Toilet      04/18/2019

White decorative clover and other lawn grasses. The best lawn grass - manufacturer ratings

Imagine with what pleasure you can wake up early in the morning, go outside, walk on the grass that is still soaked in dew. Or, how pleasant it is in the summer, at the height of the heat, to lie down on the soft grass under the shade of trees. And just look at the beautifully trimmed lawn, which is located next to your house. This pleasure is called a lawn. However, if you think that it is easy to sow, then you are deeply mistaken.

The lawn, in fact, is a complex infrastructure. Therefore, before planting grass for the lawn, it is necessary to properly prepare for this procedure. This means the following steps:

  • arrangement of drainage,
  • ground development,
  • surface leveling,
  • installation of irrigation systems.

Lawn grass is very different from regular weed. This is primarily due to the thick cover, which strongly retains moisture. The grass needs a little water to feed, the rest goes into the ground. If drainage is not done, the roots will begin to rot, and bald spots in the lawn will appear on the surface.

To avoid this, you need to make at least a basic drainage system. The easiest way is to pour crushed stone over the area of ​​the planned lawn. The thickness of the coating is at least 2 cm. For expensive decorative lawns (not intended for walking), the drainage should be much better and consist of 3 layers:

  • sandy,
  • stone,
  • clay.

Sand easily allows water to pass through, but gets wet on its own. The moisture from it nourishes the soil until the next watering and allows you to maintain a uniform microclimate of the root system. A layer of crushed stone under the sand quickly eliminates excess water, and clay soil evenly redirects water into the soil, avoiding shrinkage.

After installation drainage system it is necessary to cover it with high-quality black soil. It is mined either at the bottom of lakes or from the surface of the earth. Lake black soil is cheaper, but has a significant drawback - the seeds of watery plants. They will begin to sprout within a couple of weeks, and to completely get rid of weeds it will take at least one year (or more, depending on the size of the area).

The rarer surface black soil allows seeds to be planted immediately. At the same time, it is important to provide them with recharge and to fertilize the soil well. The best fertilizer is manure, but chemical analogues are also suitable. The only caution concerns nitrates, since, although they accelerate the growth of grass, they make it poisonous.

The surface under the lawn must be perfectly flat; it may have a slope, but always remains flat. This is necessary so that after trimming the grass has the same height without bumps or differences. Otherwise, the lawn will look like a forest clearing.

Irrigation systems are:

  • manual,
  • automatic.

By hand we mean watering with a regular hose with a spray nozzle. It is advisable to install automatic ones immediately so as not to trample the soil and hide the water supply underground.

Only if these points are observed will the lawn sprout and begin to please you. Now let’s look at what types of “cultivated” herbs exist.

Varieties of herbs and their main advantages

Despite the fact that garden stores offer a huge selection of different grasses and distribute them into various categories, for example, “shade”, “cottage”, etc., in practice, only some grass seeds for lawns take root in our climate. These include:

  • red fescue,
  • thin bentgrass,
  • meadow bluegrass,
  • angustifolia bluegrass,
  • bluegrass flattened,
  • common bluegrass,
  • dog bentgrass,
  • shoot-forming bentgrass,
  • white bentgrass.

The first three varieties are universal and suitable for any climate, the rest are only for the western and central parts of Russia. In northern latitudes, the most durable is the meadow bluegrass. Let's start with it.

Meadow bluegrass, like other lawn grasses, belongs to the grass family. In nature, it is found in temperate climates and is perfectly adapted to it. The main advantage is early germination and high vitality (grows on any soil).

The root system consists of branched thin shoots that intertwine with the roots of other plants, forming a very high-quality turf. Such a lawn cannot be trampled or damaged. A damaged area measuring 10x10 cm will be restored within two weeks.

Externally, the plant has narrow stems with a length of 30 to 90 cm. The color is rich green. Meadow bluegrass has one of the shortest flowering cycles in nature. Therefore, you need to trim your lawn at least once a week. Otherwise, thick and ugly stems with seeds will begin to appear. Simply cutting off the stem is not enough, as the grass around it will become hard and turn into a tussock. It must be removed and the area sown with new seeds (or the grass should be allowed to recover on its own).

In order to ensure high-quality seedlings, it is recommended to sow at least 10 grams. seeds per 1 sq. m. There is no need to pickle them (like any other grass seeds); in water they will rot instead of opening (but it is better to wrap them in a wet rag overnight before sowing).

The thin bentgrass is one of the most widespread meadow grasses in the world. It takes root on absolutely any soil and is completely easy to care for. The leaves of the plant are an elongated cone with a width at the base of about 8 mm. The grass reaches a height of 20 to 70 cm.

The creeping root system creates a fairly loose turf. Unlike the previous plant, bentgrass is not able to regenerate on its own, so if bald spots appear, it is necessary to plant new seeds. For a thick, beautiful lawn, it is recommended to sow at least 10 g per 1 square meter. m. The lawn needs to be mowed at least once every two weeks.

Red fescue is a classic meadow grass that has an extremely weak root system. However, the plant forms a very durable turf, suitable for creating grass carpets. They are not trampled and have increased regeneration.

The sheet width is from 10 to 30 mm, while it has a very soft, pleasant to the touch, velvety structure. Like most meadow grasses, red fescue is not very tall, from 25 to 50 cm. The disadvantage of the plant is that it grows very quickly. You will have to mow the lawn 2 times a week, otherwise bumps will begin to form.

If this does happen, then you need to let the grass rise 10 cm, and then cut it at this level. There is no need to dig up hummocks, since fescue has a genetic memory and compaction will appear in this place again (even if new seeds are sown).

The plant does not like moisture; it needs to be watered no more than once a week. In addition, the lawn should be located in the sunny part of the site. Even a slight shade will lead to slower growth or complete death of the plant.

Lawn mixtures

It is not always enough to buy one type of grass for your lawn. This is primarily due to the aesthetic factor. In their pure form, meadow plants, although they look quite beautiful, are still much inferior decorative varieties. To solve this problem, special mixtures are used.

They are sold as finished form, and are created experimentally. Ready options, as a rule, are divided into special groups adapted to specific operating conditions. Unfortunately, the quality of such mixtures does not always meet expectations. Therefore, it is better to make your own product.

It’s not difficult to do this, just know the basics:

  • the mixture must consist of at least 5 herbs,
  • the main crop (at least 30%) should be red fescue/fine bentgrass/meadow bluegrass,
  • 25% of herbs should be root-forming,
  • 5-35% of herbs are shade tolerant (depending on conditions),
  • the rest are ornamental plants.

The best herb for the lawn, according to many experts, it is red fescue, since it has the most beautiful leaf. It is usually used as the basis of any mixtures.

Root-forming grasses include all types of bluegrass. Unlike fescue, they take root on any soil and, intertwined with the root system of the main crop, feed it.

Poa grove is resistant to shade, but we should not forget that any grass needs at least 4 hours a day in the sun, otherwise it will begin to deteriorate.

Ornamental grasses mean selected varieties of lawns that have a magnificent appearance, but are very difficult to care for.

Perennial ryegrass and other imported varieties of grasses are almost completely unsuitable for the Russian climate, so it is better not to add them to mixtures. In addition, there are other plants that you should be wary of:

  • annual bluegrass,
  • sheep fescue,
  • welsh fescue,
  • cocksfoot,
  • timothy grass,
  • creeping wheatgrass,
  • a boneless fire,
  • pig's finger.

All these plants are weeds. Their seeds are sold everywhere and are included in mixtures from unscrupulous manufacturers. Despite the fact that in nature they look beautiful and demonstrate high survivability, at home they will not live up to expectations at all.

If you still do not want to experiment and prefer to buy a ready-made mixture, then it is better to choose from trusted manufacturers.

Ready-made lawn mixtures

Among the companies selling ready-made mixtures, the most popular are:

  • Green Meadow
  • "Liliput"
  • "Green Square"
  • Powerseed
  • Terragrün.

Green Meadow is an American brand that is known not only in the USA, but throughout Europe. The assortment includes quite a lot of different types of lawns, from purely decorative to play.

The only drawback is that perennial ryegrass is used as the basis for the mixture. This means that the grass is suitable only for residents of the European part of Russia. Ryegrass is extremely cold-resistant. Despite the fact that manufacturers assure that the grass is frost-resistant, it dies at an air temperature of -15 0 C.

“Liliput” (one of the Terragrün brands) and “Green Square” are domestic producers. They offer a variety of mixtures, including ones without ryegrass. If we talk about grass for the lawn, the price of which is more reasonable, then you should pay attention to the products of Green Square.

Firstly, the choice of various lawn modifications is better than that of Lilliput; secondly, the cost is somewhat lower, the quality is approximately the same. By and large, the issue of saving becomes relevant only when we are talking about a lawn with an area of ​​50 square meters or more. m, for smaller lawns the price difference is not significant.

A separate area of ​​the Green Square is sports lawns. These are mixtures that allow you to create a uniform, low-growing grass cover that is very pleasant to play football or other games on.

Powerseed is another American manufacturer. The lawn has been adapted to the North American climate of the western and central United States. In the climatic conditions of Russia, the lawn will take root only in the European part (with the exception of the northern region).

Among European producers, German breeders from Terragrün should be highlighted. The company offers unique mixtures consisting of natural and cultivated herbs. A distinctive feature is 95% seed germination (one of the highest rates).

The product range is quite wide. There are mixtures that are well suited for all regions of Russia, including:

  • Universal,
  • Canada green,
  • Golf Master.

Despite the name, golf master is not only suitable for practicing this sport. In fact, it is the most sustainable and high-quality turf in the entire Terragrün range. The only drawback is that it dies when the soil freezes to a depth of more than 5 cm (compensated for by a competent drainage system).

Seed quality and correct composition mixtures do not guarantee that the lawn will take root. Therefore, when sowing, you should use simple rules:

  • let the seeds rest wrapped in a damp cloth for 24 hours,
  • Sort through the seeds and discard any that are not soggy,
  • dig the soil to a depth of 5-7 cm,
  • break the breasts
  • level the ground
  • sow the seeds
  • water (lightly; under no circumstances should the area be flooded with water; the soil should be moist, but not wet).

If you use this procedure, the lawn will grow completely, without bald spots, and will be uniform. It needs to be trimmed, regardless of the type of grass, at least once a week. This will prevent stems from appearing.

To have a beautiful green carpet in the middle of the garden, it is necessary not only to properly prepare the soil for the lawn, but also to optimal choice seeds Lawn grasses vary widely and not all are suitable for a particular type of lawn. Plants vary in height, resistance to drought, damage, diseases and pests, many of them prefer sunny places, but there are also shade-loving ones. The best lawn grass is the one that best suits your lawn, and to ensure it meets your expectations, below are grass characteristics and recommendations for each type of lawn you have.

Grasses and lawn type

Lawn grass and its choice are the main thing in creating a “green carpet”. What grass to sow the lawn when the choice is large enough? Let's pay attention to the herbs that are significant in this matter.

On the market you can find both ready-made seed mixtures and individual grass seeds for lawns. Seeds are divided into mixtures according to the functionality of the lawn. For sports lawns, sports and regenerative mixtures are chosen; they are resistant to trampling and quickly recover from damage and cutting. Mixtures for ornamental lawns include beautiful green grasses and meadow flowers. For shady places there are mixtures with shade-loving plants.

Universal seed mixtures are suitable for any type of lawn, including shady ones. Often one type of grass is sown on lawns, but you need to have an idea of ​​the characteristics of the grass; for this purpose, descriptions of the most used grasses for lawns have been added at the end of the article.

Lawn for sports and recreation

This type of lawn is often found in parks and is an ideal place for throwing a ball or relaxing. Sports lawn grass is mowed 10 to 20 times per season to a height of 5-8 cm. On the lawn for sports games preferably mowing and mulching, the shredded grass blades are returned to the lawn as fertilizer, providing it with the proper nutrients.

Leaves that fall on the lawn are collected and later used as a component of compost. Sports turf grass mixtures include grasses that can withstand heavy use.

A good seed mix is ​​about 60% perennial ryegrass, 10-30% red fescue and 10-20% meadow grass.

Decorative lawn

Decorative lawn requires careful care, since its herbs are less resistant to damage. The soil for the lawn should be ideal - cleared of weeds, fertilized with peat or compost, drainage channels are welcome in wet areas, and an irrigation system should be provided in dry areas. After winter, an aeration procedure is carried out to regenerate the grasses.

The first mowing of a decorative lawn is done when the grass reaches 8-10 cm. The grass is mowed to a length of 4-6 cm. Do not cut the lawn by more than one third of its length, this reduces resistance to damage. The decorative lawn is characterized by lush greenery, dense and elegant. To achieve this effect, choose plants that grow slowly and do not require frequent mowing.

Most often, such grasses are quite fragile and do not tolerate trampling. The best mixtures for lawn grass contain fescue (60-70%), perennial ryegrass (10-20%), bluegrass and fescue (5-10%).

Blooming lawn

It is impossible not to mention the lawn in the form of a flowering meadow, it is very original solution for nature lovers and just busy people, because a flowering meadow does not need special care, and most flowering plants are perennials.

A lawn of flowering variegated grasses pleases and calms, when meadow grasses bloom, the natural aroma fills the entire area... What is the name of the grass for the lawn? Mixtures of flowering meadow grasses for lawns can include up to 10 species:

  • Yarrow

  • Veronica

  • Daisies

  • Dandelions

    Thyme and other plants.

Lawn in a shady area

Caring for a lawn in a shady area is quite problematic and is further complicated by the appearance of moss. In shady, damp areas, gardeners often fight the growth of moss using fertilizers with a high iron content ("anti-moss"), and moss-destroying preparations are also available on the market, for example "Mogeton 25 HR". Also, a lawn in the shade needs to have good drainage and regular aeration.

Seed mixtures for shady lawns include grasses such as red fescue (40%), fescue (25-40%), ryegrass (15-20%) and bluegrass (10-15%).

How to properly grow a lawn. video

Types of grass, base for lawn

The main grasses for lawns are the following types: red fescue, perennial ryegrass, meadow grass and fescue (a type of fescue). Below are the characteristics of these plants.

red fescue

Low, slow-growing grass. Tolerates dry soil, frost and partial shade. The plant is resistant to damage, and therefore is used to create decorative and sports lawns.

perennial ryegrass

Ryegrass grows quickly and recovers easily if damaged. Loves Sun rays and is tolerant of any soil. The grass does not tolerate drought and is not resistant to frost. It is an important component of sports turf seed mixtures.

meadow bluegrass

Bluegrass needs sunlight and moderately moist soil, does not tolerate limestone and waterlogging in the soil. It germinates after sowing three weeks later and grows slowly thereafter. Tolerates damage, frost and drought well. Component of all seed mixtures.

fescue (Valis fescue)

Seeds germinate 2 weeks after planting. Prefers sunny areas and grows well in dry, sandy and acidic soil. Has average resistance to trampling. Very resistant to unfavorable conditions such as shady and dry areas.

Every owner country house dreams of having a green lawn in front of his house. It can decorate any yard. In addition, green cover is quite practical, because a piece of land covered with thick green grass can be used for relaxation and games.

However, creating a beautiful lawn is not as simple a task as it might seem at first glance. Even if the owner takes care of the green carpet, it does not always please with its beauty. Bald spots may appear in places after harsh winters.

The main mistake when creating a lawn

It must be said that problems with lawns, as a rule, arise mainly from those people who have chosen the wrong grass mixture. When choosing lawn grass, a person usually pays attention only to what type of lawn it is intended for - sports or parterre.

Lastly, owners country houses I am interested in the types of lawn grasses that are included in the mixture. And many people don’t even look at it. For most people, this information means little. But it is very important, since it is imported into our country a large number of various mixtures from the European continent and not everyone is suitable for Russian climate conditions.

In European countries, the climate is milder and the criteria for selecting grass for the lawn are completely different. With us harsh climatic conditions, therefore, higher demands must be placed on grass mixtures used to create a lawn.

If the grass purchased to create a lawn does not have frost resistance, then it won't survive the winter well, and in the spring you will have to deal with the restoration of damaged areas of the lawn.

To avoid all this, you need to take the selection of grass for your lawn very seriously and carefully select grass seeds. It is worth considering only those that are adapted to the climatic conditions of our country. How to choose the right lawn grass so that the lawn does not suffer from the Russian climate - this will be discussed in this article.

Requirements for lawn grass

Regardless of what kind of lawn the grass is used for, it will always must be perennial, since a lawn is created for several years, and creating it from plants that have a short life span makes no sense.

It is best to use grass seeds to form a lawn, which belong to the group of cereals. And all because they are more adapted to the harsh climatic conditions of our country. But not all crops included in this group should be used, but only those that meet certain requirements:

  • Resistant to freezing.
  • They have good external decorative qualities - height of cover, juicy green color with uniform germination.
  • The ability to develop a powerful root system that is not destroyed by soil movement and is able to grow in highly compacted soils.
  • Rapid growth of cover after mowing.
  • Ability to reproduce vegetatively. This is due to the fact that constant mowing of the lawn does not provide the opportunity for seed propagation.

Herbs best adapted to Russian climatic conditions

If you look at all the grass seeds that are offered for lawns in stores, then with all their diversity you can find only three plants, meeting all the above criteria. This three includes: thin bentgrass, red fescue, meadow grass.

These plants belong to the group short rhizomatous cereals. They are united by the similarity of the properties that are inherent in them.

  1. They are not afraid of sudden temperature changes, even freezing late autumn or in the early spring months will not lead to their death. The root system of these plants is able to withstand extremely low temperatures.
  2. As they grow, these plants form high-density turf, which is simply impossible for weeds to penetrate. When growing such grass on one square meter about 30 thousand shoots are concentrated.
  3. Another advantage of this “trinity” is its ability to withstand frequent mowing.
  4. They reproduce well vegetatively, so they are excellent for forming a lawn.

All of the above advantages allow us to say that with proper care, the lawn can be used for decades without the need for reseeding.

If you decide to arrange a lawn on your property, then, naturally, you will need purchase the right herbal mixture to create a lawn. When you go to the store to buy lawn grass seeds, you should pay attention to those mixtures that contain the highest percentage of these particular cereals.

Sometimes the names of these cereals included in the mixtures are written in Latin. Therefore, before going to the store, you should find out how these seeds sound in Latin, so that you can quickly select the right herbal mixture.

In Latin, these herbs are as follows:

  • agrostis tenuis - refers to thin bentgrass;
  • the name of the meadow bluegrass is poa pratensis;
  • The name festuca rubra in Latin is given to red fescue.

Types of lawn grasses and nuances of choice

Mixtures often contain low-growing herbs that are adapted to certain growing conditions. They cannot be called universal crops, however, in some places they are recommended for planting.

One such crop is bluegrass. The plant has as its main advantage its high ability to grow in the shade. This allows it to be grown under garden plants, as well as in the locations of buildings.

The light gets there minimum quantity, but, nevertheless, this does not prevent the lawn grass from growing and creating a green carpet. By planting this crop, you can rid your lawn of bald spots, as well as pale cover. However, you should know that when growing, this grass is not able to form a dense root system.

Therefore, you should not often walk on a lawn formed by this grass. You should also avoid frequent mowing, otherwise it will have a negative impact on appearance lawn

Swamp Bluegrass

If the site is dominated by soil with high humidity, then in this case you can plant swamp bluegrass. This culture is capable of forming a beautiful green cover. As it grows, it forms powerful root system.

The lifespan of this plant is short, so it is necessary to sift frequently. This plant can be combined with another one - a lawn crop white bentgrass, which grows quite well in moist soil.

However, in comparison with bluegrass, its decorative properties are lower. If we talk about the lifespan, it is usually eight years.

Dog bentgrass

As for the parterre lawn, which is generally not recommended to walk on, you can use dog bentgrass to grow it. This herb belongs to the group of herbs with high decorative properties , which is due to its emerald color, as well as the blades of grass being thin and soft to the touch.

Often a lawn formed by such grass called velvet, because from a distance it looks like expensive fabric. However, despite these advantages, dog bentgrass has certain disadvantages.

One of them is the capriciousness of this plant. The lifespan of the dog bentgrass is only five years. She has weak roots and This grass grows extremely slowly, and it is not resistant to trampling.

Meadow fescue

If you want to have a beautiful lawn on your property that will be distinguished by its aesthetic appearance, and you don’t want to wait a long time for the grass to sprout and form it, then you need to choose a mixture that contains meadow fescue.

By planting this grass, in just two months you can have it in front of your house. beautiful green cover. Among all cereal crops For lawns, this grass is one of the fastest growing.

It is suitable for use in its pure form to create a temporary lawn, which is planned to be used in one place for no more than four years. The lawn will not last longer because this grass has a short lifespan.

Lawn grasses unsuitable for the Russian climate

As part of lawn herbal plants There are herbs from Europe that are not recommended to be planted in our country due to the severity of the climate. They are designed for mild conditions, so they will die quite quickly.

These herbs include perennial ryegrass, which grows quite well, has high decorative properties and, in the process of its development, forms a thick cover.

However, after the first winter most of the grass dies, resulting in large bald spots appearing on the lawn. In European countries this herb is actively used. A lawn created from this grass can last for eight years.

Poa annua is often found as an additional component in mixtures offered in stores. The main feature of this grass is its unpretentiousness, as well as its high growth rate.

However, there is one drawback in this plant. It lies in the fact that this grass reproduces by seeds, and at cold temperatures this is simply impossible. The next year the grass does not produce offspring, which leads to active growth weeds.

Two more herbs that should not be planted in the Russian climate - soddy pike and sheep fescue. They have many advantages, but still have disadvantages. By growing a lawn of these grasses, over time it turns from a smooth green carpet into a covering with a predominance of green mounds.

Many owners of country houses want to have a green lawn in front of their house. You can create it yourself. However, to get a good lawn, you need put in a lot of effort. And it's not just a matter of necessity ongoing care behind the green carpet.

No less important correct selection herbs. If you do not pay attention to this point, the result will disappoint you. Not everything for lawn grass is suitable for the harsh climate of our country.

You should be aware of this, therefore, when choosing grass lawn mixtures, preference should be given to those that contain crops low temperature resistant, and can form a thick green cover.

Taking this point into account when choosing lawn grass, after planting, you can quickly get a beautiful carpet in front of your house, which will become the main decoration of your site.

Many people who have summer cottages do not want to bother themselves by planting trees there, plowing the garden, etc. Therefore most often country cottage area it is simply sown with grass, and after some time a green lawn appears.

But the grass lawn in front of the house is not always smooth and green. And I really want perfection.

In this article we will look at the main criteria for choosing seeds for a high-quality, good lawn, as well as the types of lawn grasses and the possibility of planting one type or another.

Variety of lawn coverings

If you decide to sow your plot with grass, then first you need to figure out what grasses are most often used for lawn covering.

Typically, grasses that are unpretentious to weather conditions are used as seed crops - bluegrass, fescue, bentgrass and other meadow grasses.

You can also see ryegrass in the herbal mixtures of large producers, as well as hybrid varieties herbs that give the lawn a green appearance.

Let's look at the most popular crops

Meadow bluegrass is the leader among sowing grasses. Moreover, bluegrass is also found in nature - in meadows, fields and parks.

During flowering, bluegrass reaches a height of 1 m. Bluegrass has several advantages over other lawn crops:

  • powerful root system;
  • resistance to heat;
  • early reproduction;
  • quick recovery after mowing.

In addition, this seed grass is not at all afraid of walking on it. But bluegrass is quite picky: it is sown only in soil rich in nutrients.

By the way, a lawn based on this grass begins to turn green only a year after sowing.

Various types of fescue, like bluegrass, are quite unpretentious. But unlike bluegrass, fescue can grow on soils without proper nutrition. Despite this, fescue does not grow quickly.

Meadow timothy also does not require special care. It is typical for regions of the northern hemisphere. It grows quite quickly, reaching a height of 30-80 cm. It is very attractive in appearance, which is why it is often chosen as a seed crop.

Bentgrass gets along well with other seeding grasses, tolerates any weather conditions very well and has a rich green color.

Pasture ryegrass is rarely chosen as a lawn grass. This is explained by the fact that this grass does not tolerate the Russian winter extremely well: at temperatures below -13 and without sufficient snow cover, the grass will simply die, and next season there will no longer be such a lush grass cover as when sowing.

Very often, annual bluegrass is confused with meadow bluegrass. In the first season, this grass actively grows and turns green, but if it is regularly cut, the crop will not reproduce, and the once green lawn will wither.

Quality mark

Not all grasses are suitable for lawn cover. Some, like ryegrass, exhibit their best properties only in their homeland. And not all herbs can survive the harsh Russian winters.

It is best to buy meadow grass for lawn covering. unpretentious crops. But there are still a number of requirements for lawn crops:

  • Fast recovery. After mowing by hand or mowing with a cultivator, the lawn should return to its original fresh appearance relatively quickly.
  • Extensive root system. With such a system, the lawn will not require much maintenance; it will grow on its own. In addition, weeds simply cannot grow on such a lawn.
  • Decorative qualities: softness, long-lasting brightness and freshness.
  • Frost resistance is a particularly important quality in Russian frosts.

Already when directly purchasing seeds, such points as the purpose of the lawn, soil characteristics, planting area, groundwater etc.

Grass mixture is the best solution

Yes, most often a grass mixture is used when forming a lawn, because... All plants have both strengths and weaknesses.

The creators of grass mixtures combine the most strengths plants and supplementing weak ones. Therefore, grass mixtures can be divided into three types:

  • fast-growing, allowing you to get a new lawn in a short time, or restore the old one;
  • drought-resistant, remaining fresh even in bright sun;
  • shade-tolerant, shade-tolerant.

It should also be remembered that any lawn must be mowed regularly, otherwise, no matter how high-quality the grass mixture is, without proper care it will become untidy and the lawn will have an unattractive appearance.

Photo of lawn grass