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The best time to replant indoor plants. Replanting indoor plants: favorable days, lunar calendar, technology

Every person strives to make their home as cozy and comfortable as possible. AND The best way To achieve this, decorate your apartment with indoor plants in pots and vases. In order for them to continue to grow and please the eye of their owner, you need not only to organize watering and fertilization on time, but also to know favorable days for transplantation indoor plants. Experts recommend paying attention to the lunar phases.

Influence of moon phases

It is believed that the location of the moon and the power of its light have a direct impact on all living things on Earth: humans, plants, and even the structure of the atmosphere. Drawing up a lunar map of plant transplantation is carried out by professional astrologers, who, using graphs and observations, calculate during what period the plant may die and not take root, and when it may grow faster than before.

Flowers can be replanted only on favorable days, when lunar energy will allow them to adapt to a new place, get rid of diseases and bloom faster. In addition, there are prohibited and undesirable periods during which it is better to refrain from any actions with plants other than daily care.

Zodiac signs

It is believed that favorable days for transplanting indoor flowers are the period of the waxing moon, the time of the full moon and new moon is undesirable. It is equally important to take into account the conjunction of the zodiac signs in which the moon is located today - on the day of the transplant.

The most fruitful constellations are:

The most suitable signs are earth and air, less suitable are fire signs (Aries and Sagittarius).

There are four main phases of the moon: new moon, waxing, full and waning. Each of them has special energy and has one or another effect on the growth and development of a living organism.

The shortest interval is the new moon, it lasts about three days. The behavior of plants during this period is contradictory: they grow poorly and show sluggish signs of life, but they will also react negatively to excessive care. These days it is recommended to limit simple watering and loosening the soil, fertilizing and other chemical elements are best excluded for now. You can also remove weeds, insects, and pests; remove dead shoots and rotten leaves.

Replanting plants, collecting leaves and shoots to breed new species, and carrying out any actions with the root system during the new moon is prohibited. This phase is very short, so you should wait until it is completely over; moreover, the waxing moon that follows it represents the most favorable period.

In May, the grown plant can be safely moved outside. Bright sun and fresh air will improve its condition much faster than chemical fertilizers and fertilizing. In addition, natural soil has more micronutrients than purchased soil. On the street, shoots that are not yet strong will be able to get more vital energy and become stronger and stronger. It is recommended to prepare the soil in advance to make the seedlings as comfortable as possible.

In December, increased attention should be paid to the roots, as the flowers continue to bloom and delight the eyes of their owners. But the root system may experience some lack of nutritional minerals. The soil needs to be loosened and fertilized regularly.

Plants that begin to grow less actively by winter should not be replanted. It is better to leave them to develop on their own, remembering to water and spray the leaves every day. Crops that are not sensitive to temperature changes and survive winter normally do not need to be moved.

Scientists have long noticed that lunar phases, which have special energy, have one or another effect on all living things, including flowers and indoor plants. Therefore, before carrying out any gardening operations, you should familiarize yourself with the lunar calendar and select the appropriate days for this. Otherwise, you can achieve not lushly flowering crops, but withered shoots and rotten leaves.

Moon calendar the gardener for September 2018 for indoor plants will inform all flower gardeners which day is favorable or unfavorable for working with plants, what seedlings are allowed to be planted, what and on what day it is useful to do in the garden or summer cottage when to hill up, loosen, water and fertilize. He will also provide a large amount of information on conducting work in the garden, which touches on such issues as preparing seeds for sowing, growing seedlings, revealing the secrets of agricultural technology, how to combat pests and plant diseases, and the timing of harvesting crops from the garden. But most of all he will reveal the topic of house plants. The gardener's lunar calendar for indoor plants in September 2018 will give flower gardeners a hint on what and how best to feed the plants. plot of land or at home, how and with what help you can increase productivity by an order of magnitude, what fruit-bearing plants or flowers like and do not like. See our website for indoor plants.

How often to replant indoor flowers?

  1. Slowly growing healthy plants are replanted once every two to three years.
  2. Young, intense developing plants annually.
  3. Mature, sufficiently formed plants once every 2-3 years.
  4. Tree-like once every 4-5 years.
  5. It is advisable to replant conifers before the dormant period.
  6. Early flowering plants will better tolerate replanting after flowering.
  7. An unscheduled transplant is necessary if pests or signs of disease appear on the plant, as well as in cases where the flowerpot is damaged.

Sequence of actions when replanting house plants according to the lunar calendar

  • The day before transplanting, the plants are watered abundantly.
  • Prepare a new pot, thoroughly wash and disinfect it.
  • Drainage is placed in the pot, then a soil mixture prepared taking into account the requirements of the plant is poured into the pot.
  • The plant is removed from the old pot by turning it upside down. Hold the stem with your left hand.
  • The roots are shaken off the ground, then the root system is examined to identify old and diseased roots, which are immediately removed.
  • The plant is placed in a pot, the roots are straightened and the container is filled with earthen mixture without deepening the root collar, then the substrate is pressed down, leaving a space of 2-3 cm to the top of the pot.
  • Plants are carefully watered along the edge of the pot. You can water through the tray.
  • Place the pots in a bright and warm place, providing protection from direct sunlight.
  • Transplanted plants are regularly sprayed clean water within 6-8 days.
  • It should be remembered that it is not advisable to replant plants in a flowering state. Containers for transplantation should be larger than the old ones by 1.5-3 cm, and in the case of large plants (tubs) by 8-10 cm.

The influence of moon phases on house plants?

As you know, the Moon goes through several phases, each of which has its own specific effect on plants. This is exactly what we can now verify. Lunar calendar for April 2018 by a florist

  1. Firstly, the phase of the young or waxing Moon. This option is considered one of the most favorable for planting flowering plants for a garden flower bed or just a transplant. Ask why and what is it? The answer is very simple, since plants during the process of transplantation during this phase receive additional energy, which in turn has an important influence and significance on their growth. At the same time, astrologers strongly recommend paying attention to phases when the Moon is in the constellations Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, and Taurus.
  2. Secondly, the waning phase of the moon. At this time, it is strictly forbidden to engage in any actions or manipulations with plants, or, more precisely, replanting. Why? The answer is obvious, since the energy of the Moon in this case will be concentrated directly in the roots.
  3. Thirdly, the second and fourth phases of the moon. At this time, it is also better not to replant plants and process them. For example, if you are growing outdoor flowers, then the best thing to do is prepare the seeds.

Astrology and house plants

The influence of each lunar phase is adjusted by the zodiac sign in which the satellite is located. If sowing occurred during the period of a “dry” sign, then even the waxing Moon will not be able to give it the necessary strength and energy for productive growth. Lunar calendar for April 2018 for a florist

  • Fertile (water) signs - Leo, Cancer, Scorpio, Taurus, Libra, Pisces.
  • Infertile (dry) signs – Aries, Sagittarius.
  • Signs of average fertility - Capricorn, Virgo, Gemini, Aquarius.

In addition, there are “leaf days” – Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio and “root days” – Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo, on which watering is especially recommended. On “flower days” – Volodya, Libra, Gemini – on the contrary, it is better to avoid watering .

Lunar calendar for transplanting indoor flowers for September 2018 by day

The first month of autumn is characterized by a decrease in air temperature. In September the weather is unpredictable. In order to properly care for a houseplant without harming it, you need to know the days of the month that are favorable and unfavorable for certain actions.

September is not the most suitable month for replanting home flowers, as they are preparing to go into a dormant state and their vital activity decreases. Therefore, even if a flower grows in a small container and requires replanting, it is better to wait until spring.

Favorable time for transplantation for bulbous and tuberous flowers (narcissus, lilies, cyclamen, gloxinia, etc.): September 1, 5, 6, 27, 28, 29.
Climbing indoor flowers (liana, hoya, indoor grapes etc.) can be transplanted: September 2, 3, 4.
Transplantation time for leafy indoor flowers (asparagus, dieffenbachia, dracaena, monstera, peperomia, ficus, chlorophytum, myrtle, indoor rosemary): September 11, 12, 13, 14, 18, 19.
Unfavorable days for transplantation, you should not carry out any active actions in relation to flowers: September 7, 8, 9, 25, 26.
Particularly shown is watering and fertilizing indoor flowers: September 5, 6, 13, 14, 23, 24.
Pest control will be most effective on the following days: September 2, 3, 4, 13, 14, 20, 21, 22.

Moon phases in September 2018

New moon in september 2018 - 09 september. On this day, nothing should be transplanted.
Full moon in September 2018 - September 25th. On this day you can do preparatory work, but not by replanting flowers.
The growing moon in September 2018 - from September 10 to 24. During this period, it is best to replant decorative foliage indoor flowers.
The waning moon in September 2018 - from September 1 to 8 and from September 26 to 30. These days it is better to start planting and replanting tuberous and bulbous indoor plants.
When replanting and caring for indoor plants, you should focus not only on the phases of the moon, but also on the zodiac sign in which the Earth’s satellite is located. They are divided into 3 groups:

Fertile signs (Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio): 5, 6, 13, 14, 23, 24 September 2018;
Signs of average fertility (Libra, Capricorn, Taurus, Sagittarius): September 1, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 27, 28, 29, 2018;
Infertile signs (Leo, Aries, Virgo, Aquarius, Gemini): September 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 2018.
It should be noted that replanting indoor plants in September 2018 is best done when this important satellite of the Earth is in Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio, Capricorn, Virgo and Taurus. An extremely unfavorable period at this time of autumn will be when the Moon moves into the constellation Aquarius.

Useful tips

In September, autumn has already come very close to us, and although summer may still continue in more southern areas,autumn weatheris already making itself felt. The days are noticeably shortening, and the differences in day and night temperatures are much greater than last month.

September is enough for gardeners and gardeners busy month, because it is necessary to harvest a ripe crop, prepare it for winter storage, make twists, trim bushes and trees, mow lawns, water, fertilize and perform other work.

In order to receive maximally positive result, adjust your work according to the lunar rhythms. This lunar calendar will give you a lot of hints when it is best to do this or that thing, and when it is better to rest.

Gardener's lunar calendar 2018 planting days in September:

If your plans in September include planting, remember golden rule of the lunar calendar: plants that produce ground fruits are best planted on the days of the waxing Moon ( September 9-23, 2018); root vegetables - on the days of the waning moon ( September 1-8, 25-30, 2018). Here is a list of plants that are usually planted in the first autumn month:

Fruit trees and shrubs (1, 2-year-old seedlings): gooseberries, raspberries, currants, apple trees, cherries, pears, winter-hardy cherries – September 15, 17-19, 2018;

Greens and herbs (lettuce, spinach, arugula, mustard, watercress, dill, basil, parsley, coriander, green onions and others) – 13-15, 22, 23 September 2018;

Flowers (planting and replanting): lilies, clematis, peonies, phlox, primroses – September 11, 20, 21, 2018;

Bulbous (planting bulbs in the ground): muscari, scylla, pushkinia, crocos, daffodils, hyacinths, tulips – September 11, 20, 21, 2018;

If you cannot plant certain plants on the specified days, plant on others, but only not on dangerous days when the risks of death or infection by diseases and pests increase: September 2, 8, 9, 12, 16, 24, 2018. You will find all the work for gardeners, gardeners and flower growers with the best days for them in September 2018 in .

Other useful articles in the Lunar calendar for September 2018 section:


♉ 1 SEPTEMBER, Saturday. 21st, 22nd lunar day from 21:47.CALF

The first third of September will pass under the Moon in a waning phase, which means now is the time to harvest crops and send them for storage or make homemade preserves for the winter. Today is also a good day to collect medicinal plants, more precisely, their roots and rhizomes ( Potentilla erectus, dandelion, valerian officinalis, angelica officinalis, knotweed, horse sorrel and others).

Good day for planting root crops.

Houseplants : A good day to work with soils. You can prepare soil mixtures for future plantings and transplants (during the waxing Moon).

Watering : allowed, but keep a sense of proportion! All further watering recommendations depend on the weather. It often rains in September, so water as needed, taking into account lunar days.

What is better not to do? Important purchases for the garden (there is a risk of buying the wrong thing).

♉♊ 2 SEPTEMBER, Sunday. 22nd, 23rd lunar day from 22:17.CALF , TWINS from 11:02

Moon without a course from 08:56 to 11:01

You can do soil. For example, you can dig tree trunk circles near the trees. Apple trees can be dug to depth 10-20 cm, plum and cherry- not more 8 cm so as not to damage the roots.

After 11:00- a good time to start a flower garden. Faded perennials should be pruned, including delphinium, astrantia, phlox, irises, daylilies, dicentra and others. Some plants ( cereals, bergenia, chistets, thyme, cloves, echinate) cut until needed: Let them still delight you with autumn colors.

Houseplants : moving plants from balconies and terraces if weather conditions are already too harsh for them. If it is still warm, you can leave the plants longer.

Watering : allowed until 11:00. After 11:00 it is better to refrain from watering. Remember that if watered incorrectly (untimely or in insufficient quantities), plants can grow lazy and produce poor yields or poor flowering!

What is better not to do? Water the plants after 11:00; plant any plants.

OLD MOON from 05:37

♊ 3 SEPTEMBER, Monday. 23rd, 24th lunar day from 22:54.TWINS

III quarter, Fourth phase of the Moon from 05:37

After noon, after 14:00– a good time to purchase various equipment, as well as seedlings. In the first half of the day there is a risk of fraud. Seedlings should be carefully inspected when purchasing. Do not take with dry or weather-beaten horses. If you do not plant the plant right away, the roots should be tied with a damp cloth and then stored in a cool room.

Houseplants : Do not skip treating plants against diseases and pests. This should also be done for preventive purposes. But it’s especially good to fight pests today!

Watering : Better to postpone.

What is better not to do? Water the plants, especially too much and do not remove excess water. This is especially dangerous for indoor plants, as the roots can rot.

♊♋ 4 SEPTEMBER, Tuesday. 24th, 25th lunar day from 23:41.TWINS , CANCER from 15:03

Moon without course from 09:37 to 15:02

It is good to remove all the weeds that have appeared by this time. Although their growth slows down somewhat by autumn, it is possible that they will still grow throughout the month. Also try to delete all fallen fruit not to attract pests. Today is a particularly favorable time to combat pests and diseases. If you do not collect the carrion on time, it will attract pests, which will then hide underground, and in the spring they will manifest themselves with renewed vigor.

Houseplants : If you are moving plants from open balconies and terraces, we advise you to immediately wash them with soapy water to wash away dust and possible pests.

Watering : It is good to water the plants after 15:00, when the Moon is in a water sign. Remember not to use too much cold water for watering not only domestic plants, but also those growing in the ground.

What is better not to do? Plant plants that need to grow tall; engage in pruning of trees and shrubs; harvest for the production of canned food or send it for storage.

♋ 5 SEPTEMBER, Wednesday. 25th lunar day from 00:00.CANCER

good time for hedge trimmings, if you did not have time to trim it earlier. This is the last time you can give it the desired shape before winter.

Houseplants : watering plants costs less and less as more cold weather. If the plants are blooming, it is better not to change the watering regimes.

Watering : good time for watering. Plants should be watered so that the water has time to percolate 3 centimeters deep. Too little watering is absolutely useless, since moisture does not reach the roots, which, in fact, need it!

What is better not to do? Plant plants that need to grow tall; prune fruit trees and bushes; harvest for the production of canned food or send it for storage.

♋♌ 6 SEPTEMBER, Thursday. 25th, 26th lunar day from 00:43.CANCER , A LION from 16:54

Moon without course from 15:43 to 16:53

Good in the afternoon pinch strongly growing shoots of young non-fruiting trees. This will allow the plant to spend energy on compacting the wood, thus making it easier for the tree to survive the winter. After 17:00 It is also good to fertilize trees and shrubs.

After 17:00 you can collect potatoes, beets, carrots and send them for storage. After 17:00 you can prune fruit bushes.

Houseplants : You can apply fertilizers along with watering, but in September you should fertilize the plants less often, as they gradually go into a dormant state.

Watering : the day is suitable for watering (especially the first part of it), if you did not have time to water the plants in previous days. Remember that in September the weather is already much cooler, so watering should be reduced somewhat, especially for indoor plants. If your area is still warm, you should water your plants as often as you do in summer.

What is better not to do? Collect fruits and vegetables before 17:00 if you are going to can them or send them for storage; make important purchases for the garden/vegetable garden/flower garden.

Transplanting plants according to the lunar calendar 2018

♌ 7 SEPTEMBER, Friday. 26th, 27th lunar day from 01:57.A LION

A good day to collect fruits and vegetables and send them to storage (short-term). You can also do home canned food. The further you go, the greater the risk that seasonal rains or frosts will begin, so apples and other fruits should be removed in time. If today good weather- it's time to collect fruits.

There are several signs that apples and pears are already ripe and can be collected: the fruits are easily separated from the stalk, they are easily torn from the tree, and the seeds are inside Brown.

It's also good to delete now basal shoots at plums, cherries, cherry plums, sea buckthorn and hawthorn.

A good time to plant onion sets and winter garlic, but it is better to plant garlic at the end of the month, when the temperature remains stable during the day about +5°C, and at night below 0 °C.

Houseplants : You can carry out cuttings of plants for their further propagation.

Watering : A neutral day, the September sun can still be quite hot, especially when the Moon is in Leo, so water your plants as needed.

What is better not to do? Keep indoor plants in direct sunlight and not shade them (the sun is very hot right now).

♌♍ 8 SEPTEMBER, Saturday. 27th, 28th lunar day from 20:10.A LION , VIRGO from 17:29

Moon without course from 16:31 to 17:28

Still good to collect today apples, pears and others fruits and roots. In the evening, after picking, you can send the fruits for sorting. Apples can be placed in wooden boxes or cardboard boxes, wrap in paper and sprinkle with sawdust. If apples are rotten, they should not be placed next to good fruits. It's better to get rid of them right away. Today it is also possible to remove the supports after removing the fruit.

Good day for picking berries ( cranberries, chokeberries, hawthorn, rowan, viburnum and rose hips) and sending it for storage or canned food production.

Today you can also collect the fruits of medicinal plants, including laxative buckthorn, juniper cones, sulfur alder cones.

Houseplants : You can apply fertilizers for home fruit bushes (lemons, tangerines, pomegranates, avocados and others). You can take cuttings of plants for future plantings (during the waxing moon).

Watering : neutral day.

What is better not to do? Do home canning after 5:30 p.m.; plant any plants; do important purchases for the garden/vegetable garden/flower garden.

YOUNG MOON from 21:01

♍ 9 SEPTEMBER, Sunday. 28th, 29th lunar day from 04:48,1st lunar day from 21:01.VIRGO

NEW MOON at 21:01

The day is not suitable for complex work, but you can start preparing holes for future planting of seedlings ( best time it will work out for this September 15, 17-19, 2018). The soil should be a little settle before landing.


Watering : watering is allowed.

What is better not to do? Do home canning; plant and replant plants; trim trees and shrubs, as well as hedges.

Read also:

♍♎ 10 SEPTEMBER, Monday. 1st, 2nd lunar day from 06:15.VIRGO , SCALES from 18:20

Moon without course from 18:12 to 18:19

Today is a good day to start cleaning and cleaning the area. If you notice on stone fruit trees moniliosis, it is worth removing the affected fruits and branches and burning them.

You can clean up the garden, put everything in its place, audit your inventory, remove what is no longer needed. This is also a good day for working with soils. Loosen the soil around trees and shrubs, taking into account the characteristics of the plants. Some bushes (for example, raspberries and others) require very shallow loosening.

Houseplants : works well with soils. If necessary, you can replant indoor plants or replace the top layer of soil.

Watering : watering is allowed (better before 18:20).

What is better not to do? Do home canning; trim the hedge.

♎ 11 SEPTEMBER, Tuesday. 2nd, 3rd lunar day from 07:40.SCALES

In September it is good to plant different flowers in the flower garden: phlox, primrose, peonies and others. You can also do transfers lilies and clematis. You can plant seedlings of biennial flowers that were sown in the first summer months.

It's good to collect today medicinal herbs, especially them flowers and inflorescences. For example, another color chamomile.

Houseplants : A good day for various purchases related to flower breeding. You can also buy indoor flowers. Before purchasing, carefully inspect the plants for pests.

Watering : It is better not to water the plants. For now, you can take care of the backlog of water for irrigation.

What is better not to do? Water plants abundantly, even the most moisture-loving ones. It is better to postpone watering for the days of the Moon in a water sign.

House plant lunar calendar

12 SEPTEMBER, Wednesday. 3rd, 4th lunar day from 09:03.SCALES , SCORPION from 21:15

Moon without course from 01:58 to 21:15

The day is suitable for collecting flowers and inflorescences medicinal plants: calendula officinalis and chamomile, daisy, wild mallow.

Houseplants : carefully monitor watering schedules depending on the type of plant. cacti With the arrival of autumn, you should water very little, but they should be kept on well-lit windowsills.

Watering : You can water the plants after 21:15.

What is better not to do? Plant any plants; make important purchases for the garden/vegetable garden/flower garden.

13 SEPTEMBER, Thursday. 4th, 5th lunar day from 10:23.SCORPION

On this day it is good to collect leaves of medicinal plants. For example, you can cook lingonberry leaf. Leaves collected at this time will not darken. Herbs and leaves of plants such as horsetail, tricolor violet, caraway seeds, common yarrow, shepherd's purse, wormwood and others.

Nice day for planting greenery, For example, salads. At this time, lettuce leaves should be sown with those that can withstand shorter daylight hours. They tolerate September conditions well and are not even afraid of frost. Can be planted watercress, spinach, various herbs.

Houseplants : Some plants will require more watering, e.g. calla lilies. Since they grow in swamps, they should be watered very generously. Also, do not ignore other moisture-loving flowers.

Watering : Great day for watering. Water your garden or home garden with settled tap water or heated water from wells. When the water sits for at least a day, the sediment will settle to the bottom of the container. Even if the sediment is not noticeable with the naked eye, you should not water from the bottom.

What is better not to do?

Read also: The easiest ways to dry flowers while preserving their beauty

14 SEPTEMBER, Friday. 5th, 6th lunar day from 11:40.SCORPION

Moon without course from 11:54

good time for lawn mowing. You should not only cut it, but also go over it with a rake, like a comb. It is also a good idea to aerate the lawn (pierce it with a pitchfork so that moisture penetrates deeper into the soil more easily and does not stagnate on the surface).

You can continue planting lettuces And herbs, but it is better to plant plants before 12:00, before the Moon goes into idle mode.

Houseplants : Engage in watering, spraying or bathing plants in the shower. It is important to do bathing at least once every two weeks so that the plants are less infested with pests.

Watering : good time for watering. You can also plant herbs on the windowsill.

What is better not to do? Pruning fruit trees and shrubs, cutting down trees; pinching young tree shoots.

15 SEPTEMBER, Saturday. 6th, 7th lunar day from 12:52.SCORPION , SAGITTARIUS from 03:45

Moon without course until 03:44

Good time to plant seedlings trees and shrubs. The pits had to be prepared at least a week before. To prevent the tree from falling in windy weather, drive a stake and tie the seedling to it. It is worth watering the hole well before planting.

You can plant not only fruit trees and shrubs ( blackberries, honeysuckle, gooseberries, currants), but also coniferous plants to decorate your site.

Houseplants : good for planting indoor shrubs.


What is better not to do? Keep plants in direct sunlight.

16 SEPTEMBER, Sunday, 7th, 8th lunar day from 14:00.SAGITTARIUS

Good day for collection mushrooms, especially if you are not going to store them for a long time, but put them in the freezer or eat them right away. September is a rich month for mushrooms, so you can easily find them in the forest butter mushrooms, honey mushrooms, black milk mushrooms, porcini mushrooms, aspen mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, oyster mushrooms, chanterelles, row mushrooms, pig mushrooms, garlic mushrooms and other less common mushrooms.

Houseplants : bad day for working with plants.

Watering : watering is acceptable, neutral day.

What is better not to do? Plant any plants; keep plants in direct sunlight.

WALKING MOON from 02:14

♑ 17 SEPTEMBER, Monday. 8th, 9th lunar day from 15:00.SAGITTARIUS , CAPRICORN from 14:08

First quarter, Second phase of the Moon from 02:14

Moon without course from 02:15 to 14:07

The second half of the day is suitable for planting seedlings or replanting shrubs. It is better not to do this work when Moon without course, since there are risks that the plant will not take root. During this period it is very good to replant shrubs: they will have time to get stronger before winter.

Houseplants : Tackle soils today. You can remove the top layers and replace them with new ones. It is also important to loosen the top layers of soil in pots so that it does not stagnate or become compacted.

Watering : watering is allowed.

What is better not to do? Trim hedges.

Lunar calendar of indoor plants 2018

♑ 18 SEPTEMBER, Tuesday. 9th, 10th lunar day from 15:52.CAPRICORN

A good day for working with soils, as well as planting tree seedlings, shrubs and replanting them. Currants and gooseberries they plant deep, but raspberries no great depth required: leave roots deep 2-3 cm, since they are located basal buds. If they are buried too deep, you won't get a harvest from them for several years.

Houseplants : a good day for planting, replanting or moving indoor plants, if necessary. In general, it is better not to replant plants in the fall, as their vital activity decreases.

Watering : watering is allowed, but remember that if wounds have formed on the roots, they must heal so that water does not aggravate the situation and cause rotting.

What is better not to do? Trim hedges.

♑ 19 SEPTEMBER, Wednesday. 10th, 11th lunar day from 16:35.CAPRICORN

Moon without course from 20:10

On this day it is good to collect the bark of medicinal plants, for example, Viburnum bark. She possesses hemostatic properties. It is drunk for stomach, uterine, and hemorrhoidal bleeding.

Houseplants : replanting and planting indoor plants if necessary.

Watering : watering is allowed.

What is better not to do? Trim hedges.

♑♒ 20 SEPTEMBER, Thursday. 11th, 12th lunar day from 17:10,CAPRICORN , AQUARIUS from 02:52

Moon without course until 02:51

It's not too late to plant bulbous and small bulbous, if weather conditions permit. For example, on this day you can plant muscari, crocuses, scylla, pushkinia, daffodils and tulips. It is better to plant tulips and daffodils later than everyone else (until mid-October).

Houseplants : You can plant bulbs for winter forcing. They should be selected and planted in pots that should be placed in a cool room until November-December.


What is better not to do? Water plants; make important purchases for the garden/vegetable garden/flower garden until 17:00.

♒ 21 SEPTEMBER, Friday. 12th, 13th lunar day from 17:38.AQUARIUS

Moon without course from 20:13

You can use this day for any simple work that you consider necessary, with the exception of watering. You can continue planting flowers and also start dividing the bushes.

Houseplants : Today it is also acceptable to plant bulbs for winter forcing.

Watering : bad day for watering, better postpone.

What is better not to do? Water plants.

♒♓ 22 SEPTEMBER, Saturday. 13th, 14th lunar day from 18:01.AQUARIUS , FISH from 15:27

Moon without course until 15:26

Can still be collected medicinal plants, especially their flowers, leaves or stems. It is better to do this in dry weather so that the plants dry more easily after harvesting. You can go shopping (but after 15:30, when the Moon moves into the sign of Pisces).

Signs: Day of the autumn equinox.

Read also: In

Houseplants : You can water the plants after 15:30. The first half of the day is a bad time for watering. Some plants that produce shoots need to be watered more.

Watering : A good time to water will start at 3:30 p.m.

What is better not to do? Pruning fruit trees and shrubs; make homemade preserves, especially after 3:30 p.m.

The best days to replant indoor plants

SEPTEMBER 23, Sunday. 14th, 15th lunar day from 18:21.FISH

You can start mowing and aerating lawns on this day. You can also plant greens. For example, they are now sowing dill, cilantro, parsley, basil. Some plants will not sprout this year, but the seeds will last well until spring and will delight you with early harvests in the spring.

Houseplants : do watering and spraying. You can give the plants a shower.

Watering : Great day for watering. Remember that watering plants in September is very important in order to strengthen the plants and give them the opportunity to winter well. It is especially good to water plants after a dry summer.

What is better not to do? Do home canning; trim fruit trees and berry bushes.

Houseplants require care all year round. Beginning flower growers and professionals will be interested to learn about which days it is better to leave plants alone, and when they can safely replant. You will find useful tips in the lunar calendar.

Despite the fact that the temperature outside the window is falling every day, a summer mood reigns in home winter gardens and on window sills. Flowers continue to delight their owners abundant flowering And bright colors, and they need careful care. Website experts recommend coordinating your work with the lunar calendar so as not to harm your green pets and grow stunning flowers. For your careful care, your plants will definitely reciprocate your feelings and attract the energy of happiness into your home.

October 1: The moon is waning in the constellation Gemini. This is not a good time for active care, so you should limit yourself to watering and spraying the plants. Transplantation can negatively affect the growth and development of flowers.

October 23: The constellation Cancer gives the space positive energy, so flower growers can safely engage in active work in their home garden. Plants preparing to bloom require feeding and need adequate light to thrive. You can provide the right amount of light using special lamps.

October 4, 5: The moon moves into the constellation Leo, and for a couple of days it is better to leave the plants alone and once again do not disturb the flowers. Ficus plants, whose wide leaves need to be sprayed with water, will require a little attention. This will wash away dust and protect plants from excessively dry air.

October 6, 7: The Moon in Virgo is a great time to work with the earth. Flower growers will be able to prepare nutritious soil for replanting plants, soak seeds or sow them in open ground. It will be a success to purchase new flowers that will quickly acclimatize in your home.

October 8, 9: provide oxygen access to the roots by loosening the soil. On the day of the New Moon, October 9, the Moon will be in Libra, and this time is dangerous for active work with flowers. Plants are vulnerable to disease, so there is no need to touch them.

October 13, 14: The energy of the Moon in alliance with Sagittarius will be successful for working with the ground part of flowers. The roots should not be touched, because they actively transport nutrients to the stems and leaves.

October 15, 16: The transition of the Moon to the constellation Capricorn will also have a positive effect on the health of plants. These days, seedlings are sprouting together, so lovers of natural food can start planting salad crops, sowing onions and dill. It will be great to transplant flowers into larger containers and plant out overgrown plants.

October 17, 18 and 19: The moon moves into the constellation Aquarius, and these two days it is better for flowers to remain without your attention. Provide them optimal temperature, sufficient lighting and do not disturb the plants so that they do not get sick.

October 20, 21: The passage of the Moon into Pisces will give plants strength for growth and development. Provide them good feeding, as well as sufficient lighting, otherwise they will reach for the light, deforming the stems and leaves.

October 22, 23 and 24: the influence of the constellation Aries is unfavorable for plants, so you should not touch them. These days, start selecting new flowers, order seeds from trusted sellers and prepare the soil for replanting or new plantings. Try not to purchase vampire plants, which will cause Negative influence on the microclimate of the house. Even watering these days can be harmful, causing waterlogging of the soil and the development of mold. The exception is the Full Moon, October 24 - on this day it is necessary to moisten the soil so that the plants feel comfortable.

October 25, 26: the waning Moon in Taurus, one of the most fertile Signs, this time will not endow the space with positive energy. Astrologers do not advise actively caring for plants, otherwise there is a risk of harming them. Particular care will be required when working with new shoots and seedlings. Do not flood them or loosen the soil to avoid plant death.

October 27, 28: The Moon will spend two days in Gemini, and gardeners should remember that the constellation has a negative effect on plants. These days, go to garden stores to find new home flowers that will bring monetary energy into your home.

October 31: on the last day of the month, under the influence of the zodiac Leo, you can get by with loosening and moderate watering. Dust broad-leaved flowers or give them a cool shower.

Flower growers know that plants react differently to the transition from heat to cold: some flowers continue to actively develop, while others freeze until spring. Pay close attention to how yours grows. winter Garden. Use the recommendations of the lunar calendar and be sure to attract positive energy into your home with the help of new green pets. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

Planting and caring for flower crops should be done at the allotted time and days, which are scheduled in the gardener’s (lunar) calendars. On what day is it better to replant indoor flowers, loosen them or fertilize them - the lunar calendar will give you the answers. It is believed that on such days the plant adapts well to a new place and conditions, and quickly takes root.

At first, the fact that the moon affects the growth and development of flowers was just a guess. Later, scientists proved that there is a relationship between plants and the moon. After this, lunar calendars appeared, based on which gardeners know exactly when it is better to replant indoor flowers and when to cut them.

Those who follow the calendar know which moon is best to replant indoor flowers:

  • Plants with tall stems and wide leaves are recommended to be replanted during until the full moon. During this period, the sap of the plant is directed upward from the root, so minor damage to the root during the transplantation process will not affect general condition plants;
  • It is better to trim flower buds at waning moon;
  • According to the lunar calendar, the time when it is best to replant indoor flowers falls on waxing moon or full moon.

Important! You should never make a transplant on a waning moon. This can lead to the plant taking a long time to adapt to a new location or even die.

Beans, onions, potatoes, gladioli and other bulbous plants are best sown on waning moon. Then they sprout quickly and take root well.

What time of day is best to replant indoor plants?

In order for indoor flowers to grow and bloom well, you need to remember a few subtleties, when it is better to replant indoor flowers, and at what time.

When is the best time to replant indoor flowers?

  • The most favorable time is the period from 4 pm to 8 pm;
  • The best days The first or second day after the formation of the new moon is considered for transplantation;
  • You should not replant flowers in the morning (when the plants are still sleeping) or at midday.
  • Most favorable seasons The best time to replant flowers is in early spring and autumn.

Flower transplant calendar 2016

The summer resident and gardener (lunar) calendar of 2016 shows exactly the dates in which month it is better to replant indoor plants, on which days to sow vegetable crops when they need to be trimmed and loosened.

I focus on the calendar and, following it, I can achieve good germination and high yields.

Lunar calendar for replanting indoor flowers

Unfavorable days for planting and replanting indoor plants (flowers) in 2016

When caring for any seedlings or flowers, you should take into account not only better days for transplantation, but also unfavorable.

We figured out what day it is better to replant indoor flowers, now a little about unfavorable days. There are bad days from five to ten per month.

Unfavorable days for replanting indoor plants

Whether or not to focus on the moon when planting and replanting plants is everyone’s business. But the fact that the moon affects the growth and development of plants is a proven fact that you cannot argue with. It was not for nothing that our ancestors revered and respected lunar predictions.