Toilet      11/21/2020

Italian language numbers with transcription. Numbers (numbers in letters). Formation of multipliers


There are quantitative and ordinal numbers. Cardinal numbers denote the number of items expressed in numbers (uno, due, tre, cinque, etc.); ordinal numbers indicate the place occupied by the object in the count (primo, secondo, terzo). Quantitative numbers also include fractional and multiplicative numbers.

Cardinal numbers

1 - un (una)
2 - due
5 - cinque
9 - new
12 - dodici
15 - Quindici
17- diciassette
18 - diciotto
19 - diciannove
20 - venti
23 - ventitre
24 - ventiquattro

30 - trenta
32 - trentadue

42 - Quarantadue

50 - cinquanta
60 - sessanta
90 - novanta
100 cento

101 - centuno

200 - duecento
1000 - mille
1001 - mille (e) uno
1002 - milledue
1003 - milletre
1008 - milleotto
1110 - millecentodieci

10,000 - diecimila
100 000 centomila
1000 000 - un million
1000 001 - un millione e uno

1000,000,000 - un miliardo
2000 000 000 due miliardi

Compound numbers are written together:

1961 - millenovecentosessantuno

After compound numbers ending in -uno, the noun can be in the singular, and -uno agrees in gender with the noun:

Quarantun giorno
Trentuna settimana

In most cases, the article is not placed before the cardinal number, except in the following situations:

    if the numeral indicates the total amount available:

    Gli otto impiegati- All eight employees
    I dieci nipotini- All ten grandchildren

    2. When indicating the century, starting from the thirteenth, where the following forms are used:

    Il Duecento (il "200) - il tredicesimo secolo - thirteenth century
    Il Trecento (il "300) - il quattordicesimo secolo - fourteenth century
    Il Quattrocento (il "400) - il quindicesimo secolo - fifteenth century, etc.

    In the indication of the date, all numbers (except the first) are transmitted by cardinal numbers with a definite article:

    Il due settembre, il quindici ottobre, l "otto marzo; But: il primo arpile (dicembre, gennaio…);

    Constructions with numerals denoting periods, lengths of time:

    Gli anni venti- Twenties
    Gli anni trenta (quaranta, ottanta ess.)- Thirties (forties, eighties, etc.)

    Numerical indications of time (hours):

    Sono le due (tre, quattro...) - It's now two (three, four...) o'clock
    È l "una e mezzo - Half past two
    Sono le due meno cinque - Five minutes to two

As can be seen from the examples, when indicating the hour, numerals with a definite article are used. female(l "una, le due), since the word itself ora(h) is a feminine noun.

Quantitative numerals, as a rule, do not change by gender and number. Exceptions are:

    masculine numeral uno(one), which has the corresponding feminine form una(one). Numerals un(una) depending on the initial sounds of the noun they define, change their forms similarly indefinite article singular, which formally coincides with:

    The numeral mille varies by numbers and has irregular shape plural: mila

    Mille euro- Thousand euro
    duemila euro- Two thousand euros

There are no prepositions between numerals and nouns. The exception is un millionone And un miliardo, which are nouns. They are preceded by an article, and after them, before a noun, a preposition di:

Un millionone di euro- Million Euro
due miliardi di persone- Two billion people

IN Italian there is a construction in + cardinal number", which in Russian is translated as follows:

Siamo in due (tre, quattro...)- There are two of us (three, four...)
Ci sono andati in tre.- They went there together.

July 2, 2016

Numeral . Numeral.

Numerals, like the numbers themselves, are an infinite number))) To start, you need to learn quantitative and ordinal. In writing, numbers are written both in numbers and letters))) With quantitative ones, everything is clear - 1, 2, 3 ... But for ordinals there are differences: in Russian - 1st / -th / -th / th ... and so on .d., and in Italian - 1˚, 2˚, 3˚ ... That is, after the number there is a degree sign.

Here are some numerals:
(name) numeral - numerale
ordinal - numerali ordinali
fractional - numerali frazionari
multiplicative - n umerali moltiplicativi
collective - numerali collettivi
And numbers:
number - number
number - cifra

integer - numero intero
even - n umeri pari
odd - n umeri dispari

Ordinal numbers from 1 to 9 have their own forms, further ones are formed using the suffix -esimo, but some changes are possible at the addition boundary (see below).
An exceptional case is the "thousandth" numerals, when 1000 ((one) thousand) is a mill e, and 2000, etc. – duemil a ecc.
Calendar days. The first day of the month is denoted by an ordinal number - 1˚ (primo) gennaio, and starting from the second day - by quantitative numbers - 2 (due) gennaio ecc.
An interesting feature exists among the numerals that denote centuries (centuries) of the last millennium. In Russian they denote the current period, and in Italian they came up with the number of hundreds in a number. It turns out literally the following: il Novecento (lit. nine hundred) = XX century. But at the same time, no one canceled the standard names: il XX secolo, which are also suitable for all other centuries.
In Italian, all numbers are written together (twenty-one - ventuno), and when they say a phone number, as a rule, they pronounce each digit separately.
Cardinal numbers do not change (except for 1 - uno, un / una, un ' - one / one), and ordinal numbers agree and change the ending depending on the gender or number.

0 zero … di zero
1 uno … 1˚ primo
2 due … 2˚ secondo
3 tre … 3˚ terzo
4 quattro … 4˚ quarto
5 cinque … 5˚ quinto
6 sei … 6˚ sesto
7 sette … 7˚ settimo
8 otto … 8˚ ottavo
9 nove … 9˚ nono

Numbers from 10 to 11 are the same as in Russian: one/two/three... by ten, but from 17 to 19 - vice versa - ten by seven/eight/nine). Notice the doubling of the letters and on the border of the merger in some words.

10 dieci … 10˚ decimo
11 undici … 11˚ undicesimo
12 dodici … 12˚ dodicesimo
13 tredici … 13˚ tredicesimo
14 quattordici … 14˚ quattordicesimo
15 quindici … 15˚ quindicesimo
16 sedici … 16˚ sedicesimo
17 diciassette … 17˚ diciassettesimo
18 diciotto … 18˚ diciotesimo
19 diciannove … 19˚ diciannovesimo

Numbers from 20 to 99 have the same "formula":

20 venti … 20˚ ventesimo
21 ventuno … 21˚ ventunesimo
22 venti due … 22˚ venti duesimo
23 venti tre … 23˚ venti treesimo
24 venti quattro … 24˚ venti quattresimo
25 venti cinque … 25˚ venti cinquesimo
26 venti sei … 26˚ venti seisimo
27 ventisette … 27˚ ventisettesimo
28 ventotto … 28˚ ventottosimo
29 ventinove … 29˚ ventinovesimo

30 trenta … 30˚ trentesimo
31 trentuno … 31˚ trentunesimo
32 trentadue … 32˚ trentaduesimo
33 trentatre … 33˚ trentatreesimo
34 trentaquattro … 34˚ trentaquattresimo
35 trentacinque … 35˚ trentacinquesimo
36 trentasei … 36˚ trentaseiesimo
37 trentasette … 37˚ trentasettesimo
38 trentotto … 38˚ trentottesimo
39 trentanove … 39˚ trentanovesimo

40 quaranta … 40˚ quarantesimo
41 quarantuno … 41˚ quarantunesimo
42 quarantadue … 42˚ quarantaduesimo
43 quarantatré … 43˚ quarantatreesimo
44 quarantaquattro … 44˚ quarantaquattresimo
45 quarantacinque … 45˚ quarantacinquesimo
46 quarantasei … 46˚ quarantaseiesimo
47 quarantasette … 47˚ quarantasettesimo
48 quarantotto … 48˚ quarantottosimo
49 quarantanove … 49˚ quarantanovesimo

50 cinquanta … 50˚ cinquantesimo
51 cinquantuno … 51˚ cinquantunesimo
52 cinquantadue … 52˚ cinquantaduesimo
53 cinquantatre … 53˚ cinquantateresimo
54 cinquantaquattro … 54˚ cinquantaquattresimo
55 cinquantacinque … 55˚ cinquantacinquesimo
56 cinquantasei … 56˚ cinquantaseiesimo
57 cinquantasette … 57˚ cinquantasettesimo
58 cinquantotto … 58˚ cinquantottesimo
59 cinquantanove … 59˚ cinquantanovesimo

60 sessanta … 60˚ sessantesimo
61 sessantuno … 61˚ sessantunesimo
62 sessantadue … 62˚ sessantaduesimo
63 sessantatre … 63˚ sessantatreesimo
64 sessantaquattro … 64˚ sessantaquattresimo
65 sessantacinque … 65˚ sessantacinquesimo
66 sessantasei … 66˚ sessantaseiesimo
67 sessantasette … 67˚ sessantasettesimo
68 sessantotto … 68˚ sessantottosimo
69 sessantanove … 69˚ sessantanovesimo

70 settanta … 70˚ settantesimo
71 settantuno … 71˚ settantunesimo
72 settantadue … 72˚ settantaduesimo
73 settantatre … 73˚ settantatreesimo
74 settantaquattro … 74˚ settantaquattresimo
75 settantacinque … 75˚ settantacinquesimo
76 settantasei … 76˚ settantaseiesimo
77 settantasette … 77˚ settantasettesimo
78 settantotto … 78˚ settantottosimo
79 settantanove … 79˚ settantanovesimo

80 ottanta … 80˚ ottantesimo
81 ottantuno … 81˚ ottantunesimo
82 ottantadue … 82˚ ottantaduesimo
83 ottantatre … 83˚ ottantatreesimo
84 ottantaquattro … 84˚ ottantaquattresimo
85 ottantacinque … 85˚ ottantacinquesimo
86 ottantasei … 86˚ ottantaseiesimo
87 ottantasette … 87˚ ottantasettesimo
88 ottantotto … 88˚ ottantottesimo
89 ottantanove … 89˚ ottantanovesimo

90 novanta … 90˚ novantesimo
91 novantuno … 91˚ novantunesimo
92 novantadue … 92˚ novantaduesimo
93 novantatre … 93˚ novantatreesimo
94 novantaquattro … 94˚ novantaquattresimo
95 novantacinque … 95˚ novantacinquesimo
96 novantasei … 96˚ novantaseisimo
97 novantasette … 97˚ novantasettesimo
98 novantotto … 98˚ novantottesimo
99 novantanove … 99˚ novantanovesimo

© Lara Leto (Ci Siciliano), 2016
© Italy and Italian. Travel beautifully, learn easily, 2016

There are two types of numerals: quantitative(one, two, three, etc.) and ordinal(first, second, third, etc.). We won’t talk about ordinal ones yet, but we’ll deal with quantitative ones. So…

Numbers from 1 to 10

1 - uno

2 - due


4 - Quattro

5 - cinque




10 - dieci

Try to teach them (and at the same time - and their correct pronunciation) with a smiling lady in the video. Our numbers sound from 0:37 seconds to 1:50.

To better remember these prime numbers, take a look at this fun picture:


12 - dodici



15 - quindici


17 - diciasette

18 - diciotto

19 - diciannove

20 - venti

And now let's listen - how they are pronounced (watch the video from 0:40 to 2.10). After the signora says the numbers, you will have time to call them yourself.

Games for memorizing numbers

* Click "Start"

*Did you get it? Click "Check" (check)

* Click "Start"
* They tell you a number, you need to dial it on a calculator
* How to dial? For example, 13: first 1, then 2 (you already have 3), then 10
* How to dial? For example, 20: press 10 2 times
* Scored? Click "Check" (check)
* Typed incorrectly? Click "Clear" (clear)

* Count the number of items
* Enter a WORD, not a number, below them - the number means the number of items
* Click "Check" (check)


* You can turn on "Slideshow (slide view) - the cards will change by themselves, you will pronounce the words, nothing is required of you - just relax and remember.

Tens in Italian (from 10 to 100)

10 - dieci

20 - venti

30 - trenta


50 - cinquanta


70 - settanta


100 cento

200 - duecento


1000 - mille

2000 - duemila

1000 000 - un million

2000 000 due milioni

* Click "Start"
* Listen to the number. It is also written on the load on the bar (number). Find this number on the second load - these are the balls at the bottom (written in cursive).
* Put the weight with the desired number on the bar - just transfer the desired ball.
The boy in the game sometimes says something. Here's what you'll hear:

Facile! - Easily!

Guarda, ce la faccio! Look, I can do it!

Mica male, eh? - Not bad, huh?

Impossible! - Impossible!

Now let's see how "complex" numbers are formed, such as 23, 46, etc.


For example: 23 = 20 (venti) + 3 (tre) = VENTITRE

46 = 40 (quaranta) + 6 (sei) = QUARANTASEI

Exceptions are only numbers, including "one" (uno) And "eight" (otto) because they start with vowel sound. Therefore, the numbers with them will sound a little different. Look:

61 = 60 (sessanta) + 1 (uno) = SESSANTUNO(we "removed" the last letter "a" in the word "sessanta").

38 = 30 (trenta) + 8 (0tto) = TRENTOTTO(we again “removed” the last letter “a” in the word “trenta”).

Play to practice:

* Select the mode - slow (slowly) or fast (quickly).
* You write the number in letters and say it (above).
* Find a matching number among the numbers (below) and click it.
* This game - for a while, do not have time to find the right answer - the numbers will be mixed up.
* In the second round, you will need to search the other way around: you are shown a number in numbers - you are looking for it in letters.

* Select easy mode or hard mode.
* They write the number to you in letters and pronounce it.
* It is necessary to enter the stretch with this number written in numbers.
* Management - arrows on the keyboard. To speed up, press the up arrow.

The rules are very simple:
* See "List View" (list of words for the lesson). Click on the speaker next to the word and listen to how it sounds.
* If you wish, you can turn on "Slideshow (slide view) - the cards will change by themselves, you will pronounce the words, nothing is required of you - relax and remember.
* Click "Start Lesson" (start the lesson) - and remember with the help of the test words.

Numerals are an integral part of any language, without which quantitative descriptions, indications of numbers, time and many other phenomena are impossible. Numerals in Italian are subject to certain simple rules, memorization of which is not difficult, will greatly enrich colloquial speech language learners.

Cardinal numbers

Such numerals are considered quantitative, which answer the question "how much?", naming the number, the number of persons, objects or phenomena.

The table shows cardinal numbers with pronunciation in Italian:

numeral Pronunciation Translation

















twenty one

twenty two

twenty three

twenty eight








one hundred and twenty




According to the grammar of Italian, numerals related to quantitative ones are subject to the following rules:

  • when written in letters, they have a continuous spelling.
  • When writing two-digit numbers that are in the range from 21 to 99 and are not multiples of 10, the rule applies: if the tens digit ends with a vowel when writing in letters, and the units digit begins with a vowel, then these vowels merge, and the last vowel of the tens digit is ignored on writing and pronunciation. If, ceteris paribus, the units digit begins with a consonant letter, then the spelling and pronunciation of the tens and units digits are simply combined.

For example, 28 - ventotto (venti + otto), 23 - ventitre (venti + tre).

This rule applies to both two-digit and three-digit numbers. It turns out that 108 is centotto (cento + otto) or 130 is centotrenta (cento + trenta).

  • The number cento does not have a plural. What can not be said about thousands, millions and billions. The numeral mille when used in plural changes form to wrong mila.

So, cento - duecento - quattrocento (100 - 200 - 400), mille (thousand) - duemila (two thousand), millione (million) - tremillioni (three million), milliardo (billion) - duemilliardi (two billion).

  • The article is not used before cardinal numbers. But there are exception cases.
  • An indication of all or all that is. Gli otto fratelli (All eight brothers.)

I dodici ragazzi (All twelve boys.)

  • Specify the date (except for the first days of each month).

Il quattro ottobre. (Fourth of October.) L "otto dicembre. (Eighth of December.) But: Il primo settembre. (First of September.)

  • Specifying time periods.

Gli anni ottanta. (Eighties.)

  • Specifying the time in hours.

Sono le sette. (It's seven o'clock now.)

  • Cardinal numbers in Italian do not differ by gender. But there is an exception - the numeral uno, which has special form both masculine (un or uno) and feminine (una).

Un orso (one bear) - m.

Uno zio (one uncle) - m.

Una forchetta (one fork) - f. R.

The composition of cardinal numbers in Italian also includes multiplier and fractional numbers.

Formation of multipliers

Numerals called multipliers include multiples such as doppio, quadruplo (double, quadruple), etc. Multipliers in Italian are designed to perform two types of functions:

  • They act as an adjective.

Il triplo lavoro (Triple work.)

  • They act as a noun formed from a numeral.

Il (un) doppio (Double amount.)

Formation of fractional numbers

Fractional numbers in Italian differ in spelling and pronunciation depending on their relationship to simple or decimal fractions.

When it comes to simple fractional numbers, the cardinal number is used to express the numerator, and the ordinal number is used for the denominator. Parts of the fraction must be consistent in number.

tre ottavi - 3/8

Decimals can be expressed in two ways:

  • Similar to simple fractional numbers, using ordinal numbers decimo, centecimo, etc.

un centesimo - 0.01

sette decimi - 0.7

  • Two cardinal numbers separated by a comma.

0.7 - zero, virgola, sette

0.02 - zero, virgola, zero, due

Formation of ordinal numbers

Ordinal numbers in Italian are those that answer the question "which?", sequentially listing objects, persons or phenomena.

numeral Translation



When constructing sentences, ordinal numbers have features characteristic of a qualitative adjective. They change their gender and number in order to agree with the noun they refer to.

Il primo esame (First exam.)

La seconda lezione (Second lesson.)