Water pipes      04/12/2019

Recalculation for heating basis. Features of calculating the cost of utilities

In almost any apartment building There are various benefits of civilization that make life quite comfortable. In addition to water, gas and electricity, there is also heating in the apartment, special role in providing warmth and comfort. But for such pleasure you have to pay every month, as, indeed, for other types utilities.
Many apartment residents who received a receipt for hot water, electricity and heat, you are probably interested in the question: “How is the heating fee calculated?” In this article we will try to figure this out.

How does the heating system of apartment buildings work?

Despite the fact that tariffs are increasing every year and the majority of residents have begun to switch to an autonomous heating device, the question of how heat appears in the apartment worries many.

It's no secret that every apartment building is connected to a central heating system, which originates from the entrance valves that cut off the building from the transport road. The flange of these valves is used to separate the areas of responsibility for heat and housing workers.

System central heating has the following important components:

  • Hot water taps on the supply and return pipelines.
  • The heating elevator is the most important unit. It is he who supplies the apartment building with heating.
  • House valves - with their participation, the heating circuit is cut off. In winter they open, and in summer they close.
  • Resets - valves, the main task which - draining or bypassing the system.

The terms “bottling” and risers deserve special attention. You probably heard about them at every beginning of the heating season. The word "bottling" has two meanings. The first option is the direction of water circulation, and the second is a thick pipe, behind which water flows to the risers. As for risers, these are pipelines that have vertical arrangement and passing through all apartments.

How is heating done? Getting warmth in your home is quite simple. Let's take, for example, an ordinary five-story building. The heating in it is distributed from below, that is, all the necessary pipes are in the basement. Each pair of risers is a jumper between them. And the connection of the risers to each other is carried out in an apartment located on the top floor or in the attic.

But what about the typical nine-story buildings built during the Soviet era? Here everything is arranged a little differently: the supply spill is located in the attic, where there are also devices such as: expansion tank with an air vent valve, a valve that cuts off each riser.

Who sets the heating tariff?

You have learned how to heat your apartments. Now it would be useful to find out information about how to calculate the payment for heat supply. However, first, let's find out who sets the heating tariff.

Heating standards are set by regional authorities.

It is worth noting that for each organization that supplies houses with thermal energy, there is individual approach. That is why heating of the territory of a certain region or city by different companies is carried out at different tariffs.

Calculating payment for heating in housing: the most common methods

Those who already have a receipt for utilities are beginning to be interested in how to calculate the heating fee. After all, the cost of a service does not always meet all expectations. This issue is especially troubling when the volume of utilities is large.

Payment for heat supply is calculated in accordance with the readings shown by metering devices built into almost every home.

There are two types of devices intended for heat metering:

  • Common houses;
  • Apartment.

For a common house appliance, mutual settlements are carried out between SMD (council apartment building) and the organization that provides the house with heat. If there is no communal meter, then all necessary operations are carried out using an individual meter. This device– an excellent assistant in calculating the cost of heating services, which the end user needs to enter into the SMD.

Also, a high-rise building may not have two types of devices. What to do in this case? Here, payment for heat energy is calculated in accordance with the standards established by law.

If tariffs change, then the energy supplying organization is obliged to inform the consumer or the SMD society about this and indicate the reasons for the innovations.

All of the above rules are specified in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 of 05/06/2011 and No. 344 of 04/16/2013. subject to significant changes.

There are several methods for calculating the amount of heating charges. But we will focus on the three most relevant of them.

Calculation without meters

Not every residential apartment building has a built-in communal heating meter. That is why the calculation is carried out without a meter during the heating season. The following formula is used here: P i = S i x N T x T T . And now, to make it clear, let’s tell you what all these symbols mean:

S i – total area of ​​housing;

N T – standard for heating use;

T T is the heat energy tariff that is set for your region and service provider.

Calculation for a common house meter

How are heating charges calculated if the building has a common appliance? Here it is worth paying attention to the formula:

P i = V D x S i S about x T T

T T - tariff for thermal energy, which the service provider sets for the region;

S ob - total area of ​​heated premises;
V D - the volume of thermal energy consumption obtained from the difference in the indicators of common house meters;

S i - the total area of ​​the heated room in the apartment without an individual meter.

Calculation by meter

P i = (V i n + V i one X S i S about) x T T

V i n - volume of heat used according to an individual meter;

V i one – the volume of thermal energy that was expended for heating non-residential premises;

S i - total area of ​​the apartment;

S ob – the area of ​​all rooms (including staircases, etc.) in the house that are heated;

T T – heat tariff.

But what to do if there are no heating meters in the house? In the absence of heating appliances, the payment is calculated for a separate apartment. This is done as follows: the established tariff for heating services for 1 sq.m. We multiply the area of ​​the apartment by the total area of ​​all apartments and other heated premises (attic, basement, utility rooms).

Payment for an individual apartment must be calculated by multiplying the size of the total area of ​​​​this room by the quotient of dividing the total result presented above by the total area of ​​​​all apartments.

Still have questions? Then watch this video:

If you follow all these formulas, then calculating your heating bills will not be difficult.

Checking the accuracy of the accrual

When payments for heating arrive, there is a desire to check the accuracy of the accrual. What does it depend on? First of all, from the formulas used in a particular case.

In what cases is recalculation for heating necessary?

If you have received a receipt indicating a fairly impressive amount for the use of heat energy, then you need to recalculate the heating fee.

Is it possible to save on home heating bills?

Increasing utility bills, including heating, is not a new phenomenon. That is why it is no coincidence that many residents of apartment buildings are concerned about the question of whether it is possible to reduce the amount of payment for heat.

This can be done in one of the following ways:

  • refuse central heating services and switch to individual consumption by installing a boiler;
  • install a heat meter in an apartment building, which can be provided by specialized stores, as well as an individual heating point.

The first option is most likely suitable for owners of private houses. After all, it involves quite large financial costs and difficulties in preparing the appropriate documents.

As for the second option, it is more economical. This option is perfect for SMDs managing an apartment building without a housing office.

Heating meter: is it profitable?

IN Lately Most people switch to paying by individual meter for heating, considering it very convenient and profitable. How is it really?

Let's start with the fact that the heating fee consists of two parts - 70% is heating of housing, and the remaining 30% is heating of places common use. If you install a meter, it can only affect the amount for the provision of apartment heating services, while the second part will remain in place. Therefore, no significant savings are expected.

In general, whether the meter is profitable or not depends on the characteristics of the apartment and multi-story building.

Incoming payment receipts for heating services are often baffling due to the large amounts due. In practice, it is very difficult to verify the relevance of these figures, since each management company develops individual tariffs for the population. In this case, you need to know how to pay for heating: the calculation procedure and calculation.

Legislative basis for heating calculations

First of all, you need to find out on what basis calculations for heat supply are made. To do this, you should study the law on heating payments. Its latest edition is No. 354 dated 05/06/2011. Its clauses describe in detail the procedure for calculating payment.

Compared to the old version, the procedure for calculating amounts for services provided, as well as the forms for concluding contracts and receipts, have changed. Before calculating the surcharge for heating, the consumer needs to find out the type of arrangement of his residential building:

  • A common building meter for metering consumed thermal energy has been installed, but there are none in the apartments;
  • Along with the general building meter, the apartment has a individual device energy metering;
  • There are no devices in the house to control the amount of thermal energy consumed.

Only after this can you find out how heating payments are calculated. In addition, according to Resolution No. 354, payment for consumed thermal energy is divided into two types - for a specific residential premises and as general house needs. The latter include heating stairwells, basements and attics of buildings. Therefore, before calculating the payment for heating, you should ask management company the total area of ​​these premises, as well as the maintenance tariff the required level temperatures in them.

The same information should be displayed on the receipts received - there will be 2 points for payment, which will give the total amount. Typically, payment standards for heating non-residential premises are higher than residential ones. But when dividing the total amount among all apartments in the building, their deduction in the receipt is reduced.

Since payment for heating residential and non-residential premises is considered, it is necessary that this information be specified in the agreement with the management company.

District heating - calculation options

Currently, there are no uniform tariffs according to which housing and communal services would be paid for heating. Instead, there are recommendations and rules for setting the cost of services by management companies responsible for the heat supply of residential buildings. The calculation method directly depends on the heat meters installed in the house or apartment.

In addition, the size of the amount is influenced by the climatic characteristics of the region, the degree of wear and tear of the equipment, as well as the thermal insulation of the house. These factors are taken into account when maintaining the desired temperature level in residential and non-residential areas of the building.

Those. the lower the efficiency of the system, the higher the payment for heating will be all year round. Let's consider the main options for calculating the cost of heat supply services according to the latest methods regulated at the legislative level.

In some cases, several heating risers may pass through one apartment. Installing a meter on each of them is a costly undertaking. Then it is best to install a common house heat meter.

Heating calculation with a common house meter

If a heat meter is installed in the house, the management company is obliged to perform calculations using a certain formula. In this case, the procedure for calculating payment for heating should consist of several points.

First of all, it is necessary to agree on the total area of ​​the building and the specific apartment for which the calculation is being performed. Then the following actions are performed:

  • Reconciliation of communal meter readings at the beginning and end of the payment period. The difference will be the total energy consumption of the home. In this way, you can correctly calculate the payment for heating an apartment or non-residential premises;
  • Calculate the ratio of the total area of ​​the apartment to the same indicator for the house;
  • Find out the tariff for payment of thermal energy from the management company.

Further calculation of payment for heating is carried out using the following formula:


Where R– planned amount to be paid, V– the volume of thermal energy consumed during the period, Tk And Td– area of ​​the apartment and house, TO– apartment heating tariff.

As an example, you can calculate the heating payment for an apartment with a total area of ​​43 m² located in a building with 7000 m². The total heat consumption was 85 Gcal. For Voronezh, the average tariff is 1371 rubles/Gcal. Then, according to heating payment standards, the total amount will be:

Р=85*(43/7000)*1371= 715 rub.

But in addition, a system of heating payment standards was introduced. It is used in the absence of individual heat meters. The average W rate for residential premises currently ranges from 0.022 to 0.03 Gcal/m² per month. Then the payment for heating should be calculated using the following formula:


Let's assume the value of W=0.027. In this case, the payment will be:

Р=43*0.027*1371=1591 rub.

It is by this formula that all management companies prefer to make calculations.

When drawing up a heat supply contract, you must check the calculation methodology. In practice, management companies do not always provide it.

Heating calculation with a common house meter and individual metering devices

The situation is much simpler when the apartment has a heat meter. In this case, you simply need to multiply the meter readings by the management company tariff.

Bearing in mind that different interpretations of the law on heating payments are possible, special attention should be paid to tariffs. The difference in prices between different providers of this service can reach 30%. And even if heating is paid for using an individual meter, a high tariff can nullify all attempts to save on current costs.

But in practice, the consumer does not have the opportunity to choose a management company. This is especially true for apartment buildings. Therefore, when a verification calculation of heating payment is made using an individual heat meter, current tariffs have to be applied.

However, in addition to the cost of the service for energy consumption in residential premises, it is necessary to take into account the costs of general house heating. First, the amount of thermal energy spent on this type of heat supply is calculated. To do this you need to use the formula:


Where V– the share of the apartment owner to pay for communal heating, N– consumption standards for paying for communal heating, S– the total area of ​​premises belonging to this category, Tk And Td– area of ​​the apartment and house.

Currently, the N indicator is 0.016 Gcal/m². As an example of calculating payment for communal heating, we can assume that the area of ​​non-residential premises in the house is 500 m². Then the apartment owner must pay for the following heat consumption for heating:

V=0.06*500(43/7000)=0.18 Gcal

Then you need to multiply the result by the tariff from the service provider. In most cases, in the overall calculation of payment for heating, this part takes up from 5% to 15%.

How to reduce current heating costs

Considering the constantly increasing tariffs for housing and communal services payments for heat supply, the question of reducing these costs becomes only more relevant every year. The problem of reducing costs lies in the specifics of the centralized system.

How to reduce heating bills and at the same time ensure the proper level of heating of the premises? First of all, you need to understand that conventional heating systems do not work for central heating. effective ways reducing heat losses. Those. if the façade of the house has been insulated, a replacement has been made window designs for new ones, the payment amount will remain the same.

The only way to reduce heating costs is to install individual meters accounting of thermal energy. However, you may encounter the following problems:

  • A large number of thermal risers in the apartment. Currently, the average cost of installing a heating meter ranges from 18 to 25 thousand rubles. In order to carry out heating cost calculations based on an individual device, it is necessary to install them on each riser;
  • Difficulty in obtaining permission to install a meter. To do this you need to get technical specifications and based on them, select the optimal device model;
  • In order to make timely payments for heat supply using an individual meter, it is necessary to periodically send them for verification. To do this, dismantling and subsequent installation of the device that has passed verification is carried out. This also entails additional costs.

But despite these factors, the installation heat meter will ultimately lead to a significant reduction in payments for heat supply services. If the house has a circuit with several thermal risers passing through each apartment, you can install a common house meter. In this case, the cost reduction will not be so significant.

When calculating payment for heating using a common house meter, it is not the amount of thermal energy received that is taken into account, but the difference between it and the return pipe of the system. This is the most acceptable and open method formation of the final cost of the service. In addition, by choosing the optimal device model, you can further improve heating system home according to the following indicators:

  • The ability to regulate the amount of thermal energy consumed into the building depending on external factors - outside temperature;
  • A transparent way to calculate heating payments. However, in this case, the total amount is distributed among all apartments in the house depending on their area, and not on the volume of thermal energy that came to each room.

In addition, only representatives of the management company can maintain and set up a common house meter. However, residents have the right to demand all the necessary reporting to reconcile completed and accrued housing and communal services payments for heat supply.

In addition to installing a heat meter, it is necessary to install a modern mixing unit to regulate the degree of heating of the coolant entering the heating system of the house.

Questions about paying for heating services

In addition to the opacity of the procedure for calculating payments for heating, there is also whole line problems associated with central heating. In most cases, they include the quality of services provided, the legality of charging year-round fees, as well as methods for calculating payments for electric heating.

Alas, the law on payment for central heating services most of is paid to calculations and possible compensation for poor quality services. Getting the latter is extremely difficult due to paperwork. Let's consider the main problems of central heating supply and ways to solve them.

Year-round or seasonal payment for heating services

Over the past five to seven years, a new form of charging for district heating services has emerged. Paying for heating in the summer has become common practice. But how convenient is it for consumers and legal from a legal point of view?

The problem is that the average consumer cannot choose whether to pay for heat supply all year round or only during the heating season. The decision on this is made only between the management company and the heat supply organization. In rare cases, it is possible to change the payment schedule in agreement with the HOA or housing cooperative.

What are the features of paying for heating in the summer?

  • Inability to control the relevance of the fees charged. To form it, the management company uses many intricate and complex methods;
  • Uniform financial burden on the consumer. The cost of heating services in summer and winter is always the same. Those. expenses in February will be the same as in August;
  • Possibility of making a decision on seasonal payment for heat supply if heating meters are available.

It is because of the last point that residents of apartment buildings prefer to install a common heat meter.

Summing up the total cost of seasonal and year-round payment, you can see that the smaller amount will be in the first case.

Payment for gas and electric heating

If possible, many apartment owners try to disconnect from the central heating supply. Alternatively do autonomous systems with gas or electric boilers.

In practice, you can encounter many problems when organizing such heat supply systems. The main one is not to pay for electric heating, but to obtain permission to install it. And even after the legal installation of the equipment, the following difficulties may arise:

  • Payment for gas heating will be charged on a general basis. Before this, it is mandatory to install a gas meter;
  • Additionally, you will need to pay for heating associated with common areas. The procedure for its calculation was described above;
  • You cannot connect the boiler to the central heating system without first disconnecting from it. This will lead to the opening of the common house circuit.

There is an opportunity to save money when organizing electric heating. It consists of providing a preferential tariff by the electricity supplier. But it can only be used if there is no gas main in the house. If available, the cost of electricity supply services will be calculated on a general basis.

How else can you save on central heating costs? One possibility is to provide incentives or subsidies. However, lately it has been extremely difficult to obtain them. To do this, you will need to collect a lot of documents and confirm your demands to reduce utility bills, including heat supply.

Calculation of heating costs in an apartment building,

equipped with a common house heat meter.

Currently, heating fees have increased sharply and amount to approximately half of the payment amount. Why is this happening? Having received a payment, people do not delve into the numbers, but go and pay. They think something like this: “Since the figure is like this, it means it was calculated in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation based on the readings of metering devices” - AS WELL AS IT IS NOT SO!

Some management companies or HOA chairmen, taking advantage of the lack of control and illiteracy of residents, do very simply:

1. They charge residents for heating according to the standard, i.e. according to tariffs approved by Moscow, and are paid according to heat meter readings.

The heat meter readings are hidden from residents, because the difference between the tariff and actual consumption is significant.


Let's say. There are 100 apartments in the building, each costing 500 rubles. per month - 50,000 rub. overpayments per year - 600,000-1,000,000 rubles. What if there are more apartments?

2. Some management companies or HOA chairmen RANDOMLY set the tariff a little less than the standard and proudly inform the residents: “Look, we are so generous, you pay below the tariff,” but in fact the overpayment is about the same as in the first case.

To avoid this, it is suggested to defend your rights and NOT OVERPAY specific example show how to calculate the cost of heating 1 sq. m. in a residential area (apartment).

The legal basis for determining the heating fee is Art. 157 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation and the by-law - Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354.

Clause 4.2 1. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 states:

42.1. In the absence of collective (common house), common (apartment) and individual metering devices in all residential or non-residential premises of an apartment building, the amount of payment for utility services for heating is determined in accordance with formula 2 of Appendix No. 2 to these Rules based on the standard consumption of utility services.

In an apartment building that is equipped with a collective (common building) heat energy metering device and in which not all residential or non-residential premises are equipped with individual and (or) common (apartment) heat energy meters (distributors), the amount of payment for utility services for heating in a residential building indoors is determined in accordance with formula 3 of Appendix No. 2 to these Rules based on the readings of a collective (common house) heat energy meter.

In an apartment building that is equipped with a collective (common building) heat energy metering device and in which all residential and non-residential premises are equipped with individual and (or) common (apartment) heat energy meters (distributors), the amount of payment for utility services for heating in residential and non-residential premises is determined in accordance with formula 3.1 of Appendix No. 2 to these Rules based on the readings of individual and (or) general (apartment) heat energy meters.

In this case, in an ordinary Soviet-built house, we choose the calculation according to formula 3:

3. The amount of payment for utility services for heating in the i-th residential or non-residential premises not equipped with an individual or common (apartment) heat energy metering device in an apartment building, which is equipped with a collective (community) heat energy metering device and in which not all residential and non-residential premises are equipped with individual (or) common (apartment) heat energy metering devices, in accordance with paragraphs 42.1 and the Rules, determined by formula 3:


The volume (quantity) of thermal energy consumed during the billing period, determined according to the readings of the collective (community) thermal energy meter with which the apartment building is equipped. In the cases provided for in paragraph 59 of the Rules, to calculate the amount of payment for utility services, the volume (quantity) of the utility resource determined in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph is used;

Total area of ​​the i-th residential or non-residential premises;

The total area of ​​all residential and non-residential premises of an apartment building;

Thermal energy tariff established in accordance with the law Russian Federation.

Information about changes:

From March 14, 2017, heating fees are charged in a new way - without using a multiplying factor. This change was widely publicized in the media, so consumers became more active and began to demand from management organizations a return of overpaid funds.

In the article we will look at existing rules recalculation of heating fees, as well as various general and specific situations related to this.

Cancel the boost factor

By general rule in Russia, payments for utility resources, the consumption of which is calculated using metering devices, are calculated using a multiplying factor if the required DPPU are not installed in an apartment building. This measure is aimed at stimulating consumers to save water, gas, electricity and heat.

In March 2017, this rule was partially changed. From PP No. 354 dated 05/06/11, the norm was removed that allows the utility contractor to use an increasing coefficient in the absence of a common heat meter in the house. Until March 14, PC was used subject to three conditions:

  • it is technically possible to install a common house meter;
  • apartment owners are required to install this device;
  • despite the first two points, the MKD is not equipped with an ODPU heat.

These changes appeared thanks to the release of PP No. 232 dated February 27, 2014. The magazine's experts figured it out.

Why the cancellation of the PC became the basis for recalculation for heating

The main subtlety of the described changes to PP No. 354 was that the normative act began to work in March, but new rules for making payments were introduced on January 1 of the same year. In legal terms, the legislative amendments received retroactive effect.

As a result, management organizations had a need to recalculate heating costs according to the main document governing such matters - Resolution 354. It is carried out in a standard way - the amount of overpayment is determined, which is then deducted from the payments of the apartment owner.

Payment for heat supply is calculated using one of two formulas, depending on whether it is charged only during the heating season or in equal installments throughout the year. The resulting figure in the absence of ODPU heat was multiplied by an increasing factor of 1.5. For clarity, let's call it “Sum 1”. In order to recalculate the heating fee, this figure must be divided by the same PC size. This will result in the amount of payment without the canceled coefficient, which we will call “Amount 2”. When you subtract the second amount from the first, you get the same overpayment that needs to be returned to the consumer.

For clarity, we present the mentioned calculation formulas in the figure.

Changes in the payment rules took place in March, which means that consumers have already managed to pay for utilities for the first two months of the year. They needed to recalculate the heating fee for January and February, since these two months included an increasing factor in the formula. In March, PC was no longer used in calculations.


Until January 1, 2017, the calculation of heating fees in the event of failure of the ODPU was not regulated by law. The courts resolved disputes between the MA and the RSO regarding the determination of the volume of energy supplied to the MKD in different ways. About what positions judges previously occupied, how to correctly calculate fees from January 1, 2017, and in what cases increasing coefficients are used.

Features of retroactive overpayment refund

According to the current rules, utility service providers must not return overpaid amounts to the owners of premises in cash or in non-cash form. Such overpayment is credited to the consumer’s personal account and taken into account when paying for subsequent billing periods.

The management company can return the resulting overpayment in two ways:

  • a reduction in the payment for heat in the following months (or in the next heating season, if the payment is billed only in the cold season);
  • reducing the amount of consumer debt for heat supply, if any.

It is not always possible to credit the overpayment immediately after recalculation for heating has been made. In this situation, the balance is taken into account for future payments. The described return procedure can be considered general, since PP No. 354 does not provide for any special procedure for such cases. According to what rules it is necessary to return excessively accrued funds for utilities, it is stated in paragraphs 61, 99, 102 and 155 (2) of the government decree.

PP No. 232 dated February 27, 2016 does not establish a specific period during which the cash due to the changes that have come into force. At the same time, the executor of the CG does not have the right to withhold money longer than the allotted time. He must take them into account in full when paying for heating for the following periods.

In some cases, the offset of overpaid amounts had to be postponed until the fall of 2017. For example, some consumers managed to pay their March bills before the heating charges were recalculated. In April, the management company already took into account the overpayment, but its entire amount for one billing period was not always taken into account. If the heating season ended at this point, and heating fees were not charged in the summer, then the remaining amount was transferred to the fall. In general, all conscientious CU performers took into account the overpayment in January-February by the end of 2017, and this issue was closed.

Heat supply

The use of individual utility consumption meters by all honest payers is recognized as the most effective. This became especially clear after hot and cold meters became widespread. cold water. What could be more reasonable than paying only for what you consume and nothing else? This is logical and convenient, but not always easy to apply. For example, when it comes to using individual heat meters, many problems arise. But if you set a goal, then you can solve these problems.

How does IPU work?

Thermal energy is taken into account in the form of measuring the temperature difference and coolant flow. When installing an individual meter in an apartment, you should first find out whether the heating system in your house is installed vertically or horizontally. This is important because buying and installing a heat meter is not a cheap pleasure.

The devices are usually mounted directly on the coolant supply pipe, respectively, if the heating system of the house is standing, then logically you will have to install a separate meter for each pipe, which is quite expensive. With a horizontal system, this problem does not exist; one counter is installed there. But if your home has vertical system heating, you can install distributors on batteries that measure coolant flow by the difference in air temperature in the room and the surface of the radiator.

In new buildings of the 2000s, as a rule, horizontal system, old houses are equipped with a standing system. After the meter is installed by specialists, it is sealed. By the way, do not forget to ensure that heat does not escape from your apartment, otherwise there will be little sense in installing an individual meter.

Should I take it?

Before you buy such an expensive device and call installers, which in itself is not so difficult, you need to settle another, much more important detail, to obtain from the management company an unambiguous answer to the question: will it accept the readings of individual heat meters as data on which fees are calculated.

With a high degree of probability the answer will be negative. The fact is that in order to apply a special formula for calculating the amount of payment for a heating utility service, taking into account the indicators of an individual meter, it is necessary that all residential and non-residential premises of the apartment building be equipped with a heat control unit. This requirement is contained in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 “On the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings.” Otherwise, a calculation formula is applied, which is based on the readings of a common house meter.

Thus, in order to pay as much as you consume, you need to encourage all owners to voluntarily install individual heat meters. As already mentioned, the most acceptable from a technological point of view for houses with vertical distribution of heating systems is the installation of radiator distributors. These are compact devices that record the temperature difference between the surface of the battery and the air in the room.

The distributor integrates the measured temperature difference over time and calculates the heat transfer value of the heating device in proportional units. The conversion factor of distributor units into Gcal turns out to be different for different buildings and different measurement periods. This coefficient must be calculated for each accounting period by distributing among the apartments all the costs of the house, measured by a common building heat meter.

Calculations are made by a special software, which contains an algorithm for distributing consumed heat in accordance with the current regulatory framework. Moreover, the hotter the radiators in the premises, the higher the value shown by the radiator distributors, which means the higher the payment for the consumed thermal resources. However, the amount of payments for all apartments will always be equal to the payment for the entire house billed by the heat supplier.

It would seem that this is the solution

But there are two nuances. The first is the price. It’s not that scary for one apartment (even at 2015 prices you can spend 6,000-10,000 rubles). On the one side. But, on the other hand, try to convince all the residents. Especially pensioners.

However, it is not even the cost that can be a reason to abandon this idea. There is still no unity in the interpretation of the concept of “distributor”. Here is what is said about this in RF PP No. 354:

  • Distributor - a device used in an apartment building equipped with a collective (common building) heat metering device, and allowing to determine the share of the volume of utility heating service consumption per individual residential or non-residential premises in which such devices are installed, in the total volume of utility service consumption for heating in all residential and non-residential premises in an apartment building in which distributors are installed.

It would seem that everything is clear. But since the document does not contain the phrase “the distributor is an individual heat energy metering device,” this leaves the management company the opportunity to refuse the owners to apply the formula for calculating payment for heating services using a formula that takes into account the readings of the IPU. Here, the matter may have to be resolved in court. And there is a chance to win the case. At least there is a precedent. Back in 2013, the St. Petersburg City Court found no reason to believe that the distributors do not comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation on ensuring the uniformity of measurements. But, nevertheless, it is worth recognizing that today in judicial practice There was no consensus on this issue.