Toilet      06/26/2020

Slime oil without glue. We make slime at home. Shaving foam slime - aqua

A hand toy popular with children and adults can be created at home. Making a slime is not difficult, and the process itself is no less exciting than playing with a viscous mass. It is enough to master a few popular recipes to give free rein to your imagination and try to make a unique slime.

Slime, or lizun, is a viscous mass that is easy to knead without losing integrity. Lizun began to call this mass by analogy with the character of the film "Ghostbusters".

Depending on the composition, the toy may be elastic or resemble a puddle, but in the process of use it does not leave marks on clothes or hands.

Elastic malleable mass easily kneads in the hands, helping to relieve tension and distract That is why it is called an anti-stress toy. Children like it for its bright coloring and unusual shapes.

How to make a toy, what ingredients are needed?

To get a toy, you need to mix the base, dye and thickener. After combining all the ingredients, they are thoroughly kneaded. Only after the structure of the substance becomes homogeneous, you can play. For an ideal result, practice recommends:

  • use only fresh glue to prevent lumps in the slime;
  • do not add toothpaste with bleaching granules;
  • do not replace sodium tetraborate with baking soda, their effect is unequal;
  • in the absence of exact proportions in the recipe, the thickener is added in small portions, each time carefully kneading the mass.

The thickener is added to the prepared mixture of ingredients in small portions. to prevent excesses (excesses are the main reason why the slime may not work out).

How to learn how to make cool slimes on your own almost for free, from improvised means or using the most available materials- read on.

Working instructions with proportions

When creating a slime at home, you can use simple ingredients, the main thing is to follow the technology. An important part of the preparation of the slime is the kneading of the ingredients. Do not rush to add a thickener, because the ingredients need time to qualitatively combine into an unusual union.

At home, it is possible to prepare a toy that meets all the requirements of the owner regarding color, smell, consistency and even the safety of the composition. For young children, slime is prepared based on chocolate paste, flour or starch., so you can not be afraid of food poisoning in the baby.

The disadvantage of such compositions is their short service life and lack of elasticity. Quite quickly, they begin to tear when trying to stretch.

Those who need slime to clean the keyboard from small dirt can prepare a mass of the required density from improvised ingredients. The slime does not remain on the surface with which it contacts, therefore its use is safe for technology. lovers original solutions they can surprise people they know by playing with a transparent, magnetic or glass slime - there is no such thing as slime!

Flour preparation method

The option is suitable for those who want to make the most common, but nevertheless, very cool slime from improvised materials, which always turns out. Enough to take:

  • flour - 250 gr;
  • dye;
  • water - 0.5 l;
  • acrylic paints;
  • marker rod.

How to cook:

  1. Flour and water are mixed in a deep bowl, the resulting mass is divided into 3 equal parts.
  2. To color the slime in a beautiful color, add coloring to a bowl with 1 part of the dough and place in the microwave for 1 minute using medium power.
  3. Another portion is cooked in a pan over medium heat, pre-mixed with acrylic paints. The mass must be constantly mixed, not allowing it to lose integrity.
  4. A mixture of water and flour with ink from a felt-tip pen is placed in the oven for 5 minutes, setting the temperature to 160 ° C.

Important! Such a slime is short-lived and a little short of the one bought in the store. It is difficult to stretch and dries quickly, but is great for children.

This video is about flour slime:

From shaving foam

To create a fluffy, airy and elastic slime that is softer to the touch than others, you need to take the following components for mixing:

  • white shaving foam - 1 small bottle;
  • deep bowl;
  • stationery glue stick - 1 pc;
  • boric acid contact lens liquid;
  • water;
  • dye;
  • soda - 1 tsp;
  • boric acid - 1 tsp;
  • liquid soap- 1 tsp
  1. Remove the glue from the package and place in a bowl.
  2. Add the dye and mix thoroughly, only after that add the whipped foam, combining the ingredients in a circular motion.
  3. In a separate container, mix soda and liquid for contact lenses, gradually pour the resulting solution into the prepared mass, constantly stirring it. It should become creamy.
  4. To fix the air slime, a mixture of liquid soap and boric acid is poured into it.

Manufacturers use different ingredients in the manufacture of foam, so in case of failure, you can try replacing this ingredient by taking a different brand of canister. Best results can be achieved by giving preference to budgetary compositions.

Video on how to make slime from shaving foam.

Lizun (Slime) is a toy that you don’t want to let go of. The jelly-like material, similar to mucus, helps not only the development fine motor skills in children, but also stress management in adults. Slime was originally made by Matte using guar gum and borax. Over time, the slime manufacturing recipe expanded: some components were replaced by others, making it the most accessible.

Preparing jelly-like anti-stress is a creative and interesting process. It does not take much time and does not require a large number ingredients. Following all the rules, the creation of a slime will not take more than 5 minutes.

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    The easiest way to make slime #1

    You can prepare a jelly-like toy using soda and dishwashing liquid. These ingredients are easy to find in every home. But when working with them, you must remember that children need to play with such a slime only in the presence of adults.

    • baking soda;
    • detergent for dishes;
    • water;
    • food coloring or paint (preferably gouache).

    Cooking method:

    1. 1. Pour detergent into a glass bowl. The dosage is arbitrary. As the rest of the ingredients are added, it will be possible to focus on the resulting consistency by diluting the future slime with water or dishwashing detergent.
    2. 2. To the detergent must be added baking soda and mix everything thoroughly. If the mixture turns out to be thick, then it can be thinned with other components until the desired consistency is obtained.
    3. 3. When the slime is ready, to give it a bright color, you can add dye or gouache to it and mix well again until fully cooked.

    A jelly-like toy can also be made from ordinary toothpaste.

    The easiest way to make slime #2

    Shampoo and shower gel are only 2 components that are needed to make a slime.

    You need to store such a slime at low temperatures, so after the games you need to put it in a container and place it in a refrigerator. Expiration date - 30 days.

    Cooking method:

    1. 1. To make a slime toy, you need to mix two components in equal proportions in a container. It is worth paying attention to the fact that granules and other additives should not be contained in either the gel or the shampoo. Otherwise, the slime will not be transparent.
    2. 2. All ingredients must be thoroughly mixed, then sent to cool and reach the desired consistency in the refrigerator. After 12-20 hours, the jelly-like slime will be ready for use.

    You can make slime not only from dish detergent, but also from powder. The manufacturing process can be seen in the video.

    The easiest way to make slime #3

    Slime can also be made from safe ingredients, which are based on ordinary baking flour. Even small children can play with a flour jelly toy.

    Cooking materials:

    • baking flour;
    • cold water;
    • hot water;
    • food coloring or natural coloring (beet juice, carrot juice, etc.).

    Cooking method:

    1. 1. Pour 300-400 grams of pre-sifted flour into a small container.
    2. 2. Pour 50 ml into the flour cold water then add 50 ml of warm water. Don't pour too much hot water. After boiling water, you need to give it time to cool down a bit.
    3. 3. All ingredients must be mixed well to obtain a homogeneous mass without lumps. After that, you can add a little dye to the resulting mixture, mix everything well, and send the resulting sticky consistency to the refrigerator for 5-6 hours.
    4. 4. At the end of time, you can get flour slime from refrigerator compartment and let the children play.

    Slime can also be made from salt and shampoo. An easy way to cook can be seen in the video.

    The easiest way to make slime #4

    You can easily make an anti-stress toy from PVA glue and sodium tetraborate powder or solution. This manufacturing method is the most popular, since the slime prepared according to this recipe is very similar to the store version.

    Cooking materials:

In the manufacture of slime, oddly enough, you can do without glue if you use starch, flour, toilet paper, light plasticine, soap. Even such liquid and light textures as shaving foam, shower gel, shampoo, water and toothpaste can become the basis of a toy.

It is important to choose a good thickener, for example, sodium tetraborate, Naphthyzin, Levomycetin drops, lens solution, soda, and keep the correct proportions of the components.

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1. From shaving foam without glue

The foam makes the slime fluffy, airy and light, but stretchy well. This recipe requires a long kneading mass. If you do not want to spend a lot of time, you can add sodium tetraborate as a thickener. But the most patient slimers will do without it, using salt as a thickener.

For foam slime you need to take

  • 12 st. l. the main ingredient
  • 2 tbsp. l. water,
  • 1 st. l. thick shampoo,
  • a few pinches of salt.

Cooking method

  1. Pour foam into a bowl and stir.
  2. Add some water, shake the mass again.
  3. Pour in shampoo, mix everything again.
  4. In several steps, add salt, help it dissolve, working in a cup with a spatula.
  5. Put in the refrigerator for 30 minutes, then knead the mass with your hands.
  6. After 10 minutes of work, you will get a fluffy slime.

Watch this video on how to make a shaving foam slime without glue:

2. from starch without glue

Slime, in which the main component is starch, does not stretch very well. But it is soft, does not stick to hands. The main thing in the manufacture is not to pour a lot of starch. And if you overdid it, you can correct the situation by adding a small amount of shampoo.

simple recipe

  • 3-4 st. l. starch,
  • 1 st. l. thick shampoo,
  • dye,
  • 1 st. l. vegetable oil.

How to make slime

  1. Pour sunflower oil into a container.
  2. Top it up with shampoo.
  3. Tint the mass with pigment and stir everything.
  4. Gradually pour in starch, working with a spoon.
  5. The slime will be soft and pleasant to the touch.

Watch this video on how to make a starch slime without glue:

3. From water without glue

The slime from the water should turn out transparent, but you can also tint it using pigment. The mass will come out elastic and well stretched. Buy guar gum for toys at grocery stores or pharmacies (it's a dietary supplement).


  • 1.5-2 tbsp. l. guar gum,
  • 150 ml warm water,
  • 1 tsp sodium tetraborate.

How to cook slime

  1. Pour the guar gum into the container.
  2. Pour in water and stir until dissolved.
  3. Add sodium tetraborate, still work in the mass with a spoon.
  4. Close the container and leave alone for 24 hours.
  5. Knead the mass with your hands so that it stops sticking to the skin.

Watch this video on how to make a water slime without glue:

4. From plasticine without glue

From the proposed components you get a butter slime. All liquid components must be added to the plasticine mass gradually, in several steps.

Verified Recipe

  • 4 bags of light plasticine,
  • 3 tsp liquid soap,
  • 4 tbsp. l. shaving foam,
  • 1-1.5 st. l. warm water.

How to DIY

  1. Mix plasticine into the total mass.
  2. Pour liquid soap into it and knead with your hands.
  3. Add shaving cream and mix again.
  4. Pour water into a clean cup and, dipping the plasticine mass into it, continue to knead with your hands.
  5. The slime will be soft and fluffy.

Watch this video on how to make a slime from air plasticine:

5. From soap without glue

This method requires the use of a hard soap, but it needs to be cut. You can also take a souvenir, it is not necessary to grind it. Soda and drops should be added a little at a time so as not to thicken the mass too much.

slime recipe

  • 30 ml of souvenir or ordinary solid soap,
  • 2 tbsp. l. water,
  • 0.5 tsp soda,
  • a few drops of Levomycetin.

How to cook at home

Watch this video on how to make slime out of soap:

6. Without glue, but with sodium tetraborate

For this recipe, you need to take a thick shampoo so that the mass compaction process goes faster. You can tint the mass or do without it. In the latter case, the slime will have a shade of shampoo, that is, it will turn out beautiful. Such a toy stretches to transparency, but does not hold its shape.


  • 2-3 tbsp. l. shampoo,
  • 0.5 tsp sodium tetraborate,
  • 1 tsp water.

Making slime at home

  1. Pour out the shampoo from the bowl.
  2. In another container, mix water and tetraborate.
  3. Pour the thickener into the shampoo gradually (you may not need all of it) and keep stirring.
  4. The slime will turn out elastic and shiny, with an excellent ability to stretch.

How to make a slime without glue, but with sodium tetraborate:

7. From shampoo without glue

Shampoo can be thickened with Teymurov spray and soda solution. The first liquid contains boric acid. Baking soda is also known as a thickening agent. Both liquids need to be poured in little by little so that the mass does not turn out to be too dense.

simple recipe

  • 3-4 st. l. shampoo,
  • 4-5 doses of Teymurov's foot spray,
  • 1 tsp an aqueous solution of soda (3 tsp per 30 ml).

Slime preparation method

  1. Shampoo is placed in a cup and sprayed with a spray.
  2. Mix the mass.
  3. Add some soda solution.
  4. Knead until cooked by hand.
  5. The slime turns out to be colored, dense enough, but stretched to a transparent film.

Watch this video on how to make slime from shampoo:

8. From flour without glue

From flour, it will turn out more likely to be hendgam, since the main component makes the mass dense. It does not stretch well, but the toy is pleasant to crumple in hands, it retains elasticity. Instead of cooking in the microwave, you can put the mass in a pan (medium heat) and collect with a spatula. The result will be no worse when used to stabilize the oven (5 minutes at 160 C).


  • 1 cup flour
  • 2 glasses of water
  • any dye.

Do it yourself

  1. Mix flour and water in a bowl.
  2. Add paint, distribute it evenly.
  3. Put the dishes with the mass in the microwave for 1 minute (medium power), then allow to cool.
  4. After a short kneading with your fingers, the mass is ready.

Watch this video on how to make slime without flour glue:

9. From toothpaste without glue

Slime according to this recipe is also more like chewing gum for hands. It is important not to add too much flour here. And if this happens, the mistake should be corrected by adding another portion of toothpaste. Then the slime will turn out soft, beautiful, shiny and elastic enough.


  • 3 art. l. toothpaste,
  • dye,
  • 3 art. l. flour,
  • some glycerin.

Cooking method

  1. Mix toothpaste and paint for a few minutes.
  2. In portions, without ceasing to work with a spoon, add flour until the mass thickens.
  3. Apply glycerin to your hands and knead the slime with your fingers.
  4. It will be shiny and thick.

Watch this video on how to make toothpaste slime without glue:

10. From soda without glue

Baking soda is used as one of the thickeners in this recipe. You do not need to pour it a lot, from this the mass will become rigid. And with a pinch of soda, the slime turns out to be elastic, well-stretched without separation into pieces and crispy.

For slime you need

  • 5 g soda
  • 5 tsp film masks,
  • 1 tsp shampoo,
  • 3 tsp shaving foam,
  • 1 tsp hand cream,
  • 0.5 tsp drops "Levomycetin".

Preparation method

  1. Place mask, shampoo and shaving foam in one dish.
  2. Add hand cream and stir.
  3. Pour in "Levomitsetin", still work with a spoon.
  4. Add baking soda and stir until done.
  5. The slime will turn out airy and snow-white, it does not even need to be painted.

Watch this video on how to make slime with shampoo and toothpaste:

11. From paper without glue

This slime is quite dense due to the paper in the composition. To make it work, it is important to stir it well without leaving lumps.

Proven Slime Recipe

  • 7-10 cm toilet paper,
  • 3-4 tsp dishwashing gel,
  • 2 pinches of soda
  • 0.5 tsp "Naftizina";
  • 4 tsp film masks.

Slime is considered the most popular toy in our time. You can create your own toy at home with your own hands. Children from all over the world are addicted to an unusual hand toy. Making your own slime is very easy. There are many options for making slime from ingredients that are in every home.

In this tutorial, I'll show you 15 ways to make a slime at home with unique step by step photos. Depending on the recipe, it will have its own unique properties - you can make a transparent, luminous, glamorous or edible slime. When making, some add glitter, styrofoam balls, or essential oils to flavor the toy.

Today, many spinners are already fed up, and slimes have taken their place. This anti-stress is able to calm not only children, but also their parents. A mass that does not stick to the hands is called a slime, slime or handgum. It stretches well and can take on different shapes, this toy is very popular with children.

The basis of each slime is a non-Newtonian fluid, which has extraordinary properties. The slime can be held on a vertical surface, it can spread, but it does not leave marks. It is similar to ordinary liquid, but it can be cut.

Lizun without sodium tetraborate from Persil

Persil is a laundry detergent. In the manufacture of slime, it will act as a thickener. Persil comes in the form of a gel, capsules or powder. Slime is made in gel or capsules. The gel bottle has a measuring cap, and the capsules are in a plastic bag. It is very convenient in the manufacture of this slime.

We will need:

  • Washing gel Persil;
  • PVA glue.

We take glassware and pour PVA glue.

Add persil.

When mixing, you will clearly see how the mass curls up.

It takes a few minutes to knead the lump.

Our slime without persil sodium tetraborate is ready! It is very soft and pleasant to the touch.

This recipe is perhaps the easiest. Slime ingredients can be found in every home. You can use glitter to make a unique toy.

In this way, you can make a toy of a decent size. The lump will be lush and stretchy well. This slime is very easy to crumple and stretch.

See how to do it here.

This recipe will take minimal amount time. But keep in mind - if the glue is not fresh, the slime may not work.


We will need:

  • PVA glue;
  • sodium tetraborate.

Pour a jar of glue into the bowl.

For a beautiful color, add a little acrylic paint.

Add tetraborate and stir.

If the mass is not thick enough, tetraborate should also be added.

The resulting mass gently mix and knead.

Here we have such a beautiful lick!

Transparent slime - do-it-yourself slime

To make it, we need only two ingredients: a face mask and sodium tetraborate.

Squeeze the mask-film into a bowl.

Add sodium tetraborate and mix until smooth.

After thickening, our transparent slime is ready.

This is our own unique homemade edible slime recipe.

It is necessary to prepare sweets - soft toffee "Cream-sloth".

In our case, it's Happy Cream.

We remove the wrappers, put the sweets in a glass or porcelain dish.

Add some butter.

Put in the microwave until the toffees are melted. The time depends on their number. You should get a homogeneous mixture.

Transfer the melted sweets to a bowl with powdered sugar. After that, knead thoroughly until the mixture easily falls behind the hands.

The kneading procedure can be turned into a real game. Little kids will love this activity.

Now you can play, the main thing is not to miss the moment, because the toffee should soon freeze. It turned out to be very cool and tasty, and most importantly, such a slime is easy to make.

Almost the same delicious edible slime will be made from Frutella sweets and powdered sugar.

If you understand that you do not have time to eat it before it hardens, just cut it into small pieces. Happy tea!

We will need:

  • tetraborate;
  • PVA glue;
  • acrylic paints.

Pour the glue into a bowl.

Add some acrylic paint.

We mix.

Add tetraborate to the glue.

Mix until thickened.

Here we have such a soft and bright slime.

The slime itself is made as shown in the previous lesson. Next, we take glitter for decoration, they are usually sold in nail design stores.

The number of sequins depends only on your desires.

Toilet paper slime

Most often, children play with slime, so the toy should be as safe as possible. A toy made of flour will be absolutely harmless. Slime made from flour is quick and easy. It is necessary to take any kind of flour, it should not be damp.

Before you start making slime, you need to sift the flour through a sieve. If there is no sieve, then you need to pour the flour into the dishes and mix thoroughly with a spoon. Thus, the flour will be saturated with oxygen, the product will become light and airy.

Sifted or beaten flour will make a softer slime. When making slime from wholemeal flour, it will take a very long time to knead the resulting lumps. This will take a lot of time and effort. The result should be a homogeneous mixture.

We will need:

  • flour;
  • shower gel;
  • green for painting.

Pour the shower gel into the bowl.

Take the green and add a few drops to the gel.

Add flour and knead.

This is the cheapest and easiest slime recipe to make at home, but it's more like hand gum.

The next such beautiful slime will be made from an egg and a mask-film for the face.

Separate the egg white and carefully pour into a bowl.

Whisk with a fork.

For color, add some acrylic paint.

And we introduce sodium tetraborate.

Almost immediately we get a real slime!

Many slime recipes use stationery glue or PVA. If they are not at home, then you can take a glue stick.


  • shampoo;
  • sodium tetraborate;
  • glue stick.

The glue base must be pulled out of the tube and placed in a bowl. It is best to cut the glue with scissors.

We add some water. Place the bowl of glue in the microwave. It is necessary to warm up until the glue becomes viscous, it is better to start with 15 seconds. If there is no microwave at home, then you can use a water bath.

We add shampoo.

We mix everything well.

And add some acrylic paint.

First you need to mix with a spoon, and then you can start kneading with your hands. Knead the slime should be about 7 minutes. It should be soft and stretch well.

How to make a shaving foam slime


  • shaving foam;
  • PVA glue;
  • tetraborate.

Pour the glue into a bowl.

Add shaving foam.

To make the slime colorful, you need to add acrylic paint.

To thicken, add tetraborate.

We mix.

It is necessary to knead the mass until you get a real slime.

Slime should be stored in a sealed container. If it is dry, then it should be put in water. After lying in the water for a while, the slime will regain its former appearance.

Another version of the shaving foam slime

Instead of a bowl, you need to take plastic bag. It should be as tight as possible. Squeeze out the third part of the foam bottle, 100 ml of PVA glue and 1 teaspoon of starch into the bag. Shake the contents of the package well. The components should mix well and turn into a single mass.

The package must be shaken until the slime turns into a thick mass. You can decorate the slime with colored sparkles or foam balls.

All variants of slime, where flour is present in the composition, are more like chewing gum for hands and do not stretch very well.

Keep this in mind before you start making them. But this option is the safest for children.

It is necessary to take flour and shower gel.

Extrude required amount gel in a bowl.

We add flour.

And we mix. Everything is fast and simple.

Flour and gel slime is ready!

Slime from toothpaste at home

The most famous thickener is sodium tetraborate. In order for a child's toy to be safe, it is better to choose a more natural ingredient. This recipe uses flour, toothpaste and liquid soap. With this recipe, you can quickly make funny toy for children. The proposed ingredients can be found in any home.


  • toothpaste;
  • flour;
  • liquid soap.

Toothpaste (25 g) must be squeezed into a container.

Here you need to pour liquid soap (25 g). It can be replaced with shower gel or any detergent.

Then add 5 teaspoons of flour to the container. Mix well with a spoon.

When the slime becomes thick, you need to knead it well with your hands.

If the mixture is not very viscous, then add 2 teaspoons of water. Thanks to the paste and soap, the slime will gain original shade. You can add paint, sparkles or beads to the slime.

Oil and nail polish slime

Slime making is very fascinating process. You can arrange a small laboratory at home. For the next slide, we need olive oil and nail polish.

Pour in some oil.

And pour some nail polish in there.

When the varnish is curtailed, you can pull it out.

This slime is very soft.

The only downside is the strong smell. You can remove an unpleasant odor with perfume or essential oil. This version of the slime will turn out to be very small in size. To correct the situation, you will need several bottles of nail polish.

How to make a slime from silicate glue and tetraborate

Thick silicate glue works well with thickeners.

We take tetraborate as a thickener.

Pour the glue into a bowl.

Add tetraborate until it thickens.

It turns out here is such a transparent slime.

For this option, you must choose the right silicate adhesive. It must be very thick, otherwise the slime will not work!

Not everyone can make their own slime. For this you need:

  1. use quality ingredients;
  2. keep the proportions exactly;
  3. follow the procedure indicated in the recipe.

On final stage a homogeneous mixture should come out, which is easy to pull out of the dish. This indicates that the slime is made correctly. If a homogeneous mixture does not come out, then active kneading will correct the situation. You need to crush the mass until it becomes homogeneous and viscous.

If it turned out to be too sticky and sticks to a spoon, then liquid starch or a little water should be added to it. These ingredients will help the mixture become more fluid.

With an excess amount of liquid, the slime turns out to be viscous, but too slippery. It will slip off your hands. You can drain excess liquid or add a viscous substance. It can be glue, flour or boron solution. After that, you need to re-knead.

A hermetically sealed container is the best slime house. Some species require special storage, such as refrigeration.

Slime should be stored in a closed container. You can put some water on the bottom. The container with the toy must be tightly closed and shaken.

For proper care it needs water and salt. Additionally, you can add pieces of eraser. A slime needs 1-5 pinches of salt per day.

The toy must be bathed. For water procedures you will need a bowl of water in which the slime will be washed. After bathing, it must be put in a container. It is not recommended to hold the slime in hands very often. Its special structure contributes to the collection of surrounding dust and dirt.

Slime play rules

  1. You can't play with the slime for too long. It can be dangerous for the skin. It should not be the child's only toy.
  2. Should not be given to very young children. The baby can put the toy in his mouth or lick his hands after playing.
  3. Slime creation must be controlled at all stages. In the future, it is necessary to monitor the suitability of the toy. If it is made from natural ingredients, then it must be stored in the refrigerator. If there is mold, plaque or a strong smell, you should immediately throw away the toy.
  4. You can not play with the slime if the skin of the hands has damage (scratches, abrasions).
  5. It is unacceptable for a child to come into contact with a solution of borax.
  6. Slime should be done in a room that is well ventilated.
  7. For safety, wear safety goggles. Wear gloves when adding glue or other solutions.
  8. It is important to remember that prescriptions from the Internet are not controlled by the relevant authorities. Parents are responsible for the safety of their children.

Young chemists can perform various experiments while making slime. Some kids do it right in the kitchen. Not only the color of the slime depends on the ingredients, but also its consistency, physical features. Many guys post in in social networks the results of their experiments. On their pages, they share recipes with all users. There are slime lovers who have millions of users subscribed to their page.

The peak of slime popularity occurred after the release of the feature film "Ghostbusters". The toy was named after one of the ghost movie characters named Lizun. Millions of children from all over the world liked the toy and soon large-scale production of slimes began.

In the film, the Lizun ghost was a slippery green creature. The cast has no legs, but has thin arms. Such a fun toy can be made with your own hands from the ingredients available at home. With the help of our master classes, it is easy and simple to do this!

See how to do it yourself here.

I welcome you to the pages of my blog, dear readers. A variety of slimes can be purchased at the store, but you must admit that doing something with a child is much more fun. Such work will not take you much time, I will tell you in detail how to make a slime, delighting yourself and your baby with a fashionable toy.

How to make a slime with your own hands: 18 ways

Today I propose to talk about a toy that is actively gaining the attention of children and even adults - this is a slime that you can easily make at home.

Starch - the basis for slime

At home, it is easy to make a popular anti-stress for adults and children based on corn starch, which is well known to every housewife. For work you will need:

  • a tablespoon of corn starch (do not replace it with potato starch);
  • a glass of warm water;
  • a tablespoon of PVA glue;
  • dye - you can use food for eggs or dye for handmade soap;
  • small sparkles, broths for slime decor.

Step by step guide to work

This completes the toy manufacturing process, you can evaluate the result of your work and please the kids in the house.

If you have not yet decided whether to make such a slime, I suggest watching a short video in which a little girl easily made a cool toy for herself in a couple of minutes. Create with pleasure, experiment and enjoy the result.

Fashion toy without sodium tetraborate

In many slime recipes, tetraborate is considered the main component. This ingredient makes the consistency sticky, which is very important for such a toy. Borax is sold in pharmacies and significantly improves the properties of the slime, but in the process of work you can safely do without it if the nearest pharmacy is far away or already closed.

For work you need to prepare:

  • dishwashing liquid;
  • baking soda;
  • water;
  • a little dye (you can do without it).

I did not specify the exact number of components, so feel free to experiment by making one large or several small slimes.

Stages of work

Leave the toy for a while, it will harden well and turn into the same slime as they sell in the store. Be sure to remember that the slime contains detergent, the child should not taste the toy, and after playing, you need to wash your hands well.

Another recipe for making a sticky antistress can be learned from a short master class, look carefully, experiment and get only pleasure from such creativity.

Lizun from PVA glue

Sodium tetraborate or boron is one of the main ingredients in most homemade slime recipes. It has a fairly budgetary cost and, if desired, this ingredient can be easily bought at the nearest pharmacy. For work, you will still need to prepare:

  • water;
  • a small bottle of colorless PVA glue;
  • food coloring;
  • 2 containers.

Stages of work

  1. Heat a glass of water to 40-50 degrees, pour it into a container.
  2. Add 0.5 teaspoon tetraborate.
  3. Pour 100 ml of warm water into the second container, add a couple of drops of glue, mix.
  4. Add dye to water with glue, mix.
  5. Combine all components in one container, mix thoroughly with your hands.

Be sure to store the finished slime in a tightly closed container, so the toy will last much longer and will remain as good as new.

If you have not yet decided what to do with the whole family in the evening, I suggest watching a video tutorial on creating a very large and sticky slime that you can play with for hours on end and involve the whole family in this activity.

For this recipe, you will need a minimum amount of ingredients and time. Also, do not forget to stock up on a good mood, the evening promises to be fun.

Shaving foam slime

When thinking about what you can use at home to make your favorite toy, be sure to look in the bathroom and look for shaving foam on the shelf. As soon as this product is found, go create, and I'll tell you a couple of recipes now.

Recipe #1

Such a toy is no different from the one that is on the shelves of the store, but its cost will be much lower, which is very profitable. It is important to note that you can make a lot of slime for yourself and friends from one can of foam.

For work you need to take:

  • PVA glue - 100 ml;
  • capacity;
  • shaving foam;
  • food coloring (optional)

The work process is very simple and will not take you much time.

  1. Pour the glue into a dry container, then add a small amount of foam into it and mix well with a spoon.
  2. If the resulting mass is still liquid, add foam again and stir, reaching the consistency you need.
  3. Add the color of your choice.
  4. Take the resulting mass in your hands and knead well for 1-2 minutes.

As soon as your mass begins to resemble in its consistency a toy from a store, the work is over. Be sure to remember that such a slime is not the safest for the health of the child, make sure that the baby does not start tasting this bright slime.

Recipe number 2

To make the toy according to the following recipe, you will need to put in a little more effort, but trust me, the result is worth it. I will not delay the intrigue and announce the list of ingredients that you will need:

  • shaving foam - 750 ml;
  • 125 ml of PVA glue;
  • food coloring (if necessary);
  • 10 ml of liquid for lenses - it can be replaced with boric acid (2-3 drops).

Let's take a look at how to make slime with your own hands according to this recipe:

  1. Mix foam with glue to a homogeneous consistency.
  2. Add dye, it is better to choose light shades, so the toy will look even more like a marshmallow.
  3. Add lens fluid to the composition.
  4. Stir the composition well until it begins to independently lag behind the walls of the container.
  5. Remove the slime from the container and knead it in your hands for a couple more minutes. At first it will stick very sticky, but you can not stop - the result of your perseverance will be a homogeneous slime. It will perfectly lag behind any surfaces and leaves no traces behind.

Recipe number 3

I left the third recipe for the most persistent and hardworking, because now we will create a real rainbow slime. For this recipe, I recommend preparing:

  • 4 containers;
  • 4 bottles of shaving foam with a volume of 250 ml;
  • 4 different dyes that match the colors of the rainbow;
  • 0.5 l of PVA glue;
  • boric acid- you will need to add 2-4 drops to each container.

Mixing future slimes is best plastic appliances- do not use kitchen utensils for this work.

Steps to create a rainbow slime

  1. In each of the 4 containers, add shaving foam and 125 ml of PVA glue, mix until completely homogeneous.
  2. Add a couple of drops of the selected dyes to the containers, mix.
  3. Add boric acid. On average, 2-4 drops will be required for each of the containers.
  4. Knead the resulting masses until the workpiece begins to thicken and begins to lag behind the walls.
  5. Take turns kneading the slimes in your hands.
  6. Take slimes of different colors and combine them into one rainbow.

A very beautiful, original toy is ready, enjoy the rainbow anti-stress and experiment further.

If you don’t like the recipes presented or seem complicated, I suggest you look easy master class how you can make a fashionable toy in a couple of minutes with a minimum amount of effort.

Shaving gel slime

If you didn’t find shaving foam on the bathroom shelf, but saw the gel, use it as the basis for the future slime. In addition to the gel, you should take:

  • 100 ml of PVA glue;
  • Shaving gel;
  • food coloring;
  • sodium tetraborate.

Step-by-step instruction

You can make a bright slime in just 15-20 minutes, be sure to add this recipe to your piggy bank original ideas I'm sure you'll find it useful.

You can learn a couple more secrets of creating sticky toys from the master class that I have selected for you.

Cool slimes from toothpaste

I am sure that it will not be difficult to find toothpaste in the house, so the next master class is devoted to creating toys based on such a component. Watch the video, memorize all the secrets of the author and as a result you will get several different slimes.

Shampoo slime

Dear friends, we continue to test slime recipes that contain detergents and hygiene products that are familiar to everyone. I suggest for the next experiment to take shampoo from the shelf in the bathroom. In addition to this component, you will need:

  • 280 g cornstarch;
  • cosmetic glitter;
  • 90-100 ml of water.

Step-by-step instruction

Pour the shampoo into a dry container. For one slime, you will need 120 ml of this product.

If desired, add a little dye or glitter to the shampoo, this will make the toy more interesting.

Stir the glitter shampoo, sprinkle in the starch, and mix everything again. You can finish making the toy on this, but only on the condition that you like dense and very thick slimes, if this is not the case, we continue to work.

Gradually introduce water into the thick mixture - pour about 15 ml each and stir constantly. Add water until you get the desired consistency.

Knead the slime with your hand until it becomes completely homogeneous. When you get bored with slime, put it in an airtight container. The next day, be sure to refresh the toy by dropping a couple of drops of water on it and kneading everything in your hand again.

Cool slime without glue

Dear friends, if you really like to experiment, I suggest watching an entertaining master class where the author makes a cool slime without glue. I hope you enjoy this video and enjoy your new toy.

The secret ingredient of such a slime is Farmazolin drops. Such a component is surprising at first, but it works and thickens the total mass perfectly, see for yourself.

Sticky soap toy

For all the features of making original anti-stress soaps that can please or even disappoint, see the video master class.

slime from water

Water can become the main part original toys, and you can not use glue. If you still have no idea how to do this, I suggest watching a video master class where the author manages to create very beautiful, transparent slimes. I am sure that such a process will captivate you with your head, and the result will be a set of new anti-stresses.

How to properly store an original toy

It’s not enough just to make a slime, you need to store it properly so that the toy does not lose its sticky properties, for which adults and children appreciate it so much. Use my tips and home anti-stress will please the whole family for a long time:

  • store the slime in a sealed container;
  • when choosing a slime recipe, pay attention to the recommendations for temperature regime, some toys should be stored in the refrigerator;
  • at the bottom of the container in which the slime will be, pour a little water, shake the container itself periodically, so the sticky surface will not dry out;
  • the toy should be bathed regularly clean water, protect from pollution, add 15 g of salt to the slime container once a day - this will significantly extend its service life.

How to safely play with slime

A harmless toy can cause health problems if the conditions for its creation, storage and even use are violated, so follow my recommendations and you will not think about possible troubles.

  1. Do not play with the slime for a long time, its components can cause skin irritation.
  2. Make sure that the child does not eat the toy, does not lick his hands after it.
  3. If the slime is made on the basis of natural ingredients, store it in the refrigerator if mold appears, bad smell- dispose of the toy.
  4. Do not play with the toy if there is open wounds, scratches.
  5. Follow the slime preparation instructions exactly.
  6. Limit your child's contact with hazardous substances- thickeners, glue.

Always try out new recipes with your child, don't let them experiment on their own - it can be dangerous to your health.

Well, my dears, I have told you, perhaps, everything that I myself knew about funny slimes. Tell us in the comments about your experience of interacting with such toys. Share the address of my blog with your friends, subscribe to updates and remember that this is not all, I have something to surprise you with. See you soon!

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoreva