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Proper sleep for osteochondrosis. What pillow to sleep on with cervical osteochondrosis. Filling of an anatomical pillow.

Osteochondrosis is a disease characterized by complex degenerative-dystrophic processes in articular cartilage. Most often it affects the intervertebral discs. Depending on the area of ​​localization of the disease, several types are distinguished. Osteochondrosis is quite common. The progression of this pathology is associated with dangerous consequences, since in this section of the spine, the most important arteries responsible for the blood supply to the brain pass through the openings located in the transverse processes of the vertebrae. Because of this, pinching of the vertebrae is fraught with extremely negative phenomena.

This disease is characterized by manifestations that adversely affect the quality of life and ability to work. Patients turn to doctors with complaints of headaches, pain in the neck and other areas of the body. Moreover, cervical osteochondrosis is also dangerous because, figuratively speaking, it “masks” itself as various other ailments, including diseases of the cardiovascular system. Patients report nausea, dizziness, sudden changes in blood pressure, numbness of the tongue and even loss of consciousness.

Extremely important to prevent complications of this disease, has the correct position of the neck and head throughout sleep. It is known that during night rest the muscles and ligaments of the back, shoulder girdle and neck are relaxed, which reduces their supporting effect on the spine. Moreover, often incorrect posture can continue long time. Doctors often record symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis caused by incorrect posture during sleep.

The correct position of the head and neck during a night's rest primarily depends on such an element sleeping place like a pillow. It should be noted that such a device as, by itself, will not correct the full range of problems. To treat this disease, you need complex treatment under the supervision of a qualified doctor - physical therapy, medication and other measures. However, eliminating errors in the organization of a sleeping place, and, in particular, choosing a suitable pillow, provides a very noticeable improvement in the patient’s condition. Manifestations of the disease gradually decrease and subsequently rarely appear again.

Which pillow is best to buy for cervical osteochondrosis?

Now many suppliers are working on the production of such a device as an orthopedic pillow for osteochondrosis cervical spine.

The most common products are those whose upper surface has a wave shape with one or a pair of rollers. This design pillows take into account the natural anatomical contours of the head and neck, due to which they are in the physiologically correct position. This provides the required relaxation of the muscular-ligamentous apparatus of the cervical spine and promotes normal blood flow in the vertebral arteries. Some pillows also have a special recess for the shoulder, which provides additional convenience when sleeping on your side.

When sleeping in this position, the head and neck are not in the anatomically correct position. Proper relaxation of muscles and ligaments is not ensured, in addition, a negative effect on blood flow in the vertebral arteries is possible. All these circumstances are extremely unfavorable for people who have problems with the spine.

In some cases, people who are used to sleeping on regular pillows may find this shape not quite familiar. However, reviews of orthopedic pillows for cervical osteochondrosis indicate that possible discomfort quickly passes and then the quality of sleep and overall well-being improves.

These products can be made from different materials, both natural and artificial. Modern fillers give orthopedic pillows a number of advantages over traditional feather and down pillows. These materials are hypoallergenic; in addition, they do not create a favorable environment for the reproduction of bed mites.

One of the materials from which it can be made is polyurethane foam (“foam rubber”). Foamed latex is also a fairly common filler. This is a natural material, foamed sap of the Hevea tree (rubber tree). It is characterized by optimal elasticity and provides high-quality moisture and air exchange. The latex orthopedic pillow is resistant to stains and has a long service life.

Now you can, which has a “memory effect”. The filler of such products, under the influence of the heat of the human body, temporarily changes its plastic characteristics, while the surrounding areas of the material continue to remain elastic. Thanks to this, the pillow accurately follows the curves of the body by “memorizing” them.

How to determine the size of an orthopedic pillow?

Before you buy an orthopedic pillow for cervical osteochondrosis, you need to determine the appropriate height of the cushion.

There is a way to find out right size cushion when sleeping on the side. To do this, you need to measure the length of the shoulder girdle - the distance from the beginning of the shoulder to the base of the neck. You need to add 2 cm to this value - this is due to the fact that the mattress collapses under the weight of the sleeping person. A slight error of about 1cm will not have a significant effect.

People with very wide shoulders often have to face difficulties when choosing an orthopedic pillow, since a model with a bolster of a suitable height may not be available for sale. However, there is a way to easily solve this problem. To do this, increase the height of the pillow by placing a terry towel under it.

Also, when choosing an orthopedic pillow for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, the following recommendations should be taken into account:

  • For sleeping on your back, a lower pillow is suitable;
  • If you sleep on a soft mattress that sag a lot, optimal choice there will be a pillow with a bolster of slightly higher height;
  • If during sleep there is a desire to place your palm under the pillow, then the pillow cushion is too small;
  • Pay attention to the dimensions of the pillow - it should not be wider than the mattress.

In conclusion, it is necessary to mention some other circumstances that are extremely important for healthy sleep. First of all, you should pay attention to possible defects in the bed. The base must be level and there must not be any deformation.

You should be responsible when choosing a mattress. Now on sale are orthopedic mattresses that promote the correct position of the spine, comfortable and healthy sleep. If you are choosing a mattress for a person with spinal diseases, consult a medical specialist. As a rule, in this case, doctors consider a high or medium degree of rigidity necessary.

Updated: 08/19/2018 17:25:39

With cervical osteochondrosis, degenerative damage to the tissues of the cervical spine occurs, which leads to discomfort, pain and even a threat to the health of the body. A person needs to take the right measures. First of all, choose suitable bedding that will reduce the load on the spine. We recommend the right pillows, which doctors advise to use for cervical osteochondrosis.

Night rest is important for the body's recovery, but during sleep the spine is at risk. We are unable to control the position of our body, which is why disc distortions and displacements occur. An orthopedic pillow fixes the cervical spine, reducing discomfort for people suffering from osteochondrosis. Do not forget that the neck is an important part of the body, on which blood circulation in the brain and the functioning of the nervous system depend.

Pillow sizes

People rely on their own preferences when choosing bedding. But with cervical osteochondrosis, it is necessary to take into account the recommendations of specialists. The dimensions of the pillow are selected taking into account the width of the shoulders - it should not be significantly wider.

When choosing a suitable model, you should measure the distance from the beginning of the neck to the end of the shoulder. The dimensions of the optimal pillow correspond to the parameters of the human body, otherwise inconvenience occurs.

The height of the product becomes an important criterion. High pillows lead to curvature of the spine, while too low pillows cause pain and headaches. People with cervical osteochondrosis should maintain all parts of the spine at the same level. Therapists draw patients' attention to the compression of the mattress, which causes level differences.

    the height of the pillow for sleeping on the side is at least 10 cm;

    The height of the pillow for sleeping on the stomach and back is less than 9 cm.

    The width and length of the pillow are standard - 70x60 cm, but compact models - 50x40 cm - are also available for sale.

What shape of pillows to choose for cervical osteochondrosis

In sleep, a person completely relaxes his muscles, getting rid of tension. With cervical osteochondrosis, it is important to relax the entire muscular corset, maintaining the correct position of the head and spine. During wakefulness, the muscles support the spinal column, but at night the support is reduced to a minimum. The pillow solves the problem without discomfort or unpleasant sensations. Otherwise, due to residual tension, a person will not rest, but will wake up with a headache.

Bedding should solve the main problems:

    maintain the natural curves of the spine in the cervical region;

    support the head at the level of the spine;

    give proper support to the vertebrae;

    promote muscle relaxation.

Doctors recommend paying attention to the conditions described above when choosing an orthopedic pillow. If you experience discomfort or pain in your back or neck after sleeping, you may want to consider different bed accessories. Orthopedic pillows are used not only by patients with osteochondrosis, but also by healthy people for prevention purposes.

Pillow models differ in size, shape and materials. They are suitable for different cases diseases and degree of progression of cervical osteochondrosis. But remember that doctors identify only two “correct” types of orthopedic pillows:

    crescent shaped;

    rectangular pillows with slightly convex edges.

Products of this type fix the vertebrae in the correct position and support optimal height. The head should be slightly raised to maintain normal blood circulation, but the spine should not bend at the distance between the back and neck. A person relaxes and enjoys a good rest.

Orthopedic pillows in the shape of a crescent

The crescent-shaped pads hug the neck and provide gentle support for the head in the correct position. Fixation in one position eliminates curvature, even if a person spends a restless night. Due to correct position and distribution of the load, the muscles rest, so the person does not experience discomfort and pain.

The crescent shape fixes the cervical spine and prevents the vertebrae from moving. This pillow is suitable for prevention and for sleeping with advanced stages of cervical osteochondrosis. Due to wear-resistant and elastic materials, products retain appearance after prolonged use. But a person has to constantly sleep on his back, which not everyone likes.


    reliable fixation in the correct position;

    effective assistance for mild and advanced pathologies of the spinal column;

    uniform load distribution;


  • There is only one sleeping position available - on your back.

Rectangular shaped pads with convex edges are closer to the classic look. The products do not limit a person in choosing a suitable sleeping position - on the back, on the side. During the night, the position of the body changes, which eliminates muscle numbness and normalizes blood circulation. Despite this freedom, the spine remains straight, without bending or stress.

Before purchasing, it is important to find out which pillow will suit you best. It is necessary to maintain the head at the correct height - slightly elevated above the line of the spine. When choosing, pay attention to the materials used, the strength and wear resistance of the materials. Orthopedic pillows recommended by doctors do not sag and retain their original shape.

Rectangular pillows with convex edges - the best choice, if you determine the height correctly, you will select an elastic and wear-resistant product.


    the usual shape of a head pillow;

    optimal support for the neck and head;

    freedom in choosing a sleeping position;


  • difficulties in choosing the right dimensions, especially height.

Pillow hardness

The task of an orthopedic pillow for cervical osteochondrosis is correct and uniform support. But orthopedists advise choosing stiffness based on your own preferences. For people who sleep primarily on their back, medium-firm pillows are suitable.

The firmest pillow will be needed for people who sleep primarily on their sides. In this position, it is more difficult to maintain the spine in the correct position. People who spend the night mainly on their stomachs choose soft pillows, because otherwise there is additional stress on the cervical spine.

Quality of materials

Pillows for cervical osteochondrosis have important properties that depend on the specific material of manufacture and filler. The list of requirements includes:

    maintaining shape;


    wear resistance;

    easy cleaning.

The first point is the most important, because otherwise the pillow simply will not cope with its tasks. There are a dozen materials to choose from, but only 3-4 from the list are leading in popularity.

Bamboo cellulose fiber is made from plant stems by mechanical or chemical treatment. It is difficult to find models with pure bamboo fiber on the market, and often padding polyester or holofiber is added inside the pillow. The fiber does not cause allergic reactions, but evenly supports the spinal column.

A pillow with bamboo fiber is suitable for prevention, but if cervical osteochondrosis has already formed, you should look for other options.




    ease of care;

    light weight;

    lightness, breathability;

    hygiene, environmental friendliness;


    low hygroscopicity (does not absorb moisture, so it becomes wet);

    fragility (short service life);

    increased softness (crinkles under heavy load);


Synthetic latex is used to fill the pillows. The material is created with characteristics specifically for orthopedic products. If latex foam contains no more than 15% synthetic additives, the filler is labeled as natural “100% Latex Natural”. Such pillows have the correct shape and always return to their original position.

Pillows filled with latex provide the best support, do not sag and retain their shape. But you will have to put up with a specific smell and high cost.


    firmness and elasticity;

    ease of care;




    relieving tension in the cervical spine;


    allergic reactions in 1% of people;

    high price;

    pungent odor;

Pillows with buckwheat husks relieve pain in cervical osteochondrosis. The products are dense and elastic, so the head is supported at the same level. The filler evenly distributes the load and guarantees a comfortable sleep.

Buckwheat husk is gaining popularity among those who suffer from pain in the neck and spine. Pillows with such filling in 20-30% actually relieve discomfort, and in the rest they help achieve good sleep. But 5-10% of people note the hardness of the pillow and the noise that makes it difficult to fall asleep peacefully. The average product weighs 4-5 kg. It is important to remember that the husk wears out, so the service life of one pillow is 2-3 years.


    elasticity and even support;


    massage effect;


    pain reduction;


    noise and rustling of the husk;


  • rigidity;

Cooling gel

Gel orthopedic pillows for cervical osteochondrosis are recommended by doctors and therapists. The products are attractive with their precise anatomical shapes - they follow the curves of the cervical spine, providing ideal support during sleep. The properties of the filler are similar to latex, but the gel has higher elasticity and a different density.

Pillows with gel filling are pleasant to the touch, the cooling gel refreshes the skin. The average thickness is 10-12 cm, but it is important to choose the right dimensions. If you follow the recommendations, then a person will enjoy relaxing holiday. Gel, unlike latex, has no odor and is usually more durable.


    hygiene and environmental friendliness;


    “memory effect” of the material;

    exact repetition of the curves of the human body;

    absence of unpleasant odors;


    suitable for one specific body position;

    you need to accurately select dimensions and shapes individually for each person.

How to choose a pillow for cervical osteochondrosis?

The right pillow makes life easier. Sleeping accessories help with neck pain and are used for prevention. The models presented on the market have a set of characteristics and properties. The pillow holds the head in a position in which the muscle corset relaxes and the spine straightens. If unnatural curves appear, the pillow should be replaced.

Doctors recommend paying attention to the width of your shoulders - the width of a proper pillow is 1-2 cm larger. Manufacturers make the height proportional, so you don’t have to measure it. The shape determines the position of the body during sleep. Anatomical products and crescent-shaped pillows limit movement but prevent vertebral displacement.

The elasticity of the pillow, service life, presence or absence of odors, noise level, etc. depend on the filler. For constant pain, choose pillows of an anatomical shape and with dense filling, and for prevention, rectangular products with bamboo fiber or husk are suitable.

Attention! This material is the subjective opinion of the project’s authors and is not a purchase guide.

Correct selection of a pillow for cervical osteochondrosis is extremely important thing, which can have both a positive and negative effect on the course of the disease. Using a regular pillow is fraught with worsening the situation, in particular increasing pain in the neck and the appearance of dizziness.

For osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, you need to choose only orthopedic corrector pillows, which not only improve sleep, but also prevent the progression of the disease. You can buy such products at almost any pharmacy.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine almost never develops out of the blue, with the exception of congenital pathologies leading to degenerative and dystrophic changes in the spine.

In most cases, the cause of the development of the disease is a sedentary lifestyle, as a result of prolonged static tension in the cervical spine and, of course, incorrect head position during sleep.

It turns out that if not for a complete cure, then at least to stop or slow down the progression of the disease, you should first learn to sleep correctly. Is it that simple?

In fact, the greatest responsibility for healthy sleep lies on the pillow. Incorrect selection of such a product threatens chronic lack of sleep, headaches, and, accordingly, the development of cervical osteochondrosis.

By “proper pillows” we mean orthopedic ones. The average person should not be frightened by this definition of a product, since orthopedic does not mean therapeutic and completely healthy people can use it. For example, to prevent the development of diseases of the spinal column.

If you have an existing disease, you cannot do without an orthopedic pillow. Even powerful therapy against the background of incorrect head position during sleep may not bring results, since during the day we heal, and at night we cripple (metaphorically speaking).

What should a pillow be like for osteochondrosis?

Choosing an orthopedic pillow specifically for yourself for the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis is not an easy task. In most cases, pharmacies and rehabilitation centers sell “template”, one might say “universal” products of this type.

They will be suitable for some, for others they will be meaningless, and for others they will be completely harmful. Moreover, the third point should be especially noted, since the patient may purchase an unsuitable orthopedic pillow and constantly use it.

The very definition of the product (orthopedic!) in such patients evokes a strong feeling that everything is working as it should. And this is a very serious problem, a person is sure that since the pillow is orthopedic, the treatment is ongoing, but in fact, due to the wrong choice, the disease only progresses.

How, then, can you choose an orthopedic pillow for the treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine? First of all, you need to pay attention to those products that:

  1. Preserves the natural curves (lordosis, kyphosis) of the spine during sleep.
  2. When lying on which the head is at the same level with the spinal column.
  3. When lying on which the vertebrae have a comfortable and moderately firm support.
  4. The muscles should be relaxed while sleeping on such a pillow (the patient will easily feel this pleasant feeling).

When purchasing a product that meets the criteria described above, use it for two weeks and pay close attention to changes. If you start to get enough sleep, your head doesn’t hurt in the morning, your neck muscles aren’t stiff – the choice is right; if not, you should choose another product.

Pillow for cervical osteochondrosis (video)

How to choose a pillow for osteochondrosis?

If you were unable to choose an orthopedic pillow individually for yourself the first time, you will have to spend a little time selecting “the one.” Choose similar products specifically for the treatment and prevention of cervical osteochondrosis, three criteria are needed:

  • degree of hardness (products that are too hard or too soft should be ignored, they are harmful even to healthy people);
  • form (despite the non-obviousness - the most important criterion);
  • dimensions (what is important here is not so much the width of the product as its height).

You should choose a product based on its firmness based on how you sleep: on your back or side. If you are on your back, it is best to choose a pillow with medium hardness; if you are on your side, it is hard; if you are sleeping on your stomach, it is advisable to choose a softer one.

You should also choose a pillow according to its shape based on your sleeping position. If you sleep on your back, it is best to choose a product in the form of a cushion or crescent (the cushion is also suitable for sleeping on your side). When purchasing a rectangular pillow, make sure that your neck and head rest on it while you sleep, and that your shoulders are slightly lower.

It should look like this: there should be a pillow under the head (a characteristic dent will form), and a cushion under the neck (to support the spine strictly along the physiological curve).

Consultants who are available in every store with similar products can help you with choosing a specific product. Naturally, you shouldn’t rely solely on them, but we strongly recommend listening to their opinion.

How to choose a mattress for osteochondrosis?

With the choice of a mattress, the story is about the same as with pillows - it will take time to find a product that is suitable specifically for you.

The first thing to consider is that you should not choose a mattress based on your body length. It is advisable to choose a model with a length that exceeds your height (10 centimeters of extra length on the side of the legs and head is enough).

The width is easier; classic models with a width of 80 centimeters or more (but not exceeding 90 centimeters) are suitable here. When choosing double mattress Please note that its width must be no less than 140 centimeters.

If we talk about the internal component of the mattress, then products with springs are best suited. They are good for both single and double mattresses. At the same time, we recommend choosing products with independent springs; they better support the body during sleep, preventing “sagging.”

Do not buy soft models of orthopedic mattresses; they are good for lumbar osteochondrosis, but not suitable for cervical osteochondrosis. It is much better to buy a rigid model, which is suitable not only for cervical osteochondrosis, but also for diseases of the pelvic region of the spinal column.

Manufacturers, models and prices

There are literally a thousand different models of orthopedic pillows, and it is very difficult for a person who is encountering osteochondrosis of the cervical spine for the first time to independently choose a quality product.

What orthopedic pillows are considered the best and at the same time affordable? We recommend paying attention to the following models:

  1. Fleece 310N. Size 50x70 centimeters, silicone filler, bleached calico fabric (100% cotton). Price: 320 rubles.
  2. Bilerbeck Comfort. Size 40x60 centimeters, filled with 70% anti-allergenic fiber and 30% sheep wool (combed). Price: 1000 rubles.
  3. MirSon DeLuxe Thinsulate+EcoSilk. Size 50x70 centimeters, filler – EcoSilk and Thinsulate. Price: 1100 rubles.
  4. PROF MISHLE. Size: 70x(20+30) centimeters, made of ester beads and cotton. Price: 1900 rubles.
  5. SOFT MEDICAL. Size: 40x60x12 centimeters, made of down, feathers, ester beads and cotton. Price: 1890 rubles.
  6. Royal DeLuxe No. 1 (elastic). Size: 50x70 centimeters, made of EcoSilk and Thinsulate materials. Price: 1050 rubles.
  7. MEDI RELAX R Size: 60x43x11/10 centimeters. Made of polyester and lurex. Price: 4100 rubles.

Where can I buy it?

You can buy orthopedic mattresses and pillows for the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis at any large store of relevant goods. The problem is that such stores sell products of a general type, essentially universal models.

We have already described their problems, but what then? Doctors advise contacting specialized stores or pharmacies. For example, large stores will be able to choose a mattress or pillow as accurately as possible to suit the characteristics of your body. medical equipment or in rehabilitation centers.

Please note that when going to specialized stores you should expect high prices for such orthopedic products. And this is quite obvious, since such outlets sell products made from high-quality materials and specifically for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

But we do not recommend buying such goods in passages, at flea markets or from hand. And the point is not so much that the goods purchased in this way are often of poor quality and have defects. But the fact is that in this way, with a very small degree of probability, you will be able to choose a product specifically for you.

Is it worth spending your time, money and health (after all, while you are selecting the necessary model, the disease is progressing) on ​​such activities? The question is rhetorical.

Cervical osteochondrosis is a common disease that worsens the quality of life. The disease has become sharply “younger” and is increasingly affecting young people of active age, students and schoolchildren. This is caused by physical inactivity and a sedentary lifestyle. If you have a sedentary job, you are at risk.

The correct position of the body of a sleeping person is of particular importance for patients with cervical osteochondrosis. Doctors advise using an orthopedic pillow for cervical osteochondrosis to relieve and prevent pain symptoms. The right orthopedic pillow helps relax muscles, supports and stabilizes the cervical vertebrae while you sleep. In this article we will tell you how to choose a pillow for osteochondrosis of the neck without getting lost among the abundance of products.

Restoration of human joints and intervertebral discs occurs at night during sleep. An uncomfortable sleeping position leads to pinched nerves, narrowing of blood vessels and oxygen starvation of the brain. When waking up, a person experiences discomfort, stiffness and numbness in the neck, crunching of the vertebrae, and headaches. Constant signs of discomfort indicate that the pillow is uncomfortable for the sleeper, and it is better to choose a product with an orthopedic effect.

The purpose of the pillow for cervical osteochondrosis is to slow down the degenerative process that destroys cartilage tissue, to relieve the stress on the joints and ligaments of the resting person as much as possible. Indications for the use of an orthopedic pillow are very extensive:

Thus, an orthopedic pillow is indicated not only for those suffering from osteochondrosis of the neck, but also for many other problems in the neck and head.

When choosing a pillow, you must proceed from individual characteristics body, taking into account the doctor’s recommendations for your specific case.

Advantages of an orthopedic pillow:

  • Maintaining the anatomical posture of the spine during sleep;
  • Stably retains its shape (memory effect);
  • Variety of shapes and sizes;
  • Hypoallergenic;
  • Convenient, multifunctional - can be used to relieve other parts of the spine, as a lining for the legs.

Disadvantages of an orthopedic pillow compared to a traditional one:

  • High price;
  • Inability to wash;
  • Limited period of use;
  • The need to get used to a new form, a change in sensations - unusual rigidity, a different resting position.

What types of orthopedic pillows are there?

Many manufacturers are working on creating comfortable sleep accessories. Specialized stores will offer you a large selection of products. Types of orthopedic pillows are distinguished by shape, material of manufacture, and degree of rigidity.

The entire variety of orthopedic pillows comes down to three main forms:

  1. A bolster pillow is a cylindrical bag with filling. Designed to relieve the muscles and joints of individual parts of the body (legs, lower back, knee joints). Not recommended for sleeping as it rarely provides a comfortable neck position.
  2. The crescent pillow is used exclusively for resting on the back. Most often made from soft materials. These pillows are readily taken on trips and are sometimes used when driving or working at a computer.
  3. Rectangular pillow is the most common type of product. As a rule, an orthopedic pillow has a recess for the head in the middle and bolsters along the edges. Rectangular pillows are made from a variety of materials.

Orthopedic pillow fillers

Manufacturers offer orthopedic pillows for cervical osteochondrosis, made of various materials: latex, polyurethane foam and polystyrene, gel and buckwheat husk. They all have their advantages and disadvantages.

Latex pillows

Latex foam pillows are popular and widespread. Latex is a natural material that has an antibacterial effect. Dust mites and harmful bacteria will not linger in such a pillow. The porous structure of the pillow allows the skin to breathe. An orthopedic latex pillow holds its shape well, the service life of the product reaches up to 15 years. Cons: not suitable for people allergic to latex, high price.

Polyurethane foam

The polyurethane foam filler resembles latex. The surface of such a pillow takes any shape due to its elastic properties, then easily restores its original appearance - the so-called “memory effect”. Polyurethane foam pillows are hygienic and quite durable, retaining their “new” appearance for a long time. Disadvantage: slight odor at the beginning of use.


Filling in the form of small balls that fill the pillow cover. To ensure correct head position during sleep, the balls are distributed inside the cover. Polystyrene is also durable and hygienic. Provides good neck support. Disadvantage: when you change your body position during sleep, you need to “scrunch” the filler again.

Buckwheat husk

Buckwheat husk filler is the most environmentally friendly, hygroscopic, and provides a pleasant massage effect.

The husk fills the cover of an orthopedic pillow in the same way as balls. When used, it does not produce a greenhouse effect, like previous types of fillers. The amount of filler in the case can be adjusted. Disadvantages of the filler: it cannot be washed. In addition, not everyone likes the buckwheat aroma and the rustling of the husks.

Cooling gel

An innovative filler that is gaining popularity. Gel orthopedic pillows have a refreshing and massage effect. The load in the product is distributed evenly.

You can find pillows with other fillings on sale - for example, holofiber or bamboo fiber. To avoid counterfeits, pay attention to the presence of a registration certificate: it confirms the medical purpose of the product.

Hardness degree

Orthopedic pillows come in high-hardness, medium-hardness and soft. Most orthopedic pillows for cervical osteochondrosis are designed for medium hardness. This is enough to prevent the disease in an adult. In some cases, doctors recommend hard pillows. Soft orthopedic pillows are used mainly for children starting from 1 year old - newborn children do not need pillows.

How to choose the right orthopedic pillow for sleeping

To choose the right pillow for cervical osteochondrosis, you need to consider the following points:

  1. The predominant position in which you sleep. If you sleep on your back, the pillow should be about 9 cm high. Not every pillow model allows you to sleep on your stomach - soft fillings and a small thickness are preferable. When lying on your side, the height of the bolster should correspond to the length of the shoulder from the base of the neck to the rounding plus 1-2 cm (taking into account the deflection of the mattress). For patients with cervical osteochondrosis, body positions on the side and back are preferred.
  2. Mattress hardness. The position of the head during sleep depends on this parameter. If the mattress is soft, the pillow will be pressed down more and the height of the bolster will not be enough. The opposite situation is also undesirable: with a hard mattress and a high bolster, a person wakes up with numbness in the neck and shoulders. The desire to change the position of the body, to roll over from one side to the other also indicates an incorrectly selected size of the orthopedic pillow. An overly soft or hard mattress does not allow you to accept the anatomical position of the body - when the neck continues the straight line of the spine. For spinal pathologies, it is recommended to purchase an orthopedic mattress.

Feel free to ask the seller to test the pillow by placing it under your head for a few minutes. The pillow should provide complete relaxation of the muscles of the cervical spine.

Pay attention to the “little things”: a removable cover that can be washed, a strong smell that causes discomfort (a sign of a low-quality product).

Covers made of cotton and other materials are preferred. natural materials, skin-friendly.

The longer the warranty period for a product, the higher the quality of the product. Choose products that have proven themselves in Russian market manufacturers.

Common brands of orthopedic pillows on the Russian market:

  1. Ormatek. Introduces a line of pillows made from eco-friendly modern material ormafoam.
  2. Trives. Wide choose models for children and adults. The manufacturer uses natural fillers, including bamboo and latex.
  3. Ascona. The company uses the developments of its own laboratory under the leadership of Academician V. Dikul.
  4. Sissel - orthopedic pillows from a Swedish company, well-thought-out shape and design.
  5. Rollmatratze - pillows based on a latex mesh of a special structure.
  6. Luomma is a Russian-Swedish joint production. The filler is mainly polyurethane with a “memory effect”.
  7. Orthopedic pillows Khoroshev. The manufacturer advertises a heat-sensitive filler, in addition to orthopedic, and claims antibacterial, anti-allergenic, and anti-snoring effects for its products.
  8. Trelax is a diverse and affordable line of orthopedic products.


An orthopedic pillow is an effective remedy for the complex treatment of osteochondrosis. For it to be beneficial, you need to approach the choice of product responsibly, focusing on your own needs and listening to your doctor’s recommendations.

It should be remembered that at first the orthopedic pillow may cause discomfort while the neck muscles get used to the new material. If adaptation does not occur within a week, perhaps the pillow is not suitable for you and you need to use another product.

Adequate sleep means good vacation and relaxation. About a third of our life is spent sleeping - we devote 6 hours to this every day, and sometimes more. Let's figure out how to sleep with cervical osteochondrosis so that you don't experience insomnia at night and headaches in the morning along with irritability. After all, osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is much more dangerous than other types of osteochondrosis. It allows for the possibility of malfunctions in the functioning of many body systems, as well as possible disturbances in the functioning of the brain.

If you want to be healthy, it is advisable to learn how to sleep properly, and also purchase a high-quality orthopedic mattress and orthopedic pillow for cervical osteochondrosis.

How to sleep with osteochondrosis

The rest and health of your back directly depend on the position your body occupies when you sleep. It turns out that not every sleeping position can provide relaxation of all back muscles and reliable support for the spine.

Proper sleep is very important for the spine

How to sleep with osteochondrosis:

  1. On your back with half-bent legs. This way all vertebrae take the correct anatomical position. But with straightened legs, the lower back muscles remain tense.
  2. On the side. In this case, the shoulder should rest against the mattress, and the head should lie completely on a small pillow.
  3. In the fetal position. This is the best pose for resting the spine. You need to lie on your side and pull your half-bent legs towards your chest. You can place a pad under the knee of your upper leg for greater comfort.

The advantage of sleeping on your stomach, according to some vertebrologists, is that internal organs do not put pressure on the spine. However, due to the fact that the head is turned to the side, the joints connecting the first and second vertebrae are constantly under tension. Therefore, it is better to avoid sleeping on your stomach.

Choosing a pillow for osteochondrosis

Headaches and dizziness that regularly occur in the morning indicate poor circulation. The choice of pillow for cervical osteochondrosis should be taken with full responsibility. A properly selected pillow should have the following characteristics:

The pillow should be of medium hardness
  1. Shape: square or rectangular. A bolster pillow in the shape of a horseshoe or log is suitable only for short-term rest on the back, but not for regular sleep.
  2. Height: 5-9 cm. This height is safe for health and also provides correct location body: shoulders slightly raised, and neck slightly higher than head.
  3. Size. The width of the pillow for osteochondrosis is selected based on the width of your shoulders: a little more or the same.
  4. Hardness - medium. The right pillow for cervical osteochondrosis is moderately hard, but not very soft.
    In case of frequent exacerbations of osteochondrosis, the parameters of the pillow should be discussed individually with the treating doctor.

Keep in mind that a pillow for cervical osteochondrosis cannot relieve all problems with the spine. Its main purpose is to provide complete rest to the spine, as well as to prevent the development of osteochondrosis.

Types of orthopedic pillows

Orthopedic pillows are especially important for osteochondrosis

Manufacturers of orthopedic pillows present a variety of various types this product. Standard sizes such pillows: 40x50, 50x70. The form could be like this:

  1. Crescent or roller. Perfectly secures the neck, but is only suitable for sleeping on the back.
  2. Rectangular:
    • 2 rolls along the edges and a recess in the middle;
    • 1 roller in the center.

Functionality does not depend on the location of the rollers. Both variations do not deform during operation. Before you choose best option, you need to try to lie down on each of the pillows.

As for the filler of an orthopedic pillow for osteochondrosis, the most popular are:

  • Buckwheat husk. A pillow with this filler not only follows the contours of the head, but also improves blood circulation due to the massaging effect.
  • Latex. It is a hypoallergenic and non-toxic material that has antibacterial properties.
  • Bamboo fiber. It has a deodorizing effect and does not require special care, does not accumulate dust and does not interfere with air circulation. A pillow for cervical osteochondrosis made of bamboo fiber is perfect for preventing the disease in adults and children.
  • Independent mini springs. The pillow supports the spine well, instantly responding to load. Comfortable for sleeping in any position.
  • Cooling gel. Thanks to special fluid technology, the load is correctly distributed. This pillow can be of any shape. However, it will take some time to get used to sleeping on it.

Video about choosing the right pillow

How to choose the right orthopedic pillow

An orthopedic pillow for cervical osteochondrosis is quite expensive, but the effectiveness of its use is difficult to overestimate. Let them help you do it right choice our recommendations:

  • A high-quality pillow should not be deformed.
  • The required bolster height depends on the softness of the mattress.
  • The pillow is too low for you, if you really want to put your hand under your head.
  • Frequently changing positions during sleep may indicate an incorrectly selected pillow size.
  • “Wooden shoulders” and pain in the neck in the morning indicate that the height of the pillow is not selected correctly.

Thus, it is possible to determine which pillow is needed for osteochondrosis in a particular case only experimentally.

Finally, we would like to note that if a person does not think about how to sleep properly with osteochondrosis, even a properly selected orthopedic pillow and mattress will not be able to correct the situation.