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Modern heating of industrial premises. Air heating systems for industrial premises. Workshop water heating

For comfortable work employees of production and storage facilities need to equip an efficient heating system. In addition, the normal temperature regime has a positive effect on equipment, machines and the building itself. Consider what are the ways of heating production and storage facilities. After all, someone chooses heating boilers, and someone prefers heaters for space heating. In our article we will talk about the features and efficiency of different heating systems.

How to heat non-residential premises

For rooms with large areas, 3 types of heating systems are usually used: air, water and radiant. When using water heating, it is necessary to arrange heating radiators. Such a system is beneficial, as it has a large selection of heating equipment. But with such a heating system, there is a large thermal inertia and high costs are required. Not all commercial premises can be equipped with heating radiators, as they must be installed on the wall. And usually in retail outlets in these places they arrange racks.

Radiant and air heating have a higher demand. Consider in detail each heating system.

air heating

Air heating appeared one of the first types of heating systems. And until now, such a system is popular due to its effectiveness. Air heating has the following advantages:

  • In such a system, the coefficient useful action more than water heating.
  • There is no need for piping and heating radiators. In the air system, it is necessary to install only air ducts.
  • An air heating system is often used in conjunction with an air conditioning system. Therefore, you can get fresh air instead of warm.
  • The heated air is distributed evenly throughout the room.
  • The air is cleaned and changed regularly. Therefore, there will always be a comfortable atmosphere in the room, which positively affects the performance of employees.

In order to save money, it is better to use combined air heating for industrial premises. Such a heating system consists of mechanical and natural air induction.

With natural fence warm air will be picked up from environment. It will be warm even when it is very cold outside. Mechanical impulsion - cold air intake by an air duct for heating and supply to the room.

Air heating is the most optimal for heating large industrial premises. And in chemical enterprises as heating system only air is allowed.

Water heating

Not all production and storage facilities are suitable for a water heating system. Since for its device it is necessary to equip a boiler room, arrange a piping system, install heating radiators in the premises. In addition to these elements, it is still necessary to purchase pressure gauges, valves and other control devices. In order to maintain the operation of the heating system, the presence of specialists is necessary.

Water heating There are two types according to the principle of the device: one-pipe and two-pipe.

In the first type, it will not be possible to regulate the water temperature. Since all heating radiators are installed in series. And there is no way to turn off only one device.

In a two-pipe system, the temperature can be controlled. This can be done using thermostats that are installed on radiators in parallel.

The heating boiler serves as a source of heat in the water system. Boilers are divided according to the type of fuel: solid fuel, gas, electric, liquid fuel and combined. If the production room has a small area, then a furnace with a water circuit can be used.

The type of boiler should be chosen from the desires and possibilities. Not everyone has the ability to connect gas, so a gas boiler cannot be used. Many choose solid fuel or diesel heating boilers.

Electric boilers are often used, but in small rooms. Since heating with electricity is not cheap.

Unforeseen situations often happen. And there may be any accidents in the electricity or gas supply. Therefore, it is desirable to have a backup version of the heating system.
Combined heating boilers are more expensive. Such devices can have several types of burners: gas-diesel, gas-wood and gas-electricity-diesel.

infrared heating

Infrared heating can be divided into two types: light and dark heaters.

In the first form, the gas is burned with a burner. And its surface temperature can be 900oC. The required radiation comes from a hot burner.

The second type of heater is radiators with reflectors. They are designed to direct radiant energy to the required areas. Dark infrared devices cannot heat up like light ones. Maximum temperature heating is 500°C. Such heaters differ in radiation, it is not so hard. Therefore, tubular heaters have a large scope.

The most convenient and economical heating is a suspended radiant panel. Such panels work with the help of an intermediate coolant. It is made up of steam and water. Water can be heated in the device up to 60-120 ° C, and steam is heated up to 100-200.

Consider the benefits of radiant heating:

  • Warm zones can be created in unheated rooms;
  • Rapid space heating. Depending on the area, the approximate heating time is from 15 to 20 minutes;
  • Since there is no need to check or repair pumps, replace filters and other elements that are in other heating systems, this factor allows you to save a lot;
  • No loss of thermal energy;
  • The floor is also heated, so it is an additional source of heating;
  • Comfortable microclimate. The air does not dry out

Such heaters cannot be installed indoors: with a ceiling height of less than 4 m, in production, where radiation can affect the quality of products, as well as in rooms that have fire categories A and B.

The infrared heating system is easy to use and more economical than an air system. Infrared heaters do not spread dust, do not dry the air and create thermal zones in the room. But in those rooms where it is impossible to use radiant heating, the best option there will be an air system.

Air heating allows you to create on large industrial facilities conditions that cannot be achieved with other heating systems. Modern equipment and automation ensure the maintenance of the set parameters of temperature, air purity and humidity in the room in accordance with the most stringent requirements of GOST.

Principles of organizing air heating systems

The operation of such systems is based on the transfer of energy from a heat source directly to air, which is then transported through piping systems to heated rooms. At the same time, profitability is achieved due to the absence of intermediate units - radiators, expansion tanks, as well as boilers that are expensive to maintain.

On the territory of industrial or administrative facilities, air heated to the desired temperature is distributed using fans or distribution heads. Today, mobile units are also in demand, allowing you to quickly raise the temperature in the desired area.

Equipment for air heating Can be placed both indoors and outdoors. At the same time, in places where there are problems with the supply of electricity, diesel fuel, natural gas or waste oil can be used as an energy carrier. This significantly reduces the cost of one kilowatt of heat compared to installations powered by electricity.

The main advantages of air heating systems

When heating industrial premises, the customer receives the following advantages:

  • high system efficiency, up to 93%;
  • long service life of equipment (up to 20 years);
  • the ability to put the units into operation at any time of the year, regardless of the ambient temperature;
  • low material consumption;
  • low inertia - the units reach the operating mode in a matter of minutes, warming up any object in just a few hours.
  • the ability to integrate heating and climate systems, which will ensure an optimal microclimate even in hazardous industries;
  • integration with automation systems, providing additional savings due to the work in the "standby mode" in the absence of people in the room.

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In the cold season inner part industrial buildings of any size needs maintenance normal temperature. For heating industrial premises, several types of heating systems are usually used. Each of them has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. Which option to choose will depend on the object, its area and purpose.

Due to the harsh climate of Russia during the cold seasons, production facilities must be heated, maintaining them. To create normal conditions will have to make a lot of effort. It's connected with big size buildings, the performance of certain works and the technological equipment placed in them. All these factors complicate the task of installing a heating system.

Despite such difficulties, heating of industrial premises is still provided. The heating system in such buildings performs several important functions:

  • creates comfortable working conditions for the staff;
  • serves to protect equipment from temperature extremes, preventing its hypothermia;
  • comfortable microclimate in the warehouse of products.

Heating and cooling of high rooms. Hoval Air-Injector

squares industrial buildings vary in size and range from tens to several thousand square meters. Such buildings usually have very high ceilings, and the work area that needs heating is small sizes. Unlike houses and apartments industrial heating has its own characteristics.

Equipment for heating industrial premises should be as efficient as possible. The zone of its location in the building does not matter regarding aesthetics. There are buildings in which it is necessary to heat a certain area, but there are also those where it is necessary to heat the entire area. Consideration of heat losses is of great importance. The heating system is selected depending on the type and purpose of the room.

Performing the calculation for autonomous heating industrial premises and enterprises, it must be borne in mind that they must be maintained at a constant temperature without sudden jumps. In some places there is a need to create separate zones with different levels of heat. When calculating a particular type of system, one must rely on the following criteria:

All these factors will help determine the need for thermal energy for industrial and industrial buildings. To calculate heating systems, you must use a special table. It is also necessary to take into account the specifics of production, the availability of fuel, its cost, and heat engineering calculations.

Several heating systems for industrial buildings are now offered. The most effective are:

  • steam;
  • water;
  • air;
  • electrical.

Heating large rooms

When choosing any of these options, you need to focus on the dimensions of the building, ease of installation and the availability of repairs if necessary. It is also important to calculate the amount of thermal energy that will be spent to maintain a certain temperature regime.

All of the above types of heating have their advantages and disadvantages. When choosing a project, technological processes must be taken into account. People working in the workshops will not be able to stay indoors if the temperature in it drops below 10 ° C. Warehouses usually contain finished products. Its quality may suffer from temperature changes, so it needs to create a certain microclimate.

Heating with steam is different in that it cannot be installed in rooms where there are emissions of combustible gases, aerosols or a constant source of dust. For example, in the production paving slabs such a heating system will not work. For other businesses, steam heating has its advantages. This, for example, heat, which is permanent. It is able to warm up the room very quickly, but the building also cools down quickly. To maintain heat, the number of floors in the building does not matter. This type can be called ideal for periodic heating.

In addition to the positive aspects, steam heating has its drawbacks. The equipment makes a lot of noise during operation. The second disadvantage is that it is very difficult to regulate heat transfer and the amount of steam. Price heating season will depend on frequency of use and type of fuel.

in heating hot water the main component is the boiler. It tends to work on many types of energy carriers:

  • electricity;
  • liquid or solid fuel;
  • combined view;

The most economical fuel option is gas and coal. Other types of consumption will cost more, which is less beneficial for heating industrial buildings.

Water heating has its own characteristics. It stands out under high pressure, when using it, it is possible to maintain the required temperature level so that the structure does not freeze through. If during operation the temperature mark drops to 0 ° C, then the installation may fail. When not using heating equipment, antifreeze must be added.

The main advantage of such a system is fast heating. However, besides this plus, there are many disadvantages. For example, with high ceilings in industrial buildings, hot air will rise to the top, while cold air will remain at the bottom. With such heating, a lot of electricity is consumed, the air becomes dry, so it is necessary to humidify it to a normal state.

With the help of electrical appliances, you can use the most different systems. Now more and more modern developments are being used. For example, infrared emitters great for storage areas.

Install also thermal curtains, due to which the cold does not get inside the buildings. Nevertheless, despite all the positive qualities, it will not be possible to heat the entire area with the help of these devices, and when using additional equipment, material costs will be high.

The most effective are ceiling systems. This innovative technology radiant installations allows you to warm up the walls, floors and ceilings of any premises. During operation, the local zone is rapidly heated, and this type of equipment occupies a minimum area. Infrared heating does not need to be reconstructed for a long time, the installation of this system is quick and simple (it is sometimes installed in the form wall panels). According to many experts, radiant heaters are the most acceptable option for heating industrial buildings and premises.

Infrared space heating

Increasing competition in domestic market forces manufacturers to pay attention to all cost items. Not the last in this list are the costs of heating industrial premises. With the increase in the cost of energy carriers, their percentage in overall structure costs increased markedly. Choice questions economical option heating of industrial premises from the category of "long-playing" moved into the category of urgent. As a way out of the situation, air heating is often considered - one of the most economical and effective options.

Operating principle

Air heating consists of a heat generator and closed routes, through which heated air masses are distributed through production workshops, warehouses, change houses and other premises. Naturally, the heated air is supplied under pressure. It is pumped by a fan, which is mounted in the circuit in front of the heat generator. Air is distributed to individual lines by means of mechanical dampers or automatic distribution mechanisms.

Often, heating systems for industrial premises are presented in the form of mobile devices. portable heat guns characterized high performance and are able to heat up any room very quickly. All options for air heating additionally solve the problem of recirculation of air flows. This has a positive effect on the general sanitary and hygienic condition of the premises.

Advantages and disadvantages

The air heating method has undeniable advantages:

  1. The efficiency reaches 93%. When organizing heating, installation of intermediate heating devices is not required.
  2. Heating systems of this type can be fully integrated with ventilation systems. This allows you to constantly maintain an optimal microclimate inside the production complexes.
  3. Very low level of inertia. Immediately after the activation of the equipment in the room, the air temperature begins to rise.
  4. High efficiency has a positive effect on the economic performance of production and lower production costs.

Along with this, air heating has obvious disadvantages:

  1. Requires permanent technical care behind the active elements of the system. It is quite difficult to modernize existing installations.
  2. In order to avoid interruptions in heat supply, a backup power supply is needed.

System design

To organize an air heating system, it is necessary to draw up project documentation. The development of the scheme and the performance of calculations should be entrusted to experienced specialists. It is desirable that they have practical skills in implementing such projects. Otherwise, an imbalance cannot be ruled out. temperature conditions or increased noise levels in industrial premises.

An organization that assumes obligations to plan a heating scheme for industrial premises must effectively solve many issues:

  1. Determine the expected level of heat loss in each individual room.
  2. Calculate the power of the heat generator taking into account unproductive heat costs.
  3. Calculate the amount of heated air and the expected temperature regime.
  4. Determine the diameter of the air-conducting channels and the pressure loss from the negative aerodynamic characteristics of the line.

After drawing up the project, it will be possible to proceed with the purchase of equipment.

Installation of air heating

Heating of production halls

Having a clear plan for the location of the nodes and assemblies of the system, it is very easy to perform installation work by the employees of the company. However, if you wish, you can contact specialized companies. At self installation Attention, first of all, must be paid to the completeness of the delivery. Under the order, manufacturers supply air ducts, dampers, tie-ins and other standard elements.

In addition, you can additionally purchase the following materials:

  • flexible lines
  • aluminum tape
  • insulation and mounting tape

Warming some areas is very important because it helps prevent condensation. For this purpose, a layer of foil insulation on a self-adhesive basis is laid over the walls of the pipelines. Its thickness may vary. The most demanded materials are 3-5 millimeters thick.

Depending on the geometry of the premises and the design solution, rigid or flexible lines are installed. Separate sections are connected to each other using reinforced tape, plastic or metal clamps. All installation work is reduced to the following set of actions:

  • installation of hot air lines
  • installation of distribution pipes
  • installation of a heat generating unit
  • laying a thermal insulation layer
  • installation of additional equipment

Air heating in warehouse, production and utility rooms is a complete heating system. It is characterized by economy and high efficiency.