Mixer      04/08/2019

Water shutoff law. Utility outage duration

Last year our hot water was turned off during the summer. The situation is standard for our country, but the fact is that our water was turned on not after 2 weeks, but after a month. We are afraid that the situation will repeat this year. Tell me what residents should do in such cases? Do we have to pay for hot water during this time?

Yes, you're right, shutdown hot water in the summer - this is already a familiar situation. Unfortunately, such an unkind tradition has taken root in almost all cities of the country. But, paradoxically, the shutdowns are carried out for the benefit of the residents themselves. At this time, the strength of pipelines and their elements is checked, defects are identified and eliminated, and the quality of the repairs is assessed. It is thanks to these works that continuous supply is ensured. hot water during a year.

But, of course, summer shutdowns must comply with sanitary and epidemiological requirements. And they provide for the following permissible duration of interruption in hot water supply:

  • 8 hours (total) for one month;
  • 4 hours at a time;
  • in case of an accident on a dead-end highway - 24 hours;
  • during the period of annual preventive maintenance - no more than 14 days.

During the period when hot water is turned off, you, of course, do not need to pay for it. And if utilities have exceeded the permissible shutdown period, then the consumer has the right to compensation. Thus, for each hour of excess, the fee for the billing period is reduced by 0.15%.

  • § Clause 4 of Appendix No. 1 to the Provision Rules utilities owners and users... (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2011 No. 354)

When hot water will be turned off and restored in 2018, Muscovites can find out the schedule for turning off hot water at their residential address online thanks to a special service.

This year, the summer maintenance schedule has been adjusted to take into account the World Cup matches in Moscow. MOEK has developed a special program for hydraulic testing and equipment maintenance, taking into account the numerous locations of sports facilities, training facilities and hotels.

This will make it possible to ensure maximum comfort for residents, guests of the capital and competition participants, and at the same time carry out all the necessary work to prepare for the next heating season.

During hot water outages, the duration of which in Moscow does not exceed 10 days , preventive and major repairs at regional thermal stations and central heating points, diagnostics of main and distribution networks with a total length of over 15 thousand km, relaying of pipelines using new technologies. The work will cover more than 70 thousand buildings, including about 33 thousand residential buildings.

Where to find out when hot water will be turned off and on at an address in Moscow

The 2018 hot water shutdown schedule is not much different from the schedule of previous years. Many cities have strict shutdown rules.

Usually hot water apartment buildings Russian cities disappear at the end of May - beginning of June. The usual shutdown period for maintenance work is 14 days. This is the period required to inspect all problem areas of highways, heating points and nodes. To repair pipes, water is drained from them for a short period of time.

Hot water shutdown schedule 2018 Moscow at residential address:

How long does it take to turn off hot water?

As a rule, residents are deprived of hot water for 14 days. In some cities, for example in Moscow, this period was reduced to 10 days.

This is the longest planned shutdown per year. But besides this, there are others. Thus, utility services have the right to turn off hot water for 8 hours during the month.

Hot water cannot be turned off for more than 4 hours at a time. Or for 24 hours in case of an accident on the highway.

However, many modern houses are equipped with an autonomous boiler house or thermal power plant, so traditional schedules do not apply to them. It is also impossible to turn off hot water for more than 8 hours. But summer shutdowns will be installed by the company that services the boiler house. Most likely, the outage will last less than 10 days, but the exact timing can be clarified either by the service department or management company.

If the house has an alternative pipeline, then the hot water may not be turned off.

The full schedule of summer hot water shutdowns can be found on the city websites or the websites of the management company or RSO.

Do I need to pay for hot water while it is not available?

We all pay for the water we consume according to the meter. Therefore, as long as there is no hot water, he will not count anything. However, it often flows from a hot tap cold water and out of habit we use the hot valve. Therefore, my advice is to turn off the hot water to the apartment to avoid misunderstandings.

In any city in our country, turning off hot water in the summer has become almost traditional.

Surprisingly, most people do not care if there is no warm or cold water flowing into their homes.

Residents consider it acceptable that at any time of the day its supply is suspended. This causes a lot of inconvenience, which is why there are regulations containing the duration of FGP termination.

The term “hot water supply” means the flow of water at elevated temperatures into residential and industrial premises to carry out the heating function and provide household needs.

DHW may be centralized and local. In the first case, water is supplied from a boiler room or the second cooling circuit of power plants, which is subsequently distributed to residential and public buildings. Local DHW provision is installed for 1 or a certain number of houses. It is designed for short distances: tens of meters. Water is heated using small-volume boilers using electric or gas heating.

Exist legislative acts, thanks to which the termination of the supply of hot water to residents is monitored. These include the following:

However, such organizations that have the status of increased epidemic significance (medical structures, boarding homes, schools and kindergartens) receive hot water from personal backup sources during annual work. This must be provided for at the stage of project creation.

Main reasons

In summer, hot water supply is canceled due to some repair or maintenance work at thermal power plants or on the pipelines themselves. Typically, pipes and heating mains are checked for damage: water is supplied to the test area under high pressure. In this way, the presence or absence of losses is recorded.

Before the shutdown, the organization warns residents, sending them a notification about the beginning of forced interruptions in the provision of hot water. If such a notification was not received, most likely there was a breakdown at the thermal power plant or distribution system, which is why the supply of hot water was urgently suspended.


Taking into account the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation N 354 of May 6, 2011. “On the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings” GVS may be suspended in specific situations:

  • 8 hours in total for 1 month, for four hours of a one-time shutdown, and in the event of emergency violations on a dead-end highway - for one day in a row.
  • According to SanPin 2.14.2496-09 dated April 7, 2009 No. 20: annually during repairs or maintenance work at thermal power plants or pipelines, the cessation of hot water supply should not exceed 14 days.

Based on the above, the contractor has the right to turn off the supply of hot water in the summer for a duration of no more than 2 weeks!

In addition, clause 49 of the Procedure states that a planned shutdown of hot water supply occurs after mandatory written notification to residents no later than 10 working days before the hot water supply is cut off.

How to find out about the planned termination of supply to a specific address

To clarify the exact date of preventive shutdown of hot water supply at a specific place of residence, just go to the page government services portal of your city. To use the server, registration on the site is not required. After this, you need to indicate your street and building number in the information window and click on the “Find out” button.

Recently appeared SMS notification service about the impending cessation of hot water supply. To do this, the consumer sends a free message to number 7377, typing the text “GOR WATER P”.

When disconnected without warning

If the hot water supply was suspended without any notification, outside of the schedule or for more days, the first step is to ask the emergency dispatch service. These structures are responsible for recording requests and providing the information residents need. It is worth noting that such a shutdown could occur due to unexpected breakdowns, a natural disaster, or other disruption to the normal operation of the network.

However, there are cases when hot water does not meet the required readings: warm or cold water appears, or rusty-colored liquid comes out of the tap, and the housing and communal services ignore your complaints. Then residents can file complaints with the housing and communal services department, the administration, the Office of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection, the housing committee, or the district or regional prosecutor's office.

Considering the situation, a person who goes to court may receive compensation for an illegal and unexpected termination of hot water supply.

Responsibility for violation of order

If the fulfillment of duties for supplying hot water is unsatisfactory, you can complain about the organization providing its services. However, who exactly is responsible for non-compliance? To answer the question, you need to identify a specific organization.

It depends on how exactly the building is managed, so there are several such structures:

For lack of adequate provision of hot water to residents possible consequences indicated in Article 7.23 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. It contains information that if the contractor fails to provide the required quality or duration of provision of utilities to residents, a fee will be charged. administrative penalty for legal entities in the amount of 500-1000 rubles, and for legal entities - from 5000 to 10000 rubles.

Due to annual repairs at thermal power plants or on the pipelines themselves in the summer, the supply of hot water to residents is stopped at this time. The legislation clearly establishes the duration of these works. If the standards in the provision of utility services are not met, the owners not only do not pay for hot water supply, but can also claim compensation payments from the organization in the form of an administrative fine and penalties.

For information on when hot water supply will be cut off, see the following video: