In a private house      06/23/2020

How to insulate a house from foam blocks from the outside: wall insulation technology, materials. How to properly insulate a house from foam blocks: an overview of the best ways How to insulate a house from foam blocks

A house built from foam sides is already guaranteed to retain heat, since this material itself is an excellent insulator. Most of the time, you can do without additional insulation. But in some cases, such a need arises due to the design features of the walls or the small thickness of the used foam blocks.

Characteristics of a foam concrete house

When using foam concrete blocks for the construction of houses, laying out single-layer walls is provided. The idea of ​​creating such materials, including the provision of thermal insulation of the home with little effort. They reliably retain heat in the house, but this is not the only argument in favor of choosing foam concrete for construction.

The advantages of this building material:

  • The cost of a foam block is much less than a brick.
  • The walls do not freeze through, so that the life of the house is longer.
  • There is no fungal infection and mold.

It must be admitted that the foam block still has a drawback, not too high strength of the building built from it. But this problem is solved with the help of reinforcement. The steel frame balances the load, which makes it possible not to worry about the integrity of the house. Nevertheless, when working with a facade made of foam blocks, it is necessary to avoid excessive weighting of the structure.
Important! Wall cladding with heavy materials, such as stone, or installation hinged facade or "wet" can lead to a violation of the integrity of the foam block structure.

Determining the need for insulation

Foam concrete, invented to avoid additional work for building insulation, it is really an excellent heat insulator, but this is not always enough. First of all, we are talking about regions with the lowest temperature indicators. A house that will have to endure severe Russian frosts is better to additionally insulate.

Important! Thermal insulation work is best done outside the building. The materials used for this should be lightweight. It can be polystyrene, polystyrene or mineral wool.

External mounting of thermal insulation has a number of advantages.

  • The service life of the facade is extended. A barrier appears that protects the wall from the outside from harmful effects environment.
  • The living space is not reduced. If the insulation is carried out from the inside, part of the space will have to be occupied by a heat-insulating structure.
  • The "dew point" is shifted outside the walls into the insulation. Steam does not condense inside the walls of the house, there is no dampness, which increases the service life.
  • Frost protection for walls. Internal thermal insulation, unlike protection from the outside, can lead to the damaging effects of low temperatures on the facade.

Pros and cons of heaters

When preparing for insulation work, the choice of material should be made in favor of one of the most popular, foam plastic or mineral wool. Both types of material are able to insulate your facade with high quality and have a number of advantages as a heat insulator. Explore all the options offered by the market and comparing the characteristics of these materials, you can choose which one is best for your particular home.

The benefits of foam

  • The cost is low - from 200 rubles per square meter.
  • Long service life.
  • High thermal insulation performance.
  • High quality waterproofing. Styrofoam will protect the walls from moisture from the outside.
  • Resistant to frost and temperature extremes.
  • Additional soundproofing.
  • Low susceptibility to the action of various chemical substances and biological influences.

Disadvantages of foam

  • Destruction under the influence of direct sunlight and high temperature.
  • The inability to combine foam with wood. Insulate the building with this material wooden structures will not work.

Benefits of mineral wool

  • The price is quite acceptable, although a little higher than the foam. From 300 rubles per square meter of material.
  • Provided high level protection against heat loss.
  • Long period of operation.
  • Mineral wool provides good sound insulation.
  • Reliable protection of the walls of the foam block from the effects of water.
  • Security fire safety. The mineral wool is refractory.
  • This material perfectly passes steam, which prevents the formation of condensate.

Disadvantages of mineral wool

  • Mineral wool absorbs too much moisture, which leads to a deterioration in the quality of the material.
  • Requires extra care during installation. If the work is not done correctly, shrinkage may occur.
  • When using this material, safety precautions must be followed. Respiratory protection equipment, such as a respirator, must be worn.

Step-by-step instructions for warming

Stages thermal insulation works depending on what material is used, the following.

Installation of foam insulation

Styrofoam model with the best properties protection against heat loss and steam passage - M25. The thickness of the material of this brand is 50 mm.

Installation of mineral wool insulation

It is important to know that there are other methods to keep the heat in the house. You can purchase a foam block with low density. They need to overlay the house outside, and then make the finish to their liking.
Do not forget that thermal insulation is needed not only for the facade. It is also necessary to insulate the outer part of the ceiling, the foundation and the basement.

Foam concrete today is considered one of the most common materials that are used in low-rise construction. Therefore, the insulation of walls made of foam blocks from the outside is relevant for the owners of such houses.

The popularity of foam concrete houses is due to a combination of characteristics that make it convenient and profitable for housing construction:

  • low coefficient of thermal conductivity, as a result of which it is required less cost for thermal insulation;
  • small weight with impressive dimensions, which reduces the cost of transportation and installation of foam blocks;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • fire safety;
  • frost resistance;
  • affordable price.

Among connoisseurs, one can hear disputes about whether it is necessary to insulate walls for foam block houses. There is reason to be sure that it is still necessary - the cellular structure of the foam block helps it retain heat, but in our climatic conditions, thermal insulation is still necessary. In addition, if the foam blocks are fastened not with an adhesive solution, but with concrete, then their thermal insulation properties drop significantly - concrete joints remain excellent conductors for cold.

Before proceeding with a short review of the materials most suitable for external insulation, it is useful to recall some of the features of foam blocks

Foam block insulation is possible both outside and inside the building. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. The thermal insulation of the foam block from the outside does not “steal” the space inside the house and does not create problems with fogging of the walls.

Wall insulation inside is convenient in terms of implementation, gives more options the choice of insulation, however, this reduces the space inside the house and there are problems with the "dew point", which have to be solved with the help of a vapor barrier.

For thermal insulation of the foam block from the outside, one of two options for insulation is chosen - expanded polystyrene or mineral wool. The methods of using each of them are different - below we will consider the features of each of them. Based on this information, it will be easier for you to decide how to insulate the walls of foam blocks from the outside, and you will know how this can be done.

Expanded polystyrene and its characteristics

Expanded polystyrene is a white substance, which consists of separate elastic granules, firmly soldered into one. It is obtained by foaming polystyrene, the structure of the foam block is 90 percent air. In the current construction, this heat insulator claims to be one of the leading places in terms of popularity - it is used to insulate brick, wooden and aerated concrete buildings.

Styrofoam is one of good options

Expanded polystyrene has the following characteristics:

  • high degree of thermal insulation due to the low coefficient of thermal conductivity;
  • small weight at large sizes- it allows you to transport it without problems and refuse to use special mounting and loading equipment;
  • hydrophobicity - does not pass and does not retain water;
  • moisture resistance - insulating properties do not disappear even with prolonged stay in a humid environment;
  • environmental friendliness - expanded polystyrene is harmless to the environment and human health. This property is taken into account when it is selected for the production of food packaging;
  • good workability - polystyrene foam can be cut with a sharp knife, it is easy to make holes in it and it is convenient to glue it;
  • frost resistance - does not lose its properties at low temperatures;
  • durability;
  • non-flammability;
  • affordable price is a factor that significantly affects the cost of thermal insulation.

Expanded polystyrene is sold in the form of plates of various thicknesses and sizes. The thickness of the insulation layer depends on the required degree of insulation, climatic conditions in the region and other similar factors. The number of plates is calculated based on the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls that need to be insulated.

It is quite easy to work with these plates, as they have a strict geometry, and if necessary, they are easy to cut.

Thermal insulation using expanded polystyrene

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Where would you prefer to live: in a private house or apartment?


Warming the foam block is a simple task, even a beginner can do it. The main thing is to understand the subtleties and correctly ensure the fastening of the insulation to the walls. Before working on wall insulation, stock up on the following tools and materials:

  • plates in the required quantity;
  • glue;
  • plastic dowels with a wide cap;
  • electric drill and a set of drills;
  • dense polyethylene;
  • scotch;
  • mounting foam;
  • sharp paper knife;
  • fiberglass reinforcing mesh;
  • ingredients for finishing plaster.

You have collected the necessary, now proceed to work on the insulation:

  • Before you insulate the walls, you need to thoroughly clean them of dirt and debris - the surface must be smooth and clean.
  • Prepare the adhesive mass, exactly following the instructions on the package - follow the proportions and when stirring, take care not to form lumps.

High water-repellent properties of the material provide additional waterproofing of foam concrete blocks

  • Wait until the glue dries, then in addition fix each plate with mushroom-shaped plastic dowels. Place them in the corners and in the middle of each slab.
  • Blow out the joints between the plates construction foam. After curing, cut off the excess with a paper cutter.
  • Waterproofing is sometimes placed on top of the slabs so that moisture does not seep through the joints in the insulation - freezing, the water will expand and destroy the foam concrete. Dense polyethylene is usually used as waterproofing.
  • Apply a fiberglass reinforcing mesh over the polyethylene and perform finishing with decorative plaster.

Mineral wool and its properties

Mineral wool is made from building slag, glass or volcanic rocks. Based on this, there are varieties - slag, glass and basalt wool. The material is produced in the form of rolls, elastic mats or sheets. Mineral wool is quite often used as a building material for home insulation - the following characteristics contribute to this:

  • low coefficient of thermal conductivity;
  • high environmental friendliness;
  • ease of use;
  • basalt wool has refractory properties, so it can be chosen for warming areas near chimneys and other places with high temperatures;
  • affordable price;
  • durability.

Such a heater absorbs moisture, so you will have to deal with waterproofing

The disadvantage of mineral wool is a rather impressive mass - therefore, when using it, you should make sure that the structure can withstand its mass. It should also be borne in mind that mineral wool is able to retain moisture, and this adversely affects the heat-insulating qualities. Therefore, when working with this material, it is necessary to install waterproofing.

Insulation of foam blocks with mineral wool

External wall insulation mineral wool as follows:

  • We carefully clean the surface of the wall from dust and dirt.
  • We place dense polyethylene over the entire surface of the wall - it will play the role of a waterproofing agent. Fastening is carried out wooden blocks, the thickness of which slightly exceeds the thickness of the cotton wool layer. We place the bars vertically along the entire height of the wall - between them we maintain a distance that is 2-3 cm less than the width of the mineral wool roll.
  • The result should be something like wooden frame- we tightly lay mineral wool inside. To avoid the formation of cold bridges, we glue the joints with adhesive tape.
  • We put dense polyethylene on top again and nail it to the vertical bars with thin wooden planks - as a result, our mineral wool is protected by waterproofing on both sides, and we can not be afraid that it will retain moisture.
  • On vertical bars frame, we mount siding or any other type of external decorative coating.

Foreword. Today we will tell you how to insulate a foam block house from the inside for the winter with your own hands, and what materials are best used for work. Consider independent thermal insulation of walls from a foam block with foam plastic, extruded polystyrene foam and mineral wool. The video instruction at the end of this article from professional builders will reveal in more detail such an important topic as the internal insulation of foam concrete walls.

The foam block is porous material, what is he doing given material warm enough to build walls. But, often when building walls, blocks are stacked with a small thickness, which is why heating costs country house increase significantly in winter. Often this issue is solved by insulating the foam block from the outside, after which additional cladding of the facade of the house is made with vinyl siding.

Do I need to insulate the foam block from the inside for the winter

When erecting walls, one should adhere to the main rule - with a decrease in vapor barrier properties, materials should be located from the inside to the outside. If the insulation is inside warm room, then this rule will be grossly violated. Due to the high humidity in the house, the walls will become damp, and fungus and mold may appear in the space between the wall and the insulation.

It is possible to insulate the foam block from the inside, but it would be better to insulate the house from the foam block from the outside. Insulation of foam concrete from the inside consists in high-quality vapor barrier of the thermal insulation layer, it is worth providing a high-quality ventilation and air conditioning system in the house. But keep in mind that you may encounter the problem of reducing the service life of foam concrete due to freezing of the walls of a country house in winter.

How to insulate the foam block from the inside with your own hands

Internal thermal insulation of any premises should provide good vapor barrier of basalt wool on both sides. In addition, it will be necessary to protect the insulation from mechanical damage by making a false plasterboard wall. For internal works not only URSA PureOne glass wool or mineral wool fiber materials are suitable, but also polystyrene boards(styrofoam or polystyrene).

When using any thermal insulation material, joints during laying (cold bridges in the wall) should be avoided, through which cold will penetrate into the room. Warming the foam block from the inside with polyurethane foam will solve the problem of cold bridges. Spraying polyurethane foam creates a continuous coating on the wall surface, however, this is an expensive procedure that requires a lot of experience and special equipment.

How to insulate the foam block from the inside with your own hands

When carrying out work, it is undesirable to use metal carcass, it will provoke the appearance of cold bridges in the structure. When the wall surface is treated with waterproofing, you should fix the guides from wooden slats. After self-laying thermal insulation in the room, the structure is completely covered with vapor barrier.

How to insulate a foam block with foam from the inside

Expanded polystyrene boards are not very suitable for use in residential areas due to high flammability and phenol emission during operation. The joints between the foam plates will contribute to the penetration of cold and moisture. Despite the fact that the plates are even, it will still not be possible to perfectly join them. Joints should be closed mounting foam and lay the insulation in two layers overlap.

Work should be carried out in the warm season to dry the room before work. It is better to insulate a foam concrete house with polystyrene foam not from the inside, but from the outside under plaster or siding. Whichever option you choose, availability is important smooth walls, you may need to further align them before thermal insulation, as in the case of self-insulation of the bath ceiling with foam.

How to insulate a foam block with foam from the inside

When insulating a house from a foam block with foam, voids should not form between the wall and the plates of extruded polystyrene foam, otherwise condensation will begin to accumulate in them, which will lead to mold over time. Applying the Styrofoam adhesive evenly over the entire surface of the wall will help you avoid voids and possible problems in future.

Sheets of extruded polystyrene foam also have smooth edges, as well as edges for tight joining. But it is ideal to lay the foam boards, without gaps you will not succeed. Therefore, you should stock up on a balloon with mounting foam to seal all the joints between the plates. For more information about the technology of working with foam boards, see the video at the end of the article.

How to insulate the foam block with mineral wool from the inside

When insulating a foam concrete house from the inside with mineral wool, a rolled vapor barrier is laid on the treated surface. Next, a frame is built on the wall from wooden beam. The thickness of the bars should be equal to the thickness of the thermal insulation layer, and the distance between the guides should be equal to the width of the mineral wool slabs, minus 1-1.5 cm for a more dense laying of basalt slabs in the structure.

On top of the entire structure on the wall is covered with a vapor barrier film, and a frame of bars is mounted to create a ventilation gap. Next, the wall is sheathed with sheets of drywall or clapboard. Thus, the insulation will be protected from moisture and mechanical damage. It remains only to think over a high-quality attic ventilation system in the house.

Video. How to insulate a foam block house from the inside

Stones from this type of cellular concrete, due to their low cost and ease of working with them, are widely used in low-rise construction. Opinions on whether it is worth it to insulate a foam concrete house from the outside differ greatly. This material is characterized by high thermal insulation properties, and many consider additional finishing a waste of money. For those who have decided that, nevertheless, this stage of general construction work should not be neglected - this article.

General information about the material

Before proceeding with a short review of the materials most suitable for external insulation, it is useful to recall some of the features of foam blocks. If they are not taken into account, then do optimal choice Not sure it's going to happen.

Firstly, foam concrete stones have a porous structure. And here there is a relationship between their density and thermal insulation properties, and the opposite. Therefore, if you need better insulation of the house, you will have to increase the thickness of the walls, and hence the width of the foundation tape.

Secondly, the porosity of foam blocks dictates the need to minimize the risk of condensation. From this point of view best solutions- "wet" or ventilated facade. Although when choosing heaters that are glued or sprayed on the outside (polystyrene, polyurethane foam), there are other options. In any case, this must be taken into account.

Thirdly, the porous structure of foam blocks makes it difficult to fix on outer walls supporting frame, and also limits the choice of heaters, based on the total weight of the entire structure. Therefore, for the thermal insulation of a house, any material, such as, for example, for a brick building, will not work.

The reasons for when a decision is made to insulate a house are different - local climatic conditions, insufficient thickness of walls made of foam blocks, the desire to save more on heating, and so on. But thermal insulation is always equipped only on the outside. Mounting from the inside is impractical, as it will reduce (sometimes significantly) the usable area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe building. Plus, it will complicate the fastening of anything hinged on the walls of the house from foam blocks.

Brief overview of heaters

One of the best options. As a rule, when insulating buildings from the outside, its variety is used - expanded polystyrene.

  • It is quite easy to work with these plates, as they have a strict geometry, and if necessary, they are easy to cut.
  • For mounting on the wall of a house made of foam blocks, you do not have to mount a supporting frame. The heater is attached to adhesive composition, in some cases, with "fastening" special / dowels.
  • High moisture-repellent properties of the material provide additional waterproofing of foam concrete blocks.

It is perhaps the only one in polystyrene, but significant. Feature such thermal insulation - low vapor permeability. If you do not provide for high-quality air exchange, then there is no need to talk about a good microclimate in a house made of foam blocks. Owner reviews indicate that with high temperature outside inside the building becomes stuffy.

Many point out that natural ventilation not enough, so you have to install a hood. And this is an additional cost, including for the project, since it is unlikely that you will be able to make complex engineering calculations on your own. In the case of using foam for insulation under siding, this problem is partially removed. There are several ways. For example, arrangement of ventilation / channels at the joints of foam blocks.

It remains to be added that the external finishing of such a heater is usually done by plastering.

With regard to foam concrete, many consider it almost an ideal option, although not everything is so simple here. In addition, there are several modifications of mineral wool.

  • Good vapor permeability of the insulation.
  • Convenience of laying mineral wool due to its elasticity.
  • High degree of thermal insulation of foam blocks.

They are insulated only under siding.

  • High speed of work on warming.
  • Maximum protection of foam blocks from the influence of the atmosphere.

Whatever the apologists of this technology say, there are enough shortcomings in such insulation of the house from the outside.

  • Spraying polyurethane foam leads to the fact that it completely isolates the base. She stops breathing. Moreover, the insulation partially penetrates deep into the structure, filling the pores of the foam blocks, and there will be problems with ventilation that cannot be solved on their own.
  • The high cost of this method of thermal insulation. Such insulation is possible only with the use of special / equipment. In addition, before applying to foam concrete blocks the composition still needs to be prepared, and correctly. The services of professionals will definitely be needed, and you will have to pay for it.
  • Poor maintainability of the heat-insulating layer. You can dismantle the insulation in a separate area yourself, but in order to restore the integrity of the coating, you will have to invite the craftsmen again to apply a "portion" of polyurethane foam. In addition, since it fits under the siding, you will need to disassemble outer lining over a large area.

IV. Insulation with plaster

In this case, the use of special compositions is implied, which in themselves differ in thermal insulation properties. Dry mixes for finishing foam blocks are commercially available.

  • High speed insulation outside.
  • The ability to change the appearance of the building at low cost, to update the walls.
  • High maintainability.
  • Good protection of foam concrete from external factors.

1. It is necessary to choose a mixture specifically for finishing foam concrete. One of the main criteria is good vapor permeability of the layer.

2. Before you start insulating the walls of foam blocks, you will have to seriously practice. The peculiarity of the work is that it must be carried out at high speed. The plaster “sets” quite quickly, so there is a high risk of the formation of joints in individual sections that will be noticeable.

3. Exact adherence to technology. Such an insulating composition is laid on foam blocks in at least 2 layers. The thickness of the outer should be about half that of the inner. It is important! The recommended ratio (in cm) is 0.5 to 1.

4. Mixtures for foam blocks differ not only in manufacturer, but also in composition. Therefore, they are characterized by varying degrees of adhesion. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the manufacturing technology of purchased stones - they are cast or sawn.

How to insulate a house from foam blocks from the outside: an overview of thermal insulation, photos, videos, diagrams

How to choose the thermal insulation of a house made of foam concrete or other cellular concrete? We insulate the house from foam blocks with our own hands, the pros and cons of expanded polystyrene, mineral wool,

How to insulate a foam block house from the outside with your own hands

Foreword. In this article, we will look at how to insulate the foam block from the outside with our own hands. For many homeowners, the insulation of a foam block house with foam plastic, mineral wool and foam plastic comes to the fore when cold weather sets in.

The people gave the common name "foam blocks" building blocks from foam concrete and gas silicate. The material is used for the construction of private, low-rise buildings, or blocks make an insulation layer on the outside, 300 - 400 mm thick. Earlier we already wrote about how to insulate a house from gas silicate. In this article, we will analyze the insulation of the facade of a foam block house from the outside with our own hands.

Due to the porous structure, foam blocks provide excellent grip with any decorating material. But many owners of foam block houses often resort to self-insulation. Do I need to insulate a foam block house and how to insulate a foam block house? What materials can be used in this case, read later in this article.

Is it worth it to insulate a house from a foam block

Scheme of a ventilated facade

How expedient is it necessary to insulate a foam block house? Foam concrete was invented for the construction of buildings with single-layer walls without additional insulation. Because they have a low heat transfer coefficient. This eliminates the problem of condensation between the wall and the insulation. However, during severe Russian winters, a lot of money will be spent on heating a house.

For the heat-saving advantages of foam concrete, you have to pay with the strength of the walls of the house. Foam block masonry may not withstand the load of "wet" and "ventilated" facades. The foam block is a rather fragile material that is afraid of moisture and freezing. It is not recommended to finish the facade of the foam block with decorative and natural stone. To insulate a foam block house from the outside, foam plastic, foam plastic or mineral wool are often used.

Experts do not recommend warming the house from the foam block from the inside. However, if a lot of money is spent on heating or the thickness of the walls is not enough to maintain a warm and pleasant microclimate in the room, then the thermal insulation procedure is simply necessary. Moreover, thermal insulation measures should be carried out outside the building.

When insulating from the outside, there are a number of advantages:

Dependence on the insulation of the foam block outside and inside

1. saving room space;

2. insulation from the side of the heated room, prevents the walls from heating up. The foam block in the cold season is exposed to negative temperatures and may go through several freeze and thaw cycles. As a result, the integrity of the blocks is violated;

3. insulation inside the building, shifts the dew point closer to the heated room. Condensation falls in the depth of the block, which leads to the appearance of mold and the gradual destruction of the wall;

4. thermal insulation outside the building will extend the life of the blocks, the insulation prevents the walls from freezing, the dew point is brought to the outer surface, from where the condensate is removed by air flows.

How to insulate a foam block house from the outside

What material to choose for thermal insulation? The ideal option For self-insulation foam concrete is board material: Styrofoam, Styrofoam or mineral wool mats. When using a vapor-permeable insulation (mineral wool), it should be protected with waterproofing. If the house is insulated with vapor-tight materials, then a ventilated gap must be equipped, which will remove possible condensate from the wall surface.

Insulation of a foam block house with mineral wool

Mineral wool- vapor-permeable, environmentally friendly, non-flammable, prevents the spread of fire, may shrink if installed incorrectly. Work with the material should be in the presence of personal protective equipment.

Expanded polystyrene, polystyrene- vapor-tight, has a low heat transfer coefficient and water-repellent properties, does not shrink, does not freeze. When insulating a house with foam plastic from the outside, it should be protected with a decorative layer from ultraviolet rays.

Another new material, for insulation of facades country houses are thermal panels. The process of insulating a house with thermal panels is very simple and fast, the work is available to any non-professional builder.

How to insulate a foam block with foam plastic from the outside

Scheme of foam block insulation with foam plastic

Stages of warming a house from foam blocks with foam plastic with your own hands:

1. the surface of the wall is cleaned of dust, dirt, if there are irregularities on the wall, then it is leveled;

2. the foam block facade is primed, the primer layer will prevent the adhesive from being absorbed into the thickness of the wall;

3. the starter is fixed on the wall metallic profile, the first row of material will be mounted on it;

4. preparation of glue for polystyrene foam, following the instructions, carefully mix the solution with a drill with a nozzle;

5. installation plate insulation, lastins are stacked in a checkerboard pattern relative to each other;

6. We fix each expanded polystyrene plate with a dish-shaped dowel in the corners and in the center of the plate;

7. gluing a reinforcing mesh to give the insulation the necessary strength;

8. insulation plastering and finishing with facade putty, it is also possible to sheathe the house with distillation or siding.

How to insulate a foam block with foam plastic from the outside

The scheme of insulation of the foam block with foam plastic

Stages of insulation of a foam block house with foam plastic with your own hands:

1. we clean the surface of the wall of the house from dust, knock down the influx of the solution;

2. we process the facade with a primer, which ensures the adhesion of the adhesive to the wall surface;

3. fasten the basement starting profile to the bottom of the wall - a support for materials that protects the insulation from rodents.

4. preparation of glue for penoplex, following the recommendations of the instructions, carefully mix the solution with a drill;

5. with a spatula or grater, apply glue to the plates and glue them on the facade from the bottom up and in a checkerboard pattern;

6. we fix each insulation plate in the corners and in the center with an umbrella (dish-shaped) dowel;

7. on the sheathed facade, we glue the reinforcing mesh: first we glue all the corners, and then all the walls;

8. We apply a plaster layer along the grid, after drying we apply plaster and paint the facade.

  • How to insulate the foam block from the outside with mineral wool, polystyrene, Do-it-yourself insulation

    In this article, we will look at how to insulate the foam block from the outside with our own hands. For many homeowners, the insulation of a foam block house with mineral wool comes to the fore.

What is the best way to insulate a foam block house from the outside?

A foam block house is never left unfinished. This is due to the unpresentable appearance walls. Together with facade cladding, thermal insulation is often performed, which should protect the building from heat losses in winter and maintain normal temperature and humidity conditions in the premises. It would be more correct to insulate the house from foam blocks, made from the outside.

Why is it better to insulate the outside

Thermal insulation can be placed on both sides, but if possible, choose the right solution for insulation from the outside. This is justified by the following facts:

  1. When the thermal insulation is located from the inside, the free area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room decreases, the insulation of the walls from the outside does not affect the internal dimensions.
  2. The external arrangement of thermal protection allows to increase the service life of the supporting structures. They are reliably protected from freezing and external adverse influences. Placing the material from the inside does not give such an effect, protection is provided only for the room, the surface of the walls remains cold.
  3. The next fact follows from the previous one. If thermal insulation is carried out from the inside, then outer wall stays cold. In this case, the dew point (condensate, moisture from steam) gets inside the supporting structure and can lead to its destruction. When the heat-insulating material is located outside, moisture does not form inside the wall.

House without insulation and with insulation inside/outside

Protecting walls from the inside makes sense only under special circumstances:

  • work is carried out at high altitude (this is practically not applicable for a foam concrete house, since the strength characteristics of the material do not allow the construction of high walls);
  • the finishing of the facade is completed (without insulation), doing the work correctly (from the outside) will require serious financial and time costs.

If it is decided to carry out thermal insulation of walls from the inside, it is necessary to carefully monitor the quality and safety of materials and adherence to technology (laying vapor barrier, waterproofing). It is better to give preference to more natural types of insulation, such as ecowool or insulated plaster.

You can perform thermal insulation of walls from the inside with mineral wool. It is effective in terms of protection and will not block the passage of air through the building envelope.

Cold air insulation options

Protection of the walls of the foam block house in general case for all insulation options is the same. Before starting work, you need to make two decisions:

  • choice of insulation;
  • choice of finish.

Insulation of a house from foam blocks with warm plaster

When the house is located in areas that are quite favorable from a climatic point of view, these two solutions can be combined by choosing a “warm” plaster. The material simultaneously performs two functions. To improve the strength characteristics, the layer is laid on a reinforcing mesh made of fiberglass. The work is carried out in the following order:

  • cleaning the hard surface from dirt, dust and grease;
  • applying a primer layer;
  • the first layer of plaster;
  • fixing the reinforcing mesh;
  • then you need to apply the required number of layers of plaster;
  • The finish layer can be silicone-based paint.

The choice of insulation

Here are a few options that are among the most common:

  • mineral wool;
  • Styrofoam;
  • extruded polystyrene foam;
  • ecowool;
  • polyurethane foam.

It is best to choose the material that will not block the movement of air through the walls of the foam block house.

The most economical material that meets this requirement is mineral wool. Warming with mineral wool is important to carry out taking into account the characteristics of the material.

Insulation of a house from foam blocks with mineral wool

The following activities are required:

  • side vapor barrier warm air(the cheapest option is polyethylene film, but it will not allow the walls to "breathe", it is better to stop at more technologically advanced vapor barrier membranes);
  • waterproofing from the side of cold air (again, in this case, it is worth choosing a waterproofing or vapor diffusion membrane);
  • an air-ventilated layer to remove moisture from the surface of the material is arranged between the thermal insulation and the skin and is assumed to be at least 50 mm thick.

Choice of skin material

At this stage, you need to choose the appearance of the house. The following materials are suitable for facing a house from foam blocks:

Siding is the most economical and common option. If there are sufficient Money other options should be considered. The lining will allow you to finish under the beam, and the block house under the log.

In general, the installation of thermal insulation and cladding is carried out in the following order:

Scheme of sheathing a house from a foam block with siding

  • surface cleaning;
  • fixing the vapor barrier;
  • assembly of a frame from wooden bars (section depending on the thickness of the insulation) or a metal profile;
  • installation of insulation with fixing it on dish-shaped dowels;
  • fixing waterproofing (if the frame is made of wood, you can fix it construction stapler with mandatory gluing of joints with adhesive tape, the same is true for vapor barrier);
  • installation of the skin, the method of fastening is selected depending on the selected material.

Another option exterior finish at home - the construction of a verst of brick. In this case, it is necessary to provide metal or plastic connections between the two parts of the wall. Thermal insulation is mounted before the erection of a brick wall and is protected by it from external influences.

Insulation of a house from foam blocks outside: choice of material

Proper insulation will make the owners of the house feel comfortable. In this article, you will learn how to insulate a foam block house from the outside.

How to insulate a house from foam blocks (aerated concrete) from the outside and how

In this article, we will analyze in detail how and how to insulate a house made of aerated concrete. This procedure carries many nuances associated with the peculiarity of gas silicate blocks.

We analyze the theoretical aspects

Insulation of buildings from foam blocks must be carried out in accordance with all standards and norms. Only in this case it is possible to achieve proper efficiency. It is highly not recommended to save on this aspect, because it allows you to reduce energy costs. Therefore, high-quality thermal insulation of houses made of gas silicate blocks pays off over time.

Why is it better to insulate the outside

Interior decoration seems to be more affordable option. However, insulation from the outside seems to be a more reasonable method, since it has the following advantages:

  • There are no so-called "cold bridges". As a result of the temperature difference, walls made of gas silicate blocks practically do not participate in protection from the cold if the insulator is located indoors.
  • The useful area of ​​the house is not reduced. After internal insulation the size of the premises will be reduced by 5-7%.
  • Increased efficiency. Finishing the house outside will increase the usefulness of the heat-insulating layer by 20-30%.
  • Less problems with condensation.
  • The created frame for laying the insulation will serve as a springboard for further finishing.
  • A significant extension of the operational period of gas silicate blocks, as they will be protected from absolutely all external irritants.

The only case when it is not possible to lay a heat-insulating layer from the outside is if the facade of the building is already finished. In all other situations, this method should be used.

Choosing the right insulator

The construction markets abound thermal insulation materials but which one to choose? The most important condition- You can not use vapor-permeable models. The fact is that gas silicate blocks I have an almost perfect indicator of this characteristic.

The use of vapor-permeable materials will lead to the fact that the air exchange between the room and the street will be disturbed. As a result, the foam blocks will quickly become covered with condensate, and in the future with fungus and mold.

For insulation of houses from gas silicate blocks, polyurethane foam and mineral wool are best suited. The second option is much cheaper, so it can be recommended. It is best to purchase the basalt variety, as it has the following advantages:

  • Does not burn (unlike all its counterparts).
  • It has extremely low thermal conductivity. In this aspect, it is second only to penoplex.
  • Creates additional sound insulation.
  • Easy to work.
  • Resists moisture well.

Of course, if funds allow, then it is reasonable to use penoplex. In this case, the foam blocks will be maximally protected from all external factors.

What is the best time to work

Often, inexperienced builders, after building a house from gas silicate blocks, immediately begin work on thermal insulation. In fact, this is a gross mistake. The fact is that after the production of blocks, they are immediately placed in sealed packaging at the factory. Thus, at the time of construction, their humidity is at the original level.

If you start warming immediately after construction, the foam blocks will begin to absorb all the moisture.

As a result, their vapor permeability will decrease. In the cold season, when the heating is turned on inside, the moisture inside the walls will begin to move in the direction where the partial pressure is lower (that is, into the house). Reaching up to interior decoration, it will start to condense on the surface and the walls will become damp. As a result, the foam blocks will begin to freeze, and the insulator will quickly rot.

Therefore, it is necessary to protect the facade from moisture, for example, by covering it with a film and allowing the moisture to completely evaporate (this takes 3-5 months, depending on weather conditions). The ideal alignment - the house is built in the spring, and the insulation work on the outside begins at the end of the summer. In this case, the foam blocks will dry completely, which will increase the overall efficiency of the procedures performed.

We study the methodology of work

Thermal insulation of buildings from gas silicate blocks is carried out in several stages. To achieve maximum efficiency must comply with all rules and regulations.

Preparing the original surface

The preliminary stage includes the following operations:

  • Complete cleaning of the surface of the foam blocks from the outside from dirt, dust. If there are defects, they are sealed with durable cement mortar(with a large area it is better to use the so-called "breathing plaster").
  • Impregnation of blocks with special water repellents. This is an optional procedure, but it will better protect the facade from moisture. Spray technique and consumption are different for different models so please read the instructions carefully.
  • Laying over the entire area of ​​​​the facade waterproofing material, overlapped with an allowance of 10 cm. The membrane film does its job well. For fixing, a special glue is used.

Create a frame of strength

Now it is necessary to build a frame of bars into which the insulator will be laid. Their width should be 1-2 cm more than the estimated thickness of the heat-insulating layer. They should be fastened to special dowel-nails for foam blocks. To create holes, it is imperative to use appropriate drills for aerated concrete. The fact is that this material is fragile, and when used conventional tools high risk of damage.

The distance between the bars should be 2-3 cm less than the width of the mineral wool roll, usually it is 60 cm. This is necessary for a tighter fit of the mat and to prevent the formation of cracks. Windows and doors must be fully framed around the perimeter. It is also necessary to add several perpendicular lines from the beam in increments of 1-1.5 meters to ensure increased structural strength.

The final stage - laying with subsequent finishing

It remains to fill the space inside the bars with mineral wool. For fixing it is necessary to use a special glue that has good adhesion with aerated concrete. The mats are laid end-to-end, and even the slightest cracks should not be allowed.

The thickness of the thermal insulation layer must be at least 10 cm, otherwise the efficiency will be low. It is recommended to lay in 2 layers (mat thickness 5-7) in a checkerboard pattern. This technique allows you to reliably protect the joints from the penetration of moisture and cold air.

At the end, they are attached to the created frame facade panels, and on them already finishing. In this case, it is necessary to create a ventilation gap of 2-3 cm. This will prevent the formation of condensate and reduce the thermal conductivity of the heat-insulating layer.

Insulation of a house from foam blocks outside - materials used

What materials are suitable for insulating a house made of foam blocks (aerated concrete) from the outside. Pros and cons of the materials used. The order of work.

Foam blocks have excellent characteristics for low thermal conductivity, however, the material is porous and perfectly absorbs moisture. During the defrosting / freezing cycle, the liquid accumulated in its pores reduces the thermal insulation qualities of the material and destroys it. After building a house from foam concrete blocks, you should think about how to further insulate it and protect it from atmospheric moisture.

The choice of insulation

The foam block is a fragile material, as a supporting structure, so the insulation for it must be selected according to weight. The best option are basalt or fiberglass mineral wool slabs, 50 × 100 or 60 × 120 cm in size, from 5 to 15 cm thick, with a density of 130-160 kg / m3. You can also use cotton wool in the form of mats, but the density of such a material is less.

Mineral wool for warming the house from the outside "TechnoNIKOL".

The benefits of mineral wool include:

  1. Low thermal conductivity.
  2. Fire resistance.
  3. Low cost.
  4. High vapor permeability.
  5. Excellent sound absorption characteristics.
  6. Resistant to the appearance of mold, fungus.
  7. Durability.

Foam block wall insulation - from the outside or from the inside?

It is more expedient to insulate the wall of a house from foam blocks from the outside:

  1. No usable space is wasted.
  2. The dew point does not move inside the load-bearing wall.
  3. Foam blocks are under reliable protection.

Materials and tools

To carry out work on the thermal insulation of walls made of foam concrete blocks from the outside, the following tools will be required:

  • screwdriver;
  • container for glue;
  • a spatula for its application (a notched one or, as it is also called, a “comb”, is suitable), as well as a wide spatula for plaster;
  • clerical knife (construction);
  • brush or roller;
  • protective clothing, goggles, gloves;
  • perforator, electric drill, hammer;
  • level;
  • roulette.

And materials:

  • mineral wool boards;
  • fiberglass mesh;
  • perforated base profile;
  • dowels-umbrellas;
  • dowels for fastening the profile;
  • polymer cement adhesive for mineral wool boards;
  • deep penetration primer;
  • plastering mix.

Stages of work

Preparing walls for installation.

Before insulation, it is necessary to remove all communication devices, ensure the exit of drains, ebbs, and ventilation.

Thoroughly clean the walls from dust, dirt, dry. It is best to carry out work in the dry season, when you will be 100% sure that you have not left foam concrete blocks that have absorbed moisture under the insulation.

Make sure that there are no gaps and cracks, and if any, they need to be repaired, or if the damage is growing, think about strengthening the structure or repairing the foundation.

Treat the cleaned surface of the walls with a deep penetration primer for exterior work. It is advisable to do this twice. The primer will ensure high-quality adhesion of the material with foam blocks.

Support profile fastening.

The profile is necessary to support mineral wool boards and provides protection against rodent access under the insulation. The profile is attached around the perimeter of the base, strictly according to the level, on dowels or self-tapping screws.

Plate laying.

Prepare the polymer cement adhesive according to the instructions on its packaging. Using a spatula, evenly apply adhesive to the boards from the back of the material. The layer should be uniform and thin, after application, dot application of the solution should also be made over the entire surface of the plate. Plates are laid from bottom to top in a checkerboard pattern. The protruding parts of the insulation can be sawn off with a regular hacksaw.

Photo of wall insulation from the outside with mineral wool.

Fixing plates with "umbrellas".

Approximately one day after gluing, it is necessary to strengthen the fixation of mineral wool boards with dowels "umbrellas". Holes for dowels are drilled longer than the dowel itself by about 1.5 cm.

Insulation plaster

You can protect the insulation itself and give the house a finished look by plastering the walls using the “wet” facade technology. The reinforcing fiberglass mesh is laid on top of the insulation on the glue, with a layer thickness of 3-5 mm, while the mesh is embedded in the glue, almost completely. If overlapping is required, do it at least 10 cm.

Wall plastering on insulation - "wet" facade.

On top of the mesh, after smoothing and drying, a primer layer is applied. After it dries, you can apply the final layer of plaster.

Thus, with your own hands and without the help of specialists, you can insulate a house made of foam blocks with mineral wool from the outside and plaster it under a “wet” facade.