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Is it possible to eat vegetable salad at night? Why can you eat at night? What foods are suitable for dinner?

Everyone who wants to lose extra pounds is interested in what you can eat before going to bed at night while losing weight. Are there any dishes that are acceptable to put on the table before going to bed? It is important to remember the main principle - do not be left alone with an unpleasant feeling of hunger. Together with a specialist from the Elena Morozova weight loss clinic, we will understand this issue, as well as how to properly organize your diet in order to feel full throughout the day.

Is it possible to eat after 6 pm

Even necessary. You should not allow yourself to go to bed very hungry. So, you risk putting your body into saving mode - everything you eat during the day will accumulate until the time you decide to do without dinner again. And this is not to mention the deterioration of well-being.

It is better to say goodbye to excess weight correctly. If you plan to go to bed at midnight, then the last snack is scheduled for 9 pm, because the main thing is to withstand a 3-hour break. You just have to determine what you can and better eat at night when losing weight so as not to get the opposite effect.

At this time it is better not to use:

  • baked goods, pasta;
  • sweet;
  • red meat;
  • smoked meats, sausage;
  • White rice;
  • chocolate and nuts;
  • sweet fruits;
  • pickles;
  • yogurt with additives;
  • fast food.

Nutritionist's comment:

The last point should generally be excluded by a person who is planning to lose weight. After 6 pm you should give up fast carbohydrates, as well as high-calorie foods. The menu for what you can eat at night when losing weight should include only low-calorie foods. It is important to know in advance how much it is permissible to introduce restrictions in the diet in order to prevent disruption of the functioning of some internal organs. Therefore, you need to lose weight under the supervision of a specialist.

What foods and fruits can you eat in the evening when losing weight?

For a late meal, you should choose food that will improve the quality of sleep and will not push the scales to the edge of increase. It is worth knowing in advance that thirst is often disguised as a feeling of hunger. Therefore, before going to the refrigerator, it is useful to drink water.

When you decide to have a snack, remember the rule - the portion should be small and the calorie content should not be high. In addition, preference should be given to quickly digestible foods.

What to pay attention to:

  • Fermented milk. Here you need to choose the right one - not too fatty or low-fat. Within reason - natural yogurt or kefir. After such a snack, the stomach will not be overloaded and unnecessary energy will not be produced, which has nowhere to spend. What to do if you want to eat at night - drink a glass of kefir, this will be the optimal amount.
  • Milk. This drink is recommended to be taken warm. He calms down nervous system, causes drowsiness, as it contains beneficial tryptophan. Sleep will be peaceful, because the body will not have to digest anything.
  • Eggs. If you don't have allergies, this dish will be an excellent source of protein. It’s ideal if you hard-boil 2 pieces or make an omelet with tomatoes. A high-quality and not heavy snack.
  • Lean poultry meat. What can you eat for dinner in the evening while losing weight: up to 150 grams of chicken breast or fillet; such meat is considered low-calorie, so it can be consumed even 2-3 hours before going to bed. Ideal with steamed vegetables.
  • White fish. There is little fat in this product, but a lot of protein and benefits. If the snack is late, it is better to choose low-fat species - hake, cod or pike.
  • Berries. It is important to choose carefully because not all berries are available after midnight. A glass of blueberries or strawberries contains a minimum of calories, and the benefits will be enormous. This glass contains fiber, pectin, vitamins and minerals.
  • Vegetable stew. They are perfectly absorbed and work as a natural sorbent, while the most useful ones are steamed. It is recommended to add less salt, so the benefits will be higher.

What fruits can you eat at night and what not?

The best way to avoid overeating before bed is to take a closer look at the gifts of nature. And when you don’t want vegetables, a delicious pineapple is an excellent substitute for a sandwich. It remains to figure out what is harmless to enjoy and what it is better to abstain from.

  • Watermelon. The minimum amount of calories is 27 kcal per 100 grams of weight. But this berry has a diuretic effect, so instead of sleeping you will have to run to the toilet.
  • Banana. 90 kcal per 100 grams. It will relieve fatigue, invigorate and lift your spirits. Too much hearty fruit for a snack.

Is it possible to eat bananas and pomegranates when losing weight in the evening: only if you are planning a party, not bed. And pomegranate will make your face feel swollen in the morning, as it contains a lot of water.

A small list of what to eat at night when losing weight, if you really want to:

  • Orange. 40 kcal per 100 grams. It perfectly helps cope with hunger, improves immunity, and together with grapefruit it will help burn fat. But people with gastritis should be wary of it because it can irritate the stomach.
  • Apples. The perfect way to not feel hungry. 47 kcal per 100 grams, pectin and vitamins help improve skin condition, the fruit itself is quickly digested. The main thing is to choose varieties that are not too sweet or sour, otherwise you will quickly want to eat.
  • Mango. 65 kcal per 100 grams. Tangible benefits for vision, is one of the fruits that can be eaten in the evening when losing weight.
  • A pineapple. 52 kcal per 100 grams. It is able to cleanse the body of toxins and waste, saturates, and normalizes cholesterol levels. But it is not recommended for people with gastrointestinal problems. Before replacing your evening snack with slices of juicy pineapple, you need to check the state of your digestive system.

Nutritionist's comment:

Is it possible to eat grapefruit, orange and tangerines at night when losing weight - yes. Citrus fruits do an excellent job of fat-burning, strengthening the walls of blood vessels and the immune system. But they are only suitable for people with a strong stomach. Otherwise, trying to get by with fruit before bed can result in cutting pain and gastritis. In most cases, the mucous membrane is damaged and requires long-term treatment, during which weight loss will have to be forgotten. To avoid this, it is better to be under the supervision of a specialist.

As for other fruits, it is better not to overeat. For example, you can eat kiwi in the evening when losing weight, if there are no problems with the digestive system. People with ulcers and gastritis are not recommended to abuse this fruit. It cannot be stored in the refrigerator or processed thermally, otherwise it will lose all its beneficial properties.

When it comes to persimmons, the opinions of experts are ambiguous. On the one hand, a large number of amino acids help reduce insomnia and irritability. Tryptophan helps reduce depression, and light protein and glucose saturate a person with the necessary boost of energy for the morning. Is it possible to eat persimmons in the evening while losing weight - yes, but most of The fruit is water, so it is quite possible to wake up in the morning with a swollen face.

Berries are a great substitute for any snack. They are rich in antioxidants and vitamins, and do not contain harmful cholesterol or fat. The only negative is that you need to start eating them little by little, as they can cause irritation of the mucous membrane. Therefore, it is better to eat one small handful without discomfort than to eat two and get irritated.

In addition, the berries should not be thermally processed, otherwise the entire beneficial effect will be lost.

What can you eat for dinner in the evening while losing weight: list

What to do if you want to eat at night - prepare a healthy, light snack from something that will harm your weight and health:

  • Boiled chicken breast or fillet and with vegetables, as an option - make a soufflé from meat.
  • A couple of soft-boiled eggs – 155 kcal/100 grams. They provide light protein and are quickly absorbed by the body.
  • A small amount of lean fish - hake, pike perch, pollock, cod, trout or salmon. If you bake it, the calorie content will be small - from 80 to 150 kcal for every 100 grams.
  • A small amount of rabbit meat - 100 grams will be enough. Calorie content at 155 kcal.
  • A handful of pumpkin seeds. 50 grams contains half the daily dose of magnesium, which helps prepare you for sleep and relax.
  • Buckwheat with kefir or vegetables is another option for a hearty and healthy dish.
  • Low-fat cottage cheese with added fruit.

Is not full list what you can eat for dinner when losing weight or at night without harm, so as not to gain weight. But to add something to it, you need to consult a specialist.

List of foods you should avoid

It is important to remember that not every dish can be used as dinner. Some drinks are generally not recommended to be drunk after 18:00:

  • energetic drinks;
  • anything that contains caffeine;
  • alcohol - the exception is light wine.

In addition, you should avoid ingredients with a low glycemic index. They will take a long time to digest and cause restless sleep.

In addition to fatty or sweet foods, it is necessary to exclude:

  • any legumes, cabbage and zucchini - they create excessive gas formation;
  • pasta;
  • sausages;
  • any pickles;
  • yoghurts with fillings;
  • mayonnaise.

Nutritionist's comment:

You should not indulge in heavy foods or those that take a long time to digest. It is not recommended to take an extra portion or eat heavily before bed. All the energy that does not have time to be spent will be deposited on the sides and stomach. But you can’t undereat either - you need to create a balance of both consumed and spent. Develop the right system, which will not harm your health, a specialist will help.

Also note that spices can provoke hunger after just a couple of hours.

How to combine products correctly

To get the result, you need to build correct scheme. Traditionally, the diet consists of three groups of components:

  • Protein. In order for them to be digested well, it is necessary to create an acidic environment. Among the popular and useful representatives: meat, nuts, legumes, eggplants, fish.
  • Fats. Animal and vegetable - butter or vegetable oil, cream, sour cream and similar ingredients.
  • Carbohydrates. To be quickly converted into energy, an alkaline environment is required. The most prominent representatives: honey, pumpkin, zucchini, potatoes, jam, fruits, berries, sugar, rye and oats.

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For some, late-night snacking is the nightmare of a lifetime, but for others it is an inexhaustible source of jokes. However, you can make this process completely ordinary and harmless if you replace donuts and fatty sausage with healthy foods, such as cheese or popcorn.

website I have prepared for you a list of products that are ideal for a late-night snack. And if you are not yet ready to give preference to healthy foods, you can simply exclude from your diet foods that are completely unsuitable for consumption at night (we will talk about them at the end).

1. Cheese

We are not talking about just any cookies, but about whole grain crackers. which you can snack on without harming you healthy sleep and figures. Their composition is dominated by so-called slow carbohydrates, which can give a feeling of fullness for a long time.

4. Popcorn

Clinical nutritionist Erica Cannall suggests late-night snackers eat a cup of popcorn without butter or salt. Such a snack will not affect your figure in any way.

Erica suggests adding flavor to the dish with black pepper or garlic powder.

5. Egg

A hard-boiled egg contains only 75 kcal, but it fights hunger perfectly. According to Erica Cannall, this snack option will allow you to forget about hunger until the morning and at the same time will not turn into extra centimeters on your waist.

6. Vegetables

If you know that you will definitely wake up at night to snack, but you understand that you will not be satisfied with one product, you can save some healthy dish for yourself in the evening. For example, vegetable salad.

It is better to give preference to green vegetables, since they contain complex carbohydrates that will keep you full until the morning.

7. Applesauce with cinnamon

Specialist in healthy eating Karen Borsari recommends that those who crave sweets at night make themselves some applesauce with cinnamon. You can add a small handful of raisins to it.

This dish will not only curb your cravings for donuts and muffins, but it will also help reduce the level of orexin that makes you wake up to eat.

8. A glass of cherry juice

Of course, eating too much at night is very harmful, especially for large portions, sweet and fatty foods. From such food, the body receives a lot of calories that it does not have time to expend, hence excess weight accumulates.

Also, due to overeating before bed, there will be no appetite in the morning, and bags will appear under the eyes. In addition, a full stomach will prevent you from falling asleep.

But going to bed feeling very hungry is also not the best option, including when losing weight for two main reasons:

  1. It will be difficult to fall asleep, and sleep is more likely to be poor. Getting up and eating in the middle of the night is even worse than eating in the evening.
  2. If the body is hungry and a person tries not to eat after 6 pm, then the brain, in this saving mode, sends signals to store even more fat for a “rainy day” as soon as food enters the stomach.

If you really want to eat before going to bed, then you can do it, but key moment- what products and in what quantities. It is better to eat food at least an hour before bedtime, giving preference to light dishes that have a positive effect on it.

If a person works out in the gym in the evenings, then the food eaten after training is burned quickly without being stored in fat reserves. In this case, an evening snack will only benefit you: it will help your muscles recover.

What foods can you eat at night when losing weight?

To lose weight, you should understand: all foods consumed at night must be taken into account and fit into the total calorie intake for the day.

What can you eat in the evening to avoid gaining weight:

  • Protein products. This group includes eggs. You can boil 2 of them or steam an omelet, including adding vegetables. Another good choice for a late dinner is a couple of slices of boiled poultry (chicken, turkey), the total portion weight should not exceed 150 g. For an evening snack, lean fish is useful: hake or cod (salmon or mackerel will not work). All these foods contain virtually no carbohydrates, are low in fat, but contain many proteins and minerals necessary for health.
  • Dairy products. This is one of the most successful night snacks, since beneficial lactic acid bacteria activate the intestines. A glass of kefir, fermented baked milk or yogurt, 100-150 g of cottage cheese will provide the body with a portion of calcium and easily digestible protein. At the same time, it is worth choosing products with low fat content, without added sugar and flavorings with dyes.
  • Low GI. Carbohydrates, especially fast carbohydrates, are the worst option for late-night snacking. Especially with type 2 diabetes. But foods with slow sugars that have a low glycemic index can be consumed in small quantities. These can be sprouted grains, whole durum wheat pasta. Soy also has a low indicator, so dishes made from it, including meat substitutes, are allowed to be eaten in the evening. For desserts, only dark chocolate without sugar is allowed.
  • Vegetables. At night you can eat almost any vegetables except potatoes. They should be steamed or in a slow cooker with minimum quantity salt and no fat. It is better to add spices to make the taste brighter.
  • Fruits. You should choose ones that are not very sweet. It's good to eat citrus fruits, they are rich ascorbic acid(orange, grapefruit), as well as kiwi. But provided there are no problems with the gastrointestinal tract, namely increased stomach acidity, otherwise gastritis can be provoked. Bananas and avocados are allowed, but only half the fruit. You should be careful with apples, as they can further whet your appetite. It's better to eat a pear.
  • Berries. They are a source of fiber, necessary for good bowel function, as well as antioxidants that slow down aging. This food is low in calories. The permissible evening portion of berries is about a glass.
  • Nuts. This food satisfies hunger well due to its high concentration of proteins and fats. But due to the significant calorie content, the amount of nuts should be controlled. They can be eaten no more than 30g. For an evening snack, use almonds, pistachios, and hazelnuts.

When eating food in the evening, you should eat it very slowly, chewing thoroughly. This will promote better satiety and protect against overeating.

An evening snack does not have to consist of one product, it can be a whole dish.

Here are some useful options:

  • If you use whole grain bread, you can make a sandwich with lettuce and slices of not very fatty hard cheese.
  • You can make cheesecakes from low-fat cottage cheese with added sweeteners and without flour for the evening.
  • At proper nutrition A small portion of oatmeal and buckwheat with kefir is allowed.
  • Vegetable soups and seafood dishes are suitable for late dinner.
  • Another good option- hummus is chickpea paste with spices. You just need to choose the option that uses a little oil.
  • You can make okroshka with vegetables and herbs from kefir or yogurt.
  • A glass of low-fat chicken broth satisfies hunger well.
  • In addition to nuts, pumpkin seeds are useful as a source of fiber, magnesium and zinc. You can eat 30-50 g of them before bed.

No more than 1 tablespoon of fat is allowed vegetable oil for vegetable salads. For desserts, you can snack on fruit or berry ice cream without sugar, preferably homemade.

When losing weight, only those foods that contain a lot of calories, fast carbohydrates or fat are strictly prohibited.

The list of what you should not eat in the evening includes:

  • red meats, fatty poultry;
  • smoked fish and meat products;
  • sweet products, baked goods made from premium flour;
  • soft wheat noodles, white polished rice;
  • any fast food dishes;
  • animal fats, mayonnaise;
  • all tonic drinks (black and green tea, coffee);
  • alcohol.

Also, to lose weight quickly, you should eliminate salty foods, otherwise it will provoke stagnation of fluid in the body, in the morning there will be swelling in the legs and bags under the eyes.

Healthy drinks before bed

Those who are on a diet can drink warm milk with a small amount of honey and spices before going to bed. It not only satisfies hunger, but also promotes good sleep. Vegetable milk substitutes are also suitable: from soy, nuts or other crops (buckwheat, oats), but without adding refined sugar.

It is beneficial to drink herbal teas at night. Decoctions medicinal plants, especially chamomile, mint, lemon balm or lavender have a calming effect. They also add a teaspoon of honey. Ginger-lemon tea is also beneficial.

Among juices in the evening, you should give preference to cherry. It contains a compound close to melatonin, which regulates sleep and wakefulness. It is good to add spices to the juice.

Is it possible to drink water

Often feeling hungry is actually thirst. Therefore, you can drink a glass of water (cool or slightly warm) before bed. Lemon slices or juice are added to it for taste and to activate fat burning processes.

The key to weight loss is split meals. You need to eat small portions throughout the day, without fasting, so that the body does not go into saving mode. Evening snack from the right products only promotes good sleep and weight loss.

Even after a productive day of exercise and diet, people are not immune to nighttime cravings. You can restrain yourself all day so as not to eat junk food, but by late evening your appetite increases. A breakdown occurs, eating much more food than the body needs. As a result, extra pounds appear. There is an exit. Let's look at what you can eat at night.

What foods can you eat at night?

Different foods are digested with at different speeds. It depends on this whether you can afford a small piece late in the evening or whether it is extremely undesirable. We will answer the most popular questions from people losing weight.

Can I eat cottage cheese for dinner?

You can, it is rich in amino acids and casein. By eating cottage cheese with less than 8 percent fat content, you will lower your blood insulin levels. However, you can only eat cottage cheese in a small portion 2 hours before bedtime, since metabolism slows down at this time of day.

Is it possible to eat fruit at night?

You can eat fruits before bed, but not all of them. Like any food, they contain , some of the fruits are also high in calories. We will give a list of those that you can eat and not gain weight.

  1. Apples. They contain 47 calories. Therefore, the question of whether it is possible to eat apples at night does not arise. Non-sour varieties are ideal as a snack before bed. In addition, this fruit contains pectin, which improves skin color.
  2. Citrus. The question often arises: is it possible to eat grapefruit at night? It is known for its fat-burning properties, which is why it is often recommended as a snack. Moreover, grapefruits and oranges are low in calories (40 calories) and help the food eaten to be digested faster. But remember if you are susceptible peptic ulcers or gastritis, then citrus fruits are contraindicated for you due to their ability to increase acidity. The same goes for lemon. If you eat lemon at night, it will increase the acidity of gastric juice and, in addition, increase your appetite.
  3. Banana. It is believed that the fruit is high in calories, but in this case, you can snack on one banana and satisfy your hunger.
  4. Mango. It does not irritate the gastric mucosa and is therefore quite safe for an evening snack.
  5. A pineapple. Perfectly cleanses the body of waste and toxins. To avoid adding extra pounds, do not eat too much fruit, as it also increases acidity. A couple of slices will be enough.
  6. Figs. Rich in minerals and reduces appetite, perfectly satiates. The fruit should be consumed fresh, as dry figs are high in calories (250 calories).

It is better to eat fruits slowly, chewing thoroughly. Cut them into slices, do not eat them whole at once. Eat at least an hour before bedtime.

Also, don’t deny yourself berries before bed: blueberries, cherries, raspberries, blackberries, and strawberries are low in calories and are suitable for satisfying evening hunger.

Is it possible to eat vegetables at night?

Vegetables are often found on the menu of various diets. Let's look at what you can eat at night to lose weight:

  1. Carrot.
  2. Broccoli, cauliflower.
  3. Lettuce leaves.
  4. Spinach.
  5. Avocado.
  6. Pumpkin. Better fresh, in the form of juice or seeds.

Please note that all vegetables must be fresh; boiled vegetables have a higher calorie content.

Hearty food.

It’s not always possible to get enough of fruit; sometimes in the evening you want a hearty meal, not a light and sweet one. There are several products for this case. Let's find out what to eat at night from this list:

  1. Lean white poultry (chicken, turkey).
  2. Low-fat fish (tuna, pollock, mackerel and other varieties).
  3. Buckwheat, rice.
  4. Soy cheese, lean.
  5. Natural yogurt.
  6. Hummus.
  7. Kefir, milk, fermented baked milk with zero fat content.
  8. Nuts: hazelnuts, almonds, walnuts. You can treat yourself to a treat, but don’t overdo it, you can eat no more than 40 grams.

Surprisingly, but true, it is better to eat carbohydrate foods before going to bed, as they are digested faster, therefore, among proteins, those that are digested in a maximum of one and a half hours are desirable.


What can you eat at night to? Better drink a soothing warm drink. It will help you sleep well and relieve hunger pangs.

  1. Warm water with a slice of lemon (what are its benefits -).
  2. Boiled milk with honey.
  3. Unsweetened green tea.
  4. Tomato juice.

What can you combine to avoid gaining weight, and what can’t?

What can you eat at night when losing weight? With the right combination of foods, you can not only not gain weight, but also lose weight by improving your metabolism. We will find out from the list what will be beneficial to eat at night rather than high-calorie foods.

Favorable combinations:

  1. What can you eat lemon with? It is good with fish or meat. If you eat a slice at dinner, you can get rid of fat. The fact is that lemon, in combination with animal protein, produces a hormone in the body that burns fat deposits. So chicken in lemon juice is quite suitable for dinner. However, do not overuse this option so as not to unnecessarily irritate the intestinal mucosa.
  2. Hard cheese and feta cheese can only be combined with vegetables or similar animal proteins. What's better? For example, broccoli would be an excellent addition.
  3. Dry cottage cheese diluted with kefir will perfectly satisfy your hunger without harming your figure.
  4. Cereals and vegetables go well together. Prepare the buckwheat and garnish with lettuce or cabbage leaves.

Undesirable combinations:

  1. Starchy foods and acidic foods are not an optimal combination and should be avoided. In this case, acidic foods include: oranges, lemons, grapefruits, pineapples, tomatoes.
  2. Milk should be consumed separately from any other products, the same goes for melon and watermelon.
  3. Proteins and carbohydrates are difficult to digest at one time and cause gas formation and bloating.
  4. It is not advisable to mix proteins and fermented milk products into one meal.

Pay attention to the diagram below. It depicts the main elements of nutrition and the possibility of combining them with each other. For example, it is known that fruits should not be eaten with other foods and it is best to eat them 30 minutes before taking any other element. The exception is fruit and avocado juices.

What foods should you not eat at night?

Along with permitted foods, there are prohibited foods that cannot be eaten for dinner:

  1. Alcohol. By drinking a glass, you will give yourself some slack.
  2. Mayonnaise, sour cream.
  3. Red meat.
  4. Coffee.
  5. Chocolate, pastries.
  6. Flour products.
  7. Pasta.
  8. Sugar.
  9. Legumes.
  10. Potatoes, tomatoes, onions.
  11. Zucchini, eggplant.
  12. Pepper.
  13. Herbs, spices, salt.
  14. White bread.
  15. Corn.
  16. Pears, melons, watermelons are the best diuretic. You can't eat them at night unless you want to run to the toilet all night.
  17. Grape.
  18. Fried food.

It is much easier to snack on such products and therefore it is difficult to avoid temptation. But think about those fatty layers that may appear in the morning and it’s better to spend a little time, but prepare yourself something more healthy.

In addition, watch this video about foods you shouldn't eat before bed:

At night it is difficult to resist the temptation of food, and sometimes it is unbearable to endure until the morning. But now you know the option of what you can’t eat and what you can eat at night, even to lose weight. Still, before filling your stomach, drink a glass of water with lemon. But take your time and drink the liquid slowly. In most cases, this is enough to make the desire to snack disappear.

If you are interested in nutrition not only before bed, but also during the day, then study our material on the topic and lose extra centimeters in your waist.