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How to make free electricity. The most unusual ways to get electricity. Free electricity from the ground

Details Published: 12/07/2015 11:13

New way Baku resident Elchin Abbasov found the opportunity to produce electricity. By using homemade device Azerbaijani inventor can charge mobile phone or a flashlight.

Elchin Abbasov's original electricity generator resembles a miniature barbecue. The principle of its operation is quite simple: it is poured into the tank cold water water, and a candle (or any other source of open fire) is lit under it, wires are fixed on opposite sides of the container, which act as “plus” and “minus”. As a result, due to the temperature difference, electricity.

“When we apply voltage here [to an electrical appliance], it becomes warm on one side and cold on the other. But if it’s the other way around: we make one part warm and the other cold, then we get a voltage that we will use for lighting or charging the phone or for any other purpose,” says the engineer.

With one glass of water and fire, the device is capable of generating 10-12 watts of energy. This is enough to charge two phones. The device can be useful for those who love active recreation: with its help, during camping conditions, you can charge a dead flashlight or adjust the lighting of a tent.

“We get electricity here using an open fire, but there are options in which you can do this using simply the difference in water temperature: to generate electricity, you need to pour cold water into one part of the device, and cold water into the other. hot water"- says the Azerbaijani.

Elchin also has other inventions in his arsenal. Most of of which belongs to the category alternative sources energy, and all of them are significantly different from traditional wind turbines and solar panels. The scientist’s plans also include another ambitious project: if the tests are successful, it will be possible to obtain electricity from the water of the Caspian Sea.

Reference. The idea of ​​thermal electricity has been known to people for about 200 years. Thermoelectricity is a set of phenomena in which a temperature difference creates an electric potential, or an electric potential creates a temperature difference.

The idea of ​​obtaining free electricity is using the potential difference between the network zero and the ground.
A small disclaimer: this method of generating energy works 100 percent. This is not a hoax, some incomprehensible device that draws electricity from the ether, some kind of miracle device on magnets, etc.
We will use the voltage difference between the 220 V network zero and ground.
If we talk in simple language, then there are wires from the power plant to consumers - zero and three phases. Since the wires have their own resistance, therefore, there will be a voltage drop on them. This is the tension we will catch. This potential also creates a phase imbalance.

It is legal?

Yes, the power grid is not punished for this, since we will not use the phase. And in fact this is not theft.

Will electric meters take this energy into account?

It all depends on the type of electricity meter. There are meters with one shunt (with one measuring element) - the most common and two-shunt (with two measuring elements). One shunt I just don’t take into account zero - since their measuring shunt is located on the phase.

How much electricity can you get?

It all depends on the number of subscribers in the network and the power of all wiring. Usually it's somewhere between 3-10 volts. If you connect a step-up transformer, you can light LED lamp. The voltage after the step-up transformer is about 100-220 V.


Any transformer from a radio, tape recorder, etc. It is advisable to use a low voltage of 3-9 Volts on the secondary winding.
Please note that you use all manipulations at your own peril and risk.

Precautionary measures

Be sure to install a fuse in the circuit between zero and transformer or circuit breaker amps by 5-10. This is necessary so that the entire structure does not burn out if the phase with zero is suddenly changed. The probability of this event is, of course, negligible, but you need to be prepared for anything. Rather, there is a high probability that the zero will break - and this happens all the time. And the machine gun will definitely save you.
Even when working with zero, be sure to turn off the network. Well, even free light should not be left unattended.

Electricity is an integral part of our life. Electrical energy has become firmly established daily life, and even when going on a trip or purchasing a house or land in the most remote corner of our vast country, a person sets one of the first tasks that needs to be solved - providing himself with electricity.

For home

The owner has country house, even if there is a traditional power supply system, sometimes there is a desire to reduce the cost of paying bills for consumed electricity. electrical energy.
Some developers create completely autonomous system and become independent from electricity suppliers. This power supply system is especially relevant for remote places where there are no stationary power supply networks.
Currently, thanks to the development of technology and technology, installations using alternative energy sources, such as solar, wind, water and biofuels, have become widespread.
When producing your own electricity, used to power your home, all of the above energy sources can be used.

Energy of sun

When choosing installations that use solar energy as a source of electrical energy, you need to know the features of the location, which determine the number of sunny days per year.
Devices used to convert solar energy into electrical energy are solar panels (batteries), which, depending on the required power, are combined into groups.
The panels consist of photocells placed in a common housing. The principle of operation is based on the properties of photocells to create a potential difference between their layers when exposed to sunlight.

Solar panels are the main element of solar power plants, which, in addition to them, include the following elements:

  1. A rechargeable battery (battery pack) is a storage device for electrical energy.
  2. The controller is an electronic device responsible for the charging and discharging process of the battery.
  3. An inverter is also an electronic device that converts direct electric current accumulated in a battery into alternating current with a voltage of 220 V.
  4. Protection devices and automation devices, as well as connecting wires.

As an additional equipment to increase Solar efficiency power plants are used solar trackers– devices that allow you to determine the position of the panels in space, in accordance with the location of the sun.

Wind energy

When choosing an alternative energy source, which will be wind, it is also necessary to know what winds and what strength are blowing at the location where the equipment is installed.
Devices that convert wind energy into electrical energy are wind generators. Data technical devices differ in power, performance, installation conditions and design, on which all the previously listed indicators depend.

Wind generators are:

  1. With a horizontal axis of rotation - the rotor axis and the drive axis are parallel to the surface of the earth.
    There are single-bladed, two-bladed, three-bladed and multi-bladed, with the number of blades up to 50 pieces.
  2. With a vertical axis of rotation - the axis of rotation is located vertically relative to the surface of the earth. These devices vary in technical design: with Savounis rotor, with Darrieus rotor, with helicoidal rotor, with multi-blade rotor and with orthogonal rotor.
  3. Wind generator - sail.

All of the listed devices have their own advantages and disadvantages, so the choice is always up to the user, which can be made based on selection criteria and individual needs.

Water energy

Living outside the city and having a small river, stream or other body of water nearby, you can use the energy of water to generate your own electricity.
In this case, it is necessary to build an individual micro-hydroelectric power station.
Equipment for such installations is produced in various capacities, and even a small stream can meet the electrical energy needs of a home.

Micro-hydroelectric power plants are bottled in:

  1. Type: dam, diversion, dam-diversion and free-flow.
  2. Operating principle: "water wheel" principle, garland design, using Darrieus rotor and using the propeller principle.
  3. Installation capacity and equipment installation conditions.

Each type of micro-hydroelectric power station and the principle of its operation have their own pros and cons, which
determine the choice of equipment and the possibility of use in one or another
specific case.


Living side by side with wildlife, there is always the opportunity to construct a biofuel production plant. Biofuels come in solid, liquid and gaseous forms.

Solid fuel ( regular firewood) and liquid, which require special equipment for production, are not advisable to consider as sources of electrical energy, but gaseous ones can.

Gaseous biofuel is biogas obtained as a result of fermentation of substances of plant or animal origin, which are always available in the household.
The fermentation process occurs under the influence of bacteria in a hermetically sealed container. The gas thus obtained is sent for combustion. When gas is burned, the steam generator produces enough steam to rotate a steam turbine connected to an electrical generator that produces electric current.

Earth energy

On the territory of our country, there are places where activity continues in the deep layers of our planet (in the surface of the earth). In such regions, earth energy can be used as an alternative source of electrical energy.

Depending on the source that gives off its heat, such energy is divided into:

  1. Petrothermal - the source of energy is layers of the earth that have a high temperature;
  2. Hydrothermal - the source of energy is groundwater.

The earth's energy, in the form of steam, is supplied to a steam turbine, which is connected to an electrical generator that produces electric current.

In the case of individual use, only the method of using direct action is possible, when steam comes directly from the surface of the earth.

Other options, indirect and mixed methods, can only be used in industrial methods of energy processing.

All the options discussed above for using alternative energy sources to produce their own electricity are available to users when creating necessary conditions for their operation.

For creating independent systems power supply, it is better to use several alternative energy sources simultaneously to compensate for the possible difficulties of each method of generating electricity separately.

Quite widely, for autonomous power supply to houses, the wind generator + solar power plant scheme is used.

For apartment

If a desire arises, create an independent power supply system for a separate apartment, in apartment building, it is impossible to use such sources as: biofuels, earth energy, water energy, and wind energy is also difficult to use.

The only source of energy that can be used to generate your own electricity in a separate apartment, without creating inconvenience for neighbors, is the use of solar energy.

The industry produces sets of solar power plants of low power, which can easily be placed in an apartment. Solar panels, in this case, are placed on the roof apartment building or the external facade, if it is located on the south side of the house.

A solar power plant kit, not of high power, consists of the same elements as for power supply at home, the only difference is in quantity solar panels and batteries.

Options for a summer residence

If it is necessary to create an independent power supply for a dacha, the option of using a solar power plant is also the most acceptable. In this case, if the equipment is used seasonally, it is possible to mothball the devices or take them out of operation for the period when there is no need for operation.

The option of building a wind generator is also quite affordable and justified. Because having incurred some one-time financial expenses, in the future you can, depending on your needs, receive your own electricity.

The option of using the “wind generator + solar power plant” scheme in this case is also relevant, and allows you to create a completely autonomous and reliable circuit electricity supply

How to make it yourself

The sets of equipment described above are quite expensive, so creative people with engineering savvy sometimes have thoughts about how to make this or that device with their own hands.

In order to make a unit capable of producing electrical energy using alternative energy sources, it is necessary:

  1. Have basic knowledge of electrical engineering and electrical networks;
  2. Possess skills in working with hand mechanical and electrical tools;
  3. Be able to work with a soldering iron;
  4. Have free time and, most importantly, the desire to create your own device capable of generating electricity.

If, as an energy source, we choose Sun rays, then it is necessary to make a receiving panel - solar battery. There are several ways you can do this:

  1. Purchase photocells and connect them in a certain way (done by soldering). Make a panel body in accordance with the dimensions of the assembled receiver, into which to place the photocells.
    With this manufacturing option, it is possible to produce a fairly efficient device that can provide electrical energy small dacha, not used for a long time.
  2. At low power load when you need to charge cellular telephone or other electronic device, you can make a solar panel from used diodes or transistors.

Wind generator from a room fan

The simplest wind generator can be made from an ordinary household fan.
To do this, you will need a small generator from a vehicle or an engine-generator, which must be mounted on a room fan stand. To do this, you can use any plastic container, inside of which the converting device is placed. At the edge of this, a diode bridge is placed in the container, to which wires are connected, which are output to outer surface containers.

Fan blades are placed on the shaft of the generator (motor-generator), and a shank is attached to a plastic container, which can be made from scrap materials (plastic, plywood, plexiglass, etc.).

All assembled structure placed on the fan stand; for this you can use a piece of plastic or other light pipe with a diameter slightly smaller than the hole in the stand. This will allow the structure to rotate around its axis, depending on the direction of the wind.

The fastening of parts and assemblies is checked, and if necessary, they are strengthened. A load is connected to the output wires. The device is ready for use.

Your own electricity and your own water

Living outside the city, and having a small river or stream next to your house or dacha, you can always provide yourself not only with water, but also with your own electricity.
Of course, you can purchase a set of micro-hydroelectric power stations, which are quite widely presented on domestic market, but can be made similar device and with your own hands.
The design can be simple or complex, it all depends on the need for electrical energy, as well as on the type of reservoir, i.e. the ability of water to create pressure in a given direction.

For the manufacture of simplest design You will need a car generator, a bicycle or other wheel, a pair of pulleys of different diameters or sprockets, as well as a metal profile (angle), which is available.

From metal profile The mounting structure for the wheel and generator is manufactured. The wheel can be positioned parallel or perpendicular to the plane of the water, it depends on the type of reservoir. Blades made of metal, plastic, plywood or other material are attached to the wheel. A pulley (sprocket) of larger diameter is attached to the wheel axle.

The generator is mounted, and a pulley (sprocket) of smaller diameter is attached to its shaft. The pulleys are connected by a belt drive, the sprockets by a chain. Wires are connected to the generator terminals. The wheel is placed in water. The installation is ready for use.

Features of installation and operation of autonomous sources

To install on your suburban area, cottage or apartment, an alternative source of electrical energy, no permits or approvals are required. It is the right of each user to determine for himself how to provide himself and his loved ones with electricity.

However, when constructing devices with high power, it is necessary to take into account factors influencing environment and neighbors living nearby.

So when using:

  1. Solar energy – when placed large quantity solar panels, significant areas will be required, and therefore, it may be necessary to draw up documents for additional land plots.
  2. Wind energy - it is necessary to take into account that wind generators, during operation, emit noise, which can negatively affect others.
  3. Water energy - in the case of a dam, a certain amount of land is taken out of service, which must be taken into account during construction.
  4. Biofuels - when producing the gaseous form of this energy source, smell is a constant component of the production process. This must be taken into account when creating this method of producing electrical energy.

In addition to the fact that there are no prohibitions on the installation of equipment producing electrical energy using alternative sources, there is also a law according to which every citizen who has installed equipment with a power of up to 30.0 kW, and receives excess electrical energy that he himself does not can use - has the right to sell it to third-party consumers. This right is called the “Green Tariff”.

Many electricians are interested in one very popular question - how to independently and freely obtain a small amount of electricity. Very often, for example, when going out into nature or going on a hike, there is a catastrophic lack of an outlet to charge a phone or turn on a lamp. In this case, a homemade thermoelectric module assembled on the basis of a Peltier element will help you. Using such a device, you can generate current with a voltage of up to 5 Volts, which is quite enough to charge the device and connect a lamp in an emergency. Next, we will tell you how to make a thermoelectric generator with your own hands, providing a simple master class with pictures and video examples!

Briefly about the principle of operation

So that in the future you understand why certain spare parts are needed when assembling a homemade thermoelectric generator, let’s first talk about the structure of the Peltier element and how it works. This module consists of series-connected semiconductors - pn junctions located between ceramic plates, as shown in the picture below.

When an electric current passes through such a circuit, the so-called Peltier effect occurs - one side of the module heats up, and the other cools. Why do we need this? Everything is very simple, this effect also works in the opposite direction: if you heat one side of the plate and cool the other, you can get electricity of low voltage and current. The huge advantage of this method is that you can use any heat source, be it a fire, or a hot mug of boiling water, a cooling stove, and so on. For cooling, you can use air or for more powerful options - ordinary water, which you will definitely find even in camping conditions. Next, we move on to master classes that will clearly show what and how to make a thermoelectric generator with your own hands.

Assembly master class

We have very detailed and at the same time simple instructions on assembly homemade generator electricity based on a mini-oven and a Peltier element. It will be useful to every traveler on a hike. To begin, you need to prepare the following materials:

  • The Peltier element itself with the parameters: maximum current 10 A, voltage 15 Volts, dimensions 40 * 40 * 3.4 mm. Marking – TEC 1-12710.
  • An old non-working power supply from a computer (it only needs a metal case).
  • Voltage stabilizer, with the following technical characteristics: input voltage 1-5 Volts, output – 5 Volts. This instruction for assembling a thermoelectric generator uses a module with a USB output, which will simplify and make the process of recharging a modern phone or tablet safe. This part can be purchased at a radio component store or online.
  • Radiator. You can take it from the processor directly with a cooler (fan), as shown in the photo.
  • Thermal paste, sold at a computer store.

Having prepared all the materials, you can proceed to making the device yourself. So, to make it clearer to you how to make a generator yourself, we provide step-by-step master class with pictures and detailed explanation:

The thermoelectric generator works as follows: you put firewood and small wood chips inside the furnace, set them on fire and wait a few minutes until one side of the thermoelement heats up. At the same time, you can boil water on a wire rack. To recharge the phone, you need the difference between the temperatures of different sides to be about 100 o C. If the cooling part (radiator) gets hot, you will need to cool it - carefully pour water on it, put a mug with liquid, ice, etc. on it. It is better to mount the radiator so that its fins are positioned vertically, this improves heat transfer to the air.

And here is a video that clearly shows how it works homemade electric generator on wood:

Generating electricity from fire

You can also install a computer fan on the cold side of the device, which will slightly change its design. Let's look at this option in more detail:

In this case, the cooler will consume a small fraction of the power of the generator set, but in the end the system will operate with higher efficiency. In addition to telephone charging, the Peltier module can be used as a source of electricity for a flashlight, which is no less useful option generator applications. Another feature of this design is the ability to adjust the height above the fire. To do this, the author uses a part from a CD-ROM (one of the photos clearly shows how you can make the design yourself).

If you make a thermoelectric generator with your own hands using this method, the output voltage can be up to 8 Volts, so to recharge the phone, you need to connect a step-down converter that will make the output stable 5 V.