Well      06/29/2020

Semolina porridge name. What is semolina made from? What cereal? Semolina - how to choose

Semolina What grain is it made from? Composition of semolina, benefits for the body, an overview of the best brands on the market

What cereal is semolina obtained from

The main properties make semolina nutritious and healthy. This is due to the origin of the product. It requires certain varieties of wheat to be crafted. Semolina is obtained after cutting the grains, the particles are obtained with a diameter of at least 0.5 mm.
The variety of cereal has an impact on the finished cereal, which has a different category. Upon receipt of raw materials with category “M”, it means that a soft wheat variety was used.
The category designation "T" indicates that hard grades were used. Sometimes there is a mixture of two cereals, in this case they designate the brand "MT".

The composition of semolina, characteristics and calorie content

Semolina is rich in useful and nutritious elements:
  • vitamins E, B1, B2, as well as B9 and PP
  • besides this, mineral salts, among them there are sodium and phosphorus, magnesium and potassium, there is iron and zinc, cobalt, along with fluorine and amino acids
  • one of the main antioxidants in the product is vitamin E. Due to its effectiveness, it works properly nervous system and the human brain. Semolina porridge calms a person in case of breakdowns or nervous disorders
Groats are not subject to long-term cooking, and after cooking they are quickly absorbed in the body. Wherein physical forces are restored, the body is cleansed, getting rid of excess fats, as well as harmful substances.
100 grams of semolina contains 328 kcal. In addition, it contains 10.3 g of proteins, 1 g of fats, and 70.6 g of carbohydrates.
Advice! Groats in ready-made prevents the formation of cancerous tumors. At correct use semolina can avoid raising cholesterol, it is great for people with diabetes.

Useful properties of semolina, is there any harm to the body

Semolina contains minerals, vitamins, it contains starch in the amount of 70%. Beneficial features are preserved through quick cooking. Semolina is considered to be a protein-free cereal, and doctors recommend eating during chronic kidney failure.
The presence of harm to the body
Semolina consists of fast carbohydrates and sugar, products instantly appear in the blood and a person receives a powerful boost of energy. But it does not last long and is not suitable for normal life. Due to the presence of these properties, the product should not be eaten by diabetics, as well as people who want to lose weight.
Semolina is saturated with gluten, it is in in large numbers therefore, people suffering from this substance should give up semolina. The product contains a high calorie content, so you should not feed your child only with this dish.

Semolina porridge with cranberry mousse

Cranberries must be mashed and pour boiling water, then boil for 7 minutes. Add 3 tablespoons of semolina to the mixture, pour 0.5 cups of sugar on top. Boil the ingredients for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally. Ready mousse is a dish, increased by 2 times.

Semolina porridge with walnuts

  • semolina - 0.5 cups
  • milk - 800 ml
  • sugar - 60 g
  • jam - 100 g
  • walnuts - 30 g
  • salt at will
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • a little vanilla
Mix milk with sugar and a little salt. Stir thoroughly and set to boil, then pour the indicated amount of cereal and cook for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. At the end, cool the mixture and mix with the rest of the ingredients.
Important. Thanks to the porridge, the breakdown of fats occurs, as well as the excretion of mucus. The product does not have properties to cause allergies, but there is an individual intolerance. If you regularly eat semolina dishes, heart disease and the vascular system will not appear.

Semolina and pumpkin donut

Grate pumpkin with a large nozzle, mix with 4 tablespoons of semolina, salt and beat in an egg. Mix the ingredients until a homogeneous mass is formed. Fry the resulting mixture in a hot frying pan on both sides. After the dish is browned on one side, turn with a spatula and fry the second side until golden brown. Before removing the product from the heat, grease with sour cream on top. Sweet donut is ready.

Overview of the best semolina brands

The best semolina is produced at JSC "Aleyskzernoprodukt" (Altai Territory).
In addition, there are well-known manufacturers:
  • JSC "Saratov Combine of Bakery Products"
  • OJSC "Rostov Combine of Bakery Products"
  • OJSC "Mill Combine in Sokolniki" (Moscow)
Thanks to the well-established work of these industries, excellent grades of semolina are obtained.

Pros and cons of semolina for children

Semolina contains gluten in large quantities, so babies experience strong allergic reactions. IN early age the child has a weak body, so you should not load it with this dish until the body gets used to gluten.
Semolina consists of a huge amount of carbohydrates; a child's body that has not grown stronger is unable to cope with the substance. If you feed your child often with semolina, he will gain excess weight, as a result, an excessive number of indicators of age norms will be obtained.

Diet recipes with semolina: video

There are many different diet recipes with semolina. One of them can be found by clicking on the link:

Semolina quickly boils soft, contains very little fiber. Semolina is digested in the lower intestine and then absorbed into the blood. That is why liquid semolina porridges are part of diets for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Semolina cleanses the body and removes fat.

Semolina contains a lot of gluten, a protein also called gluten. There are people who cannot tolerate gluten, which causes allergies.

There are three types of semolina on sale: the letter “M” on the package is marked semolina from soft varieties of wheat, the letter “T” indicates cereals made from durum varieties, and the letters “MT” indicate semolina containing at least 20% cereals from durum varieties wheat. Very often this information is not indicated on the packaging.

The taste of semolina

Semolina is a coarse wheat, so it has the appropriate taste. The taste of semolina porridge depends on what products were additionally used in the preparation of porridge.

The combination of semolina with other products

Semolina goes well with fruits, jams, cottage cheese (in casseroles).

The use of semolina in cooking

Semolina is used for making semolina porridge, Guryev porridge, dumplings, casseroles, and manna. Semolina is also used as a binding ingredient in the preparation of meat and fish cutlets, especially in baby food.

Features of cooking semolina

When cooking semolina porridge, you should follow the rules:

  1. For 0.5 liters of liquid, you need to take ¾ cup of semolina.
  2. Groats are poured in a thin stream, stirring continuously, into a hot, but not boiling (90-95 C) liquid, adding salt and sugar. You can pour cereal through a sieve. Fall asleep quickly and evenly.
  3. Smaller grains boil faster.
  4. After the porridge is cooked, it is necessary to close the pan with a lid and leave for a while so that the cereal swells.

Storage of semolina

Semolina should be stored in a closed jar in a cool, dry place. You can throw a clove of garlic into the jar.

Traditional role in dishes

Semolina porridge is boiled from semolina, it is added to casseroles, pancakes are baked on its basis and manna pies are made.

Permissible Substitutions

In casseroles, cutlets, semolina can be replaced with wholemeal wheat flour or starch.

The history of the origin of semolina

Although people have been growing wheat since before our era, semolina appeared much later.

In Rus', semolina was produced in small quantities and only fell on the tables of aristocrats, the common people did not know semolina. IN THE USSR semolina has become an everyday commodity.

Influence on the human body, beneficial substances

Semolina porridge is very often prepared for children, which is not entirely correct, since the children's stomach cannot yet digest the starch contained in semolina in large quantities. The phytin contained in semolina is able to bind calcium, which comes with other foods, thus depriving the child's body of building material for bones. Often, children who constantly eat semolina get rickets or convulsions.

For adults and the elderly, the disadvantages of fiber-free semolina turn into its advantages: semolina does not irritate the stomach, and prevents colon cancer. Semolina is the only cereal that is digested in the lower intestine and only there it is absorbed into its walls. Manka is good remedy treatment and prevention of intestinal diseases, it cleanses the body of mucus and removes fat.

Semolina contains everything that is in wheat flour: starch, vitamins E and B1, B2, B6, PP, iron. Semolina is recommended for seriously ill patients in postoperative period when extra nutrition is needed.

Interesting facts about semolina

Who invented Guryev porridge

The famous Guryev porridge was invented at the beginning of the 19th century. The name of this porridge comes from the name of Count Dmitry Guryev, a member of the State Council and Minister of Finance, and it was invented by Zakhar Kuzmin, a serf cook. Guriev bought Kuzmin and his family and made him his cook. There is another version, according to which Guryev himself invented the porridge recipe.

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About semolina, which one to choose and how to store

Semolina, in comparison with other cereals, does not have a high content of valuable trace elements and fiber useful for digestion. Distinctive feature decoy is high content carbohydrates, making it an excellent source of energy.

It is mainly used for making cereals, great for breakfast, due to the high content of carbohydrates. Semolina is added to the dough when baking, which helps to keep the baked goods in shape after baking.

The undeniable advantages of semolina include the speed of its preparation. From the beginning of cooking to the moment of readiness, it takes only a few minutes and the dish is ready!

Semolina is a whole wheat flour with a particle size of 0.2 mm to 0.7 mm.

Semolina is made from wheat different varieties. semolina variety can be identified by the marking on the package:

  • "M"- semolina from soft varieties wheat.
  • "T"- semolina from durum varieties wheat.
  • "MT"- semolina from a mixture of hard (20%) and soft (80%) varieties wheat.

Semolina from "soft" varieties, by the look white color with opaque particles. Such semolina during cooking, due to the good absorption of the liquid, increases in volume several times. And porridge cooked from this variety of semolina will be homogeneous, without lumps. Good for adding to mousses, culinary pastries, and of course for making cereals.

Semolina from "hard" varieties, appearing yellowish in color with translucent particles. When cooking, the volume increases slightly. Suitable for adding to confectionery products that need to keep their shape after cooking, such as dumplings, pancakes, bread.

Semolina grade "MT" the most versatile. It is well suited both for making cereals and for adding to culinary products.

Semolina porridges are unique in that they are digested and absorbed in the lower intestine, unlike most other porridges. Due to the low fiber content, semolina is recommended for people suffering from indigestion. Semolina does not cause "bloating" or excessive gas formation, such as pea or oatmeal porridge. The assimilation of semolina by the body occurs quickly and almost completely.

Semolina porridge is a source of easily digestible carbohydrates that are quickly and almost completely processed by the body. Suitable for most, with the exception of people suffering from gluten intolerance.

Harm semolina

The main contraindication to the use of semolina is the high content of gluten (gluten) in its composition. In some people, gluten is not absorbed by the body and can cause allergic reactions.

Composition of semolina, per 100 gr. dry product

% DV in 100 g
calories 333 kcal 19.8%
Squirrels 10.3 g 13.6%
Fats 1 g 1.7%
Carbohydrates 70.6 g 33.5%
Alimentary fiber 3.6 g 18%
Water 14 g 0.6%
Ash 0.5 g
Vitamin B1, thiamine 0.14 mg 9.3%
Vitamin B2, riboflavin 0.04 mg 2.2%
Vitamin B6, pyridoxine 0.17 mg 8.5%
Vitamin B9, folate 23 mcg 5.8%
Vitamin E, alpha tocopherol, TE 1.5 mg 10%
Vitamin PP, NE 3 mg 15%
Niacin 1.2 mg
Potassium, K 130 mg 5.2%
Calcium Ca 20 mg 2%
Silicon, Si 6 mg 20%
Magnesium 18 mg 4.5%
Sodium, Na 3 mg 0.2%
Sulfur, S 75 mg 7.5%
Phosphorus, Ph 85 mg 10.6%
Chlorine, Cl 21 mg 0.9%
trace elements
Aluminium, Al 570 mcg
Bor, B 63 mcg
Vanadium, V 103 mcg
Iron, Fe 1 mg 5.6%
cobalt, co 25 mcg 250%
Manganese, Mn 0.44 mg 22%
Copper, Cu 70 mcg 7%
Molybdenum, Mo 11.3 mcg 16.1%
Nickel, Ni 11.5 mcg
Tin, Sn 3.2 mcg
Titanium, Ti 8.9 mcg
Fluorine, F 20 mcg 0.5%
Chrome, Cr 1 mcg 2%
Zinc, Zn 0.59 mg 4.9%
digestible carbohydrates
Starch and dextrins 68.5 g
Mono- and disaccharides (sugars) 1.6 g
Essential amino acids
Arginine* 0.47 g
Valine 0.49 g
Histidine* 0.21 g
Isoleucine 0.45 g
Leucine 0.81 g
Lysine 0.26 g
Methionine 0.16 g
Methionine + Cysteine 0.38 g
Threonine 0.32 g
tryptophan 0.11 g
Phenylalanine 0.54 g
Phenylalanine + Tyrosine 0.81 g
Non-essential amino acids
Alanine 0.34 g
Aspartic acid 0.38 g
Glycine 0.37 g
Glutamic acid 3.2 g
Proline 1.04 g
Serene 0.53 g
Tyrosine 0.27 g
Cysteine 0.22 g
Saturated fatty acids
Saturated fatty acids 0.2 g

Calorie semolina in various household containers:

  • 250 ml glass = 200 g (666 kcal)
  • 200 ml glass = 160 g (532.8 kcal)
  • Tablespoon = 25 g (83.3 kcal)
  • Teaspoon = 8 g (26.6 kcal)

To figure out what benefits or harms the use of semolina brings, we will understand, perhaps, first of all, what is semolina from which it is prepared.

Not everyone, perhaps, knows that this cereal is made from a crop that is very popular now - wheat. The variety of semolina, as this product is abbreviated, also depends on the brand of this cereal. And so, there are three types of cereals: T (from hard rock), M (respectively from soft) and MT (mixed).

One of the signs that distinguishes semolina from ordinary wheat is the size of the grains. In semolina, they are very small, only 0.25 in diameter, maximum 0.75 mm.

The brand of cereal affects the quality of the dish prepared from semolina. For example, brand "T" is better to use for sweet dishes, add to minced meat, it is also suitable for filling in soups. But the brand "M" is used for casseroles, pancakes and viscous cereals.

Composition of semolina

If we consider the nutritional value, as they say, of the edible part of semolina, then 100 g of cereal contains more than 70 g of carbohydrates, a little more than 10 g of protein, and only 1 g is fat. About 4 g is occupied by dietary fiber. Only 0.5 g contains ash substances and 14 g of water.

Semolina is rich in vitamins. This is vitamin E (0.25 mg) and PP (1.2 mg). There is also a vitamin range of the most useful group B. There are 0.14 mg of thiamine and 0.04 mg of riboflavin in semolina, also pyridoxine (0.17 mg) and folic acid(17 mcg). The composition of 100 g of semolina is given.

The mineral range is widely represented. There are cereals and calcium (20 mg), and potassium (130 mg), and magnesium (18 mg). Enough and other components - phosphorus (85 mg), sulfur (75 mg), chlorine (21 mg).

Trace elements are present in even greater quantities. This is both iron (1 mg) and zinc (0.59 mg). There is also fluorine, chromium, molybdenum, vanadium. In total, more than two dozen of these most useful and essential components for the normal functioning of the body are found in semolina.

The benefits of semolina

This product is still being debated. Some consider it useful, others do not recommend introducing semolina into their diet at all. Situations are different. Indeed, there are ailments in which semolina will bring undoubted benefits.

This applies, for example,

gastrointestinal diseases

Getting into the digestive organs, semolina literally envelops them, soothing pain and relieving spasms. It also heals cracks that can form in the intestines. Therefore, it is recommended to introduce it into the diet of patients with gastritis, ulcers, as well as other pathologies associated with the digestive system. In such cases, semolina is prepared on water, and without salt, and without sugar.

Porridge can also be used as an excellent cleanser for the body. To do this, semolina is introduced into your morning diet. Then she will be able to absorb all the bad components that come across in other products.

Semolina porridge is also shown in the recovery period after operations. This is facilitated by a limited amount of fiber, compared with other cereals and excellent digestibility.

The same quality of semolina allows you to use it during a serious illness. After all, the body during this period needs energy and strength to recover, and semolina is able to provide all this.

Excellent digestibility and a fairly high energy value allows you to get rid of chronic fatigue thanks to this product.

Shown semolina porridge for kidney disease. Especially in chronic insufficiency, when a protein-free diet is recommended.

In moderation, the product is useful for both children and the elderly. The child's body quickly restores the wasted energy, receiving also the components necessary for its growth. It is better to cook this dish for children with milk.

In old age, porridge prevents the development of malignant tumors in the intestines, and also prevents the demineralization of blood cells.

Some experts prove the usefulness of this product for weight loss. This is dictated by the ability of semolina to remove mucus and fats.

Harm of semolina

  1. The product will undoubtedly bring harm if consumed too much. Eating several servings of semolina porridge a day, you can increase the excretion of a very important substance for the body - calcium. This is dangerous, especially for the child's body and leads to poor development of the bone and muscle system. Unfortunately, as a result of this, some diseases can develop, for example, such as rickets and spasmophilia. In old age, excessive passion for semolina threatens with the appearance of osteoporosis and obesity.
  2. Another disadvantage of semolina is the rather high content of a substance called gluten in it.
  3. Some people suffer from intolerance to this substance. This disease is called celiac disease. This is a severe disease, considered hereditary. It leads, if measures are not taken in time, to a thinning of the intestinal walls and a violation of the absorption of nutrients by the body, which are so necessary for its normal growth and functioning. The disease can be manifested by allergic reactions, stool disorder.
  4. Due to the high content of gluten, semolina is not recommended for children under the age of one year. This product can contribute to the development of a dangerous disease - allergies.
  5. Semolina porridge will not bring any benefit if you cook cereals for a long time. in digested product useful material missing.

How to cook semolina?

In order for semolina, from which we prepare semolina beloved by many, to be able to give up all the nutrients and be not only tasty, but also healthy, you need to remember just a few rules. They must be observed during the preparation of the dish. Plus, they're not complicated at all.

First of all, this is the time of its preparation. And so, you only need to cook semolina for about 15 minutes. This is the only way that useful substances are preserved to the maximum. By the way, grits are already poured into boiling water or milk, moreover, in a thin stream and constantly stirring.

One to ten is considered the ideal ratio. This means - one part of the cereal and ten liquid.

To improve the taste and benefits of porridge, you can add sugar, honey, cinnamon, butter, dried fruits to it. This of course depends on taste and preference.

Cook with pleasure and be healthy!

Semolina is a cereal made from wheat grains. Most of all, it is popular in the form of porridge, but it can be used for baking, casseroles, sauces and other dishes. The benefits of semolina lie not only in nutritional value but also in a beneficial effect on the body. About what semolina is, what grain it is made from, and whether semolina is really useful for children and what else can be prepared from it - later in the article.

Semolina (semolina)

The history of the use of semolina goes back to deep historical times, as it is a consequence of the cultural cultivation of wheat.

Semolina is a crushed wheat grain with a fine grain size (0.25-0.75 mm), which is widely used throughout the world in cooking.

Photo: semolina (semolina)

In Russia, they were familiar with semolina back in pre-revolutionary times, but they did not actively use it, since its production was considered too costly. Therefore, its mass distribution occurred only in the 20th century. Semolina is very familiar to many residents of the post-Soviet space, as it was fed and continues to be fed in kindergartens.

Based on the varietal affiliation of wheat used for the production of cereals, it is labeled with the following designations:

  • T - hard varieties;
  • M - soft varieties;
  • TM - a mixture in a ratio of approximately 15/85.

Solid semolina semolina is characterized by a more noticeable particle size, a translucent structure. It is less prone to overcooking and holds its shape better.

Corn semolina

Corn semolina is not one of the types of this cereal, but a marketing ploy used by some manufacturers. Corn semolina is corn grits, corresponding in grade to semolina. The particle size of this product is 0.3-0.8 mm. In addition to external similarities, the products have little in common: they differ in the composition of the feedstock, taste, and technical culinary properties.

The chemical composition of semolina

Semolina is an extremely nutritious type of cereal that enriches the body with a significant proportion of proteins, carbohydrates, fiber and trace elements. 100 grams of this wheat by-product contains:

  • 333 kilocalories;
  • 1 g fat;
  • 10.3 g proteins;
  • 70.6 g of carbohydrates;
  • 3.6 g fiber;
  • 14 g of water.

In boiled form, semolina has a much lower calorie content. So, in porridge, this figure is 95-100 kcal per 100 g.

Vitamins and minerals in semolina (% of the daily intake for an adult)
B1, thiamine 0.14mg (9.3%) Potassium 130 mg (5.2%)
B2, riboflavin 0.04 mg (2.2%) Calcium 20 mg (2%)
B6, pyridoxine 0.17 mg (8.5%) Magnesium 18 mg (4.5%)
B9, folates 23 mcg (5.8%) Phosphorus 85 mg (10.6%)
E, tocopherol 1.5 mg (10%) Iron 1 mg (5.6%)
PP, nicotinic acid 3 mg (15%) Silicon 6 mg (20%)
Chlorine 21 mg (0.9%)
Cobalt 25 mcg (250%)
Manganese 0.44 mg (22%)
Copper 70 mcg (7%)
Molybdenum 11.3 mcg (16.1%)
Chromium 1 mcg (2%)
Zinc 0.59 mg (4.9%)

Thus, the chemical composition of semolina provides the body with the substances necessary for stable and effective work nervous, cardiovascular, endocrine, musculoskeletal, reproductive, immune and digestive systems. The use of such a product in food also leads to the preservation of youthful skin, healthy hair and nails, maintaining physical and psycho-emotional tone.

Semolina: benefits and harms to the body

Despite this diversity chemical composition, semolina is far from the title of the most useful, which was promoted in the USSR, where it was widely promoted in food for children. The main value of semolina is a lot of carbohydrates, most of which are easily digestible. This ensures rapid saturation and the flow of glucose into the blood. The body receives energy, but the feeling of hunger returns quite quickly.

Useful properties of semolina

Nevertheless, cereals cannot be called completely useless, since some valuable properties are inherent in it. Manka is one of the most suitable products for people with a vulnerable gastrointestinal tract. It differs from other cereals in its reduced fiber content. Thanks to this, even large portions of it do not irritate the walls of the stomach and intestines. It also eliminates the possibility of obstruction in the weak intestine. In turn, dietary fibers perform their cleansing functions well, removing ballast, fats and absorbing toxins. For adults, the use of semolina porridge is often prescribed for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and during postoperative recovery.

It can be said that entire generations of children have grown up on classic semolina porridge. Despite this, the question: "what is semolina made of?" not everyone can answer.

It turns out that semolina, or semolina, is coarse wheat groats, the average particle diameter is from 0.25 to 0.75 mm.

Semolina is most often made from durum wheat.

Semolina is a by-product in the production of wheat flour, when about 2% of small grain fragments remain after grinding.

Semolina contains 70 percent starch, a lot of proteins, vitamins and minerals, and since it cooks quickly, all of them are preserved.

Semolina is digested in the lower intestine and then absorbed into the blood. That is why liquid semolina porridges are part of diets for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Semolina cleanses the body and removes fat.

Semolina porridge is very often prepared for children, which is not entirely correct, since the children's stomach cannot yet digest the starch contained in semolina in large quantities. Fitin, contained in semolina, is able to bind calcium, which comes with other foods, thus depriving the child's body of building material for bones.

Often, children who constantly eat semolina get rickets or convulsions. For adults and the elderly, the disadvantages of fiber-free semolina turn into its advantages: semolina does not irritate the stomach, and prevents colon cancer.

Semolina is the only cereal that is digested in the lower intestine and only there it is absorbed into its walls.

Semolina is a good remedy for the treatment and prevention of intestinal diseases, it cleanses the body of mucus and removes fat.

Semolina contains everything that is in wheat flour: starch, vitamins E and B1, B2, B6, PP, iron.

There are three types of semolina on sale: the letter “M” on the package is marked semolina from soft varieties of wheat, the letter “T” indicates cereals made from durum varieties, and the letters “MT” indicate semolina containing at least 20% cereals from durum varieties wheat. Very often this information is not indicated on the packaging.

Interesting fact- semolina in Rus' was produced in small quantities and only fell on the tables of aristocrats, the common people did not know semolina. In the USSR, semolina porridge became an everyday public product. One of the types of semolina - the famous Guryev porridge was invented at the beginning of the 19th century. The name of this porridge comes from the name of Count Dmitry Guryev, a member of the State Council and Minister of Finance, and it was invented by Zakhar Kuzmin, a serf cook. Guriev bought Kuzmin and his family and made him his cook. There is another version, according to which Guryev himself invented the porridge recipe.