Toilet      06/20/2020

Home waterfall on glass - exquisite decor in the apartment. Home waterfall on glass: two successful developments Waterfalls on glass

Do you want to add some zest to your interior and create a decoration for it that is superior in beauty and prestige to any furniture or home gallery? There is one for you unusual solution- waterfalls on glass. In this article, we will together reveal the secrets of an unusual room accessory, how to buy and install it correctly, and also discuss whether it is possible to make a waterfall with your own efforts.

How does a home waterfall fountain work?

The system for creating such exquisite decor consists of several interconnected devices:

  • electric pump;
  • frame made of plastic or metal with anti-corrosion properties;
  • cascade base made of unbreakable glass or mirror;
  • base of the water intake;
  • decorative stones;
  • backlight

Inside, when switched on, a distillate constantly circulates and does not form limescale, does not acquire odor over time and does not rot.

Electricity consumption is relatively low - 130-150 W; with regular use, it will cost you no more than, say, a lamp. The continuous period of operation (without shutdown) of the structure is impressive: it can function non-stop for 18-20 hours a day if necessary. Optimal for apartment options there will be a period of 3-4 hours a day, which will delay the need for service in the future.

Which home waterfall should I buy?

Each type has its own advantages, and also differs in design and compatibility with the interior. It is better to think about which type will be better and more interesting for you in advance, before contacting the manufacturer.

The waterfall on the glass is a truly enchanting sight. To enhance the effect in the dark, turn on the backlight different shades. The design is simple - water continuously flows down a wide glass panel; a water inlet is installed below, where it goes, returning to the system. Water circulates through the fountain and creates the beautiful illusion of a cascade from an endless source. The noise of falling water is minimal, as the streams roll along smooth surface glass, without forming free fall and, accordingly, noise.

A waterfall on strings is a completely different embodiment of the same idea. A water supply system is installed in it at a height of 180-200 cm above the water inlet. The fall occurs along a stretched string or plastic tube, which gives the impression that water is falling in a thin curtain.

The advantage of such a waterfall is the maximum visual effect of falling water. Disadvantages - noise and splashes are still noticeable if installed incorrectly, although you may want such a waterfall just for the sound of water, and splashes can be minimized if the installation is carried out by a professional.

The bubble panel is a fundamentally different design for a home waterfall. First of all, this is a closed waterfall, hermetically bounded by high-quality glass or, in some cases, triplex, which cannot be broken. Further, the movement of water is created not by falling, but by aeration of the water mass into large, beautiful bubbles. By setting up a home water show with a bubble panel, you can adjust the intensity of bubble formation and the strength of the flow. With lighting - indescribable beauty!

The bubble column is similar to the previous version, but differs in shape. It is a round column with a diameter of 15-25 cm, with a bubble presentation inside. Such columns are installed in different ways - singly or in a group of 3, rarely 5 pieces. Multiple compositions are rarely used in the interior of apartments, since due to some massiveness they are more suitable for spacious halls, entertainment centers or exhibition halls.

How to install a home waterfall?

Of course, you guessed that such technologically advanced structures should be installed by a professional. A home waterfall made with your own hands not only loses in appearance, but also probably does not correspond technical specifications and will bring more disappointment than joy.

About which important details What do you need to remember before you get started? Firstly, the water structure itself has considerable weight, and, like any circulating system, it needs reliable and stable support. The installer will start by finding out how the flooring is located in your room.

Any unevenness is unacceptable, and loose boards, old parquet, lumpy linoleum or laminate laid on voids are a potential problem for the entire structure. That is why before installation you need to repair the floors or at least make a screed in the place where your water decor will be placed.

Secondly, the beauty of a water cascade depends on the correct distribution of tension and tension of the jet. For example, a waterfall on glass will unsightly curl into thin streams if the top of the slide is installed with flaws.

Only a professional with experience can do everything correctly; the best self-taught home craftsman will not be able to align the cascade perfectly.

Third, the materials and their assembly require special tools. Assembly consists almost entirely of soldering polypropylene, and not everyone has the equipment and experience for this type of work. Mistakes will cost not only defects in work, but also damage to materials, the price of which is quite high. Therefore, we advise you to contact only specialists who can install the structure without any problems and provide further service.

Are there homemade home waterfalls?

In fact, there are, but you shouldn’t delude yourself about this, and here’s why.

Waterfalls on glass

The most beautiful and popular product is a glass waterfall, often called a weeping panel. This waterfall looks impressive and is a wonderful element of a designer interior.
A glass waterfall can be made as a free-standing structure, which is used to delimit space. Decorative waterfall on glass can be the most different sizes- from very small to huge impressive structures. Literally 10 years ago it was impossible to buy glass waterfalls in Russia; they were ordered from Europe, but now you have the opportunity to order a product based on an individual project!

String-drip waterfalls

String-drip waterfalls form a wall from which water flows smoothly and beautifully. The speed of water movement can be different, the wall can resemble a real Niagara Falls or it can look like quietly falling rain. String-drip waterfalls will help you create an amazing environment, and with the help of lighting you will create three-dimensional picture, which everyone will remember. Most often, a string-drip waterfall is used as a partition between rooms or simply for a decorative effect.

Waterfalls on the mirror

The real embodiment of the style is a waterfall on a mirror. With the help of such products you can easily make any boring environment attractive and unusual. Glass waterfalls are installed in business centers, hotels, and apartments. The use of lighting allows you to fit the waterfall into any interior.

Artificial waterfalls on stone

Decorative waterfalls on glass in the interior

A decorative waterfall in the office immediately catches the eye. Your visitors, clients, and partners immediately get the feeling that they are with a reputable and representative company that they can definitely trust. In addition, a home waterfall performs not only a decorative function. The waterfall humidifies the air, this is especially important in winter, when full power There are many heating devices in operation.
A waterfall in the apartment creates a cozy atmosphere and harmony. Helps reduce emotional stress and restores strength after a hard day at work. An artificial waterfall gives the apartment dynamics. With the help of well-chosen lighting, you can visually enlarge the space and benefit from the surroundings.

When returning home from work or a long trip, you always want to relax and unwind in a cozy, comfortable environment.

Not only houseplants and aquariums, which must be constantly looked after, make the interior of the room softer, relieve internal emotional stress, soothe and caress the eye.

You can let the beauty and enchanting whisper of nature into your apartment with the help of glass waterfalls. Running water, decorative lighting, waterfall design on glass, mirror or stone add zest to the interior of rooms and have a beneficial effect on the condition nervous system, humidify the air in the room.

How it works?

An installation in which water flows down the glass does not require an additional water source or connection to central water supply. The flow pattern of the liquid is as follows: from the lower container, water is moved by a pump to the upper storage tank, from where it falls evenly along the smooth surface of the plexiglass and again ends up at the bottom. Quiet and uninterrupted operation of the waterfall is ensured by pumps the best manufacturers, capable of raising water to a height of about 2 meters. The pump and lower water tank are not visible; they are hidden behind decorative panels.

Distilled water circulates in the device. Such water does not bloom, does not emit odor, and does not form on surfaces. calcareous deposits. Care technical design incredibly simple. It is enough to occasionally wipe the outer surfaces with a damp cloth. Placing a waterfall on glass does not require much space, and visually the area of ​​the room or hall increases with this decor.

The manufacturer's warranty for “water on glass” equipment is one year.

Running water in the interior

Placing a waterfall on glass in an apartment or country house has no restrictions. In rooms where laminate, parquet, wallpaper are used for decoration, a drop of water will not fall on the floor or walls. The design is completely sealed. Correct installation prevents splashing of water during operation of the device. At the request of the customer it is possible to manufacture as miniature structures, and waterfalls of considerable size. The product, designed and manufactured according to individual requirements, always takes into account the characteristics of the living space perfectly.

In an apartment, a waterfall can be built into a niche or wall, using falling water to divide the room into zones, or hide part of the room behind a wall of water. Decorative design details are made from high-quality materials, their color and texture are carefully selected and harmoniously complement the interior.

The fact of taking a measurement does not oblige you to enter into a contract! The decision to order an aqua design is only your decision, and we can only help you make it.

Our design manager will take accurate measurements of the openings, provide detailed advice on aquatic products, help you choose the appropriate configuration, calculate the cost of the order, and, with your consent, draw up a contract at your home. We are confident that our clients deserve professional treatment!

For residents of other cities in Russia and Kazakhstan, the cost of measurements is included in the cost of installing waterfalls and bubble systems. It is carried out only with a completed contract and prepayment.

We ship bubble systems and waterfalls to any city in Russia and Kazakhstan.

Delivery of aquatic products is carried out by the transport company “Zheldorekspeditsiya” in rigid packaging. The cost of delivery depends on the weight of the product and on average does not exceed 2000 rubles. Delivery within the city to the transport company terminal is free.

It is necessary to determine the type of product by, its variety, dimensions(diameter or length, width, height), indicate the requirements for decorative finishing of cabinet elements, built-in lighting, whether it will be necessary to organize the delivery and installation of equipment.

Can. We can deliver any order and install it on a turnkey basis at your facility, regardless of its remoteness within Russian Federation and countries of the Customs Union. The cost of installation depends on the location of the facility and the complexity of the equipment.

I want the waterfall to be fully integrated into my interior and all its external elements to repeat the textures of the walls, floor and ceiling. Can this be done?

In this case, you can order a waterfall without decorative finishing housing and implement it directly on site from available materials. We can also decorate the waterfall in production using materials purchased according to your nomenclature or materials provided by you.

First of all, you need to take care of the quality of water in a fountain or waterfall. Change water regularly, add necessary chemicals, and monitor equipment. That is, follow all instructions specified in the operating instructions as accurately and accurately as possible.

Each of our waterfalls or fountains is supplied with detailed general instructions and instructions for installed equipment.

In the event that you still have problems with the operation of the waterfall, our specialists will be able to provide qualified assistance by phone or on site.

The waterfall (fountain), materials and equipment used in its construction are given a general guarantee of 12 months. During this period, the buyer can contact us regarding warranty work. The list of works that are not covered by warranty is specified in the operating instructions. The manufacturer provides a 2-year warranty for certain types of equipment, so even after the end of the general warranty period, you can contact us for repairs or replacement of the relevant equipment.

Can. When choosing fountain nozzles, the type of water picture, the shape of the reservoir and calculating the filtration system, you must take into account the presence of fish, their quantity and size in advance. In the event that a fountain or decorative waterfall are located outdoors, you need to think about where the fish will spend the winter.

We use the quietest pumps available in fountains and waterfalls. Their work is completely drowned out by the noise of falling water in the waterfall (even if it is the quietest waterfall “on glass”). It must be noted that this applies only to high-quality pumps, so it is better not to skimp on the quality of equipment.

The level of noise from water depends on the type of fountain or waterfall and the selected water pattern.

A waterfall is a source of high humidity, and when turned on, also noise (even the most low-noise compositions). Therefore, waterfalls are usually located in passage rooms - hallways, corridors, halls, or in winter gardens. If you install a waterfall in the living room, next to a home theater or in the bedroom, then you will turn it on very rarely, although a professionally made waterfall should please the eye even when turned off.

The covering of the floor, walls and ceiling in the waterfall area should, if possible, be moisture resistant. You should not place the waterfall next to the dressing room, library, etc. premises where high humidity undesirable.

The main factors that negatively affect the operation of fountain equipment and appearance This:

– high water hardness,

– mechanical impurities.

Due to the high hardness of water, calcium and magnesium salts are deposited on the surfaces of the waterfall in contact with water (especially along the interface between water and dry zones), equipment (rotors centrifugal pumps), in the channels of various injectors, etc. This ultimately spoils the appearance of the materials from which the waterfall or fountain is made, and damages the equipment and fountain nozzles.

Water hardness can be combated using special chemicals or use prepared water, which will slow down the process of salt deposition.

To remove dissolved iron (which over time is deposited on the surfaces of the waterfall in the form of brown sediment or plaque), it is necessary to use special filters.

To protect against mechanical impurities, the filter can be installed separately or directly on the pump.

To create waterfalls “on glass”, triplex (multilayer or laminated silicate glass) is used. strained glass, less often acrylic glass(plexiglass). Regular glass is not used for safety reasons. You can also use mirror panels, different kinds decorative plastic and metal.

Illuminating water (especially moving water!) is a very important undertaking. Without lighting, a fountain or waterfall will look twice as impressive as with proper lighting. Do not forget about such types of fountains as light and music (dynamic light), which can be created without complex system backlighting is simply unthinkable.

To order a decorative home glass waterfall, decide on its location in the interior. Specify the type of design, dimensions of the aqua product - length and height - send it to us by email for a preliminary calculation.