Well      07/02/2020

When to introduce mashed potatoes into complementary foods. How and when to introduce potatoes into complementary foods for babies: how to choose and prepare mashed potatoes. When can potatoes be included in the children's diet

It is difficult to imagine a more popular vegetable than potatoes. It is delicious in any form, fried, boiled and even in uniforms. Most children perceive it perfectly, especially mashed potatoes. Today we will talk about the benefits of this vegetable, the optimal period for its introduction into the baby's diet and precautions.


You are mistaken if you think that potatoes consist only of starch. In fact, it also has useful elements:

  • carbohydrates are a source of energy;
  • vitamin C - however, almost all of it is concentrated in the peel;
  • iron - although it is not as much as in apples, it is still present;
  • B vitamins - they are not only useful for nervous system, but also play important role in metabolic processes, and are also needed for the prevention of anemia;
  • magnesium - good for the heart;
  • phosphorus - "nutrition" for the brain, is important for the development of the skeletal system;
  • potassium - has a positive effect on muscle cells, promotes their growth, reduces irritability.

Potatoes also contain chromium, molybdenum, copper, cobalt, and other useful elements. This modest vegetable will help replenish your reserves of vitamins and minerals and should not be taken lightly.

Are there any benefits to potatoes?

Many diets limit the use of potatoes, but children, fortunately, do not adhere to them, so we will discuss how this wonderful vegetable is useful for them. Main advantages:

  • Prevention of anemia. Thanks to the vitamin B6 present in the potato, iron is better absorbed, in addition, lipid metabolism is accelerated, it is also important for the processing of amino acids and the production of homocysteine.
  • Strengthens capillary vessels, improves immunity - this effect is provided by vitamin C.
  • Normalizes electrolyte and acid balance, as well as blood pressure.
  • Increases digestibility folic acid, proteins and carbohydrates, contributes to the saturation of the cells of the body with oxygen.
  • Serves to strengthen connective tissues, is important for the proper formation of the skeletal system.
  • Thanks to molybdenum, the body produces enzymes that are necessary for the processing of purines and pyrimidines, as well as for the absorption of amino acids containing sulfur.

Potato proteins contain all the amino acids plant origin, including irreplaceable ones. 300 g of a vegetable is enough to get the daily requirement of potassium and phosphorus.

Important! Vitamin C is destroyed during storage, by spring its amount is minimal, its content also depends on the method of preparation, it is best to steam it, so more vitamins are stored in potatoes.

Unlike many other vegetables, potatoes can be consumed even with exacerbation of certain gastrointestinal diseases, such as ulcers or gastritis. Its juice is recommended for hyperacidity of the stomach. The potassium present in the potato helps to remove excess fluid, so it is recommended to include it in the diet of patients suffering from certain kidney diseases.

Potato is high in calories, it is the best of vegetables if you need to replenish energy reserves, and its protein in its structure and composition is as close as possible to proteins of plant origin. The amino acids contained in the potato are absorbed almost completely. There is another plus: due to the significant concentration of minerals, potatoes help to normalize the acid-base balance of the body.

Potatoes should definitely be included in the menu for diseases caused by acidity - gout and some others. The vegetable neutralizes acids. In addition to the healing effect, a rejuvenating effect is provided - the complex of substances contained in the potato accelerates the restoration of cells and slows down their destruction.

Introduction of potatoes to the diet of babies

Previously, potatoes were introduced to the menu as one of the first among vegetables. Today, the nutrition strategy for children up to a year has changed. Doctors recommend first accustoming the child to zucchini, cauliflower, pumpkin, and only then supplement his menu with potatoes. The optimal period for adding it to the diet is 7-8 months, and if the baby is bottle-fed, it can be a few weeks earlier - at 6-6.5 months.

Which puree is better: homemade or industrial production? Of course, fresh, homemade, because it has more vitamins. Never cook a dish for two days, it is best to do it right before feeding. Other Tips:

  • after cleaning, purchased potatoes should be soaked in water for 30-40 minutes to remove nitrates;
  • wash the fruits before cleaning - this way you will avoid getting soil particles into the dish that eats into the pulp;
  • when accustoming to potatoes, offer the child semi-liquid mashed potatoes, later, when he gets used to it, a thicker consistency will do;
  • mashed potatoes should be diluted with warm milk, if the baby does not tolerate it - with vegetable broth, add the liquid gradually to avoid the formation of lumps.

A common mistake of young mothers is to give potatoes and dishes from it daily. This is not worth doing, because the baby's diet should be varied. Later, when your daughter or son gets used to potatoes, offer a combined vegetable puree, for example, add zucchini, cauliflower or broccoli, carrots to it, try to supplement the dish with onions - if the child does not like it, do not insist, because of the specific smell, it is far from All children are loyal to him.

For the first time, half a teaspoon of mashed potatoes is enough for a baby. Increase the portion gradually and bring it up to 80-100 g. Do not offer the baby potatoes more than 2-3 times a week. To save useful substances follow our recommendations:

  • after boiling, reduce the heat to a minimum, it is best to pour boiling water over the potatoes - this will reduce the time of thermal exposure, more vitamins will be preserved;
  • it is unacceptable to leave cooked vegetables in water, it must be drained immediately after cooking;
  • already on the second day, almost 2 times less useful substances remain in boiled potatoes, cook it immediately before serving;
  • Potatoes should be put into the soup no earlier than 15 minutes before the end of cooking.
    Fried potatoes are not allowed for children, even as an exception. Only baked (after one and a half years) or boiled.


Yolk mashed potatoes

Products: 200 g potatoes, 3-5 g butter, 30-40 ml milk, 1 yolk, salt to taste.

Boil the potatoes until tender, drain, rub through a sieve, gradually add milk, achieving the desired consistency. Add to ready meal protein whipped with 10 ml of boiled milk.

Potato and cabbage casserole

Products: 250 g potatoes, 150 g white cabbage, a couple of tablespoons of flour, 1 small onion, 1 egg.

Boil potatoes and mash them with 1 egg, flour and salt. Chop the cabbage, cut the onion into cubes, stew all this until tender, salt at the very end - if this is done earlier, the cabbage will darken. Grease the bottom of the baking dish vegetable oil and sprinkle with breadcrumbs, then lay out half the mashed potatoes, then the cabbage. Upper layer- mashed potatoes. Bake for 45-50 minutes.

Potato stew

Products: 4-5 medium-sized potatoes, 1 carrot, 50-100 g of beets or other vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini), 1-2 onions, herbs, salt.

Cut pre-peeled potatoes and carrots into small cubes, do the same with onions. Put the vegetables in a saucepan, cover with water, simmer until tender over low heat for 15-20 minutes. Add greens and salt at the very end.

Precautionary measures

It is categorically impossible to cook green tubers - this color is due to the formation of solanine in them. Potatoes are also harmful to children suffering from certain gastrointestinal diseases. In rare cases, a vegetable can cause allergies, so be careful in the first days after introducing it into the baby's diet.

In Russia, the most consumed products are bread and potatoes. Mashed potatoes, zrazy, pancakes, fried, "in uniform" and many other dishes are prepared by housewives from potatoes. It is the main component of most salads, served as a side dish for dinner and festive table. It is with mashed potatoes that young mothers often start complementary foods. This is understandable: a delicate dish with a neutral taste, soft texture, children eat very willingly, they also ask for supplements. In the article, we will figure out how useful mashed potatoes are for babies, whether it is possible to give it to babies from 6+ months, what pediatricians think about it, and how to cook mashed potatoes for a small child.

A few words about potatoes

What's new about this product? We all know what potatoes are and how to cook them. But, in order to understand the topic, you still need to remember that from a biological point of view, a tuber is a hypertrophied bud, consisting of cells filled with starch.

There are not enough vitamins in it, but here ascorbic acid, which prevents colds, is enough: 100 grams of raw product contains half the daily requirement.

Potatoes also contain almost all the minerals needed by the body: Ca, Mg, Zn, Se, Cu, Mn, Fe and others. There is especially a lot of potassium useful for the heart - about 570 mg per 100 g of raw potatoes. The tubers have a balanced set of amino acids, and fiber acts very gently and does not irritate the intestines.

If you cook potatoes correctly, then it is useful for ulcers and those who suffer from gastrointestinal diseases, removes excess cholesterol from the body and has a beneficial effect on metabolism, neutralizes the action of acids, relieves the negative manifestations of arthritis and gout

Potential Harm of Potatoes

Do not be surprised, but such a familiar and beloved potato for all of us can be harmful. This product has a very high content starch, as a result of its excessive consumption leads to weight gain, constipation and even the development diabetes II type. This must be taken into account when planning mashed potatoes for babies in complementary foods.

If you prepare puree for a baby from low-quality tubers - with greens, rotten or too sprouted - he may experience diarrhea, indigestion, bloating, colic, regurgitation, and in adverse cases, poisoning may develop.

Is mashed potatoes allowed for a small child

Yes, potatoes can be eaten by small children. The children were fed potatoes with early age our grandmothers, kids love potatoes even today. But when can you give mashed potatoes to a baby?

Pediatricians warn, in order to avoid problems and undesirable consequences, you need to adhere to the following rules for introducing potatoes into baby food:

  • Start complementary foods with other vegetable dishes, and introduce potatoes no earlier than 7-8 months. This point must be strictly observed, since it is difficult for the immature digestive system of the crumbs to cope with the starchy product, and there is a risk of indigestion and even intestinal volvulus, which is life-threatening.
  • For the first time, give the child half a teaspoon of liquid puree. Gradually increase the rate to two tablespoons per meal. Leave this amount for up to a year, after that you can pour 3 tablespoons of mashed potatoes into a plate, but still, it’s better not to get carried away with potatoes, like semolina. In addition, by the age of one, the baby is already eating soups, in which potatoes are also present.
  • It is enough for a child up to a year to eat mashed potatoes two to three times a week, but not more often. As you grow older, the dish can be added to the menu more often - up to 5 times a week.
  • You need to properly prepare dishes from this vegetable, it is especially important to know how to make puree for the first time. See the next section for recipes.
  • It is important to be able to choose tubers for cooking quality dishes. Read more about this below.
  • Potato is a 100% hypoallergenic product, so the development of allergic reactions in children after eating it is excluded.

How to cook potatoes for a child: a basic recipe and options

Now you know how many months pediatricians recommend introducing potato dishes into complementary foods for babies. But what is the right way to cook them?

For the first time, the child should try thin puree

The basic recipe for mashed potatoes for babies is very simple:

  • Ingredients: a glass of water (200 ml), 1 medium-sized tuber.
  • Preparation: wash the potato well in the skin, then peel the tuber and wash thoroughly again under running water. Cut into 4 pieces and leave in cold water for a couple of hours to get rid of excess starch and harmful nitrates. Then drain the potatoes and boil in 200 ml of water over low heat until tender. Mash or grind in a blender, adding the broth as needed, so that the puree is very thin. Cool a little and give the baby half a teaspoon in the form of heat in the afternoon before feeding.

When you are sure that your child tolerates potatoes well (the main indicator is no constipation), then basic recipe can be modified by adding:

  • other vegetables that the baby has already tried before, for example, onions, carrots, celery, pumpkin, asparagus, etc.,
  • skimmed milk or cow butter (take on the tip of a knife),
  • half a teaspoon of sunflower or olive oil,
  • well-ground minced chicken or turkey breast (white meat) or rabbit.

Multi-component mashed potatoes for babies are more useful, as they are not only nutritious, but also enriched with vitamins (due to vegetables), proteins (due to meat) or vegetable fats.

In order for the child to receive a balanced diet, mommy can cook mashed potatoes for the baby three times a week in different options

How to choose quality tubers

To make a potato dish tasty and healthy, and not harm the child, you need to choose the right ingredients for its preparation:

  • tubers should be of medium size and correct form, smooth, without excessive irregularities, evenly colored without greening,
  • it is best to buy farm vegetables or grow in your own garden. Do not take perfectly beautiful imported potatoes - there is a high probability that this is a GMO product grown using aggressive chemicals,
  • pierce the tuber with a toothpick - if too much juice is released, then the vegetables were grown on nitrates.

Knowing from what month to start feeding a baby with potatoes and how to properly prepare mashed potatoes for babies, you can provide your baby with a balanced and nutritious diet.

It is difficult to imagine any dinner without potatoes. This versatile vegetable is added to various dishes. Many tables serve potatoes daily. Puree from this vegetable has a pleasant taste, perfect consistency and is famous for its ease of preparation. That is why many mothers are in a hurry to introduce mashed potatoes into complementary foods. In fact, you should not rush to introduce this vegetable into complementary foods. Consider how many months you can give your child mashed potatoes.

In the child's menu, potatoes should appear in the first year of life. Kids are happy to eat mashed potatoes and even ask for supplements. In most cases, potatoes do not cause allergies in children. But there are some points that should be considered before giving the crumbs mashed potatoes.

There are few vitamins in this vegetable, but this does not mean that it is unhealthy:

  1. Potatoes are rich in carbohydrates, thanks to which energy is produced for the body to work.
  2. Potatoes are also high in protein. Protein, in turn, is made up of amino acids, which are building material for cells.
  3. Of the vitamins in the composition of the potato, there is a lot of ascorbic acid, it strengthens the immune system. Selenium is needed for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. Potatoes are also rich in potassium.
  4. Potatoes contain a lot of fiber, which is good for the intestines. Regular consumption of this vegetable helps to remove toxins from the body.

Potato Disadvantages

Along with useful properties, there is something in the potato that can harm a small child:

  1. The starch that tubers are so rich in makes potatoes a “heavy” product for the baby’s digestive system. Enzymes capable of completely digesting potato starch will begin to be produced in an infant only by 9-10 months of age. In addition, it can cause allergies in the baby. By the way, an allergic reaction to potatoes is a rare case. But still, you should be careful and know exactly when it is better to start potato complementary foods.
  2. Some children have problems with bowel movements after eating potatoes in the form of constipation.
  3. Excessive consumption of potatoes will certainly contribute to weight gain. Therefore, those who have a tendency to obesity and overweight should introduce potatoes into the menu to a minimum.
  4. In some children, potato dishes cause increased gas formation and bloating.

At what age can you give mashed potatoes to children?

So, when to introduce potatoes to complementary foods? The recommended age for the first complementary foods from mashed potatoes is 6.5 - 7 months of a child's life. Children on artificial feeding get acquainted with potatoes a little earlier than babies. Potatoes are not the first vegetable in a baby's diet. Before her, the baby had already tasted mashed potatoes from zucchini, cauliflower and pumpkin.

However, according to Dr. Komarovsky, potatoes should be introduced into complementary foods for babies no earlier than 8 months, starting with potato broth, gradually moving to thin mashed potatoes and soups. A well-known pediatrician believes that potatoes can be given to a baby after cereals and sour-milk products have already been introduced into complementary foods.

Like other new products, potatoes for babies should be cooked in water, without adding salt, milk (even if it is breastfeeding), and butter. For the very first time, the baby should try 0.5 teaspoon of puree. During the day, the mother carefully monitors whether the crumbs have an allergy, constipation or other undesirable reaction to potatoes. If everything went well, then the next time the baby is given 1 teaspoon of puree. Each time, the portion can be increased. Mashed potatoes can be given to children 2-3 times a week. Subsequently, it will be possible to combine complementary foods with potatoes with other vegetables or add breast milk to it.

If after the first feeding the baby has any reaction (rash, pain in the tummy, constipation, restless sleep, etc.), then this dish should be canceled and not given to the child for some time.

Tips for parents on how to introduce weaning potatoes:

  • Mashed potatoes for children should have a liquid consistency and be warm.
  • Give the baby only fresh puree.
  • Potatoes for baby food can be boiled on the stove, in a double boiler, slow cooker, or baked in the oven in the skin.
  • If you cook tubers in uniform, then they will retain much more useful substances and vitamins. Unfortunately, the taste of the potato will suffer. The tuber boiled in the peel must be cleaned, chopped and diluted with boiled water.
  • Grinding mashed potatoes is best done by hand, because. after using a blender, the puree will have a lot of gluten.
  • Soaking the potatoes in water before boiling will get rid of the nitrates in the tubers as well as excess starch. In this case, the potato will lose some of the vitamins, but the risk of allergies will be minimized. How long do you need to soak potatoes for a child? Keep the vegetable in cold water for 2-3 hours.
  • Potatoes do not go well with meat. Combine it better with other vegetables or with fish.
  • In no case should you cook green potatoes for children. It contains dangerous substance- solanine, which is a poison for the body.
  • Do not give your baby potato dishes more than 2-3 times a week.
  • When peeling tubers, remember that most of the vitamins are concentrated immediately under the skin. Peel off the skin in a thin layer. The opposite should be done with old potatoes: there the layer of peeled peel should be thick.
  • You can add salt to potatoes and other dishes after 11-12 months of a baby's life.

The best potatoes for a child are grown in their own garden without the addition of chemical fertilizers. Unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to grow vegetables at home. In this case, you have to be extremely careful when buying vegetables in a store or market. When buying potatoes, you should pay attention to:

  • Tuber size. It is best to buy a medium-sized vegetable.
  • Wateriness. When there is a lot of water in the tubers, this indicates a large amount of nitrates in the fruit. To check, you can cut the tuber or pierce it with a toothpick. If water seeps through the hole, it means that the vegetable is stuffed with nitrates.
  • Manufacturer. It is desirable that the potatoes were locally produced, and not brought "from over the hill".
  • Stock up on potatoes during the harvest season, so you will be safe from buying genetically modified vegetables.

Recipe for mashed potatoes for the first feeding

Take 2 medium sized potatoes. Rinse it thoroughly under running water. Peel the fruit from the peel. Soak vegetables for 2-3 hours in cold water. Boil water in an enamel bowl. Cut the potatoes into cubes and put in boiling water, reduce the heat and cover with a lid. Boil for 15-20 minutes. Remove the boiled potatoes from the water, chop them with a fork or sieve, diluting with potato broth. Let the puree cool down. Now it can be given to a child.

Potato cough compress

Summing up

When can you give mashed potatoes to a baby? You can introduce potatoes into complementary foods from 6.5 - 7 months. Potatoes are not considered the most useful vegetable, but they allow you to diversify the baby's menu. Potatoes rarely cause allergies, but can cause constipation and bloating. For the very first time, boil potatoes for feeding should be on water and without adding any ingredients.

The body of the baby begins to change with the introduction of the first complementary foods into his diet. The child is actively gaining weight, his bone growth is increasing, and the gastrointestinal tract is learning to digest new foods. Vegetables and fruits enrich the body with vitamins and minerals. In addition to zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower and pumpkin, mashed potatoes replenish the children's menu. In the online store "Daughters-sons" you can find one- and two-component products for babies. Vegetable purees with fish and meat, such as potatoes and pink salmon, are very popular.

At what age should potatoes be added to the menu

For the nutrition of a child, potatoes are a neutral product - they do not have any special useful properties, the vegetable contains a lot of starch and carbohydrates. Almost all babies love well-whipped, fluffy mashed potatoes. Pediatricians call different dates adding this dish to the menu. Dr. E. Komarovsky recommends giving it after the appearance of the first tooth in a child, at about 8 months.

When choosing a root crop and cooking, you should pay attention to:

  • appearance - the vegetable should be of medium size, the skin without rot, dents and white plaque. Homemade potato tubers are ideal;
  • preparation before heat treatment - well-peeled potatoes must be soaked in cold water for a day to get rid of starch;
  • cooking time depends on the cooking method. If you decide to boil potatoes, then the optimal cooking time will be about 25 minutes after boiling. During this time, the root crop will boil well, absorbing more water.

If you enter the potato in its pure form on the menu, it can cause constipation. Therefore, it is worth starting with two-component dishes, for example, zucchini and potatoes. If your baby is suffering from diarrhea, then mashed potatoes will help normalize his condition.


Complementary foods from mashed potatoes, which include potatoes, can be introduced from 5-6 months. The baby will be able to try the one-component version only at the age of 8 months. You can add a little to the finished dish breast milk.


Complementary foods with mashed potatoes should be introduced in combination with other vegetables. In its pure form, the root crop is given to children after 8 months. Puree goes well with meat and fish. It is very satisfying and like all the kids without exception. In our online store you can pick up ready-made vegetable dishes with veal, chicken, rabbit and fish.

In Russia, for a very long time, potatoes have been one of the essential components of first courses, a rare soup can do without it, often this product is an independent side dish or even the main ingredient in your favorite salads. Of course, mothers ask questions, from how many months can you feed potatoes and how to cook it for a child?

Many mothers are interested in when it is possible to give a child such a beloved vegetable by many people as a potato.

Benefits of mashed potatoes

Perhaps this will seem unexpected, because we are used to considering broccoli, cabbage, and zucchini as healthy vegetables, but mashed potatoes are not inferior to them, but even surpass them in some ways. Surprised? Now consider potatoes tasty, but useless or even harmful food - the last century. All "charges" were dropped from her, and moreover, some scientists included her in the list of the most healthy vegetables. Why? This root crop can find a lot of advantages, let's get acquainted with the main ones.

Enrichment of the root crop with minerals and vitamins:

  1. The presence of folic acid (vitamin B9). You, probably, from the time of your pregnancy, remember the exceptional need for this substance for the development of the brain and the entire central nervous system.
  2. Record holder for the content of potassium and aluminum. Potassium helps the heart and kidneys work, and aluminum stimulates the growth and development of tissues.
  3. The presence of phosphorus, magnesium, chromium, vitamins of group B, PP.
  4. 20 g of young potatoes contain up to 5 mg of ascorbic acid. In terms of vitamin C content, although it is inferior to an orange, it is ahead of an apple and avocado.
  5. The presence of rutin (vitamin P), which is the main "partner" of ascorbic acid. Together, they perfectly strengthen the immune system and increase antiviral activity, which is very important for a fragile baby's body.
  6. There is more selenium in one tuber than in seeds and nuts; it is the leader among all vegetables in terms of its content. Selenium helps the normal functioning of the thyroid gland and the immune system.

Potatoes have a number of useful vitamins and elements that are necessary for a growing child's body.

Other advantages of the root crop:

  1. The presence of protein, which is very necessary for the construction of cells of the growing body of the baby. It contains almost all the amino acids found in plants, including essential ones, and its acids, although close to animals, are well balanced, so they are easily absorbed, which means there will be no problems with the baby’s tummy.
  2. It also helps digestion, due to the large amount of fiber and minerals, cleanses of toxins.
  3. Starch reduces the amount of cholesterol in the liver and blood serum.
  4. Sales Availability all year round and cheapness of the product, especially for such a rich composition.

Potatoes are an excellent source of strength for a developing baby. In this case, the calorie content of this product is rather a plus, because a growing body needs energy so much. It is cooking that makes potatoes harmful and too high-calorie: fried or baked “in uniform” - the difference is enormous. In our article, we will consider consumption rates that will saturate the body with vitamins and minerals and at the same time not overfeed the baby, and we will also give several recipes that preserve all beneficial features potatoes.

Baked potatoes are healthier than boiled, and even more so, fried. Therefore, the child can cook this version of the dish

Disadvantages of Mashed Potatoes for Babies

Unfortunately, there are downsides to eating potatoes. To avoid them, let's find out how it can harm health:

  1. The presence of starch, which can lead to an allergic reaction. If it appears, just put the potatoes aside until the baby is one year old. In this case, you can get all the substances necessary for good nutrition from hypoallergenic products.
  2. Accumulating solanine over time is deadly poisonous substance. Because of it, the potato acquires a greenish tint. This substance is formed under the influence of light, so it is better to store root crops in the dark. A lethal outcome is possible only with the regular consumption of large amounts of solanine.
  3. Problems of the gastrointestinal tract: flatulence, constipation. To avoid this, combine the potato menu with foods that help remove food from the body.
  4. Let's talk about calories again. Control the amount of potatoes you eat according to our guidelines and you won't have any problems. However, if you are already overweight, exclude the root crop from your diet.

How to choose a good potato?

  • the younger the potato, the better maximum amount ascorbic acid and no solanine);
  • the average size of tubers (more vitamins, less starch);
  • no sprouts;
  • without rot dark spots and unpleasant odor
  • uniform color, without a greenish tint.

It is necessary to choose potatoes without damage and sprouts. The younger he is, the better.

Certainly, best potatoes- grown on our own personal plot or from familiar gardeners. This is not always possible, and your own potatoes also “get old” and are filled with hated solanine, so look for conscientious suppliers for shopping who can confirm the environmental friendliness of grown root crops.

How to cook?

The most effort will be required to prepare mashed potatoes at the initial acquaintance of the baby with him. Let us consider in detail what exactly needs to be done so that the baby appreciates both the taste and the benefits without negative consequences. For the first meal:

  1. Soak potatoes for 2 hours cold water. This will help clear it of starch and nitrates. Together with them, a small part of the vitamins will also go away, but for correct first feeding is indispensable.
  2. Cook any of the 3 ways you like best: simmer, steam, or bake. Baked in uniform preserves the largest number useful substances, for example, potassium, which is most of all just under the skin.
  3. Peel, grind with a strainer or mash with a pusher. Unfortunately, it is undesirable to use a blender, the puree will become too sticky and will be difficult to digest in the baby's body.
  4. Add breast milk or milk formula until you get a smooth, semi-liquid consistency, without any lumps.
  5. Salting is highly discouraged.

Recipes for a grown up baby:

  • Continue soaking the root crop in cold water for at least 2 hours, since the enzymes that are able to digest a large amount of starch in a quality manner will be produced by the baby only at 9-10 months of age. We offer you 2 delicious recipes.

Before preparing potato dishes for a child, the vegetable must be soaked in water from excess starch

Vegetable puree soup

Prepare these ingredients:

  • 1-2 potatoes;
  • small carrot;
  • 50 g cabbage;
  • 2 drops of vegetable oil.


  1. Wash the root crops well, peel, cut into pieces, soak for a couple of hours in cold water.
  2. Shred the cabbage. Cut the carrot.
  3. Drain the liquid from the root crops, pour 200 ml new water and cook for about half an hour.
  4. Cook until done. Drain the broth into a separate container and cool, we still need it.
  5. Grind vegetables with a blender.
  6. Dilute the resulting puree with broth to a semi-liquid consistency, season with vegetable oil.

Start feeding your baby this soup no earlier than 6 months. When the baby is one year old, you can salt the soup a little and add sour cream.

In soup puree for a child, you can add only those vegetables to which the baby is already accustomed.

Mashed Potato Soup

You will need the following products:

  • 2 medium tubers;
  • leek stalk;
  • 150 ml of milk;
  • a spoonful of butter.


  1. Wash the root crops well, peel, cut into pieces, soak for a couple of hours in cold water.
  2. Wash the onion thoroughly, cut into rings and fry a little in oil right in the pan. Pour the onion with 150 ml of water and cover with a lid.
  3. When the onion boils, add the potatoes and cook for about half an hour (see also:).
  4. Grind the vegetables with a crush or blender (do not drain the broth).
  5. Add hot milk, mix well.
  6. Serve warm to baby.

The minimum age for this soup is 8 months. Please note that he is not suitable for a child allergic to cow's milk.

Be careful with the amount of potatoes in the child's diet, as excessive consumption of this vegetable can lead to overweight crumbs.

At what age should we start complementary foods?

Before introducing mashed potatoes to your baby, consult your pediatrician (more in the article:). Most likely, he will recommend doing this after cereals and vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini and onions.

There is no single recommendation at what age to introduce potatoes to babies. If your baby is breastfeeding, then he will be ready for feeding with potatoes not earlier than 7-8 months. Artificialists have time to try it already at 6 months, since their complementary foods are initially introduced earlier, because it is necessary to quickly begin to enrich the milk mixture with the missing substances from food. Perhaps the pediatrician will recommend mashed potatoes to your child already at the age of 5 months in order to quickly get the weight back to normal or for some other reason, his consultation in this matter is mandatory.

Basic rules for feeding potatoes

  1. Aim to give potatoes, like other vegetables, at lunchtime (around 2 pm).
  2. Initially, a couple of weeks it is worth preparing a new puree before each meal. Then it can be stored in the refrigerator for 2 days.
  3. A serving of mashed potatoes is about 140 g per year.
  4. By the age of one and a half, potatoes should make up no more than a third of the total number of vegetables (only because of their high calorie content).

If the first feeding with potatoes goes without problems, try not to feed her baby. Follow these norms, then the baby will feel all the benefits of our favorite root crop and will not work excess weight or tummy problems.