Mixer      07/02/2020

An American student returned from North Korea has died. The story of Otto Wombier, who died after a visit to the DPRK (5 photos). Versions and assumptions

On August 9, the Supreme Court of the DPRK decided to release Canadian citizen Lim Hyun-soo. A Canadian pastor was sentenced to life imprisonment in camps a year and a half ago "for hostile acts" against North Korea.

In June 2017, the DPRK authorities pardoned another foreign prisoner, student Otto Wombier, for humanitarian reasons. While in custody, he fell into a coma and died shortly after returning home.

High-profile cases of detention of foreigners in the DPRK - in the review of RBC.

Evan Hunziker (right), USA

In August 1996, the American Evan Hunziker was arrested in the DPRK, who, being drunk and naked, swam across the river on the border of China and North Korea on a dare. He was arrested and charged with espionage, as his mother and ex-wife were citizens of South Korea. Hunziker was kept at the hotel under supervision, and after negotiations and reimbursement of maintenance costs, they were released. He returned to the US, where he committed suicide a few months later. Alcoholism and drug problems were cited as the reason for the suicide, as well as the fact that he could not return to his ex-wife, as an Alaska court issued a restraining order for his meeting with her.

Robert Pack, USA

In late 2009, Korean-American activist Robert Park was detained in North Korea for illegally crossing the border. He spent 43 days in prison before being released.

Later, in an interview, he said that in prison he was beaten, tortured and sexually abused. According to him, after his release, he was forced to undergo treatment in a psychiatric clinic.

Laura Lin (left) and Yuna Lee, USA

Otto Wombier, USA

In January 2016, during a five-day tourist trip by the DPRK authorities, American student Otto Wombier. For theft propaganda poster the student was sentenced to 15 years in the camps. In March 2016, he pleaded guilty.

In mid-June 2017, Wombier was released and sent to the United States. In the DPRK, his release was explained by considerations of humanity. As stated in Pyongyang, during the detention, the student fell ill with botulism. At the same time, American doctors reported that they did not find any signs of this disease in him after the examination. North Korean authorities also said that Wombier fell into a coma after taking sleeping pills. Already in a coma, he was handed over to the authorities in the United States. He was sent to the University of Cincinnati Medical Center for treatment, where he later .

Kim Dong Chul, USA

In April 2016, a North Korean court sentenced American businessman Kim Dong-chul to ten years in prison on charges of spying for South Korea. He was arrested in October 2015 while meeting with a retired North Korean soldier. A month before the trial, at a press conference organized by the DPRK authorities, Kim Dong-chul confessed to an attempted espionage, allegedly undertaken in cooperation with the South Korean military. There was no information about his release or further fate.

Lim Hyun-soo, Canada

On August 9, 2017, the Supreme Court of the DPRK accepted the decision of Canadian citizen Lim Hyun-soo on humanitarian grounds after almost a year and a half in prison. He was sentenced to life in a labor camp "for hostile acts" against North Korea in December 2015.

A Canadian pastor came to North Korea "for humanitarian work." According to the investigation, he insulted the "dignity of the top leadership of the DPRK", and also tried to use religion to destroy the North Korean regime.

On June 20, 2017, the media reported the death of American student Otto Warmbier, recently brought to the US in a coma after being imprisoned in North Korea.

A serious scandal broke out all over the world. Users social networks both in Russia and in the West, they noted the senseless cruelty of the North Korean regime, and expressed grief over the untimely death of a young man.

Here is a typical news report about the death of Otto Warmbier, which contains information that forms the opinion of the majority about this situation:

American student Otto Wombier, released in North Korea, dies
Earlier, the student's father spoke about a serious deterioration in Otto's health - he was diagnosed with damage to all parts of the brain.
The family of student Otto Wombier, who was brought to the United States from North Korea last week, announced his death, reports Reuters.
"Otto died today at 2:20 pm surrounded by a loving family," the statement said.

Those close to Otto accused the North Korean authorities of "terrible torture" that left the student with "no other possible outcome."
As previously reported, doctors diagnosed Otto with severe damage to all parts of the brain and an irreversible process of tissue death.

Recall that an American was convicted in North Korea in March 2016 after trying to tear down a propaganda banner. The US State Department secured the release of the student at the behest of President Donald Trump, and on June 13 the plane with Otto landed in Ohio

North Korea tortured an innocent guy for tearing down a poster - this is how average consumers of modern information products saw what was happening.

However, with a more thorough study of the whole picture of what happened, the story ceases to look so unambiguous. After all, natural questions arise: how did the unfortunate Otto end up in North Korea - a state for which the United States is the same aggressor as the Third Reich is for us, and why did he need to tear down a poster protected by law? And in the end - are Koreans really as "frostbitten" as they are presented by the Western press? Did they not have enough of a public trial and the public tearful repentance of the defendant, a harsh sentence of 15 years in hard labor, and did they also need to torture Warmbier?

As one of my small investigations showed, information about North Korea is provided to us mainly by the South Korean liberal media, and this information is often very far from the truth.

So, let's look at everything in detail.

Student life of Otto Warmbier

Otto Frederick Warmbier was born on December 12, 1994 in Cincinnati, Ohio to Fred Warmbier and Cindy Garber, an American-Jewish family.

Fred Warmbier is the owner of metalworking company Finishing Technology. The company is very successful: in September 2015, Forbes published two articles about it. At the same time, the material talks about Finishing Techology as a small business that has experienced a sharp rapid growth, and how to cope with such a sharp success // Introducing A Small Business Owner Who Discovered Growth Is A Blessing And A Curse / Kelly Allan // https ://www.forbes.com/sites/k ... How One Small Business Owner Dealt With The Stress Of Unexpected Fast Growth / Kelly Allan // https://www.forbes.com/sites/k ...

Fred Warmbier also appeared as a New York Times columnist for You're the Boss: The Art of Small Business Management.

Warmbier Manor // http://www.dailymail.co.uk/new ...

Otto Warmbier graduated from Wyoming high school, after which he entered the University of Virginia with a degree in commerce and economics.

Otto Warmbier was a member of the Theta Chi fraternity, which is part of the student fraternities North America named with Greek letters.

Theta Chi at IUP @ThetaChiIUP
After nearly a year and a half, Otto Warmbier has been returned to US soil and reunited with his family. Welcome Home Brother.
7:38 PM - 14 Jun 2017

12 12 Retweets 38 38 likes

Theta Chi headquarters in Virginia // www.dailymail.co.uk/new ...

Also, Otto Warmbier was an active member of the Virginian branch of Hillel, the worldwide Jewish student movement. Hillel is the largest Jewish youth organization in the world, contributing to the revival of Jewish life, acquaintance with the history, culture and traditions of the Jewish people. The goal of the movement is to create a new generation of educated and enlightened Jews who are proud of their heritage.

One of the events of the Hillel movement

So, in October 2015, Otto Warmbier held a meeting with a deputy from Tel Aviv, Etay Pinkus // http://www.brodyjewishcenter.o ...

There are references to Otto Warmbier's social activities within the framework of the Jewish Center of the University of Virginia, as an environmental defender // http://www.brodyjewishcenter.o ...

How did Otto end up in North Korea?

According to an account by Fred Warmbier, Otto was traveling in China in late 2015 when he was approached by a travel company that advertised "This is a trip your parents wouldn't approve of." The company is called Young Pioneer Tours, located in Xian, and specializes in tours to North Korea.

Screenshot from Young Pioneer Tours website // www.youngpioneertours.com

Otto took a five-day New Year's tour of North Korea organized by Young Pioneer. In addition to representatives of other countries, there were 5 American citizens in the group with Warmbier. During the trip, Warmbier stayed at the Yanggakto Hotel in Pyongyang.

In the hotel, Otto Warmbier for some reason made his way to the floor where only the staff of the establishment was allowed to enter, and tore off a propaganda poster from the wall that read: "Let's firmly arm ourselves with the patriotism of Kim Jong Il" // https://www.nytimes.com/2016/ 0 ...

Damage to such things in North Korea is a serious crime.

On January 2, 2016, Warmbier was arrested right before leaving the country, at the Pyongyang airport.

The rest of the tour group left the country without complications.

Warmbier was under investigation, and was accused of stealing a campaign poster from a hotel closed to outsiders. Evidence of Otto Warmbier's guilt on litigation became his own confession, CCTV footage, fingerprints, and witness statements.

On February 29, 2016, Warmbier gave a press conference in which he stated that he had stolen the poster in order to take it to the United States. He explained that a friend of his mother, a representative of an US-backed church in Wyoming, had ordered the poster as a souvenir. He was going to hang it on the church wall as a trophy. According to Otto, this "friend" offered a used car worth about $10,000 in return for the "favor."

In the event that Otto does not return as a result of this trick, this "friend" will donate 200 thousand dollars to his mother in the form of charity. Warmbier testified that he agreed, since his family was in dire need of money. Thanks to Forbes, we already know that this is a lie. We also know that Warmbier went to the provocation consciously, well aware of the risk.

Otto Warmbier also stated that he was inspired by the prospect of becoming a member of the Z secret society. This society has existed at the University of Virginia since 1892. His activities are kept as secret as possible. It is known that only the most prominent, rich and talented, who actively support the ideals of the university secret society, are allowed into it.

University of Virginia. North steps of the Rotunda.

Without delving too deeply into the theoretical jungle of charter of each of America's elite youth student secret societies, one can generalize that they are all basically built on savoring the idea of ​​the exclusivity of wealthy white Americans. Many members of these secret communities subsequently find their way into the US military-intelligence and administrative elite, continuing to embody the long-standing ideals of the exclusivity of the American dollar.

During the press conference, Otto Warmbier sobbed loudly, begging the people of North Korea for forgiveness, saying that he had made the most fatal mistake of his life by succumbing to the influence of the United States Administration.

Yes, you heard right. I quote verbatim:

I should never have allowed the United States Administration to drag me into committing a crime in this country. I would like the United States Administration to never manipulate people like me into committing crimes against foreign countries. I beg you, the people and government of the DPRK, for forgiveness. Please! I made the worst mistake in my life! Please! Think of my family!

After this, the fate of Otto Warmbier changes dramatically. We see him alive and well for the last time. No more press conferences, and no more contact with the outside world.

On March 16, 2016, U.S. Representative Bill Richardson meets with North Korean diplomats to negotiate Warmbier's release. Apparently, the negotiations with the Americans did not work out: two hours after this meeting, Otto was sentenced to 15 years in hard labor.

Why did Bill Richardson anger the North Koreans so much? Could he have done it on purpose? The questions, of course, will remain rhetorical.

But it is obvious: Otto Warmbier, now ruined by the Korean regime and arousing sympathy, would be clearly more profitable for the anti-Korean propaganda of the West than he, who repented and started talking about the customers of the provocation.

The human rights organization Human Rights Watch called the verdict "shocking", and US State Department spokesman Mark Toner said that North Korea is using arrested American citizens for political purposes.

On March 18, 2016, the State-run Korean Central News Agency released a footage showing the moment of the incident.

The video that North Korea says proves US student tried to steal banner
North Korea has released video footage of what appears to be Otto Warmbier, the University of Virginia student being held in Pyongyang, removing a propaganda sign from a hotel wall.
The Independent Mar 18 2016

A year later, representatives of North Korea informed the American side about the deteriorating health of Otto Warmbier. According to them, the month after the trial, he contracted botulism. This is a severe toxic-infectious disease characterized by damage to nervous system, and is now very rare.

According to a statement by Pyongyang, Otto Warmbier took a sleeping pill against the background of this illness, after which he fell into a coma. The origin of this pill is a shrouded mystery.

The new President of the United States, Donald Trump, gave a personal instruction to secure the release of Otto. Negotiations continued.

On June 12, 2017, U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson announced Warmbier's release. At 11:30 pm on June 13, Otto Warmbier was flown to Cincinnati, from where he was immediately admitted to the University of Cincinnati Medical Center.

Doctors stated that Otto had extensive brain damage, which could be more likely to be associated with a cardiopulmonary crisis than with a head injury. They also noted that there were no traces of physical impact. Doctors stated that Otto Warmbier was in a vegetative state. That is, he himself breathed and blinked, but did not react in any way to the surrounding reality. MRI showed extensive loss of brain tissue throughout the brain. Experts argued that this condition is typical after cardiac arrest, which caused brain hypoxia. No traces of botulism were found.

On the same day, Frederick Warmbier gave a press conference in which he stated that he did not believe a single word spoken by North Korea, and that Otto's condition was the result of his ill-treatment. At the same time, Frederick Warmbier blamed the Obama administration for the tragedy.

Otto Warmbier "s Father Blasts Obama Administration // https://youtu.be/s_8gxigwNQQ

Otto Warmbier died in hospital on June 19, 2017 at the age of 22. US President Donald Trump expressed his condolences to his loved ones.

A little later, Trump will again condemn the brutality of the DPRK, mourning its new victim, and conclude: this should not be allowed to happen again.

And here is the result: US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson accused Pyongyang of the death of American student Otto Warmbier and publicly promised to force the DPRK to answer for what happened // https://utro.ru/articles/2017/ ...
Who is guilty?

So who is to blame for the death of Otto Warmbier? The brutality of the North Korean regime? Technically, probably yes.

But wasn't the American's actions, in turn, illegal? Let them violate the CRULIOUS laws, laws known in advance, carefully guarded.

That enigmatic “friend” from the government-backed church who urged the next young activist to poke a stick at a hostile regime, promising to secure admission into elite secret societies in return, is truly guilty, be it a real person or some personification of the system.

After all, he knew how the Korean regime would respond, and he knew how beneficial it would be for whipping up anti-Korean hysteria and justifying NATO maneuvers. We are well aware of these standard American three-movers: to have an effect on the system - to receive opposition from it - to use the opposition in propaganda of the "undemocratic" regime.

Watto Warmbier, it seems, turned out to be another “they are children” who became a bargaining chip in the geopolitical intrigues of the American administration.

Is it worth talking about the cruelty of North Korea here? It is what it is, and there is no point in coming there, flirting with local laws and teasing the state. Personally, it is quite clear to me why the society of the DPRK is, one might say, paramilitary.

This statehood was formed as a result of certain historical processes, so cruel that full mobilization, ideology and discipline became the only way for the Korean people to survive.

Let me just remind you that during the American occupation of Korea in 1950-1953, every fifth Korean was killed.

In 1948, the United States, the South Korean rulers and circles in the leadership of Japan entered into a conspiracy against the people of the DPRK. At that time, in accordance with an agreement with the United States, the USSR withdrew its troops from North Korea, giving the Korean people, freed from Japanese occupation, the opportunity to build their own statehood. On the territory left by the Soviet Army, the Koreans created their own administration, which was headed by Kim Il Sung, the leader of the Korean partisans who made the greatest contribution to the liberation of the country from the Japanese.

However, the Americans not only did not withdraw their troops from South Korea, but also did not recognize the local people's authorities, creating their own military administration, replacing the Japanese occupation with the American one. Formally, Lee Syngman became the leader of South Korea.

On June 18, 1950, J. Dulles inspected the troops of Lee Syngman, and on June 25, Sunday, at four o'clock in the morning (familiar style), the pro-American forces of South Korea attacked the DPRK along the entire line of contact. Several divisions and individual units on different areas wedged into the territory of North Korea for two or more kilometers, on which the “campaign to the north” ended ingloriously. In a matter of hours, the advancing group of troops of Rhee Syngman was defeated. Kim Il Sung decided to counterattack, and the Korean People's Army moved south that evening. The very next day, the Korean People's Army stood under the walls of Seoul, and Syngman Lee shamefully left the country, fleeing the capital.

In America, they still claim that Kim Il Sung started the war by attacking a peaceful South Korea.

In response to this defeat, the Americans launched one of the bloodiest wars in history. During three years they wiped the Korean people off the face of the earth.

It is estimated that the United States dropped an average of 5 tons of bombs and shells per dead Korean, and 120 kilograms of ammunition per hectare (in World War II, this figure did not exceed 1 ton per person and 30 kilograms per hectare).

Napalm-drenched villages and towns eclipsed the Nazi crematoria. Never before on our planet have so many people been killed and with such cruelty as the Yankees did in Korea. In essence, the US sought to completely destroy the Korean nation as such.

In the Korean territories temporarily occupied by the Americans, mass shootings and executions were constantly carried out. Medieval torture was used. In just a few months of American occupation, more than a million civilians were executed. Even Hitler could not organize genocide in the occupied territories on such a scale.

Grossly violating international law, the US Army used biochemical weapons en masse. From January to April 1952, containers with poisonous insects and bacteria in more than a hundred cities and counties of the DPRK.

Not only the front line was subjected to napalm bombardments, but also the deep rear, peaceful cities, villages and fishing villages. In addition, the US troops pursued a policy of destroying the industrial potential of the country. Shelling of roads with refugees, peasants working in the fields and other attacks on civilians were carried out.

The US Air Force carried out massive carpet bombing of cities and industrial enterprises, destroyed bridges, railway junctions and irrigation facilities. Before the end of the war, as a way of putting pressure on the Korean side, American aircraft destroyed the dams on the Kusongan, Toksagan and Pudzhongan rivers. As a result, huge areas of agricultural land were flooded, which caused starvation among the civilian population of North Korea.

The commander of the American air force in Korea, Curtis Le May, stated that the US Air Force "killed 20% of the population of Korea by war, famine and cold."

Since then, for decades, small but proud North Korea has been subjected to blockades, attempts at destabilization, and all sorts of attacks by the United States. North Korea has every right to be what it is and not allow any external interference in its life.

The war crimes of American soldiers are captured in the paintings of Korean artists.

Tour to North Korea

Otto Wombier was a third-year student at the University of Virginia (USA). He received a double higher education in the field of trade and economics. At the end of 2015, he went to China, where he was supposed to take part in a university program. There, he noticed an advertisement for tours to North Korea from the tour operator Young Pioneer Tours ("Young Pioneer Tours").

According to Otto's father, Wombier was interested in this offer because he was an adventurer. In a commentary to The Washington Post, Otto's friends also described him as "an insatiable curiosity" as well as "a deep thinker who will challenge himself and others to question his place in the world."

Subsequently, Wombier's father accused Young Pioneer Tours of specifically attracting young people from Western countries, advertising a trip to the DPRK as "a trip that your parents will not like."

The logo of a travel agency that offered a trip to the DPRK. Photo: Young Pioneer Tours / Facebook

Wombier went on a four-day New Year's tour to North Korea. Along with him, there were 10 other US citizens in the group, as well as a sales manager from the UK, Danny Gratton, whom Otto met in Beijing before flying to Pyongyang. Gratton and Wombier became friends and shared a room in a Korean hotel.

In an interview with The Washington Post, Gratton said that he was with Wombier almost the entire time they were in North Korea. In Pyongyang, tourists were accommodated in the Yanggakto Hotel, the largest hotel in North Korea. They drank beer, celebrated New Year on the central square of Pyongyang, played snowballs with local children and had fun.

The British newspaper The Daily Mail in June 2017 published exclusive photos, which shows Wombier's leisure time in the DPRK.

According to Gratton, he had no suspicion that Wombier was planning to commit a crime. Otto himself impressed him as a "very, very polite fellow."

Detention at the airport

On January 2, a group of tourists was supposed to return to Beijing. At Pyongyang airport, Gretton and Wombier were the last to go through security. There was a pause as they handed over their passports to the immigration officer, after which two North Korean security officers appeared, grabbed Wombier by the shoulders and took him to a separate room.

Gretton ironically told a friend: "Well, this is the last time we see you." And it turned out to be true: they never saw each other again. Gratton successfully passed the check and flew to Beijing with the group, while Wombier remained in Pyongyang.

Only 20 days later, the DPRK authorities announced that the American student had been detained for "a hostile act against the state." According to Pyongyang, the crime was that Wombier, while in the hotel, entered the staff floor, removed a propaganda banner from the wall and was about to take it with him.

The banner read: "Let's arm ourselves with the patriotism of Kim Jong Il!"

In March 2016, the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) released a video of the "crime". The footage shows the man removing the banner from the wall and placing it on the floor. The quality of the video does not allow you to determine that the frame is really Wambier.


The moment of the theft of a propaganda poster shown by the North Korean media. Video: Breaking News Express 99 / YouTube

In addition to this video, his fingerprints, testimonies of witnesses and a frank confession of an American were provided as evidence in a Pyongyang court.

Press conference in Pyongyang

Sincere confession Wombier did during his press conference on February 29, 2016. The American came to this press conference with a prepared text. Whether he wrote it himself or did it under pressure from the authorities is unknown.

Wombier said he "committed a grave crime against the people and government of the DPRK" by removing the political slogan from his office. Such a task, according to him, he received from the United Methodist Church. He was also aided by the Z Society (a University of Virginia charity that Wombier said is "closely linked to the CIA").

At his press conference, the student stated that the purpose of his actions was to damage "the motivation and work ethic of the Korean people." He said that in September 2015 he met with his friend's mother, who was a deaconess at the United Methodist Church.

She allegedly told Wombier that "communism must end," and since in communist countries "people unite around political slogans," she asked Wombier to steal the slogan from the DPRK and hang it in his church as a "trophy."

"She said that by stealing this slogan, we would harm the unity and motivation of the people of North Korea and insult this country from the West," Wombier said. As a reward, the deaconess allegedly offered him a used car worth $10,000, and if he was arrested, Wombier's mother would receive $200,000 from the church.

Wombier in the Supreme Court of the DPRK.

"I regret my actions the most. I apologize to the Korean people and the government. I beg you to forgive me and help save my life," Wombier said, sitting in front of reporters. He called himself "a victim of the hostile US policy against the DPRK."

"As an American detained for a serious crime in the DPRK, I was afraid that I would be tortured or psychological pressure. These were completely false thoughts. I am deeply impressed by the humane treatment of the DPRK government towards serious criminals like me and the very fair legal procedures in North Korea. Most of all in my life I am ashamed that I committed a crime against such a friendly country," Wombier said.

At the end of the press conference, the student burst into tears, begging the North Korean authorities to forgive him and allow him to return home. "I hope the US administration will no longer manipulate people like me into committing crimes against foreign countries," he concluded.

Sentence, release and death

On March 16, 2016, a Korean court sentenced Wombier to 15 years in prison and hard labor.

In May 2017, Wombier's parents told Fox News that they asked Washington to seek Otto's release in any negotiations with Pyongyang, but the administration of former US President Barack Obama insisted that the family not draw attention to their problem.

With the advent of Donald Trump, the situation has changed. On June 12, 2017, US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson announced that he, too, was on his way to the US.

By this point Wombier was already in a coma. Medical records handed over from North Korea show that the student fell into a coma in April 2016. What exactly led to it is unknown.

American doctors found significant damage to the brain tissue in Wombier. At the same time, doctors did not find evidence that the neurological injury was received as a result of physical violence or torture: Wombier's neck and head were not damaged.

Official Pyongyang claimed that the student fell into a coma as a result of contracting botulism and taking sleeping pills. Doctors from the University of Cincinnati found no signs of botulism.

Farewell ceremony with Wombier.

"The horrendous, brutal treatment of our son by the North Koreans made it impossible for any other outcome," Wombier's family said.

US President Donald Trump said the United States "once again condemns the brutality of the North Korean regime." Secretary of State Rex Tillerson also demanded that Pyongyang release three other Americans who are still being held in North Korea.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the DPRK in response stated that Wombier, and his sudden death, is a mystery to Pyongyang. North Korea also accused Obama of refusing to negotiate and not asking for Wombier's release.

After Wombier's death, Young Pioneer Tours stopped offering trips to North Korea to US citizens.

On June 22, at the high school Wombier graduated from, a farewell ceremony was held for Otto, which was attended by more than 2,500 people.

"No one deserves this. He was just a young guy who wanted a little adventure," says UK sales manager Danny Gratton.

Monday, June 19 at 9:20 pm BST at the University of Cincinnati Hospital Otto Warmbier. Warmbier, 22, was released by North Korean authorities on June 13 "on humanitarian grounds". He was evacuated from North Korea in a coma.

Why was he convicted in North Korea?

Warmbier, who arrived in North Korea on December 25, 2015 from Beijing as part of a tour group, was sentenced to prison for stealing a political poster. He tried to rip it off the wall in the hotel. At his trial, he pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 15 years in prison in March 2016 for "attempting to undermine the unity of the Korean people." He called his act in court "the worst mistake in my life."

Why did Warmbier fall into a coma?

The reason is currently unknown. According to the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Warmbier has been in a coma since March 2016 after taking sleeping pills given to him in prison. North Korean doctors claim that the cause of the coma was botulism * and sleeping pills, after which the American fell into a coma, but American doctors questioned such a diagnosis, saying that Warmbier suffered a severe head injury. The student's parents told The Washington Post that the North Korean side had informed them that their son was diagnosed with botulism in March after the trial.

American doctors who examined Warmbier after returning to the United States said they did not find signs of botulism, but they saw signs of a traumatic brain injury.

As a result, on June 19, the student's family issued a statement, which refers to the torture that Otto was subjected to in the DPRK.

Botulism (from Latin botulus - sausage) is a severe toxic and infectious disease characterized by damage to the nervous system, mainly the medulla oblongata and spinal cord. The cause of the disease is ingestion food products, water or aerosols containing botulinum toxin produced by the spore-forming bacillus Clostridium botulinum. The infection spreads through the skin, lungs, and gastrointestinal tract. Recovery from the disease is long, depending on when the patient sought medical help.