Toilet      06/29/2020

Russian giantesses and smaller guys. Other new stories

Articles for men

About the little man and the giant

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Once upon a time there was a little man... who loved to look at the BIG sky ...

In the morning, the little man went to his work to do his favorite little thing, for which he received his small salary, and was selflessly devoted to his BIG bosses ..

In the evening the little man went to his wonderful little house… Along the way, he admired the design past BIG cars passing by… He passed BIG restaurants where BIG people were relaxing and BIG beautiful music was playing, every note of which resounded in him with the singing of the soul. He inhaled with rapture the aroma of expensive perfumes past the passing BIG beauties, next to whom were BIG gentlemen, and admired these beautiful, thoroughbred BIG couples.

At home, he sat down at the TV and, with tears of delight in front of his talent, watched the movies of GREAT directors and GREAT actors ... And the little man long and unrequitedly loved one GREAT woman, she was for him best woman in the world ... The little man loved this Big world, these BIG PEOPLE and understandingly forgave them that they did not notice his small life at all. He regretted BIG people and was always happy to help them...

Once upon a time there was a small man .... with a BIG heart ...

And in this city there lived a GIANT... who also loved this city in his own way... He was so small for him that the GIANT could gently hug him and warm him with his caring and gentle breath... The Giant felt his responsibility for this small city and those living in him people ... He liked to do something for them, and whatever he did, it turned out GIANTLY and helped everyone live ... Like most citizens of the city, he also had a job and bosses, whom he condescendingly helped. And, of course, he did his job in such a way that it brought GIANT money. However, this was more of an entertainment for him ... The GIANT also admired the cute figures of women living in the city, their grace and desire for love. The GIANT liked to protect them quietly and imperceptibly ... Of course, many of them wanted to be the chosen one of the GIANT himself, but his heart was already given to the only one that he protected more than others .. Wherever she was, she felt and knew that he would protect, save , will help, support and easily give all the best in life ... GIANT loved his city and the world very much, for which he felt his GIANT responsibility ...

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Aunt Styopa
The middle of the eighties of the last century, the beginning of perestroika, October, Sochi, the Sputnik youth tourist center, the International School of Physics. The participants of the school are young people who are just starting to make their way in big science, and venerable scientists who have already properly inherited it. Young people from morning to evening sit in the large concert hall of Sputnik and listen to lectures and discussions of the masters. Old people, in their free time from their lectures and discussions, enjoy relaxation: they swim in the still warm sea, go for walks to the center of Sochi, climb Mount Akhun in small campaigns, sit in coffee houses, sip wine or cognac, leisurely discuss world problems, including number, scientific. As they say, to each his own: flowers for young people - new knowledge and contacts, berries for old people - a small well-deserved rest at the expense of the state.
There are three friends among the participants of the school - young doctors of sciences from Alma-Ata, Tomsk and Moscow. Young not in the sense of age, but in terms of the recent defense of a doctoral dissertation. In fact, they are a little over 40 years old, although they are thirty in soul and body. Friends are united not only by science, but also by close vital interests, where forgivable human weaknesses coexist safely with noble thoughts. Weaknesses include the desire to live a full-blooded life, and noble thoughts - the desire to create good and eternal. It is not known what had more effect - the first or the second, but all three subsequently achieved public recognition and became professors, academicians, heads of research institutes and even deputies.
The third day of the school for Viktor, Anatoly and Andrey, that was the name of the friends, turned out to be free: Anatoly read his lecture the day before, and Viktor and Andrey had to do it in a couple of days. It was a beautiful autumn day, the Sun was shining brightly, the air was warm like in summer, the golden decoration of the surrounding mountains pleased the eye, the soul wanted a holiday. And his friends arranged it for themselves, heading to the "Caucasian village" - a well-known Sochi restaurant at that time near Mount Akhun. The feast went on highest level and by evening the friends appeared at the Sputnik in excellent spirits. Viktor and Anatoly went to their room to rest, while Andrey decided to visit a young lady whom he had met the day before and who lived in the opposite building. It so happened that Andrei mixed up the number of the room where this person lived, and by mistake knocked on another door.
- Sign in! - He heard in response an unfamiliar female voice and entered the dimly lit room. There were two beds in the room, on one of them lay a stranger. It was difficult to determine whether it was a girl or a woman, since there was not enough light in the room. It was already dusk on the street, the window was tightly curtained, the electric lighting was not turned on.
Entering the room, Andrew asked.
- Close the door?
- Yes, close it. - Answered the stranger.
- On the key? - Half in jest, half seriously asked Andrey.
- On the key.
- Should I undress?
- Get undressed.
- Lie next to you?
- Yes, lie down! - The stranger said in a voice that did not allow objections.
Andrei quickly slipped into bed and in a minute realized that he had climbed into the wrong sleigh, or rather, not into his own bed. The stranger turned out to be a giantess, at least 25 centimeters taller than him. When Andrei's face was at the level of the giantess's face, his legs were located just below her knees, but when their feet were at the same level, his nose fell exactly into the hollow between her breasts. Moreover, the giantess turned out to be a very strong creature. When Andrei suddenly sobered up and tried to get out of bed, she hugged him so tightly to her that he could not free himself from her embrace, despite all his efforts.
- Don't move! - Strictly said the giantess. - Today you are mine!
After that, she resolutely set about fulfilling her statement, and Andrei had no choice but to limply surrender to the powerful stream of other people's desires. The giantess took possession of him in the same way that strong and big men take possession of fragile and miniature women: furiously and carefully. True, at times she forgot about caution, and then she turned into a fire-breathing Etna, shaken by paroxysms of passion breaking free.
Some time later, when they came to their senses after violent sex, the giantess was the first to break the silence:
- What is your name?
- Andrey.
- And I'm Stepanida, diminutive of Stepen. Don't think that I'm some kind of prostitute. I don't understand how it all happened. Maybe you haven't had sex in a long time. Training, camps, competitions. Once.
- Are you into sports? Andrey asked with interest.
- Well, yes. I play basketball. Now in collections. Candidate for the basis of the USSR national team. Are you a scientist, perhaps?
- Why did you decide so?
- Now there is some kind of scientific school in Sputnik. Hundreds of two bespectacled arrived. And then, you look like an intellectual. You wear glasses and the skin on your hands is tender. It's clear that hard work you are not doing. Although, as a man, you're fine.
- Thank you for the compliment, Stephen. You are right, I am a physicist.
- I have never met physicists. Most often, athletes and students came across. I am studying construction. I will be a design engineer. In our country, you will not be full of sports for a long time. 30 years will come and that's it, the end of a career.
- It's bad, but such are the laws of big sport. - Andrey sympathized with Stepanida and for the first time tried to examine her face. It was difficult to do this without light. But still it seemed to him that Stepena had the right features. For greater persuasiveness, he ran his fingers over her face and felt under them smooth skin, an open high forehead, a straight small nose, full lips and high cheekbones.
- Doesn't look like a freak. He thought contentedly to himself.
At the beginning of the ensuing conversation, Andrei did not feel quite comfortable. Next to the big Stepanida, he seemed to himself a forty-year-old teenager. Perhaps this was facilitated by Stepanida, who, after sex, was flooded with tender, almost maternal feelings. She listened attentively to Andrei's story about herself and the physicist, stroked his body with her long, strong fingers, and now and then exclaimed admiringly:
- What silky skin you have, Andryusha! Just like a child!
Gradually, Andrey's feeling of discomfort passed, and the conversation took on a completely friendly character. He was interrupted by a resolute knock on the door and a girlish exclamation:
- Degree, open!
A roommate, also a member of the basketball training camp, returned from a walk in the city.
- Wait a minute, I'll get dressed and open. - Stepanida said to her friend from the national team. Andrei quickly got out of bed, dressed and decided to leave the room through the balcony. He didn't want to meet Stepena's neighbor. When he went out onto the balcony, Stepena said to him:
- Andryusha, I want you and I to spend tomorrow evening together. I invite you to take a walk around Sochi and sit in a cafe or restaurant.
- Fine. Andrey said and went out to the balcony. After several closed rooms he found open door into the room in which a cheerful company was celebrating a feast, and went through this room into the corridor, and then into the street.
He found Viktor and Anatoly in their room. They sat and drank Sauvignon.
- Where have you been? Anatoly asked. We can't find you anywhere.
Andrei spoke about the incident, painting juicy details.
- You're lying, Andrew. Victor doubted. “I don’t believe that a member of the national basketball team forced you into bed and basically raped you.
Guys, I swear this is the absolute truth. Tomorrow I will prove it to you.
The next morning, while waiting for breakfast, the friends stood at their building and smoked. At this time, a group of very tall girls in sports uniforms came out of the building opposite, on the jackets of which the USSR was written in bright red letters. One of the girls separated from the group and resolutely went to Andrey and his friends. This was Stepanida. Tall, slender as the Ostankino tower, she walked beautifully and easily, not paying attention to the curious glances of the male physicists who had gathered at the building. Approaching Andrei with friends, Stepanida calmly introduced herself.
- Hello. I am Stepanida. And you are Andrey's friends. Very nice. Andryusha, I want to remind you that tonight we are going for a walk around Sochi. I hope your friends don't mind. I won't interfere with your conversation. Meet at 19:00 near the administrative building. Chao!
She left as beautifully as she came. Victor and Anatoly gazed at her admiringly.
- Well, Andryukha, you are lucky! Look what a feminu grabbed! Both growth and texture! - Anatoly could not resist the delight.
- Beautiful aunt Styopa! - Victor quipped.
- Let Aunt Styopa, but pleasant in every way! I envy you Andryusha. I envy and sympathize at the same time. She's very tall. Two meters tall! It will be difficult for you to deal with it.
- He does not jump high, Tolya, but dive into the depths! Cope, not for nothing that he is engaged in diving. Victor joked again caustically.
And, indeed, Andrei confidently coped with the role that Stepanida offered him. They began to meet every day, becoming more and more attached to each other. Andrei was flattered that a girl like Stepanida had chosen him. He enjoyed spending his free time with her, finding in this communication a lot of pleasant and interesting things. However, his rational mind restrained his feelings and did not allow them to go beyond the limits he had defined. Unlike him, Stepanida was truly carried away by her physicist and was ready for a lot to keep their relationship going. Two days before parting, she told Andrei:
- You know, I want to give birth to a son from you. He will be big and smart.
- What if you give birth to a daughter: small and stupid. - Without thinking, Andrey answered.
- Do you want to hurt me? Stepanida asked in a drooping voice.
- I'm sorry. It's just a joke. But seriously, I can't go for it. I have a son and I don't want to deprive him of his father. I also don't want you to raise a child who doesn't have a father. Come on, let's not create problems for ourselves. Better keep a good memory of our meeting for life. Is this not enough?
- Of course, not enough. You are like a thorn stuck in my heart and it will be difficult for me to part with you. Stepanida answered and wept like a girl, softly and sadly.
She never returned to this conversation. Two days later, they broke up forever. Stepanida was the first to fly away with the USSR national team. Andrei returned to Moscow the next day. At home, he took out a photo album and put in it a photograph in which a merrily laughing Stepanida, dressed in the uniform of the USSR national team, holds her “little” Andryusha in her arms.

What do you do when your Yin puts cancer on your Yang, the Tao becomes so enlightened that you do not need to turn on the chandelier, but some kind of organic liquid yellow color hits the head under a pressure of 15 atmospheres? Personally, I start [masturbating to a portrait of Tatyana Golikova] preparing myself a gala dinner (lunch). So faith in the evening, Yin Yan, raped, gave a signal to the main Moscow and I, with the battle cry "Wan sun", fucked to the nearest store for pork and shrimp to cook Bao-tzu for myself. Bao Zi is such a big and delicious steamed dumpling stuffed with onion, shrimp, pork and soy sauce. Actually, in China there are more than 2000 varieties of dumplings, why I chose this particular one - I don’t know, it seems that the stars converged like that. But sex with perversions and an unforgettable evening, I provided myself.
Have you ever peeled shrimp with your eyes closed? Right, why? It is much more convenient to clean them with open eyes, but not in my case. With an unoperated cataract, peeling shrimp turns into a practical application of an Indian treatise on sex in a variety of positions. The light in the kitchen had to be turned off so as not to irritate the eyes and clean in the dark. The darkness in my kitchen is terrible, Aliens are hiding in the corners, a vampire is constantly peeking out from behind the refrigerator, ghosts are circling under the ceiling, in general, you won’t get bored, but everything is your own, dear. He treated strangers to shrimp, he called the vampire a pervert, he crossed the ghosts three times, remembering the instructions of Father Dermidont, and order was restored. Just yesterday Indian temple prostitutes were teasing and dancing around me and singing songs from Indian films. The aliens began to wag their tails in time, the vampire danced behind the refrigerator, and the ghosts howled. I've had enough, I thought, turned on the light and the devilish obsession was gone. The shrimp were cleaned. Then everything was simple, I wound the minced meat, mixed it, stuck it on, stuffed it into the double boiler, set the timer and went to watch the movie. The film was an interesting "The Help" based on the novel by Katherine Stockett, only now I laowai the unfortunate timer instead of 45 minutes set it to 1 hour 45 minutes. I mean, I'm sitting, watching a movie, dreaming of the same housekeeper for $ 148 a month, and an enchanting pezdets began to emerge in the kitchen. The water boiled away, the fat from the pork and shrimp began to burn (I'll tell you that smell), the kitchen is in smoke, visibility is 0.2 meters. The bao zi became sooty with smoke and became dark brown in color and had an inedible bitter taste.
I had to throw everything out, ventilate the kitchen and study the Kama Sutra until nightfall, i.e. Scrub the mandavarka.
I had to have dinner with sandwiches and milk.
Did your weekend have the same content?

In pursuit of the story about Czech words with an interesting meaning:

krasny zivot (red belly) - a beautiful life,
mam velkou zizn; (mom velco life) - I have a big thirst,
dobra vune (good vune) - a good fragrance,
vonavka (stink) - perfume,
pozor, policie varuje (shame, varue police) - attention, the police warn,
starost (headmen) - care,
vlazna voda (wet water) - warm water,
trup letadla (corpse letadla) - the fuselage (body) of the aircraft,
hraz (graz) - dam,
zakaz koureni (order koureni) - smoking ban,
koryto reky (rzheka trough) - river bed,
nevestka (daughter-in-law) - a prostitute,
pohoda (weather) - calmness (peace),
rakovina (sink) - cancer (disease),
sleva (left) - discount,
zprava (right) - news,
travit (travit) - to carry out,

from Polish - my favorite:

uroda (freak) - beauty.

As already said, I live in Serebryanka. (Area in the hero-city of Minsk, the capital of the Republic of Belarus). The only drawback in my address is a night light opposite. The only one in a good fifth or sixth part of the city. appropriate contingent. At night. Somehow my classmates arrived from Germany and all sorts of Americas. As usual - bread and salt ... by twelve o'clock it was over ... And bread and salt. I say go. For bread and salt. Fortunately, the night light is nearby (so as not to lie: forty, fifty seconds from the entrance). Therefore, I go in my home and in slippers. Regardless of the temperature outside. 90 kilograms of muscles, 182 cm tall, I’ll add - CCM in combat judo (unlike sports, some blows are allowed - well, there, except for the groin, throat ...). The contingent slows me down. Three idiots. Give me money. I take off my slipper right foot- I'm doing a swing. One leaves. I am calm - in martial arts, who knows, they first learn to control themselves! I turn around, put on my shoes, and continue on my way. The second jumps on the back. Poor thing. I expected this and provoked it. He gets from the elbow under the solar plexus, turning the back - he is on the ground, and from the foot, though in a slipper, but to the temple! I ask the third - to take you to the bus stop? It turned out - in Shabany! And this is a very criminal area. Conducted. Why am I doing this? - Hello EVERYONE, when I managed to serve on the Tajik-Afghan border in the early 90s. When the conflict in Kurgan-Tyube began, when only three people with weapons went on leave, when drug trafficking was stopped, and especially to the GER. Not landing, we won’t kill many, but we’ll stand up for ourselves. And I also thank Serebryanka for the lack of fear of scum. Lecturer Physicist.

According to statistics, the average height of women is 162-164 cm. The famous Russian giantess Elizaveta Lisko was 2 meters 27 centimeters tall! Judging by the surviving photos and reviews of contemporaries, eyewitnesses, she had normal body proportions and was considered a very pretty girl.

The tallest woman in history is the Chinese Tseng Jin-lian (1964-1982). She died at the age of 17 with a height of 2.48 m. The name of the 18-year-old Thai woman Mali Duangdee is also included in the Guinness Book of Records. Currently, her height is 208 centimeters, but she continues to grow. Doctors discovered she had a brain tumor at the age of nine, which causes hormonal growth of the body. She is currently receiving expensive injections ($3,200 every three months) to control her rapid growth.

In our country, the most famous living giant is Uliana Semenova, the famous basketball player and Honored Master of Sports (2.18 m). She was born in 1952 in a small Latvian town and worked hard to get into a basketball school. As they wrote in the newspapers: “Passages under the shield, where Semenova is on duty, have no chance of success. Rivals either find themselves under the hands of Semenova, or are driven away like annoying flies. Semenova is by far the tallest athlete in the world.

But the tallest woman of all those born in Russia is still Ekaterina Lisko, who was born in the small town of Krasnokutsk near Novocherkassk in a family of poor bourgeois. This happened in 1877. At first, it was quite an ordinary pretty girl. But after three years, she began to grow "by leaps and bounds" and at the age of 9 she reached up to 2 arshins 11 inches (1.92 m).

The height of her parents was average, so those around her were vigorously discussing her unusual external data. But the girl continued to gain centimeters and by the age of 17 she stretched up to 2 meters 27 centimeters. Her weight reached - 8 pounds (132 kilograms). It is not clear, by the way, where these kilograms came from, because she always ate a little ..

Soon misfortune came to the family - the father died, and Lysko's situation became simply disastrous. Then the older brother of the deceased, Mikhail Gavrilovich, decided to go on an adventure - to use Elizabeth's unusual external data to make money, showing her as a phenomenon (at that time, various "freak shows" came into fashion in Russia).

Uncle and niece went on a trip to different countries. They traveled all over Russia and Europe. At first, Elizabeth lived for some time in St. Petersburg, where she was a welcome guest at all parties. The girl loved theaters and was often seen at various performances. They wrote a lot about her, calling her "miracle giant", and "giant girl", and even ... "miracle of midgets." In Moscow, Liza was at the reception of Prince Dolgorukov. When visiting Kyiv, Metropolitan Platon himself in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra blessed the girl and presented her with a silver icon. Also, Lisa did not hesitate to take part in various fairs and exhibitions.

After her success in Russia, her uncle took her on a tour abroad. Elizabeth was capable of learning, and during her travels she mastered languages: she knew English and German quite well. In 1889, Lisa and her uncle visited Paris, Lyon, Bordeaux, Marseille, then visited the cities of Great Britain: London, Liverpool and Manchester. In 1893, Elizabeth walked the streets of Italy - Naples, Rome, Milan, then visited Zurich, Munich and Vienna.

In Rome, the maiden Lisko was awarded an audience with the Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich (the third son of Alexander II). The Don giantess was becoming more and more famous in high society, and it was considered good form to invite her as a guest to secular salons. In London, she was at a party at the home of the Russian ambassador, Baron Staal, where she made an indelible impression on his wife, Baroness Staal. She even presented Lisa with diamond jewelry for her appearance and beauty. As a result of a foreign tour, she gained fame, became rich, and was predicted to be the husband of princes and barons.

Indeed, Lisa was surprisingly good for her growth, since she did not suffer from gigantism, a characteristic disease of a very tall people. This pathology is associated with improper functioning of the pituitary gland. In patients with gigantism, the bones are bent, cartilage tissues grow, often a person cannot even move normally. Also, the cause of abnormal growth could be a brain tumor, but no pathologies were detected in the Krasnokutsk beauty during medical observations. She was examined by the doctors of Leipzig and gave a certificate that she is "an exceptional phenomenon in the world." This evidence was confirmed in Berlin in 1893.

In the same place, a forecast was made about its further development by Professor Rudolf Virchow. It was disappointing - the girl should grow another 13 inches (58 centimeters), that is, reach almost 3 meters! However, these predictions did not come true. Liza died under mysterious circumstances at the age of 17 somewhere abroad. It was rumored that by that time she even had a fiancé - some Russian prince. The reason for her sudden death, as well as the mystery of gigantic growth, remained a mystery to everyone.

Translation that you can say:
A sudden powerful flash of radiation from the computer screen reduced me to 1 cm.
I woke up lying on the couch in my 17 year old sister's room. She herself was not here, usually by this time she was still at school. So I, as always, sat at her computer. My name is Adam and I am 20 years old. Now I am standing in the middle of my sister Magda's room and looking around. My sister and I get along well, it happens, of course, that we occasionally quarrel and fool around in different ways, but we still trust each other and try to help in solving our problems. Now everything here looks completely different: the bed, the desk, the armchair - all huge, like at home. Continuing to look around, I noticed stilettos standing in the corner, with a high degree of probability belonging to my sister. This sight interested me so much that I decided to come closer and take a closer look at them. As I got closer, the shoes got bigger and bigger, and when I got to them, I was amazed at their size. The height of the heel did not exceed, perhaps, 10 centimeters, but for me it seemed like a huge tower. I walked one shoe around, looking from all sides. Went under the sole, looked up, they were so big they could fit an entire bus in each.
I have always liked women in such shoes, and now I have the opportunity to get to know these shoes better. I was convinced of how heavy they were by trying with all my might to move one from its place - this did not have the slightest effect. This upset me a little, because if this shoe is so big and heavy, then you can only imagine how much stronger my little sister is now. As far as I remember, quite recently my mother measured her height, it turned out to be 170 cm. I thought that it would be better for me to hide somewhere before she returned, otherwise Magda might crush me without even noticing. Deciding to hide behind desk I quickly ran in his direction. Having reached the intended place, I sat down on the floor and began to think about what to do next. A minute later, I caught sight of a spiral telephone wire, through which I could try to climb the table top. From there, I will have a better chance of getting Magda's attention and counting on help in returning to normal height.
Without further thought, I ran to the wire and began my ascent. Pretty quickly, I climbed to a height of 10 cm and decided to look down from there to assess how high I still had to climb. Looking down, I was struck by the realization that a fall from such a height could end in my death. The table was 90 centimeters high, so I still had a long way to go. Halfway to the goal, I heard a loud noise from behind the door and quickly realized that my sister Magda had returned from school. I did not know what to do, go up further or go down - it was equally far in both directions. The sound of my sister's footsteps grew louder, and suddenly the door to the room opened and huge girlish legs appeared in front of me in nylon tights, shod in red stilettos. From where I was, only her legs were visible to the knees, the rest was blocked by the table top. Seeing those monstrous legs approaching, I realized that Magda was going to sit down at the computer. Sitting in a chair, she stretched her legs under the table. The whole situation terrified me, but I continued to watch, spellbound.
After she sat down, her black miniskirt appeared before my eyes, from under which panties were white. I stared so hard that I didn't notice how the giant's knee lightly brushed against the telephone wire on which I was sitting. This caused such a concussion that I almost fell down. Sitting just at the level of her knee, which was gently pushing the wire, I could not continue climbing, doing my best to hold on and not fall. Magda turned on some music, most likely, it was in time with it that she moved her legs. Taking a fresh look at her huge hips, now more like giant trees, I noticed something that I did not notice in my usual state, namely that my little sister had already turned into an adult woman. This sight made me excited, but at the same time a feeling of anxiety, because this giantess could kill me without noticing it herself.
My thoughts were interrupted by the sudden movement of my sister, who jerked forward with the chair to the table, as a result of which the wire, along with me on it, ended up right between her huge thighs. Now the oscillating cord alternately struck first one and then the other of her thigh. She probably barely felt these touches, especially since I could hear the sound of keys and rather loud music. I watched with dismay as her hips moved back and forth again. If she squeezed them, all that would be left of me was a wet spot. So I decided to take the risk and get her attention somehow. Shouting out loud was useless. The music was playing so loud and my voice was no louder than a buzzing fly. So I decided to slap her thigh, but that didn't work either, and I started punching with all my might. All to no avail, on her thigh from my blows, even the skin did not sag. In addition to this, she was wearing pantyhose, which additionally softened my blows. However, looking at their nylon mesh, I realized that I could easily climb them, leaning my hands and feet into the small holes, as if specially for me. If for Magda these were microscopic holes, then from my point of view they looked like holes in a string bag.
I started climbing her thigh, which was not easy for a 1 cm tall man, and besides, her leg did not stop moving. Moreover, the tights were very tight and fit snugly to the thigh, so it was not always possible to properly grasp. Eventually I climbed to the top of her thigh and could continue on all fours. To my surprise, she did not pay the slightest attention to the heaviness of my body. It gave an idea of ​​how light I was now, and besides, her thigh was very elastic and muscular. As she moved her leg, I could feel the thigh muscles working. I wanted to get to the edge of her skirt, and suddenly I felt the muscles of her leg tense up, after which she starts to move. Realizing that she was getting up, I was very frightened and clung to her pantyhose as tightly as possible, already anxiously watching her huge legs straighten to their full length. Looking down, I saw how quickly the floor was moving away and quickly turned my head up.
Now I could only see what was under her skirt. White panties were like heaven to me. At 15 centimeters above my sister's knees and a few centimeters above my head, the edge of her skirt dangled. The swaying skirt covered me from my sister's gaze, so there was little point in screaming and trying to wave my arms. Looking down again, I saw her leg begin to move. Luckily, my little sister started walking at a rather leisurely pace, but even at that pace, I had to do my best to keep on her hip, and her every step on the parquet resounded with a loud hum in my ears. The heels on her shoes weren't as high as the ones against the wall, but they were 6 cm high for sure. From my point of view, her legs looked very beautiful, they moved elegantly, and looking up, I noticed how cute her ass was wagging. From here I could see exactly where we were going, and I soon realized that she was heading for the kitchen. There was a large mirror on the way there, but she didn't even look in its direction. I, on the contrary, managed to see everything that up to that moment was obscured by her skirt.
I noticed that she was wearing a green, unbuttoned blouse, tightly fitting her chest. Her black hair is tied into a bun that falls to her waist. I also noticed myself in the mirror - I looked like a small bee sitting on a huge hip. Arriving in the kitchen, Magda pulled something out of the refrigerator and started warming it up in the oven. In addition, she began to cook something in a saucepan, stirring constantly. Taking advantage of the fact that she was standing still again, I continued my ascent. Realizing that I would not be able to grab the edge of her skirt, I decided to climb further up the inside hips to her panties. They were lacy, which meant I could hold on to them too.
Under the skirt, I felt her delicate intimate feminine scent, in addition, it was quite hot. I had spied on Magda before, but it never occurred to me that someday it would happen this way. I liked it, but I constantly had to be careful not to fall and get caught between her thighs in a death grip. The girl began to walk again, but now I could only guess what she was doing, since nothing could be seen from this place. Luckily, I heard her setting the table and getting ready for the meal. So when she sat down at the table and began to eat, I was ready and began to calmly move on. Now I could move on all fours, which did not require as much strength and was much faster. when I got to the lace panties, I noticed short dark hairs sticking out through the holes. She always looked after herself well, used a bunch of different hygiene products, and even with her size she was very attractive. What to do: try to get further up to her neck or get into these panties and try to attract her attention?
I decided that I would go further up to the neck and there I would try to shout to Magda. The lace panties were quicker and easier to climb than the nylon pantyhose. At some point, I heard a loud call from front door our house. Because of him, my sister suddenly jumped up from her chair and ran to open it. Due to a sharp jerk, I could not resist Magda's panties and slid down them onto a chair. At that moment, my breath was taken away, because I fell from 5 centimeters (with my height of 1 cm). Fortunately, everything worked out, probably due to the fact that the chair was upholstered. Lying on a chair, I heard my sister's conversation with some other girl coming from the corridor. I quickly recognized from the voice that it was Justine, my sister's friend. She is a year older than Magda and has long blond hair, almost as long as my sister's. I have long liked Justine, and whenever she came to my sister I was very kind to her.
A minute later, I saw two gigantic girlish figures walking elegantly in my direction. Justine was wearing red shoes and a green dress that hugged her body like a second skin. Her narrow waist contrasted strongly with luxurious hips and a prominent bust. I was so mesmerized by the view that I completely forgot about my safety, and continued to lie in the middle of the chair. I didn't want Justine to see me, because she might mistake me for an insect and kill me. But with no way to hide, I decided to just stay still. Realizing that the girls were going to sit down at the table, I panicked. Magda motioned for Justine to sit down on the chair where she herself had been sitting before. Seeing this, I started screaming, jumping and waving my arms, but these efforts were in vain, since Justine had already turned her back on me. When she began to sit up, I involuntarily closed my eyes.
Opening them after a while, I realized that I was still alive, looked around and found that I was between the female thighs. Exhaling with relief after such a nervous experience, I began to carefully and admiringly look at Justine's slender hips. A light twilight reigned here, caused by the fact that the top of the thighs were covered with a dress, and the light got here only through a small gap between them. You could hear the girls drinking coffee and talking about school and boys. I became interested in the conversation when I heard Justine telling Magda that she liked her brother. It was very pleasant to hear this, but already in next moment I realized that with my current size, I had no chance. I began to think about what to do next and a minute later I decided that I had to get out of this chair. The only way to do this was to use Justine, because otherwise I would not have been able to descend from such a height. I walked to the edge of the chair, stepping between long woman's thighs. From the glance thrown down, goosebumps ran down my back - it was so high up there. The girl was wearing tights similar to those worn by my sister, so I decided to move again in the already proven way. And so he did.
Somewhere in the middle of the road, I was taken by surprise by an unexpected movement of my foot, but this time I held on tight and did not fall. Looking up, I saw Justine get up and start walking. And again, although she wasn't moving too fast, she had to hold on especially tight when her foot made contact with the floor, so as not to fall down. From my seat, I could hear the metallic clatter of heels on the floor. Glancing ahead to see where we were going, I saw a corridor and a turn to the right. The toilet door appeared in front of me, and another shiver ran down my spine. I realized that there she would be able to notice me. Fear-stricken, I watched her enter the toilet, pull up her dress, and forcefully pull her panties down in my direction. they slid down Justine's legs to the floor, stopping at her ankles. Fortunately, during their movement, they did not catch me, because otherwise I would hardly have been able to hold on. From the place where I was, I could not see anything, but I could hear quite well how she relieved herself of a small need. This noise was as loud to me as if a waterfall suddenly began to rumble nearby. After some time, the girl's hands grabbed the panties and slowly dragged them upstairs. Looking down, I saw that this time there was not the slightest gap between her calves and panties. I immediately realized that now I definitely could not stay on her leg, so I released my grip and fell into the very middle of them. Lying on my back, I saw a pussy approaching me. I looked up to look into her face, but it was obscured by her impressive hemispheres. I just now noticed how huge they are. All of a sudden, everything went dark, there was little to see, I could only smell her feminine scent. Short hairs tickled my face, causing me to sneeze involuntarily. The girl must have felt it somehow, because her hand pushed me hard through the fabric. This caused my feet to dig into her slit, which was now dry. I think I tickled her when I sneezed, causing a similar reaction. If so, there is something I can do. Perhaps I can get her attention, but what will happen when she finds me here?
My thoughts were interrupted by a concussion caused by Justine's going back to the kitchen. I heard her heels on the floor again, but now I didn't have to worry about falling. I was safe in Justine's panties, although the concussions from her footsteps kept me rocking back and forth inside. It was absolutely dark here, but I could feel where I was. The fabric of her panties was thick to me, like canvas. It was very tight, because of which I bounced like on a trampoline. Finally I heard her come into the kitchen and sit down on a chair. When her ass took its place on it, I realized that I was between her buttocks, probably moved there while she sat down. As I listened to Magda and Justine continue talking about school, I decided to take advantage of the immobility of her gigantic body to get out of the grip of her buttocks. I felt a little uncomfortable because of the feeling that they could easily crush me. In the end I moved to a safer place where I could quietly listen to their conversation.
Feeling her pubic hair, I realized that I could attach myself to one of them, and then I would not be in danger of being between her buttocks again. So I did, it turned out just in time, because the girls got up from their seats. This saddened me a little, because I knew that Justine was going home, and there I could not count on the help of my sister. However, I didn't have a chance to do anything about it. I only heard the doors of my house close, and then her footsteps up the stairs. Five minutes later Justine was already at home, you could hear how she took off her shoes and went, most likely, to her room. There she lay down on the couch, turned on the TV and started watching some series. By this point, I was already bored, and I decided to have some fun. First of all, I got rid of her hair, deciding that if the girl is lying, then such precautions are useless to me. Then I moved up to her lips. I was so small that she didn't even notice. She did not react at all to my movements, so I decided to open her lips, which were now tightly compressed. I had to apply all my strength for this, then I felt an intimate smell emanating from the opened gap. I realized that she was not aroused yet, as her lips were relatively dry. There was nothing to see, but I touched her clitoris and began to lick it, and almost immediately realized that for such a huge woman, these caresses were too small.
Her clitoris was big and to awaken it, you had to think of something else. So I grabbed it with both hands and started squeezing it lightly, the effect was immediate. Her intimate smell intensified and became hotter. Justine must have felt aroused too, her legs spread wide. I heard that she continued to watch the film, but continued her caresses, feeling aroused by her smell and the very place in which I found myself. I completely forgot and began to squeeze her clitoris with my palms more and more. Her breathing became deeper and faster. This turned me on even more, and I began to rub her clit with both hands. The voices from the TV were still audible, but now they were blocked by Justine's loud moans. It worked on me like a red rag on a bull, and I continued to rub, pull and stroke her clitoris, making even more effort, she began to move and spread her legs. I was extremely excited by her reaction and worked hard with my hands. Although I was completely naked, I was very hot, with my feet I began to rub her flesh between my lips. The girl, just as strongly aroused, began to arch on the bed, and her moans became even stronger. Suddenly, I felt a strong pressure on my shoulders, it was Justine's hand that landed on her clitoris, pressing down on me at the same time. By the vigor of her pressure, I realized that she was approaching the brink of orgasm. Her fingers pushed me down into her vagina, I tried to resist, but it was to no avail. Luckily, she kept caressing her clit and didn't push me deep into her vagina. With my height, its depth would be 16 meters, and for me it was a real bottomless well. I grabbed one of her hairs and held on to it as she shuddered on the bed, reaching the pinnacle of pleasure. Her cunt was contracting around me, squeezing so hard that my bones could barely support it. Suddenly, the contractions weren't as strong, so I was able to push myself up a hair's breadth out of her vagina. Getting outside, I lay down on her clit when suddenly a blinding light burst into her panties and I saw Justine's huge face looking down between her colossal tits. She looked into her panties, trying to understand what caused her such arousal. Finding some kind of creature on her clitoris, she thought with disgust that it was some kind of insect. I started waving my arms, seeing it in her eyes and realizing who she took me for. Luckily, she brought her face closer to me and found that I was a naked, tiny man.

Finally realizing who this little man was, she asked him with a smile:
- Adam, what happened to you?
He shouted back at the top of his voice, but she only saw his lips move and heard strange sounds she couldn't understand. She realized that he was saying something to her, but because of his size, she simply could not hear.
She felt no shame because he was lying on her pussy, because she always dreamed of a relationship with him. Now she had him completely at her disposal and could do with him whatever she wanted. And she was not embarrassed that he got to the most intimate corner of her body. On the contrary, she was happy, especially since she experienced a violent orgasm just a minute ago because of this. Seeing that he continued to move his lips, she said that it was not worth trying so hard, because nothing was heard anyway. Then she invited him to come closer to her ear and try to tell her everything from there.
"I don't want to take you with my fingers so as not to hurt," she said, really wanting to feel the steps of his tiny feet on her body.
Adam rose to his feet, embarrassed by his nakedness, and covered his erect penis with both hands. Seeing this, she laughed and told him not to worry, because she had already seen manhood. Then he slowly removed his hands from his protruding cock. She noted that he was still standing. Saying that she would now lie still and wait until he got to her ear, she lowered her head onto the pillow. Adam saw her huge face slowly disappear behind the mounds of her breasts like the setting sun. He stood as if rooted to the spot, looking at the flat plain of her naked belly that stretched out before him. In the distance, her huge breasts, closely covered by a T-shirt, rose up, obscuring everything that was further away. Standing in her lap, he saw her chest and belly rise and fall with every breath she took. The TV was still on and he noted that his sister's favorite show was on, so she was probably watching TV right now.
He cautiously moved to her head along the lower abdomen. His cool feet warmed in contact with her warm body. Justine felt his tiny feet tread on her skin in the lower abdomen, tickling her like a fly's paws. These sensations made her focus all her attention on where Adam is now, and completely forget about the series. She felt those tickling touches reach her navel and stop. She wondered with interest why he had stopped there, unable to look over his ample bust without moving so as not to disturb Adam. Meanwhile, Adam curiously entered her navel, which was so deep for him that he hid his head in it. A minute later, he climbed out of his valley and continued on his way, feeling the ground beneath his feet rise and fall in time with her breathing. Feeling his footsteps again, she smiled and took in the sensations. Eventually he got to the hem of her tank top and began to think about where to go next. Should I climb on the fabric on her breasts or try to crawl under the T-shirt? He really wanted to try the second option, but he was afraid of Justine's reaction and the danger associated with it.
Justine also wondered which road Adam would take. Realizing that she no longer felt the touch of his cold feet, she realized with some disappointment that he was moving further along the fabric of her shirt. Although mentally agreeing with his choice, she thought that next time she would not give him the opportunity to choose. Adam reached the steep slope that was Justine's right breast. Estimating that its height is at least 20 meters, he thought that it would be a difficult climb. Clinging to the edge of the T-shirt and slowly getting up, at some point he noticed that there was no bra under it. He could feel the warmth of her body through the fabric and it turned him on. Noticing that he would soon reach the summit, Justine closed her eyes and pretended to be asleep. A couple of minutes later, Adam climbed to the top and looked around.
He saw before him a huge face with closed eyes. Thinking she was asleep, he slowly glanced down at her flat, tender belly. Then he turned his gaze to her pussy, on which he lay recently. Her infinitely long legs stretched even farther. from where he was now to her feet, it was at least 250 meters for him. The admiration of her beauty and size again caused him a fit of excitement. He looked down at his feet and noticed that he was standing on her nipple, which was now at least half a meter high. But she was not excited now, and according to his estimates, the excited nipple should have been much higher. Standing on it, it was difficult to keep her balance during her breaths. Once he even staggered, but still managed to hold on and not roll head over heels back onto her stomach. Otherwise, he would have to overcome this 20-meter climb again, for which he would hardly have had the strength. Suddenly he heard sports news on TV and decided to listen to it. Standing on Justine's nipple, he stared at the screen just as the girl, impatient at his passivity, opened her eyes slightly to see what he was doing. Seeing him, she covered them again to let him hear the news. The announcer was just announcing the results of football matches, and Adam heard about the victory of his favorite team. This news was so pleasant to him that he jumped for joy, his behavior aroused the girl, because of which her nipple instantly tensed. Its height increased to 3 meters, and the sudden growth pushed Adam, and he rolled down her chest, to his delight, being at the base of the neck, close enough to the giantess's ear for her to hear him.
- Justine! he shouted.
She opened her eyes with a smile and replied that she was no longer sleeping. Sitting on her throat, he told how he became so small and how he ended up in her panties. Listening to how he climbed up her leg, how he climbed into her panties and how he brought her to orgasm, Justine felt a strong arousal. She confessed to him that she had been in love with him for a long time, but did not dare to admit it to him. Hearing these words, Adam wanted to kiss her on the lips. He got up and started climbing up her neck. with some difficulty, he managed to get to her chin, after which he crawled on all fours to the red lips of the giantess. She guessed what he wanted to do and didn't move her head as he rose to her lips. Feeling that he had reached her lower lip, she stuck out the tip of her tongue, which he began to cover with passion with kisses and caress with his small tongue. At the end of this unusual kiss, he was soaked through, but very aroused. After all, her tongue at the same time accidentally caressed his penis. He knew that his cock was too small for her to feel and caress with her tongue on purpose. This kiss also aroused her so much that she wanted to repeat it immediately. Feeling it on her lower lip, she tilted her head back a little, and the little man disappeared into her huge lips. Now she could feel his presence on her tongue in her mouth. She began rolling it around in her mouth with her huge tongue. Several times she felt him grabbing onto her teeth where her tongue couldn't reach him. Once in the great dark cavern of her mouth, he began to worry. Her huge tongue eventually pressed it against her teeth and began to lick it carefully. His penis was extremely aroused and a minute later it shot out with a powerful charge, the taste of which the giantess did not even feel, continuing her caresses. Finally she stopped and pushed the man out with her tongue into her open palm. The tiny creature lay in the middle of her palm, smiling broadly at her. She noticed that his cock was no longer so tense, and with a smile she guessed that he had come in her mouth. Getting out of bed, she went to the bath, not letting her little man out of her handful.

Thanks for this post:

The Brazilian model, who was forced to drop out of school because she was teased as a "giraffe", gained incredible popularity not only at home but also abroad, starting to crush men for money.

The growth of a resident of a South American country is 2.03 meters. She earns by fighting and crushing people for money. Also, Cynthia, who weighs just over 90 kilograms, flies all over the world, meeting with fans one on one.

“Some men want things that other women don’t do or are afraid to do, and I’m brave enough,” says 30-year-old Cynthia. “I have a lot of clients who are willing to pay me to sit on them or wrestle with them.” ".

The woman admits that new job changed her whole life and now she is able to provide for her family.

Growing up in the countryside, Cynthia suffered because of her height and never felt comfortable. At the age of 15, she left school because the children constantly teased her, calling her a giraffe.

“I constantly suffered from depression and never even liked myself,” says the giantess. “My life began to make sense after I took up basketball, but a knee injury put an end to big sports.”

The girl was introduced to the world of Amazon models by a stranger who approached her in a bar. Then Cynthia realized that she had finally found her calling.

Having become one of the tallest models in the industry, she was inundated with orders soon after the start of her career. Men are ready to pay $300 for one hour with a girl.

However, despite the rather intimate nature of the work, Cynthia insists that nothing sexual ever happens between her and her clients. She even claims to once make $10,000 in a day by accepting financial donations from adoring fans.

"I get more orders than I can handle. This job has given me the opportunity to travel all over the world. I get most of the requests from Japan, but regular customers there are in New York and London," the woman told Mail Online.