Mixer      04/18/2019

Stove heating in a two-story house: the choice of materials, the principle of operation. Furnace heating in a two-story house

According to experts, a bunk oven is the most convenient, efficient and economical solution for stove heating of two-story buildings. Choosing another option - additional metal furnace leads to increased fuel consumption. Installing a water circuit is a laborious process, suitable for buildings with a large number of rooms. conventional oven for two-story house will not fit - a special design is required here.

Types and features of two-story ovens

Two-level hearths are of two types: with one and with two fireboxes. For a country dwelling, the most interesting are two-story "Swedes", complemented by a hob. There are modifications with couches, but heavy extensions are always on the first floor. On the second level, a false or functional fireplace is sometimes built, the first one increases heat transfer, and a full-fledged fireplace insert helps to quickly warm up the room.

In models with one firebox, the combustion chamber is located on the ground floor, while vertical channels must be provided on the upper level. For separate heating of floors, dampers are used to block the movement of flue gases.

Stove for a two-story building with one firebox, stove and fireplace

Some stove-makers do not recommend choosing models with one firebox for the house, since the cooling flue gases form condensate in the second-level heating shield, which destroys the masonry. Designs with two fireboxes heat the room faster and are more convenient if there is often a need to heat one floor. Schemes of furnaces with two fireboxes necessarily include two-channel chimneys.

Modern brick two-story hearth with two fireboxes

brick ovens for a two-story house, they weigh almost twice as much as standard modifications, so a reliable foundation is needed. No less durable should be the interfloor ceiling - a concrete reinforced slab that can withstand the weight brick building. The place for installation is chosen along the capital internal walls.

Heat-efficient furnace with one firebox

This two-story model has a high heat capacity - one firebox per day for 2-2.5 hours is enough to heat the house. Fuel consumption - about 60 kg of dry firewood. Average heat transfer - 5500 kcal / hour.

Design description and materials

The channel single-turn furnace has one fire chamber on the first floor. Dimensions of the building: 89 * 115 cm. Height - 715 cm. The dimensions of the heating shield on the lower floor are 77 * 102 cm, on the second floor - 77 * 95 cm.

For masonry, you will need the following materials and stove appliances:

  • 1900 red ceramic bricks;
  • 170 pieces of fireclay bricks;
  • 2.1 m3 of red oven clay;
  • 0.2 m3 refractory clay;
  • 2.3 m3 of mountain sand;
  • grate (40*40 cm);
  • steel sheet (50*70 cm);
  • firebox door (35*35 cm);
  • blower door(13*12cm);
  • 5 cleaning doors (13.5*12 cm);
  • 2 latches (13*26 cm).

Sections of the building and masonry scheme

A detailed arrangement of the furnace on 2 floors clearly shows the arrangement of smoke channels and the principle of gas movement. Red and fireclay bricks in the scheme are easy to distinguish by color.

Important! Ceramic and refractory bricks must not be tied in the same dressing.

The scheme is completed by a shell-type pipe erected directly above the furnace.

Masonry from 1 to 64 row

Top row layout

The presented model is designed for a ceiling height of 3.4 m, but if necessary, the structure can be easily reduced or enlarged by amending rows 26 to 46 and 60 to 82.

Note! Modernization will entail changes in the heat transfer characteristics indicated in the description.

Two-story stove with fireplace and hob

Functional model with one firebox and an open fireplace on the first floor, and two decorative fireplaces on the second. The furnace fire chamber and a fireplace are from the different parties and can work at the same time. Combining gas flows begins above the fireplace valve. The design of the fireplace insert is simplified, there is no smoke tooth. There is a hob on the side, an oven is not provided.

Cross section of a two-level stove with a fireplace

The author of the ordering used modern techniques to increase efficiency and simplify operation. Using furnace door with glass, it is recommended to leave a through gap in front of the grate in the bottom of the firebox. This trick prevents the formation of soot on the door.

Masonry order from 1 to 15 row

Ordinal scheme from 16 to 26 row

Masonry walls from 27 to 42 row

For construction, 1000 pieces of fireclay bricks are required (highlighted in the diagram yellow) and 1100 single solid red bricks. The choice of refractory bricks for the construction of the walls of the furnace and fireplace is justified by the desire of the customer.

Important! Any ready-made ordering of the furnace on 2 floors requires refinement, taking into account the features of a particular house, its area, and ceiling height.

Before purchasing materials, consult with an experienced stove-maker. If necessary, he will make structural changes to the circuit and give good advice.

Video: Swede oven on 2 floors

Double-deck oven - the most economical and effective solution for heating a house on two floors. Bunk heat sources can have different design, but the scheme of the device of any of them is only slightly more complicated than typical heating structures. Although the construction of the building requires more materials, it would take more raw materials for two separate furnaces. Not to mention that this option implies significant fuel savings.

Figure 1. Double deck oven

Types of bunk ovens

The main classification of such structures involves the division of furnaces into structures with one firebox and two. The division can be in different ways. There are options with hobs, benches, fireplaces.

In single-fired constructions, the firebox is always located on the ground floor. There are also heavy outbuildings. On the next tier, a working or decorative fireplace is sometimes made. The first contributes to faster heating of the room, and the second - to more efficient heat transfer.

Models with one firebox are more economical in terms of fuel consumption. Why do double work and spend twice as much money on firewood when it is enough to load logs only on the first floor? This logic works in the short term. But some experts oppose such a modification. Flue gases, cooling down, contribute to the formation of condensate, which reduces the operational life of the masonry.

Advantages of stoves with two fireboxes:

  • more efficient heating of floors;
  • the possibility of heating the tiers separately.

Which solution to choose depends on personal preferences, tasks and design features building.

Important! Single- and double-furnace designs have advantages and disadvantages. It is necessary to focus on the option, the advantages of which outweigh in the individual case.

Scheme for the construction of a single-furnace two-story furnace

Consider how to make a stove that extends over 2 floors. This is a very successful project - efficient and economical.

Foundation construction

Figure 2. Reinforced concrete foundation pouring

Such a structure is much heavier than a conventional, single-tier one. Therefore, you need to take care of a strong foundation. It should be slightly larger than the stove base. Since the latter according to the project has dimensions of 900x900 mm, the dimensions of the “cushion” are 1000x1000 mm.

You will need:

  • cement / sand / gravel;
  • deck boards;
  • fittings;
  • waterproofing material (for example, roofing material).

The base can be either flush with the floor, or rise above it by several centimeters. The scheme of the foundation is simple - first they make a sand cushion, then they make the formwork and mount the reinforcement, and then the structure is poured with concrete.

After pouring, the foundation should be allowed to stand - about a month. Then the base is waterproofed. To do this, lay a roofing sheet - 1 or 2-3. Only after that the heating furnace is laid out on two floors. The surface of the "pillow" must be strictly horizontal.

The construction of the furnace

For construction you will need quality materials and additional furnace elements. Required amount both are presented in the tables.

Table 1. Masonry elements

Table 2. Additional elements

The masonry mortar is made from clay and sand. The ratio of components is from 1:1 to 1:2. It all depends on the type and quality of clay. To determine the exact ratio, several mortar balls or cakes are made with different proportions of the components. After that, they are left to dry. Those balls that are not cracked demonstrate optimal parameters.

Figure 3. Scheme of masonry ordering

Laying scheme in rows (the numbers correspond to the row number):

  1. Attaches to the waterproofing layer. First laid out dry.
  2. On the second and third row, a blower door is mounted.
  3. Installation of the fire chamber. Fireclay bricks are in progress. The doors of the cleaning chambers are also mounted here.
  4. An asbestos cord is installed on the sides of the bottom of the firebox. After that, a grate will be installed on it.
  5. Mount the firebox door.
  6. From the 7th to the 10th rows - masonry according to the scheme.
  7. A corner is attached to the front. Here, the firebox is covered with a hob.
  8. From this to the 16th row, a cooking chamber is built.
  9. Mount corners that serve as a support for solid brickwork.
  10. This and the next row are solid masonry. Integrity is violated by three chimney openings indicated in the diagram.
  11. Mount the door of the next cleaning chamber. On the 23rd row lay out the drying chamber.
  12. A series of corners on which the chamber ceiling will rest.
  13. Installation of the cleaning chamber door. On the 29th row - masonry according to the drawing.
  14. Brick up a couple of valves.
Figure 4. Installation of chimney dampers

The diagram shows that after the 38th row there is a new numbering. These rows belong to the next tier. 1-26 rows - masonry according to the drawing. On the 27th, the final valve is installed. 27-30 - all according to the drawing. 31-32 - the start of the chimney resting on the ceiling. If the latter is higher, the rows are added. The "attic-roof" part of the chimney is laid in a similar way. If there is an attic, the scheme is the same. At the exit - a two-story mansard oven.

Figure 5. Attic part of the stove

Note! Any scheme requires modification, based on the design features of the building. It is recommended to get the advice of a specialist who specifies the parameters.

Another option is a two-story stove with a hob and a fireplace.

If heating alone is not enough, and an aesthetic component is also required, this modification will do. It is a stove with one firebox and a fireplace on the first tier and a pair decorative fireplaces- on the next one.

The firebox and the aesthetic component are located on different sides, so nothing prevents them from functioning at the same time. The reduction of the chimney ducts starts after the installation of the chimney valve. On the side, the structure is equipped with a hob.

The illustration shows the device of the furnace.

Figure 6. Sectional view of a two-tier stove with a fireplace

The order is efficient and effective. Thanks to the original well-thought-out methods, furnace operation is simplified.

Figure 7. Rows 1-15 Figure 8. Rows 16-26 Figure 9. Rows 27-42 Figure 10. Rows 43-65

The design requires 1100 pcs. red and 1000 pcs. fireclay bricks.


Double oven - rational solution for the respective home. But it is better to design it at the start of work on a construction project. In a finished house, it is much more difficult to solve the problem with the foundation and ceilings through which the furnace will pass. But even in the “inconvenient” case, problems are solved.

Having worked once, you can provide your home with a beautiful and functional design. An oven that will warm, and “feed”, and please the eye.

Presented in modern styles and performances. The stove on two floors has a lot of advantages and allows you to simultaneously, fully and as evenly as possible produce heating of the first, second floor, all the rooms located on them. The undoubted advantages of such a heating fireplace in the house are its ease of use and efficiency. However, the significant disadvantages include the high cost spent on the construction of such a unit.

Choosing the Right Materials

Double-deck oven, of course, the best option for heating a large area of ​​the house. But it takes up a lot of space, so it is necessary to think over its location in space very carefully and in advance.

Interesting to know: stove heating in two-story houses is very popular due to the complete absence of intermittent fuel supply, as it is extremely solid (wood, coal, briquettes, pellets). This puts in the first place such heating fireplaces for houses, distinguishes them from electric, gas furnace units similar in their principle of operation.
Important: before installing fireplace stoves on two floors, it is important to take into account the fact that the efficiency of such devices will not be maximum, since the design is characterized by gradual heating. First of all, the walls of the equipment warm up, only after that the generated heat begins to go into the room.

Cast iron stoves are more expensive and efficient

Stove equipped with a small transparent refractory glass

  • The required amount of refractory and solid bricks;
  • To prepare a masonry mortar, we need: cement, sand, clay;
  • It is best to equip the fireplace with purchased or custom-made furnace, blower doors;
  • To apply and distribute the masonry mortar over the surface, it is necessary to use a trowel;
  • For additional fixation of the structure, use metal corners;
  • To mix the masonry mortar, prepare in advance a suitable large container with high edges.

Water-jacketed stoves are considered the most efficient. You can get acquainted with this topic from the article: Stoves for a long-burning wood-burning house with a water circuit

Design features

Interesting to know: stoves for heating two floors in general do not act as the main source of heat generation. However, if you want to achieve this effect, to get the maximum efficiency, power, it is recommended to install a separate autonomous heating device on each of the floors.

Principle of operation

A brick oven on two floors can also play the role of a secondary source of heating in the house. In this case, you will be able to achieve a comfortable temperature regime in all rooms.

In order for the oven to two-storey houses acted as an additional source of heating, install a fireplace only on the ground floor. In order for the heated air masses to enter the second one, put a cap or shield on it, from which thermal energy will flow.

If the installation is in wooden house, floor and walls must be insulated with refractory materials

Closed furnaces are more efficient and have a high efficiency

Principle of operation:

  • Furnaces in a house on two floors are assembled from two types of bricks. Full-bodied - for the main structural elements. Refractory fireclay is used to assemble areas subject to maximum heat. For additional fixation, the product is mounted directly to the wall, on pre-fixed metal profile beams;
  • In order to artificially reduce the load on floors, walls, partitions of the house, all beams are equipped with soft pads. The space formed between each beam must be filled with a solution containing clay.
Tip: in order to make such fireboxes more versatile, efficient, you can combine the device with an oven on the ground floor, install hob on which food can be cooked. On the second floor, the stove can be combined with a fireplace at the same time. This will add warmth and comfort to your cottage.
Interesting to know: in order to track the performance of each installation, it is important that they can work separately!

Positive and negative characteristics

Double-deck ovens are a profitable solution for many. This method of installation is convenient for those whose houses, dachas do not have power lines, a gas supply system is not equipped.

The advantages of such units include efficiency. Due to the low cost solid fuel, the content of such a fireplace is available to almost everyone.

Steel furnace: view from three angles

Hearth decorated in high-tech style

The disadvantages of this method of placement include a large mass and dimensions of the structure. Thus, it always takes up a lot of free space, which can be used more efficiently and profitably. In addition, such installations warm up for a long time, as a result of which they are not able to form a sufficiently high efficiency. And due to the large weight, almost always an additional foundation is laid for brick heaters.

Interesting to know: the main valve is always located only on the first floor, while on the second floor there is an additional one and all its accompanying elements. Equip the space above the valve with a special clearance, in which the streams of smoke coming out of both furnaces will be combined.
Advice: it is recommended that all reading holes be located only on the second floor, and the cap belonging to the first tier must be completely covered. Lay out such elements as the lining part, the interior of the combustion chamber with fireclay bricks. We use basalt fiber to isolate surfaces subjected to strong heating. Thus, the design will last as long as possible, and brick surface will not crack.

Foundation laying basics

In order for the heating unit to be distinguished by a high degree of reliability, stability, and not negatively affect the floors, walls of the house, it is necessary to build an additional foundation. To do this, we recommend that you first familiarize yourself with the following requirements, rules for this process:

  1. The best installation option is the construction on dense semi-rocky or rocky soil. Bulk is less suitable, it must be pre-compacted, so that its thickness is no more than 200 millimeters;
  2. To reduce the load on the floors of the house, the foundation should be large stoves on all sides. This will evenly distribute the load.
Important: loose soil is also pre-compacted!
  1. Do not install the foundation close to the walls, ceilings of the building. The minimum distance should be of the order of 50 millimeters or more. All free space is pre-filled with sand. In order not to deform the elements of the building, the fireplace, the foundation of the house and the stove should never be combined!

The portal framing the stove can be used to the maximum and give it additional functionality

Solid fuel structures are recognized as one of the most efficient

Stove heating- the option is simple, inexpensive and effective. If the room is spacious, then great solution there will be a two-story oven. Usage wood stove at the cottage or country house helps provide quality heating, avoid dependence on utilities and give the room comfort. If the house is two-story, you will need a heating stove on two floors.

A two-story oven is a convenient and economical structure that is best suited for houses with two floors. In its design, it is more complicated than single-storey heating devices. Its laying will require more time and materials, but it is possible to provide high-quality heating of the whole house.

How to fold the oven yourself

Furnaces on 2 floors are of two types:

  • With one firebox.
  • With two fireboxes.

A two-story stove with one firebox may not be as durable due to features, but it also has advantages. For these ovens better heat dissipation than the options with 2 two fireboxes. It will be necessary to heat only downstairs, so you won’t have to carry firewood to the first floor and do the same thing twice.

If the decision is made to lay down the stove, Special attention should be given to the preparation of the foundation. Since such heaters are quite heavy, they need to be built along the main walls. It is necessary to put the furnace on the foundation at least a meter deep. The exceptions are cases when the weight of the structure is not more than 700 kg - then it can be put on the floor.

On the second floor, a stove should be installed above the heating system, which is located below. Due to this, you can slightly reduce the load on the floor. It is also worth using reinforced concrete tiles for the base. In the process of laying bricks, it is necessary to observe the shape of the vault, then the structure will be stronger. The valve for the furnace is located on the 1st floor of a cottage or country house.

Materials, tools, order

Before starting work with a Swedish stove on 2 floors, a two-story stove project should be drawn up for country house and get everything ready. The master will need the following materials and tools:

  • Chamotte clay.
  • The brick is refractory.
  • Solid brick.
  • Sand and cement.
  • Bucket for kneading.
  • Master OK.
  • The door blew.
  • Firebox door.
  • Metal corners.

The quality of clay is of particular importance, because it largely determines how reliable and durable the structure will be.

When everything is ready, you can start. Here is what the design of the furnace is on two floors:

The order consists of the following steps:

  1. The first row is fixed to the waterproofing and laid dry, that is, without mortar.
  2. During the laying of the second row, they put the blower door, temporarily fastening it with wire and laying bricks.
  3. The furnace chamber is being installed. The firebox door is installed according to the same principle as the blower.
  4. The walls of the cooking chamber are laid out from 12 to 16 rows.
  5. 31-35 rows - this is the laying out of the narrow part of the furnace, in which the chimney channels will be laid.
  6. Starting from 36 to the thirty-eighth rows, the masonry will go to the ceiling and expand.

The rows that are laid out on the second floor begin to be numbered from the beginning. From the first row to the twenty-sixth, they lay out the stove-chimney according to the scheme. At this time, it is necessary to carefully clean the chimney channels. When laying the second row, a door is installed on the cleaning chamber. Further work continues according to the scheme. Rows 31 and 32 will be the beginning of the chimney pipe that goes to the ceiling of the third floor.

Advantages and disadvantages of the furnace

A heating stove on two floors is an option that has many advantages:

  • Ability to provide optimum temperature over a large area.
  • Saving money. This is an inexpensive heating option with good thermal inertia. The furnace process takes 2-3 hours a day, the rest of the time the structure gives the house the accumulated heat.
  • A two-story stove can become an interior decoration of a wooden house.

Among the disadvantages of stove heating is the need to prepare a supply of fuel, which will take up a lot of space. In addition, the stove for a two-story house itself occupies a considerable area, and it will be difficult to regulate the heating temperature.

The skill of the specialist is also of great importance. Folding the structure so that it does not smoke, does not crack, and condensate does not come out through the masonry is a whole art. Finding a good stove maker is not easy, but you can try to do the work yourself.

Properly folded two-story brick fireplace stoves are quite compact, look neat and retain heat well. This design will help to heat the house and cook food, the taste of which is incomparable to food cooked on the stove. cooker. It will give the room coziness and comfort, help save on heating. If you have time and some experience, you can do it yourself. For those who are just thinking about building a house, it is better to start building it together with a stove.

On two floors - this is quite a dream come true, if you make an effort and have the necessary finances. Two-story stoves can be different in design, but according to the scheme, they are not much more complicated than conventional, one-story heating buildings. Of course, its construction will require more building materials and time, but, having made efforts once, you will completely equip the house with stove heating, which will help you out more than once.

The presented stove on two floors is compact and neat, it does not take up a large area, but its functionality will help not only heat the house, but also cook food. Therefore, we can assume that the stove will help in any circumstances, even if other sources of energy supply are suddenly turned off to the house.

The whole process of construction goes according to the scheme, in accordance with the model chosen by the homeowner.

A brick building should stand on a well-prepared basis - the foundation. A furnace built on two floors will be much more massive than a one-story one, and the foundation must be well calculated.

The size of the base of this stove is 90 × 90 cm, the height from floor to ceiling is 2 m 10 cm. The foundation should be slightly larger than the base, and can be approximately 100 × 100 cm.

The furnace is heavy, and serious reinforcement will be required

For the construction of the foundation you will need the following materials:

  • boards for the construction of formwork;
  • cement;
  • sand;
  • crushed stone;
  • fittings;
  • roofing sheet, which will serve as waterproofing.

The foundation, arranged in an already built house, is more difficult to make than when building a house, but it is also possible. To do this, you will have to perform a number of preparatory work.

  • If the floors in the house are wooden, then having marked the place where the stove will be located, you will have to cut out part of the boards. It is very important to provide for the location of the building in such a way that it passes through the ceiling between the supporting beams, and does not rest against one of them, otherwise the ceiling will also have to be rebuilt.
  • When the boards are cut, you can start digging a foundation pit. The depth of the pit is selected based on the characteristics of the composition and freezing of the soil. It can vary from fifty to eighty centimeters.
  • Further, the bottom of the pit is well compacted, and sand is poured onto it. This pillow should be at least 10-15 cm.
  • The next step is the installation of formwork from the boards. The gaps between them should not be wide so that the concrete solution does not flow out of the mold. If necessary, you will have to caulk them.
  • Is becoming fittings. It can be welded together in the form of a large mesh or fixed (tied) with steel wire.
  • The most crucial moment in the construction of the foundation is the pouring of the mortar into the formwork. The first layer may be a coarser mortar made from gravel and cement. After it sets, the top control layer of cement and sand is poured in a ratio of 1:3.

Filling haste does not like - about three weeks

The foundation can be arranged on a par with the floor, or it can rise above the coating by 5-7 cm. Its surface must be perfectly level. This is necessary so that the entire structure is laid out in perfect horizontality. Do not rush to start laying - you need to wait for the foundation to harden and shrink, and this will take at least 3 weeks.

General view of the "pie" of the foundation

When the base is ready, on top of it, on a leveled surface, roofing material is laid in one or more layers, which will play the role of waterproofing.

Furnace construction

For construction, it is necessary to purchase high-quality materials if you want the stove to have a respectable appearance and serve its intended purpose for a long time. For laying you will need:

  • Red brick - 1085 - 1090 pcs. It is better to buy it with a margin, in case of marriage or unsuccessful splitting;
  • Silicate or chamotte brick - it is fire resistant and is needed for laying out the firebox, in total 150-155 pieces;
  • to make a solution, clay is needed - about 200 kg and sand, about 75-80 buckets;
  • steel 2 mm wire for fixing cast iron doors;
  • metal corner 7 × 7 cm - 2 pcs.;
  • metal corner, 80 cm long, 40 × 40 mm - 6 pcs.;
  • metal corner, 40 cm long 40 × 40 mm - 2 pcs.;
  • metal sheet 1 × 1 m for flooring in front of the firebox;
  • asbestos sheet or cord 10-12 m .

You can’t do without cast-iron elements when installing a furnace:

  • chimney valves - 3 pcs.;
  • grate - 1 pc.
  • firebox door 1pc.;
  • blew door 1 pc.;
  • doors for the cleaning chamber 5 pcs.;
  • hob with two burners 1 pc.

Main scheme - masonry ordering

  • On waterproofing material, laid on the foundation, mark the location of the first row.
  • A solution consisting of clay and sand is kneaded. Its proportions will depend on the fat content of the clay. Therefore, it is better to experiment, and draw it up in advance. To do this, you need to mix the ingredients in different proportions and mold balls from a fairly thick solution. The solution that, when dried, will not crack, will the most optimal masonry option. In such proportions, you need to make the entire solution for the furnace.
  • According to the markings, it is laid out dry, i.e. without solution, first row brickwork. In the process of visually figuring out how the bricks will be laid, it is possible that several of them will have to be adjusted (reduced). The first row is freely attached to the waterproofing.
  • On the second row, a blower door is installed, securing it with wire and temporarily supporting it with bricks.

  • From the fourth row, the installation of the combustion chamber is underway. They begin to spread it with fireclay bricks. On the same row, two two rings are placed on the treatment chambers.
  • Fifth row - asbestos strips are laid on the sides of the bottom of the combustion chamber. On them in the future on brackets lay the grate (grate).
  • Sixth - a furnace door is placed, according to the same principle as the blower.
  • rows eight - ten - the work is going strictly according to the scheme.
  • On the 11th row, a steel corner is fixed to the front edge, and the combustion chamber is covered with a cast-iron hob. It is installed on strips of asbestos.

One of the main elements is the hob

  • From the 12th to the 16th row, the walls of the cooking chamber are laid out according to the scheme.
  • On the 17th row, metal corners are embedded, on which there is a continuous brick laying on top.
  • The eighteenth and nineteenth rows are laid out solid, except for three holes for removing smoke into the chimney.
  • On the twentieth row - the door of another cleaning chamber, and, starting from this row to the 23rd, the walls of the drying chamber rise.
  • At 24 - again the corners, which will become the basis for the masonry that forms the ceiling of the chamber.
  • On the twenty-fifth, a door is fixed to the cleaning chamber, and on the twenty-ninth row, work proceeds according to the scheme without deviations.
  • On the thirtieth row, two valves are embedded.

  • From the thirty-first to the thirty-fifth row, the narrow part of the furnace is laid out, in which the chimney channels pass.
  • From the thirty-sixth to the thirty-eighth, the masonry expands, approaching the ceiling, which is very clearly visible in the diagram.
  • The next rows already belong to the second floor, and they are numbered again from the first row.
  • From the first to the twenty-sixth row, the stove-chimney is laid out according to the scheme. At the same time, do not forget to immediately carefully clean the chimney channels. On the second row, install the door on the cleaning chamber.
  • On the twenty-seventh, the last valve is embedded.
  • From the twenty-seventh to the thirtieth row, everything goes according to the scheme.
  • The thirty-first and thirty-second rows are the beginning of the chimney, which rests on the ceiling of the second floor. If the ceiling is higher, then the pipe is laid out in the same way before it.

  • The next part of the furnace, passing through the ceiling of the second floor, goes to the attic and is displayed on the roof. The entire pipe is laid out according to the scheme of the last rows.

Other options for double-deck ovens

This rather compact version of the stove on two floors of the house is decided somewhat differently both in terms of external design and design. The firebox in this case has fire-resistant glass doors, and when they are opened, it turns into a fireplace. But this option has its drawback - the lack of hob, which never puts in the stove of a private house. Therefore, such a structure, although it will work on two floors, has only one function - heating. Of course, it is an interior decoration, creates coziness and comfort, but still, the stove should be multifunctional and come to the rescue at the right time for the family.

A big plus of the oven is the oven

Such an oven, working on two floors, has much more functions. An oven is provided above the firebox, and a bracket is mounted on the side wall, on which you can hang clothes to dry when you return home after rain.

I would like to note the compactness of the structure and perfectly neat masonry, which was made by a highly qualified professional stove-setter. Despite its modest size, the stove looks like a reliable and solid structure. Thanks to his appearance, the building became decorative ornament premises.

Illustrative video example - oven on two floors

If you are building a two-story house, think about the stove right away, since then it will be much more difficult to build it in. You will have to make a hole not only in interfloor overlap, but also in the attic, as well as in the roof. That is why it is better to build a stove together with the house - it will help you out more than once under unforeseen circumstances, and also bring warmth and comfort to your house.