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New fiction of the year. “Good manners and business etiquette”, Elena Ber

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Modern literature is constantly evolving. Today there are a lot of excellent new authors who surprise with intricate and interesting plots, unusual writing style and creative book design.

Every year there are many bestsellers that captivate readers from different parts of the world. The best books of 2015 are distinguished by their fantastic plots, which are impossible to tear yourself away from. The reader rating “Top 20 Popular New Books of 2015” includes interesting and most popular books that not only left their mark on people’s destinies, but changed many and influenced their lives.

Today, e-books have become very popular, especially since there are a huge number of gadgets on the market for reading them. Such books can be stored in one device without filling up your apartment, and they are much cheaper. You can make your own list of the best and most interesting books and re-read them whenever and wherever you want, without having to carry heavy volumes with you.

In the ranking of the most books read 2015 also included publications that had long been bestsellers abroad, but in our country were translated into Russian and published only this year. Nevertheless, these books are worthy of attention and “most popular” status.

Books are life. They should not only bring pleasure, but also teach us a lot. Today there is a huge amount interesting literature, which teaches readers to be more positive, believe in the best and be kinder. Such publications inspire, make you think about yourself and start changing your life.

Our top 20 best books of 2015 is exactly the list of literary works that won the hearts of readers with their sincerity and real feelings. It is also important that a fiction book should be exciting, keep you in suspense until the last line.

1. Name: ""
Author: Anatoly Boukreev, G. Weston DeWalt
The book's high rating is due to the fact that it is based on real events that occurred in 1996 during the ascent of a group of people to Everest. Bad weather conditions and mistakes by climbers led to the tragedy. The book was written in 1997, but was translated into Russian only in 2015.

2. Name: ""
Author: Mark Levy
An interesting and exciting love story between two people who did not expect or hope to know real feelings. The book makes you think about how unpredictable fate can be, and how people are accustomed to not noticing the happiness that is very close.

3. Name: ""
Author: Paula Hawkins
It was no coincidence that Paula Hawkins' work was included in the list of the best 20 books of 2015. This is an unusual story about people who have their dark sides. We are used to idealizing everything, but the truth can turn out to be much more cruel and terrible.

4. Name: ""
Author: Victor Pelevin
The book is full of secrets, riddles, fiction and truth. This new world, new level, new knowledge. This book is loved by many for the extraordinary skill of the author and is rightfully in the top 20 best books of 2015.

5. Title “The sea is my brother. Lone Wanderer"
Author: Jack Kerouac
The first works of the young Kerouac, which were considered lost. The book is unique in that it preserves the author’s special style. It was first written in 2011, but translated into Russian only in 2015.

6. Name: ""
Author: Haruki Murakami
An unusual story about a man who tried to find harmony with himself and the world around him. Haruki Murakami is an amazing author who creates unpredictable worlds and makes his characters very rich and interesting personalities. The book was written in 2013, translated into Russian in 2015.

7. Name: ""
Author: Harper Lee
This book is a continuation of the beloved work “To Kill a Mockingbird.” As the years go by, everything changes. The main character returns to her native land, where everything is no longer the same as it was before, and people, relatives and friends, are no longer the same either.

8. Name: ""
Author: Frederic Beigbeder
The book is about the writer Jerry Salinger and his girlfriend, who were separated by the war. In the end, everyone went their own way, but fate decided that the roads must cross in the future. The book was written in 2014 and translated into Russian in 2015.

8. Name: ""
Author: Chuck Palahniuk
Chuck Palahniuk always likes to question everything. In his book, he talks about a manipulative man who creates special products for women called “To the Very Tips.” The book was first written in 2014 and translated into Russian in 2015.

9. Title: “Marina”
Author: Carlos Ruiz Zafon
The story is about a young man who went missing. Friends and relatives searched for him for a long time, but he was found at the station. He has secrets that are hidden far away in a dark box. He will have to talk about the night when he met the mysterious Marina. The book was written back in 1999 and the author considers it his best job. Translated into Russian only this year.

10. Name: ""
Author: Bernard Werber
A book about our future, about what each person is. And most importantly, it touches on the topics of ecology, and what does our planet think about humanity? After all, no one ever asked her about this.

11. Name: ""
Author: Boris Akunin
This is a detective story, which the author himself describes as: “Technocratic detective”, “nostalgic detective” and “idiotic detective”.

12. Name: ""
Posted by Jeannette Walls
This book is the autobiography of the author. This is not just a story about a difficult childhood and difficult parents. This is a story about how a person, even who grew up in unfavorable conditions, can change his life and not follow in the footsteps of his parents. The book inspires, makes you change and change everything around you, achieving happiness and harmony.

13. Title: ""
Author: Donna Tartt
Art, tragedy, new life, a new person - this is probably how you can describe this creation, which was included in the ranking of the best books of 2015. A powerful work, written in 2013 and translated into Russian in 2015, touching the soul.

14. Title: ""
Author: Sally Green
A book for both teenagers and adults. There is something for everyone here. There is magic, witches and Great Britain. It is not for nothing that the book is compared to the series about the most famous wizard, Harry Potter.

15. Title: “Lights”
Author: Eleanor Catton
This is not just a detective story, where there is a murder, and a mysterious disappearance, and a real treasure, and people who have taken the path of reform, and revenge, and even spiritualistic seances. The plot revolves around 12 main characters, but they have their own peculiarity - each of them is associated with celestial bodies and zodiac signs.
Written in 2013, and in 2015 it was translated into Russian.

16. Title: ""
Author: Anthony Doerr
The book describes military events, as well as the fate of two heroes who are fighting for their lives and for the lives of their loved ones. The book is very bright and kind, because even a tiny ray of light can defeat real darkness. The book was written in 2014, and in 2015 it was translated into Russian.

17. Title: ""
Author: Narine Abgaryan
A story about a small town hidden high in the mountains. It's very interesting people who have a strong spirit, a grouchy character and eccentricities.

18. Title: ""
Author: Jaume Cabret
The story is about a musician, a creative person, who completely rethought his life before he lost his memory due to illness. He decided to write down all those bright moments of his life that are still stored in his heart and which can disappear in an instant, dissolve into oblivion. The book was written in 2011, and it was translated into Russian in 2015.

19. Title: ""
Author: Andre Maurois
A touching and especially tender story about the human soul. The book tells about a man who has achieved a lot in this life, but in his soul there is no miracle of love that will turn autumn into spring. Only Andre Maurois can so sensually and subtly describe such beautiful feelings as love. The book was written in 1956 and translated into Russian in 2015.

20. Title: ""
Author: Dmitry Glukhovsky
This book is one of the most anticipated in 2015, and it immediately became a bestseller. It tells the story of an apocalypse that happened on earth. People who survived, hiding in the subway underground, begin to create a new world. But will he be that good? After all, human nature is very dark and warlike.

Many of the books included in the top 20 best books of 2015 are known and loved by readers. Of course, each of them can find its own flaws and shortcomings, which is what critics love to do. But even a negative review indicates that the book attracted attention, was read and appreciated, even if poorly. The main goal has been achieved – attention and active discussion.

In any case, this list of books is very interesting and deserves everyone's attention. After reading this literature, you will definitely be able to find a lot of interesting and useful things for yourself. For have a nice rest a good book is needed. Our ranking of the 20 best books of 2015 will help you find great reading.

Another exciting masterpiece from the creator of the “universe” of ants. This time you see one of the parts of a new series of books. The plot, as always, is a little fantastic, but touches on pressing issues on the agenda: philosophical issues, ecology, relationships between people both among themselves and with nature.

2. Haruki Murakami “Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and his years of wanderings.”

Well, where would we be without this smart and wise Japanese? Not a single best list is complete without his books. This book is based on the story of one man who decided to find answers to all his questions and the reasons for his failures by digging into his terribly difficult past. To find the “keys” he goes on long journeys with many dangers and adventures. Murakami's writing style is always a little unusual, but literature connoisseurs know a lot about it and won't recommend anything bad.

The fireworks about the frantic sales of “Shadow of the Wind” around the world have not died down, but a new (written in 1999, but translated only in 2015) mystical detective novel “Marina”, exciting with its unusual plot, is already on the way. Events unfold in wonderful Barcelona in the 70s. Main character comes to the city and stumbles upon mystical riddles. His soul begs to find their solution, which is what he actually does throughout the book.

Dedicated to all lovers of provocative prose. The book is marked 18+, which means the plot is hot and very sexy. However, Palahniuk is always like that. This time we will talk about a girl with a very difficult, difficult fate and failures in relationships with men. By chance, she meets a very strange guy, who is not even just strange... He is a pervert with a very telling nickname “The Menopause Boy.” Draw your own conclusions.

Are you waiting for something new about Fandorin? Receive and sign. Second book in new series about this brilliant detective. As for the plot, everything is very good here: riddles, mistakes, searches, mysticism and of course an enchanting ending. It will definitely be interesting to read.

Another leader bookshelves. Each of Beigbeder's books is a stunning success among people of different nationalities, genders and ages. This suggests that the issues raised by the writer are relevant to everyone. The plot of the book is based on the story of the mind-blowing novel by the writer Salinger (yes, this is the same “Catcher in the Rye”) and the daughter of the Nobel laureate in literature Una O’Neill. The story is romantic, exciting and instructive. Book marked 18+.

This is Jannette's confession book. The author tells us all about his difficult childhood in a large family with special, cruel principles of education. For many years, the writer kept secrets to herself, but every year they weighed on her more and more. Having put everything on the page, Walls' life, in her own words, became much easier.

We miss Hemingway. Yes, few can compare with him, but Kerouac is worth paying attention to. Because the themes and motives are very similar: male friendship, alcohol (where would we be without it), the search for the universal meaning of life and conversations, conversations, conversations...

The Booker Prize, after all. Meet the author from New Zealand. All lovers of mysticism and astrology will find this novel very, very entertaining. Zodiac signs, planetary characters (each corresponds to its own planet), a mysterious story and... at the forefront is the hero-Earth, or rather his murder, around which everything revolves. A very metaphorical piece.

A very beautiful book about the terrible events dedicated to the Armenian genocide. Local color, customs, traditions, happiness, love and horror... Quiet or loud is up to you.

A common story for the literary world: World War II, a blind girl, a guy from Nazi Germany, love, difficulties and complications. But the book won the Pulitzer Prize. And for good reason! You will definitely cry.

Also a Pulitzer Prize winner. Plus, this masterpiece was recognized as the book of the year by the American Amazon store. The book is about art, or rather about its power and capabilities. How it affects us and what comes out of it all.

A romantic, touching biographical story about one of France's most beloved writers. The translation of Maurois's last work was published in Russia only in 2015. Finally, we can and will enjoy this wonderful prose.

A real literary breakthrough, an event, no event, in the literary world in 2011. The work has only just reached us. an old man with Alzheimer's disease, who loses a piece of himself every day, his memory gets worse every day. And in order not to forget himself, he writes down his memories in a diary. Very touching and vital.

Perhaps the best book not only of this year, but also of the decade. A must read. Superbly written! Read in one go! The novel, which Pulitzer Prize winner Donna Tartt wrote for more than 10 years, is a huge epic canvas about the power of art and how it - sometimes not at all in the way we want it - can turn our entire lives upside down. 13-year-old Theo Decker miraculously survived the explosion that killed his mother. Abandoned by his father, without a single soul mate in the whole world, he wanders around foster homes and other people's families - from New York to Las Vegas - and his only consolation, which, however, almost leads to his death, is the money he stole from museum masterpiece of the Dutch old master. This is an amazing book.

... This is not only the love story of the famous writer Jerome Salinger for Una O’Neill, or Una for Charlie Chaplin, but more - the love of Beigbeder himself for his wife Lara Micheli (married since 2014). He speaks through his characters and we see that there is no trace left of the cynic who wrote “99 Francs” or “Ideal”. Love changes. Love opened Begbeder's heart. Only in the last pages of the novel do you realize that this book was actually born thanks to the fact that Frederick finally met Love. Because books written with a happy heart are different. Warmer. Real ones. To be honest, when I started reading, I expected, as always, a sea of ​​cynicism and negativity. But instead - moments of awe and tenderness.


... “And this, bitch, hurts so much that you have to drink for weeks to drown it out.” Here you go summary Minaev's books. Consumer society. Fashion trends. And the mental anguish of the main character, who has lost the meaning of life. It makes no sense. No one has. There is only Me. The illusion of me. Selfie. The self-portrait that we paint in the Internet space, which is as illusory as everything that happens. The absurdity of office brainstorming, new fashion trends, drinking parties, etc.

... The Bookshop is a book that I cannot rank as either the best or the worst books of this year. Rather, this is a piece for relaxing, traveling on the train, or just killing time. If it were not for the fact that a bookstore appears in the novel, then this book would be on my list of the worst...The novel is about nothing ... No humor, no worries. No, sometimes the author still jokes. But somehow... The constant comparison of various situations with events from movies was a little annoying. Apparently, Craig loves movies more than books. And he constantly boasts of his cinematic knowledge from the words of the main character. If he compared the situations with the situations of the heroes of literary works, it would be much better. This would be more justified, given the theme of the work.


Haruki Murakami - "Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and his wandering years"

The main character of the novel is a lonely man who seeks to understand his difficult past, for which he goes on a journey, going through various trials.

Chuck Palahniuk - "To the Very Ends"

The book is marked “18+” - and for a reason. The author of “Fight Club” once again justified the title of “king of counterculture” assigned to him by the press. The novel tells the story of a girl with a failed love life who finds herself in an ambiguous relationship with a perverted lover nicknamed "The Menopause Boy."

Carlos Ruiz Zafon - "Marina"

The mystical detective novel “Marina” by Ruiz Zafon is formally considered the best work of the writer. Moreover, the author himself considers “Marina” his best work. The novel immerses the reader in the atmosphere of Barcelona of the late 70s, full of secrets and mysteries. The main character, young Oscar, is left alone with a local legend, whose mysteries he will have to solve.

Bernard Werber - "The third humanity. Voice of the Earth"

One of the books in the saga “The Third Humanity”. Apocalypse, Gaia, goddess of the Earth, rebels against people. This book, like the writer’s other novels, is not just a work of fiction. It makes you think, touches on deep philosophical questions and gives your answers to them.

Boris Akunin - “Planet Water”

The penultimate book in a series of stories about detective Fandorin. Consists of 3 stories: “Planet Water”, “Lonely Sail”, “Where Should We Sail?” According to the author's classification, these are “technocratic detective”, “nostalgic detective” and “idiotic detective”.

Jack Kerouac - “The sea is my brother. Lone Wanderer"

The first novel of the writer, which was considered lost for a long time. The book traces all the features of Kerouac’s signature style and contains the main motives of the writer’s work: a nomadic lifestyle, the search for the meaning of material existence, male friendship, alcohol addiction and long conversations.

Jeannette Walls - "Castle of Glass"

In this book, Walls talks about his childhood and growing up in a large and unusual family, which practiced very shocking methods of education. For many years, Jeannette hid her past until she realized that only by freeing herself from secrets and shame could she move on.

Sally Green - "Half Code"

The novel entered the top ten most anticipated books of 2015 and did not disappoint expectations. Some compare it with the famous series of books about Harry Potter, others with Orwell’s novel “1984”. England, people, white witches - a fascinating fantasy for teenagers and adults.

Eleanor Catton - "The Luminaries"

A work by Man Booker Prize-winning New Zealand writer Eleanor Catton. This is a good detective story based on astrology. 12 "star" characters corresponding to zodiac signs, and 7 "planetary" characters - all revolving around an "earth" character, Crosby Wells, who was killed under mysterious circumstances.

Narine Abgaryan — Three apples fell from the sky

In the year of the centenary of the Armenian genocide, Narine Abgaryan’s book “Three Apples Fell from the Sky” was published, telling about Armenia, love, death, the life of a lost village in the mountains, and the intersection of human destinies. An interesting book with an accent.

Andre Maurois - "September Roses"

For the first time in Russian in 2015, one of the late novels of the famous writer Andre Maurois, “September Roses,” was published. Known for his biographical works about Balzac, Hugo and Dumas, the author this time describes the life of a writer whose books are read throughout France. A very tender and touching story.

The Victorian writer Gaskell (“North and South,” we strongly recommend to all fans of English novels!) was the first to compile a biography of the legendary Bronte sister. The work was translated into Russian for the first time in so many years and, of course, all connoisseurs are rubbing their hands with pleasure. It will be interesting!

A book about us - the last generation that remembers life before the Internet

A nostalgic Canadian journalist sadly remembers the times when people didn't wait for text messages, looked into each other's eyes and talked without being distracted by screens. mobile phones. Against this background, he talks about the importance of loneliness, true friends, does soul-searching and shares with us very worthy philosophical thoughts about why sometimes you should turn off your phone and computer.


People who love to read are constantly looking for interesting literature. Sometimes you can read a book on the advice of friends. A win-win option is your favorite classic. But literature, like any art, does not stand still. It is all the more interesting to read new writers’ works, which, having barely seen the light of day, have already attracted everyone’s attention. This rating contains just such books.

10. Chris Hadfield - "An Astronaut's Guide to Life on Earth: What 4,000 Hours in Orbit Taught Me"

The famous Canadian, astronaut Chris Hadfield is incredibly popular in his homeland. But thanks to the educational videos that Hadfield shot while in space, he became known throughout the world. In his short clips, the astronaut spoke clearly about the features of life on orbital station. Thanks to Hadfield, you can watch astronauts shave, brush their teeth and sleep in zero gravity. His videos have been watched by more than 20 million people. Perhaps this interest prompted Chris Hadfield to write the book “An Astronaut’s Guide to Life on Earth.” In it, the astronaut talks about how he dreamed of flying from an early age, and did not change his plans with age. He also recalls how he temporarily lost his sight in outer space, and his training in Russian for flight aboard the Soyuz. There is a lot in the book interesting stories from the life of Chris Halfield. But the main thing that the reader must understand is that success accompanies only those who do not give in to difficulties. Buy

9. Boris Akunin – “Planet Water”

Fans of the most famous character in Boris Akunin's works have the opportunity to meet Erast Fandorin again. The reader can expect an exciting plot and the writer's signature style. The story of Fandorin is coming to an end, and the book “Planet Water” is the penultimate in the cycle of stories about the famous detective. This best-seller combines three stories. Thus, the author continues bold experiments with genres. There is a technocratic, nostalgic and even idiotic detective story here. In one of the stories, Fandorin, by the will of fate, will find himself on board a submarine, in another, he will plunge into romantic memories, and in the third, the reputation of a successful detective will be in doubt. Buy

8. Carlos Ruiz Zafon – “Marina”

Fans of the mystical detective and Carlos Ruiz Zafon himself are intrigued by the fact that the author called “Marina” his best creation. The main character, Oscar, will have to unravel many mysteries and secrets of Barcelona in the 70s of the last century. Those who are already lucky enough to read new book Safona, they declare in unison that she is the most affordable way get to know and love Barcelona. The author incredibly subtly and lovingly described this wonderful city. Surprisingly, the descriptions do not distract from the plot, but only add color. The book may interest both teenagers and older readers. Buy

7. Jaume Cabret – “I Confess”

The book “I Confess” by the Spanish writer Jaume Cabret has been translated into a dozen languages. In just 4 years since the book was published, its circulation around the world has grown to half a million. In 2015 it became available in Russian. The book's hero, Adria Ardevol, at 60, learns that he is stricken with Alzheimer's disease, and his illness is progressing. That is why Adria decides to put down on paper the entire story of her life. He begins in early childhood, describing his complex relationship with his father. He was a keen antiquarian, but an inattentive parent. One of his favorite things in his shop was an antique violin. As it turned out, this instrument has a complicated history, and perhaps carries an evil fate. It so happens that blood has been a constant companion of the violin since the days when it was a young maple tree. It brings death to every new owner. One day, the father dies under very strange circumstances. Adria has reason to blame herself for her father's death. The reader will have to listen to the confession of the main character and learn the story of the fatal violin to the end. Buy

6. Anthony Dorr - "All the Light We Cannot See"

In 2015, the Pulitzer Prize went to American Anthony Dorr. The idea of ​​the book “All the Light We Cannot See” was hatched by the writer for almost 10 years. His historical novel tells about the horrors of World War II. But the book is not only and not so much about the war itself, but about people trying to survive in the conditions offered by fate. The main characters of the book are a blind young French woman and a shy German youth. This book is about the power of love and the value of human relationships. She seems to encourage people to believe in the best, and to see a ray of hope even where others cannot see it. Buy

5. Eleanor Catton - The Luminaries

It sounds incredible, but at 28, Eleanor Catton not only won the landmark 2013 Booker Prize, but is also a double record holder. Her best-seller“The Luminaries” was noted as the largest work in volume to ever receive this award. Elinor herself was the youngest winner of the award. This year the book was also published in Russian. The book “Luminaries” is written in the best traditions of the classic detective story, however, an unexpected author’s move was the interweaving of astrology into the detective plot. The action takes place in New Zealand during the gold rush. Under confusing circumstances, Crosby Wells is killed. It would seem that writers have been playing with the theme of murders in gold mines since the days of Jack London. But the author managed to implement a very unusual move, increasing the intrigue of the story. In the novel, there are conditionally two groups of heroes. The first, there are 12 of them, are associated with the zodiac circle, the second group consists of 7 “planetary” heroes. Both revolve around the murder victim. The reader has as many as 800 pages to unravel the mystery of the crime, or simply enjoy the fascinating story. Buy

4. Sally Green - "Half Code"

With her fantastic story "Half Code" Sally Green landed in the famous book of records. The rights to publish her debut book were sold to 36 countries even before publication. The plot is based on the struggle between dark and light forces. Ordinary people They don’t even suspect that wizards live next to them. In the world of wizards, everything is ruled by the Council of White Witches, one of whose tasks is to fight half-breeds. And this becomes Nathan Byrne's main problem. This 16-year-old boy is the fruit of the love of the Black Sorcerer and the White Witch, and in this regard, many trials await him. Some will say that the story of teenage wizards has already taken place in literature, clearly hinting at the brainchild of JK Rowling. But judging by the success of Half Code, readers are not at all bored with this topic. On top of that, the book has every chance of eclipsing the famous “Twilight” in popularity, because these film adaptations have the same producer - Karen Rosenfelt.

3. Frederic Beigbeder - “Una & Salinger”

The flamboyant French writer took a long time out. A five-year writer's pause made fans of Beigbeder's work worry. It seemed that Frederick was bored with writing, and he put an end to it. Perhaps this is why the release of his new book “Una & Salinger” became a real sensation. This story is about the innocent love of two young creatures. It would seem a rather banal plot, but the main intrigue is that the characters are absolutely real. Beigbeder, who loves to share with readers in his works personal experience, deliciously describes his own passions. This time he remained true to himself, deciding to describe an excerpt from the biography of his favorite writer, Jerome Salinger. The book is about his romantic relationship with young Una O'Neill, an aspiring actress and daughter of a brilliant playwright. But the world also knows this woman as the wife of the legendary Charlie Chaplin, as the mother of his eight children. Obviously, the story of Una and Salinger ended sadly, as usually happens with first love. But long-awaited best-seller not about this, the author does not claim biographical accuracy. On the contrary, Beigbeder manages to masterfully interweave fact and fiction to convey the magic of feelings. Buy

2. Jeannette Walls - Castle of Glass

The book by American journalist Jeannette Walls is an autobiographical book. “The Castle of Glass” managed to stay for two whole years in the authoritative ranking of the best-selling books according to the newspaper. The New York Times. Usually memoirs are incapable of holding everyone's attention for so long. But Jeannette Walls's book is brutally honest about what many people prefer to hide, and perhaps this is the secret of her success. This year, the Russian-speaking audience also had the opportunity to find out what the “Glass Castle” is like. Jeannette describes her nomadic childhood, difficult relationships with her parents and everyday difficulties. Her drinking father often dreams of creating an engineering miracle in the form of a crystal palace, and does not think at all about how to feed his four children. Mother seeks herself in creativity, creating paintings and writing novels. Home improvement and childcare do not go well with the pangs of creativity. The family has been moving from one place to another for many years, running away from numerous debts and troubles. Children become hostages of their parents' whims, and it seems that their future prospects are not encouraging. But after many years, three of them made brilliant careers and were completely successful in life. It seems that successful Jeannette Walls, in order to be completely at peace with herself, needed to tell what she had been silent about for many years. Buy

1. Donna Tartt – “The Goldfinch”

It took Donna Tartt over 10 years to write this novel. Its name, “The Goldfinch,” coincides with the name of a painting by the Dutch master, artist Karel Fabritius. And this is no coincidence, because the picture in the novel is destined for a difficult role. The main character is a 13-year-old boy, whose mother dies in an explosion in a museum. There, an unfamiliar old man, dying, gives the boy a small painting, which is destined to become the boy’s constant companion. The book received rave reviews from critics and was awarded the Pulitzer Prize in 2014. It is sometimes compared to the works of Dickens and Bradbury, and the legendary Stephen King noted with delight that over the past 10 years he can name no more than 5 books so high level. Studio Warner Bros hastened to buy the film rights, which means that you need to have time to read the book before the film is released. Thus, each reader will be able to mentally make his own unique movie, and then compare it with what the director will produce. Buy

This collection is very diverse both in style and genre. And this means that any reader will pick up something to his taste. Who knows, perhaps there is a work in this rating that will become a literary classic, or simply someone’s favorite book.

And what books recent years do you like it?

Modern literature does not stand still and is constantly evolving. Every year, readers choose the best books and 2015 is no exception. The readers' rating included the most interesting literary works that were best downloaded and sold in 2015 and became real bestsellers in different countries.


This book also made it into the top 10 most read works of 2015. Although this novel Jaume Cabre was published in 2011 and was already well received by critics and won the love of readers. But only in 2015 this work was translated into Russian. The novel tells the story of a creative and gifted man who, in his old age, learned of Alzheimer's disease. This illness forced him to rethink his life. He became afraid that all his memories, which were so dear, could disappear in an instant. That is why he wanted to capture all the bright and significant events in his life, until his memory completely left him.


Debut novel by a famous Hollywood director David Cronenberg also included in the readers' rating. It is interesting with a mysterious and exciting and original plot. Naomi and Nathan work in the media, they are successful journalists, and besides, lovers. In search of sensations, they travel all over the world, so they intersect either in hotels or at airports. Nathan tries to write an article about an underground surgeon who lives in Budapest, and Naomi understands the fate of interesting and extravagant spouses, torn between Tokyo and Paris. As a result, their stories become mysteriously intertwined. Mysteries, international conspiracy, sophisticated sexual games, intricate plot - all these components made the novel a real bestseller.


Without this interesting and a little sad novel, the top 10 most interesting books published in 2015 could not have done. The author is in it Narine Abgaryan talks about Armenia, life and death, about an abandoned village where only old people live. Their destinies are intertwined, they are riddled with sad events. The villagers have a strong spirit, each of them is interesting in their own way. Despite the tragic events that took place in life, they have not forgotten how to laugh both at themselves and at events that they are unable to change.


This book was a well-deserved seventh place in the readers' ratings because it was the most anticipated fiction. Sally Green, which was loved not only by teenagers, but also by adults. In this novel, a little bit of everything is mixed: people and witches, good and evil, hatred and sacrifice. Some even compare it to Harry Potter. This is a truly fascinating fantasy that did not deceive everyone's expectations.


Featured in the top 10 best works of 2015, this work is the latest installment in a detective trilogy by the author who created the world-famous "Harry Potter" J.K. Rowling, and co-author Robert Galbraith. In the detective story, a detective takes on the complicated case of his assistant. She receives a strange package in the mail, someone sent her a severed human leg. The detective takes over the case and investigates it in parallel with the police. He has several suspects in mind. Together with his assistant, he tries to get on the trail of a cruel maniac and prevent his insidious plans.


The book, included in the 2015 reader rating, is the last in a series written by Boris Akunin, which is dedicated to the famous detective Fandorin. This work will be especially interesting to those who have read other books in this series. They were awarded good reviews and this detective could not go unnoticed.


Another work under the “18+” tag was included in the top 10 best books of 2015. The author is in it Frederic Beigbeder tells the story of the beautiful romance between writer Jerry Salinger and Oona O'Neill, the daughter of the famous playwright. Their passionate love does not last long. The young writer is forced to leave his beloved and go to the front, and in the meantime Una not only gets the main role in Charlie Chaplin's film, but also becomes his wife. The writer returns to his homeland, but no one is waiting for him there and he begins to write his most famous work.


A wonderful debut work was included in the readers' rating Paula Hawkins, which became a bestseller in many countries. The novel is written in the style of Hitchcock thrillers. A girl gets on the same train every day and passes by beautiful country houses. She loves to watch herself having breakfast in one of these cozy houses a couple that from the outside seems ideal to her. But one day her illusion collapses, she sees something shocking and reports it to the police. After this, terrible events begin to happen in her life.


Novel by a famous writer Haruki Murakami takes second place in our ranking of the top 10 most interesting works released in 2015. The work is about a man who is very lonely, he is trying to understand the mysterious past, because he cannot understand why 16 years ago his fate changed so dramatically and his friends turned away from him. Many years later, he finally decides to go in search of the truth; he has to meet his past life face to face, but only in this way can he find himself again.

1. Chuck Palahniuk. To the very ends

Book by the bestselling author of "Fight Club" Chuck Palahniuk recognized as the best for 2015 according to readers. The novel tells the story of a girl who works in a law office and is deprived of her personal life. But unexpectedly, a billionaire invites her to a continuation dinner. They have the unforgettable sex of her life. Everything would be fine, but the girl finds out that she was only a test subject on which he tested sex toys that he plans to put on sale. The girl wants to stop the insidious plans of the pervert, but how to do this?