Shower      06/14/2019

How to cut a bottle at home. How to cut a glass bottle with regular thread? Easy and fast! The order of cutting with thread

Handicrafts are gaining momentum, and the products made by masters of this field are increasingly pleasing to the eye. Perhaps you've already seen it. What interesting and unusual vases can be made from simple bottles. In this case, there is one important question - how to cut glass bottle so smooth. As practice shows, this is done quite simply, and I will tell you several very interesting ways.


First we need a glass cutter, a bottle and a possible fire source, preferably a narrowly focused one. To do this, you can take another bottle in which you can light a flame. It is worth noting that cutting bottles with a glass cutter and without using fire is also possible, only in this case you will need to spend much more time.

First you need to make an even cut on the bottle along which you want it to split. This may require tesques or some other type of fixation. You can cut it using a glass cutter, or you can take a drill or screwdriver and insert a nozzle into it for working with glass. The quality of the resulting cut will depend on how smoothly you make the cut.

Now we need to heat up our cut. To do this, the bottle must be gradually scrolled over the flame. A candle is perfect for this. You need to rotate evenly and without jerking so that the surface heats up equally in all places. We do this for about five minutes, after which we dip the bottle into a container with cold water.

It may be necessary to repeat these steps several times until the bottle breaks along the cut line. After this, you just need to process the edges, removing their sharp parts.

Boiling water

The second way to cut a bottle with your own hands again requires a tool for working with glass. Using a glass cutter, you again need to draw a contour along which the cut will have to go. At the same time, it is important to make the cut not only even, but also complete - you should not go to the area where you started, because if the contour overlaps itself, the cut line will turn out uneven.

Now you need to boil water in the kettle. We will gradually water the cut on the bottle with it. When the water has boiled, you can begin the process. The bottle should be watered slowly and carefully - do not go too far from the initial cut.

After you have poured boiling water over the bottle several times, you should immediately place it in cold water. It will not break along the cut the first time; to do this, you need to repeat the procedure several times. Next you also need to process the sharp edges, after which you can do whatever you want with the bottle.

A thread

Perhaps this is not the most safe way cutting bottles from the point of view fire safety, but with the right approach no danger should arise. To do this, you can use a fairly thick yarn thread or a simple cotton cord.

It is important that it is natural and not synthetic material. Depending on the thickness of the thread, you may need to wrap it around the bottle where the split is needed one to five times.

It is best to take a fairly thick lace, which will be enough for a single ring. After wrapping the bottle, you should cut off the excess ends so that they do not dangle.

Next we take acetone. We need to soak our thread in it, and then put it back on the bottle. It should be well saturated with acetone, this is important for the future part. Now you need to tie the thread, and do it quite tightly, because this can later affect the quality of the cut.

Then you just need to light the thread and slowly scroll the bottle. And again we will need a container with cold water, into which we will need to place the bottle after the thread has almost completely faded. If you did everything correctly, the bottle will split in the place where the thread was. Clean the edges again.


Another good way How to cut a glass bottle requires a special tool. To do this, you only need to decide on the cut line, for which it would be good to use simple masking tape. You will need two strips that will go just around the cut line. Next, it will be good to secure the tool and turn it on.

You need to slowly and confidently scroll the bottle along the cut line, while the tool does all the work for you. You will need to turn the bottle at least 3-5 times before it cracks. Next, having processed the sharp edges, you can decorate your cut bottle.

Nichrome wire

Finally, I left a not very simple, but interesting and spectacular way to easily cut a bottle at home. You don't need much for this.

You will need a power source, for which a simple 12-watt battery is well suited, the wire itself, a bottle that needs to be cut, and a container of water in which you can dip the bottle.

To more conveniently determine the cutting line, you can take a glass cutter and carefully draw the direction. Next, we take a heavy object that will not catch fire - stone or steel will work well, it will hold the wire on one side. There you will also need to connect the power cable.

We wrap the wire along the cut line, and then grab the second edge with pliers. You need to pull a little so that it stretches a little and becomes smoother. Then we apply voltage and observe a beautiful, but quite dangerous picture - a heated nichrome wire. Half a minute will be enough for such a device to cut almost any bottle.

Master class on cutting a bottle with thread

Everyone knows that you can make many useful and original things with your own hands from unnecessary glass bottles. However, not everyone knows how easy it is, because many have no idea how to cut off part of a bottle without a glass cutter. We offer you a master class on how to cut a glass bottle using ordinary thread quickly and easily at home without using a special tool.

In order to cut a glass bottle we will need:

  • A piece of regular cotton thread.
  • Acetone or alcohol.
  • Container with cold water.
  • Matches or lighter.

The order of cutting with thread

Step 1

Cotton thread soaked in acetone

Using a marker, mark the line along which you want to cut the bottle. We wet the thread in acetone and wrap it several times along the intended line. We tie the rope and cut off its ends.

Tie the thread tightly

Trim the ends of the thread

Step 2

Holding the bottle horizontally over a container of water, set fire to the thread. In this case, the bottle must be rotated to ensure uniform heating.

Set fire to the thread

Step 3

As soon as the thread burns out, you immediately need to dip the bottle into a container of cold water. Due to a sharp change in temperature, the glass itself will crack along the line where the rope was.

Dip the bottle into very cold water

Step 4

Separate the two parts of the bottle with your hands

On last stage All that remains is to process the edge with sandpaper or a file. Then from the resulting glass you can make original candlestick or a flower vase, decorating the product to your own taste, generally experiment!

Sand the cut with sandpaper

Hello, dear readers! Decor made from glass bottles, quite popular in Lately By the way, we have already discussed this topic in the review ““, and since many are interested in the question of how to cut a glass bottle at home, without using a glass cutter, I want to devote today’s master class to a simple, but in an interesting way cutting bottles with thread...

In this connection, the topic of this master class is “How to cut a bottle with a thread - nothing complicated!”

For work we will need:

  1. Glass bottle;
  2. Wool threads;
  3. Solvent (you can use kerosene, alcohol, cologne, acetone);
  4. Scissors or stationery knife;
  5. Gloves (will protect the skin of your hands from exposure to the solvent);
  6. Lighter or matches;
  7. To protect your eyes, just in case, glasses (in fact, there are no fragments, but there is no need to be too careful);
  8. A deep basin filled with cold water.

So, how to trim a bottle with thread? We take a wool thread, measure it and cut it so that it is enough for 3-4 turns of the bottle.

We immerse the measured and cut thread in the solvent, and immediately wrap the bottle in the place where we plan to make the “cut”. The thread can be simply wrapped or tied in a knot; in this master class I simply did the wrapping.

After that, we set this thread on fire with matches or a lighter, and it is better to hold the bottle in an inclined position - strictly horizontally (parallel to the ground), carefully twisting it around its axis.

The fire will burn for about 30-40 seconds, as soon as the lit thread goes out, quickly lower the bottle into a prepared basin filled with cold water.

Next, the characteristic sound of cracked glass will be heard, and the bottle will instantly split into two parts. This type of glass cutting is based on a rapid change in temperature; we all know from physics lessons that when heated, glass expands, and when cooled, it contracts, respectively, with a sharp change in temperature, a kind of destruction of the glass occurs and it simply cracks!

Many people know that old bottles can always be used, after “recycling” them a little, for useful things for the home. But not many people know how easy it is, because they don’t imagine how you can cut off part of a glass bottle without a special machine, and even in a matter of minutes. At the same time, by cutting off the neck of a beer bottle, you will get 2 excellent and original beer glasses: the lower part will be used as a man’s, the upper part as a woman’s; By removing the top of a wine bottle or champagne bottle, you can later use the bottom as a flower vase, and the top again as a stemmed glass. In the same way, the lower part of a fairly spacious bottle can be converted into a lamp. Well, as the process description below demonstrates, cutting glass is surprisingly easy, and you can always apply this process to any glass object. It is also a safe and practical way to cut glass.

Surely, this is also a fun and amazing trick to show off in a group or at a party. Shocked faces will be your reward, as most have never seen anything like this before.

You will need:
- lighter fluid, or nail polish remover, or, for example, kerosene;
- a long and relatively strong piece of thread;
- a bowl/basin with cold water, large enough to accommodate the entire length and height of the bottle;
- protective glasses;
- lighter/matches or something similar of your choice;
- spoon (if necessary);
- diamond-coated file or fine-grained file sandpaper- for finishing the edges of cut glass.

1. Soak the thread for several minutes in lighter fluid or nail polish remover (or kerosene). The length of the thread can always be pre-measured using the bottle.

2. Mark a straight cutting line on the bottle with a felt-tip pen if you are cutting the bottle not just for fun, but for a vase or other decorative purpose. Otherwise, skip this step.
Tie the soaked thread a few (2-3) turns around the bottle along the line where you want to cut the glass. Naturally, you need to wrap and tie tightly! But do not make a large knot so that the cut part ends up even and an oval does not form under the knot after burning the thread. And a few turns of the thread should not create a thick stripe.

3. Wear safety glasses. Holding the bottle over a flame-proof surface, light the thread. To prevent the thread on one side from finishing burning when it starts to burn on the other, you can carefully and quickly light it on several sides at once, but under no circumstances hold the lighter/match by itself for a long time near any part of the bottle. Let the thread burn out completely - keep the bottle at a safe distance until the thread burns out completely on its own (the fire will also “go away” on its own).

4. Then immediately place the bottle in cold water in a bowl/basin - submerge completely and hold the bottle with your hands. A sharp change in temperature will lead to the glass cracking exactly along the burning line of the filament: this is why the layer of filament on the bottle should not be wide!

5. Gently tap the glass with the top of a spoon along the line where the burning thread was wrapped around the bottle if the glass did not break on its own. It is better to keep the spoon at hand immediately so as not to miss the moment.

6. Smooth any ridges on the edges of your desired bottle cut pieces using a diamond file/fine sandpaper. For this part of the process, make sure the glass is wet and sufficiently slippery, otherwise you will have problems when working with the diamond file.

Warning: Make sure you have everything necessary to put out the fire nearby (fire extinguisher, sufficient water, thick fabric, which does not burn well, for example, a blanket made of certain materials) when you work with the bottle - in case problems arise. Consider also wearing protective gloves. And remember that it is better for children and teenagers under 18, as well as people “under their wing”, not to do such things, as they will most likely neglect safety measures.


Always remember that it is not necessary to “cut” in a straight line. The thread can be wound around an oval at an angle or even secured with adhesive tape (but just do not glue the tape in the path of burning of the thread, glue it where the burning should end!) in any other angle, the main thing is to observe the condition of a tight fit of the thread to the glass;

The same can be done with any other glass item, for example, with glass panels, but in this case both sides of the panel must be heated at the same time.

Why throw away glass bottles when you can make amazing ones out of them? decorative elements that will look chic in any interior? If you think that cutting a bottle is very difficult and even dangerous, you are mistaken. There are several simple ways, who will help you do it safely so that you can create your little masterpiece.

How to cut a glass bottle

This video shows 2 ways to cut glass. One of them uses glass cutter, and for the other you only need hot and cold water!

By cutting the bottle into 2 parts, you can make anything out of it: from a candlestick or glass to a hanger for outerwear. The main thing is to have a rich imagination!


1. You can make these cute vases from wine bottles.

2. Or spatulas for cereals.

3. And even creative glasses!

Use this advice to add originality to your interior and make it unique. These unique items will definitely decorate your home!