Shower      04/13/2019

What pillows are the healthiest for sleeping? How to choose the right pillow for sleeping and which one is better

Choosing the ideal orthopedic pillow for sleeping causes difficulties for many buyers - and this is understandable: there are too many parameters to take into account. How to choose the size? Which filler is better? How to choose the right model from all the variety produced by Russian and foreign factories? We will answer all these questions, and at the same time read the reviews of those who have already tried to find the perfect pillow.

Types of orthopedic pillows for sleeping

The right orthopedic pillow ideally supports the neck and spine, allowing them to maintain the correct anatomical position. Many people purchase it as a preventative measure to maintain health, and for others it is prescribed by a doctor.

In order to understand which pillow is best for sleeping, let's study their types.


Rectangle or square - classic sleeping pillow configuration. Such products create an orthopedic effect using filler.

However, manufacturers are improving the designs of their models, maximizing them to the human anatomy not only with the help of fillers, but also due to the ergonomic shape, pay attention to Comfort sleeping pillows.

Thus, the following types are produced anatomical pillows for sleep:

  • curly with rollers of different heights ( used for back or side sleeping);
  • with recesses under the shoulder (for sleeping on the side);
  • original shapes: horseshoe, banana, butterfly, roller, etc.

A cushion of a smaller height is placed under the neck when a person falls asleep on his back, a higher height - if he falls asleep on his side.


Pillows also differ in parameters. The length can vary from 40 to 80 cm, width - from 30 to 50 cm.

The most popular size of an adult orthopedic pillow is 50 by 70 cm, children's models are 20 by 30 or 50 by 40 cm.

How to choose the length and width of a pillow?

Be sure to “try on” the pillow before purchasing: lie on it in the salon (preferably on a mattress of the same hardness as at home). Place your body in a comfortable position in which you like to fall asleep. Fifteen minutes will be enough to understand whether the size of the pillow and its elasticity are comfortable.

Much more important than choosing the length and width is the correct determination of the height of the pillow - and we will talk about this in detail below.

Age and health

If you have problems with the spine, osteochondrosis in the cervical region periodically worsens, you have undergone an injury or surgery on the shoulder or thoracic region, pillows should be purchased only after consulting a doctor.

For older people, soft polyurethane foam pillows are more comfortable, and young people like more elastic models, for example, from latex.


During your sleep the spine should be strictly parallel to the mattress. Please note that on a soft base, the pillow will sink slightly, so a comfortable degree of elasticity should be determined.

Soft pillows are suitable for not too useful sleep on the stomach. If you like to sleep on your side, then rigid models, and if on your back, then the average degree of elasticity.

Additional functions

Trying to get ahead of competitors, many factories develop original models:

  • with massage effect (“stuffing” of buckwheat husks),
  • with antibacterial functions (covers and fillers with special impregnations);
  • relaxation pillows (herbal impregnations);
  • with a cooling surface, impregnated with menthol;
  • to improve facial skin tone and prevent anti-aging changes ( pillowcases with milk impregnation).

There are also unique models. For example, a mini-player can be built into the pillow, which will play your favorite music and help you fall asleep faster.

Which filler to choose

Unambiguously determine which pillows are the most best days sleep is impossible. In addition to a convenient shape, each model has one or another type of filler, which may be ideal for a particular buyer or, on the contrary, cause discomfort.

What “fillings” are used most often in orthopedic sleep pillows? What are their advantages and disadvantages.

Buckwheat husk

  • absolutely natural;
  • affordable price;
  • pleasant aroma;
  • good massage effect;
  • improves blood circulation, relieves muscle tension, calms the nervous system.


  • difficult care;
  • may cause allergies;
  • shelf life no more than 3 years;
  • rustling noise when in use.

Natural latex


  • quite high cost;
  • may have a specific odor that goes away after a few days.

Memory foam

  • high orthopedic parameters(ideally adapts to the contours of the head and shoulders under the influence of load and temperature);
  • the surface quickly returns to its previous appearance;
  • environmentally friendly;
  • durable.


  • low elasticity, the effect of enveloping the face, which not all buyers like;
  • high price;
  • at high temperatures begins to emit a specific smell.

Some manufacturers use innovative biofoam, which is 50 times more environmentally friendly than polyurethane foam.

  • with a small diameter of the balls, the pillow has high orthopedic characteristics;
  • perfectly follows the anatomy of the head;
  • long service life;
  • environmental Safety;
  • easy care.


  • high price.

How to choose the height of an orthopedic pillow

For most buyers with a standard build, a pillow with a height of 10-13 cm is suitable. Those who like to sleep on their side with a height of no more than 165 cm - 11-12 cm, with a height of more than 165 - 13-14 cm.

Such indicators are averaged, so to be on the safe side, it is recommended to find out the exact parameters by measuring the distance from the center of the neck to the shoulder. Add 1-2 cm to this distance, resulting in optimal height pillows.

Adjustable models are one of the most good decisions, which is offered by many manufacturers. This pillow can be adjusted in height by removing individual layers. This feature is useful for children who grow quickly, as well as those who are not ready to determine exactly how high their ideal pillow should be before buying.

The height of the pillow is incorrectly selected if:

  • you feel the urge to put your hand under the pillow;
  • the neck becomes numb, pain appears, the shoulders become numb;
  • the chin almost touches the chest;
  • tension is felt in the cervical spine.

remember, that when changing your pillow to an orthopedic one, you may feel discomfort in the first weeks. The special pillow will take some getting used to. By the way, many manufacturers warn about this. Do not rush to give up on a new sleeping pillow if you have chosen it carefully and taking into account all the items we have listed.

When choosing the height and hardness of the pillow important role plays the position in which you usually sleep. If you are in doubt about what this pose is, spend a few nights researching.

When you feel like you are falling asleep, lie on your back for a few minutes, then on your side and stomach. Assess which position is most comfortable for you. For example, if you lay on your stomach for half an hour but still did not fall asleep, this is unlikely to be your usual position. Pay attention to the position in which you wake up in the morning. Write down all your observations to avoid confusion.

  • If you like to sleep on the back, choose a pillow of medium height (8–10 cm), medium hardness and, possibly, with a recess for the head.
  • If you are dreaming on the side, choose a pillow that is tall and firm enough, as it should fill the space between your shoulder and ear and provide good neck support. The height of the pillow should be equal to the width of your shoulder - the segment from the base of your neck to the shoulder point.
  • If you are dreaming on the stomach, you need a soft and thin, almost flat pillow 6–8 cm high. If you can do without one, place a pillow under your stomach so that there is no pain in your stomach.
  • If you constantly turning over, choose a pillow of medium height. It should be soft enough so that it can somehow be adjusted to the current sleep position.

How to choose pillow filling

There are a lot of fillers now. Manufacturers give them their names, combine different kinds materials complicate the internal structure of the pillows.

A modern pillow is not just a bag filled with down.

Inside there may be springs, several chambers filled with filler, several layers of different fillers, hidden neck cushions and other inventions of the pillow industry.

Therefore, we will talk about fairly popular materials and outline questions that need to be answered before going to the store: this way you can explain to the consultant what exactly you are looking for.

1. What pillow firmness do you need?

Of the common fillers, the softest are down (natural and artificial), holofiber, bamboo, cotton, and silk.

Wool, memory foam materials, and gel are considered medium soft fillers.

The hard filler is latex, buckwheat husk.

2. Do you sweat a lot at night? Does it ever happen that you feel hot on your pillow?

If you wake up in the morning on a damp pillow, your head is hot and stuffy, it means that the filling and/or cover of the pillow does not allow air to pass through well and does not breathe.

Pillows made of fluff, bamboo, silk have good breathability. However, synthetic fillers are not inferior to natural ones: the fibers in them are intertwined in such a way that there is an air-filled space between them.

If the pillow breathes, it is elastic to the touch and quickly regains its shape after compression.

The breathability of latex and memory foam pillows comes from the porosity of the materials and the vents.

3. Do you care how long it takes to take care of your pillow?

For some, it’s easy to take their pillows to the dry cleaner several times a year, but for others, they don’t even have time to throw them in the washing machine.

The most demanding pillows to care for are natural feather and down pillows: they must be dried regularly, fluffed before bed to evenly distribute the filling, and periodically taken to dry cleaning, since you cannot clean them yourself. Wool pillows will also have to be given to specialists.

Pillows filled with buckwheat husks are recommended to be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner. Once a year you will have to pour out the husks, sift them and put them in an already washed cover.

Bamboo, silk and synthetic pillows are machine washable. And on pillows made of latex or memory foam, you just need to replace the pillowcase.

4. How durable do you need your pillow to be?

The most short-lived pillows are made of bamboo, holofiber, and artificial down. After three years or even earlier, the filling may clump together, and the pillow will become unsuitable for proper sleep.

Pillows made from materials with memory effect, natural down and feathers, and high-quality synthetics will last up to five years.

The most durable are latex pillows. Their service life is 10 years and even more with proper use.

5. Do you have any allergies? If yes, for what exactly?

Everything is clear here: you should not choose the filler to which you are allergic. Down and feathers are considered the most powerful allergens. But a bamboo pillow, which contains many microorganisms, can also cause unpleasant symptoms.

How to choose a pillow shape

Let's go back to your sleeping position. If you sleep on your back, choose a rectangular pillow. It can be with a bolster or a recess for the neck, if you feel comfortable.

A rectangular pillow is suitable for sleeping on your side. A bolster under the neck and a recess under the shoulder are also appropriate here.

For stomach sleepers, choose a low, rectangular or star-shaped pillow.

Pillow buyer checklist

Having stocked up on theory, now you need to understand what to do if there are a lot of pillows in the store, and a zealous consultant is already persuading you to buy. Here is a checklist of your actions:

  1. Tell the consultant what kind of pillow you are looking for (hardness, materials, cost). Find out if you have problems sleeping.
  2. Feel free to ask consultants about the properties of pillows, fillings, and covers. Moreover, it is advisable that they explain to you what features of the materials allow the pillow to breathe, remove moisture, and so on.
  3. Try lying on the provided pillows. Evaluate your feelings. With the correct height and shape of the pillow, you should feel relaxed, there should be no clamps or kinks anywhere.
  4. Remember, or better yet, write down the characteristics of the pillows offered to you. At home, read about the properties of specific fillers. Read reviews of pillows from selected brands.
  5. No matter how carefully you choose a pillow in a store, you have to sleep on it for a week to evaluate it. Because the comfort of the pillow will even depend on yours (the softer it is, the thinner the pillow should be). So find out if you can test the pillow at home and return it if it doesn't work. The Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights” allows returns if the product has not been used or has been stored appearance, consumer properties, seals, factory labels. But some stores are meeting customers halfway. So, IKEA suggests sleeping on a new pillow for 14 days and exchanging it if it turns out to be uncomfortable.

Every person should know how to choose a pillow for sleeping, because his health depends on it. If the cervical spine is in an incorrect position during night rest, the blood supply to the brain is disrupted. As a result, dizziness, nausea, weakness, etc. may occur.

Read in this article:

What to look for when choosing a pillow?

Height, size and shape

The average height of the product is 10-14 cm. However, when choosing, you need to focus on the width of your shoulders. The taller the person, the higher the support should be.

The optimal pillow size for an adult is 50 by 70 cm, for a child – 40 by 60 cm.

Its shape can be different: square, rectangular or round. There are also products in the form of rollers or with special recesses for the neck and head. These are orthopedic pillows that allow the cervical spine to take the correct anatomical position during sleep. There are also special pillows: for pregnant women, for traveling in a car, for lumbar region etc.

Are orthopedic pillows really that useful?

At first glance, the answer here is obvious. However, doctors recommend using this type of bedding only for people who have problems with the spine. In other cases, it can cause discomfort. In any case, you should consult your doctor before purchasing. It is very important to pay attention to your own feelings. If after a night's rest you experience discomfort in the neck area, you should still refuse to use an orthopedic pillow.

Types of fillers

Which pillow filling is best to choose? All fillers can be divided into 2 types: artificial and natural. Each of them has its pros and cons. When choosing, you need to consider a large number of factors.

Natural fillers

Natural materials include down, feathers, camel and sheep wool, horsehair, natural latex, and bamboo fiber. Unfortunately, not everyone can afford it. And it's not a matter of price. The fact is that natural fillers not suitable for people with allergies.

Feather and down

Down and feather pillows are a classic type of bed linen. The product easily restores its shape, allows air to pass through well, retains heat, and ensures healthy and high-quality sleep. The linen is easy to clean. The disadvantages of feather and down pillows include: short service life, proliferation of microorganisms and bacteria, high cost.


The perfect solution for hot days! The product has good rigidity and elasticity. It will appeal to people with a dense physique. Horse hair is used to fill the central part, the rest is made of woolen cloth. Linen requires special care. You can’t clean it yourself, you will have to use the services of dry cleaning.

Camel and sheep wool

Pillows with wool filling are suitable for both summer and winter. They perfectly conduct heat, pass air, dust and dirt do not accumulate in them. Natural wool is an excellent cure for joint and muscle pain. The fiber is durable, so you will not have to buy new linen soon. Unfortunately, there is a high risk of purchasing a low-quality product. Try to make purchases only in trusted stores.

Pillows with wool filling cannot be washed by yourself.

Very popular in Lately use vegetable fillers - hop cones, rice grains, buckwheat, medicinal herbs etc. They are appropriate to use for aromatherapy or massage. Regular use may cause discomfort. For example, noise during movement can make it difficult to fall asleep. Pillows with natural filling are short-lived and require special care. They can also harbor bacteria and infest insects.

Natural latex, bamboo fiber, cotton wool - 3 more types of natural filler. They are not used very often. If you are looking for durable underwear, pay attention to the latex option. If you have limited financial resources, choose a product made of cotton wool. The option is available to any circle of buyers, but, unfortunately, is short-lived.

Artificial fillers

Products made from synthetic materials are different affordable price, anti-allergenic properties, porous fiber structure. The most famous artificial filler for bed linen - padding polyester. This product will last at least 10 years. It is easy to clean at home and does not retain unpleasant odors, perfectly restores shape. Another option for artificial filling is holofiber. This is a worthy replacement for down and feathers, because it does not cause an allergic reaction. It can be washed in washing machine. If you like dense, elastic pillows, pay attention to products with silicone filling. And for connoisseurs of light and air cushions You will like comforter - a filler in the form of small balls.

Before deciding which pillow to choose for sleeping, be sure to read the advice from experts:

  • pay attention to the width of your shoulders, the shape of the back of your head, the length of your neck and your favorite sleeping position. The shape, thickness and height of the pillow will depend on these parameters. For those who like to sleep on their back, orthopedic underwear is suitable, and for those who like to sleep on their stomach, products with soft filling. If you don’t have a favorite position, and throughout the night you constantly turn from side to side, pay attention to latex pillows that quickly change their shape;
  • the product must be elastic, regardless of the type of filler. Only in this case it will serve you not for several weeks, but at least for several years;
  • The pillow should be filled evenly. It also happens that manufacturers “spare” the filler and the product turns out “thin” and unsuitable for sleeping. This is easy to check - just lift the pillow by one corner. If it has lost its shape, then there is not enough filler in it;
  • The bed linen cover must be made of high-quality fabric. There should be no joints on it, because during sleep this will cause severe discomfort;
  • check the quality of the seams. They must be smooth and durable. Otherwise, the filler will come out very quickly. To check, pull the product in different directions and inspect the seams.

We hope that we were able to answer the question: “Which pillows are best for sleeping.” If you have problems with your spine, be sure to consult your doctor before purchasing!

A pillow is not a simple rectangle of fabric stuffed soft material, but a faithful companion who supports, more or less correctly, our head for about a third of our lives. It is a pity that very often we do not attach the necessary importance to the choice of bedding, but the quality of a night's rest largely depends on them.

What are the dangers of choosing the wrong pillow?

The most important characteristics of a pillow are height and firmness. On the other hand, when choosing a pillow, you need to take into account your favorite sleeping position and your anatomical characteristics. One thing is for sure: if you sleep on the wrong pillow, you risk serious problems with your back, neck and upper limbs, which often leads to feeling unwell when you wake up. When you sleep, the entire spine should be in a natural and relaxed position, starting with cervical region.


The size of the pillow should be around 22 x 16 to fit the width of your shoulders and prevent your head from sliding around during the night.


Height is critical. A pillow that is too high is most harmful, however, a pillow that is too low or absent leads to increased curvature of the neck (cervical lordosis) and back (kyphosis).

  • If now, from a sitting position, you drop your head a little back, then your body will take an unnatural position. The result of sleeping in this position will be incorrect posture, stiffening of the muscles that support the head, followed by pain in the neck and shoulders upon awakening.
  • A pillow that is too high, forcing the spine and back muscles into an unnatural position during sleep, can also cause many unpleasant symptoms after waking up.


Cushion height is therefore a very important parameter and is closely related to firmness. If the pillow is too soft, the neck will “sink” into it, but if it is too hard, the neck muscles will stretch. In both cases, the cervical vertebrae are in an unnatural position. Thus:

  • If you sleep on your back, choose a medium-firm pillow.
  • For those who like to sleep on their side, it is better to get a fairly hard pillow.
  • If you sleep on your stomach, choose a soft pillow.
  • Too soft pillows lead to poor blood circulation during sleep, which can lead to loss of skin elasticity, early wrinkles, and swelling.

Choosing the right material

The choice of pillow material is very important.

  • Those suffering from asthma and allergies should approach classic pillows made from goose, chicken and other feathers with caution. They often become a breeding ground for dust mites, which contribute to allergies.
  • Doctors recommend sleeping on pillows made of down and feathers, as well as padding polyester, for hypotensive patients. They provide a low body position and flow to the scalp during sleep. For those with high blood pressure, it is better to sleep on high pillows, such as feather pillows.
  • Pillows made of polyester and synthetic padding are comfortable, inexpensive, resilient, durable, and very comfortable to sleep on. Washable in the washing machine.

Some types of orthopedic pillows

An orthopedic pillow can provide the highest quality and healthy sleep.

  • Microfiber the pillows are modern and comfortable. Thanks to the special weaving of the mesh, they allow you to redistribute body weight so that it matches the natural curve of the cervical spine. In some cases, these fibers are equipped with a so-called "anti-mite system". These synthetic materials are specially formulated against dust mites, providing more hygienic and restful sleep for those who suffer from allergy problems.
  • Dynamic orthopedic pillows are water pillows that conform to the shape of the head thanks to special water containers enclosed in the pillow.
  • Natural and organic pillows are also becoming very popular. They are usually made from beans or grains. The presence of biological material helps make the pillow comfortable and environmentally friendly, as well as cool in summer.

Thus, best pillow has the following features : Easy to wash and hypoallergenic, selected depending on individual preferences, health status and sleep position.