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Restaurant topic in German. Food in German: let's go to restaurants. The waiter brings the food

Kafushka, cafe, cafe bar, chantan, stand-up, cafe, chepok, cafe chantan, dancing, grill cafe, video cafe, ice cream cafe, dumplings, confectionery cafe, coffee house, cafe club, restaurant, cafeteria Dictionary of Russian synonyms. cafe cafe, cafe ... ... Synonym dictionary

cafe- neskl., cf. café m. 1. outdated. Coffee, drink. In order to give the artist sorbets, cafes, sugar, tea, good chocolate with vanilla, Seville and Brazilian tobacco, and, at least, two gifts a week, in addition to the payment. 1730. Conditions ... ...

Cafe de la Paix- Konstantin Korovin. "Cafe de la Paix" (1906). Café de la Paix is ​​a famous cafe in the IX arrondissement of Paris. It was designed by Charles Garnier, the author of the project for the building of the Paris Opera, located on t ... Wikipedia

CAFE- (French). Cafe, an establishment that serves, in addition to coffee, other drinks, etc. food. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. CAFE coffee house, a place where you can drink coffee, tea, fruit, water and where ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

cafe-o-le Café au lait. Coffee with milk. In front of the Frenchwoman was a huge cup of cafe au le and a whole frying pan of ill-cooked demuthon cutlets. Pisemsky 8 429. Petty bourgeois serenely read all these fears in the morning, over a cup of café au lait they experience ... ... Historical dictionary gallicisms of the Russian language

cafe- An enterprise for catering and recreation of consumers with the provision of a limited range of products compared to a restaurant. It sells branded, custom-made dishes, products, drinks. Note A cafe may specialize, for example, ... ... Technical Translator's Handbook

cafe- noun, s., use. comp. often Cafe is a small restaurant where you can buy coffee, tea, simple snacks, etc. Outdoor cafe. | Go to a cafe. | We met in a cozy cafe. Dictionary Russian language Dmitriev. D.V. Dmitriev. 2003 ... Dictionary of Dmitriev

cafe- [fe], unchanged; cf. [French] café] A small restaurant serving coffee, tea, snacks, etc. Sit in a cafe. Ice cream cafe. Cafe confectionery. Youth cafe… encyclopedic Dictionary

CAFE- [fe], indistinct, cf. (French café). Small restaurant with coffee, tea, soft drinks, snacks. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

CAFE- [fe], non-cl., cf. Small restaurant serving coffee. Summer room (with tables on outdoors). Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

cafe- CAFE, coffee shop, cafeteria, cafeshantan, chantan, colloquial. cafe, open reduced cafeteria, open reduced cafe … Dictionary-thesaurus of synonyms of Russian speech


  • Sleepwalkers Cafe, Laurel Hamilton. A pack of werewolves roam the streets of a modern city. A pack of werewolves that obeys only the will of their leader is used to having no equal opponents in battle - it doesn’t matter if it’s fair or ... Buy for 210 rubles
  • Cafe, Andrey Prosin. My cafe experience started with a 5 table space with a display of cakes and ice cream. Coffee machines. Learning how to make coffee is not difficult, but over time, for some reason, it becomes tastier. Set up a cafe...

Dear guests of Dresden, what do you know about German cuisine besides beer and sausages?
Have you come to Dresden, admired its beautiful sights and thought about dinner? Not all Dresden restaurants and cafes have a menu in English, and very rarely where - in Russian. What to choose to be tasty and authentic? So that you do not get lost in guesswork, we have compiled a small cheat sheet for you - the main dishes of German and Saxon cuisine with translation and brief comments. Don't forget to print it out and take it with you on your trip!

Advice: Don't miss the sign Gastwirtschaft, Gasthaus, Gaststätte, Wirtshaus, Schenke (translated as a tavern, pub) if you want to eat local, Saxon dishes.

Another important reminder: restaurants usually open from 11 o'clock (don't be surprised - in the off-season, some close from 2 to 5 pm, while others open only at 5 pm). You can have breakfast in a cafe and any Bäckerei (bakery) - there is a huge assortment of pastries, coffee, tea, cocoa, sandwiches are everywhere, and some have a menu with soups and salads.

Salads, appetizers, cold dishesVorspeisen,KalteKuChe

Aufschnitt - uncut meat (sausages, ham, smoked meats)

Mett, Mettwurst - "spread" on bread, raw salted and peppered minced meat, slightly smoked, sometimes with onions or garlic

Sülze - jelly, jelly, usually with pickled cucumber

Gewurzgurken - pickled cucumbers

Schinken, Landschinken - ham

Speck - ham

Matjes - pickled herring, with different prefix options

Räucherlachs - smoked salmon

Wurst - sausages and sausages (Blutwurst - blood, Leberwurst - liver, Mettwurst - raw peppered and smoked minced meat, Knacker - smoked sausage)

Leberkäse - liver pate

Käse (aus Region, mit Trauben, Wallnüssen) - cheese plate (local varieties, with grapes, walnuts)

Gärtner-, Saison-, Buntersalat are different names for seasonal salads. They put everything that is in the garden - cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce and carrots; usually topped with yogurt sauce


Kartoffelsuppe - Saxon potato soup with sausages

Linsensuppe - lentil soup

Soljanka - hodgepodge

Käsesuppe - cheese soup, usually spicy

Tomatensuppe - almost like gazpacho

Brühe - broth

Zwiebelsuppe - onion soup, not found in all restaurants

Leberknoedel-suppe - broth with liver meatballs

Pastinaken-Meerrettichsüppchen - parsnip and horseradish puree soup, very spicy

Main dishesHauptspeise

On the menu, pay attention to the words: ofen- from the oven gebraten- fried in oil grill- Grilled, knusprig- crispy, with a crust, geraeuchert- smoked, gefuellte- stuffed, geschmorte- fried and stewed eintopf- thick soup, in a pot, auflauf- baked in the same bowl-pan, spiesse- on a sword, on a skewer, pfanne- in a frying pan bauern- rural, hausgemacht home, and especially half- a very important word half(servings), calculate your strength - portions in most restaurants are huge.
Schwein - pork, Rind - beef, Leber - liver, Lamm - lamb, Kalb - veal

Fleisch Meat dishes

Schweinehaxe- the king of Saxon cuisine, pork knee, boiled-baked or grilled. Saxon specialty - served with Apfelrotkraut sauerkraut stewed with apples and Knödel (Speck) - potato dumplings (poured with melted bacon sauce).

Braten(Sauerbraten) - roast pork with sour sauce, served with stewed cabbage and potatoes (or dumplings)

Schwarzbier-braten - tender roast pork marinated in dark beer, often with beer sauce

Spanferkel - a piglet on a spit

Rinderroulade, Kohlroulade (mit Hackfleisch) - these are all our usual cabbage rolls (with ground beef and cabbage)

Wirsingroulade - cabbage rolls with savoy cabbage

Schnitzel - schnitzel

Gulasch - goulash, but not traditional Hungarian, it is an ordinary piece of meat in sauce

Frikadelle - meatballs

Würzfleisch mit Champignons - something like julienne with minced meat and mushrooms

Kotelett - meat on the bone. If you want our cutlet, ask Hachsteak, Fleischklößchen

Lammrücken - lamb saddle

Sausages and sausages

Bratwurst (Thüringer) - fried sausages with cumin, garlic (Thuringian)

Bratwurst (Nürnberger) - fried mini-sausages with marjoram (Nuremberg)

Bockwurst - boiled smoked sausage

Currywurst - boiled sausages in pieces with curry sauce, very popular in Berlin, but also in Dresden can be found, for example, in MAX

Weisswurst (München) - white Munich sausages, you can find them in Dresden at the Paulaner restaurant

Fisch Fish

Lachs - salmon

Forelle - trout

Zander - zander

Hering - herring

Thunfisch - tuna

Scholle - flounder

Pangasius - pangasius

Seehecht - hake

Meeresfruechte - seafood

Garnelen - shrimp


(pay attention to the words Filet - fillet, Brust - breast, Keule - leg)

Hahnchen - chicken

Gänsebraten - goose

Puten - turkey

wild game

Hirsch - deer meat

Reh - roe deer meat

Wildschwein - wild boar

fasan - pheasant

side dishesbeilage

In addition to rice and pasta (Nudeln), there are potatoes in different varieties and, of course, every imaginable variety of cabbage.

Rotkohl - red cabbage. Typical Saxon - stewed red cabbage with apples for garnish meat dishes

blumenkohl - cauliflower

Rosenkohl - Brussels sprouts

Wirsing - savoy cabbage

Weisskohl - white cabbage

broccoli - broccoli

Kohlrabi - kohlrabi, a type of radish

Spitzkohl - white cabbage, a special variety

Bohnen - beans

Sauerkraut - sauerkraut (usually stewed and served with meat dishes, especially pork)

Semmelknoedel - bread dumplings

Kartoffelkloesse - potato dumplings

Bratkartoffel - fried potatoes

Petersilienkartoffeln - boiled potatoes. Although Petersilie is parsley, the dish is not always parsley

Kraeuterkartoffeln - buttered boiled potatoes sprinkled with herbs

Spinat - leaf spinach, stewed with cream sauce

Gemüse (Kaisergemüse) - stewed vegetables (mix)

Salat-beilage - side salad, often a very small portion of ordinary vegetables

Vegetarians and not only(Gemuse - vegetables)

Grillgemuse - grilled vegetables

Spargel - asparagus (in season, from April to June)

Pilz - mushrooms (usually champignons or chanterelles)

Käsespätzle - homemade noodles like thick noodles with cheese

Kürbissuppe - pumpkin puree soup, composed of carrots, sweet potatoes, spices

Süsskartoffel - sweet potato

Kurbis - pumpkin

Rote-Beete - beetroot

paprika - bell pepper

Radicchio, Radieschen - radish

Gurken - cucumbers

Aubergine - eggplant

Karotten, Moehren - carrots

Zucchini - zucchini

Bohnen - beans

Lauch - green onion

Spinat - spinach

Zwiebeln - onion

Children's menu

Nudeln mit Tomatensauce - pasta with tomato sauce

Fisch-staebchen - fish sticks

Kleines Schnitzel mit Pommfriets und Erbsen - small schnitzel with french fries and green peas

Kartoffelpuffer - potato pancakes, usually with apple mousse


Quarkkeulchen mit Sahne und Apfelmuss - cottage cheese balls, served with applesauce (remember, there was such a delicious baby, "Sissy"?) And whipped cream

Eierscheсke - a traditional Saxon pastry with a layer of cottage cheese and egg pudding

Kuchen (Quark-, Mohn-, Streusel-, Obst- with cottage cheese, poppy seeds, powder, fruit)
Quarkkuchen is a traditional Saxon cottage cheese pastry. Remember cottage cheese casserole with raisins? So, this is it, only on a thin layer of biscuit! As an option - a layer of filling from poppy seeds, berries, fruits or sugar powder on top - streusel.

Beeren-gruetze (Rote gruetze) is a German pudding-like berry dessert. Served in a bowl with vanilla sauce

Apfelstrudel - apple strudel (with apple mousse, cinnamon, whipped cream)

Crepes - large thin pancakes, usually with different toppings

Pfannkuchen - pancakes as thick as pancakes

Kaiserschmarrn - this is a must see, reminiscent of thick pancakes, torn into small pieces and poured with sweet sauce. Rare

Eis - ice cream

Vanilliensauce - vanilla sauce (they may ask if they pour over cake or ice cream)

Alcoholic drinks

Those who are well versed in beer varieties themselves may not read it, but for the rest, a brief reference. The waiter in a restaurant usually asks first what you will be drinking. Different restaurants have different drinks cards, with many varieties not known to Russian tourists. If you are not an expert at all, then just ask for Hell - light or Dunkel - dark.

Bier vom Fass - beer from a barrel

Pils - pils, pilsner, light beer with a strong hop flavor

Schwarzbier - schwarz, black beer, made from toasted barley grain

Zwickel - unfiltered, natural

Radler - Radler, beer with lemonade

Bockbier - dark extra strong

Hefeweizen - wheat, Bavarian (for these varieties - in Paulaner, etc.)

Kristallweizen - filtered wheat

Weine wine

Von Sächsischen Winzern, Regional means that the wine is local, and since you are in Saxony, where the northernmost vineyards in the world, try Meissen or Pillnitz wines, they are not exported. The wineries Vincenz Richter, Prinz zur Lippe, Schloss Proschwitz, Schloss Wackerbarth are especially popular. Varieties Müller Torgau, Riesling, Goldrislin, Dornfeld. In the former royal vineyards in the summer residence of Pillnitz, Pillnitzer is located, producing Riesling, white Burgundy and Traminer.

Trocken - dry

Halbtrocken - semi-dry

Rose - pink

Feinherb (usually a Dornfelder variety) - semi-sweet

Sekt - champagne, sparkling wine (the best of the Saxons - Riesling brut, Gräfin Cosel Rosa, Graf von Wackerbarth distillery)

Brandy - brandy

Punsch - punch

Glühwein - gluhwein, or mulled wine, usually hot red wine with spices

Kraeuter (Jaegermeister) - liqueur, herbal tincture (for example, Jaegermeister)

Soft drinks

Kaffee (Bohnenkaffee) - coffee (brewed, from a coffee machine)

Milchkaffee - coffee with milk

Trink Chocolate - hot chocolate

Tee - tea (Schwarz - black, Grüne - green, Minze - mint)

Mineralwasser - mineral water

Tafelwasser - table water

Apfelschorle - apfelschorle, a drink made from apple juice diluted with sparkling water

Zitrone - lemonade

Kinderpunsch - children's, non-alcoholic punch based on hot cherry juice

* And you can easily find the words steak, spaghetti, arugula, mascarpone, tiramisu, tartare, cake, ratatouille and satsiki on the menu.

Bon appetit!

This article contains the most important words in German on the topic "in a restaurant": the most frequent words we read on the menu (die Speisekarte), as well as all the necessary expressions to ask, order, ask for a bill and give a tip. List of phrases and video as an example.

Basic words on the topic


Conversation in a restaurant

How to call the restaurant and book a table?

Ich möchte gern einen Tisch fur 2 Personen reservieren. — I would like to book a table for two.
Um wie viel Uhr? — For what time?
Um 18 Uhr bitte. — At 18 o'clock, please.

In the restaurant:

Guten Tag! Zwei Personen? - Good afternoon? A table for two?
Haben Sie reserviert? - Do you have a reservation?
Ja, auf den Namen Schmidt. — Yes, in the name of Schmidt.
Nein, wir haben nicht reserviert. No, we didn't book.

Sometimes the waiter may answer:

Bitte, kommen Sie mit. - Please follow me.
Dann freie Wahl. - Choose any table.
Ich bringe Ihnen gleich die Speisekarte. - I'll bring you the menu.

The waiter usually first offers to order a drink:

Wissen Sie schon, was Sie trinken möchten? - What would you like to drink?
Darf ich Ihnen schon was zum Trinken bringen? — Can I bring you drinks?
Was mochten Sie trinken? - What would you like to drink?

Make an order:

Ich möchte gern einen Saft / Kaffee / Tee. — I would like juice / coffee / tea.
Ich hätte gern eine Cola. — I, please, cola.
Ich nehme ein Bier. - I'll have a beer.

Possible answer:

Kommt sofort. - I will bring it now.

Later, the waiter asks about the food:

Was darf sein? - What do you want?
Was möchte Sie essen? - What will you eat?
Was hätten Sie gern zum Essen? - What will you eat?
Was bekommen Sie? - What do you want?

Answer options:

Ich möchte gern einen Frühlingssalat. — I would like a spring salad.
Ich hätte gern eine Hühnersuppe / Pizza. — I would like chicken soup / pizza.
Ich nehme einen Wiener Schnitzel / Hamburger. — Wiener schnitzel / hamburger for me.

Waiter brings food

Einmal den Salat. - Lettuce, please.
Fur mich. - For me.
Und der Schnitzel. Guten Appetite. — And a schnitzel. Bon appetit.

When the guest wants to pay:

Wir möchten gern zahlen. Literally: I would like to pay.
Konnen wir zahlen? - Can we pay?

The waiter asks:

Hat Ihnengeschmeckt? - Did you like it? Was it delicious?
Zusammen oder getrennt? Do you want to pay together and separately?
Das macht zusammen 28 Euro. — Together 28 euros.
Machen Sie 30. - when a guest gives, for example, 40 euros, and wants to leave a 2 euro tip.
Stimmt so. - when a guest gives exactly 30 euros and does not want change.

Dialogue example:

K = Kellner, G1 = Gast 1, G2 = Gast 2

G1: Wir möchten gern bestellen.
K : Bitte, was bekommen Sie?
G1 : Ich nehme eine Gemüsesuppe und ein Wiener Schnitzel. Aber-keine
Pommes Frites, bitte. Ich möchte lieber Bratkartoffeln. Geht das?
K : Ja, natural! Und was möchten Sie trinken?
G1 : Ein großes Obi gespritzt.
K: Und Sie? Was darf ich Ihnen bringen?
G2: Einen Schweinsbraten. Und als Vorspeise eine Fritattensuppe.
K : Möchten die Herrschaften vielleicht einen Salat dazu?
G2: Nein, danke.
K: Und zu trinken?
G2 : Ein Krugel, bitte.
K : Kommt sofort!

K: Hat es Ihnen geschmeckt?
G1 : Danke, es war ausgezeichnet.
G2 : Ja, mir hat es auch geschmeckt.
K : Möchten Sie noch ein Dessert?
G2 : Nein, danke, aber zwei Espresso. Und die Rechnung, bitte.
K : Getrennt oder zusammen?
G2 : Zusammen, bitte.

K : Das macht 33 Euro.
G2: (gives 35 euros) Das stimmt so.
K: Danke schön!

The study of any language cannot be imagined without the study of topics. Topics in German will help you expand your vocabulary with new words, expressions, speech etiquette formulas.

Topics in German with translation save you from working with a dictionary. This will significantly reduce the time for the formation of a translation skill and facilitate the process of preparing a message on the topic.

Wir sind ins italienische Restaurant "Sorrento" gekommen. Uns wurde ein Tischchen am Fenster angeboten. Ringsum standen schöne Zimmerpflanzen und kleine Palmen. Der Ober brachte eine Speisekarte und fragte, was wir trinken wünschten.

"Ein Bier für mich, ein Mineralwasser für meine Frau und einen Orangensaft für den Jungen, bitte", antwortete mein Vater.

"Okay", sagte der Ober und brachte sofort die Getränke.

"Was möchtet ihr essen?" wandte sich Vater an uns.

“Ich nehme einen Salat und eine Pizza mit Schinken. Dann einen Rheinischen Weißwein und zum Nachtisch Schokoladeneis", sagte Mama. Der Vater wählte Geflügelsuppe, Schweinebraten mit Kartoffeln, Bier und Erdbeereis. Ich bat um eine Pizza mit Pilzen, Eierpfannkuchen und auch Erdbeereis.

Mama bestellte fur uns alle. Bald brachte der Ober die Gerichte und das Cuteck.

"Schmeckt es gut?" fragte mich Mama.

"Ja", antwortete ich mit vollem Mund.

"Oh-nein!" rief plötzlich meine Mutter auf. "Du hast noch keine Manieren! Nimm die Gabel in die linke Hand und das Messer in die rechte", brachte mir Mama die guten Manieren bei. "Benimm dich doch!"

Endlich war das Beibringen der guten Manieren vorbei. Wir hörten Musik und führten leise ein Gespräch. Bald war ich satt.

Als die Teller leer geworden waren, sagte Vater: "Herr Ober, die Rechnung bitte!"

"Zusammen oder getrennt?" fragte der Ober.

"Alles zusammen, bitte".

"Ein Salat, eine Pizza mit Schinken, eine Pizza mit Pilzen und Zwiebeln, ein Weißwein, eine Geflügelsuppe, ein Schweinebraten mit Kartoffeln, ein Eierpfannkuchen, zweimal Erdbeereis, eine Kugel Schokoladeneis, ein Mineralwasser, ein Orangensaft, ein Kaffee und . Das macht achtzehn Euro.

Zwanzig. Danke", Vater zahlte, und wir gingen raus.

We came to the Italian restaurant Sorrento. We were offered a table by the window. Beautiful people were all around houseplants and small palm trees. The waiter brought the menu and asked what we would like to drink.

“Please beer for me, mineral water for my wife and orange juice for the boy,” Dad replied.

"OK," the waiter said and immediately brought the drinks.

“What are you going to eat?” Dad asked us.

“I'll take a salad and a ham pizza. Then Rhine white wine, and for dessert, chocolate ice cream, ”said my mother. Dad chose poultry soup, roast pork with potatoes, beer, and strawberry ice cream. I asked for mushroom pizza, scrambled eggs and also strawberry ice cream.

Mom ordered for all of us. Soon the waiter brought dishes and cutlery.

"Delicious?" Mom asked me.

“Yes,” I replied with a full mouth.

"Oh no!" My mother suddenly exclaimed. "You've been brought up badly! Take a plug in left hand, and the knife in the right, - my mother taught me good manners, - Behave yourself!”

Finally, the training in good manners was over. We listened to music and talked quietly.

Soon I was full.

When the plates were empty, dad said: "Waiter, the bill, please!"

"Together or apart?" the waiter asked.

"All together, please."

“Salad, pizza with ham, pizza with mushrooms and onions, white wine, poultry soup, roast pork with potatoes, scrambled eggs, two strawberry ice creams, a portion of chocolate ice cream, mineral water, orange juice, coffee and two beers. It costs 18 euros.”

"Twenty. Thank you,” dad paid, and we left.

Arrived in Germany and decided to enjoy hearty German cuisine? We have prepared for you a whole guide to the world of cafes and restaurants on German. Ready to go on a gastronomic journey? Go!

you came to the restaurant

In all restaurants and many cafes in Russia, the administrator greets you at the entrance, and he also escorts you to the table. If you come to a restaurant in Germany and stand at the entrance waiting for the administrator, you will be idle for a very long time. Guests in German establishments usually choose a free table for themselves, sit down, and only after that a waiter approaches them.

If you are unsure whether the table you have chosen is free or not, ask the staff about it using these phrases:

  • Entschulding, ist dieser Platz frei?– Excuse me, is this place free?
  • Entschulding, ist dieser Tisch frei?“Excuse me, is this table empty?”

In many establishments, the tables are larger and longer than ours, so do not be surprised that in the event of a full house, other people can be seated at your table (of course, if there is an empty seat behind it). And if you yourself find yourself in a situation where all the tables are occupied, and you want to sit down with someone, ask:

  • Entschulding, könnten wir uns hier setzen?“Excuse me, can we sit here?”

Ordering drinks

To ask the waiter to come to your table, do not wave your arms or shout across the room. To let the waiter know that you want him to come over, just make eye contact with him, and he will understand that you need to be served.

When a waiter approaches you, he will most likely ask what drinks you would like to order:

  • Was haben Sie gerne?- What would you like to order?
  • Was trinken Sie gerne?– What drinks would you like?

Here are some phrases to help you place an order:

  • Die Getrankekarte, bitte.– Drinks menu, please.
  • Ich trinke gerne …- I'd like to drink...
  • Ein Mineralwasser.- Mineral water.
  • Mit Kohlensäure.- With gas.
  • Ein Bier.- Beer.
  • Ein Glas Wein.- Glass of wine.
  • Einen Schnapps.- Schnapps.
  • Einen Saft.- Juice.

Ordering meals

Dozens in Germany delicious dishes worth trying. Each region boasts its own special delicacy, so the choice of goodies is simply huge.

You can ask for a menu using the phrase:

  • Die Speisekarte, bitte.- Menu, please.

In the menu you will see the following sections:

  • das Fruhstuck- breakfast
  • Das Mittagessen- dinner
  • Das Abendessen- dinner
  • die Vorspeise- snack
  • die Suppe- soup
  • das Hauptgericht- main (second) course
  • die Beilage- garnish
  • der Nachtisch- dessert
  • die Spezialitaten- signature dishes

To place an order, use the following phrases:

  • Ich hätte gerne …- I would like to order...
  • Ich nehme ... / Fur mich ...- I will take …
  • Ich mochte…- I would like to order...
  • Bringen Sie uns bitte … Bring us, please...
  • Ich bin Vegetarian. Haben Sie vegetarische Gerichte?- I am a vegetarian. Do you have vegetarian options?

There is a high probability that when choosing dishes your eyes will run wide:

  • der Auflauf- casserole
  • Das Omelett- omelette
  • das Spiegelei- fried egg
  • das Ruhrei- scrambled eggs
  • der salad- salad
  • die Maultaschen- dumplings
  • die Bruhe- broth
  • die Cremsuppe– cream soup
  • die Nuddelsuppe- noodle soup
  • Das Fleisch- meat
  • das Rinderbraten- roast beef
  • das (der) Rindergulasch- Beef Goulash
  • das Schweinebraten/das Schweinsbraten- pork stew
  • das Schweinefilet/das Schweinsfilet- pork fillet
  • das Schweineschnitzel- pork schnitzel
  • die Schweinehaxe/die Schweinshaxe- pork knuckle
  • das Schweinekotelett/das Schweinskotelett- pork cutlets (on the bone)
  • Das Kalbsbraten- roast veal
  • Das Kalbsschnitzel- veal schnitzel
  • Das Kalbsfrikassee- veal fricassee
  • Das Lammbraten- roast lamb
  • Das Lammkotelett- lamb cutlets (on the bone)
  • die Lammkeule- leg of lamb
  • das Geflugel- bird
  • das Huhnerfleisch- chicken meat
  • das Huhnerbein- Chicken's leg
  • das Huhnerfrikassee- chicken fricassee
  • das Huhnerleber- chicken liver
  • das Huhnerfiletchicken fillet
  • das Putenfleisch- turkey meat
  • das Putenbraten- roast turkey
  • Das Putenschinken- turkey ham (thigh)
  • das Putenfilet- turkey fillet
  • das Entenbraten- duck roast
  • das Gansebraten- roast goose
  • das Ganseleber- goose liver
  • der Fisch- fish
  • das Fischfilet– fish fillet
  • die Forelle- trout
  • der Lachs- salmon
  • der Karpfen– carp
  • der Flussbarsch- river perch
  • der Seebarsch- sea bass
  • der Thunfisch– tuna
  • die Makrele- mackerel
  • der Stor– sturgeon
  • die Scholle– halibut
  • der Zander– zander
  • der Dorsch– cod
  • die Krabbe– crab
  • die Garnelen/die Schrimps- shrimps
  • der Tintenfisch– squid
  • der Hering– pickled, salted herring
  • das Gemuse- vegetables
  • die Pilze- mushrooms
  • die Salzkartoffeln- boiled potatoes
  • die Bratkartoffeln- fried potatoes
  • die Kartoffelklösse- potato dumplings
  • der Kartoffelbrei/das Kartoffelpüreemashed potatoes
  • die Pommes Frites- fried potatoes
  • Das Sauerkraut- sauerkraut
  • der Reis- rice
  • die Nudeln- pasta
  • die Spaghetti- spaghetti
  • die Pizza- pizza

If after all the meals you have eaten (and in Germany they are usually very satisfying) you still have room for dessert, here is a list of words that will come in handy for you to order it:

  • die Chocolate– chocolate
  • das Eis- ice cream
  • der Kuchen- pie
  • der Berliner– Berlin donut with filling
  • die Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte– traditional German Black Forest cake
  • der Stollen– traditional German spicy cake with candied fruits and dried fruits
  • die Sahnetorte- cream cake

Don't forget to order tea for dessert. der Tee) or coffee ( der Kaffee).


  • Bezahlen, bitte.- The check, please.
  • Die Rechnung bitte.- The check, please.

Usually, the one who invites the company to dinner is the one who pays. If you decide to pay separately, also tell the waiter about it:

  • Bitte, alles zusammen.- All together, please.
  • Getrente Rechnungen, bitte. We will pay separately.

Not all establishments accept card payments, so just in case, make sure you have das Bargeld (cash) with you or ask the waiter if they accept cards:

  • Akzeptieren Sie Visa?- Do you accept Visa?
  • Akzeptieren Sie MasterCard?– Do you accept MasterCard?

Tips are always left in Germany, often they are already included in the bill and amount to 10-15% of the amount. If you pay in cash and want to leave change for a tip, say:

  • Es stimmt so.- Keep the change.

Don't leave a tip on the table, make sure your waiter picks up the money or he or she may never get it.

If you decide to have breakfast in a cafe in Germany, see what the Germans consider the perfect breakfast. From the video you will learn what they usually have for breakfast and how they cook their favorite dishes in Germany.