Well      04/10/2019

How to make a mousetrap at home. DIY mousetrap - instructions for homemade traps

People have been fighting mice and rats in an apartment or private house for many years. If you don’t want to kill even harmful, but cute rodents, you can use various traps. Today we will tell you how to make a mousetrap from a plastic bottle at home using scrap materials.

In order to make a good trap with your own hands, just take a used plastic bottle from under water or sunflower oil. Nowadays, it is not customary to recycle such containers, so they are not returned with other plastic. To create the design, you should stock up on the bottle itself, an elastic band for clamping, scissors (for making holes), wooden stick, a piece of cardboard and a paper clip (to attach the bait), tape to secure the lid.

The principle of operation of such a homemade trap is simple - once a rodent gets into a bottle for food, it cannot get out on its own. Depending on the embodiment, the device either slams shut or hangs vertically above the floor. The guideline for making holes in the bottle with your own hands is the little finger on your hand - through a gap measuring 1.5 - 2 cm, the mouse will definitely get inside.

Video “Mousetrap with improvised means”

The video shows the process of creating a simple and effective trap for rodents from a plastic bottle and other improvised means.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of such a device include the simplicity of its implementation. Even a person who does not have the skills to create such things can make a design. Will be needed ordinary materials that are available in every home - a bottle, a rope, and so on. For bait, it is permissible to use lard, sausage, vegetable oil, as well as seeds or bread available in every refrigerator.

Manufacturing will take a minimum of time and will bring maximum benefits. Most designs can be made reusable or self-charging. This will make it possible not to constantly monitor their operation (relevant if the device is left at the dacha for some time). You can catch several rodents in one bottle, but you should not leave the traps unattended for more than a week to avoid spreading the characteristic mouse odor.

Do-it-yourself devices are good for homes with small children and animals, where it is better not to use pesticides. Such designs will save money that you would spend on purchasing ready-made mousetraps.

As the practice of using such handmade traps has shown, they do not always work. In addition, it will take a lot of time and effort to catch rodents one by one in this way. You will also have to think about where to put the unwanted mice that you caught humanely.

Creation technology

For hunting mice and rats to be effective, it is important to know all the options for making bottle traps with your own hands. The technology is not as complicated as it seems - you just need to cut and install the bottle in a certain way, placing the bait in it. It is important to securely fix all the elements with tape, and place the bait at the very bottom of the plastic bottle.

In order for the animals to show interest in the structure, do not put cheese in it - the love of rodents for it is too exaggerated. A bait made from a piece of bread soaked in toasted sunflower oil works great. Mice are partial to the aroma of sesame oil.

Several types of design

Folk craftsmen have adapted to create with their own hands different kinds designs from used bottles, showing imagination, using a minimal set of tools and available materials. But the most popular traps are the one with a plastic bottle, which is placed on kitchen table, a bottle mousetrap and an oil structure. Let's look at each manufacturing method in more detail.

Simple device

You can make the following mousetrap with your own hands from a plastic bottle. To do this, the top of the container is cut off with scissors, and a small hole is made in the remaining part. The fishing line will be inserted into it. It will need from 30 to 40 cm. One end is attached to the bottle, the second is fixed on the kitchen table with Velcro or tied to something. Install the structure so that half hangs from the table.

Don't forget to put bits of food in the bottom of the bottle. The mouse, sensing the smell of food, crawls into the bottle, causing it to tip down and fall off the table. The rodent can no longer get out of it on its own. Because the fishing line holds the mousetrap upright.


It’s possible to make another mousetrap from a plastic bottle. To do this, the top of the container is cut off evenly. Then, with the same sharp scissors, the plastic is cut along the radius into peculiar petals.

The length is such that they cover the lion's share of the diameter. Next, they need to be bent inside the bottle. When a rodent gets into such a structure, it will no longer be able to get out, since the petals located quite close will interfere. Don't forget to put something tasty and attractive to pests inside.

Oil mousetrap

To create the following design, take a 2-liter plastic bottle; you need to cut off one fourth of it. The cut part should be turned over and attached to the container using glue or wire. To make the device more stable, you can put several small pebbles or sand on the bottom. The device is called oil-based because the cut neck is rubbed with sunflower oil.

The principle of operation is that the rodent makes its way to the bait and finds itself in a hole from the neck, from which it cannot get out. It's all because of the oil on which the paws slide, and the mouse has no way to catch on the surface of the plastic. It is recommended to place the structure near small shelves so that the animal can get there.

Video "Ingenious Mousetrap"

An example of simple device for catching a rodent, which is also quite humane.

They cause disgust or fear, in addition, they are carriers of a number of diseases, eat food and spoil surrounding objects. The device for catching rats and mice described in this article will help you solve the problem yourself. You will make a mousetrap with your own hands using available materials.

In situations where it is undesirable to use poisons because children or pets live indoors, and there is no time to purchase store-bought traps, you can try making a mousetrap yourself. The process is quite simple and does not require complex equipment and skills. You will need paper, different containers (buckets, plastic bottles of different sizes) and household items that are found in almost every home (wire, small pieces of wood, a school ruler, plastic bottles).

Many traps made from improvised materials are capable of operating autonomously, without recharging, and are designed to be triggered multiple times. Such mousetraps can be left when leaving home from the dacha (the main thing is not to leave the mousetrap for a long time, in order to avoid the appearance of a foul odor). In a few days, there will be no trace of mice left and you won’t have to do or buy anything.

A little about the bait

For making a mousetrap to be productive, it is not enough to know how to make it correctly. Hunting cannot be successful without the desire of the mouse to go in the required direction, and only bait can provide this.

The opinion that mice are crazy about cheese is erroneous and relates more to stereotypes than to reality. They really eat it, and most likely they like it, but there are also much more best views mouse trap baits:

  • Flavorful grains such as sunflower seeds;
  • Fried lard or sausage (especially blood sausage);
  • Dry bread soaked in vegetable oil(sesame definitely won’t leave the mouse indifferent).

The best bait for a mousetrap - video:

Varieties of mousetraps made independently

Mice have accompanied humanity throughout its history, and during this period people have come up with a lot of ways and devices to combat them. Modern technologies expanded this arsenal, but some old solutions are still relevant.

Plastic bottle

There are several ways to make a mousetrap from a plastic bottle, let's look at the most famous and simple one:

  • Cut the bottle 3 cm from the middle closer to the neck;
  • We put bait on the bottom;
  • Remove the plug and lubricate the inner surface of the neck with oil;
  • We insert the neck down into the second part and fasten both halves with glue or wire.

The mouse, sensing food, penetrates the bottle easily, reaching the bait through the oiled hole, and will no longer be able to get out on its own.

An alternative way to make a mouse trap:

  • We find a container with a neck diameter sufficient for the mouse to penetrate inside;
  • We tie a thread to the neck of sufficient length so that its other edge can be tied to something without tension;
  • We place the bait at the bottom and place the container on the edge of the table so that it tips over with a slight change in the mass of the hanging part.

The mousetrap works as follows: the mouse, sensing the smell of food, climbs into the bottle and, with its weight, causes it to tip over. Since the container is tied by the neck, it hangs on a rope, and the mouse cannot escape from such a situation. In addition, it will remain alive, so it is also a humane method of rodent control.

Electric mousetrap

Unlike the previous one, this method is not humane. An electronic mousetrap works on this principle:

  • We attach one of the wires to the metal plate (the metal should not be painted);
  • We coat the second wire with something that is edible for a mouse and has a strong smell, for example, peanut butter.
  • We connect the device to the network in such a way that the phase is with the bait, otherwise the mouse will immediately feel a small discharge and may change its mind about moving on.

Bucket with water

Making a mousetrap from a bucket of water is quite simple and there are a great many variations of it. Let's consider one of them:

  • Place a wire or metal rod (welding electrode) on top of the bucket best option), it is advisable to secure it to prevent it from moving or falling into the bucket;
  • Perpendicular to the rod we place some flat and oblong object, for example, a school ruler. One edge of the ruler rests on the top of the bucket, the other is above the water.
  • For everything to work at home, you need to place the bait on the edge of the ruler, located above the water, and make it easier for the mouse to rise to the top of the bucket by placing a board next to it.

Catching occurs as follows: the mouse walks along the ruler for food, and at some point the ruler tips over under its weight. In addition to a ruler, you can use any object, for example, a tunnel made of folded paper.

Another one simple mousetrap using a bucket:

  • A plastic bottle is pierced with a thin metal rod through the bottom and neck;
  • Food of interest to the mouse is attached to its middle;
  • The rod is placed on the bucket so that the bottle is in the middle of the bucket;

The mouse goes for food and as soon as it stands on the bottle, it spins and the mouse falls into the bucket.

Jar with coin

Very simple and effective mousetrap can be made not only from a jar, but also using any other suitable container, for example, a pan.

  1. TO inner surface We attach the bait to the jars at a distance of approximately 4–5 cm from the neck (can be attached with tape);
  2. The jar is placed upside down and a coin or button is placed under one edge of the neck for support.

If there is a mouse at home, it will definitely try to sit on the bait, and since the support is very sensitive (you can verify this by placing the jar on a coin), the jar will definitely cover the rodent.


Making a glue mousetrap with your own hands is quite simple. To do this you will need: special glue, a base for its application and bait.

The base is lubricated special glue for mice, which is sold at specialized sales points. There is nothing complicated about the operation of this self-made trap. A base coated with glue is placed on the way to the food. The animal tries to overcome it and sticks to the base.

The method will be of interest primarily to those who vehemently hate mice. The reason is his complete inhumanity towards them. A rodent caught in such a trap will face long suffering. He will not die right away, but will try to free himself for a long time, squirming and squirming in the sticky trap that has bound him. And everything is in vain - it is impossible to free yourself from the glue even with the help of a person. In general, the method is not for the faint of heart.

Jar and sheet of paper

Apart from a jar, any container can be used. You will also need a sheet of paper, rope and bait. The tricky trap is made as follows:

  1. We prepare a sheet of paper; to do this, we cut it from the center to the edges, so that in the middle we get something like a cross of cuts (there should be no obvious hole).
  2. Cover the container with the prepared sheet so that the center of the cuts is located above the middle of the container.
  3. We tie the bait above the center of the entire structure and wait.

The mouse or rat will go for food and when it is in the area of ​​the cut paper, it will fall into the container. The disadvantage of this method is that it works without misfires only with young individuals. An adult mouse, especially one that has experience of getting into similar situations, senses danger and does not move on.

High-tech, computerized mousetrap

This technological marvel uses multiple sensors to detect a rodent. A foreign developer named Jake Easton came up with the idea to do something similar. This homemade trap works as follows:

  • Special acoustic and visual sensors, having detected a mouse within reach, set in motion the operating lever of the device under which the bait is located;
  • The mouse follows the smell of the bait, and when it finds itself in the sensor response zone, a pneumatic drive is started, which hits the unsuspecting mouse with a metal bracket with a force of up to 50 kg.

The result is the same as when a conventional spring mousetrap is triggered. The presence of computer technology has not made rodent control more humane. Jake Easton called his invention “Better Mousetrap”, which translates from English as the best mousetrap.


A fairly simple and safe trap for others, but to make it you will need a drill, drills, a hacksaw and some skill in working with these tools. Step by step:

  1. We cut a block from wood with a cross-section of 40x40 mm and a length of 100 mm.
  2. We drill a hole in it from the end for the entire length of the block (but not all the way through), with a diameter of 25 mm.
  3. At a distance of 10 mm from the end with the hole, we make a slot on top (2–3 mm) so as to partially open the hole.
  4. Immediately behind the slot (3 mm) we drill two through holes nearby so that the thread threaded through them blocks the path to the end of the drilled cavity.
  5. We attach a spring with a loop opposite the slot to the edge of the block opposite the entrance to the trap.

The wooden mousetrap is ready for use. Catching mice is as follows:

  1. We place the bait in the blind edge of the mousetrap.
  2. We lower the loop into the slot so that it coincides with the diameter of the hole and fix the spring with thread.

The principle of operation is simple: the mouse tries to get to the bait and gnaws the thread, the spring is triggered and clamps the mouse in a loop. This option mousetraps are reusable, and there are also “multi-apartment” designs.

Review and operation of a mouse trap-live trap - video:


Using all of the above methods of catching and destroying harmful rodents, it will not be difficult to put one of them into practice yourself. All you need is a minimum of available tools and a little patience. If the options seem insufficiently humane, you can entrust the matter to nature and get a good cat.

A simple mousetrap made from a PET bottle is shown, but, unfortunately, some rodents can escape from it. Several modifications are proposed to improve reliability.

1.Installing the lid on the mousetrap

The mousetrap is made from two identical bottles with a capacity of 1.5-2 liters. For the first bottle, only part of the conical part is cut off, and for the second bottle, the conical part is completely cut off. The conical part of the second bottle will be the lid of the trap.

We make two symmetrical holes on the edges of the conical part of the first bottle for attaching a fishing line and hanging a bottle overturned by a rodent on this fishing line. We attach the cap to the top of the first bottle and mark the centers of two holes with a diameter of 5-7 mm coinciding with the centers of the exit holes of the suspension lines. We make holes in the lid. With our own hands we pass the fishing line through the holes in the lid and tie it to the first bottle.

Organizing the removal of the lid from the table

Refinement of the mousetrap

If you install the mousetrap in this form, then when it tips over, the lid will not close the bottle in any way and will most likely remain on the table. A special pusher is required to move the cap behind the bottle. The pusher is made of wire in the shape of a cut letter “P”; the width of the upper shelf should be equal to the distance between the holes for attaching the fishing line. We firmly wrap the pusher at a distance of ~20 cm from the bottle to the fastening lines. When the bottle falls down, the cap placed between the pusher and the bottle will be thrown off the table by the pusher. At the same time, the pusher will optimally straighten the fishing lines for proper lowering of the cap onto the bottle.

The operation of the mousetrap is shown in the video.

You can simplify your homemade project by eliminating the pusher, but to do this you will have to organize the bottle to be suspended outside the plane of the table.

2. Increasing the length of the bottle

We take a plastic PET bottle and cut off a section of the conical part, immediately making a hole in the bottom for the mouse to enter. From the first revision there was a bottle without a neck. We combine the bottles together, try to achieve a tight connection and wrap the joint with tape to secure the fastening. The result was a bottle of increased length, and even with an additional obstacle from the conical part. We tie the bottle, put the bait at the bottom and set it up for fishing.

Tests like this homemade mousetrap shown in the video.

Surely a good design will come from two bottles with cut off bottoms and one neck. The bottles are combined and also connected with tape; the presence of a conical bottom when tipping over will further complicate the rodent’s precise jump to freedom.

An elongated bottle allows you to move the battlefield from buildings to the surrounding area. We bury the combined bottles under the hole for the rodent's entry vertically into the ground (be careful so that the structure does not collapse under the weight of the earth). We put bait inside. We regularly check the results and, if necessary, reinstall such mousetraps.

The topic of constructing mousetraps is very interesting and will be continued.

In the future, we will publish a simple, reliable and very sensitive office floor mousetrap and an automatic reusable mousetrap made from PET bottles.

More material on the topic of mousetraps.

It’s not uncommon for people’s homes to have such unfriendly neighbors as mice. Of course, the first thing that comes to mind to an ordinary person- this is to get rid of an unwanted guest who causes harm to property and products. Someone will consider it necessary to buy a ready-made mousetrap, because... doesn’t see anything complicated in it, and some people can’t afford it for other reasons.

Benefits of using homemade traps

One of the most attractive advantages of these mousetraps is the price. You can easily acquire such a trap using improvised means, or it is not as expensive as in the case of one purchased in a store.

Rodents are quite smart creatures, so some of them quickly discern the trick of ordinary mousetraps and the degree of their danger, even despite the seductiveness of the bait.

One more advantage can be highlighted - this is humanity, because store mousetraps were originally invented for the complete extermination of pests, because Various toxic substances are added to them.

While homemade ones are much less likely to lead to the death of a rodent. They are safer than store-bought ones, an especially useful advantage if there are small children or pets in the house.

Varieties of homemade mousetraps

Trap made from a jar and paper

A piece of writing paper is placed over the neck of the jar, which must be wide in order to ensure that the rodent does not escape from the situation, which creates a visual illusion. The selected bait is placed above the jar, or rather the paper. If a mouse pecks at the bait, it will definitely try to get to it, leaning its hind legs on the paper, thereby falling into the jar.

Mousetrap made from a jar and lid

The jar, also with a wide neck, is closed with a tin lid. A hole is cut in the center of this cover so that the mouse can get in. And the teeth, which will prevent the mouse from getting out into the wild, are bent inside the can. As a rule, bait is placed at the bottom of the jar. For this mousetrap, it is recommended to choose a special bait, this is necessary so that the prey is lured into the jar by the smell. Such bait can be smoked sausage, ordinary seeds, as well as wheat grains.

Mousetrap with bucket and plastic bottle

To catch mice on a large scale, you can make the following trap. If desired, add water if you plan to kill the mice. To make it, stock up on such tools as a bucket, a long knitting needle, or another hard twig, a plastic bottle and bait of course, as well as tape. A knitting needle is inserted along the bottle, in the center of the upper and lower parts. This is done in order to ensure that the bottle moves without interference. The bottle is located in the middle relative to the edges of the knitting needle. Now you will need some tape to secure the bait around the perimeter of the bottle. Scotch tape should be used in moderation so as not to interrupt the smell of the bait. A knitting needle with a bottle is placed on the edges of the bucket.

If the plan was to catch a lot of mice, then it is worth making holes along the edges of the bucket to thread the edges of the knitting needles so that they do not break the prepared structure. The spoke should rotate without interference. Next, a pair of slats are fixed on both sides of the bucket to organize a path for the mouse to the bottle with bait.

Mousetrap using gravity

Here again a plastic bottle comes into use, but using the gravity method.

Mousetrap with bait in the form of a support

Any cup, bowl, deep plate is suitable. Everything is very simple here, the container is secured so that it is suspended, and bait is placed under it for support.

Mousetrap made from a plastic bottle

First, the bottle is cut in half into 2/3 parts, in the end you get the neck of the bottle and the second half of the bottle. Then it all comes together. The smaller half of the bottle is attached with tape or wire, with the neck down, into the larger one. To make it attractive, the neck of the bottle is greased with oil, and the bottom is strewn with seeds or bread crumbs.

Important! Due to its light weight, the bottle can easily fall, so it would be better to attach it to any surface.

Bucket mousetrap

This method is also suitable for mass catching of mice. A wire is taken, this wire is attached along the bucket, and a bottle is put on the wire. Bait is placed on top of the bottle. A path to the bucket can be constructed using a plank so that the mouse can reach the bottle. The bucket is filled halfway with water. Subsequently, the mouse is led to the bait, making its way along the plank to the bottle, which will have to turn over, in a rotating motion.

Glass jar mousetrap

The jar is placed on its side, the bait is placed on double-sided tape, and all this is installed on the bottom of the jar. For support, use a 5 ruble coin, which is placed on its edge. As a result, the mouse should touch the can, and it will turn over, blocking the exit to the outside. Ready.

Glue mousetraps

To begin with, accordingly, purchase glue specifically designed for rodents and insects. Next, take a cardboard product; other similar stationery products are also suitable. Glue is applied in strips.

Mousetrap made of wood

In a beam with parameters 180x100x60 mm, holes with a diameter of 3 cm and a depth of 6 cm are drilled, this is done for the entrance intended for mice. The wire loop should attach a noose made of another wire, which will be smaller than the first. Holes are also drilled to install the springs.

The number of loops, nooses and springs is made equal to the number of holes. The rope is taken to secure the spring ready for action. The bait is placed in the holes. So rodents, trying to get to the bait, hit the rope with their teeth. The rope, in turn, contributes to the reaction of the spring and the noose.

Each method that was discussed in this article is well suited in its own way for effectively catching mice. All you have to do is make sure you have the necessary funds and get down to business.

Often in a country house or in a private house there are rodents that eat feed, preparations and other food. In addition, they can chew the wires, resulting in a short circuit. The house can be attacked not only by small mice, but also by large rats. Rodents are often carriers of various infections. To get rid of pests, you don’t have to spend money on buying special means. In addition, poisons sold in hardware stores can harm pets and small children. And mousetraps that are safe for household members can easily be made independently at home.

In order for the mouse to fall into the trap, you need to put a suitable bait there. There is an opinion that mice love cheese most of all. However, it is recommended to use food with a brighter smell or bulk substances as bait. Good fit:

  • buckwheat, rice or wheat cereals;
  • pure sesame or peanut oil or crackers with such oil;
  • fried lard or pieces of fried sausage;
  • various nuts and seeds;
  • bread soaked in sunflower oil.

You can also put some fresh meat in the trap.

Types of homemade mousetraps

Can be easily made at home. They should be installed so that mice can reach the mousetraps without obstacles.

There are different types homemade traps. Some of them are more humane, since the rodent remains alive and can simply be thrown out of the house. Other devices eliminate mice (eg glue and electric).

When deciding which mousetrap to make, you should also pay attention to how often the owners are at home. If this is a summer house where people appear once every few weeks, it is necessary to install a multi-charger. This will allow you to catch mice constantly without outside interference.

Raised Bank

The simplest trap is made from glass jar and coins. You will need:

  • take a small jar (0.5-1 l) and turn it upside down;
  • place a coin on its edge under its edge (it is advisable to take a 5-ruble coin so that the mouse can easily crawl into the trap);
  • first tie the coin with a thread with a hook attached to it;
  • insert a twig inside the jar;
  • then throw the thread with the bait on the hook through the twig.

Instead of a jar, you can use an old saucepan, and instead of a coin, you can use a large button.

The resulting structure will be unstable, and when the mouse reaches for the bait, the jar will fall, covering the rodent.

Bucket with water

Another easy way to make a mouse trap is to use a bucket of water and a ruler.


  • fill the bucket a third full with water;
  • take a knitting needle or strong wire and glue a ruler or flat strip to it perpendicularly;
  • place the knitting needle on the bucket so that it touches its edges;
  • one end of the ruler should reach the edge of the bucket, and the other should hang freely in the air inside;
  • bait is placed on the free end;
  • You need to place a board next to the bucket so that the mouse can freely rise and walk along the ruler.

When the rodent runs towards the bait, the center of gravity will shift and the animal will end up in the bucket.

To avoid having to reload the trap, you need to attach the bait to a ruler. Then it will not fall into the bucket along with the mouse.

Cut paper

There is a similar method for making a trap. You will need a bucket and a sheet thick paper.

Algorithm of actions:

  • take a bucket or three-liter jar;
  • fill the container with water to a height of about 10 cm;
  • find a sheet of thick paper or whatman paper;
  • cut it crosswise with a blade so that segments form in the center;
  • place the cut paper on the neck of the jar;
  • place the bait in the center of the sheet or, if it is heavy, hang it on a string above the cut paper;
  • then you need to place a plank along which the rodents can climb to the bait.

A mouse that wants to eat a treat will fall into the center of the cut leaf and fall into a container of water, like a trap.

Plastic bottle

Homemade mousetraps made from plastic bottles are very popular. Such devices are easy to manufacture and require virtually no additional funds.

There are several ways in which you can make a rodent trap with your own hands.

Method No. 1

Manufacturing stages:

  • take a 2-liter plastic bottle and measure two-thirds of the height from the bottom;
  • cut the bottle along this line;
  • put bait on the bottom;
  • thoroughly lubricate the neck with oil;
  • then turn the part with the neck over, having first removed the lid, and insert it into the remaining long part.

For reliability, you can glue the parts of the bottle together.

The rodent will slip inside the bottle through the lubricated neck when it tries to get to the bait. The mouse will not be able to get back out.

Method No. 2


  • cut a 2-liter plastic bottle where the neck begins to narrow (the mouse should fit freely into the hole);
  • put bait inside;
  • firmly attach the rope to the prepared bottle;
  • tie the other end of the rope to a shelf or weight;
  • Place the trap on the edge of the table so that one edge hangs in the air.

A mouse running for a treat will outweigh the bottle. As a result, the trap with the rodent inside will hang on the rope. It is important to choose a rope of such length that it does not reach the floor when falling.

Method No. 3

This method is similar to the one that used a bucket of water and a ruler. However, here you need to take a plastic bottle instead of a ruler.


  • find a 0.5 liter plastic bottle;
  • use an awl to make holes in the bottom and lid;
  • insert a knitting needle or stick into them so that the bottle rotates freely around the object;
  • attach bait to the bottle;
  • take a bucket and fill it with 5-7 cm of water;
  • place the knitting needle on the edge of the bucket;
  • build a kind of ramp from planks along which mice can get to the bait.

When the rodent wants to eat the bait, the bottle will begin to rotate and the mouse will end up in the bucket.


A simple and inexpensive type of homemade mousetrap is a glue-based trap. At a hardware store you can purchase special glue designed for making a mousetrap.

Mode of application:

  • take thick cardboard, plastic or a piece of plywood;
  • coat it with special glue;
  • place bait in the center of the sheet;
  • leave the device indoors.

This method cannot be called humane. After all, you won’t be able to simply peel off the mouse and take it out. In addition, you will have to watch how the caught pests squeak and flounder, trying to free themselves.

Electronic mousetraps

Another radical way getting rid of rodents - using electricity.

To do this, you will need to make a trap equipped with a motion sensor. When the mouse comes running to the smell of the bait, the sensor will give a signal and the pest will be killed by an electric discharge.

In addition, you can make a humane mousetrap in which the door slams behind the rodent, and after that a signal sounds when it is caught.

In order to independently assemble such a device, you need to have certain knowledge and skills in the field of electronics.

When using such a trap, care must be taken not to receive a shock.

There are many simple ways make a rodent trap at home. Most of them require a minimum of aids and tools. Such mousetraps work effectively, and their manufacture usually takes a few minutes.