In a private house      06/29/2020

Verbs of the second conjugation of the 1st category Greek. Greek language. all verb conjugations. As usual, a kind, cozy and Greek ατμόσφαιρα reigns in our lessons

Greek. Lesson 6: How verbs are conjugated

Today we are starting to study one of the most difficult sections of Greek grammar - the section "verbs". First, we will study the conjugation of verbs in the present tense - this is not difficult. A little cramming, daily repetition of what has been covered and in a month you will know the conjugation of the most commonly used verbs. I only select these for you. And in April we will start studying the times. This activity requires not only time, but also patience. When they began to explain to me all the rules for using (and most importantly, education!) Times, I decided that I would not be able to speak Greek in the next five years. Then everything gradually got used.

Let's start with an important verb - the verb "to have". In Russian we say “I have”, but in Greek we use one instead of three words: έχω

verb έχω (to have)

The basic form of verbs ends with the letter ω. Regular verbs are divided into two broad categories: those in which the emphasis falls on the pre last syllable, like έχω [‘echo] “I have” and θέλω [village] “I want”, and those with the stress on the last syllable, like αγαπώ [agapo] “I love”.

The verb έχω is typical of the first category. In present tense and active pledge it hides like this:

έχω [‘echo] I have

έχεις [‘ehis] you have

έχει [‘ehi] she\he\it has

έχουμε [‘ehume] we have

έχετε [‘ehhete] you have

έχουν [‘ehun] they have

Note that you do not need to use pronouns. Not “I have”, but simply “I have”, “I have”. This is the nature of the Greek language. The ending of the verb indicates who is being spoken about. If ω, then "I have", if ουν, then "they have". Get used to it.

Language proficiency

Are you talking / are you saying…? Μιλάτε...

In Russian ρωσικά

Greek ελληνικά

I don't speak Greek. Δε μιλώ ελληνικά.

Do you understand me? Με καταλαβαίνετε;

I do not understand you Δε σας καταλαβαίνω

I understand a little, but I can't speak. Καταλαβαίνω λίγο, αλλά δεν μπορώ να μιλήσω

What language do you know? Τι γλώσσα μιλάτε;

I know Μιλάω

English αγγλικά

German γερμανικά

French γαλλικά

You speak well. Μιλάτε καλά

I don't have practice. Μου λείπει η πρακτική

I want to learn how to speak Greek. Θέλω να μάθω να μιλάω ελληνικά.

Repeat one more time. Πέστε το άλλη φορά.

A little slower. Λίγο πιο αργά.

What does this word mean? Τι σημαίνει αυτή η λέξη;

Greek. Lesson 7: Conjugation of the verb "to be"

In the last issue we talked about the verb "to have", today we are learning to use the forms of the verb είμαι correctly. It can be used as a semantic verb meaning "to be" and a linking verb meaning "to be".

Ο φίλος μου είναι Έλληνας - My friend is Greek.

Verb conjugations:

I - (εγω) είμαι

You are (εσύ) είσαι

He - (αυτός) είναι

She (αυτή) είναι

We are (εμείς) είμαστε

You - (εσείς) είστε

They (m.r.) (αυτοί) είναι

Oni (female) (αυτές) είναι


Είμαι απο τη Ρωσία. - I'm from Russia.

Είμαστε απο την Κύπρο. We are from Cyprus.

Past tense:

This verb has only one form of the past tense - the imperfect, which is used when in Russian we say "was", "was", "was", "were".

Compare present and past tenses

The present



Useful words


1. Good - bad καλός - κακός

2. Beautiful - ugly όμορφος - άσχημος

3. Old - young γέρος - νέος

4. Old - new

παλιός – καινούργιος, νέος

5. Rich - poor πλούσιος - φτωχός

6. Familiar - unfamiliar

γνωστός - άγνωστος

7. Cheerful - boring

εύθυμος – ανιαρός, σκυθρωπός

8. Smart is stupid

έξυπνος – κουτός, ανόητος

9. Strong - weak δυνατός - αδύνατος

10. Big - small μεγάλος - μικρός

Greek. Lesson 8: Pronoun forms and verb conjugation

Today we will continue talking about pronouns. It is said that the most common word in almost any language is the word "I". But this is not the case for Greek. Greeks (and Cypriots, of course, too) practically do not use personal pronouns. They don't say "I see" "you see", just "I see" (βλέπω), "you see" (βλέπεις).

You can guess who you are talking about by the form of the verb and the meaning of the sentence.

I did write the forms of personal pronouns for you. In parentheses, what corresponds to our I, you. He she…. And next to it is written what is more useful to you - forms accusative. You will have to use these pronouns quite often.

Monosyllabic personal pronouns have the following accusative forms:

(εγώ) με me (εμείς) μας us

(εσύ) σεyou (εσείς) σας you

(αυτός) τον His (αυτοί) τους them

(αυτή) την Her (αυτές) τις their

Monosyllabic personal pronouns in a sentence are placed directly before the verb, for example:

Την ξέρω καλά. I know her well.

Σας παρακαλώ. I ask you.

Τον βλέπω. I see him.


In Greek, as in Russian, verbs change according to persons, tenses, voices and moods. Verbs can be divided into two large groups:

1) Verbs of I conjugation. They have an accent on the penultimate syllable: μαθαίνω, διαβάζω

2) Verbs of II conjugation. They have an accent on the last syllable: αγαπώ, μπορώ

Verbs of the first conjugation change according to persons in the present tense as follows:



1 person

(Εγώ) γράφω - I write

(Εμείς) γράφουμε - we write

2 person

(Εσύ) γράφεις you write

(Εσείς) γράφετε - you write

3 person

(Αυτός/αυτή) γράφει - he/she writes

(Αυτός/αυτές) γράφουν - they write

Note: Pronouns are in brackets because they are often omitted in colloquial speech.

Useful words

1) Long - short μακρύς -

κοντός (σύντομος)

2) Wide - narrow πλατύς, φαρδύς - στενός

3) High - low ψηλός - χαμηλός -κοντός

4) Light - dark βαθύς - ρηχός

5) Expensive - cheap ακριβός - φτηνός

6) Fast - slow γρήγορος - αργός

7) Light - heavy ελαφρύς - βαρύς

8) Soft - hard μαλακός - σκληρός

9) Thick - thin χοντρός - λεπτός

10) Clean - dirty καθαρός -

βρώμικος, λερωμένος

Greek. Lesson 9: Conjugation of verbs in the present tense

In the last issue of the newspaper, we learned the conjugation of the verb γράφω (to write).

Let's repeat.

γράφω [grapho] I write

γράφεις [graph] you write

γράφει [graph] he/she/it writes

γράφουμε [graphume] we write

γράφετε [graphet] you write

γράφουν [graphun] they write

In the previous lesson, we considered the category of verbs that have an accent on the penultimate syllable and are conjugated, like the verb γράφω. In this lesson we will look at the second category verbs, which have the stress on the last syllable and which are conjugated as the verb αγαπώ "I love".

Remember that in Greek, the present tense describes both current actions and repetitive actions, for example, "now I drink coffee" (continued), "every morning I drink coffee" (simple). Both of these actions in Greek express the present tense, i.e. πίνω καφέ τώρα, πίνω καφέ κάθε πρωί.

Verbαγαπώ (I love)

Unit number

αγαπώ [ayapo] I love

αγαπάς [ayapas] you love

αγαπά [ayapa] he/she/it loves


αγαπούμε [ayapume] we love

αγαπάτε [ayapate] you love

αγαπόυν [ayapun] they love

The verb ζητώ "I ask, I seek" is conjugated like the verb αγαπώ

Verbμπορώ (I can)

A number of verbs ending in ώ like αγαπώ have other endings when conjugated. One example is the verb μπορώ (boro) "I can".

Unit number

μπορώ [borough] I can

μπορείς [boris] you can

μπορεί [bori] he/she/it can


μπορούμε [borume] we can

μπορείτε [fight] you can

μπορούν [harrow] they can

Παρακαλώ [paracalo] "I ask" is another verb conjugated as μπορώ. It can be used as an equivalent of "please" or "pleased to serve" in response to "thank you".

Unfortunately no easy way to distinguish which of the verbs of this category, ending in ώ, is conjugated as αγαπώ, and which - as μπορώ. Gradually you will memorize them.

In the next lesson, I will present you with a list of the most common Greek verbs(Of course, I selected exactly those that you can use immediately after reading the lesson).

Grechian. Lesson 10: Verbs of the second conjugation. Exceptions to the rules

Verbs of the second conjugation are divided into two subgroups, and are conjugated depending on which subgroup they belong to:

1 subgroup (αγαπώ, αγαπάς)



1 person

2 person

3 person

αγαπά (αγαπάει)

αγαπάν (αγαπάνε)

2 subgroup (μπορώ, μπορείς)



1 person


2 person


3 person

μπορούν (μπορούνε)

The way of changing the faces of the verbs of the second conjugation must be memorized along with the meaning of the verb itself. In Modern Greek dictionaries, after the verbs of the second conjugation of the first subgroup, the letter alpha (α) is usually in brackets, and after the verbs of the second subgroup, the letter epsilon (ε).

If there are two verbs in your sentence, then most likely they are connected by the particle να.

Please note that (unlike the Russian language) their forms are the same.

Θέλω να διαβάζω καλά βιβλία.

Ξέρω να γράφω ελληνικά.

I can write in Greek.

If the person or number changes, then the change occurs in both verbs:

Ξέρουμε να γράφουμε.

We can write.

Ξέρουν να γράφουν.

They know how to write.

Verbs 1 conjugation

λέω - speak, τρώω - eat, eat, ακούω - listen, κλαίω - cry, πάω - go are conjugated as follows:

Λέει λένε

In the last two lessons, we looked at the rules for conjugation of Greek verbs. Today you can add 20 new verbs to your vocabulary.

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    Methodological comment: In the organization lesson reception was used READING WITH STOPS AND BLOOM'S QUESTIONS...etc. You don't have to memorize hundreds rules

  • First group Α (verbs of the first conjugation, group 1)

    The verbs of this group have the accent on the second syllable from the end and always end in -ω in the infinitive.

    How to conjugate type A verbs using the example of the verb κάνω= do

    εγώ κάν ω ................................................... ..I do
    εσύ κάνεις do
    αυτός/ αυτή/ αυτό κάνει ....................he, she, it does
    εμείς κάνουμε ............................................. we do
    εσείς κάνετε do
    αυτοί/αυτές/αυτά κάνουν(ε) ........................................they do

    Verbs are conjugated in the same way:

    ξέρω = I know

    βλέπω = looking

    διαλέγω = choose

    καταλαβαίνω = I understand

    θέλ ω = want

    έχ ω = I have

    πίν ω = drink

    κάν ω = do

    πληρών ω = crying

    αγοράζ ω = buy

    δουλεύ ​​ω = working

    αγκαλιάζ ω = embrace

    ικετεύω = I beg

    Second group AB (verbs of the first conjugation group 2)

    There are very few verbs in this group, they are very similar to the verbs of group A, the stress is also on the second syllable from the end and always end in -ω in the infinitive.

    But the ending of these verbs is slightly different from the previous group. It is better to remember the verbs included in this group right away, in any case, there are not many of them:

    πάω - to go, go

    λέω - to say

    ακούω - listen, hear

    τρώω - is

    κλαίω - to cry

    φταίω - to be guilty

    To conjugate a verb, you need to replace the ending -ω with the ending corresponding to the pronoun.

    πάω - (go, go)

    Εγώ πάω - I'm going

    Εσύ πάς - You are going

    Αυτός / αυτή / αυτό πάει - He / she / it goes

    Εμείς πάμε - We are going

    Εσείς πάτε - You go

    Αυτοί / αυτές / αυτά πάνε - They are coming

    And let's immediately remember a few useful combinations:

    πάω με το αυτοκίνητο - to go by car

    πάω με το αεροπλάνο - to fly by plane

    πάω με το πλοίο - sail on a ship

    πάω με τα πόδια - to walk

    Πάμε στην ξενάγηση σήμερα το μεσημέρι. We are going on a tour this afternoon. (σήμερα το μεσημέρι - this afternoon)
    Ο καιρός φταίει για την ακύρωση της πτήσης. The weather is to blame for the flight cancellation. (η ακύρωση - cancellation, η πτήση - flight)
    Τρως θαλασσινά προϊόντα; - Do you eat seafood? (τα θαλασσινά προϊόντα - marine products)
    Ακούτε την ανακοίνωση; - Do you hear the announcement? (η ανακοίνωση - ads e

    As usual, kind, cozy and Greek ατμόσφαιρα reigns in our lessons!

    Group B1 (verbs of the second conjugation group 1)

    The verbs of this group end in -άω in the infinitive with the accent on -ά. To conjugate a verb, you need to replace the ending -άω with the ending corresponding to the pronoun.

    αγαπ ώ ή αγαπάω - to love

    αγαπ άς

    αγαπά ή αγαπάει

    αγαπ άμε ή αγαπούμε

    αγαπ άτε

    αγαπ ούν(ε)

    Pωτάω - to ask
    Απαντάω - answer
    Μιλάω - to speak
    Γελάω - to laugh
    Χαιρετάω - to say hello
    Χαμογελάω - smile
    Ζητάω - to ask
    Φιλάω - to kiss
    Φυλάω - to guard
    Κοιτάω - watch
    Χτυπάω - beat, knock

    ΗΆννα μιλάει με τον υπάλληλο του τουριστικού γραφείου. Anna is talking to a travel agent. (ο υπάλληλος - employee, το τουριστικό γραφείο - travel agency)
    Στην δουλειά απαντάω στα γράμματα. At work, I answer emails.
    Με βοηθάς να βρω το φαρμακείο; Will you help me find a pharmacy? (το φαρμακείο - pharmacy)
    Μιλάτε ελληνικά; - Do you speak Greek?

    Group B2 (verbs of the second conjugation group 2)

    The verbs of this group end in -ώ in the infinitive under stress. The endings themselves are almost the same as group A, but the stress always falls on the ending. To conjugate a verb, you need to replace the ending -ώ with the ending corresponding to the pronoun.

    θεωρ είς

    θεωρ εί

    θεωρ ούμε

    θεωρ είτε

    θεωρ ούν

    αργώ - to be late

    μπορώ - to be able

    τηλεφωνώ - to call

    οδηγώ - to lead

    συγχωρώ - to forgive

    Αργούμε στο αεροδρόμιο. We are late for the airport. (το αεροδρόμιο - airport)
    Οδηγείς το αυτοκίνητο στο εξωτερικό; Do you drive a car in a foreign country? (το αυτοκίνητο - machine)
    Τηλεφωνούν στην Πρεσβεία. They are calling the Embassy. (η Πρεσβεία - embassy)

    So we teach you remotely via Skype!

    G1 verb group

    This group includes verbs with the ending -ομαι:

    έρχομαι - to come

    κάθομαι - to sit

    σκέφτομαι - to think

    σέβομαι - respect

    Γίνομαι - to become
    Σηκώνομαι - to rise

    Φαίνομαι - to seem

    Reflexive verbs:

    Пλένω το παιδί. - I'm washing the baby. (πλένω - to wash)
    Πλένομαι. - I'm taking a shower.

    To conjugate such a verb, you need to replace the ending -ομαι with the ending corresponding to the pronoun.

    έρχ ομαι (to come)

    Εγώ έρχ ομαι I come

    Εσύ έρχ εσαι you come

    Αυτός / αυτή / αυτό έρχεται - He / she / it comes

    Ε μείς ερχόμαστε - We are coming

    Εσείς έρχεστε - You come

    Αυτοί / αυτές / αυτά έρχονται - They come

    Σηκώνομαι νωρίς. - I get up, I get up early. (σηκώνομαι - get up, νωρίς - early)
    Ερχόμαστε εδώ κάθε καλοκαίρι. We come here every summer. (έρχομαι - to come, εδώ - here, here, κάθε - every, το καλοκαίρι - summer)
    Το Σαββατοκύριακο καθόμαστε έξω μέχρι αργά. We are late on weekends. (, το Σαββατοκύριακο - weekend, αργά - late)

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    G2 verb group

    This group includes verbs with the ending -άμαι.

    There are only 4 verbs in this group that you need to learn. Their endings are slightly different from the endings of the G1 group.

    θυμάμαι - to remember

    φοβάμαι - to be afraid

    λυπάμαι - to regret

    κοιμάμαι - to sleep

    To conjugate a verb, you need to replace the ending -άμαι with the ending corresponding to the pronoun.

    κοιμάμαι - to sleep

    Εγώ κοιμ άμαι - I sleep

    Εσύ κοιμ άσαι - You are sleeping

    Αυτός / αυτή / αυτόκοιμάται - He / she / it sleeps

    Εμείς κοιμόμαστε - We sleep

    Εσείς κοιμόσαστε - You are sleeping

    Αυτοί / αυτές / αυτάκοιμούνται - They sleep

    Κοιμάμαι μέχρι τις 9 το πρωί. – I sleep until 9 am. (κοιμάμαι - sleep, μέχρι - before, το πρωί - morning)
    Φοβάται να πετάει. - He is afraid to fly. (φοβάμαι - to be afraid, να πετάει - to fly)
    Λυπάμαι πολύ. - I'm really sorry. (λυπάμαι - to regret, to regret, πολύ - very much)
    Με θυμάσαι; - Do you remember me? (με - me, θυμάμαι - remember)

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