Toilet      06/12/2019

Which pillow is better to sleep on? Soft or hard? Review of orthopedic pillow manufacturers. What to pay attention to

If the spine is the basis of health, then the right bed is universal remedy. Cervical osteochondrosis is a degenerative-dystrophic disease of the intervertebral discs, in which the intervertebral pulp cervical spine“regenerates” into ossified tissue. In 30% of cases, the pathology provokes severe headaches.

If the doctor’s recommendations are not followed and the disease is treated incorrectly, the disease leads to the formation of intervertebral protrusion or hernia. We suggest considering how to sleep properly with cervical osteochondrosis in order to prevent complications.

Why is good sleep important when you are sick?

The spine is the axis of the body. It is surrounded by muscles, vascular networks and nerve roots that affect the functioning of the entire body. The spinal column is controlled by the central nervous system through the direction of nerve impulses.

While in a horizontal state, the spine maintains its natural S-shape. However, the entire musculoskeletal system needs rest - complete relaxation. It can only be achieved during sleep.

During sleep, the intervertebral discs are in a relaxed state, the gap between them expands, which helps strengthen the cartilage tissue. Sleeping correctly with cervical osteochondrosis means helping the spine in the fight against pathology.

How to sleep with cervical osteochondrosis - basic rules

If you are going on a trip and plan to sleep in a car (train, plane, etc.), then take a small semicircular roller with you. Place it under your neck to ensure proper sleep even on the go.

Knowing how to sleep properly with osteochondrosis, you can ensure maximum peace of the cervical spine during the night.

Correct sleeping positions

In what position should you sleep with cervical osteochondrosis?

  • On the back. Lie down straight so that you are comfortable. Only your head should be on the pillow, relax your neck and move it forward slightly. Make sure the chest and sacral region touch the surface sleeping place. To make it more comfortable, use a bolster (under your feet) - it will reduce the load;
  • On the side. Bend your knees, placing a thin cushion between them. Make sure that only your head is on the pillow, while your shoulder should rest against the mattress;
  • On his side, but with his legs pulled up. Lie on your side, pull your legs bent at the knees towards the chest area. A favorable resting position that relieves tension from all areas of the spinal column.

The correct sleeping position during osteochondrosis does not include lying on your stomach. Even a slight turn of the head in this state will lead to a deterioration in well-being, and after waking up the person will not leave the feeling of some “stiffness” in the shoulders and back of the head.

The correct position of the head during sleep with pathology is lying on a pillow, but the neck should not be placed on it.


How to choose the right pillow

Is it good to sleep on the floor?

If there is no orthopedic mattress, is it possible to sleep on the floor with osteochondrosis?

When choosing bedding, give preference to thin and natural fabrics (linen, cotton, etc.). If you sleep on your back, it is recommended to place a cushion under your feet, then the spine will not “sag”.

How to sleep during exacerbation of pathology?

When osteochondrosis worsens, a person has difficulty falling asleep - he is bothered by pain, stiffness, and a feeling of discomfort does not leave him. In this situation, doctors recommend sleeping only on your side so that your shoulder rests on the mattress.

In this position, the spine takes its natural shape - it straightens and is in a relaxed state. During periods of exacerbation of pathology, stop using a cushion under your head.

If cervical osteochondrosis worsens, be sure to consult a doctor!

Causes of pain after sleep

If pain is often observed after sleep with osteochondrosis, then the cause is not correct position vertebrae and neck muscles. During a night's rest, they do not relax, tension does not go away, and cerebral circulation is impaired. The result is that after getting up, a person feels fatigue, discomfort and severe pain.

They can be observed in the first days after you change your usual sleeping position to the one recommended by your doctor. In this case, use special ointments and creams to relieve discomfort.

After 2-3 days, the body will get used to the new position and the pain will go away. If this does not happen, contact your doctor.

How to understand that the position is incorrect?

Did you know that sleep quality affects the development of musculoskeletal diseases?

In 2008, a study was conducted involving 4,140 people whose sleep problems led to a worsening clinical picture.

If observed:

  • difficulty falling asleep,
  • interrupted sleep,
  • stiffness in the shoulders
  • early rise,
  • irritability after sleep,
  • feeling tired in the morning
  • discomfort in the neck area,

then your sleeping position is incorrect. Even the poses recommended by your doctor may not be suitable for you. In this case, try changing your position - for example, pressing your legs closer to chest, buy a larger roller, orthopedic products, etc.

Choosing a mattress

It is better to sleep with osteochondrosis on an orthopedic mattress, which is enough to change once every 7-10 years. The dimensions of the product are completely determined by the height and weight of the person. Special attention Pay attention to the firmness level of the mattress.

Buy semi-rigid models that provide:

  • excellent body support,
  • comfortable position of the spinal column,
  • correct pressure distribution,
  • unimpeded blood circulation.

Very hard or soft models provoke curvature of the spine and lead to severe pain.

Pillow selection

Sleeping without using a pillow if you have pathology of the cervical spine is not recommended. In this condition, the head and neck will be located at the same level, which will not allow the vertebrae to relax and rest as much as possible.

Factors influencing the choice of pillow:

  • Form. Choose rectangular models with rollers located along the edges. An oval or semicircular pillow is perfect for relaxing during the day;
  • Height. The optimal range of values ​​is 9-14 cm, but specific indicators are determined by the width of the shoulders. When choosing, focus on your comfort level;
  • Width. It is important that the shoulders, being in a horizontal position, do not extend beyond the edges of the selected pillow;
  • Elasticity. The head should not sink, otherwise the vertebrae will be constantly in a tense state;
  • Rigidity. Buy products of medium hardness, but consult your doctor first.

An important rule is that adults and children need to change their pillow every 5 years.

Some models orthopedic pillows equipped with a special recess or soft elevation for comfortable placement of the shoulders. Such products prevent head tilt and provide support for the natural curve of the neck.

Selection of material used as filler:

Filler type Peculiarities Advantages

Memory foam

Provides firm head support without being too soft

Reproduce body shape

Excellent vertebral support

They come in a variety of forms

In case of osteochondrosis, which increasingly affects the joints of the spinal column, a special cushion under the neck for osteochondrosis greatly alleviates the patient’s plight. Its use helps normalize blood circulation in the lumbosacral and cervical spine. You can purchase a roller at almost any pharmacy that has an assortment of these products. The material used for their manufacture can be ordinary compressed cotton wool, foam rubber or tightly wound fabric from which waffle towels are sewn. Which model will be useful in each individual case should be indicated by a doctor or experienced pharmacist.

How to choose the right bolster for your lower back or neck

You should be very careful when choosing the thickness of the roller for osteochondrosis, since the therapeutic factor directly depends on this. To determine the appropriate size, you need to measure the distance from the neck to the mattress, adding about 2 cm to it, which goes to the deflection of the mattress.

If pain occurs in the lower back, doctors advise using not one, but three rollers. The first is placed under the lumbar region, the second will support the knees, and the third will support the ankle joints. To eliminate discomfort in the lower back and relax overstrained muscles, experts recommend raising your legs from a horizontal position above the level of the pelvis as a beneficial physical activity.

What you should pay attention to when using a roller for osteochondrosis

  1. If the use of a bolster for the lumbar or cervical region leads to an exacerbation of pain, then you need to stop using it for a while, taking a break of several days (2-3).
  2. If, due to some circumstances, it is not possible to purchase an orthopedic product, then you should more accurately select a pillow for the curve of your neck and sleep so that your shoulder does not lie on it.
  3. If, when using one cushion under the lower back, pain increases, then it is urgently necessary to purchase two more products - under the knees and ankles.
  4. The appearance of edema lower limbs in people who suffer from degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the lumbosacral region, requires prior use of special medications.
  5. If in a patient with lumbar osteochondrosis the situation is aggravated by the presence of varicose veins, then before using the roller you will need to undergo procedures that will help eliminate congestion.
  6. Patients with lumbar osteochondrosis are recommended to perform simple physical exercises that eliminate excess lymph and blood, promoting their outflow from the lower extremities. To do this, perform leg swings, squats, rotations in the knee joints, and create a load on the abdominal muscles.
  7. If a patient with lumbar osteochondrosis is accustomed to lying on his side while sleeping, then an additional cushion is squeezed between the knees, which normalizes blood circulation in the legs.
  8. Patients with cervical osteochondrosis during exacerbations will benefit from the use of special support devices (corsets, collars) along with bolsters.

To summarize, it must be said that choosing the right roller for osteochondrosis of the cervical and lumbar regions is a very difficult task. Therefore, it will be much better if a qualified specialist helps in this matter. We must not forget that orthopedic rollers are used in conjunction with various additional products.

An anatomical sleeping pillow is a very useful product that will help ensure a comfortable and healthy night's rest. effective means prevention of cervical osteochondrosis, will help improve overall well-being, add vigor and strength. To do this, you need to choose a high-quality model that suits you well. In addition, the user must know how to sleep on an orthopedic pillow correctly. It is important to understand that this is a medical device. Compliance with recommendations for its use is an important condition obtaining a beneficial effect. On the other hand, violating these recommendations can not only nullify the benefits, but also cause harm. Therefore, it is important to use an orthopedic pillow correctly.

Proper sleep on an orthopedic pillow

The purpose of an orthopedic pillow is to maintain the optimal position of a person’s neck and head during sleep. In this position, the head and neck should be in line with the body. Naturally, along with the shape of the product, the determining factor here is the position in which a person is accustomed to sleeping.

The most popular are anatomical pillows in the shape of an ergonomic wave. They have two half-rollers of different heights, which are located along the long side of the product. A small depression forms in the space between them. The type of orthopedic pillow you sleep on depends on your preferred sleeping position.

For people who prefer to sleep on their back, the pillow should be positioned so that the small cushion is under the neck. On the contrary, an orthopedic pillow for sleeping on the side should be placed with a large cushion under the neck. By following these recommendations, you will be able to maintain the natural shape of your spine and head position while sleeping in any position. Vessels and nerves will not be pinched, and muscle tone will be optimal. You can see which side to sleep on an orthopedic pillow in the photos posted here.

In addition to the correct position, a number of other recommendations must be followed. For example, you should not put your hands under an orthopedic pillow while sleeping. It is also not allowed to be placed diagonally. You need to sleep only on the convex side - the pillow cannot be turned over. Using the product in these positions may be harmful to health. At first, using an orthopedic pillow will be unusual. However, they usually get used to it very quickly, and beneficial effect a quality product far outweighs the temporary inconvenience.

Many models have a notch in the middle on the edge on the large roller side. Therefore, questions often arise about how to sleep on an orthopedic pillow with a recess. These models are designed specifically for side sleepers. The notch is used for comfortable shoulder placement.

How to place an orthopedic pillow

To maximize the benefits of using an orthopedic pillow, it must be placed correctly on the bed. Only the person’s head and neck should lie on the pillow, not the shoulders. Therefore, you need to place the pillow at the head of the bed. Immediately decide on the correct position of the bolsters in accordance with your preferred sleep position.

You should not place an orthopedic pillow vertically, as is done with regular pillows, for example, while reading or watching TV while lying down. In this position, the blood vessels of the neck will be severely compressed, which leads to headaches.

To anatomical pillow served for a long time and effectively, it is necessary to follow the following recommendations for caring for it:

  • The product should be ventilated in fresh air weekly;
  • When making the bed, do not cover the pillow with a blanket or blanket, so as not to disturb its ventilation;
  • washing must be carried out in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions;
  • storage is allowed only in special cases, which are made of low-density fabric that does not interfere with ventilation (use for storage is prohibited plastic bags);
  • It is allowed to use and store orthopedic pillows when the air humidity in the room is no more than 65%.

It is also important to change the orthopedic pillow in a timely manner. Typically, the service life of high-quality models is about 10 years. However, experts advise replacing them at least once every 3-4 years. This is explained by the fact that over time, the condition of the spine, physique, and favorite posture of a person may change, so the previously chosen model may not be relevant.

MRI of the cervical spine.

How to sleep with - in the correct body position and always on. This will allow you to wake up in the morning without feeling tired or overwhelmed. Neurologists and vertebrologists also recommend purchasing a special pillow with a recess for the head, on which no nerve endings occur during sleep.

The importance of adequate sleep during illness

When or heaviness occurs not only when bending over, but also at rest. Therefore, one of the symptoms of this pathology is insomnia. Lying in bed, a person spends a long time looking for a comfortable position to ease the pain and fall asleep.

But this does not solve the problem - even with a short rest, the muscles of the shoulder girdle and neck tense, and the vertebral artery becomes pinched. This blood vessel supplies oxygen and nutrients to the brain. If a person sleeps incorrectly, then, due to hypoxia that has arisen in the morning, when he gets out of bed, visions appear before his eyes. dark spots and colored circles.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical localization is dangerous due to its neurological symptoms. To eliminate them, a long administration is required. Therefore, it is advisable to warn and headache. To do this, you need to ensure proper rest during sleep.

Basic rules of sleep for cervical osteochondrosis Characteristics
Body position It is most preferable to sleep on your back or side, since in this position muscle spasms rarely occur and the blood supply of oxygen to the brain deteriorates.
Orthopedic mattress Main criteria the right choice mattress - its hardness, size, quality of the filler, as well as the stage of its progression and severity of its clinical manifestations
Before purchasing, you need to consult a neurologist. An excessively hard product will only worsen the quality of sleep, and rest soft pillow will not have any therapeutic effect
Leg position Doctors recommend bending your knees slightly while sleeping. With straightened legs, the muscles of the entire back are excessively tense, which precludes proper rest.

Sleep position

The correct position of the head and the entire body during sleep allows you to fully relax the skeletal muscles. The muscular-ligamentous apparatus reliably supports the intervertebral discs and vertebral bodies and prevents their displacement. If the anatomically correct position of the spine is not observed, then the destructive and degenerative processes occurring in it are aggravated. The back muscles not only do not “rest”, but also receive additional stress.

On the back

In this position, there is no excessive tension in the neck muscles. In addition, the distance between the vertebral structures increases slightly, which helps improve blood circulation. A sufficient amount of substances enters the discs and vertebrae for their regeneration. After all, it is during sleep that the main recovery processes take place in the body.

But you only need to sleep with your legs bent. Otherwise, especially. The legs often straighten involuntarily immediately after falling asleep, so you should place a small soft cushion under them in advance.

On the side

This body position is useful for osteochondrosis, since in it the muscles of the neck and shoulders are as relaxed as possible. But only your head should be on the pillow, not your shoulder. If it is uncomfortable to sleep like this, then it is advisable to purchase a special orthopedic pillow. It is equipped with recesses for both the head and shoulder. Sleeping on your side with such a pillow is especially recommended for severe osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernias and excess weight.

Log pose

This is the name for positioning on your side with your arms extended along your body. It is acceptable for cervical osteochondrosis, if the legs are slightly bent during sleep. To keep them in this position, you need to use a cushion or a small narrow pillow. In the “log” position, you need to sleep at a temperature that is characterized by simultaneous damage to the cervical and intervertebral discs.

How to understand that the position is incorrect

The body position for sleep is chosen incorrectly if discomfort immediately arises. It takes a lot of time for a person to comfortably place his head on the pillow, but this does not guarantee quality rest. The most obvious wrong choice of sleeping position is in the morning. At night, small and large blood vessels were compressed, muscles were excessively tense, and the brain experienced a lack of oxygen and nutrients. Therefore, immediately after waking up, one or more symptoms of oxygen starvation occur:

  • dizziness, loss of coordination of movements;
  • headache of any intensity;
  • , the appearance of circles, the flickering of “flies”;
  • feeling of stiffness in the shoulders and neck.

With cervical osteochondrosis, a person often does not get enough sleep, which negatively affects his psycho-emotional state. He becomes irritable, nervous or, on the contrary, lethargic and apathetic.

Selecting bedding

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is a disease that cannot yet be completely cured. It is aimed at preventing the involvement of healthy discs and vertebrae in the destructive process. An important part of prevention is the use of orthopedic mattresses and pillows.

The right mattress

Service life of an orthopedic mattress good quality is at least 10 years, so you need to carefully select it. You should also definitely consult a neurologist. Doctors recommend purchasing rigid models only for osteochondrosis of 2 or 3 degrees of severity, when the likelihood of intervertebral hernia is increased. If the pathology has just begun to develop, then an elastic, but not too hard mattress is suitable for sleeping. It will take the anatomical shape of the body, but at the same time will not unduly restrict movement.

Orthopedic mattresses are spring, equipped with dependent or independent blocks, and springless. In the latest models, the filler functions as a shock absorber. For cervical osteochondrosis, it is preferable to choose spring mattresses characterized by a high degree of elasticity.

The right pillow

The fact that the pillow has been chosen correctly will be indicated by complete sleep and the absence of neurogenic symptoms of osteochondrosis after waking up. There are many models of these orthopedic products, so it is usually difficult for a visitor to navigate in a pharmacy or specialty store. Therefore, consultation with a doctor is also necessary.

If the model is chosen correctly, then during sleep there is no desire to put your hand under your head. A person falls asleep immediately, rather than taking a long time to place the pillow in the most appropriate position.

Hardness degree

A pillow with a high degree of rigidity is necessary for those patients who prefer to sleep on their back. As a rule, they use synthetic materials as filler. These are polyester, padding polyester, latex. They fit the vertebral structures well, fixing them in their anatomical position. Synthetic fillers are quite elastic, therefore they contribute to the expansion of the gap between the vertebral bodies.

Side sleepers should purchase pillows with less firmness. Fillers can be either synthetic or natural (buckwheat husk, fluff, feather).

Pillow Shape

The classic orthopedic pillow has a rectangular shape. More often it is equipped with a recess for the head, and sometimes for the shoulder. IN Lately Wave-shaped pillows are especially in demand. They look like two flat rollers, between which there is a wide depression. Depending on the placement of the pillow, it is comfortable to sleep on both your back and side.

Pillow size

The main parameter when choosing an orthopedic pillow is the height of the bolster, which ranges from 8 to 14 cm. To calculate the desired height, you should measure the distance from the neck to the edge of the shoulder and add a couple of centimeters. If the mattress is not very hard, then it is not advisable to purchase a pillow that is too high. The width and length of the model should correspond to the person’s physique. For full tall people A large pillow is needed, while miniature pillows require much smaller sizes.

What not to use

Orthopedic pillows in the form of bolsters should not be used while sleeping. They are only suitable for short rest during the day. And horseshoe-shaped pillows are designed for traveling on an airplane, bus, or train.

Sleeping on the floor

With cervical osteochondrosis, it is useful to sleep on hard surfaces, but not as hard as the floor. After waking up, painful sensations will occur in all parts of the spinal column due to muscle stiffness.

How to sleep during exacerbation of cervical osteochondrosis

Characterized by the appearance acute pain, eliminated . But they can occur at night due to one awkward movement. Neurologists and vertebrologists recommend during this period to sleep only in the “embryo” position - on the side with bent legs. It is imperative to use an orthopedic pillow to prevent compression of the vertebral artery and spinal roots.

The bolster pillow is a modern device that alleviates the condition of many people suffering from osteochondrosis. The roller helps improve blood circulation in the cervical and lumbosacral spine.

If a person sleeps in the wrong position (especially those suffering from osteochondrosis), in addition to poor circulation, the muscles of the neck and back do not fully relax, which means that they do not fully rest. The use of a half-roller is aimed at complete relaxation of muscles (cervical, paravertebral) during sleep.

You can buy such a bolster pillow at a pharmacy or online store.

Types of bolster pillows

A modern pillow - a cushion under the neck for osteochondrosis can have 2 forms: a cushion and a semi-roll. On both of them you can sleep either on your back or on your side.


The most common fillings for such pillows are:

  • pressed cotton wool;
  • foam;
  • thick cotton fabric rolled into a roll;
  • buckwheat husk;
  • latex;
  • polyester;
  • viscoelastic;
  • polyurethane foam.

On the outside, the pillow has a cover made of bamboo, viscose, satin or other well-ventilated, hygroscopic and pleasant to the touch material.

Positive effect of the roller for osteochondrosis

The bolster pillow has a number of positive aspects:

  • relieves discomfort and reduces pain (head, neck, lumbar);
  • improves blood circulation;
  • relaxes muscles;
  • provides complete rest and sleep.

How to choose the right neck cushion for osteochondrosis

When choosing a roller, it is important to evaluate whole line factors:

  • pillow filler;
  • packing density;
  • softness;
  • elasticity;
  • volume;
  • human body weight;
  • favorite positions for sleeping and relaxing.

When choosing a bolster pillow, you need to consider the distance from the base of your neck to the edge of your shoulder. In addition, it is important to lie down on it in order to optimally evaluate its qualities. If the pillow is chosen correctly, you will feel the muscles in your neck and shoulders relax.

When choosing an orthopedic roller, it is also important to follow a number of rules:

  • It is best to buy it at a pharmacy.
  • The length of the roller must be at least 80 cm (this length is determined by the mobility of a person during sleep).
  • The thickness is selected individually; to do this, you need to measure the distance from the mattress to the neck and add 2 cm to it (deflection of the mattress). Roller optimal thickness will hold your neck and follow the curves of the spine.
  • If osteochondrosis is of a lumbar nature, it is recommended to purchase several rollers (3 pieces), one of which is placed under the lumbar region, the second in the knee area, and the third in the ankle joint area.
  • It is best to buy a roller that has an average cost (not the most expensive and not the cheapest). Too cheap pillows contain cheap and low-quality materials as filling. Before purchasing a roller, it is best to consult your doctor.

Tips for use

When buying a neck cushion for osteochondrosis, it is important to evaluate it healing effect, so you should pay attention to the following details:

  • If after purchasing the pillow the pain intensifies, you must stop using it. After a few days, you should try sleeping on a bolster again.
  • If, with lumbar osteochondrosis, 1 roller does not help relieve discomfort or relieve pain, you need to buy 2 more rollers.
  • If swelling of the legs appears on the cushion after sleeping, you should consult a doctor, perhaps he will prescribe medications that reduce swelling.
  • If you constantly sleep on your side, you need to squeeze another cushion between your legs - this will improve blood circulation.
  • The sleep bolster can be replaced with a special collar or corset; its wearing is prescribed by an orthopedic doctor.

Caring for an orthopedic cushion pillow

It is best not to wash the bolster pillow. Only the cover can be washed, it gets dirty more often, it is recommended not to remove it and wear it constantly. The cover is most often made from materials that are easy to hand and machine wash. If the pillow, even if the cover is used, becomes very dirty, you can clean the cushion or hand wash it (this depends on the filler material).

If the roller filler is natural latex, it can be washed by hand in warm water using liquid detergent. You cannot wring out the pillow; you can only blot it with a dry towel. You should also not dry such a pillow in the sun; ultraviolet radiation has a destructive effect on latex. Small areas of dirt on the pillow can be wiped with a sponge.

Pillows filled with synthetic latex can be machine washed, but not more than once every 6 months. If the latex in the roller is mixed, it cannot be washed or wrung out. The cushion can be cleaned by hand using a soft sponge and a gentle detergent, then rinse the cushion in water and air dry after blotting it with a towel.

Orthopedic cushions filled with buckwheat husks (husks) and memory pillows should not be washed. They can only be ventilated. You can wash the cover of these pillows by hand or in the washing machine.