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Psychology of a maniac: where do serial killers come from. Types of serial killers Classification of serial maniacs

A scene from the movie The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

Unlike hedonists, power seekers are driven by a desire to dominate. They often commit sexual crimes, but they are not driven by lust. Subdue someone else's will - that's their buzz. Such was, for example, Sergei "Fischer" Golovkin, who killed 11 boys in 6 years. In September 1992, Golovkin raped and killed three schoolchildren at once. “I set the order by telling the children who would die for whom. I dismembered Sh. in front of E., while showing the internal organs and giving anatomical explanations. The boy survived all this calmly, without hysteria, sometimes he just turned away, ”Golovkin later said during an investigative experiment in the garage. The maniac tortured and raped the last boy, the very calm one, for 12 hours, after which he hung him and went to work.

missionaries pursue a higher goal, kill for the sake of the ideal. Sergei Ryakhovsky, for example, "fought prostitutes and homosexuals by killing them and further reincarnation." In total, he "reincarnated" 19 people, six managed to escape. It took five years to capture the necrophilic gerontophile. Seven years ago, he died in prison from tuberculosis.

Visionaries attract to kill voices, god or devil, it happens in different ways. Yes, and ways of communicating with higher powers also differ. Some, like Onoprienko, heard voices in their heads, others find an intermediary. With Berkowitz, for example, the devil contacted with the help of a neighbor's dog.

Recently, experts have identified another type of maniacs - thrill seekers. Killing for the sake of killing, or rather, the adrenaline that goes along with it, is becoming more and more popular among North American teenagers. So far, they are not officially singled out as a separate type of serial killers, but if the trend continues, the “extremals” will take a separate chapter in textbooks.

For years, serial killers have been doing their bloody deeds next to their neighbors. After the arrest, there are often comments from neighbors a la: “What a good, well-mannered person he was,” and positive characteristics are sent from work. Why does no one recognize them as cruel killers? It's all about the mask of normality, the phenomenon of which was revealed by the aforementioned Ressler. However, this will be discussed in our next article.

By the way, if you want to immerse yourself in this topic with your head, I advise you to visit the public

It is difficult even for criminologists and psychologists to understand the nature of the personality of maniacs, and it is almost impossible to determine at first glance a person prone to violence.

How to suspect something was wrong in time and not become a victim of a maniac?

When talking with a stranger, it is difficult to say without some training or special skills whether he has psychical deviations characteristic of maniacs. Often serial killers seem ordinary people, they have families and even children, which is why investigators have been unsuccessfully trying to figure them out for years. Real maniacs are often educated people, with fine mental organization and vulnerable psyche, therefore, in their crimes they see a certain meaning or even a mission. So don't fall for classical music and Picasso's early work, but try to see the following main traits of a serial killer.

Maniacs in most cases have very strong energy. Such a person does not stand out from the crowd, but, communicating with him, you immediately find yourself under his influence.

Tip: If you feel discomfort in communicating with a person, you understand that in his presence you feel insecure and weak, do not follow his lead.


Often the cause of mental deviations is childish resentment and complexes, so maniacs in adulthood try to assert themselves by manipulating other people. They perfectly feel your weaknesses and use it.

Tip: When communicating with strangers, always keep your eyes open and do not allow your opinions and actions to be manipulated. Always firmly go to your goal and do not deviate from the intended path.


When meeting, this person will be the sweetest, most polite and gallant. Maniacs do everything possible to win over the victim. He can entertain you with jokes, talk about incredible adventures while relaxing with friends and about his interesting work. After such a detailed story of a person about himself, you can easily lose your guard and also become too frank.

Tip: Such people do not like to glow. Ask him to take a selfie and tell him you'll post it on Instagram or send it to a friend.


Most people expect danger from vagrants or drunkards, but according to statistics, most maniacs are men from 25 to 30 years of European appearance. Most of them have an average income or above average.

Tip: Making your way home late at night through dark back streets, you should not trust a tidy foreign car driver who stopped to give a lift to a "nice girl home."

Tip: Of course, we do not call to suspect all people with a quiet voice that they reincarnate at night as Jack the Ripper. But if you take all of the above signs and add a quiet voice to them, you get a very truthful portrait of a maniac.


Many maniacs had full-fledged families, wives and children. Such people can lead a double life, which even the closest relatives do not know about.

Advice: It is almost impossible to calculate such people. Most importantly, remember that you can only trust those whom you have known for many years. Anyone can be a serial killer, even that nice couple you met on vacation.


Quite confidently playing the role of a normal person, a maniac from time to time can still accidentally get out of the image, faced with some kind of irritant. For example, such a person can react in a completely non-standard way to the most common situation: laughing long and loudly at a fallen child, trying to catch up and kick a cat that ran across his path, etc.

Tip: If you begin to notice oddities in the behavior of a new acquaintance that confuse you, try to say goodbye to him under a plausible pretext and do not agree to a new meeting.

IN ordinary life identifying a maniac is almost impossible. You can live on the landing with the nicest person who attacks old women or children at night in another part of the city and not suspect that something is wrong with this neighbor. Later, when a maniac is identified by psychiatrists, a whole range of mental disorders will be revealed.

Who are they?

Usually, people who are prone to violence are diagnosed with schizophrenia or all sorts of forms of addiction are revealed. There is always a violation of behavior in one form or another. We can say that all maniacs are mentally ill. But not all mentally ill people become criminals. The main characteristic of such people, first of all, is insensitivity to moral and ethical standards. There are biological or genetic disorders in their brains that lead to a violation of the perception of ethical categories, and, accordingly, to violations of social behavior.

In the last century, an experiment was set up in America, where the subjects were shown various pictures and recorded brain impulses. After a series of images with pleasant content, an unpleasant picture, for example, a pool of blood, was highlighted. Sensors at this moment recorded a burst of impulse responses of the brain, accompanying the feeling of disgust in all but a few of the subjects. In them, when they saw any picture, the impulses sent by the brain were fixed in a straight line. If it were a pulse, we would say "the client is dead". Such low sensitivity to moral norms should have led to blatant anti-social behavior. And sometimes it really is.

Noticeable antisocial behavior is rather good, because when a person behaves actively and immorally, then, firstly, he receives a discharge without accumulating energy, and secondly, he is visible and violations are diagnosed fairly quickly.

Game by the rules

First time

The first victim of a maniac is always a coincidence. It may happen, or it may never happen. For this, several factors must coincide - a strong instinctive desire at the peak of need and a combination of circumstances (opportunity and security).

And if the first victim occurred, the body received a discharge and remembered the way of satisfaction. In the future, such a person will look for ways to implement the fixed reaction of pleasure. For them, crime is not something immoral, but entertainment. And often, as in other forms of addiction, with each time the severity of the pleasure received becomes less and the effect of the dose received is shorter. Therefore, the frequency of crimes becomes higher, and the methods are more sophisticated.

How not to become a victim of a maniac?

The advice is simple and familiar to everyone - find yourself less in deserted places, do not eat or drink in the company of a random stranger. Be careful. Remember that a maniac does not have his intentions written on his forehead, and anyone can be one. A maniac cannot be moved to pity or called to morality - he does not have these categories. The maniac operates from the instinct of attraction and self-preservation.

IN Lately a lot of "instructions" appeared, telling how to calculate a potential maniac, for example, by the manner of speech or behavior.

Meanwhile, there are real generalized scientific data that show exactly what characteristics put a person at risk. Let's consult with reputable scientists.

According to experts, heterosexual men aged 20 to 30 often become maniacs. At work, they are usually "small fry". Often in childhood, such a person was subjected to violence - physical or sexual, or moral humiliation. Many maniacs grew up in incomplete families, did not receive enough warmth, they had difficult relationships with their mothers.

In the "history" they may have attempted suicide in early age. All maniacs begin, as a rule, by torturing and killing animals.

Experts distinguish between two types of serial maniacs. The first is a disorganized killer. His IQ is below average - from 80 to 99. He is closed and isolated from society due to atypical behavior, is not socially adapted, suffers from an inferiority complex.

Organized killers have an IQ above average - from 105 to 120. They are quite socially adapted. Some isolate themselves from society by choice, others have families and other social ties.

Both those and others tend to change their appearance, going to the next crime (for example, by changing clothes). Almost all maniacs choose victims according to some specific criteria (appearance, gender, age). As a rule, the crime is preceded by "fantasies" in which the maniac exaggerates his obsession, anticipates the "benefit" from the future murder.

For some maniacs, it is only important that the victim die. For others, interaction with the victim plays a big role: they can torment her for a long time, torture her, etc., they can perform various rituals, including those with an already dead body. Not always in the first place is sexual satisfaction. There are many cases when "serials" had sexual problems, which became the root cause of their antisocial behavior.

With the body of the victim, all serial killers act differently. Some just leave it at the crime scene. Others flaunt it, sometimes carrying out ritual actions over the corpse (dressing up, making up). Others hide the body.

You should not think that maniacs are completely crazy: organized killers can perfectly control themselves, carefully tracking down the victim, choosing the optimal time and place for the crime, calculating everything in detail. Unorganized people usually take advantage of the occasion, circumstances, act under the influence of a spontaneous impulse.

By the way, recently the German neurologist Gerhard Roth discovered the so-called zone of evil in the brain of serial killers, rapists and robbers. This area is located in the central lobe of the cerebral hemispheres and is seen as a dark spot on x-rays. It was present in most of the criminals examined by Roth as part of a scientific project.

Also, when the criminals were shown scenes of cruelty and violence, the brain activity in the areas “responsible” for feelings such as sadness and compassion did not change.

According to the scientist, the cause of criminal behavior may be a malfunction in the brain, such as a tumor or damage in the frontal lobe. There are cases when, after the removal of a malignant formation in the brain, a person's craving for crimes disappeared and he returned to normal life, the researcher says. In addition, a deficiency of the hormone serotonin can push to criminal acts.

Professor Roth divides all criminals into three groups. To the first he refers mentally healthy people who grew up in a dysfunctional environment, where crime is considered the norm. The second includes individuals with mental disabilities who perceive the world as a threat to themselves.

"One wrong look, one wrong move - and such a person can explode and become a killer," the researcher states. Finally, he placed "pure psychopaths" in the third category. In his opinion, it included such famous dictators as Joseph Stalin and Adolf Hitler, who ruled entire nations.

Different desires are pushing for the crime of "serials". Motives for killing people have also been classified. On this basis, maniacs are divided into 4 main groups: hedonists, power-hungry, missionaries and visionaries.


The motives of the hedonists perfectly match the mortal sins.


This is the sin of maniacs who kill people for food. Like bears, having once tasted human beings, they cannot calm down later. However, "pure" cannibals are very rare, most maniacs have cannibalism - a "trick" that accompanies sexual disorders, an additional feature, so to speak. A prominent representative of this category is Fritz Harmann, the "Hanoverian vampire", who killed 27 boys and young men from 1918 to 1924, whom he chose among the tramps at the station. Having strangled the victim, Harman gnawed their throats and drank the blood. In 1919, Fritz met Hans Grans, who became the vampire's lover and accomplice. It was he who came up with the idea of ​​selling human flesh under the guise of beef to the nearest cafes and restaurants. However, the infernal couple of gay vampires-cannibals sometimes showed a mercantile interest - they could “dunk” another victim because of a rag they liked. In the end, one of the guys resisted: he made a fuss and reminded the police who came running about the disappeared vagrants. During a search of Harman's house, the remains of 27 victims were found. Grans was detained in the process of butchering the corpse of a young man who had disappeared a week before the events described. On December 19, 1924, Harman was sentenced to death by guillotining. He met his fate with a smile, explaining that vampires are immortal. Grans received 12 years in prison.


Sexual pleasure is the most popular motive among maniacs. They reach orgasm in different ways: the victim can be alive or dead, sexual intercourse can be replaced by the manipulation of weapons. Rape is common, but not required. The same Chikatilo, due to impotence, used a knife instead of a penis. Such exercises he side by side with cannibalism and other indecencies.

Our experts divide sex maniacs into two categories: raiders and imitators. The former, seeing the victim, want to satisfy their needs as quickly as possible. Such was, for example, Eduard Shemyakov. The latter enter into the confidence of the victim, they are excited by playing with an unsuspecting person. They kill at the most inopportune moment. These included Pavel Shuvalov, senior sergeant of the St. Petersburg Metro's Internal Affairs Directorate.


Sometimes the motive for serial killings becomes banal greed. Like, for example, Vladimir Ionesyan, Mosgaz. However, he did not make any special profits from his murder. Another story is Henry Howard Holmes, the first officially registered serial killer in the United States. Having earned money from health insurance fraud, Holmes built a luxurious mansion in Chicago in 1890. In it, he equipped a gas chamber and long before the Third Reich began to poison people. He dissected corpses and sold them as visual aids local medical schools. No one was interested in where he got skeletons, skulls and other parts of the bodies. Greed destroys "frayers" not only in Russia, fate treated Holmes in exactly the same way. After killing a certain Ben Paytzel, Holmes tried to pass off his body as the corpse of another person in order to get insurance. The story seemed suspicious to the insurers, and in the end they uncovered the fraud. At trial, the offender confessed to 27 murders. On May 7, 1896, he was hanged.


"Destroyers" enjoy watching the torment of their victim. Often, these nonhumans record their exploits on video. This is the most terrible kind of maniacs. If other murderers try to kill their victim quickly, these torture the unfortunate for weeks, rejoicing in their torment. The fantasies of the "destroyers" are so gloomy and unsightly that they should not be described even in such a text. If you're curious, check it out for yourself. This type includes, for example, Clifford Olson.


Unlike hedonists, power seekers are driven by a desire to dominate. They often commit sexual crimes, but they are not driven by lust. Subdue someone else's will - that's their buzz. Such was, for example, Sergei "Fischer" Golovkin, who killed 11 boys in 6 years. In September 1992, Golovkin raped and killed three schoolchildren at once. “I set the order by telling the children who would die for whom. I dismembered Sh. in front of E., while showing the internal organs and giving anatomical explanations. The boy survived all this calmly, without hysteria, sometimes he just turned away, ”Golovkin later said during an investigative experiment in the garage. The maniac tortured and raped the last boy, the very calm one, for 12 hours, after which he hung him and went to work.


Missionaries pursue a higher goal, kill for the sake of the ideal. Sergei Ryakhovsky, for example, "fought prostitutes and homosexuals by killing them and further reincarnation." In total, he "reincarnated" 19 people, six managed to escape. It took five years to capture the necrophilic gerontophile. Seven years ago, he died in prison from tuberculosis.


Visionaries are attracted to kill voices, god or devil, it happens in different ways. Yes, and ways of communicating with higher powers also differ. Some, like Onoprienko, heard voices in their heads, others find an intermediary. With Berkowitz, for example, the devil contacted with the help of a neighbor's dog.

By the way, recently the German neurologist Gerhard Roth discovered the so-called zone of evil in the brain of serial killers, rapists and robbers. This area is located in the central lobe of the cerebral hemispheres and is seen as a dark spot on x-rays. It was present in most of the criminals examined by Roth as part of a scientific project.

Also, when the criminals were shown scenes of cruelty and violence, the brain activity in the areas "responsible" for feelings such as sadness and compassion did not change.

And as a final chord, a kind of bonus, it should be mentioned about another type of maniacs that has appeared only recently. These are extreme people, a kind of adrenaline junkies. Killing for the sake of killing, or rather, for the sake of the sensations that accompany this process, is becoming increasingly popular among North American teenagers. So far, they are not officially singled out as a separate type of serial killers, but if the trend continues, the “extremals” will take a separate chapter in textbooks.

For years, serial killers have been doing their bloody deeds next to their neighbors. After the arrest, there are often comments from neighbors a la: “What a good, well-mannered person he was,” and positive characteristics are sent from work. Why does no one recognize them as cruel killers? It's all in the mask of normality.

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Mania is a painful state of the psyche, characterized by the concentration of consciousness and feelings on any one idea and a sharp transition from excitement to depression (Ozhegov S.I.).
Journalist Modestov N.S. in Serial Killers. Maniacs and Their Victims” indicates that up to 100 serial killers are registered in the United States annually, the victims of which are children, women, and the elderly.
In Yuzh. America, the Colombian Lopez was exposed - by his own admission, starting in 1973, for 7 years he sent 300 girls to the grave. "Hunting" for them, he produced in Ecuador, Peru, Colombia.
In France, in 1998, a scandal erupted over the inability of the police to neutralize the brutal serial killer, nicknamed the Predator of the Bastille, p.ch. he committed most of his crimes in the center of Paris, not far from the square where the famous prison once stood. For many years, the maniac continues to torture and kill young women with impunity, whom he meets in cafes and on the streets. For the first time, they started talking about him in 1991, when a 24-year-old student of the Sorbonne, Pascale Escafail, was found murdered in her apartment. She came to study from Italy, rented a modest apartment in Paris, was distinguished by seriousness and was not prone to light flirting and fleeting connections. Having studied the environment of the victim, the detectives did not find a single person who could do this: the girl was repeatedly raped in a perverted form, then her breasts were cut off, her fingers were cut off and the veins in her arms were opened. The maniac attacked about once every six months. He committed all his atrocities in the apartments of the victims, which puzzled the police. Elisabeth Ortega, a student at one of the medical institutes, said that a handsome young man who looked like an Algerian approached her in 1995 on the street and asked how to find the address he needed. Elizabeth explained the way to him in detail and suddenly felt an unaccountable sympathy for this casual acquaintance. As in a dream, she allowed him to take her home, she opened the door of her apartment herself and even prepared coffee for the villain. Then he began to kiss her and caress her. She didn't resist. It was only when he carried her to the bed, tied her hands and sealed her mouth with duct tape, that Elizabeth realized that she was in danger. The maniac, reassured by the humility of the victim, tied the knot badly. When he went to the kitchen for wine, Elizabeth freed herself from the ropes, tore the tape from her lips and, breaking the window to the street, began to call for help. The girl lived on the 2nd floor and passers-by immediately gathered at her screams. Maniac, hearing the noise of the crowd outside the window, immediately ran away. At the police, Elizabeth testified that the offender was about 30 years old, had dark skin and short black hair. The killer was well dressed and spoke French without an accent. A distinctive feature was that he inexplicably inspired confidence in himself. Having received from Elizabeth important information about the identity, habits and abilities of the killer, the police hid her from the general public. As a result, several more women died, who, without suspecting anything, met the scoundrel on the streets, fell under his, possibly hypnotic spell, and became his easy prey. One of his victims - Estela Magd, 25 years old - put up a desperate resistance to the killer when she managed to untie her hands. She dug her claws into the rapist's back and tore his shirt off. Enraged, he immediately stabbed her several times in the chest, and then cut the girl's throat. He was forced to drop his bloody shirt at the crime scene, allowing experts to determine his blood type and genetic code. Thanks to this, it was possible to release several people from custody who were erroneously arrested. Meanwhile, information began to come in that similar crimes had been committed in Belgium and other neighboring countries. While the Predator of the Bastille had 7 women killed on his account, given that he can freely travel around neighboring countries, then no one knows how many victims actually are.

The blond Wolf continues to keep the whole of Britain in fear. He has been raping and killing since 1982. In February, The Sunday Telegraph newspaper mentioned him in connection with this. That investigators from Scotland Yard have resumed work on the case of the death of 26-year-old Shiny Warren, who was killed more than 10 years ago. Then the police thought that she had committed suicide. The girl was accidentally found in a small lake near Taplow. When Saini was pulled out and water, her body was still warm, but it was not possible to bring her back to life. The girl was completely deta, then no traces of violence were found on the corpse.
However, the experts were confused by the fact that her hands were tied with a rope in such a way that she herself could not do anything like that. Her acquaintance that evening saw that Saini, the daughter of very wealthy parents, was in a hurry somewhere in her luxury car. The police carefully examined the place where they found Saini's body, but they did not find any traces on the shore of the lake, as well as Saini's car and keys to it. However, not wanting to engage in a hopeless case, the detectives described the incident as a suicide, and the materials were handed over to the archive.
But the parents were sure that their daughter, a cheerful, cheerful girl who was about to get married soon, had no reason to commit suicide. In the press of those times, reports of the crimes of the Blond Wolf often began to be published. He only attacked women in cars. Pulling another victim out of the passenger compartment of her car, he laid her out on the hood and raped her, often in a perverted form, beat her, then cut the victim's throat. Some he drowned in rivers and lakes. Moreover, he tied his hands in the same way as Saini was tied. One of his victims managed to escape. After raping, he tied the victim up and threw him into a canal near Leeds. But the girl was lucky, she was able to splinter with her feet a large stone that lay not too deep under the water. She stood on it until dawn, barely sticking her head out of the water. As the sun rose, she dared to call for help. But in the police she could not say anything specific about the rapist, because. at the time of the attack, he put a plastic bag over her head.
Only in 1995 did the detectives receive concrete information. Late in the evening, he attacked a young woman who was getting out of a car in one of the underground garages in Nottingham. The 24-year-old owner of a small beauty salon was beautiful, which is probably why the Blond Wolf didn't kill her right away. He raped the woman several times, threatening with a knife, forced her to have oral sex. Then he took her to an ATM where he withdrew all her money from her credit cards. Then he dragged her back to the garage and, as usual, buried her face in the hood, lifted her skirt. But then there was the sound of a car driving into the garage. The villain seemed to be afraid. Hitting the girl on the back of the head with a knife handle, he ran away. The girl told the police that the maniac was a blond, tall, thin young man. The detectives made an identikit and published it in the newspapers. To their surprise, about 200 women from different parts of England called the police and said that it was he who had raped them at various times. It was then that Saini's father began to demand the resumption of the investigation into the death of his daughter. Experts found the remains of sperm on the girl's jeans. The composition of the sperm coincided with that which B.V. usually left on his victims. To this day, he remains uncaptured.

In the United States over the past 30 years, there has been a 3-fold increase in homicides associated with sexual violence. According to the FBI experts, over the past 20 years, the number of murders committed by people with an abnormal psyche has increased 6 times. The scientific study of serial murder in the United States intensified sharply after the creation in 1985 of the National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crimes at the FBI Academy.

Western criminologists, introducing the concept of serial murders, had in mind one type of crime - murders committed with inexplicable, at first glance, cruelty and sadism, the dominant mechanism of which is the motive for achieving psychosexual relaxation. The circle of serial also includes murders and some other multi-episode crimes committed according to the so-called. non-obvious motives, persons obsessed with manic ideas and inclinations (pyromania, for example).

In the National The Center for Violent Crime Analysis at the FBI Academy in Quantico developed an original classification of murders. The basis was the number of victims, the type and style of behavior of the perpetrator.
1. single: 1 victim per episode.
2. double: 2 victims are killed in 1 place and at the same time.
3. triple: in 1 place and at one time 3 victims.
4. mass: more than 4 victims in 1 episode and in one place. There are 2 subcategories:

1. classic mass murders are committed by unbalanced individuals with serious personal problems. These individuals transfer their hostility to groups of people that have nothing to do with them personally and their problems. So, in 1996, Charles Whitman stocked up on boxes of ammunition, weapons, food, ropes, a radio transmitter, barricaded himself in the tower of the University of Austin, Texas and fired open fire for 90 minutes, killing 16 and injuring more than 30 people.
2. family mass murders are characterized by the fact that more than 4 members of their own family or relatives of the killer become their victims. Often the perpetrator then kills himself too.
3. Chain murder: one episode extended in time, coupled with the consecutive murders of several people in 2 or more places. There is no emotional cooling period between murders. One American got a machine gun with a large number of cartridges, walked around his block and shot at everyone who came across him. In a 20-minute walk, he killed 13 people and wounded 3.
4. Serial murder: 3 or more separate episodes in 3 or more separate places with a period of emotional cooling of the perpetrator between murders. It is a premeditated crime, the hallmarks of which are the phase of fantasy that precedes it and the detailed planning of the murder. When enough time has passed to "cool down" from the last murder, the serial killer chooses the next victim and proceeds according to his plan. The duration of the period of emotional cooling can be days, weeks, months, years. However, the killings are sure to resume. The presence of a period of emotional cooling is a key feature that distinguishes the serial from other killers who commit multiple murders.

In classic overkill and chain murder, the victims are random: anyone who gets in the killer's path.
As for the serial, here in the fantasies of the criminal a kind of ideal image is formed, a type, in accordance with which the future victim is chosen + planning the crime and controlling his own behavior and situation during its commission.
The serial operator acts deliberately, in cold blood, trying to leave as little evidence as possible. He chooses a suitable victim, suitable for the realization of his plans and convenient, from the same point of view, the place of the crime. If the situation does not seem favorable to him, he may postpone his plan for some time.

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The fantasy phase - fantasizing is an indispensable part, a key link in the system of criminal behavior of the serial. That is, some obsessive idea necessarily fatally arises, which is embodied in any forms and types of fantastic dreams. The fantasies reflect the needs, motives, anticipated benefits of the intended killer.
The serial repeatedly plays the scene of the murder in his imagination, to the smallest detail he works out the model of the ritual of dealing with the mental victim and the scheme for hiding the traces of the planned crime.
fantasy plays decisive role in the genesis of a serial killer. The fantasies of a serial worker differ from the fantasies of a normal person in that they present a component of physical violence in a stronger and more disgusting form, and there are no deterrent mechanisms for this type of criminals at all. The average guy can imagine making love to a supermodel. And the serial killer will be obsessed with the desire to chain her to the wall and cut into pieces with a hunting knife. And you can be sure that nothing will prevent him from realizing this desire over time. Future serial killers begin to imagine and mentally play sadistic scenes at a very young age. One serial killer recalled that as a child, he often imagined himself in the gas chamber as a convicted criminal facing a painful execution. Savoring mental models of painful death gave him extreme pleasure. Serial killers never get rid of their childhood fantasies. They plunge deeper and deeper into the world of ominous, nightmarish visions. Since psychopaths are devoid of internal restraints that keep a normal person from realizing forbidden desires, their perverted dreams of power over other people, of torture and blood push them every time to a new crime.
The next phase is the stalking phase - tracking down the victim. The nature, duration, and other features of the killer's behavior at this stage depend on the strength of his desire and the degree of impatience, the personal qualities of both the offender and the chosen victim. Unlike disorganized killers, in whom the stalking phase is so compressed that one can speak of its complete absence: a disorganized criminal attacks a random victim suddenly.
Some serialists noted that during stalking they had a state of depersonalization of the victim: by the beginning of tracking, luring, hunting, the victim turned for them from a living person into an object, an inanimate impersonal target of their activity. In the eyes of a serial killer at this moment, the victim seems to have no family, children, spouse, relatives, friends, hobbies, attachments. In such a state, it is easier for a serial to take the life of a chosen victim.
The third phase is the kidnapping of the victim. This phase is NOT present in all cases of serial murders.
A disorganized killer often resorts to a "blitz attack".
An organized killer uses various tricks and tricks to lure the victim into a "comfortable" area for the kill. Depending on the condition and personality of the killer, abductions can be simple or very complex, allowing him to demonstrate his intelligence and ingenuity.
The fourth phase is the act of killing itself. Two options for the behavior of criminals in this phase:
1. some of them focus all their attention on actions related to the deprivation of the victim's life;
The act of murder itself is carried out quickly, because. the result is important - the death of the victim, and not the acquisition of sexual satisfaction that accompanies the murder, or the intoxication of power over the victim. The decision to kill is implemented immediately, regardless of the behavior of the victim, of her reaction to the actions of the perpetrator.
2. others - on the process of physical interaction with the victim, leading, ultimately, to her death, and postmortem handling of the body of the victim (th).
A murder focused on the process of this nature is more typical of a serial killer motivated by the search for thrills or the assertion of his power (control) over the victim. This type of assassin usually operates according to a stereotyped, repetitive procedure. It may be characterized by repetitive words and actions that perform the function of a ritual and precede the actual act of killing. The ritual does not end after the death of the victim. He may have a postmortal continuation in the commission of necrosadistic actions related to the handling of a corpse (this is expressed, for example, in the cutting off of individual parts of the body and organs of the corpse).
The fifth phase - the placement of the corpse, is not typical for all serials.
Some of them, having enjoyed the manipulation of the corpse, abandon it and leave the scene of the crime.
Others consider it necessary to carry out the transfer of the corpse. These actions are motivating. Someone moves the corpse and leaves it in a place where it could be found sooner. Others are guided by other motives, for them the main thing is the desire to do everything so that the corpse cannot be found.
6th phase - depression. According to many serials, they never managed to get the effect they expected from the murder, since they never experienced the full amount of the expected emotional relief from the crime. On the contrary, after that they were overwhelmed by feelings of hopelessness and powerlessness.

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Psychologist Joel Norris, a well-known connoisseur of serial killers: “In a period of depression, even newspaper headlines reporting the discovery of another victim do not help the criminal regain the state of power that he seemed to have momentarily achieved. For long days or weeks after the murder, the criminal lives in a gloomy world of longing, tormented by sorrows. He goes about his daily business and from the outside seems quite normal. Over time, the burden of the crimes committed becomes so unbearable that he is able to write a confession and send it to the police or call the local newspaper and ask for help. But soon fantasies begin to be born again in his head. Uncontrollable needs capture the killer entirely and, driven by a thirst for violence, he again combs the territory where, not knowing his fate, his future victims walk. And now another person who does not feel danger is in his way, steps into the tunnel of death. And five, a murder ritual unfolds, leading to an inevitable end. Norris D. Serial killers. M., 1998, p.51.

*** For the most part, serials belong to the white race. The beginning of their criminal career refers to a mature age, closer to 30 years. The educational level is slightly below average. In their careers, they usually do not achieve great success: they occupy positions that do not require high qualifications. Serial killers prefer jobs that make it easier to satisfy their need for violence and bloodlust - more than half of the serial killers are professional military, followed by medical workers. Pedophilic killers try to choose activities that allow them to interact with children.
The origins of the behavior of a serial killer should be sought in childhood. More than half of them were brought up in incomplete families. Many were victims of sexual abuse as children. Almost all were deprived of parental affection, care and attention in childhood. As a result of such "emotional deprivation" - isolation from society, withdrawal into a fantasy life.
It is for this reason that the world-famous sex crime specialist, FBI special agent Robert Ressler - the author of the term "serial killer" - is convinced that people become serial killers because of the suffering or psychological trauma that they inflicted in childhood. Some of them are characterized by symptoms of the "McDonald triad": urinating in bed - committing arson - torturing animals. Among the parents of serial killers, cases of alcoholism and substance abuse are not uncommon. But the killers themselves do not have these addictions.
An outstanding specialist in the field of bioenergy, head. Department of Biophysics of the Kazakh University V.M. Ilyushin explains the phenomenon of the lack of attraction to alcohol and drugs in manic serial killers: “The hormonal outbursts that occur in them during acts of violence increase their psychoenergetics. The predator, destroying the victim, releases a bioplasmoid from it, absorbs it, sharply increasing its bioenergetic potential. This is a colossal energy of a chemical type, it nourishes the body of the criminal, but destroys his personality. This kind of predatory feeding is a substitute for drugs and alcohol.”
A serial killer is distinguished by a well-developed intellect - often above average. This is evidenced by the organization of the crime and impeccable behavior in everyday life. Living a double life, serials skillfully wear a mask of normality, most possess extremely honed skills in social manipulation - the ability to get others to do what is convenient for them.

Gary Schaeffer lived and worked among religious and family-oriented people in rural Vermont, was a member of a cult whose members base their lives on a fundamentalist interpretation of the Bible, was an outwardly respectable parishioner, and at the same time raped and killed girls in his district.
John Wayne Gacy is a homosexual killer. At the age of 18, he participated in the polit. activities of Chicago, where he worked as an assistant to the local party boss for the electorate. precinct in support of the Democratic candidate. At school he ran a social club. I felt a sense of pride from both. As a child, his father constantly mocked him and scolded him for doing social work. He gained fame as one of the most active volunteers - fighters for order in the city, was named field marshal of the Cleanliness Parade held in Chicago. For several years, he coordinated the efforts of over 700 subordinates, being the head of a large construction company. In the same period of his life, he committed at least 33 ritual murders of young men and buried the bodies in soft soil under his house. Being married, he constantly met with young people who worked for him at construction sites. In the construction business, he made a lot of legal and illegal transactions - from securing favorable prices for timber to organizing robberies and drug trafficking. During a search of the house, the police found photographs showing the owner of the house shaking hands with Chicago Mayor Richard Daly and with Rosalynn Carter, wife of President Jimmy Carter. The mayor of Chicago counted on his ability to collect votes for elections. plot. To this end, Gacy went to wash the windows of helpless elderly women, passed the complaints of the voters of his precinct to the bosses from the Democratic Party. He was included in the group accompanying Rosalynn Carter during her visit to Chicago in 1976 during the elections. campaigns. So great was his need for social approval. Even stronger was the need for murders, the disclosure of which shocked the whole society, caused a storm of indignation on a national scale.
Illegitimate Ted Bundy was handsome and gallant, preparing for scientific activity in law, had a bachelor's degree in psychology. He was on duty at the Seattle Suicide Helpline and was involved in politics. Wrote a rape prevention guide for the state of Washington and even received an absentee Ph.D. Thanks to this degree, he was able to open a private practice as a psychotherapist. Bundy was needed by local politicians and university officials who sought to enlist his help in dealing with students on a large campus. A woman Bundy was intimate with. Upon learning that a criminal named Ted was wanted, she turned to the police with her suspicions. But they did not believe her there, citing the fact that Band was very unlike the killer. Everyone who knew Bundy did not believe that he was a killer even after his arrest. After all, these were not just murders of young women, but also sophisticated torture, torture, humiliation of victims and abuse of corpses. He dismembered the bodies of still living victims, performed oral sex on severed heads and anal sex on corpses. Even the most experienced detective Bob Keppel twice fell for Bundy's deceptive appearance and stopped developing it, although he had information about his involvement in the murders. The FBI and police continued to doubt his guilt until Bundy was arrested in Florida for the rape and murder of a girl. He was detained by accident and not for this crime, but for violating traffic rules. And only later it turned out that he committed the murders of at least 35 students, starting in 1974. He was arrested 4 years after the 1st murder - in December 1978. He was executed by a court verdict.

Why, with undoubted mental capacity and resourcefulness serial killers do not reach noticeable heights in professional career?
It happens because of antisociality. As a result, they have problems in the process of study and at work.
According to the FBI, high-intelligence killers are particularly inventive and sophisticated in their torture of sexual crimes.
Serial killers have the ability to manipulate people. They know how to be, when necessary, charming and inspire complete confidence in the victim, who resignedly follows him anywhere.
All serial killers are somewhat megalomaniacs and somewhere deep down they want their greatness and unusualness to be noticed. During the investigation, they willingly describe the details of the crime committed and even confess to crimes that they did not commit. For the same reason, they sometimes behave too boldly and, in the end, get caught. Some are inclined towards mysticism and feel called to fulfill the great mission of liberating humanity from degenerates. Among the latter they include prostitutes and homosexuals. Not so long ago, peculiar sects of serial killers were revealed in the United States. Practicing satanic cults and professing an ideology that merges with neo-Nazism.

According to psychiatric classification, serials belong to psychopaths (sociopaths) - this is an asocial personality without obvious mental disorders, but with anomalies of character and behavior.
The American prison psychiatrist, Dr. Hare R.D., identifies personality traits and behavioral characteristics that together form the syndrome of psychopathy. The key symptoms in the sphere of emotions and interpersonal relationships are:
1. eloquence and superficiality;
2. egocentrism and pretentiousness;
3. lack of remorse and guilt;
4. lack of compassion and responsibility;
5. superficiality of emotions;
6. deceit and dishonesty;
Sociopaths are characterized by impulsiveness, uncontrollable behavior, a constant need for thrills, problematic behavior in childhood and antisocial behavior in adulthood. A specialist makes a proper diagnosis only when all the symptoms appear in a complex - in the form of a syndrome - and when each of them reaches a certain degree of severity.

One of the characteristics of serial murders is that they occur in different places and at different times. Serial killings are committed by an unrevealed hit man throughout his life.

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According to the Center for the Psychology of Investigation in the UK, the "zone of action" of serial sex offenders is located within a radius of 500 square kilometers. From time to time they make raids and return to a permanent base located in the middle of this zone. The ultimate goal of the research is to create a decision support system (in the form of a computer program) that allows, with a sufficient degree of probability, to localize the permanent base of the criminal based on the collected data on the locations of the crimes committed by him. Currently, such a model has allowed to determine the permanent location of the offender within a radius of about 30 square kilometers, 82% of 45 sex offenders fell into this zone.
Only his own death, arrest and life imprisonment can stop a serial killer. Once in custody, they behave approximately, without causing any trouble to operational and maintenance personnel. But the probability of their correction is zero.

It is possible to penetrate into the depths of the motivational mechanisms of the criminal behavior of serial killers only in the context of their relationship with the victims.
The victims of this type of crime are always unfamiliar or unfamiliar people.
Each serial operator chooses his victims according to a certain, far from always obvious, at first glance, criterion. For some, killing is a kind of emotional release, releasing deeply repressed, carefully hidden, even from oneself, experiences. In the consciousness of the serial worker, there is a connection with the victim, but the nature of this connection is emotionally mediated. The victim serves as a trigger mechanism, prompting memories of someone who once upon a time, in childhood or youth, someone humiliated, insulted the future killer, somehow abused him. The killer transfers his anger, fear, hatred to an innocent victim. By killing her, for some time he is freed from the painful memories of the once experienced humiliation and helplessness. In the eyes of the killer, the crime he committed is an act of retribution for the past, thereby he justifies his behavior, getting rid of guilt.
One of the serials admitted that he chose victims based on his resemblance to his first wife, who left him. Although they "parted on good terms," ​​he considered this divorce humiliating for himself and, deep down, he acutely experienced this humiliation until he began to kill. All of his victims were brunettes, like his first wife, and combed their hair in the middle.
Another serial believed that his mother treated him badly, he transferred his hatred for her to other mother-like women, killing and dismembering their bodies. The murder of unfamiliar women caused him a kind of catharsis, relieving him for a while from experiencing the humiliation of rejection by his own mother.
One of the English serials, who killed 17 women over the course of 10 years, in his youth was a pimply skinny stutterer. Peers taunted him, treated him in every possible way, did not accept him into the company. He acutely experienced his social rejection, felt deeply humiliated. Subsequently, he began to hate all young and interesting women. Having embarked on a criminal path, he justified himself with a rational explanation that he “killed only unworthy women” (all his victims were street prostitutes and bar dancers).

Why does the killer, "restoring justice", not kill the one who became the root cause of his suffering, the one who humiliated or insulted him?
The primary generalization theory states that stimuli similar to those that caused the repressed, repressed emotion, by evoking a similar emotion, provide an opportunity to "discharge" the primary emotion. The initial aggressive urge can be blocked by both objective danger (fear of punishment, fear of retribution) and subjective anxiety about manifestations of aggression. Therefore, the subject is forced to temporarily suppress his aggression. However, emotion requires discharge and "waiting in the wings." When immediate discharge of emotion is blocked or impossible, aggressive impulses can be weakened indirectly by shifting to less threatening and less dangerous objects. That is, suppressed aggression is directed along a different channel, to a less dangerous "scapegoat".
With the help of theory, the behavior of a serial worker is explained as follows: once (in childhood or adolescence) a serial worker was completely dependent on a person who caused his suffering and humiliation. He blocked the natural response in such a situation - aggression. Since there was no opportunity to immediately rebuff the tormentor, the feeling of humiliation experienced became even sharper and more stable. The experiences and problems imprinted in the soul during the formation of the character of the future serial are transferred to people who are somewhat similar to those who were once the root cause of these experiences.
But the “calming” brought by murder is a temporary phenomenon.
Firstly, p.h. no one can testify to the fact that the "offender" got what he deserved.
Secondly, p.h. the root cause has not been eliminated, i.e. real, not a substitute object of suffering, so the killings will be repeated over and over again.

The vast majority of serial killers are sexual sadists. Murder and complete power over others at this moment give them a feeling of fullness of life, cause an emotional cataclysm, which is akin to orgasm (a phenomenon called "Dracula syndrome").

For some serial killers, sadistic tendencies coexist with unbridled masochism (according to the FBI, about a third of serial killers engaged in self-mutilation).
Serial record holder Albert Fish swallowed thirteen metal needles. During his execution, a short circuit occurred in the electric chair.
Psychiatrists have noticed that sadism is often accompanied by ritual behavior. There are not isolated cases when serials mutilate the bodies of their victims, cut out and save certain pieces or parts of the body, so that later they can be “savored and tasted”. It is for this reason that they prefer melee weapons, which allow them to more closely contact the victim (at the end of the 19th century, a serial killer ordered the construction of a castle stuffed with traps in order to be able to fully enjoy the suffering of his victims).

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A set of features that distinguish serial murders from other types of crimes with numerous victims:
1. The serial is never limited to the deed. His criminal aggression periodically resumes, manifesting itself in new, regular episodes of the series.
2. Feature serial murder - "1 episode - 1 victim." Very rare exceptions (when a serial kills members of the same family at once) only confirms the rule.
3. The serial worker operates alone, without accomplices, witnesses and eyewitnesses. It is extremely rare that the killers act in pairs (usually a man and a woman, connected sexual relations), in a pair of 1 of the partners (a man) always acts as a leader.
4. Nothing connects the offender with the victim, until the moment of the crime the killer is not connected with the victim. An attack on an unfamiliar victim is made suddenly or preceded by a fleeting acquaintance. This circumstance, along with seeming lack of motivation, complicates the investigation.
5. The excess of violence is characteristic - superkill. Unlike murders, which are a means to achieve some other goal - material gain, elimination of an opponent, revenge, concealment of another crime - serial murder is committed for the sake of killing and torturing the victim, manipulating the corpse.
6. Serial killers are characterized by high mobility: by the time the corpse is discovered, it is already far from the crime scene. Along with the "wanderer killers" there are "homebody killers" who are very skilled at hiding corpses. Therefore, many serials have been operating for years and come across purely by chance.
7. An important sign of a serial murder is a period of emotional rest or emotional cooling between crimes, which can be. very long: up to a year or more. During this period, the serial worker lives the usual life of a respectable citizen, without arousing any suspicion among others. At the end of the period of emotional rest, the murders are sure to resume.
8. Each serial crime is carefully planned and prepared. The perpetrator tries not to leave obvious evidence pointing to his identity. The crime is committed without witnesses.
9. Separate episodes of criminal activity are dispersed in time: the interval between successive murders can be calculated in weeks, and sometimes years.
10. In ordinary life, the serial does not at all correspond to the stereotypical image of the murderer. This might be venerable father of the family, exemplary husband, respected citizen, public figure.
11. Characteristic features of serials - charm, the ability to manipulate people, intelligence, deceit, resourcefulness, experience in committing crimes - allow them to mislead the police and remain elusive for a long time.

According to sexual orientation, straights and homosexuals stand out among serials.
According to the sphere of criminal activity (area) - those who commit crimes in their area of ​​residence, in adjacent areas, in nearby regions, along a certain familiar route.
According to the preference for the age of the victims - pedophiles and ephebophiles (prefer children and adolescents), gerontophiles (the elderly and the elderly), generalists = omnivores, whose victims can be people of different sex and age.

In the West, 2 typologies are popular:
1. on a territorial basis; There are "local" and "wandering" serial types.
"Local" commits crimes in a certain permanent place, chosen in advance, associated with the place of his work and residence (often it is his own house). The world-famous homosexual serialists Jeffrey Dahmer, Robert Burdella, Denis Nielsen, John Gacy for a number of years, without arousing the slightest suspicion from others, tortured, killed and destroyed the remains of their victims in their home. On the "personal account" of John Gacy, there were 33 killed boys and young men.
The “wandering” serial hunts while moving from place to place. Ted Bundy left a trail of blood in 5 states.
2. According to the motivational principle, 4 types of serial killers are distinguished:
The type of visionary killer is the smallest. Killers of this type commit crimes under the influence of visual and auditory hallucinations. These are people with not quite a healthy psyche. They have "visions", they "hear" the voice of God or Demon, ordering to kill a certain person or group of people.
The killer - a missionary - assumes the mission of "cleansing" society from "evil spirits" (more often prostitutes and homosexuals become their victims). Austrian poet and serial killer Jacques Unterweger, who killed prostitutes in Austria, Czechoslovakia and the United States. Convicted in 1994
Killer-hedonist is the most massive and most studied category of serials. He kills because the process itself gives him pleasure. He likes to kill. It is among the killers of this type that various forms of sexual perversion, dismemberment, necrophilia, and cannibalism are most often encountered.
Hedonists are divided into 2 subtypes:
1. Killer-voluptuary, they get sexual satisfaction from the sadistic manipulation of the victim and her corpse. All phases of serial murder are clearly expressed in him: a fantasy, during which the desire to kill is cultivated (it is often formed under the influence of pornographic books and films); hunting for an ideal victim, corresponding to the image formed in the previous phase; the very process of murder and the ecstasy experienced at that moment. Many, in an effort to prolong the pleasure, take with them various parts of the victim's body, souvenirs, trophies, reminding them of "happy moments." After each crime and the “enlightenment of the soul” experienced on this basis, they experience depression, a feeling of dissatisfaction, which forms the desire for new murders.
2. Killer - "thrill seeker" likes to kill for other reasons, sexual satisfaction recedes into the background here. The main thing is unusual sensations, danger, risk, everything that causes an adrenaline rush, a state of ecstasy. For him, murder is like a drug: it is addictive and requires an increase in the dose.
4. Tyrant killer is a person with low self-esteem, not getting the love and recognition that he thinks he deserves. Murder for him is a way of self-affirmation, proof of strength and viability. The killer enjoys the humiliation and helplessness of the victim, the feeling of his omnipotence and power. The victim is entirely in his hands. All manipulations with the victim have one goal - to demonstrate unlimited power over the victim.

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Typology proposed by the FBI Academy National Violent Crime Center Investigation Support Unit:

1. an organized non-social criminal - everything in his life is sorted out, everything has its place, and everything should be in its place. It is difficult for him to give up his usual ways of behavior.
The guilt of Ted Bundy was proved in 4 murders only because he had a habit of refueling at certain gas stations and putting his signature on purchases. Their “unsociality” is explained not by a lack of socialization abilities, but by their own will: they want it themselves, they like to be alone. He is self-sufficient, he does not see anyone who, in his opinion, would be worthy of his company. Factors pushing this type of murder can be. both real and imagined. One serial showed that the fault of the woman who became his victim was that she allegedly insulted his self-esteem and, in order to restore justice, he had no choice but to kill the offender. In fact, there was nothing objectively wrong with the woman's behavior.
Characteristics of the organized non-social criminal:
high intelligence
socially adequate
Sexually competent with a partner
Tough discipline in childhood
Mood controlled
Acts according to the situation
Mobile geographically and by occupation
Follows the press
The Model Prisoner Returns to the Scene of the Crime
Monitors information about crimes
Makes contact with the police
Anticipates questions that investigators may ask him and prepares answers
Can move the corpse of the victim from one place to another, leave the corpse in an unusual, demonstrative pose
Most have a well-developed intellect, among them there are people with higher education (Ted Bundy had a bachelor's degree in psychology and studied at a law college).
Socially competent, have social partners, some start a family, but most are limited to extramarital affairs. Many come from middle-class families, have a high birth order (1st children in the family). They are not alien to the use of alcohol and drugs (Ted Bundy during his "criminal career" from 1974 to 1978 drank a lot, smoked marijuana). It is light on the rise, feels comfortable away from home. He can work, have a wide circle of acquaintances, although relationships are always superficial. In search of victims, and most importantly, to make it easier to hide the crime, an organized criminal cruises around the country, leaving farther and farther from home.
Ted Bundy cruised 8 states. He transported one of his victims, abducted from an Oregon State University building, almost 300 miles to Seattle, Washington.
Unterweger is a typical post-war foundling, born in 1952, when Europe was full of American soldiers. Unterweger's mother was a Viennese prostitute, and her father was an American soldier. Little Jacques was not needed by his parents, in early childhood they abandoned him. For some time the boy wandered around relatives, in the end everyone got tired of him and he was handed over to a shelter. As a teenager, Jacques became addicted to petty crime and was engaged in pandering. He committed his first (proven) murder in 1976. The victim was Margaret Schafer, an 18-year-old prostitute. Many are sure that Margaret had nothing to do with prostitution, but the killer insisted on his own. He killed a prostitute because his mother was a prostitute. He beat the unfortunate girl, then strangled her with his own bra. That is how a humiliated, insulted, abandoned son had to take revenge on his prostitute mother. 24-year-old Jacques was sentenced to life imprisonment. In prison, he wrote an autobiography, then wrote a novel. Prison inmates published their own magazine, where Jacques became a regular and favorite author.
About the murderer sentenced to life imprisonment, who writes poetry and novels, they learned outside the prison walls. It was almost sensational and exotic. He became a celebrity. The prison administration, not without pride, showed it to commissions, government officials and journalists, modestly hinting that the literary success of their client became possible thanks to a thoughtfully staged educational process and touching care for lost souls on the part of the entire friendly staff of the penitentiary institution. They started talking about a miracle that had happened: for once, they managed to radically re-educate the sinister killer. Jacques was graciously allowed to attend literary meetings from time to time. He was released from prison, and he carefully returned back. Jacques quickly acquired influential friends and patrons among Austrian intellectuals.
It all ended with the fact that he was released from prison, he was considered completely re-educated, recognized as not dangerous to society. It was released in 1990. Everyone was expecting new books and poems from Jacques, a new flight of fantasy not burdened by the prison atmosphere. In October 1990, a murdered prostitute was found in Austria. In the first months of 1991, 6 more women were killed. In the summer of 1991, 3 murdered prostitutes were found in Los Angeles. Blanca Boskova died in Prague. The modus operandi, mode of action, in all cases coincided to the smallest detail. The killer met the victims in the "red light districts", took the woman to a secluded and remote place, strangled her with her own underwear, then hid the corpses in the wooded areas. And in all cases, in those cities where the crimes were committed, Jacques Unterweger was present. The timing was right, and that was his signature. Upon the return of Jacques to his homeland, the Austrian police called him several times - they did not have complete confidence: after all, a poet, a writer, a creative, refined nature. Jacques neatly appeared for interrogations, he was benevolence and openness itself. In February 1992, permission was obtained for his arrest. He managed to escape first to Switzerland, from it to France. He lived in Paris for several days, then rushed to Florida, where he was detained. The states handed it over to Austria. In May 1994, he was charged with the murder of 11 women in Austria, the USA, and the Czech Republic. The process was intense and lasted 32 days. The prosecution had only 2 irrefutable evidence: red fibers from a scarf belonging to Unterweger were found on the clothes of one of the victims; a woman's hair was found in his car, which "almost certainly" belonged to the same Blanca Boskova from Prague. The poet himself, before the jury gathered, leaves for the deliberation room, threw to them: “I was greedy, predatory, greedy for life, I set myself the goal of rising from the bottom. I lost." 2 out of 8 jurors considered Unterweger innocent, and the rest considered his guilt in 2 murders unproven - the corpses decomposed so much that it became impossible to find any evidence tying them to Unterweger. Jacques was sentenced a second time to life imprisonment, which lasted only a few hours. He was found hanged - almost immediately after being placed in a cell.
Due to their personal characteristics, it is not difficult for an organized criminal to get to know each other, make friends, and change jobs. He knows how to make a favorable impression, to create the appearance of professional qualifications that are not really there (John Gacy worked in a construction company, Ken Bianchi was a psychologist and security officer).
The organized non-social criminal belongs to the muscular (courageous) type. This is manifested in his clothes, demeanor, type of personal car. By nature: a typical narcissistic sociopath. He is convinced that he knows everything better than anyone, is always right, does not tolerate any, even constructive criticism. For him, every kill turns into a game. He may return to the crime scene to relive the sensations experienced there. Some, like Edmund Kemper, resist the temptation because "it has been repeatedly heard that many criminals were caught by the police just at this moment." They carefully monitor information in the media. They often learn about many details of police work from TV programs and other sources, they may even cooperate with the police in order to obtain information of interest to them. Charm and charm allow them to get away with it even when they are directly suspected of a crime.
With regard to this type of criminal, the FBI recommends that investigators use direct confrontation during interrogation. An organized criminal values ​​the competence of the investigator, even if this is fraught with arrest and conviction for himself. But, resorting to confrontation, the investigator d.b. sure that the “facts” are: correct, accurate, reliable. A criminal of this type immediately recognizes when they "want to take him on a show off", and if the police present him with false evidence, it means that they do not have information on the case. This will immediately “close the door” to a successful investigation, because an organized criminal will never voluntarily give out any information leading to the establishment of his guilt. This type of criminal admits only what he is forced to admit.
In America, it is believed that it is better when the interrogation is conducted by 1 investigator. But in cases where forced interrogation is necessary, alternate work of 2 investigators is possible. Ted Bundy was interrogated at night by 2 investigators, often replacing each other in order to prevent the interrogated person from getting enough sleep and "psychologically get together."

2. disorganized asocial criminal is disorganized in everything: clothes, car, behavior, lifestyle, psychological state. This is a white male, an introvert, far from sporty. In childhood, many were victims of physical or mental abuse, often brought up in single-parent families. If the family was complete, then the father had a low-paid or inconsistent job. In childhood, there were few friends, they preferred games and entertainment alone, shunned the company of peers. This is a loner in life, others consider him "eccentric", strange and do not seek to communicate with him. It is characterized by difficulties in learning and social adaptation. Intellectual development is below average. Unskilled work (often the lowest paid), lack of social contacts (with women in particular).
The nature of the crime: spontaneity, lack of elements of thoughtful planning. This type does not feel comfortable away from the place where he lives and works, so he often commits crimes "next door", in the "reach zone" that can be reached on foot or by bicycle. He is not interested in what the media write about him.
It is characterized by laxity, disorganization, slovenliness in everyday life can also manifest itself at the scene.
He has some behavioral patterns that appear after the crime is committed.
This is the need to return to the scene of the crime after some, sometimes long, time has passed, in order to re-experience the pleasant experiences that accompanied the crime. For the same purpose, he can take part in the funeral ceremonies of his victim and even express condolences through the newspaper on the untimely death. He may keep a diary that describes his victims and his manipulations with them; he may have audio and video cassettes documenting scenes of his crimes. The diary also contains space for a detailed description of sexual fantasies, the role of which in the ethnogenesis of serial murders is very great.
After committing a crime, he can change his address, but he will not go far, p.ch. only in familiar surroundings he lives comfortably. Leaving for another place, he experiences a feeling of anemia, he suffers. If he moves after the crime to another place, then only in a similar house, similar area. Can change jobs. There were cases when, after the crime, such individuals tried to enlist in the military. However, such attempts usually had no success: either it was not possible to pass physical. and psycho. tests, or general unfitness for military service was recognized.
The most important condition for the effectiveness of interrogation is the establishment of psychological contact between the investigator and the interrogated. It is recommended to demonstrate sympathy, empathy, sympathy.
Characteristics of a disorganized asocial criminal:
Intelligence below average
Socially inadequate
unskilled worker
Excessively cruel (inadequate) discipline in childhood
Anxiety during crime
Alcohol consumption is minimal
Lives lonely
Lives (works) near the crime scene
Minimal interest in news media
"night" type
Untidy, does not look after his appearance
Has "hidden" places Returns to the scene of the crime
Can come to the funeral (grave) of the victim
Can put "condolence" in print
Can "hit" into religion
Can keep a diary, collect newspaper clippings
Can change location
Can change jobs

Since it is difficult for this type to maintain personal contact with anyone, the investigator needs to have a constant thread of conversation, introducing topics that are not related to the crime if necessary. Emotional contact, friendly relations make it easier to obtain confessions. For interrogations, it is recommended to choose night time, when the offender is in the best shape.

Organized non-social killer Disorganized anti-social killer
Crime planned Crime spontaneous
Victim purposefully chosen from strangers Victim unknown
The victim is personalized The victim is depersonalized
Conversation controlled Conversation minimal
Controlled Crime Scene Chaotic Crime Scene
Submissive victim Sudden violence
Victim bound Victim free
Aggressive movements
The murder weapon is ready in advance Improvised means of murder are used

An organized non-social criminal carefully prepares the crime, he attaches great importance to the destruction of the traces of the crime.
In contrast, a disorganized criminal attacks the victim suddenly, does not plan in advance, or plans the crime very poorly. The spontaneity and suddenness of the attack leaves numerous traces at the crime scene.
Both types choose victims among strangers, strangers.

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Different selection criteria:
the disorganized may know in advance of the existence of his victim, know where he lives, but not have a personal relationship.
And the organized one always hunts down, chooses his victim according to certain signs among strangers, his victim is a typical representative of an ideal object in his understanding.
The disorganized criminal does not talk much to his victim, he does not need to establish personal contact with the victim.
The organized killer, after the victim is in his comfort zone, speaks to him in the language of intimidation. Most often, the perpetrator's car is used to establish the first contact with the victim, which is also a means of control after the victim is in the car.
An organized criminal is characterized by stalking and tracking down the desired object (“by the way I walk, by the way I hold my head, by the look I can accurately determine the appropriate object,” one killer testified).
Organized try to inflict as much physical and mental suffering on their victims as possible before killing them. They are very inventive in inventing sophisticated torture: the sight of a humiliated and helpless victim gives an additional buzz. Before proceeding with the torture, the organized killer usually ties up the victim so that she cannot resist.
A disorganized criminal does not use any means that limit the capacity of the victim, p.ch. it is not his intention to intimidate and intimidate the victims.
For an organized killer, watching the reactions of a terrified, dehumanized, and begging victim is of the utmost importance. Therefore, he is in no hurry to kill the victim until he fully enjoys it. He always uses his own murder weapon and never leaves it on the scene of a crime.
A disorganized killer acts spontaneously, without thinking about what he will kill with in advance. He often uses the fact that "hand turned up" and leaves the murder weapon at the crime scene. In the case when the movement of the corpse of the victim of sexual aggression is detected. This may indicate that the perpetrator belongs to a non-social organized type.
The unorganized type of criminal usually has neither the desire nor the need to hide the corpse or move it to another place.

Killers - homosexuals - are divided into 2 types: vagrants and homeworkers.
1. vagabonds: who operate outside their homes (in wastelands, forest belts, deaf, dark alleys) in the so-called. field conditions. There they, hunting, look for their victims, there they deal with them.
2. homeworkers: people who usually perform some kind of socially useful work in their place of residence. For them, the house is not only a home, but also a place of work. These are not hard workers, hard workers who selflessly work hard without leaving home. Their houses are a place of execution and a necropolis for those who got there, enchanted by sweet speeches and seductive promises. Sheltered by the walls of their fortress houses, invisible, inaccessible, invulnerable homosexual homeworkers who commit serial murders. - an extremely dangerous, insufficiently studied variety of criminals.
Many of them are characterized by cannibalism, the desire to destroy all life, necrophilia, defined "as a passionate attraction to everything that is dead, decaying, rotting, unhealthy."
American criminologists distinguish 2 subtypes of serial killers:
1. - being in the power of lust, driven by a thirst for thrills, a desire for sensual pleasures (Chikatilo). Having enjoyed enough of the suffering of a person and having received sexual satisfaction, they immediately kill their victims and lose all interest in them. Torture for them is an end in itself. Moans and pleas only increase the buzz.
2. - we are driven by the lust of power, strive to assert ourselves, get rid of the inferiority complex through the complete subordination of our own kind, turning it into a submissive toy that satisfies any whim of the owner. The power-hungry killer seeks to keep the victim with him as long as possible. The infliction of suffering is not part of his intentions: it is a means, not an end. He is attracted by the transformation of the victim into an obedient, impersonal being. The main thing here is awareness: "the toy is in its full power and is always at hand."

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There are three known ways of handling criminals with corpses after the murder, which can be used to judge the psychological state of the criminal, his motivation.
In the first ("dump"), the corpse is simply thrown at the scene without any attempt to hide the fact of the crime or the victim. Such behavior testifies to the disorganized ™ of the offender, his being in a panic state due to the fear of detention and exposure. His actions are guided by the only desire to quickly carry away his legs from the corpse.
The second method ("concealment") is characterized by hiding, disguising the corpse, its complete or partial destruction, dismemberment into unrecognizable parts.
With the third method ("demonstration"), the corpse is specially placed in a conspicuous place. In such cases, the perpetrator proceeds from the desire that the corpse be found. And fast enough. The method of demonstrating a dead body indicates either the intention of the offender to mock relatives, friends, family members of the deceased, the police, society in this way, or, conversely, speaks of the feeling of compassion that arose in the offender, his concern for the victim, family members, relatives the last one.
Data from special studies indicate that the regressive pedophile initially prefers to deal with peers or older partners in order to obtain sexual satisfaction. However, when serious problems or conflicts arise in these relationships, then sexual interests and desires are focused on children. Conflicts or situational crises that encourage sexual focus on children can be very different in nature (problems in the family, at work, in relationships with others, in sexual life, etc.).
The crime committed by the regressive pedophile is an impulsive act, an act of desperation, indicating his inability to adaptively withstand the stresses of life. As a rule, such a criminal has a family. Often he is tormented by remorse, remembering what he did. At the time of the crime, he is usually in a state of depression, neglects his usual values ​​and has little control over his behavior. A completely different picture of behavior in a fixed pedophile. Starting from adolescence, the sexual preferences of the fixed pedophile are associated exclusively with persons who are younger than him in age. And this inclination (predisposition) persists throughout subsequent life. It does not depend on the acquired sexual experience.
A distinctive feature of this type of criminal is that they do not have signs of socialization characteristic of adolescence (such as, for example, dating girls or playing competitive sports).

A fixed pedophile may reciprocate the sexual initiative of his peers, but he himself never shows such initiative and remains passive. As a rule, unnatural desires do not violate the mental comfort of a fixed pedophile. Satisfying his sexual needs in such an unusual way, he does not experience any shame, no guilt, no remorse. Thoughts and sexual fantasies connected with children, pursuing a fixed pedophile, take on the character of obsessive states, pernicious passions, like a drug addiction. In ordinary everyday circumstances, such a person often reveals his inadequacy and marginality, inability to cope with the demands of everyday life. Feeling the need for sexual interaction with children, a fixed pedophile seeks and specifically creates conditions and opportunities for frequent contact with them.

The differences between a regressive and a fixed pedophile can be summarized as follows.
Regressive pedophile:
psychosexual development after adolescence was normal;
the regression began with a feeling of inadequacy;
at the scene of the crime, the presence of any well-thought-out organization, a preliminary plan is not visible;
if he kills the victim, then he does it out of fear or panic;
after the murder, he simply dumps the corpse at the crime scene without any attempt to hide anything, which is the result of his disorganization, fear, guilt and panic
Fixed pedophile:
starting from the teenage stage, the object of his sexual attacks are persons younger than himself;
he has no experience of a normal sexual life, although he may be married;
chooses work and leisure activities in such a way as to have more contact with children;
according to statistics, fixed pedophiles commit murders at the age of 45-55 years.

Pedophile - Literally: "loving children."
In the bulk of cases, pedophiles, engaging in sexual molestation, do not cause significant harm to the physical health of children, so their acts often go unnoticed and do not fall into the scope of criminal response. Thus, a survey conducted in the United States among pedophile prisoners showed that homosexual pedophiles before their arrest had an average of 30 victims in their "track record", and heterosexual pedophiles - up to 62 victims.

The most dangerous type of pedophiles are misopeds. This word is translated into Russian as "detonatnik".
Misoped is a sexually sadistic killer. By torturing and then killing the child, the misoped receives the highest sexual satisfaction. The misoped picks up its victims, as a rule, among strangers. Eiro method - surprise attack and kidnapping of a child. Everything happens very quickly, often in crowded places in broad daylight (on the street, in a store, on a playground, etc.). The surrounding people do not suspect anything.
The abduction is usually preceded by a "hunting" ritual, which gives the misoped an additional "high". Unlike some other categories of pedophiles, a misoped does not "lure" the victim (with toys, sweets, pleasant conversations, etc.), trying to please her and gain confidence. Misoped acts decisively and rudely: he suddenly grabs the child and, like a spider, without letting the victim come to his senses, drags him to a safe place and enjoys it to the fullest here. Actions with the victim are the individual fruit of the ingenuity of each particular sadistic rapist. The general rule of their behavior is as follows: the more the victim suffers and the longer the victim suffers, the more pleasure the misoped receives.
As we move from one stage of criminal interaction with the victim to another, the intensity of the experiences of the misoped grows. These stages are as follows: exploratory surgery, anal sex, mutilation, murder with torture preceding it.
Usually the misoped tries to keep the victim alive longer in order to fully enjoy his suffering. If conditions permit, the misoped may keep the victim to himself for several days. All bodily harm, as a rule, is inflicted while the victim is still alive. Misopeds show preference for same-sex victims, i.e. boys. In police reports, there are cases when the penis was cut off from a living victim and inserted into the victim's mouth, and as a result of rough anal penetrations, severe injuries were observed in the abdominal cavity of the victims. Having enjoyed such manipulations, the misoped kills the victim and disposes of the corpse, sometimes having previously abused the corpse and leaving something from the victim's body as a "memory". Unlike some other pedophiles who, once they get what they want, let the victim go, the misoped never leaves the victim alive. Therefore, he inevitably turns into a serial killer. (Misoped refers to a hedonistic type of serial killer.)

There are also cardinal differences. One of the Western experts, summarizing more than thirty cases of serial murders, revealed some patterns. As noted by us, manic male killers are characterized by such phases of murder as fantasy, persecution, abduction, murder, "work" with the body. They almost never work together.
In "series" almost everything is different. In 1987, two lesbian nurses, aged 25 and 26, worked in a nursing home (one of them, having left her husband and six-year-old daughter, lived with a friend). Their victims were old women who were dying. As the nurses later explained, psychologically this was not murder for them. All the same, they say, the old women were already one foot in the grave. Usually they strangled their victims (unlike maniacs, "serials" do not prolong the agony of the unfortunate - they strangle or use poison). One of the accomplices pressed a napkin to her grandmother's face and waited ... And later the diagnosis was a heart attack. They had more than five victims on their conscience. One day, after the second episode, a nurse came to her ex-husband and shared a "secret" with him. He did not believe it - he considered that his former wife, on the basis of "pink" love, just went nuts. And a year later I found out that what was said was not nonsense.
Some psychologists perceived the actions of these ladies as a cruel emotional release.
Others considered this joint murder in line with "strengthening" the love of lesbians with one common, terrible secret.
A characteristic feature of serial killers is also this. "Serials", as a rule, do not kill acquaintances - work colleagues, relatives, friends. Avoid emotions in contact with a potential victim. Because they do not feel sorry for this person. For a maniac, the search stage is a whole ritual. "Serials" choose victims in their close circle, among their family or work colleagues, like those same nurses from a nursing home.

"Munchausen's syndrome by proxy" - Specialists are now talking about it in connection with the increasing cases of child abuse. Unlike the usual "Munchausen syndrome", when a person pretends to be ill or even injures himself in order to become an object of attention and care, another person, most often a child, suffers in the "proxy" syndrome. Such a mother (nanny, nurse) needs to show others what heroic efforts she made to save the child, and how heartbroken she is.

"Serials" of both sexes are distinguished by deeply hidden, often unconscious experiences of their own inferiority, helplessness and failure. The origins of these experiences lie in the past life of a person, in the humiliation and insults experienced once when it is impossible (or incapable) to give a worthy answer to the offender.
At the same time, when assessing motivation, determining the driving forces of the criminal behavior of female and sometimes male serial killers, one should not discount a very peculiar, rare, but still real incentive. We are talking about the motive that Yu.M. Antonyan in his works defines as the motive of "love". This motive (and, apparently, it can be supplemented with the "motive of compassion" close in essence) stands apart. It is not typical for the vast majority of hard-hearted serials with a male and female face.
I mean only those of the females in whom the idea to kill one of their relatives, loved ones, other well-known people is born on the basis of pity, compassion, care for them and is realized due to the prevailing extremely unfavorable circumstances. And they go to crime, sometimes at the request of the victims, in order to save them from something even worse in the absence of a real opportunity to change the situation for the better in other ways (for example, to get rid of the torment of waiting for inevitable death in an incurable disease or in order to deliverance from unbearable suffering that arose for one reason or another that cannot be eliminated).
Recently, experts have observed a surge in crimes among the fairer sex. Some attribute this to the fact that the police began to take a more thorough approach to investigating dark, "hanging" cases. Others argue that the number of such criminals has generally increased. Not without reason, in 1995, the FBI issued a special brochure for operatives, which refers to the existence of female "serials", about the problems of solving such crimes. It also mentions the "Munchausen syndrome by proxy." They often explain the behavior of a particular criminal. Limiting the circle of suspects is the first task that a psychological profile helps to solve.
The second task is to suggest how to catch a criminal using knowledge of his psychological characteristics, that is, to suggest to investigators (detectives) techniques by which you can set traps for a criminal.
These techniques later became known as proactive techniques. This method was developed in the Investigative Support Division of the FBI Academy (until 1995, the Division was headed by John Douglas), but its foundations were laid by the psychiatrist Brussel. In the early 1970s, Special Agent Howard Teten became interested in Brussel's work. He taught a course in applied forensic psychology at the FBI Academy. Teten began to correspond with Brussels, tried to use his observations and developments to explain criminal behavior. At first, the study was conducted on a voluntary basis by single enthusiasts. In the mid-80s, after the creation of the National Center for the Study of Violent Crimes, the method of psychological profiling received official recognition.

Psychological picture

Unlike a multifunctional verbal portrait, a psychological portrait reflects the internal, psychological, and behavioral characteristics of a person.
Its main function is to be a means of searching, identifying a criminal whose identity has not been established.
The psychological portrait is formed not on the basis of reliable knowledge about the signs reflected in it, but on the basis of knowledge of a probabilistic nature. It is also significant that this method does not "work" in every case of solving a crime.
The field of its application is only some groups of cases, and above all those related to the disclosure of serious crimes against a person. There is one more important limitation of its application possibilities.
The psychological portrait method is implemented in cases where the scene and the state of the victim allow us to conclude that the unknown criminal has any deviations in behavior, mentality, or emotional state. These limitations, however, do not detract from the significance of this method as an acutely relevant tool that allows you to honorably get out of the most intricate impasses in which other methods are simply useless. The foregoing, first of all, concerns the problem of solving serial murders committed in different places and at different times by persons with psychosexual anomalies.
Developed and tested at the FBI Academy's Behavioral Science Division in Quantico, Virginia, this method was first used in 1971 in the investigation of particularly brutal murders. In 1984, the National Center for the Study of Violent Crimes was established at the FBI Academy, which is engaged in the identification and search of criminals who have committed serial murders and other especially serious crimes against the person. The creation of the center became an additional impetus for the widespread introduction and improvement of the method. This is facilitated by a single national computer system. According to a special program, data on all grave violent crimes committed in the country, both solved and unsolved (respectively, about 15 and 5 thousand crimes annually) are entered into it. Along with research work, the Department of Behavioral Sciences carries out orders for the compilation of psychological profiles for the search for unknown criminals.
The method has received international recognition and has been implemented in a number of countries in Europe and America, the highest police officers of which are undergoing training at the FBI Academy in Quantico.
The material needed to build a "profile" is collected by carefully studying the victim and the scene of the crime.
The forensic pathologist, by means of his science, gives an answer to the question of how the murder was committed; the investigator, having complete data on the scene of the crime and the victim, answers the question: what type of person committed this act.

A psychological profile is compiled to solve crimes only in cases where the scene and the condition of the victim suggest that the offender has a psychopathology.
In cases where the murder is committed for the purpose of robbery, and the victim is only a means to achieve this goal, the use of the psychological profile method in the United States is considered inappropriate.
Another area of ​​crime that is not suitable for psychological profiling is drug-related crimes, since it is difficult to distinguish between stable personality traits and states of disturbed consciousness at the time of committing crimes due to drug poisoning.
So, for any crime where there are any signs of psychological dysfunction, one can try to make a psychological profile of the criminal. The most suitable for using this method of murder on sexual grounds with signs of sadistic torture of the victim (evisceration (evisceration); post-mortem stab and cut wounds; any manipulation of the criminal with the corpse of the victim); unmotivated arson and explosions; injury to the victim; rape; ritual killings.
Stages of compiling a psychological profile

The FBI's psychological profiling process consists of 5 steps or stages.
1. A thorough study and analysis of the nature and essence of the crime and the types of persons (psychological and psychiatric typology) who have committed similar acts in the past.
2. An exhaustive analysis of the scene of the crime under investigation.
3. An in-depth study of the environment, activities and hobbies of the victim (victims, if there are several) and the suspect (suspects).
4. Formation of possible motivating factors for all persons involved in the investigation.
5. Description of the offender (based on external behavioral manifestations of his probable psychological essence).
Most often, the following characteristics of the offender are described and evaluated in the psychological profile: gender and age limits; marital status, educational level, occupation ( general information about work), how he will react to the situation of police investigation and interrogation, the level of sexual maturity, whether he will be able to do something similar again, the likelihood that the wanted criminal could have committed similar crimes in the past, is there a police file on him.

Materials for compiling a psychological profile

To compile a "psychological profile" use the following materials:
Crime scene photographs, color, enlarged photographs of wounds present on the victim's body, photographs of the victim taken from different positions and angles. With the help of extensive photographic documentation of the criminal-technical service, using also maps, plans, schemes, everything that the police found directly at the crime scene and around it is analyzed in a complex.
At the same time, maximum attention is paid to each detail visible in the photograph, each portrait recorded in the photographs or the position in which the body was found, the logical connection of objects with the alleged course of the crime is determined. It happens that the police officers who conducted the initial inspection of the crime scene make some changes to it. Such changes, if unavoidable, should be carefully documented and reported, otherwise there is a danger of later drawing false conclusions about the mechanism of the crime. Well-designed crime scene fencing and cleverly laid out footpaths are important prerequisites for successful on-site work in the investigation of a serious crime. Along with the preservation of traces at the scene, the task of the criminal-technical service is to create extensive and detailed photographic documentation. In this case, in each case, a color film is used.
It is not recommended under any circumstances to save on photographs. It is important that both near and far from the scene of the incident are presented with a sufficient number of photographs. So, when a murder is committed inside a building, not only the room where the body was found is of interest, but also photographic images of all other rooms of the house and its environs.
In addition to overview photographs, photographs of details captured from different directions and at different angles are also desirable. Photographic documentation of the crime scene and its surroundings is a prerequisite for creating a psychological profile of the offender.

Materials of the autopsy and study of the results of the autopsy.
An autopsy is performed by a specially trained physician with the knowledge of a pathologist and a forensic physician. It is often necessary that the doctor who will have to perform the autopsy be called to the crime scene beforehand so that he can have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat happened and draw certain conclusions. During the autopsy, an employee of the criminal-technical service must be present, fixing on photographic film the various stages of the autopsy and examination of the corpse.
Autopsy analysis focuses on answering the following questions:
what weapon, where, in what sequence and with what force the injuries that caused death were inflicted.
The exact localization of the injuries on the victim's body suggests whether the victim was taken by surprise by the killer or whether the murder was preceded by a struggle.
Of interest is also the number of injuries, whether and what injuries were inflicted posthumously, whether the wounds were inflicted through clothing or into the area of ​​the exposed skin of the body.
The overall picture of the damage allows us to draw a conclusion about the state of mind of the killer at the time of the crime and whether there was any relationship between him and the victim.
Victim travel plan before death: place of work, place of residence, where the victim was last seen before she was found at the scene of the crime.

Documents with information about the identity of the victim. In the psychological profiling method, the study of the victim is as important as the study of the perpetrator.
To obtain a psychological profile of the offender, it is necessary to have a psychological profile of the victim. Additional staff specializing in the field of forensic victimology are allocated to carry out this work. These officers deal exclusively with the victim for as long as necessary to obtain an "accurate picture of the victim".
What is this picture made of? Age, gender, physical characteristics, including clothing at the time of the incident, marital status, social adjustment, intelligence, school performance, school relationships, lifestyle and recent changes in lifestyle, personality and temperament, demeanor, location residence (previous and present), the relationship between the place of residence and the scene of the crime, sexual adaptation, occupation (previous and present), reputation at home and at work, medical history (physical and mental characteristics), personality habits (alcohol, drug use), social habits, hobbies, addictions, friends and enemies, police file.
Information about the full picture of the crime and the reconstruction of the mechanism of the deed (information about the place, time and date of the event, the testimony of witnesses, the type of weapon with which the crime was committed, etc.).

By characterizing the victim, analyzing the scene of the crime, and the nature of the wounds and injuries on the body of the victim, it is possible to reconstruct the presumably sequence of events of the crime. This often helps to clarify why the perpetrator chose a particular course of action. Reconstruction of the mechanism of the deed makes it possible to diagnose the psychological state of the criminal at the time of the crime, to get an idea of ​​the levels of natural intelligence and education of the criminal. Of particular interest is the behavior of the offender in the so-called situation after the murder (whether he hid the victim's body, destroyed other material evidence, or left the scene of the crime in a panic, leaving a variety of traces, etc.).

The availability of the information mentioned above allows answering the questions: WHAT happened at the crime scene and WHY did it happen? The main premise on which the psychological profile method is based is that the answer to the first two questions leads to the answer to the third - WHO could have committed such a crime, that is, to the compilation of a psychological profile that reflects signs that are essential for characterizing the personality and behavior of the killer. This profile describes the perpetrator as if it were a well-known, familiar person. However, the profile does not "name" specific names. The information contained in it is equally applicable to a large number of people of a certain category.

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