Toilet      03/05/2020

Vertical generator. How to make a vertical wind generator. Main advantages of VAWT wind generators

In this article we will look in detail at how to make a wind generator with your own hands. After all, life modern man It’s hard to imagine without electricity. And even small interruptions in the supply of electricity sometimes become a “paralyzing moment” for normal life in own home. And such problems, we have to admit, are, alas, not uncommon for some suburban villages or settlements in rural areas. This means that you need to somehow protect yourself from troubles and acquire a backup source of energy. And if we also take into account the constantly growing tariffs, then having your own source, and even one that works practically “for free,” becomes the cherished dream of many home owners.

One of the areas of development of “free energy” in our time is the use of wind energy. Many have probably seen impressive pictures of huge wind turbines, successfully used in some European countries - in some places the share of energy generated by wind already reaches several tens of percent of the total volume. So the temptation arises - shouldn’t I try to make a wind generator with my own hands in order to once and for all gain independence from the power grid?

The question is reasonable, but you should immediately cool down the ardor of the “dreamer”. To create a truly high-quality, productive installation for generating electricity, considerable knowledge in mechanics and electrical engineering is required. You need to be very experienced craftsman all trades - to be whole line operations of high complexity, requiring precise design and a qualified approach to execution. For the totality of these reasons, as can be judged from discussions on forums, quite a lot of “applicants” either did not receive the expected result or completely abandoned the planned project.

Therefore, this article will provide an overview showing common problems and directions for solving them in the process of creating wind generators. It will be possible to roughly assess the scale of the work and soberly weigh your capabilities – whether it’s worth taking on yourself.

What is a wind generator? General system structure

There are several ways to obtain electrical energy - through exposure to a stream of photons (light, for example, solar panels), due to certain chemical reactions(widely used in batteries), due to temperature differences. But the conversion of kinetic energy into electrical energy is currently most widely used. This transformation occurs in special devices, which are precisely called generators.

The operating principle of a generator that converts kinetic energy into electrical energy was discovered and described back in the 19th century by Faraday.

The principle of the simplest device electric generator

It lies in the fact that if a conducting frame is placed in a changing magnetic field, then an electromotive force will be induced in it, which, when the circuit is closed, will lead to the appearance of an electric current. And a change in magnetic flux can be achieved by rotating this frame in a magnetic field, or created permanent magnets, or appearing in the excitation windings. When the position of the frame changes, the magnitude of the magnetic flux crossing it changes. And the higher the rate of change, the greater the indicators of the induced EMF. Thus, the more revolutions are transmitted to the rotor (the rotating part of the generator), the greater the voltage can be achieved at the output.

The diagram is, of course, shown with great simplifications, just to understand the principle.

The transmission of rotation to the generator rotor can be carried out in different ways. And one of the ways to find a free source of energy that will set the kinematic part of the device in motion is to “catch” the force of the wind. That is, approximately the same way as the creators of windmills once managed to do it.

Thus, the design of a wind generator implies the presence of a generating device and a mechanism for transmitting rotational motion to the stator, that is, a windmill. In addition, a design that ensures reliable installation system, since it often has to be placed at a considerable height so that natural or artificial obstacles do not interfere with the full “wind catching”. In some cases, a kinematic transmission is also used, designed to increase the number of rotor revolutions.

One example of overdrive transmission from a windmill to a generator

But this is not all. The presence and speed of wind are most often extremely variable values. And making the consumption of generated energy dependent on the “whims of the weather” is unreasonable. Therefore, a wind generator usually works in conjunction with an energy storage system.

The generated current is rectified, stabilized and, through a special controller device, either goes directly for further consumption, or is redirected to charge powerful batteries included in the circuit. From batteries through an inverter that converts D.C. in alternating voltage and frequency, the power is supplied to the points of consumption. The batteries become a kind of buffer link: if the current load is less than the current (very dependent on the wind force) power of the generator, or if no consumer devices are connected at all for some time, then the batteries are charged. If the load becomes higher than the generated power, the batteries are discharged.

An interesting point is that it is precisely this feature of a wind power plant that allows you to plan the power of the generator itself, not based on peak load indicators (the inverter will be largely responsible for this), but based on the predicted energy consumption over a certain period (for example, a month).

Of course, more can be used in everyday life simple circuits. For example, a wind turbine simply serves some kind of low-voltage Lightning equipment and so on.

Pros and cons of wind power plants

For example, let's first look at the simplest design a wind generator that even a middle school student can assemble. Practical use such a “powerhouse” – not particularly broad, but just to broaden your understanding and gain some skills – why not?

Who is for the vertical? Who's against it?

If we were at a meeting of experts arguing about which wind turbines would be more profitable to place near country house or a cottage village - wind generators with a vertical axis of rotation, or horizontal ones, then such an atmosphere would appear that would reveal the pros and cons of these types of wind turbines. First, about the advantages of a vertical windmill:

  • almost silent in the strongest gusts of wind;
  • provides optimal efficiency in any wind conditions;
  • catches any direction of air movement;
  • unpretentious;
  • the absence of current collection brushes does not require their replacement;
  • takes off with a minimum breeze of up to 1 m/sec;
  • its design uses only one bearing due to axis levitation;
  • it can be located near the house, or on the roof;
  • does not require additional devices to start;
  • completely harmless to birds, bees, and the environment;
  • not afraid of wet snowfalls and icing.

And those who prefer horizontal windmills note one of the few but significant disadvantages of vertical windmills:

  • do not effectively use wind energy compared to horizontal ones;
  • more material is spent on their assembly;
  • a noticeable difference in prices towards overestimation.

Their opponents do not give up: wind generators with a vertical axis of rotation, they argue, are unpretentious to gusts of wind in any direction (vortex-like), which makes it possible to install them in places with small spaces. In addition, they are indifferent to destructive hurricanes, since with increasing rotation speed, the stability of the axis with the impeller increases. To top off the advantages of vertical wind turbines over traditional horizontal wind turbines, they can be used anywhere: on the roofs of houses, on platforms, towers, taiga cabins, trailers.

Although, no matter how much one argues about the pros and cons of this or that installation, the arguments of practice outweigh. They make it possible to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of any wind generator installation under specific operating conditions.

Yes, a horizontal windmill is cheaper, but a vertical windmill will not require large amounts of money during installation and installation. Yes, a horizontal wind generator has a higher efficiency, but a rotary wind generator does not require lifting to a greater height, which simplifies its operation. Yes, a horizontal windmill requires less material for the impeller, but its counterpart is more resistant to hurricane winds.

As they say, who goes where, and I’m in the savings bank. Some are for what, but the majority are for vertical wind turbines. Moreover, every year inventors improve this installation and it will soon become one of the leaders in demand.

Wind - for money!

Stop! You didn't make a mistake, by any chance, in terms of the title? Shouldn't the words be swapped? – you can ask, dear reader. No, when we talk about how a rotary wind generator marches victoriously across our planet, confidently taking its place in the sun, such a phrase is quite acceptable.

To prove this statement, one example out of thousands of options can be given. Let's take a similar brainchild of designer Alexander Sergeevich Abramov. In the vastness of Russia, it was he who came up with the idea of ​​​​profitable use of a rotary wind generator. Because while the main advantage of this installation is to work with the slightest breath of air, in any direction, such a wind generator is perfectly suitable for weak Russian winds.

Who can argue with the fact that it is more profitable to have a more sensitive wind turbine near your home than one that is willing to work only in fairly strong winds. Where can you find these in the vast expanses of Russia?

It was Abramov who, for the first time in Russia, came up with the idea of ​​switching to production, as well as the introduction of such wind generators. What is most valuable about this idea is that given the eternal shortage of materials for the construction of a wind turbine, and plus the famous invention of the Russian people, even the laziest rural peasant can make such an installation. Don't believe me?

Such a wind generator can be constructed without much difficulty from the most readily available materials lying literally under your feet: from large, 3-liter plastic bottles, from tin can, plywood or textolite, steel axle, junk electric motor. Scheme of a simple vertical wind engine from a tin can (see figure).

It is enough to cut the bottle in half, fasten it with its concave sides in opposite directions, and make an axis of rotation in the center, which should be connected to the generator. All. The windmill is ready to work. You can take it on hikes. It will illuminate your taiga or camping tent, charge your phone or laptop battery.

Here it is necessary to say a few words about Abramov himself. Alexander Sergeevich is the oldest adherent of mastery, who cannot imagine himself for a single day without technical creativity. In his brain, and then on paper, more and more new models of engines appeared, which work using energy sources that were unthinkable to a superficial glance. Until his very last days (he lived for 96 years), Alexander Sergeevich was interested in rotary wind generators, for which he predicted a great future. The inventor was deeply convinced that money could be made from wind. Moreover, it’s easy.

It is known that designers disdain rotary wind generators. Allegedly, compared to horizontal windmills, they are ineffective in using wind energy. Alexander Sergeevich Abramov did not object to his opponents. He just silently did it, tested several models of his own design of vertical wind generators. All of its designs have demonstrated impeccable efficiency under any pressure of air flow, from a light breeze to a hurricane wind. This the main difference them from their horizontal counterparts speaks volumes. It’s a useless thing to shake the air with arguments and shouts, it’s better to do it. Show.

Here's another clear example self-starting wind generator with a vertical axis at a wind speed of less than 1 m/sec. This video shows an experimental example of a vertical windmill that begins to rotate in conditions of very little air movement. Even the tree branches are motionless, and the windmill slowly rotates its wings, pleasing the eye of the inventor.

In conclusion, it must be added that rotary wind generators are not only silent, but also capable of operating in any wind. Today they are produced with two and three-tier rotors in relation to the power of the installation and the prevailing winds in the area.

A wind generator or, in common parlance, a windmill is a simple device that provides its owner with considerable savings due to the production free electricity. Such an installation is the dream of any owner cut off from centralized networks plot or summer resident dissatisfied with the newly received receipt for electricity consumption.

Having understood the design of a wind generator, the principle of its operation, and having studied the drawings, you can make and install a wind turbine yourself, providing your home with unlimited alternative energy.

Is it legal to use wind?

Creating your own, albeit compact, power plant is a serious thing, so it is logical that the question involuntarily arises: is their use legal? Yes, if the power of the wind-started installation does not exceed 1 kW, which is quite enough to ensure electric shock average country house.

The fact is that it is with this power indicator that the device is considered household and does not require mandatory registration, certification, approval, registration and, moreover, is not subject to any tax.

However, before you make a wind generator for your home, it is better to protect yourself and take into account a few points:

  • Are there any special restrictions on use in your region of residence? alternative sources energy?
  • What is the local permissible mast height?
  • Will the noise from the gearbox and blades exceed the established standards?
  • Should there be protection against generated airborne interference?
  • Will the mast interfere with bird migration or cause other environmental problems?

If you think through all the nuances in advance, then neither the tax, nor environmental services, nor neighbors will be able to make claims and prevent the receipt of free electricity.

How does a windmill work?

Ready in the photo homemade wind generators presented elongated metal structures on three or four supports, with blades moving from the wind. As a result, the kinetic energy received by the wind flow is converted into mechanical energy, which in turn starts the rotor and becomes electric current.

This process is the result of the well-established operation of several mandatory components of a wind power plant (WPP):

  • A propeller with two or more blades;
  • Turbine rotor;
  • Gearbox;
  • Controller;
  • Electric generator axis and generator;
  • Inverter;
  • Battery.

It is also necessary to provide a brake block, nacelle, mast, weather vane, low and high speed shaft. The device also determines the operating principle of the wind generator: the rotating rotor produces a three-phase alternating current, passing through the controller system and charging the DC battery.

The final amperes are converted by the inverter and sent through the connected wiring to output points: outlets, lighting, household appliances and electrical appliances.

How to do it yourself?

The most reliable and simplest design is considered to be a rotary wind turbine, which is an installation with a vertical axis of rotation. Ready homemade generator this type is capable of fully ensuring the energy consumption of the dacha, including equipping living quarters, outbuildings and street lighting(though not too bright).

If you get an inverter with 100 Volts and a 75 Ampere battery, the windmill will be much more powerful and efficient: there will be enough electricity for both video surveillance and alarm systems.

To make a wind generator, you will need structural parts, Consumables and tools. The first step is to find suitable windmill components, many of which can be found among old stocks:

  • Generator from a car with a power of about 12 V;
  • Rechargeable battery 12 V;
  • Push-button semi-hermetic switch;
  • Inventor;
  • A car relay used to charge the battery.

You will also need consumables:

  • Fasteners (bolts, nuts, insulating tape);
  • Steel or aluminum container;
  • Wiring with a cross-section of 4 square meters. mm (two meters) and 2.5 sq. mm (one meter);
  • Mast, tripod and other elements to enhance stability;
  • Strong rope.

It is advisable to find, study and print drawings of wind generators with your own hands. You will also need tools, including an angle grinder, a meter, pliers, a drill, a sharp knife, an electric drill, screwdrivers (Phillips, minus, indicator) and wrenches.

Having prepared everything you need, you can begin assembly, focusing on step by step instructions which tells you how to make a wind generator with your own hands:

  • Cut blades of the same size from a metal container, leaving an untouched strip of metal of several centimeters at the base.
  • Symmetrically make holes with a drill for the existing bolts in the bottom of the container base and the generator pulley.
  • Bend the blades.
  • Secure the blade to the pulley.
  • Install and secure the generator on the mast with clamps or rope, stepping back about ten centimeters from the top.
  • Set up the wiring (to connect the battery, a meter-long wire with a cross-section of 4 sq. mm is enough, for loading with lighting and electrical appliances - 2.5 sq. mm).
  • Mark the connection diagram, color and letter markings for future repairs.
  • Install the converter with quarter-gauge wire.
  • If necessary, decorate the structure with a weather vane and paint it.
  • Secure the wires by wrapping the installation mast.

Do-it-yourself 220 Volt wind generators are an opportunity to provide a dacha or Vacation home free electricity in the shortest possible time. Even a beginner can set up such an installation, and most of the parts for the structure have been lying idle in the garage for a long time.

Photos of wind generators with your own hands

IN Lately fans of renewable energy sources prefer vertical wind turbine designs. Horizontal ones are becoming history. It's not just a matter of what to make vertical wind generator with your own hands is easier than horizontal. The main motive for this choice is efficiency and reliability.

Advantages of a vertical wind turbine

1. The vertical design of the windmill catches the wind better: there is no need to determine where it is blowing from and orient the blades to the air flow. 2. Installation of such equipment does not require a high location, which means that a vertical windmill with your own hands will be easier to maintain. 3. The design contains fewer moving parts, which increases its reliability. 4. The optimal profile of the blades increases the efficiency of the wind turbine. 5. The multi-pole generator used to generate electricity is less noisy.

We'll tell you how to make parts and assemble a vertical wind generator with your own hands.

Algorithm for making a turbine with your own hands

1. The supports (upper and lower) of the blades are two concentric circles of the same size. They are made from ABS plastic - cut with a jigsaw. A hole with a diameter of 300 mm is made in one of them (it will be the top one).

2. The lower support should rest on the hub, which can be used as a hub passenger car. To connect the parts you need to mark and drill 4 holes. 3. When assembling a vertical wind generator with your own hands, Special attention pay attention to fastening the blades. For correct location blades need a template. On the lower support we draw a six-pointed star (Star of David), the corners of which will be on the edge of the circle. We project the drawing onto the upper support. The blades are made from thin sheet metal in the form of a strip 1160 mm long, the width of which is slightly larger than the side of the star’s ray.

4. The blades are secured with two corners at the top and bottom, and they should be bent so that a quarter circle is formed. They are placed one after another around the circumference, placing them on the edges of the rays.

We make a rotor

1. The bases for a rotor with a diameter of 400 mm are cut out of plywood 10 mm thick. Along the outer radius using liquid nails or epoxy glue, permanent neodymium magnets with high inductance are attached. They are arranged similarly to the numbers on the watch dial (exactly 12 pieces), observing the polarity (it is recommended to mark them). To prevent the magnets from moving out of their place, they are temporarily fixed with spacers made of wooden wedges.

2. The second rotor is made similarly and symmetrically to the first. The difference is in the polarity of the magnets - it should be opposite.

How to assemble a stator

The stator is assembled from 9 inductors. There should be three groups of series-connected coils (3 pieces per group): the end of the previous one is connected to the beginning of the next one (star configuration). The coils are located symmetrically at the vertices of three triangles inscribed in a circle. Winding is performed with copper wire 0.51 mm in diameter (type - 24 AWG). 320 turns are required. This will allow you to get a voltage of 100 V at 120 rpm at the generator output. turbines. You can make a vertical wind generator with your own hands with different output voltage and current parameters by reducing/increasing the number of turns and the diameter of the stator winding wire. The turns of the coils are wound in the same way. It is necessary to observe the direction of winding and mark its beginning and end. Epoxy glue is applied over the outer turn and electrical tape is wound in four places to prevent unwinding.

Rules and nuances of connecting coils

The ends of the coils must be cleaned of varnish insulation. Connections are made by soldering. The coils prepared in this way are placed on a paper sheet, on which a diagram of their location is applied (in accordance with the position of the permanent magnets of the rotor). Secure them with tape. All free fields of paper (except for the centers of the coils) are sealed with fiberglass, filling epoxy resin with hardener. The winding terminals must be located outside or inside the stator. To attach the bracket, holes are made in the stator.

Final assembly and installation

The following are assembled onto one axis (from top to bottom): the lower support of the blades, a disk with permanent magnets (the upper base of the rotor), the stator, the lower base of the rotor and the hub. All components are attached to the bracket with studs. For good contact we use bolts made of of stainless steel. Having finalized the remaining details, we get finished device. A vertical windmill with your own hands should be installed in an open area, where the wind force is greatest. It is advisable that there are no tall structures nearby. Then the wind generator will efficiently generate electricity, which will help save money.

The wind turbine that people think of most often and first of all is a wind generator in the form of a propeller. Many people don’t even suspect that others exist. In fact, there are other types of wind generators. Some resemble a rotating column, others resemble a chain carousel like in an amusement park. Only in place of the chains are vertical blades located. Such wind generators are called vertical. Why vertical? - Because the axis of the rotating generator faces upward, that is, it is located vertically.

What was the idea of ​​a vertical wind generator?

Wind generators with a vertical axis of rotation have a more complex design. After all, vertically mounted blades must be held in this position, and securely kept at a distance from the axis of rotation. Why then did they develop and implement such a unit?

The main ideas according to which a wind-axial wind generator was created were the following. The first is that since the vertical blades do not care from which side the wind blows on them, the entire structure does not need to be turned towards the wind as a weather vane does. Due to this, the windmill does not need to adapt to the changing direction of the wind, during which part of the energy is lost.

The second is low speed, and therefore low noise installation. Because the high speed are unacceptable here, the noise from rotating parts is noticeably lower. This means that such a wind turbine can be installed in the city and residential areas without any fear.

The third idea is that the vertical wind generator is more resistant to storm winds. This is also facilitated by the spinning top effect, which makes it difficult for the rotor to deviate from the axis of rotation. And the fact that the blades are constantly moving away from the wind. And in the braked state, the plane of the frontal collision of the blades with the wind is lower than that of the horizontal plane.

Technical features of rotary wind generators of the latest models

First of all, we note that rotor orthogonal wind generators are most widely used and are mass-produced. Its appearance is shown in the photo.

The following innovations have been implemented in the latest models of installations. First of all, it is a three-tier rotor. The blades of such a rotor have become lighter, their fastening is more reliable and they are distributed more evenly along the radius.

Another innovation is the frame design of the windmill. Here the bottom and top of the rotor have supports. Accordingly, its rotation is more smooth and it itself is more reliable. The frame allows you to install vertical wind generators even without a mast, simply on flat surface or even land. And, being fixed on a stand, it is especially good for mounting on flat roof. Solar panels can also be mounted on the stand.

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