Shower      03/07/2020

Fuchsia does not bloom for a reason. Fuchsia care. Fuchsia - home care

Many people think that growing fuchsia is not at all difficult, because the plant is quite easy to care for. But this seems only at first glance; as practice shows, fuchsia is quite capricious.

Fuchsia often loses leaves and buds if it is disturbed, rearranged or rotated during flowering.

IN winter time in bright light it may also shed its leaves. To prevent this from happening, it is shaded and the buds that appear are removed, i.e. do not allow the plant to bloom.

Fuchsia does not like high temperatures, as a result of which it can shed its leaves and form long thin shoots.

Leaves may fall if there is too little humidity, poor watering and high temperatures.

It is extremely dangerous for fuchsia if the soil in the pot overheats (it is better to plant plants in light pots, they heat up less). This can even lead to the death of the plant, because... it has very tender roots. You can correct the situation by placing the pot in a flowerpot to create an air gap.

Pests that sometimes appear on fuchsia (whiteflies and mites) can also cause leaf fall. In this case, the leaves on both sides and the ground are treated with phytoverm, actellik or actara according to the instructions included with these preparations.

In order for fuchsia to grow and develop well, it is necessary to maintain favorable conditions for it.

1. Wintering is very important for fuchsia. The plant should overwinter in a cool room at a temperature of 6-12 degrees.

2. Considering that fuchsia loves an abundance of bright but diffused light, it is better to place it on windows facing east or west.

On a south window, fuchsia must be protected from direct sun rays. When it is located in a northern window, and even shaded by trees, the fuchsia stems stretch out, it blooms sparingly, the leaves and flowers become smaller.

3. Watering is probably the most important thing for fuchsias. Water it regularly with settled water at room temperature. In this case, the water should not stagnate in the pan - it must be drained.

From March to September, fuchsia is watered after the top layer of soil has slightly dried out. From October, the frequency of watering is reduced, and by the end of November it almost stops. This promotes more abundant flowering in the future and does not allow the shoots to stretch.

4. Fuchsia is very responsive to spraying. From May to August, it is advisable to spray the plant twice a day in the morning and evening, and in the fall two to three times a week.

5. This capricious beauty does not need feeding from October to March. But in other months, fuchsia is fed every two to three weeks with fertilizer for flowering plants.

6. Fuchsia usually blooms from May to November. During this entire period, faded flowers are removed, which promotes the formation of new buds.

7. Considering that flower buds form only on young shoots, old bare stems are cut off, and young stems are pinched after the second or third internodes. This also contributes to better tillering. If the density is not enough, the shoots that have grown back after the first pinching are shortened again (after the second pair of leaves).

The last pinching is done no later than the end of April. If this procedure is carried out later, flowering will be pushed closer to autumn, since fuchsia usually takes about two months to form buds and bloom.

By observing all of the above conditions, you can not only protect fuchsia from leaf fall, but also form an original tree. To do this, vertically growing shoots are attached to a support and that’s it. side shoots cut until the trunk reaches the desired height. After this, the top is cut off and three to five side shoots are allowed to develop, which will form the crown of the tree.

Fuchsia is a very beautiful indoor plant. It is of great interest due to its abundant and long flowering from spring to late autumn. Moreover, breeders have bred a huge number different varieties. There are ampelous and bush varieties.

Fuchsias can also be grown in hanging baskets and formed into standard trees or beautiful bushes. Just a little effort and lush flowers with beautiful skirts will delight you with blooms and bright colors.

Fuchsia prefers bright, diffused light. Able to tolerate evening and morning sun rays. Suitable for growing near windows with western and eastern exposure. Windows with southern exposure should be shaded from direct sunlight. Near the northern window, the plant may bloom weaker and stretch out more. Keep in mind that a blooming fuchsia should never be rotated or rearranged - this may cause the buds and flowers to fall off. Exhibiting fuchsia in the summer open air remember that the plant should be accustomed to the new level of illumination gradually to avoid sunburn.

Fuchsias die in the heat from overheating of the roots, so it is recommended to grow fuchsias in ceramic pots rather than in plastic ones, in which the roots become hotter.

To prevent plants from dying, remove them from bright sun. Try to keep the pot itself protected from direct sunlight. It can be wrapped in light paper. On a hot afternoon, it is best to move fuchsias to the back of the room or in the shade.

During the growing season, fuchsia prefers temperatures around 18-25C. The plant feels great in the fresh air.
It can become a decoration for your balcony, just try to protect it from wind and direct midday sunlight. In winter, it is best to find a bright and, if possible, cool place for the plant. Optimal temperature at this time of year it is 5-10°C, which is almost impossible in city apartments.

Fuchsia can overwinter even at room temperature: in this case, it partially or even completely sheds its leaves, and the shoots stretch out. The plant does not tolerate stagnant air. When ventilating the room, especially in winter, make sure that there are no drafts - fuchsia does not tolerate them.

From spring to autumn, fuchsia is watered abundantly with soft, settled water as the top layer of the substrate dries. The soil in the pot should be slightly moist at all times. To get abundant flowering in summer, watering is reduced towards the end of the growing season, and almost stopped in October - November. In winter, when kept at cool temperatures, they are watered rarely; if kept at room temperature, watering is carried out somewhat more often.

Fuchsia prefers during the growing season high humidity air, responds gratefully to spraying with soft, settled water (twice in the summer on hot days - in the morning and in the evening). Spraying is stopped in the fall; spraying is avoided in winter.

For successful plant growth during the growing season (from spring to autumn), complex fertilizing should be carried out. mineral fertilizers Once every 2-3 weeks. Nitrogen fertilizers (more precisely, complex fertilizers, but with a high nitrogen content) can and should be used, but during the growth period: in early spring or when you grow cuttings. And after the buds appear, you need to switch to floral ones (i.e. with a high content of phosphorus and potassium). In winter, the plant is not fed.

With good watering and feeding, fuchsias bloom luxuriously starting in late spring. Flowering occurs profusely and continues until late autumn. The fruits are juicy and berry-shaped. U blooming fuchsias must be deleted wilted flowers to stimulate the formation of new buds. To prolong flowering until late autumn or winter, fuchsias are kept indoors until June, then taken out to the balcony or front garden and pruned several times during the summer.

Fuchsia- a perennial plant, its habitat is Central and South America, as well as New Zealand. It became an indoor plant, an excellent culture, thanks to the crossing of different varieties. The plant is over 200 years old. He also has other names - Japanese lantern or a ballerina. Caring for a flower is simple, but there are several secrets. In the article we will talk about what care is needed for it to bloom.


The plant does not like excessive heat, so it must be kept in a cool room. In summer, it is preferable that the temperature in the room where the fuchsia is not higher than 20°C. It is preferable to place the flower pot on the northern or eastern part. If the balcony does not face the sunny side and is not stuffy, you can move the fuchsia onto it. It is important that the plant is not exposed to direct sunlight and is located in the shade.
The culture feels excellent if you use artificial lighting. Watering must be done regularly. The water is settled or filtered. It is useful to spray the plant with water in the summer, and you can humidify the air using a tray of water placed nearby.


It is recommended to place flowerpots on the eastern or northern part. Blinds can be used to protect from sunlight. It is recommended to purchase a phytolamp so that it compensates for the missing light. It won't make you feel hot.

If possible, the plant is taken out into the garden or onto the balcony or loggia. The culture thrives in shade or partial shade. Thanks to simple manipulations you can achieve flowering. At this time, it is advisable not to turn the fuchsia towards the light, it does not like this, the buds may fall off.


If you want the plant to bloom, you need to pay due attention to an important component of care - hydration. The crop can survive without additional nutrition, but without water it will not be easy. It is necessary to water the plant constantly so that the soil is completely saturated with moisture. The next time you water the flower is when it dries out. upper layer soil. The remaining water from the pan is drained. Moisture should not stagnate in the roots.
In summer, the flower is watered once every three to four days, but if necessary, this can be done more often. In autumn, once a week is enough. In winter, once or twice a month will be enough.

Top dressing

The plant needs to be fed regularly, at least once every 2 weeks. It is especially important to fertilize the crop from April to autumn. For this purpose, complex superphosphates are used for decorative flowers. Only water wet soil with fertilizers. Feeding allows fuchsia to bloom, increase green mass and produce buds.
If the plant is young or just planted, it does not need feeding. You will need to start feeding the crop a month after transplanting. Consider the following:
  1. In summer, you should avoid overheating the roots. A ceramic pot with thick walls will help with this.
  2. Fuchsia does not like rearrangements. Therefore, it is advisable that it be constantly in one place, otherwise it will begin to shed leaves and flowers.
  3. If the plant does not have enough light, it will stretch in height, but there will be no flowers on it. Therefore, there should be enough light, but there should not be excess.
  4. Do not overfeed the flower, because it will produce too lush foliage, which will clog its flowering.
  5. If fuchsia is regularly oppressed by unfavorable weather conditions, flooded, or, conversely, rarely watered, it will begin to grow poorly. Use a sprayer and, if necessary, growth stimulants.
Now you know the rules for caring for fuchsia. If you follow all the recommendations, the plant will bloom and produce beautiful purple flowers, delicate and bright.

Flower growers are often interested in why fuchsia does not bloom. What to do? How to make fuchsia bloom at home? The article describes the main causes and ways to eliminate them.

There are several reasons why fuchsia does not want to bloom

    1. Lack of light. At the same time, the shoots are very elongated, the foliage is pale, possibly light green. This situation can be corrected by moving the flower to a more illuminated place. The best option there will be a western or eastern direction of the windows with shading during the daytime from the direct sun.
    2. Frequent pinching. Fuchsias bloom on young shoots, and with frequent pinching, flowering is constantly delayed. Some varieties of fuchsia also bloom on short shoots. But mostly - on 4-5 pairs of leaves, or even 6-7. It is worth waiting for the shoots to grow, and the fuchsia will bloom.
    3. Pot too big. For fuchsia to bloom, you need a cramped pot. In the photo below, the pot is clearly larger than required. This fuchsia should be transplanted into a smaller pot, and flowering will not be long in coming.
  1. Overfeeding with nitrogen fertilizers. Such plants “fatten”, gain juicy greens beyond the norm, and are not in time for flowering. Moderate fertilizing with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers will help fuchsia bloom.
  2. Feature of the variety. Just as there are early-ripening and late-ripening varieties of vegetables, fuchsias come with early or later flowering, depending on the variety. Here you just need to wait.

If all of the listed reasons for the lack of flowering are not similar to your case, you can try replant the plant in fresh soil.
And also, fertilizing with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers promotes active bud formation. Potassium monophosphate is dissolved at the rate of 1 g/l for root feeding, or 2 g/l for leaf spraying. This solution should be used once every 1-2 weeks, preferably in the evening.

Do you have any proven ways to get fuchsia to bloom? Share your experience in the comments!

Among the abundance of beautiful flora there is a small fuchsia plant, named after the botanist L. Fuchs. It is a tree-like shrub with abundant branches covered with flowers. Can grow in open ground and in a pot at home. Flowers that look like lanterns, of different colors. There are more than 100 hybrid species. There are simple, double and semi-double flowers. But not everyone can wait for the fuchsia to bloom, and there are several reasons for this.

Fuchsia does not bloom: reasons

Why fuchsia doesn’t bloom interests not only novice gardeners. This plant is very whimsical and can disappoint even an experienced gardener. There are many factors influencing the growth and flowering of a plant. Here are the main ones:

  • illumination;
  • air temperature;
  • lack or excess of moisture;
  • pests and diseases;
  • soil composition.

If at least one of the parameters is not met, this leads to a decrease or complete absence of buds. Therefore, as quickly as possible, it is worth finding out why fuchsia does not bloom at home and what to do to correct the situation. There are reasons that can be eliminated immediately and allow buds to appear this year or prepare the bush for flowering next year.

Lack of light

Fuchsia is a light-loving plant; lack of lighting affects the appearance of buds. Better flower place on the eastern, western and southwestern windows (sides of the site). It benefits from fresh air, so it is recommended to send the fuchsia pot to the garden in a pot for the summer, as it is, or replant it on the plot. But you will need to protect the flower from the wind, and on hot sunny days, shade it from direct sunlight.

Fuchsia does not bloom what to do

Important! When the buds appear, under no circumstances should you move or rotate the plant.

Air temperature

For fuchsia, air temperature is of great importance. In summer, on hot days (over 30°C), to prevent the buds from falling off, spray the flower itself and the air around it twice a day. For additional moisture in hot weather, place a small container with expanded clay and water. And the main condition for winter maintenance is the air temperature not higher than 15°C.

Lack of moisture

If there is a lack of moisture, the soil dries out, the foliage falls off, and budding may not occur at all. Recommended good watering settled water, there must be drainage at the bottom of the pot so that the water does not linger, leading to rotting of the roots.

Pests and diseases

Fuchsia, like all plants, suffers from some diseases. She loves moisture, but too much can cause gray rot. Brown spots appear on the stems and shoots are affected. The treatment is carried out with copper-containing preparations, such as foundationazole, pureflower.

Important! If root rot The fuchsia root has been struck, it can no longer be saved, all that remains is to cut off the shoots and place them in a glass of water for rooting.

In order not to provoke the disease, use a coarse-grained substrate and water it rarely but abundantly. Glyocladin is used for prevention.


Their insects are loved by fuchsia spider mites, whiteflies, and aphids, so the plant must be inspected for the presence of these pests and treated with insecticides. For example, spider mite can be eliminated with karbofos.

Sometimes yellow spots appear on the underside of the leaf. This disease is called rust, which causes leaves and flowers to fall off. Treatment against it is carried out with the drugs Vertan, Bordeaux mixture, which are diluted strictly according to the instructions indicated on the package.

If the plant is affected by pests, but is still able to bloom normally, you still need to take all measures for treatment.

How to make fuchsia bloom profusely

For creating beautiful bush The crown is formed by pinching. In February, it is transplanted by transferring from a small pot to a larger one just a couple of centimeters. Fuchsia will build up its root system and less strength will spend on flowers.

Since the shoots of the plant have grown over the winter, the central stem and several branches are selected to form a crown and pinched at the required height. After a few weeks, the fuchsia will be covered in flowers.

Important! Excess shoots can be placed in water until roots appear, and then planted.

The plant needs constant feeding, this is especially important during the flowering period. How to feed fuchsia for abundant flowering? From spring to autumn, feeding (root and foliar) is carried out every week. The sheet is treated with plantofol in combination with zircon and epin. This will prevent the buds from falling off and will affect the abundance of flowering.

Applying fertilizer to the soil

How to make fuchsia bloom profusely

Flowering largely depends on the composition of the soil, what fertilizers are applied (dry or liquid) and fertilizers (mineral or organic). You can purchase ready-made soil at the store or prepare it yourself. The soil is suitable from a mixture of coconut fiber and any universal soil with the addition of vermicompost for softness and looseness.

Regardless of where you purchased the soil, it should definitely be calcined at high temperature to destroy all microorganisms, disease spores, weed seeds. Or this can be done by strong cooling: the soil is moistened with water, taken out to a frost not lower than −10°C and left for several days. Freezing destroys all pests, but, unfortunately, beneficial bacteria too. Such procedures are carried out 2-3 times, then the soil is watered with biological products, for example, phytosporin containing microorganisms. In this state, the soil is left in a bag for 2 weeks.

Fertilizers for fuchsia are selected depending on the growth phase:

  • young specimens need feeding with high content nitrogen to increase green mass and growth of young shoots;
  • to make fuchsia cover itself with abundant flowers, you need to add fertilizers that include phosphorus and potassium;
  • when treating the bud with the drug, the color turns out bright and saturated;
  • It is good to alternate watering flowers with mineral and organic compounds.

Important! Under no circumstances should you water plants with fertilizer in dry soil. In 2 - 3 hours, the soil is shed with clean, settled, warm water, and only then pour in solutions with useful microelements.

Knowing how and what to feed fuchsia, you can speed up plant growth, help it bloom on time, and increase resistance to various diseases.

Time and quantity of watering

During the period when the plant is actively growing and blooming, watering should be plentiful and frequent. There is an opinion that 90 out of 100% of the life activity of fuchsias depends on irrigation. Although they are considered to be moisture-loving, the majority of flowers die from overwatering, and it is impossible to save a flooded plant. For example, in room conditions If the fuchsia has dropped its leaves and buds, you need to check the soil for moisture. If it is very damp, it is worth taking the flower out of the flowerpot, with the remaining roots (white in color) transplanted into another soil, covered with a bag and left in the shade.

Overdrying the soil is also dangerous, as leaves and buds may fall off. The flowerpot is completely lowered into the water until it fills with water, and the plant itself is sprayed with a spray bottle. In general, it is better to spray fuchsia more often and generously than to flood it.

They can handle fuchsia too experienced flower growers, and novice amateurs, only if they do everything as described above. It is very important to know how fuchsia grows and what to fertilize it with, then the result will not be long in coming. The plant will thank you with abundant bright flowering.

Why doesn't fuchsia bloom?

"Tropical Ballerina"- this is how beautiful is often called indoor flower called fuchsia. This is not easy, because in appearance he really looks like a fragile, graceful dancer in a skirt. Fuchsia seems to have been created to decorate your home and please the eye every day. But, despite the fairly simple care of this plant, owners are often perplexed when they see it withering or not blooming for a long time. What's the matter? Maybe you are doing something wrong? Let's try to figure this out now.

Possible reasons for the lack of flowers in fuchsia

Question: “Why doesn’t fuchsia bloom?” can occur not only for a beginner, but also for an experienced one who, in general, knows how to take care of it indoor plant. The fact is that its flowering is influenced by many factors, which are not necessarily caused by improper care.

Of course, there is no clear answer to asked question no, moreover, a flower can be affected by several negative factors at once, but it is important to determine exactly the cause, and only then take any action.

So, we can distinguish 2 types of problems associated with the lack of flowering in fuchsia:

  1. short-term, detection and elimination of which will ensure flowering this year,
  2. long-term correcting them takes time, and fuchsia, at best, will bloom only in a year.

1. Short term errors

These include:

  • improper watering : if the fuchsia is not watered for a long time, or, on the contrary, it constantly stands in water, then problems cannot be avoided. Water the plant, not based on the number of times a day, but as the top layer dries;
  • lack of light : bad light leads to shoots becoming pale, weak, and elongated. In a weakened form, fuchsia will not be able to bloom its flowers;
  • lack of fertilizers : if you do not feed the plant with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers or do it irregularly or very rarely, the buds will bloom small flowers, and maybe they won’t bloom at all. By the way, it is also important not to overdo it, otherwise the flower will grow old very quickly;

This group of negative factors creates problems that are more serious than the first, and their elimination will take much more time:

  • due to improper wintering - if the temperature is above +10°C - fuchsia grows upward and does not bloom, since weakened shoots simply will not be able to produce flowers in the spring;
  • too large a vessel can also be the reason for the lack of flowers in fuchsia. The fact is that first the plant must weave its roots around the substrate inside the pot, and only after that the flowering process begins. Also, in a large flowerpot, excess moisture can accumulate, which damages the roots;

  • pay attention to the substrate in the flowerpot: too light leads to exhaustion, drying out of the soil, and fuchsia roots have to stick to the inner walls of the vessel, which subsequently leads to starvation and lack of water, and vice versa, too heavy a substrate does not allow the thin roots that supply the stem to develop normally water;
  • You will be surprised, but one more possible reason The reason why fuchsia does not bloom is... Your impatience. Yes, yes, it’s impatience. After all, there are late-flowering fuchsia varieties that must first grow to a certain level with shoots of 5-6 internodes, and only after that they begin to bloom. That's all. And we are already starting to panic and make unfounded assumptions that something is wrong with the plant.

Now, knowing why your indoor fuchsia beautiful ballerina flowers may be missing, it is not difficult to eliminate these reasons and correct inaccuracies in your care for this plant. May everything work out for you!