Shower      06/26/2020

An effective DIY mousetrap. How to catch a mouse - the most effective methods of rodent control. Step-by-step instructions for making an electric mousetrap

In private homes, mice are a real scourge for owners. A mouse trap will help you get rid of uninvited “guests”. In search of food and warmth, these rodents climb into outbuildings, cellars and, directly, the kitchens of houses. Here they quickly restore “order”, gnawing through bags and containers with food; the rodents do not so much eat as they spoil cereals, root vegetables, etc., scattering them and staining them with their excrement. In addition, all nearby products that are not closed in sealed containers, as well as nearby things, become saturated with an ineradicable mouse odor. Therefore, exterminating mice in the house is a vital necessity.

We fight mice at the dacha ourselves

The use of poisoned baits against mice in houses and apartments is undesirable, firstly because children and pets may be harmed, and secondly, a poisoned animal may die in a hole inside a wall or under the floor, after which the room will feel extremely bad for a very long time. bad smell a decaying corpse. Therefore, it is best to fight rodents using traps. Conventionally, they can be divided into two types:

  1. Humane - in which caught animals remain alive;
  2. Destructive action - in which rodents have no chance to survive.

The stores offer different kinds mousetraps, but they are not always cheap, and the stores themselves are not always nearby. But you can easily make mouse traps with your own hands from scrap materials. This will not require a lot of time and effort.

Pan trap

Long known and very a simple trap can be made from an upside down cup, an old saucepan, a large tin can or other container. A rod (a piece of thick wire, a smooth twig or wooden stick). The edge of the saucepan is raised and supported with a washer installed on the edge (a large button or coin), to which a strong thread with a wire hook is tied or glued. First, the thread is thrown through the rod inside the container and the bait is hung on the hook. Experimentally, the length of the thread is selected so that the bait hangs 2-4 cm from the surface. A piece of salted or smoked lard or a crust of bread is used as bait. A mouse that has climbed up to feast on it pulls the bait, the support slips out from under the edge of the container and the animal finds itself in a trap. In order to remove captured mice, a piece of plastic or plywood is placed under the trap, creating a kind of floor, then the mousetrap is taken away from the house, where the rodents are released into the wild. During manufacturing, it should be taken into account that the container for the mousetrap must be heavy enough so that the mouse cannot turn it over and get out.

You can make the same trap much simpler: simply attach the bait inside to the side wall of the container with tape at a height of 4-5 cm from the edge. A mouse that gets inside will try to get to the bait, shake the container and the support will fall.

Mouse trap from a bottle

In just five minutes you can make a trap from an empty plastic bottle. A hole 2-3 cm in size is cut in the bottle next to the neck. A strong cord is tied to the neck, the other end of which is attached to a heavy object on the table so that the bottle, hanging from the table, does not reach the floor. The bait is placed in the bottle closer to the bottom ( roasted sunflower seeds, cake, bread crusts, millet, lard and any other - attracting mice). All that remains is to place the bottle on the edge so that the upper part with the slot lies on the surface of the table, and the lower part extends beyond its edge. When the mouse, coveted by the bait, climbs into the bottle closer to the bottom, it will knock the trap off the table and the bottle will hang on the string. The animal will remain inside and will not be able to get out.

Trap "abyss"

Using a similar principle, a trap is assembled from any container (jar, tall saucepan, plastic bucket), on the edge of which you need to make a kind of ramp from a board or cardboard. All that remains is to lay a piece of cardboard, plywood or a regular ruler so that the edge hangs over the container. The bait is placed on this edge. The mouse, approaching the bait, falls into the container below.

Unlike the previous ones, glue traps do not require much space. They can be placed in secluded places, crevices, and inside cabinets. You can purchase a ready-made glue trap, or you can buy special glue against rodents and make mousetraps yourself convenient sizes and in the right quantities. To make traps, glue is poured in a thin layer into shallow trays, low jars or flat boards and pieces of plastic. For better effect Bait can be placed in the center of the traps. Attracted by the smell, the mice step on the glue and stick. To free the animals, a little sunflower oil is poured onto the surface of the glue and after a while they themselves get out of the trap.

Spring mousetraps are available in sufficient quantities in stores. The manufacture of such structures requires special materials (springs, steel wire), tools, certain skills and a lot of time. Most of these traps are designed to kill mice. The exception is cage traps.

In the fall, warm-blooded pests return to their winter quarters, and there are better places than yours warm home there's no way to come up with this. To effectively combat a rodent infestation, you may need dozens of mousetraps. Especially for you, we have compiled several instructions on how to self-assembly traps.

Classic trap design

The basis for the mousetrap will be a board made of 10-15 mm plywood measuring 80x150 mm. All other parts are made of galvanized steel wire with a thickness of 1.5-2.5 mm. Wire is perfect for gas welding; the main thing is not to heat the metal when bending the workpieces.

The main part is a spring clamp. To make it you will need about 45 cm of wire with a thickness of no more than 1.5 mm. You need to tightly clamp a 10 mm round rod in a vice, at the end of which a cut with a depth of about 15 mm is made with a hacksaw. Stepping back 50 mm from the end of the wire, place it in the cut and wind it in tight turns around the rod.

When about 25 cm remains during the winding process, the remainder must be directed in the direction opposite to the initial tail, then stretch the spring to 50 mm. The long tail must be bent with a U-shaped bracket with equal sides of 60 mm. The penultimate corner should not be bent completely at once: the edge should be tucked inside the spring, and the end should be brought out reverse side and turn it to the side, leaving a fold of about 5 cm.

To secure the spring to the base, divide it in half lengthwise and drill a 2mm hole on the center line, 10mm from each edge. Place a 12 cm piece of wire 2.5 mm thick inside the spring, bend the edges down and thread it through the holes. Pass the short tail through the base and bend it over wrong side together with the spring fastening, driving the ends tightly into the wood.

Scheme of a simple mousetrap-trap. 1. Spring and pressure frame. 2. Loops. 3. Fixing needle. 4. Wooden mousetrap base

It remains to make a few simple parts:

  1. Two short loops attached to the center of the front and back of the mousetrap.
  2. A fixing needle about 130 mm long, one end of which is passed into the back loop and wrapped in a ring.
  3. Hook for bait. It can be made from thinner wire by threading it through the front loop and twisting the ends half a turn. One edge needs to be bent with a hook around the knitting needle, and the other should be moved to the side to install the bait.

After assembling the mousetrap, all that remains is to trim the knitting needle so that in the cocked position the hook with bait is 1-2 mm from the edge.

Hive mousetrap

Second standard design mousetraps are also easy to make. You will need a 50x50 mm block, along the axis of which a blind hole with a diameter of about 30 mm and a depth of 50 mm is drilled. On one side of the block, you should pre-mark a longitudinal line and two more parallel to it with an indentation of 15 mm.

Along the side lines, with a distance of 15-20 mm from the front edge, you need to drill two through holes with a diameter of about 3.5-4 mm. The exit holes must be connected by a line along which the cut is made, with a depth of at least to the middle of the hole. It is better to first make a series of small holes, and then cut out the rest with a chisel or mounting knife.

You need to insert a U-shaped bracket made of 2 mm wire into the formed slot. Its width should be 30 mm, and the length of the tails should be about 120 mm. It is important that the clamp freely reaches at least the middle of the hole, and even better - that the clamp can be tightened to 10 mm from the top of the hole.

The edges of the clamp must be bent at right angles and twisted into a loop. From 2 mm wire you need to roll a spring into 4-5 turns with two ends of 70 mm each. One end is rigidly attached to the body of the mousetrap, the second is threaded into the loop of the clamp and bent with a hook.

Two holes need to be drilled at a distance of 30-35 mm from the front edge and 5 mm from the center line. Thread a strong thread through them, compress the spring and tighten a tight knot from above. The bait is placed at the bottom of the hole: trying to get to it, the pest will gnaw the thread, and the spring will be activated.

Scheme of a hive mousetrap.1. Spring. 2. Loop. 3. Thread. 4. Mousetrap body

Humane version of the hive design

Typically, rodent traps are created with slaughter in mind. Pest carcasses should be burned to prevent the spread of diseases; feeding caught animals to pets is strongly discouraged. If you are still concerned about the issue of humanity, the trap can be made non-lethal.

The principle of operation of a hive trap remains the same, only the hole should be deeper - about 100-120 mm. The bait is also placed 20-25 mm from the bottom of the hole and a thread is used as a trigger mechanism, which the mouse chews through.

1. Instead of a loop, a tin plate is used to block the entrance when the mousetrap is triggered. 2. In order for the rodent to fit entirely in the mousetrap, it is necessary to deepen the main chamber

But instead of a U-shaped clamp, a steel plate is used, to which two pieces of thin wire are welded. With the same success, you can use a regular clamp, on which a pair of loops of thinner wire are tied crosswise, forming a locking lattice.

The trap body should have a thickened lower part: about 20-25 mm will be required to hide the locking door in the slot. It is better to cut the leading edge of the block with a flat leading part. This option is somewhat more difficult to manufacture, but the caught animal is guaranteed to remain alive and healthy.

Bottle mousetraps

However, to humanely catch pests, it is not necessary to resort to such complex tricks. The simplest non-lethal mousetraps can be made from regular bottle and even in a hurry.

For one of the variations, you will need a deep plastic bucket, along the walls of which the mouse cannot escape. Through liter bottle or a tin can needs to be threaded through a piece of thick steel wire or a regular welding electrode. The trap rests on the sides of the bucket, and the bait is carefully laid out in the center. When approaching it, the rodent will inevitably twist the bottle and fall down.

In a similar way, you can use a bottle with a cut neck, which is secured to the table with a thread in its upper part. The bait is placed on the bottom, and the container itself is located on the edge of the tabletop. When getting to the food, the rodent will fall down along with the container and will not be able to get out along the smooth, steep walls.

The described options have a main drawback: they are very difficult to hide, plus it is necessary to organize a path for the pest to approach the bait. However, if you cut off the top of the bottle, and open the walls into sharp triangular petals 50-60 mm long and bend it inward, such a trap can be placed lying almost anywhere. Oddly enough, but numerous plastic “spikes” really do not allow the animal to escape to freedom.

What baits to use and how

In conclusion, we propose to discuss the issue proper preparation bait To avoid waiting for the mouse to come close to the bait to notice it, it is recommended to use certain types of products that attract prey by smell.

Of the natural products for general consumption, rodents respond best to dried meats, chocolates, canned corn And crab sticks. Barley or peas boiled with butter are also convenient to string onto a trap hook.

If the mousetrap allows the use of bulk baits, a mixture of equal parts of wheat groats, millet and bran, seasoned with unrefined sunflower oil, will work well. When laying bait, wash your hands thoroughly without soap, and keep pets away from the traps; they can scare away pests with their own smell.

Mousetraps should be placed in dark, secluded places, in corners and along walls, where mice usually make their way to explore the territory. The capture of mice is guaranteed in those places where traces of droppings remain: here the rodents eat stolen food and never refuse an additional portion.

When gray rodents appear at home, the owners use different methods struggle. Ready-made and homemade traps - good way catch dangerous “neighbors”. It is important not only to correctly place the device for catching rodents, but also to know which bait for mice in a mousetrap is the best.

Useful tips will be useful to all owners who are faced with the penetration of gray pests into a private house or an apartment. The most popular baits, making a homemade trap for rodents, what should not be put in a mousetrap - these are just a small part of the issues covered in the article.

Causes of mice

With the onset of cold weather, the risk of “uninvited guests” appearing in a person’s home increases. In summer, there is enough food in fields and garbage dumps, and mice are less likely to get into apartments and houses.

In late autumn, the harvest is harvested, the remains are eaten, frozen food waste is not to the taste of rodents. What to do? Go in search of food and warm shelter. For this reason, mice and rats enter cellars, apartments in high-rise buildings, granaries, storerooms, and private houses. From basements, rodents reach not only the first floors, but often climb higher along the floors. Rats in a chicken coop also bring a lot of trouble.

A simple test will help you understand how high the risk of encountering mice in your home is. For each “Yes” answer, score 1 point, for each “No” – 0 points.


  • Do dirty dishes often end up in the sink?
  • Is it always dinner table Do the owners wipe themselves immediately after eating?
  • How long does a trash can with rotting waste last?
  • Are there any spilled cereals, flour, pasta, or seeds on the shelves of the kitchen cabinet?
  • How cluttered is the pantry: a lot of garbage, old things or not?
  • Is there a garbage dump or food waste bins near your house?
  • Is it easy to find freely available water (pipes are leaking, there are often wet rags on the floor)?
  • Are crumbs on the table or kitchen floor a common occurrence?
  • Are containers with bulk products tightly closed?
  • Does the housewife buy flour and cereals “in reserve”?
  • Are there holes in the baseboards next to sewer pipes, in the floor, walls of the cellar?
  • Do the owners keep poultry?

Got 3 or more positive responses? We will have to urgently reconsider our attitude towards order and pay more attention to protecting the home from rodents

How to get rid of and preserve food supplies from harmful bugs? We have the answer!

Read the page for useful tips on how to fight whiteflies in a greenhouse and preserve the harvest.


Mice bring a lot of trouble to people:

  • they chew through bags and bags of cereals and flour;
  • leave excrement among loose products;
  • carry pathogens of dangerous diseases on their paws and fur;
  • damage wires;
  • scare household members;
  • attack poultry, steal eggs;
  • rustling at night in the pantry, under the stove, disturbing sleep;
  • excrement scattered on the floor dries and releases substances that provoke allergic reactions.

Various types of trapping devices are effective in catching rodents. Important point- to lure a cunning creature. Not every product is suitable for attracting mice and rats. There are several myths regarding the most delicious bait for rodents. What is the truth and where is the fallacy? Let's figure it out.

How to attract rodents

A strong, pleasant smell is a prerequisite for catching rodents using ready-made and homemade traps. The product must be natural: rats and mice cannot tolerate chemicals. For example, cheap smoked sausage always loses to aromatic sunflower oil or toasted seeds.

An important point is the quality of the bait for rodents. Old lard, rotten fish, cheap smoked sausage, rotten cereals are bad options for catching mice and rats. Cunning creatures are always more willing to eat natural, fresh foods than chemicals.

TOP – 7 products that attract rodents:

  • Salted or smoked lard. The popularity of the bait has been tested by many generations of owners. Important condition: use aromatic, fresh lard: rancid, old lard is unlikely to attract picky rodents.
  • Vegetable oil. Perfect option– an unrefined product with a clearly distinguishable, pleasant aroma. Moisten the crust of bread with sunflower oil or dip a cotton swab into the oily liquid. Many rodents react positively to the aromatic product pressed from sesame seeds, but sunflower oil is more attractive.
  • Grain, baked goods. Many owners believe that fresh baked goods mixed with whole grains or bran are a great attractor for gray pests. A simple trick increases efficiency: moisten a piece of bread. unrefined oil from sunflower seeds. Treatment of buckwheat, millet, rice, and rat poison enhances the effect on rodents.
  • Cold smoked fish. Another popular product, like a magnet, attracts rats and mice. High quality bait is a must. Rodents quickly feel that the owner spared them fresh fish, put in old, rotten food, and avoid the trap.
  • Sausages. Not a bad option if there are no other products from the top of the rating. Unfortunately, most sausages contain flavorings, flavor enhancers, chemicals, and preservatives. Smart rodents will rarely covet a product that doesn't contain many natural ingredients. If you choose sausage, then it’s homemade, with minimum quantity chemistry.
  • Smoked cheese. This option will help you catch a rodent: regular cheese has a less characteristic smell, dries out quickly, and is less attractive to mice. Smoked sausage cheese is exactly what you need.
  • Raw minced meat with onions. This option is suitable for attracting rats. If the owners do not know who is rustling under the stove or in the pantry, but from the damage caused they guess that the rodent is large, a mixture of ground meat, onions and rat poison will help. The main thing: add a little poison so as not to interrupt the aroma of natural bait. Also use finely chopped onion in moderation: for about 10 parts of minced meat – 2 parts of a product with a bright aroma.

Knowing little tricks will help owners catch “uninvited guests” more effectively. There are foods to which rodents react less strongly.

Mice are less likely to touch the following baits:

  • dried cheese;
  • a piece of apple;
  • chocolate;
  • cheap, low-quality sausage;
  • old lard;
  • dried out baked goods.

How to catch gray pests

To catch rodents, manufacturers offer several types of devices:

  • mechanical mousetrap;
  • live trap for catching mice;
  • containers, cages;
  • electric mousetrap.

How does the simplest and affordable option traps:

  • The mechanical device consists of a clamp, a trigger and a holder. All metal elements are mounted on a wooden plank;
  • Before starting the “operation”, put on gloves. Mice and rats smell well, understand that a person has been here, and do not touch cooked food;
  • To charge the mousetrap, take bait from TOP - 7 and place it on the trigger. Check whether a piece of lard or bread is securely fastened, otherwise the cunning rodent will carefully take out the treat and run away without affecting the trap mechanism;
  • the next step is to cock the clamp. Carefully place the holder and insert the element into the trigger. It is important to ensure that the holder slides off easily at the slightest touch;
  • It is not always possible to charge the device quickly and correctly the first time; several training sessions will be required. It doesn't hurt to be careful: the pressure hits your fingers painfully;
  • After charging, the device is ready for use.

How does a mechanical trap work:

  • a mouse or rat smells the bait, touches the treat, grabs the trigger;
  • then the actions follow a chain: the holder slides, the clamp releases, the mousetrap slams shut, the mechanism firmly presses the rodent;
  • If a large rat “pecks” at the bait, it can drag the device with it.

Advice! A lighter one is suitable for catching mice. wooden structure, a product with a metal base will help catch a rat.

Where to put the mousetrap

Helpful Tips:

  • The optimal time for installing devices is evening: mice and rats do not like daylight, quietly move around the apartment or house at night;
  • It is important to inspect baseboards, corners, cluttered areas, the perimeter of the pantry and cellar. Be sure to place a mousetrap next to the mink;
  • to catch rodents, place several devices along the walls, under the oven, behind household appliances, between the wall and the cabinet, near any openings in the floor that are not yet covered. If there is space between the pipes and the wall, place a trap there too.

How to make a device with your own hands

It's easy to make from items you always have at home. Minimum costs, maximum efficiency.

What do you need:

  • bucket with water;
  • a sheet of paper, a notebook cover or a desk calendar;
  • bait with a bright aroma.

Learn how to clear out rooms and prevent insects from breeding.

How to get rid of bed bugs yourself? Effective ways pest control are described on the page.


  • fill the bucket with water (about a third);
  • place on the floor at the edge of the table;
  • make a structure like a house out of paper;
  • place the pyramid closer to the edge of the table: half of the house is on the tabletop, the second hangs over a bucket of liquid;
  • Place bait on the edge hanging over the container with water, level the structure so that lard or a piece of bread does not outweigh the second area;
  • The principle of operation of the trap is simple: the mouse smells the bait, approaches it, the light house tips over, and the rodent falls into the water.

Preventive measures

Mice and rats often live in basements and attics, enter homes from landfills, or move from field to home during seasonal migration. Why do some owners constantly complain about the penetration of rodents, while others practically never encounter gray pests?

To solve the question, you will have to remember the test from the first section. If there were too many “Yes” answers, you need to correct the situation. Preventing the appearance of rats and mice in your home will be successful if there are as few positive answers to the test questions as possible. There is often no escape from being close to a garbage dump, but regularly removing food waste, maintaining order in the apartment, getting rid of holes and cracks in the floor, walls, baseboards, and not filling your home with bags of cereals and flour is a feasible task.

Suitable bait for mice in a mousetrap, knowledge of the behavioral characteristics and taste preferences of cunning rodents, installation of several traps are the main measures for catching gray pests. A simple test will help you understand whether there is a risk of rats and mice settling in your home. It’s easier to keep rodents out of your apartment than to hunt dangerous “neighbors.”

Below is a video about how to make a mousetrap from improvised materials and what to use as bait:

A person's home has everything necessary for mice to live favorable conditions: warm, lots of hidden places and always some food. And it doesn’t matter where you live - in the private sector or on the eighth floor high-rise building. This rodent can get anywhere. People have been concerned about protecting their home for a long time, and during this time many ingenious traps have been invented. One of the most effective and simplest is a trap.

There are many of them on sale today, differing in design and fishing method. But why spend money on them when you can make a rat trap with your own hands in literally a matter of minutes and using ordinary improvised means. In addition to saving money, you will have an excellent opportunity to demonstrate your craftsmanship skills to your loved ones, but only if you know how to make a mouse trap yourself.

When small children live in the house or there are pets, the use of toxic substances to kill rodents is not advisable. Buying factory traps in a store can be quite expensive, but to get good results, you need to install several of them at once. And in this case, knowledge of how to make a mousetrap with your own hands at home will come in handy.

We make different options ourselves

To create traps, you can use materials that you always have in the house - paper, plastic bottles, other containers, a ruler, wire, etc. The main thing is that such homemade mousetraps are reusable, and some options are self-charging. You don’t have to constantly monitor them and you can catch several rodents with one device.

Sunflower seeds, toasted sunflower oil or a piece of bread dipped in it will be more effective.

However, it is not enough to know how to make a mousetrap at home, you also need to make pests interested in it, you need to be aware of what to put inside. To do this you need an attractive bait.

Everyone knows that mice love cheese, but this is more of a stereotype. No less effective are:

  • Sunflower seeds
  • Slices of bread fried in sunflower oil
  • Small pieces of lard.

Sesame oil is also a good bait for rats and mice, and is considered a win-win option; its aroma does not leave rodents indifferent.

A simple version of a bucket and ruler

This is not only a simple solution to the problem, but also quite easy to implement. In addition, such a DIY mousetrap has a great advantage - all its elements are interchangeable. The bucket can be replaced with an old saucepan or other container, and instead of a ruler, use thick cardboard or a thin strip.

The design of such a mousetrap is simple; to create it you will also need a knitting needle or a metal round and rigid wire. The knitting needle rests its ends on the edge of the bucket. A ruler attached to it rests on the edge with one end, and the other should hang over the container. The bait is placed on it, closer to the end.

Such homemade traps for mice and rats will be effective provided that rodents have free access to the ruler located on top of the bucket. It is advisable to fill the container one third with water. The mouse, passing along the rail, crossing the place where it intersects with the knitting needle, shifts the center of gravity of the structure you created.

The free end of the ruler drops sharply down and the animal falls into homemade mousetrap. If the bait is securely fastened and does not fall off when tipped over, then this design can work many times.

From a jar with cut paper on the neck

This model is similar to the previous one. Only the bait should be placed in a mousetrap, and a path should be made for rodents to the neck of the jar. The top is covered with paper cut crosswise with a razor. Stepping on the paper petals, the animal falls inside the trap.

Such a mousetrap from a jar is not always effective, since animals are sometimes afraid of thin paper vibrating under their paws. In this design, the bait can be placed not inside the container, but suspended on a rope above it.

We make it from a glass jar and a coin

Such homemade mousetraps can also be made from a small saucepan, and instead of a coin, a large button will do. It will serve as support for the raised edge of the container. A rope or strong thread is glued to it, with a hook attached to the end. A wooden or metal rod is placed inside the jar. A cord with a hook is thrown through it, onto which the bait is placed.

IN simple version The bait can be glued to the wall of the jar.

When the mouse pulls the food, the thread stretches and pulls the support out from under the can. The trap slams shut, and the caught rodent is trapped. The disadvantage of the trap is that it requires reloading.

Plastic bottle traps

There are many options for making models of this type. Making a mousetrap with your own hands from an ordinary plastic bottle is very simple:

The container is cut into two uneven parts, the bottom should be in the longer one. The part with the neck without a stopper is installed in the other in an inverted position. For structural strength, the bottle mousetrap is glued together.

The bait is inside the container. It is also good to grease the neck with oil. The little animal slips into the bottle and can no longer get out.

A DIY humane mousetrap could be even simpler. The neck of a plastic bottle is cut off and bait is placed inside. The container is installed so that most of it hangs over the edge of the table or shelf.

A do-it-yourself mousetrap made from a plastic bottle is tied with string to something above the table. The animal, getting inside, shifts the center of gravity, and the trap falls, sagging above the floor. With a little ingenuity, you can come up with other models of mousetraps made from plastic bottles.

Interesting video:Mousetrap made from improvised means

Neighborhood with rodents is fraught with the development of many problems. Mice mercilessly spoil food and chew furniture. And they consider wiring a special delicacy. Gnawing wires often causes fires in the house. In addition, mice are carriers of many infectious diseases, dangerous for both humans and pets. Therefore, when you notice the first rodents or their droppings, immediately begin to fight.

Benefits of homemade traps

When a house is attacked by rodents, there is a desire to get rid of them as quickly as possible. For these purposes, many poisonous chemicals, repellent devices or newfangled mousetraps have been developed. However, do not rush to purchase such funds. Experience has shown that an effective trap can be made within a few minutes. This device has four advantages compared to purchased products.

  1. Does not contain toxic substances. Chemicals are essentially poisons. They are toxic not only to rodents. Toxic substances can cause intoxication in humans or pets. Homemade mouse traps that you use cardboard or bottles will not harm you or your pets.
  2. No need to leave home. Since you do not use poisons, there is no need to transport children to their grandmothers, or your beloved pets to friends.
  3. The house is not in danger of unsanitary conditions. Another minus toxic substances lies in the inability to control the death of rodents. A poisoned mouse can climb into a hole and die there. Now imagine if it is not one rodent, but several at once. To eliminate the smell, you will have to break the walls, provided you know where the hole is. A mousetrap allows you to avoid this fate. You will always see the rodent you come across.
  4. Saving . Having decided to fight with mousetraps, you will note with disappointment that effective means They're not cheap. And to eliminate rodents you will need at least several traps. Homemade designs will help protect your budget.

Another advantage of homemade traps is the ability reusable. If you master the technology of creating a mousetrap, you can use it at any time. There will be no need to waste energy searching for the complex design you once acquired.


No matter how original your trap is, you need to get the mice to fall into it. We need bait. When it comes to rodents, one immediately thinks of a piece of cheese. This seems obvious. However, your “tenants” may not fall for hard cheese. The following products are recognized as the most effective baits:

  • sunflower seeds;
  • a piece of bread dipped in sunflower oil;
  • smoked sausage;
  • fresh or fried lard;
  • Sesame oil.

Device options

Human ingenuity has no limits. Look around. You are surrounded by many objects that can serve as the basis for making an effective trap. So, arm yourself with the tools at hand and start crafting using the following seven ideas.

With elastic band for banknotes

Peculiarities. The mousetrap you make will allow you to catch only one rodent. Place the device near the proposed hole. The animal is attracted by the aroma of the bait. He runs into the bottle and pulls out the fixed food. The paperclip slides through the hole easily. The thread flies off the straight end. The neck of the bottle, no longer held in place, slams shut. The mouse is trapped.


  • 2 liter plastic bottle with a cap (it’s better to take a square one) - one;
  • elastic band for money - two;
  • thin stick - two;
  • strong thread - 30-40 cm long;
  • bait - one;
  • metal clip - one.

What to do

  1. Step back from the neck approximately 15-20 cm (by a third), make a cut with a sharp knife, moving in a transverse direction.
  2. Don't cut all the way through, leave one of the four sides intact if your bottle is square. You should end up with a “chest” with a folding top neck.
  3. Place the workpiece so that the uncut side is on top.
  4. Heat an awl over the fire.
  5. Do it to them through holes in a cone-shaped blank at the bottom, departing from the cut by 5-7 cm.
  6. Insert one of the sticks into the resulting holes.
  7. Repeat the procedure for making holes in a larger piece, stepping back from the first holes by the length of the elastic band.
  8. Insert a second stick into these holes.
  9. On one and the other side of the bottle, put elastic bands on the ends of the sticks.
  10. Now take a strong thread and tie one end of it to the neck of the bottle.
  11. Be sure to screw the lid on the neck, otherwise your “captive” will easily crawl out through the hole.
  12. If you did everything correctly, then by pulling the thread you can open your “chest”.
  13. Unfold the metal clip.
  14. Make a ring from one part, put the bait in it, and secure it tightly.
  15. Leave the other end of the paperclip straight.
  16. Make another hole at the base of the bottle with a hot awl.
  17. Insert a paperclip into this hole so that the bait is inside the bottle and the straight end comes out.
  18. Tie the free end of the thread to it.
  19. Pull the rope so that the neck of the bottle opens 90º.

Nail and thread

Peculiarities. The mouse, attracted by the bait, will make its way into the bottle. She, under the force of gravity, will tip down, but will not fall to the floor, but will hang in the air along with the captive.


  • plastic bottle (1.5 l or 2 l) - one;
  • nail - one;
  • thread - 20-30 cm long;
  • bait - one.

What to do:

  1. Cut off the neck of a plastic bottle.
  2. Step back 1-2 cm from the cut and make a hole with a hot awl.
  3. Thread the end of the thread into this hole and tie it tightly.
  4. Place bait in the bottle at the very end.
  5. Place a homemade mousetrap on the table so that part of the bottle (the one in which the bait lies) remains suspended.
  6. Tie the second end of the thread to a fixed nail.

Only plastic bottle

Peculiarities. The mousetrap must be placed near the hole. The mouse will easily get inside the bottle. And sharp teeth will prevent her from crawling back out.


  • plastic bottle - one;
  • bait - one.

What to do

  1. Cut off the neck of a plastic bottle. You will need the part that has the bottom left.
  2. Form the cut edge in a zigzag pattern.
  3. Try to make long “petals”.
  4. Bend the sharp edges inside the bottle.
  5. Place bait in the middle.

Bucket with water

Peculiarities. Such a trap will allow you to catch not one, but several rodents. But you can’t call her humane. The mouse falls into a bucket of water and dies. Place the structure near the proposed hole. The mouse will smell the bait, rush to it, and easily climb up the “slide.” But, stepping on a freely rotating bottle, he will lose his balance and fall into a bucket of water.


  • large bucket - one;
  • metal knitting needle - one;
  • plastic bottle or can- one;
  • board - two;
  • scotch;
  • bait.

What to do

  1. Pour water into the bucket, filling a third or half of the volume.
  2. Pierce the jar or bottle with a knitting needle lengthwise.
  3. Develop the holes a little so that the bottle rotates easily on the knitting needle.
  4. Using tape, attach to plastic container bait
  5. Place the knitting needle on the bucket.
  6. Place boards on both sides of the bucket, creating “slides”.

Made of wood

Peculiarities. Rodents, attracted by the fragrant food, will try to get into the hole. But a thread will block their path. The mouse will chew through it to get to the bait. As soon as the thread loosens, the spring is activated and the trap slams shut, firmly fixing the rodent.


  • block of wood - 120×90 mm, height 40 mm;
  • drill;
  • wire;
  • threads;
  • bait.

What to do

  1. Initially, sketch out the diagram, marking the centers of the trap holes.
  2. Apply markings to the block.
  3. Using a drill (30 mm), make blind holes, 75-80 mm long, into three cells at once.
  4. Make a wire loop that will allow you to attach a noose to the mousetrap.
  5. Now drill some holes to secure the springs and hinges.
  6. You will need a thread to tie the spring.
  7. Loading this trap is very easy. You just need to place the bait inside the blind holes.


Peculiarities. Never touch iron surfaces until the power is turned off. And if you are not an expert in electronics, then it is better to use other, safer methods of rodent control.


  • metal platform;
  • wires;
  • peanut butter as bait.

What to do

  1. Connect one contact to a metal platform on which the rodent will run.
  2. Raise the other contact above the platform.
  3. Coat this edge generously with peanut butter.
  4. Attach a plug to the end of the wire and plug it into the network.


Peculiarities. This is one of the most brutal methods of dealing with mice. It is accompanied by the squeaks and cries of animals trying to escape. Therefore, try not to be away for a long time in order to have time to unstick the rodent, which you will then release in the forest, away from home.


  • cardboard (or plywood) - a small sheet;
  • glue (purchase from a specialty store);
  • bait.

What to do

  1. Apply a layer of glue to the surface of the cardboard.
  2. Place bait in the center.
  3. Place a sticky trap near the hole.

Preventive actions

To say goodbye to rodents forever, you need to reconsider your habits and introduce new rules. Ignoring preventive measures will lead to the reappearance of mice in your apartment. There are very simple recommendations to protect against rodent invasion:

  • supplies - store cereals and sugar in special containers, or better yet, in glass containers;
  • aromas - place onion peels, pieces of garlic, laurel leaves on the shelves in cabinets that can repel mice;
  • audit - regularly inspect supplies for the presence of various pests and black lumps that characterize the appearance of uninvited guests;
  • garbage collection - regularly remove waste from the house, and always close the trash can with a lid;
  • “friends” - get a cat in the house, and if you live in a private house, then hang a birdhouse that attracts birds of prey that feed on rodents to your area.

Rodents do not like order; they avoid those houses in which there is no trash, and leftover food does not remain on the tables. Therefore, in order not to wage a cruel and merciless war, regularly clean your home.