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Fortune telling on old New Year's paper. Old New Year: traditions, customs, signs, fortune telling, what to cook. What fate awaits your baby or who will your future husband be?

Traditionally, on the night of January 14th we celebrate Old New Year- a holiday that appeared after the transition to the Gregorian calendar. Although there is no official holiday on this day, people still love the Old New Year and honor its customs. Thus, one of the long-standing traditions remains fortune telling from January 13 to 14 for the betrothed and for the future. Read more in our material on how to tell fortunes on January 13th.

Fortune telling by cups

Place the following items in cups: coins, ring, salt, bread, sugar, onion. Pour water into one cup. Each person present selects a cup with their eyes closed. The future is determined depending on the content. Coins - wealth, ring - wedding, salt - failure, bread - prosperity, sugar - fun, onions - tears, water - stability.

Fortune telling on paper

Before going to bed, write 12 wishes on sheets of paper and place them under your pillow. In the morning, take out only three pieces of paper These are the wishes that will come true in the new year.

Card reading

Before going to bed, place four kings of different suits under your pillow and say: “Betrothed, come to me.” The betrothed should appear in the image of one of the kings. It is advisable that the cards are yours, even better from a new deck. You can also put the kings under your pillow at night and take out one card in the morning. Depending on the suit, it is interpreted what kind of husband the husband will be: spades - jealous, clubs - military, hearts - rich, diamonds - desirable.

Fortune telling with a cat

Your cat should be in another room. Make a simple wish question that can be answered “yes” or “no.” Call the cat and pay attention to which paw it crosses the threshold. If it is the left paw, it means “yes”, and the right one means “no”. If the cat doesn’t come, it means the future depends only on you.

Fortune telling on croup

You need to take a jar of whole grain cereals and ask a wish question. Next, you should take out a handful of cereal with your left hand and count the grains. An even number means “yes”, and an odd number means “no”.

Everyone's favorite holiday will soon arrive on the doorstep. According to tradition, in our country, on the eve of the Old New Year, including in 2019, fortune-telling, rituals, conspiracies are carried out and the deepest wishes are made, which will certainly come true in the future. It is believed that January 13th has greater magical power and it is advisable to engage in your favorite rituals on this day.

This special day was celebrated by our ancestors, because according to the events occurring after fortune telling, this time gave out true information. It is believed that such a mystical time made it possible to look far into the future. But before starting the rituals, it was necessary to prepare.

Preparing for fortune telling

Before you begin fortune telling, you must wholeheartedly believe in a true prediction. Also follows:

  • untie all the knots that are nearby, it doesn’t matter whether it’s hair gathered in a bun or a belt tied over clothes;
  • bracelets, rings, earrings and hairpins must be removed before fortune telling.

If girls told fortunes about their betrothed, they did it outside the walls family home. Men should be absent at this time. The question posed must be clearly formulated.

It is best to let your hair down, then the prediction will be accurate.

Fortune telling and rituals

Fortune telling and rituals for the Old New Year have been supported for a long time. Our ancestors also experienced all the power that occurred on the night of January 13-14. Although, according to legend, before Baptism, “Mighty forces” are capable of performing real miracles.

Fortune telling for marriage

Before going to bed, young girls comb their hair with a “new” comb so that the hair remains on it, and then put it under the pillow. Before going to bed, the girl asks out loud for her betrothed to come and comb her hair. If in a dream she saw a man touching her head or combing her hair, then she will soon get married.

Ritual for a new relationship

If you are unlucky with your marriage or failed to strengthen your relationship, then you need to take 3 new candles and a glass of water on the night of January 13-14. Place the glass on a round mirror. Light the candles (they should burn out completely). While the fire is burning, ask for true love to come this year.

Fortune telling for the future

For this fortune telling, you need to take 7 glasses, fill them with spring water and put the following items in each:

  • wedding ring;
  • a piece of cracker;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • onion (small);
  • a pinch of sugar;
  • coin;
  • one glass will be empty.

The glasses are covered with a cloth on top so that it is not visible what is there. The glasses are swapped and after 10 minutes, each fortune-telling participant chooses one glass. If you come across a coin, it means wealth. Rusk - to prosperity. Salt is a sign of failure. Sugar is for fun. Onion - to tears. An empty glass means emptiness and loneliness in life. Wedding ring - for marriage.

Ritual for better health

This ritual will help get rid of diseases or improve health. First you need to understand what hurts, then take unnecessary clothes that were in direct contact with the sore spot. For example, headaches - a scarf. My feet hurt—boots.

After that, take this thing and burn it at night, and scatter the ashes to the wind. If it is not possible to make a fire, then you should describe the excruciating pain in detail on paper, and then burn it.

Who will get married first

Such fortune telling is performed by young girls who want to get married this year. To do this, new candles are purchased in advance. Each girl ties her hair to this candle, and then into the shell from walnut install the candle so that it is firmly fixed.

Candles must be the same size and thickness.

Fortune telling for the future husband

According to ancient customs, going out into the street at night and asking the first passer-by for the name of your future husband often comes true, but you can do otherwise. Cut a piece of paper into small pieces and write names on each. After that, put it under your pillow and sleep like that all night. In the morning, put your hand under your pillow and pull out one of the pieces of paper. Whichever name appears will be the narrowed one.

Ritual for money

In order to have prosperity in the coming year, you need to take a five-ruble coin and a golden-colored candle (or yellow). Then melt the wax and form a small ball out of it. While the ball is soft, place a coin on both sides and let the wax harden. This way the print will be preserved. Place the received talisman in your wallet, in a closed pocket and always carry it with you.

For beauty

In order to become more attractive and the opposite sex to pay attention to you, you need to carry out the January ritual. To do this, before going to bed, you need to put a glass of “holy” water at the head of your head and go to bed with the thought that this water has force majeure which will bring attractiveness to the whole body.

When you wake up in the morning, without getting out of bed (taking a glass of water with your left hand), drink this water, leaving just enough time to wipe your face with it. At the same time, it is necessary to say “let everyone admire my beauty!”

On request

On the night of January 13th to 14th, wishes come true. In order to carry out the ritual correctly, you need to accurately formulate your desire on paper and place it under your pillow. After you wake up, do not open the paper and hide it in a secret place. Within a year, our plans will come true.

To prevent the paper from opening, you can seal it, but one side should still be open.

Rituals performed on the night of the Old New Year

Rituals are one of the most common fortune telling. They are held on the 13th at night, because it is then that great energy is able to translate plans into reality, and what was predicted will soon come true.

Ritual to fulfill a wish

To make your wish come true faster, you need to wait until the clock strikes 12 midnight. At this moment, you need to fill the glass with champagne (you can use any drink, even lemonade) and drink it, making a wish. After drinking the liquid, you need to say the word “I want” out loud three times, after that you can’t talk and you need to go to bed.

On the night of January 14, leave the house at midnight, taking seeds and crumbs with you. Scatter them around the house with the words: “Let the crumbs be eaten and my wishes come true!”

At midnight on January 13th, cut out a small star on which to write your wish. Put a star under the tree and go to bed. In the morning, get up and repeat your wish to yourself and at noon, burn the star and scatter the ashes to the wind.

Any ritual, fortune-telling or ceremony on the night of January 13-14 has a special power that helps bring everything desired and conceived into reality. The main thing is to believe with all your heart that everything will come true soon!

Today evening and night are the best time for fortune telling. We offer you several options for truthful fortune telling for the Old New Year.

1. Before going to bed, the girl puts a comb under the pillow and says: Betrothed, mummer, comb my hair.” Whoever dreams is the groom.

2. Before going to bed, eat something salty and place a glass of water near your bed. But don’t drink it, but say: “Betrothed, mummer, come to me and give me something to drink.” Whoever appears in a dream is the betrothed.

3. In the evening or at night, go out into the street and ask the first man you meet what his name is. This is exactly what your future husband will be called.

4. Before going to bed, put a sock on one foot, while saying: “Betrothed, mummer, come take off my shoes.” Then go to bed wearing one sock. In a dream you will see your betrothed.

5. Place a mug of water near your bed. Before going to bed, say: “You’ll get tired from the journey, my betrothed, I have some water, come, I’ll give you a drink.”

Fortune telling for the betrothed for the Old New Year

On Old New Year, young unmarried girls tell fortunes about their betrothed. They are trying to find out the wedding date, name or image of the future groom. In order for higher powers to answer your question, sincerely believe in the power of magic.

Mirror corridor. Fortune telling is carried out in an empty dark room. Take two large mirrors of the same size and two candles. Place mirrors opposite each other and place lit candles to create a mirrored corridor. After that, peer towards the end of the corridor. The betrothed will appear in it.

Fortune telling by dumplings. They make dumplings with different fillings. Whoever comes across it will have it. Pickled cucumber - for money, greens - for luck, sweet filling- to love, etc. You can agree in advance what exactly each filling means. Well, if the dumpling is without everything, the year will be empty, so it’s better not to be greedy and not to skimp on the filling.

Fortune telling with bread and scissors. Before going to bed, place bread and scissors under your pillow and wish to see your betrothed in a dream. The dreamed man will be the groom.

Fortune telling on stockings. On Old New Year's Eve, buy new stockings. Before going to bed, put a stocking on one leg and say: “Mummer, come undress me.” A man who takes off his stocking in a dream will become a husband.

Wooden bridge. On the night of January 13-14, place a deep bowl of water under your bed and place it on it. wooden stick. Lying in bed, say: “Betrothed-mummer, come and take me across the bridge.” Whoever you cross the bridge with in a dream will become your husband.

Ritual with matches. Take Matchbox and place a match on the sides. One of them personifies the fortune-telling girl, and the second - her lover. Then light the matches. If the heads of the burnt matches are facing each other, then the couple will have a happy future together. Otherwise, the lovers will separate.

Fortune telling on strings. Fortune telling is carried out in the company of girls. Take a thread of the same length and set them on fire at the same time. Whose thread burns out the fastest will be the first among her friends to get married. Whoever's thread burns down halfway or goes out first will remain alone.

Fortune telling for the groom. On the night of the Old New Year, go out into the street and ask the first man you see for his name. The name heard will belong to the groom.

Fortune telling by frozen water. Place the wedding ring in water and expose it to frost. How many hillocks there are on the ice surface - so many suitors will be wooed, and if everything is flat, you will have to linger in the girls. Well, if a woman is already married, then you can find out how many boys will be born by the tubercles, and how many girls will be born by the dents.

Fortune telling on mirrors for the Old New Year

This fortune telling is not suitable for everyone, but rather for those who like to tickle their nerves. It is popularly considered one of the most dangerous.

For fortune telling, two mirrors (large enough and, if possible, equal in size) are taken, placed opposite each other and illuminated by two candles. It is best to place one mirror opposite the illuminated wall mirror, so that you get a long corridor illuminated with lights. All animals and strangers must be removed from the room. If it’s very scary, you can leave a couple of modest people, however, they should not make a sound, not look in the mirror and not approach the fortuneteller.

At the end of the corridor formed between the two mirrors, a narrowed one should appear. True, sometimes you have to look for a very long time, but you can see not only your betrothed, but also all sorts of evil spirits...

Fortune telling on the character of the groom and marriage

And various objects are placed in a bowl or saucer, which the fortune-telling girls must take turns pulling out without looking. The main condition is that the items must clearly reflect a character trait or quality of life.

For example, sugar - a sweet life, a good, flexible character of the groom, a ring - marriage, a glass - a cheerful life, a gold ring - wealth.

Fortune telling with a comb for the Old New Year

Before going to bed, the girl puts a comb under her pillow with the words “Betrothed, mummer, come and comb my hair.” If in a dream she sees a man combing her hair, then this year she will be married to the man who dreamed about it.

Fortune telling on cereals for the Old New Year

In a circle you need to place saucers with different cereals: buckwheat, millet, rice, semolina, oatmeal, pearl barley, and pour water into a separate saucer. The girls take turns spinning a raw egg in the center of the circle and see which way it rolls.

If to buckwheat - the groom will be rich, to millet - he will be blond, to rice - he will be married, to semolina - the groom will be from the north, to pearl barley - the groom will be a military man. Water means that the girl is waiting for a journey. If the egg spins in place, it means that the girl will not get married this year.

Fortune telling using three rings for marriage

You will need a clay bowl, three handfuls of pure millet and three rings - gold, silver and plain metal. Exactly at midnight, shake the rings in your palms and, without looking, place them in a bowl, cover with millet so that the decoration is not visible, rotate the container three times clockwise. After this, place the bowl next to the bed. On the morning of January 14, without getting out of bed, put your hand in a bowl and randomly take out a handful of millet.

If there is no ring in the millet, then nothing will change in your personal life, and if at this moment you already have a man from whom you expect a marriage proposal, then your aspirations will not come true - you will break up with this person.

If you come across a simple ring, then there will be a lot of acquaintances in the coming year, but you are unlikely to get married, since you will not be able to decide who you want to see next to you.

If you come across a silver ring, then you will be engaged, and you will get married next year.

If you get a gold ring, then marriage awaits you.

We entice good luck in the Old New Year!

You don't have to rely solely on lucky signs; A number of rituals have been developed to ensure that the new year is better than the previous one.

It is advisable to prepare dishes from pork, chicken or hare. Pork promised wealth, rooster dishes promised freedom, and hare meat promised success in all endeavors. If you are not ready to look for hare meat or do not like pork, then replace the meat with symbols of these animals - cookies or crackers in the shape of animals.

Game and fish were not served on the table so that happiness would not “fly away” and “float away” from the house. Crayfish and other animals that backed away or moved sideways were also undesirable - they promised the return of old problems in the new year.

Finally, on the Internet there was a description of “the surest and most reliable way to attract money into the house for the Old New Year.” So: take two candles, one white wax and the other yellow. White will symbolize you, and yellow will symbolize gold, which will be attracted to your home. Light them up for festive table, placing on a dish 10 centimeters from each other.

Close your eyes and mentally imagine how a yellow candle is attracted to a white one. Put them out and repeat the ritual the next day, placing the candles a little closer. Continue this way until Epiphany, when the candles should burn out completely. Wrap the cinders in silk cloth and hide them in a secluded place. Keep them until you have money in the house (and this, of course, will happen very soon!)

According to the tradition of our ancestors, on the night of January 13-14, unmarried girls told fortunes about the future and their grooms. The celebration of the Old New Year falls on the winter Christmastide, which is celebrated from Christmas Eve to Epiphany. People believed that at this time the evil spirits could take a little walk and play pranks, which is why on holy days they were in use. various kinds fun, including fortune telling.

There was a rumor among the girls that fortune telling for the Old New Year, the night of January 13-14, was the most accurate.

Fortune telling for the betrothed

Fortune telling on mirrors

This fortune telling is not suitable for everyone, but rather for those who like to tickle their nerves. It is popularly considered one of the most dangerous.

For fortune telling, two mirrors (large enough and, if possible, equal in size) are taken, placed opposite each other and illuminated by two candles.

It is best to place one mirror opposite the illuminated wall mirror, so that you get a long corridor illuminated with lights. All animals and strangers must be removed from the room.

If you are very scared, you can leave a couple of modest people, however, they should not make a sound, not look in the mirror and not approach the fortuneteller. At the end of the corridor formed between the two mirrors, the narrowed one should appear.

True, sometimes you have to look for a very long time, but you can see not only your betrothed, but also all sorts of evil spirits...

Fortune telling on the character of the groom and marriage

Various objects are placed in a bowl or saucer, which the fortune-telling girls must take turns pulling out without looking. The main condition is that the items must clearly reflect a character trait or quality of life.

For example;

sugar - sweet life, good flexible character of the groom,

ring - marriage,

a glass - a cheerful life,

gold ring - wealth.

Fortune telling with matches

For this fortune-telling, you need to prepare a matchbox and several matches in advance. A match is placed on the sides of the box: one is the fortune-telling girl, the other is the man she likes. We light the matches and wait until they burn out completely. If the heads are facing each other, it means the guy and the girl will be together.

Old New Year. Traditions and rituals

Fortune telling on dumplings

One of the most traditional fortune telling for the Old New Year.

The hostess of the house, inviting guests, prepares dumplings with potatoes, and puts some filling in the form of small surprises.
The essence of fortune telling is that no one knows what he will get, and it is by the filling of the dumpling that they determine what awaits a person in the next year.
For example:

  • Lollipop - life next year will be sweet;
  • Paper bill - big money awaits you;
  • Thread - for a long road or journey;
  • Candies such as dragees are a new addition to the family;
  • Black peppercorn - means life with a peppercorn;
  • Button - many interesting new things.
  • Simple fortune telling for old and new year

Fortune telling for the betrothed

In order to find out the name of her future husband, a girl just needs to go out into the street and ask the first man she meets to tell him his name.

Fortune telling by ring

Fortune telling girls take turns rolling a ring on the floor. If it rolls towards the door, the girl will soon get married.

Fortune telling on an egg

It is necessary to prepare in advance fresh egg. Make a small hole in it and carefully pour the contents into a glass of water. After some time, the protein will coagulate, and the future will be judged by the shape it takes.
For example, if they see in a figurine;

church - to be a wedding,

engagement ring,

A car, ship or plane - for a trip, a business trip, an ambulance.

Fortune telling by book

It is necessary to prepare a book with suitable content in advance. Without opening the book, the girls guess the page number and the line at the top or bottom. Then they open the book to the desired page and read the required lines. Depending on what worries the fortuneteller the most, the chosen paragraph is interpreted.

Fortune telling by wish

Fortune telling on grains

This fortune telling is one of the simplest: any cereal is poured into a jar, a question is asked, after which a handful of cereal is taken out of the container with the left hand, and the grains are counted. An even number symbolizes a positive answer to the question posed, and an odd number symbolizes a negative answer, respectively.

Fortune telling on the water

Prepare two identical glasses. One of them is filled to the top with water. Having made a wish, the fortune-telling girl begins to pour the liquid from one glass to another. He does this several times. After this, you need to look at the surface where the glasses stood. If no more than two or three drops remain on it, the wish will come true. If there are more drops, it is difficult to implement it.

Also read with this article: Christmas fortune telling

Fortune telling by shadows

You need to prepare a saucer or flat plate, a sheet of clean paper, a candle and matches. A sheet of paper must be crumpled up and placed on a plate, carefully setting the lump on fire. When the sheet is completely burned, you need to use a candle to make its reflection on the wall. After this, it’s time to use all your imagination - by looking at the shadows you can learn about your future.

Fortune telling for the future

It is better to guess about future events for the Old New Year on January 13 after sunset. At this time, magical powers are possessed greatest strength. Perform ceremonies and rituals with positive attitude. Good signs fate will help instill faith and strength. The bad ones shouldn't be given any importance.

Fortune telling on grains. Pour whole grains into a jar. Focus on a question that can be answered with “Yes” or “No.” Then take a handful of cereal from the jar with your left hand and count the number of grains. An even number means a positive answer, and an odd number means a negative answer.

Prediction by shadow. For fortune telling you will need a saucer, matches, a sheet of paper and a candle. Crumple the leaf and place it on a saucer. Place the candle so that the shadow of the paper falls on the wall. Set fire to the sheet and look at its shadow on the wall. The interpretation of the picture seen depends on the imagination of the fortuneteller.

Fortune telling on an egg. Prepare a glass with hot water and a fresh egg. Make a small hole in the egg and pour its contents into a glass. Based on the image of the resulting figure, predict the future. The ring foreshadows a romantic relationship and an imminent engagement, the dome of the temple - a wedding, an airplane, ship or car - a move or a long trip.

Fortune telling on dumplings. Comic fortune telling at the festive table for family members and guests. A traditional dish on Generous Evening (January 13) - dumplings. Place small objects inside them. A lollipop symbolizes a happy and carefree life, a coin symbolizes wealth, a thread symbolizes a long journey, a button symbolizes new clothes, and a peppercorn symbolizes adventure. Depending on the surprise you come across, predict the events of the coming year.

Fortune telling for wish fulfillment

On the Old New Year, people make wishes and wonder if they will come true. To make your dreams come true, sincerely believe in the miracle and magic of the holiday.

Fortune telling with a candle. Take a deep bowl and fill it halfway with clean water. Along the edges of the bowl, place paper leaves in a circle with your cherished desires written on them. Place a candle lit in a nutshell or wood chip in the middle of the bowl. The wish on the piece of paper that burns first will come true in the new year.

Prediction by flame. Concentrate on your desire and light a white candle. Then watch the flame for 15 minutes. If it is quiet and calm, then your plan will come true. A flashing light or crackling sound indicates failure.

Fortune telling on leaves. On the evening of Old New Year's Eve, place an even number of paper leaves under your pillow. Mark half of them with a cross and leave the rest blank. Before going to bed, imagine your desire in detail. In the morning, take out one piece of paper at random from under your pillow. If it is marked with a cross, then the wish will come true in the near future.

The best fortune telling for the Old New Year

1. Fortune telling with cups

For fortune telling, you will need several cups corresponding to the number of fortune tellers. A ring, a coin, bread, sugar, onion, salt are placed in cups, and a little water is poured into one cup. With their eyes closed, each of the fortune tellers, in turn, chooses a cup.

Predictions for the future are as follows: ring - for a wedding; coin - to wealth; bread - to prosperity; sugar - for fun; onion - to tears; salt - unfortunately, and a cup of water - to life without much change.

2. Fortune telling with candles

You will need a bowl of water, halves of walnut shells in quantities equal to the number of fortune tellers, and the same number of small candles or pieces thereof. You need to insert the candles into the shells, light them and let them float in a bowl.

The girl whose candle burns out first will be the first of the fortune tellers to get married. Accordingly, the girl whose candle burns out last will be the last to get married. If someone’s shell with a candle sank, that girl will never be married at all.

3. Fortune telling on paper

Take a piece of paper and crumple it up. Place the crumpled leaf on the bottom of an upturned plate or saucer and set it on fire. After this, bring the saucer with the burnt paper to the wall and carefully turn the saucer until some shadow appears on the wall, by the outlines of which they judge the near future.

4. Fortune telling with wax

For fortune telling with wax, you will need two wax candles, one of which needs to be lit, and pieces of the other should be placed in a spoon and, heating the spoon over the burning candle, melt the wax. After this, the melted wax is quickly poured into a glass with cold water and by the light of a candle, the future is judged by the figure formed.

5. Fortune telling YES-NO

Hold over a jar containing any cereal or grain. left hand palm down. While concentrating, you need to ask the question that interests you. After this, take a handful of cereal from the jar and pour it onto the table, then count the number of grains. If the number of grains is even, this means a positive answer - YES, an odd number means a negative answer - NO.

6. Fortune telling on the number and gender of future children

On Christmas evening, you need to pour water into a glass, put a ring in it and put it out in the cold. Before going to bed, a glass is taken out of the cold and future children are judged by the icy surface formed in it. The number of tubercles indicates the number of boys, and the number of pits indicates how many girls there will be.

7. Fortune telling from a book

They took a book at random and asked a question. After this, they called the page number and the line number on it - what was written in this place in the book served as the answer.

8. Fortune telling on the king of diamonds

You will need a corresponding card, which you need to hide under your pillow and wish upon the man you want to see as your husband. Then go to bed. What you dream about next night will turn out to be your future. This night all dreams are prophetic.

9. Fortune telling with a chain

When everyone is asleep, you need to take the gold chain, rub it between your palms, hold it in right hand, shake and throw on the table.

A circle has formed - closed troubles are expected; streak - luck; node - difficulties and illnesses; triangle - love success; bow – wedding; snake - betrayal; heart is love.

10. Fortune telling with a mirror

Considered the most mystical. You need to sit in absolute darkness in front of a mirror with a candle in the middle of the night. Important condition– there should be no one else in the room. You must look carefully at the reflective surface. After about 5 minutes it will fade. Then the betrothed, or rather the devil who has taken his guise, will be reflected behind the glass. The girl must start cheating so that he disappears, saying Chur me! Otherwise, evil spirits will materialize.

Whatever happens to you in fortune telling, remember that good things will come true, but don’t believe in bad things. The main thing is to be confident in your happiness.

Partner news

Partner news

Our ancestors used ancient fortune-telling for the Old New Year on the betrothed to find out what the relationship with the chosen one would be like, what the name of the mother-in-law and spouse would be, etc.

The cards are for the king

To cast a fortune on a loved one for the Old New Year, use a deck playing cards. The girl must guess which of the men she knows each king in the deck symbolizes. The cards are shuffled several times and then drawn out one at a time, naming the feelings that those wished for the girl may experience, for example, love, hatred, indifference.

For a glass of water

There are several options for fortune telling for the Old New Year using a glass of water, for example:

  1. For dinner, the girl must eat a salty product. Despite your strong thirst, you should not drink a salty dish. Before going to bed, you need to put a glass of water in front of your bed and say:

    “Betrothed, mummer, come (name) to give him some spring water to drink.”

    If a girl finds love in the coming year, she will dream of a man who will bring her a glass of water.

  2. It is necessary to light a candle (not a church candle). A glass glass of water is placed to the left of the candle. There should be no edges, drawings, etc. on the glass. Then the girl must mentally formulate what she wants to see (whether the wedding will take place soon, whether the husband will be rich or poor). Then you need to look long and carefully through the glass of the glass. Those who have used this method claim that if you look closely, you can see the answer to your question.

On the mirror

Mirror fortune telling for Christmas, Epiphany, New Year's Eve according to the old and new styles is not recommended for impressionable and faint of heart people. In addition, according to popular belief, through the mirror corridor you can let evil spirits into your home.

Fortune telling for the betrothed is carried out before bedtime. Need to take new box matches from which a “well” is made (matches are laid out in a circle on top of each other in several layers). A gold wedding ring is placed at the bottom of the “well”. An accessory that was used at a church wedding is suitable. Rings from divorced or early widowed women are undesirable.

If during the current year a girl meets her betrothed, she should dream about her future husband. If the dream was not remembered or a man did not appear in the dream, you should not wait for a marriage proposal this year.

On leaves

To tell fortunes for the Old New Year for your future husband, you need to prepare pieces of paper of the same size. One side of the sheet should be colored red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue or purple. You can use a set of colored paper. The sheets are laid out on the table, turned over with the colored side down and mixed. Then you need to draw a piece of paper at random and find out your fate by color:

  1. Red. A passionate romance awaits you this year.
  2. Orange. A man you are interested in (will be interested in) will treat you like a friend.
  3. Yellow. Expect your rival to appear.
  4. Green. This year you will have a persistent and generous admirer who will be indifferent to you.
  5. Blue. Your relationship with your loved one will deteriorate. Whether you can return your old feelings depends only on you.
  6. Blue. This color portends separation from your loved one, regardless of whether you make efforts to reunite or not.
  7. Violet. Marriage awaits you this year.

In the name of the betrothed

The simplest and funniest way to find out the name of the future groom is to ask passers-by on the street. The girl should approach the first man she meets and ask him to name his name. To find out what your mother-in-law's name will be, you need to contact the first woman you meet.

By date of birth

You can guess about your betrothed by date of birth. Options:

  1. Add up the numbers of your date of birth. Then add up the numbers for the coming year. You should also add both results (you should get a single digit number). For example, you were born on December 5, 1995, and you are guessing for 2018. The result of addition is the number 7. This is an odd number. You will not be able to meet your loved one or get married this year.
  2. You were born on December 5, 1995, and your loved one was born on May 11, 1998. Add up the numbers of your date of birth and the person you love. An even number indicates that you can create a harmonious couple. An odd number indicates that it is better for you to break up. In this example, adding the results of two calculations results in 12. The result of adding 1 and 2-3. You should refuse further relationships with a person born on May 11, 1998.

Fortune telling should not be taken seriously. They should be considered as good way have fun with friends.

On the evening of January 13, you can tell fortunes about your marriage to find out the character of your future spouse. An unmarried girl chooses a house and listens under the windows. Based on what you hear in the house, you can judge the character of your future spouse, for example:

  1. Songs and laughter - the spouse will be cheerful. However, if there is a feast in the house, it is possible that the girl will become the wife of an alcoholic.
  2. Quarrel - the husband will be grumpy.
  3. Silence in the house - you are about to marry a quiet and kind person.

Fortune telling is carried out among unmarried friends. You need to take a new spool of white thread. The girls cut the threads to equal lengths and then set them on fire at the same time. The girl whose thread wears out earlier than her friends will get married in the new year. If the threads burn out at the same time, none of those present will become a wife in the near future.

You can predict what your future husband will look like using men's hair. You need to take a few hairs from a brunette, blond, brown-haired, red and gray hair and put them in envelopes. To get a prediction about wealth in the family, you should take a small coin (5, 10 or 50 kopecks), a bill of 50 or 100 rubles. and a bill of 1000 or 5000 rubles. The money is put into identical bags. You can wrap coins and bills in paper.

Envelopes with hair and bags of money are placed under the pillow on the night of January 14th. In the morning, the girl must randomly pull out 1 envelope and 1 bag. In this way, an unmarried woman can find out whether her husband will be brunette, blond, brown-haired or red-haired. If the hair turns out to be gray, the spouse will be much older.

When to tell fortunes about your betrothed?

It is generally accepted that the best time for such fortune telling is the night before Christmas. Many magicians say that you can tell fortunes in this way throughout Christmas. They last until baptism, that is, January 19. Esotericists claim that it is precisely at this time that the world of spirits and reality touch each other, and therefore you can look into the future and learn a lot of interesting things. By tradition, all fortune telling is carried out at night.

If you want to try fortune telling regardless of the holidays, then best night is from Thursday to Friday. However, you must understand that then the result may not be entirely realistic. This is due to the fact that everyday life is always filled with different things to do and therefore people do not perceive the signs so well.

Undoubtedly, each specific fortune-telling should be carried out taking into account certain recommendations. However, there are some rules that must be strictly followed in order to obtain the correct data.

  • First of all, ensure silence in the room where you decide to conduct the ritual. Nothing should bother you. So put away all household appliances and turn off all appliances.
  • Relax before the ritual and take care of your good mood. Any, even the slightest tension can become a hindrance. Do not cross your legs and arms, because this can become an obstacle to the energy and the connection with the mystical world will not be as good.
  • Before you start guessing, remove all makeup from your face and let your hair down. Wear loose, light-colored clothing. Also remove all belts. If you wear jewelry, take it off too.
  • To see your betrothed, tell fortunes alone. Moreover, you must observe the sacrament. To put it simply, no one should know about this. Otherwise, the result is unlikely to be correct.
  • Focus completely on the ritual and you will definitely see your betrothed. So prepare yourself mentally in advance so as not to be scared. The main thing is that you can get results only with the help of sincere faith and magic.

If you really want to lift the veil of the future and find out who your betrothed will be, then on New Year’s Eve, tell your fortune with the help of a mirror.

Then blow out the candle fire and leave the place where you were telling fortunes. Don’t turn around so that the phantom of your future gentleman doesn’t scare you.

  • Fortune telling with a mirror. Suitable only for girls with a strong nervous system. In a non-residential room at home, or even better in a bathhouse, you need to be left alone. Place two mirrors opposite each other to form a mirror corridor. Light candles in front of the mirrors and set a table for two people. Then invite your betrothed to dinner. It is likely that you will have to wait a long time. However, this does not scare many people. The main thing in this fortune-telling, which fortune-tellers usually forget: the betrothed’s face can be seen only if it stranger. And if the betrothed is someone from close circle or friends, then you will only be able to see the back of the head.
  • Much simpler fortune telling. Take four kings from the deck and guess for each the names of men - familiar or even unfamiliar. Shuffle the cards and place them under your pillow. After this, eat a pile of salt and say a spell: “My betrothed, mummer, come to me, give me water to drink!” Go to bed. In a dream, your betrothed will come to you to give you water. If that night you do not see sleep, in the morning blindly take one card from under the pillow - this will be your groom.
  • Interpretation: before going to bed, take four kings from the deck and put them under the pillow and say: “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, he will appear in my dreams.” If you dream about the king of spades, then the groom will be an old man and a jealous person. The King of Hearts is young and rich. Krestovy - reliable and strict, military or businessman. And the king of diamonds means a musician or artist.
  • Another common method is fortune telling on objects. You should prepare a set of some items: say, take a calculator, an organizer, a stethoscope, a ski cap, chalk, and so on... Then the girls (or a girl, if there is only one fortuneteller) blindfolded choose one of the proposed items, each of which symbolizes their occupation future spouse. It is not difficult to decipher the messages of fate: a calculator means a husband is a financial inspector or a banker, an organizer means a manager, a stethoscope means a doctor, a ski cap means an athlete, chalk means a teacher or lecturer...
  • Fortune telling with cups. Take several cups - according to the number of fortune tellers. Place a coin, bread, sugar, onion and salt in cups, and pour a small amount of water into one of the cups. Then the cups should be moved quickly and quickly. And after that, “choose your destiny.” Bread means a prosperous life with a financially wealthy person, sugar - a sweet romance, but nothing more, onions - a romantic relationship with a neurasthenic who will make you cry. Salt - to break. But water symbolizes constancy - there will be no changes in the life of the fortuneteller. If there are several girls during this fortune-telling, then a ring is placed in one of the cups. The girl who chooses a cup with a ring will be the first to get married.
  • And another well-known method of fortune telling, for which you will need dishes. A woman writes on pieces of paper the names of the men she likes or who are most likely to like her. One of the pieces of paper is left blank. Then he lays out the leaves around a bowl of water, carefully lowers the nutshell with a candle inside into the water and carefully watches where it floats. If it turns out to be an empty sheet, it means that the time has not yet come to meet your destiny this year... Fortune telling for the future occurs in a similar way. Only on the pieces of paper they write not the names of men, but different ones important events that can happen in life: wedding, travel, new job, moving, and so on.
  • In rural areas, fortune telling by dog ​​barking is popular. At midnight you need to take a knife, go to a snowdrift on the street (if there is one, of course) and start cutting the snow with a knife, saying: “Damn, damn, don’t be silent, damn, damn, tell me what kind of husband I’ll get, whether I’ll have to laugh or cry.” ? After pronouncing the words of the spell, you should be silent and listen carefully to the barking of the dogs. If an angry, sharp bark is heard, it means that the future husband will be strict and gloomy. A hoarse bark promises an old groom. Shrill barking means that the betrothed will have a bad character. A ringing bark is a young chosen one. Zalivy - a cheerful and kind husband.
  • The method is simple, like wrench. Girls go to the crossroads at midnight and ask the name of the first man they meet. It is considered the name of the betrothed.

Fortune telling about marriage and the character of the betrothed

On the mirror

  • For this simple fortune telling you will need a decanter, water and a glass.
  • You will need to transfer water from a larger vessel to a smaller one.
  • It is important to say special words: “You will get tired on the road, but I have water. Come to me, betrothed, and I’ll give you something to drink.”
  • These words should be spoken very gently and affectionately, in a pleasant voice.
  • The phrase must be repeated three times.
  • The last time the water is poured into the glass. This glass is placed at the head of the bed.
  • He should stand next to you all night. If you dream of a person, this is your betrothed. If you don’t dream about anyone, it means that the time for a serious relationship has simply not yet come for you.

Fortune telling about romantic events

This is one of the oldest and simplest fortune telling that came to us with Ancient Rus'. It suggests that an unmarried woman should go out on Christmas night and find the first person she meets. Moreover, it must be a man.

You need to ask this man's name. It is believed that this name will be fateful for a woman and will be the same (or similar) as the name of her betrothed. Of course, in Rus' it was customary for groups of young girls to run out onto the street, which made divination fun, funny and not at all strange.

Simple fortune telling for women

For fortune telling, take a broom that is stored in your house and has already swept the floor. Break a few twigs on the broom. You should weave a kind of bridge from twigs. This “bridge” should be kept under the pillow all night. Before going to bed, say the phrase: “My betrothed, take me across the bridge.” At night you should dream of the desired image.

If you don’t have a broom (this often happens in modern apartments), you can use your own comb. To do this, you should comb your hair thoroughly, put the comb under the pillow, and say: “Betrothed, comb my hair, comb my head.” After that, go to bed. The dream will present you with an image of your future lover.

Interesting fortune telling
  • Shadow divination is a simple ritual. On paper, write down everything you want to gain and are afraid of losing. Next, the sheet crumples in your hands, but not too tightly. Place it opposite white empty wall a candle, and between the wall and the candle there is a wad of paper. The interpretation should be read by the shadow that falls on the wall.
  • Fortune telling on a wedding ring. For fortune telling, you need to take a ring from a married lady, but you cannot touch it with your hands. Ask the woman to remove the ring and tie it to a string. This attribute should be asked questions and held over an open palm. If the ring makes an even movement in the form of a line, the answer is “no,” if it is a circle, the answer is “yes.”
  • Wax fortune telling– for this you will need a candle and a cup of water. Seclude yourself in a room with candles, fill a cup with water and place it in front of you. Point the candle into the center of the cup and gently let the wax drip into the water. The resulting figure should be interpreted as a sign foreshadowing future events or the answer to a question.
  • Fortune telling on grains. For this fortune telling it is best to use coffee beans, but in the absence of them, any grains, as well as cereals, will be useful. To do this, dip your palm into the grain and scoop it into a handful. While holding the grains, ask them a question, the answer to which may be yes or no. Count all the grains, add up all the numbers. For example, 247 = 2 4 7 = 13 = 1 3 = 4. If the number is even, the answer is “no,” if it is odd, the answer is “yes.”
  • From the moment the ritual begins until the morning, the girl must remain silent.
  • Fortune telling cannot be done during menstruation.
  • You can’t guess in a “government” house, i.e. in any non-residential establishment, for example, in a hospital, at work, etc. At home, at your parents' place, or at a friend's house.

When is the best time for girls to guess about their betrothed, so that the result is the most accurate? Researchers of the lunar phases have found that it is better to guess on the betrothed on the 6th, 7th, 21st, 24th, 27th, 30th lunar day. But on the 29th it is better not to carry out such rituals. Now let's move on to ways to tell fortunes about your betrothed before bed.

Take the lock, lower it under the water and move it in a circle, saying: “I’m locking the water, my betrothed won’t get drunk. If you want to get drunk, you’ll have to dream!” Then close the lock, place it at the bottom of the container, and place the key under your pillow. And go to bed right away. The one who dreamed is the betrothed. It is better to carry out such fortune-telling for your betrothed on the 25th lunar day, like any rituals with water.

Take 4 kings, 4 jacks and one queen of spades from the deck. Wash yourself and, lying in bed, shuffle the cards, place them under the pillow and go to bed. In the morning, as soon as you wake up, without saying a word, take out one card. The meaning of the cards is as follows:

  • The king is a man much older than you.
  • Valet is a young guy.
  • Cherva – strong and mutual love.
  • Pika is a treacherous person, be careful.
  • Cross - the relationship will not lead to marriage, perhaps the man will already be married.
  • Tambourine – wealth and prosperity.
  • The Queen of Spades - a homewrecker - will stand in your way.

Please note that the deck does not have to be a playing deck. Before fortune telling, look into moon calendar, because it is better to guess about your betrothed on cards on the ninth day of the lunar phase.

This fortune telling should not be carried out by the girl herself, but by her mother, sister or other blood relative. On the night of full moon you need to take an item from the girl’s wardrobe and, as it were, “lock” it with the words: “Oh, I put a lock on the red girl, come hubby, take your beautiful one!” Place the key under your pillow and go to bed.

Take the engagement ring of a loved one whose marriage is going well. Before going to bed, lower it to the bottom of a smooth glass without edges or patterns. Add half a glass of water, saying: “Tell me the ring, who will I give my heart to?” Place the glass near the bed and go to bed. Your man will come in a dream.

On Christmas night, take a flat white plate, pour some water into it, and light a church candle. Say the following words: “Burn the candle, drown the wax, indicate the name of the betrothed!” Tilt the candle, pour wax into the center of the plate, and then look at the formed contours - this is the first letter of the name of the long-awaited man.

To find out the name of your future husband, you can tell fortunes using notes. Tear pieces of paper with your hands, write on each of them male names, but only in pencil. Write down both the names of potential husbands and those completely unfamiliar to you, and leave one note blank. Place everything under your pillow and go to bed. When you wake up, pull one.

But this method of fortune telling for a betrothed is carried out on Christmas night. Exactly at 00.00 they leave the house with their hair down and come to the crossroads. Ask the first man you meet for his name - this is the name of your future husband.

  • 1 – Marriage is possible, but each of you will fight for leadership in the relationship. To make them strong, both will have to work hard.
  • 2 – The relationship will be smooth and harmonious and will most likely end in marriage. However, any problem, even a small one, will take you out of your comfort zone.
  • 3 – Most likely, someone extra will come into your relationship. And it would be better for you not to strive for marriage, because such a triangle will haunt you all your life.
  • 4 – Family life with a man will be stable, prosperous and measured. Everything will go strictly according to plan. However, you run the risk of getting bogged down in your daily routine. Don't forget to make your life more diverse.
  • 5 – One of the most unfavorable numbers for relationships. It does not tolerate any bonds or boundaries, and is also not indifferent to carnal pleasures on the side.
  • 6 – Most likely, your connection will lead to a long and stable married life. But one of you will have to sacrifice a lot for this.
  • 7 – Relationships can be bright, with fiery passion, but, unfortunately, they will not develop into a long and happy family life. You just have to accept it and move on. Your prince will find you yet.
  • 8 – Marriage with this person will be successful only if you both try hard enough for it. A situation where one loves and the other allows you to love will not lead to a successful result in your case.
  • 9 – A positive outcome awaits your relationship. The main thing is to know what you are going to: do not exaggerate requests and demands, and also trust each other. And be happy!

On the pages of the site svadebka.ws you will find another way to tell fortunes about your betrothed, and many love horoscopes that will lift the veil of secrecy about your future.

Before you do fortune-telling for Christmas 2020 at home for your betrothed in a dream, you need to remember how it was done before.

An ancient belief says that unearthly forces and spirits become available for contact in January. In the past, people tried to use this ability to predict the future by interpreting secret signs. This was done over a two-week period immediately after Russian Christmas until Epiphany Day.

Fortune telling has always been a favorite Christmas activity for young women and teenage girls. They usually choose dark, non-residential premises, often a bathhouse or a “barn”. There they let down their hair, remove necklaces, rings and bracelets, revealing themselves to the spirits.

Basically, all unmarried girls were usually interested in one thing: whether they would have a wedding in the near future, and if so, who the betrothed would be.

Interesting! Interesting crafts for Christmas with your own hands

Other typical questions for fortune telling involve life and death, illness, wealth and family well-being. The most popular time for prediction is on the first night of Christmastide or January 13th. Best time for collection - around midnight.

Fortune telling using shadows

Fortune telling for Christmas at home for your betrothed on paper is also one of the most accurate, but it is worth using a shadow if you want to get detailed data.

Take a page of newspaper and crumble it, not too finely. Place the paper on a plate and burn it. After it has completely burned down, place a candle next to the dish and look at the shadow on the wall.

You can use your imagination to interpret the shadow image. Or you can use available dream interpretations.

The most common interpretations are: a boat trip, the person is a friend or lover, and bad news.

Fortune telling by wish

Melt a piece of wax in a spoon and pour into cold water. The resulting image can mean anything, but whatever comes to your mind first will be more correct.

The tradition of celebrating Christmas in Rus' on January 7 began at the beginning of the 19th century with the official transition to the Gregorian calendar. Some people “instantly switched” to new dates, others began to celebrate “double holidays” (such as New Year and Old year).

It was customary for Orthodox people to fast until Christmas, go to church, honor church holidays. However, not everyone followed all Christian traditions, particularly young people. This is what happens in our time. Nevertheless, the custom of fortune telling on Christmastide has still been preserved. As a rule, fortune telling began on Christmas night and lasted until Epiphany on January 19.

How was it customary to tell fortunes in Rus' on Christmastide?

Fortune telling was especially popular for young girls and unmarried women. They guessed mainly about their betrothed and love. Those ladies who were already married could also practice divination for fun or interest: for the future, for happiness, for money, for children.

It is interesting that most of the fortune-telling that has survived to this day involves taking place in the village. Such fortune-telling cannot be carried out in a modern apartment. Therefore, if you want to implement a specific ritual to perform during the upcoming holidays, it is important to find a truly suitable place for it.

The most popular fortune telling were: fortune telling with a ring, bread, a hook, through a mirror, by throwing a boot over the fence. Each of the fortune-telling had to be able to be interpreted correctly, so at that time it was important to have a good imagination.

On Christmas evening in Rus' it was customary to greet guests by standing on the threshold. At the same time, those who came to the house were often given gifts. Some guests openly “demanded” gifts and at this time sang songs and read poems wishing the owners of the house happiness and prosperity.

Fortune telling in Rus' at Christmas

Christmastide (the period from January 7 to January 19) were incredibly mystical holidays for every Orthodox Christian. It was believed that devils, witches and other entities roamed the streets along with living people. They used to tell fortunes during Christmas time because only then it was possible to get the most accurate answers to all the exciting questions, because it was the mystical power that would help with this.

You'll want a coin that has some history, meaning, or value. A collectible, antique or royal coin made of any metal will be useful to you.

In addition to the coin, you will need a white saucer. Tell your fortune exactly at midnight. This time is considered the most mystical and predisposed for divination. Also have a black marker with you, you can use it to write important words and symbols.

  • Tune in to fortune telling, dim the lights and try to eliminate unnecessary noise in the house. Guess alone.
  • Place the saucer in front of you on the table
  • Using a marker, divide the saucer into 4 pieces of equal size.

Each sector must be designated with a word:

  • Upper left – “OH”
  • Top right – “SHE”
  • Bottom left – “WE”
  • Bottom right – “I”
  • You need to take the coin in your hands and place it with its edge directly in the center of the saucer.
  • It is necessary to sharply spin the coin so that it starts moving and, after spinning, stops in one sector.
  • Before you start spinning the coin or while spinning it, you will need to ask a question, the answer to which can be the answer written on the saucer.

Another interpretation:

  • “HE” is the problem in your lover.
  • “SHE” - you have a rival in a love relationship.
  • “I” - you have problems that do not allow events to unfold the way you want.
  • “WE” - everything will be fine with you and you will be able to find your love.

Interesting fortune telling

This fortune telling assumes that a girl of marriageable age will try to find out the name of her betrothed. To do this, at midnight on Christmas night you need to leave the house into the yard, taking with you an old boot. After this, you need to stand with your back to the fence and, moving your arm back, throw your boot over the fence with all your might.

It is believed that the boot will fall in the direction that will show the girl the way to her betrothed. That is why such fortune telling was popular in the village: each path led to a specific house. Do such fortune telling in the city with apartment buildings It's simply impossible.

Old Russian fortune-telling at Christmas time

For the process you will need:

  • Basin with water
  • Paper
  • Pen
  • Candle

  • Place water in a large basin or bowl
  • Write all your cherished desires on pieces of paper and place them around your pelvis.
  • Light a candle. Wait until it flares up and starts to melt.
  • Your hand should be exactly above the center of the basin of water.
  • Tilt the candle so that the wax droplets fall into the center of the basin.
  • A few, or even one drop of wax will be enough.
  • Wait until the frozen wax can move to one side.
  • The side in which the wax will be directed will “tell” you that this wish will come true soon.

Fortune telling will help determine whether a wish will come true or not.

For this fortune telling you will need the following set of tools:

  • Mirror
  • Decanter
  • Candles (3 pcs.)
  • Fill the carafe with water (preferably water that has stood for three days in your home).
  • Place three candles (regular or church) around the decanter.
  • Light the candles
  • Place a mirror in front of you so that the carafe of water separates you.
  • Through the water column you must consider your future.

How to find out the future using fortune telling?
  • Douse the mirror with water
  • Go out with him alone
  • You need to go outside on Christmastide, at midnight
  • Wait until the frost can draw a frozen pattern on the mirror.
  • Start the interpretation on the street, or bring the mirror home.

Interpretation of patterns:

  • Circles - the pattern tells you that next year you will experience financial difficulties.
  • Square - the pattern suggests that next year you will be able to experience many different problems and disappointments.
  • A triangle is a pattern that foretells success in any endeavor for the next year.
  • Herringbone is a pattern that suggests that the new year will “bring” you a huge amount of labor and work.
  • Straight lines are a sign that the coming year will be calm for you and there will be no problems.
  • Smooth wavy lines are a pattern that foreshadows the care of loved ones, the warmth of relatives and family, and the good attitude of friends.
  • Zigzags - portends an active, cheerful year, many emotions and events.
  • Dots and specks are a pattern that tells you that the coming year can be full of good events, completed tasks and work brought to an end.
  • Whether it’s a human face or an animal’s face, the pattern foreshadows major changes in your life in the new year.
  • Stains and stains - your fate has not yet been determined clearly enough to give an accurate interpretation.

Mirror - a magical attribute

This is a simple fortune telling that can literally “speak” to a person. For fortune telling, you should choose the right time: midnight. For fortune telling, you will need any meaningful book written literary text(it is advisable to choose works of literary art).

Take a book and be one on one with it: hug the book, press it to your heart, put it to your forehead. Try to mentally convey all your experiences to the book and ask the most exciting question. Close your eyes and open the book to any page, point your finger at any paragraph. Open your eyes and read one or two sentences where your finger stopped. The written text will be the answer to your question.

A book can become a magical attribute
  • Fill a saucer with water
  • Take the saucer outside and leave it overnight (you can put it on the balcony).
  • The saucer must stand until the morning
  • In the morning you should look at the frozen water and interpret it.


  • Waves - the pattern foreshadows pleasant events in the coming year, joyful meetings, travel.
  • Glad - next year will not be alarming for you, any business will have a good ending.
  • Sharp crust, thorns - next year will be active for you, you will always be on the move, in the center of events.
  • Hole - portends lack of money, problems with money and health in the new year.

How to determine your future by fortune telling?
  • Fortune telling at home using wax. You need to be at home, light a candle, think about your fate and pour a little wax into a plate of water. Then turn on your imagination and carefully examine the resulting figure. What it looks like is what the future will be. The house symbolizes new life, housekeeping, household chores. The ring and other jewelry are for an imminent wedding. Clothes are due for renewal. Trees - for joyful events. Dog - to the appearance of a new friend. If the resulting outlines are incomprehensible and ugly, then this promises you trouble and illness.
  • One of the simplest and at the same time popular methods. Blank sheet the papers are crumpled and set on fire on a plate. Then, using a candle, a projection of shadows from the resulting pile of ash is created on the wall. Looking at the outlines of shadows and, of course, including fantasy, people associate them with symbols of their future.
  • Fortune telling from a book is also known. To do this, guess the page number and the line at the top or bottom, and then find and read the indicated line. Its contents were interpreted as a prophecy.

How quickly will you get married?

Each girl should take a thread of the same length. Several girls need to take the thread at the same time. Stand near the fireplace or fire, extending your arms with a thread at the same distance from the fire.

Whose thread burns first will marry first. If the thread does not light even halfway, then you will never get married.

  • To predict marriage, village girls have also long used the method of fortune telling “even” or “odd” on various objects. Potential brides counted the number of logs in an armful of firewood or the number of pickets in a fence that they managed to clasp with their hands. Or they sprinkled a handful of wheat in front of the rooster, and when he was full, they counted the remaining grains. A paired number was considered a symbol of a married couple, and an unpaired number indicated loneliness, at least in the near future.
  • Take a glass of water, a thread and a ring. Make a wish about your marriage. Then tie the ring to a long thread and lower it to the bottom of the glass. Next, you need to slowly lift the ring out of the water and carefully observe how it swings. How many times the ring hits the walls of the glass, after so many years the wedding will take place.
  • Remove sixes from the deck of cards, guess the name of the young man and get the king and queen of hearts. The king must be placed at the bottom of the deck, and the queen at the top. Then you need to start laying out the cards face down, starting with the queen. When you have laid out the entire deck, look at it carefully and remove those cards (one or two) that are between cards of the same suit or value. If there are three cards between such cards, only the middle one should be removed. If after the first layout only the queen and the king remain from the cards, then there will definitely be a wedding.
  • Take your shoes, for example, a boot or a boot, walk out the door and think about the man you like. Then turn your back to the snow and throw your shoes over your shoulder. Wherever the sock turns, wait for the groom from there. It’s especially fun to guess about shoes in the company of friends, and then look for boots in the snow. By the way, men can also use similar fortune telling: where the toe of the boot is directed, the future spouse lives in that direction.

New Year's fortune telling on wax

Then lower the candle over the water so that the wax drips from it and figures are formed. Take a close look at these figures to understand what to expect from the coming year. If the figures look like hearts, then great love awaits you, and if, for example, you see the silhouette of a dog, then this is a sign of strong friendship. You should be wary of figures that look like crosses, graves, coffins and other similar creepy things. If something similar forms in a dish of water, this may foreshadow the death of someone close to you or very complex health problems.