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What false nails are better. Video: How to remove false nails. We glue false nails on glue

Neat, well-groomed nails are always in trend, so you should find time for the beauty of your hands. However, it is not always possible to urgently sign up for a master. In these cases, an excellent way out is false nails. However, this procedure has both a number of significant advantages and a list of disadvantages that you need to know about before you buy the kit.

Advantages and disadvantages

Consider all the pros and cons of false nails. It is worth noting that there are approximately an equal number of them, so it is up to you to decide whether to purchase such marigolds or not.

The advantages include:

  • the ability to hide uneven nails, all surface imperfections;
  • nails are strong and it is quite difficult to break them;
  • Lacquers fit perfectly on them, the coating is always completely smooth.

Don't forget the cons:

  • glue adversely affects the health of the nails;
  • if you wear such nails for a long time, the plate will become thin and brittle;
  • pretty traumatic.

From the foregoing, we can conclude that false nails will be a salvation in an emergency, but wearing them every day and long time do not do it.

What will be required?

This procedure does not need any special equipment, like gel polish, for example. You can stick nails on your own at home, however, there are a number of things that you should take care of in advance:

  • the set of forms itself;
  • if it was not in the set, glue;
  • napkins, cotton buds to remove glue;
  • everything you need for a standard manicure;
  • degreaser;
  • container with hot water.

Important! If the nails are prone to fungus, this method is definitely not for you. After all, tips will only aggravate the course of the disease, the infection will progress.

How to glue?

It is important not only to learn how to glue nails at home, you also need to make sure that they last a long time. Otherwise, you run the risk of being in the very center of events with a fallen off nail and a ruined day.

Before proceeding directly to gluing tips, you need to clean the plate from the previous coating, if any, and, if necessary, do a manicure. You will have to work with tweezers and remove the cuticle and the skin around it to the maximum. After that, attach the tips to the nail, determine the type of future nail and carefully file all the molds to your size. Tips, looking beyond the nail, looks sloppy, not reaching the edges - ridiculous.

Then take a finely abrasive type file and properly level the surface of the nail surface, degrease it, cover it with a transparent base. Next, using a brush, gently apply glue and instantly, carefully press the tips from the base of the nail to the tip. Glue will come out on the sides, which will need to be wiped off. That's it, then just apply the chosen varnish.

Difficulties can be caused by improper application of the form to the nail. If it didn’t work out the first time, the glue will instantly grab it, tearing it off will not be easy and traumatic for the plate. For this, you will need a bowl of hot water, where you should immediately lower your finger with an incorrectly pasted shape. After ten minutes, it will easily come off. You need to remove it in the same way as you apply it: from the base, to the edges, as carefully as possible. Now start over, that is, with degreasing.

If you find yourself in a situation where there is no glue at hand, and you need to urgently fix your nails, you should not seek help from non-specialized adhesive products. Nail polish will help you out, the so-called transparent base for varnish, on which, without waiting for drying, tips are applied. This is not a particularly reliable method, however, in force majeure situations, it can help out. In addition, it is completely safe. Remember to keep the artificial mold pressed for some time.

There is another ambiguous way. It consists in using any glue and putting a layer of cotton between your own and artificial plates. So the harmful effect on the nail is reduced. Nevertheless, this is very harmful, so if you decide to take a chance, then immediately after the event, everything must be immediately removed and carried out. wellness procedure for nails.

Do not forget about sets of tips, which already have an adhesive layer. That is, it is enough to wash your hands thoroughly, peel off the film and apply tips. It is one of the most convenient and simple ways besides, it is harmless to nails.

The only negative is the fragility, you will have to handle such nails very carefully.

How to withdraw?

There are several ways to remove artificial nails and clean natural nails from superglue and other aggressive substances. You can try any convenient method and replace it with another if necessary.

With acetone

You need to dip the cuticle stick in acetone and hook the tips at the base. Then put a drop of the means with which you remove the varnish. After a few minutes, repeat the procedure, after which you can safely remove the overhead forms. To do this, hook the edges with a stick and remove.

Chamomile decoction

This is the safest manipulation for nails, so it should be preferred. Brew chamomile inflorescences from a pharmacy in a bath and wait for the temperature of the broth to become hot. Dip your nails into it and hold until the tips soften. Next, pry the edge with the stylus and try to take it away from the natural plate. If it doesn't come off all at once, use nail polish remover by pouring it under the tips.

Gel polish remover

For it, you will need a liquid for removing gel polish and acrylic surfaces. Cut the artificial shape to the size of the natural surface, generously pour liquid on the cotton and apply to the nails, wrapping with foil.

You can do the same using ordinary acetone, however, it is quite aggressive and harms the health of the nails, and you should not use it often.

Bath with acetone

The principle is the same, but instead of a compress, you can make a bath of gel polish remover or an acetone-containing composition. Before proceeding with the procedure, take care of the skin of your fingers and treat them with any antiseptic. Dip your fingers in a container of water for ten minutes and remove the tips with a stick.

Nail files

No need here harmful substances and solutions. You simply remove the tips mechanically, like gel polish. You will need files of varying degrees of abrasiveness and a buff. Manipulations are simple - cut off the free edges and cut off the artificial surface. Use hard files first, then medium, and finally soft. As soon as a small layer of artificial coating remains, apply petroleum jelly and work only with a small nail file, as carefully as possible.

It doesn’t matter which method you prefer, after it you should wipe your nails with the liquid that you remove the varnish from, wash your hands and be sure to treat the plate with special oils or creams.

The period of use of overhead forms should not exceed 14 days, however, few of them live up to this time. There are several recommendations on how to better and better glue the nails for a long time:

  • do not press the forms to the base too zealously, it would be more correct to retreat a couple of millimeters from the cuticle;
  • treat the joint between your own and artificial plates with a buff so that it does not cling;
  • use only high-quality degreasers;
  • always use a transparent base;
  • if the form staggers, heat it with a hair dryer, then press it down;
  • avoid contact with chemicals of any kind, especially those containing acetone.

Beautiful examples

  • Artificial nails do not have to be long and uncomfortable, it is enough to sharpen the shape to a comfortable square of medium length. An elegant lilac background and a delicate floral pattern look very dignified and romantic. A tiny pebble completes the composition
  • A stunning solution for a wedding manicure is long transparent nails and an incredible jacket with silver and shimmering ensembles of stones and glitter. Very airy, light festive design.
  • An eye-catching design that combines French manicure techniques and trendy animal print in unusual colors. A contrasting solution that perfectly emphasizes a passionate, spectacular image.

Beautiful and well-groomed female nails are, first of all, a guarantee of a woman's self-confidence and a guarantee of her beauty. So how to become the owner of really long and attractive nails?

In principle, by far the simplest and at the same time accessible way receiving beautiful nails considered to be gluing modern options false nails. But, how to glue false nails if there is no glue included with the nails? Often, when acquiring any varieties of modern false nails, together with them, a special glue must be present in the kit, which is characterized by harmlessness to the nail plate and at the same time is not capable of causing an allergic reaction. But, unfortunately, it often happens that, together with false nails, this special glue is not in the package. And, as you know, such an element female beauty can be attached to your own nails only with the use of a certain special glue.

That is why, answering the question of how false nails can be glued if there is no glue, it is worth noting that there really is no other alternative to this tool today. If there is no glue in the package, then you can separately purchase it in the store. Since basically always, under no circumstances do experts advise using adhesives that are not intended for these purposes. After all, ordinary household glue in the future can cause really huge damage to native nails. In connection with such facts, once again it is necessary to emphasize the point that when answering the question of what false nails can be glued to, if there is no special glue, then there can be only one answer. Under no circumstances should one completely forget about the fact that only certain harmless special glue, which is intended specifically for false nails, can be used in this situation. But all other adhesives for solving this problem are completely considered prohibited.

It turns out that these varieties of nails are glued only with the use of special glue. It must be present in the kit together with the acquired nails. But if it wasn’t there, then this fact means that in the future it must be purchased separately. To carry out the process of sticking false nails, you need to apply a little glue to the very bottom of the nail and simply spread it evenly over the entire platinum. Therefore, when answering the question of how false nails can be glued, if there is no special glue, it should be noted that nothing. Naturally, you can try to glue your nails with ordinary glue, but such actions as a result can lead to damage to your own nail plate. And at the same time, it will be very difficult to remove them in the future. That is why it is better to pay a little extra and separately purchase a special professional glue than to remain completely without nails in the future.

Although there is another option where not a special glue is used, but an ordinary natural adhesive. Often, the use of this method is resorted to by those female representatives who, due to the fact that special glue spoils their own nails, are trying to find more alternatives problem solving. In this situation, in addition to natural glue, the presence of such additional element like cotton. Cotton wool is primarily designed to protect the female nail plate and so that false nails can stick to the base as firmly as possible. Otherwise, it’s better not to do anything at all, so as not to spoil your own native nails, but simply put some attractive and quite beautiful image on them.

Thus, the sticker of modern versions of false nails is a process that can be carried out even at home, but there is absolutely no way to do without the presence of special glue.

False nails give your hands a flawless, well-groomed look and save you the hassle of growing your nails and picking them up. suitable color varnish. For those who, for some reason, cannot grow their nails, false nails will help a lot. They are also convenient to use if long nails are needed for one event. Most kits include full set acrylic false nails and quick-drying nail glue. Artificial nails should not be worn all the time, as frequent use glue ruins natural nails.

In this article you will find tips on how to stick nails beautifully on your own.

Remove old varnish

In order for the false nails to hold firmly, the remnants of the old varnish should be completely removed. If you have had false nails, remove them by soaking them in acetone. When the nails come off, wash your hands so that there is no acetone left on them, because chemical substances dry skin.

Soak your nails

Before fixing false nails, it is recommended to prepare for a manicure. This will help keep your natural nails healthy. Soak your hands in warm water until your nails are soft, then pat dry with a towel. If desired, you can add body wash gel to the soaking bath, however, products containing vegetable oils, as they make it difficult to stick nails.

Trim your nails

The third stage of preparation for gluing is cutting your own nails. To trim nails, you can use nail scissors or nippers (nail clippers). Make your nails neat, but not too short, so that there is enough base for the glue for false nails.
Finish the edges of your nails with a file. Cuticles should not be cut because they protect against infections. Just move them away so you don't stick your nails to your skin. Do this while your hands are still damp. To make false nails last longer, treat your natural nails with a special polisher. This will roughen the surface, and false nails will be fixed better.

Prepare false nails

Lay out all the nails in the package on the table, observing the correct order: the largest for the thumbs, the smallest for the little fingers. Check if the nails fit comfortably over your natural nails. In some cases, the lower edges of the overlay plates have to be processed with a file. Most false nail kits come with a bottle of glue, which is very easy to apply. However, if you have acrylic or gel nails, a more complicated process will be required.

Attach the first nail

Put a drop of glue on your real nail and a little on the part of the false nail that will touch the real one. Gently place the false nail on the natural one, fully matching the edges and curves.

To make the nail well fixed, apply light pressure on it for 10 seconds. Make sure that there is no gap and the nail is even. The glue usually dries very quickly. It should be applied carefully so that it does not squeeze out from under the edges. If this does happen, remove excess adhesive with a cotton swab. It is recommended to start with the dominant hand.

Finish the job

Glue the nails on the rest of the fingers in the same way. If desired, you can shorten your nails with a file to any length.

The video below illustrates in detail the process of gluing false nails.

How to choose the type of false nails

Instructions for choosing false nails.

acrylic nails

Acrylic nails typically use an acrylic monomer or powder. Acrylic nails can be used as tips to lengthen natural nails or as whole nails.


  • Long lasting look
  • Durable and wear resistant
  • Low price at long term services
  • Dries quickly (30-40 seconds)
  • If such a nail is broken, it is easy to remove or correct defects.
  • Easily removed by soaking in acetone for 15 minutes


  • Look unnatural
  • Pretty heavy
  • Have a strong unpleasant odor
  • Infections develop easily if hands are not kept clean
  • gel nails

    Considered safer than acrylic.


  • Have no smell
  • shiny surface
  • Requires no preparation
  • Flexible, durable and natural looking
  • You can apply regular nail polish over them.
  • Lower risk of infection
  • Flaws

    • higher price
    • Difficult to remove and require cutting
    • They only last a couple of weeks
    • Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation can damage skin cells


    Something between acrylic and gel nails


    • Retain appearance up to 30 days
    • Look fresh and shiny
    • Smooth nail surface
    • Doesn't weigh down fingers
    • Do not require sawing
    • Removed by soaking in acetone for 8 minutes, then scraping off with a cuticle remover.


    • Dries under the influence of ultraviolet radiation
    • More expensive than acrylic and gel nails
    • Only people with smooth own nails can use them.
    • To perform the procedure, you must visit the salon

    False nails are considered one of the most popular beauty attributes. Tips help girls look fashionable and at the same time natural without spending a lot of money on extensions. The plates are glued to the natural nail, the result is enough for 1-2 weeks. The method is more gentle than helium or acrylic extensions. However, there are certain difficulties with removing nails, we will consider the main technologies in order.

    Method number 1. Orange stylus and acetone

    1. Dip an orange stick in pure acetone. Pry the edge of the artificial plate in the cuticle area. With a pipette, scoop up some nail polish remover, pour the contents under the false nail.
    2. Wait 5 minutes, then repeat the manipulations. When the substance works, it will become much easier to remove unnatural attributes of beauty.
    3. You need to pry off the edge of the nail with a sharp corner of the stylus, and then try to remove the accessory from its plate. Do the steps with each nail in turn.
    4. When all tips are removed, soak a cosmetic sponge in nail polish remover, wipe your nails. Thus, you will clean the plates of adhesive residue.

    Method number 2. hot tub

    1. This technique is rightfully considered the safest. To remove artificial nails on glue yourself, prepare a basin and a pharmacy chamomile.
    2. Pour boiling water over 100 gr. plants, pour in 100-150 ml. any natural oil(olive, sunflower). Leave to cool partially.
    3. When the composition reaches comfortable temperature dip your fingertips into it. Soak the hand bath until the plates become soft.
    4. cook wooden stick, try to pry the edge of an unnatural nail with it. If the tips come off partially, pour nail polish remover under it.
    5. Detach the artificial attributes from the natural plate. Remove adhesive with a cotton swab dipped in acetone. After the procedure, wash your hands, rub vegetable oil into your nails.

    Method number 3. Acrylic and gel remover

    1. Purchase false nail remover from a professional nail shop. As a rule, the composition removes acrylic and gel. The tool is more gentle than other similar options.
    2. Give preference to products that include natural esters, oils, algae extracts, vitamins A and E. The kit should also include foil, cotton swabs, and a stylus.
    3. To begin the procedure, cut off the free edge of the nail shortly, but not under the root. Moisten cotton pads in the purchased composition, apply in turn to each plate.
    4. Tear off large pieces of foil (food wrap will do), wrap around your fingertips. Fix the compress tightly to prevent air from entering.
    5. Wait for a certain interval specified in the instructions. As a rule, the exposure time is 25-35 minutes. After that, evaluate the result, the artificial nail should move away on its own.
    6. Help him with the stylus, moving from the cuticle to the free edge. At the end of the procedure, remove the remaining glue with the same liquid or acetone, wash your hands, rub vegetable oil into the plates.

    Method number 4. Acetone compress

    1. The method of removing nails on glue is identical to the use of a special composition. There is only one clarification - acetone has a bad effect on the skin around the nail, so it is better to replace it with nail polish remover.
    2. To carry out the removal, shorten the length of the artificial nails. Rub oily cream or petroleum jelly into the skin around the plates to minimize the harmful effects.
    3. Prepare cosmetic discs, cut out hemispheres from them that match the false nail in size. Soak each piece in nail polish remover, apply to nails.
    4. Wrap the swabs with cling film or foil, do not allow air to enter. Wait 4-6 minutes, then remove the compress and evaluate the result.
    5. Pry the tips in the cuticle area. If it doesn't come off, apply the cotton again. In the case when a non-natural plate removes easily, carry out manipulations after the first “soaking”.
    6. Next, remove the remaining glue with a sponge dipped in nail polish remover. Rinse your fingers, rub oil into them, paying due attention to the nail plates.

    Method number 5. Bath of nail polish remover

    1. Wipe your fingers with an antiseptic (peroxide, miramistin, chlorhexidine, vodka, medical alcohol, etc.). Rub olive oil into the nail plates, do the same with the skin. Soak the composition for a quarter of an hour, repeat the steps 2-3 times.
    2. Such a move will reduce the impact on sensitive areas, since the fingers will sink into the acetone-containing composition. Next, lubricate the skin around the nails with baby (very oily!) Cream, make a thick layer.
    3. Prepare a small bowl. Pour 1 bottle of nail polish remover into it. Dip your fingertips into the product, it is advisable to first cut off the edge of the tips.
    4. Wait 5-10 minutes, then pry off the artificial turf with the stylus at the cuticle area. Remove nails, wash hands immediately with antibacterial soap.
    5. Soak the sponge in nail polish remover, remove the remaining adhesive base. Disinfect the plate with hydrogen peroxide, rub olive oil.
    6. During the procedure, extreme caution should be exercised. If you feel even the slightest burning sensation, remove your fingers immediately. Wash them and disinfect with miramistin.

    Method number 6. Cutting tips

    1. This option for removing tips on glue is similar to removing helium and acrylic plates. Processing is carried out by sawing off the artificial turf.
    2. To do this, you need to purchase nail files of high, medium and fine abrasiveness. You will also need a buff to make your nails smooth.
    3. First of all, cut off the free edge of the tips. Take a hard (preferably glass) nail file, erase half the thickness of the tips. Next, using a tool of medium abrasiveness, bring the nail to the thinnest possible state.
    4. Now spread petroleum jelly or fat baby cream over the worn coating. Such a move will prevent damage to the native nail. Continue to remove the tips with a small nail file until a translucent layer of artificial plate remains.
    5. Now gently smear each nail with nail polish remover. Wait 10 minutes, then pry the tip with an orange stick. Remove the rest of the overlay plates, remove the adhesive with acetone.
    6. Wash your hands, rub olive oil or pharmacy vitamin E in ampoules into your nails. Wait 1 hour, then use the buff to make your nail smooth and rough.

    You can remove false nails with glue using acetone baths or chamomile infusion. Tips are often removed with a special liquid for acrylic and gel, as well as a compress based on a nail polish remover. Regardless of the method chosen, you must be careful and monitor the condition of your native nails.

    Video: how to remove artificial nails

    To look bright is the sincere desire of every woman. It is difficult to imagine a bright image without a perfect manicure.

    Can beautify your hands different ways. Tips remain one of the most popular. The reason for this is their ease of use and beautiful appearance.

    Lack of experience can lead to unsatisfactory results. Is it possible to do a manicure with artificial nails for beginners on their own? Just a few tips will bring the beginner closer to the perfect manicure. Let's figure it out in order.

    What false nails to choose?

    The advantages of tips are obvious:

    • cheaper than acrylic
    • at correct use practically no harm;
    • keep varnish for a long time;
    • durable;
    • require little maintenance;
    • with the help of a nail file, they easily acquire the desired shape;
    • easy to remove at home.

    Their disadvantages include the likelihood of peeling off. Experience and vigilance significantly reduce this risk. Continuous use is contraindicated, the maximum allowable period is 3 weeks. After that, your own nails need a rest, otherwise they will begin to deteriorate from the glue and require a long recovery.

    There are several ways to glue tips. Each girl herself determines which one suits her best:

    • adhesive side of the plate itself;
    • sticky pads, similar to double-sided tape;
    • liquid glue.

    False nails provide wide choose in color, prints and decor. Ready-made tips can complement the image with any outfit for any occasion.

    Many fashionistas prefer transparent or plain plates. natural color. The manicure performed on them lasts for a long time, is distinguished by accuracy and naturalness.

    Preparing fingers and plates

    Whatever material you choose, preparation is required before gluing. Otherwise, at the very

    Unexpected moment detachment may occur.

    The preparation procedure is simple, but must be performed with high quality:

    • if there is a varnish coating, carefully remove it; for this, products without acetone are strongly recommended (the recommendation applies to manicure in general, to tips in particular, since the adhesive material already represents a load on horny tissues, and acetone will aggravate it);
    • if a hygienic manicure is required, then the right moment for it is before sticking: grind off your nails to a minimum, cut off the burrs, push back the cuticle;
    • make sure that there are no injuries under the overlays; they can worsen up to suppuration, it is advisable to wait for healing or abandon tips in favor of a medical coating;
    • treat the surface of natural nail plates with a soft nail file, this will degrease them and smooth out irregularities;
    • if overhead plates require it, file them to fit your own;
    • lay out the tips in the order in which they will be on your hands so that there is no confusion when you glue;
    • before sticking, use a special base for manicure, this will reduce the load on the nail plates and increase the life of the tips;
    • let the base dry.

    We impose tips

    The quality of the adhesive affects how long the nails will hold and how easy it is to use. It is difficult to say whether the highest price can be considered a guarantee of appropriate quality. As a rule, the quality of fastening increases in proportion to the cost. Buy more reliable products from trusted brands.

    We glue false nails on glue:

    • apply a uniform thin layer of glue on the nail;

    IMPORTANT! Usually a drop no larger than half a pea is sufficient. More will not improve grip, but will run out at the edges.

    • quickly and carefully apply and press the overlay;
    • file the place of contact with the nail with a file, if a gap is obtained, it can be pre-filled with glue and allowed to dry.

    Glue on sticky pads:

    • expose one side of the sticky pad;
    • attach it in the center of the nail;
    • remove the film from the second side;
    • press the tips firmly first in the center, then along the edges.

    We decorate with tips with a sticky layer:

    • remove the protective layer;
    • attach a fake nail to yours;
    • press firmly first in the middle, then on the sides.

    The video shows the process of gluing in different ways step by step.

    Care and withdrawal

    Properly glued false nails are able to please for many days with an ideal appearance. They are unpretentious in care. Basic care is required. Dry your hands thoroughly after washing. Water dissolves the adhesive layer, but this happens slowly. It is important to dry your hands with a towel in a timely manner. Use rubber gloves when doing housework.

    Removing false nails with glue is very simple even for beginners. You will need a hand bath. Dip your hands in the tub warm water for 20 minutes, most likely, the tips will peel off by themselves. If water doesn't work, soak your fingers in nail polish remover, 5-10 minutes is usually enough.

    Additional complications and pain appear rarely upon removal. But if they occur, seek professional help.

    False nails provide an opportunity to make a manicure at home, which is not inferior in appearance to a professional one. When deciding in favor of tips, it is important to remember the health of your own nail plates, and not to abuse artificial ones.

    Artificial nails are a great addition to a cocktail or evening dress, a wonderful way to make yourself a special day. Not every girl can use overlays for a long time. For supporting appearance such fingers require sincere desire and low workload with household chores.