, bodies buried in the vicinity of the city do not decompose, thereby creating bad smell and attracting wild animals to the area. Therefore, all people who are near death or who have recently died are sent to the more southern regions of the country, where they are buried with all due honors.

  • Interesting Facts about countries can be found outside the Old World. For example, South Sudan is known as the youngest state on the planet (officially recognized by all UN members). But Canada can boast that it is in its vast expanses that the largest number of people with higher education live.

In addition, this North American state has the largest number of lakes in the world.

  • A considerable amount interesting facts Canada's neighbor, the United States, can also please us.

Just look at the fact that it is in America that the largest number of rich people on the planet live. The number of dollar millionaires in this country exceeds seven million people, which is more than the entire population of Estonia and Estonia combined. But that's not all. It is estimated that Americans are the most gluttonous nation in the world. In a year, US residents eat 18 hectares of pizza and 20 billion hot dogs.

So it's no surprise that more than 68 percent of Americans are overweight.

  • Another interesting fact is that it is in the United States that the city of Sharon is located, the mayor of which is officially not a person, but a cat.

The “political career” of a cat named Freddy began quite banally: every day he came to the city administration building, where he spent most of your free time. Soon everyone fell in love with the cute cat and began to feed him. At first, only one woman was involved in this - the city treasurer, but later almost the entire city joined in caring for the “four-legged politician”. People began to bring food, toys, and even personal savings to the mayor's office of a small town to buy things Freddie needed. Thus, the charming cat became everyone’s favorite, and at the same time one of the most popular residents of the city. As a result, very soon the cat became a symbol and a kind of mascot of the city of Sharon, and some time later it was officially appointed as its mayor. However, Freddie, of course, has no special responsibilities. After all, the real manager of the city is not the mayor, but the municipal president. Therefore, the position of mayor itself is essentially ceremonial.

  • The Nepalese city of Kathmandu became famous for a completely opposite achievement. famous for that there are practically no cats here. So interesting fact, however, is explained quite banally: the whole point is that there are a lot of monkeys in the capital of Nepal.

As a result, over many centuries, cats were actually driven out of the city due to constant attacks from lively and unfriendly macaques. Today cats in Kathmandu are found only in local temples. Surprisingly, rare and unusual creatures for the city are officially recognized as sacred in Nepal.

What interesting facts about countries and cities do you know?

This section will talk about all the countries and territories on our planet. The biggest, the smallest, the richest, the poorest... all the most interesting facts about countries and states of the world. Interesting information about the economy, political and lifestyle.

So, according to the latest data, there are 250 countries on our planet.

— 195 independent states, of which 193 are members of the UN.
— 7 unrecognized or partially recognized members of the UN.
— 3 states recognized as countries with the status of unrecognized or partially recognized members of the UN.
– 45 dependent territories

In addition, there are still about 35 territories with a disputed status, or that are dependent, but without population.

An exception is the territory of Antarctica, the status of which is determined by the Antarctic Treaty; part of the territory has 8 territorial claims by seven states (Argentina, Australia, Chile, France, Great Britain, New Zealand and Norway).

So, all the most interesting facts about the countries of the world.

This ancient country has always attracted people from all over the world with its traditions, culture and stunning nature. And if in Soviet times people drew knowledge about India from numerous Bollywood films, then in modern times here...

Geographical position The territory of Canada is located in the north of the Continent North America. In addition to the continental part, the country's territory includes many island archipelagos and individual islands. In the south, borders separate Canada from the United States of America. On the...

There are a huge number of countries on our beautiful planet, with different cultures, religions, climates, and of course different sizes territories. There are countries on Earth that are so small that they could fit, for example, on the area of ​​one of...

Beginning travelers often take with them a lot of things that are not even useful as a result, and besides, a heavy burden will often make itself felt. The goal of every traveler is to enjoy wonderful moments, do not spoil them. When staying in a new city, it is worth experiencing different aspects of living here, for example, having lunch in a good restaurant and having dinner with food from street stalls. So you can form an opinion about national dishes one place or another.

This also applies to accommodation. Spice up your trip by staying overnight in a comfortable hotel and then spending the next night in a hostel. This is a great opportunity to meet people and gain experiences that will last a lifetime. When traveling in a foreign country, it is recommended to seek help in the language of local residents, even if the tourist is just learning to pronounce it, it will arouse sympathy among others and a desire to help.

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Life is amazing and every person in it is unique; while traveling, make acquaintances and friends who can brighten up loneliness and bring many interesting moments.

Many travelers make one mistake: they try to see everything in a short period of time, as a result, the person gets overtired, information about a given place is not remembered or is quickly forgotten. It’s better to spend half a day in one place, feel its atmosphere, get into the spirit and find out more information; this is the only way to become spiritually enriched and become a more developed person. In addition, in many cities there are so many attractions that it is impossible to see them even in a month. It is better to create a clear schedule and follow it, then you can be sure that everything is going according to plan. In pursuit of new experiences, you can get really exhausted, so you should get plenty of rest in order to be ready for new achievements every day.

Many travelers try to see literally everything, but if a particular place is not of interest to the tourist himself, why waste his precious time on it?

When traveling around another country, many people are faced with a reassessment of values; something that was not there before becomes accessible to understanding. Many people come to the understanding that life is beautiful and amazing, only for this they need to go on a journey, which will become a kind of healing from many problems.