Mixer      06/26/2020

Do-it-yourself homemade fragrances. Do-it-yourself essential oil fragrance Do-it-yourself natural flavors

Natural fragrances fill the home or car interior with fragrance, eliminate unpleasant odors and protect against moths, improve mood and serve as interior decoration. They do not contain harmful chemicals. Do-it-yourself fragrances for the home will help create comfort.

This french word denoting "small bag". To sew a sachet, you need natural materials (cotton, linen, burlap, etc.). To decorate the bag, they make embroidery, use ribbons, beads, lace. If it is planned to hang it, attach a loop. Sewing or tying the bag should be after it is completely filled.

Sachet content options:

  • dry plants: rose, mint, jasmine, ginger, lavender, thyme, geranium, etc.;
  • dried orange, tangerine, lemon peels;
  • cotton wool, foam rubber, synthetic winterizer and other dry fillers, on which your favorite aroma oil is dripped.

Fragrant bags can be laid out in the closet with clothes. The smell of plants will scare away moths, and things will acquire a delicate aroma.

If the sachet is placed under the pillow, a deep restful sleep. The aroma lasts for several months, then the filler needs to be replaced.

Incense sticks can become a stylish piece of furniture.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Pour 200-250 ml of vegetable oil into the selected container. Any will do, as long as it is deodorized.
  2. Add essential oils (orange, lavender, mint, rose, etc.). Their volume depends on how intense the smell you want to get. But on average - 25 drops of aroma oil per 100 ml of regular oil.
  3. The composition is mixed, a couple of tablespoons of alcohol are added (it speeds up the aromatization processes).
  4. Several wooden sticks are placed in the container.

Aroma stones will also become original decoration interior and a source of pleasant smell in the room.

To make them, you need:

  • 5 st. l. starch;
  • 1 kg of salt;
  • 500 g flour;
  • aromatic oils;
  • 200 ml of water;
  • paint (acrylic or gouache is suitable).

Process of creation:

  1. Make a mixture of salt, flour and starch.
  2. The water is heated, the dye is dissolved in it.
  3. Pour the colored liquid into the mixture and knead the dough. Stones are formed from it, a little aroma oil is dripped onto each of them and left to dry.
  4. After hardening, the products are laid out around the house, beautiful compositions are created from them.

Water based

The peculiarity of such products is that in order to feel the aroma, the mixture must be hot. USB drink warmers, fondue maker or regular radiators are suitable.

An example of creating such a product:

  1. The lemon is cut into circles and placed in a jar.
  2. Add vanilla extract (a few drops) and rosemary (a couple of sprigs).
  3. The container is filled with purified water and placed in a heater.

This fragrance can also humidify the air in the room.

with soda

Soda refers to substances that retain odors for a long time.

Flavor making:

  1. Soda is poured onto the bottom of a beautiful jar (layer thickness - 1–2 cm).
  2. Apply 8-12 drops of aroma oil to the powder.
  3. Close the container with a lid (foil or cloth is suitable). Shake properly.
  4. Make small holes in the lid with an awl or needle.


They will certainly appeal to those who constantly buy industrial aerosols. Fill a glass bottle with a spray bottle with water by 3/4, add essential oil (20–30 drops), 3 tbsp. l. alcohol. All components are thoroughly mixed.


A bright and unusual flavor is obtained on a gel basis.


  • transparent container;
  • 20 g of gelatin;
  • 15 drops of aroma oil;
  • 25 g of glycerin;
  • 250 ml of water;
  • dye.

Process of creation:

  1. Gelatin is poured into water and left for an hour until it dissolves.
  2. Heat the composition over low heat (avoid boiling).
  3. Mix gelatin and paint dissolved in a small amount of water. Let cool a little.
  4. Add glycerin and essential oil, stir.
  5. The resulting gel is transferred to a container. You need to wait until it cools down completely.

From dried flowers

Such a thing will be a great solution for office space. Dry flowers are placed in a beautiful jar and the appropriate aroma oil is added to them.

From hydrogel

Hydrogel is a bright balls of polymeric materials. It is necessary to prepare 1 sachet of this substance.

Manufacturing process:

  1. 5-10 drops are added to water (information, how much it is needed, is on the package) essential oils and mix properly.
  2. Pour the hydrogel and leave overnight. The balls swell and become larger in volume.
  3. Finished products are poured into suitable containers.

Often, a mixture of essential oils is placed in one flavor. It is necessary to select smells that do not contradict each other.

The most harmonious combinations are obtained:

  • from mint, lemon, fir, cloves;
  • nutmeg, laurel, pine needles;
  • bergamot, citrus, fir;
  • rosemary, vanilla, lemon;
  • roses, jasmine;
  • cloves, orange, cinnamon;
  • lavender, lemon;
  • almond, ginger, orange;
  • rosemary, cloves.

There are many options for making flavors. Here you need to rely primarily on personal preferences, taste and imagination of the owners of the house.

In any store you can choose and buy all kinds of fresheners, air fresheners for the home. But they do not always meet our requirements. Fresheners - sprayers often have a very pungent odor, and gel ones practically do not smell. Well, fragrances, those that really fill the room with a light, pleasant, persistent smell, are very expensive.

Therefore, many craftsmen have long learned to make them on their own with the help of citrus peels, or. Such fresheners meet the tastes and requirements of their owner, and in terms of finances they are very acceptable.

Let's talk with you on www. various ways production of fresheners for various premises of a residential building.

So, if you are going to make a fragrance from essential oils with your own hands, then you should know its advantages as a home-made fragrant device over a purchased device:

Environmental friendliness, safety. Such devices do not harm health, as they do not contain chemical additives at all, which is especially important for allergy sufferers.

Small cost. It takes very little money to make a fragrance with your own hands.

Profitability. A homemade device can be used repeatedly.

Individuality. For homemade device you can choose a mixture of essential oils, getting the aroma that suits you the most.

There are many ways to make home fragrance devices. Consider the most simple and popular:

How to make home fragrance from essential oils with your own hands?

For living rooms:

The simplest thing is to pick up the smell by mixing the necessary aromatic oils, pour a few drops on a saucer and place it on hot battery. Under the influence of heat, evaporation will begin, and the room will be filled with a pleasant aroma.

You can also moisten a cotton pad with oil, and then place it in a warm place in the room, or put it in a closet with linen. Some put such a fragrance in a vacuum cleaner, stick it on inner surface trash can lids. From time to time, you need to renew the smell by wetting a new cotton pad with essential oil.

Pour into a wide, but small jar (up to half the capacity). Drop a few drops of the right one there, lemon, lavender, rose or pine needles). Mix, put on the shelf of the cabinet. After a short time, the room will be filled with a pleasant smell. To make it last longer but be less intense, close the jar plastic lid with holes.

You can make a plastic gelatin-based freshener with your own hands: pour a pack of gelatin into the dishes, pour a glass of water. When swollen, add 1 tbsp. l (sold in a pharmacy). Add a few drops of one or more oils, mix everything well. Place the container anywhere in the room.

Pine needles are an excellent freshener and disinfectant

If you like coniferous smells, you can make a very pretty fragrance that will decorate the room. In addition to a pleasant smell, it will also purify the air of germs. Gather in the forest a few cones, branches, interesting roots. Drip a little pine oil into the inside of each cone. Put them in a small wicker basket, decorate with forest roots or branches. Such a basket can become an original and healthy piece of decor.

In a similar way, you can decorate, scent a room with dry eucalyptus leaves placed in a small vase.

Fragrances for the kitchen

Here flavors and fresheners are needed especially. The kitchen usually retains odors from food being cooked, food from the refrigerator, etc. To get rid of them, many housewives simply fry coffee beans in a dry frying pan, or put cinnamon sticks or cloves on the shelves of cabinets.

You can make a simple flavor for the kitchen: pour some water into the pan, add a few drops of vanilla, lemon or, bring the water to a boil. Simmer over very low heat for a few minutes. The kitchen will be filled with pleasant aromas. Then cool the water, pour into a wide container, put it on top kitchen cabinet. The fragrance will remain for a few more days.

Try this method: pour soda into a jar or plastic container (up to half), add a little water to get the consistency of a thick paste. Drop a few drops of a suitable aroma, mix. Place such a homemade fragrance somewhere higher and enjoy a pleasant smell.

For bathroom, toilet

Here, as you understand, the most appropriate place for our homemade device. For such rooms, it is easiest to use tea bags with strings. Just drop a little on the bag, needles, citrus fruits or roses, and then hang it where it is convenient for you. When the smell becomes less intense, use the same bags with a new portion of oils.

You can make a more complex device: prepare a thick gelatin jelly, as we said earlier, put it in a jar. Pour half the salt into another bowl, add a little 6% vinegar, drip essential oil, add, if desired, a little dye (any).

Now mix both compositions. Transfer the mixture to plastic utensils, put in a cold place to freeze. Then cut off a small piece of gelatin mass, place in the toilet bowl.
Now with each flush, a pleasant smell will spread through the toilet.

How to make a freshener-sprayer?

This is very easy to do. Take an empty plastic flower spray bottle that you use to spray them. Pour it in cold water add a few drops of your favorite fragrance. Then just spray as needed.

Pleasant aromas that are present in our home give it individuality and improve mood. They can calm or cheer up - it all depends on your desire. Do-it-yourself fragrances made from essential oils will help you create a positive, unique atmosphere.

In general home atmosphere aromas play an important role. An apartment filled with unobtrusive pleasant smells becomes more comfortable. It is pleasant to return to it after a hard day, and on the weekend you can completely relax and get a therapeutic psychological relaxation. There are many flavoring agents on the market, but not all of them are completely harmless and ideal in composition. The article will talk about how to make an air freshener from essential oils with your own hands.

What are the benefits?

In addition to the fact that you can be the creator of your favorite fragrance by being creative and making it unique, homemade flavoring has other important advantages.

  • Naturalness and harmlessness. You can choose the components yourself, taking into account the characteristics of the health of your family members. And, of course, you do not have to add synthetic substances and chemicals. And if someone from your loved ones is allergic to certain natural essential substances, you simply will not add these components to your home fragrance.

  • Many who try to make familiar household appliances with their own hands have noticed that in the end it turns out to save a lot of money, because manufacturers include their risks, transportation costs and so on in the cost. And if you have mastered the flavoring manufacturing algorithm, you just need to purchase the necessary components. In this case, you do not overpay for packaging and a lot of unnecessary elements in the composition of aerosols and other artificial fresheners.

  • Made from high-quality natural essential oils, the fragrance will not emit an unnecessarily pungent odor. Substances are often added to store aerosols that artificially enhance the activity of odorous particles. As a result, the smell becomes strong and unnatural. But the light, pleasant fragrance of a home-made refreshing device will not be so annoying at all, but, on the contrary, will create a cozy atmosphere.

A little about flavors

It has long been proven that various essential oils not only decorate the air with their aroma - they also affect the psyche, general health person.

You can even pick up a whole healing "bouquet" of sensations that are pleasant for smelling, that is, smells.

  • Coniferous smells (fir, spruce) bring fresh notes of cool forest air. Aromatic coniferous oils are able to disinfect the air. They also have a pronounced antidepressant effect, uplifting mood. They are recommended to be inhaled by people prone to depression during a breakdown. They are also effective as a prophylactic against viral diseases.

  • Citrus flavors (lemon, grapefruit, orange) They also help fight anxiety and depression. They fill the air with sweetish fresh notes, thereby increasing vigor and uplifting mood. It is very useful to use these fragrances in your apartment in autumn and winter time. Especially positively citrus smells are perceived by children. In addition, like coniferous, natural esters of this group also have a strong antibacterial effect. Some claim that citrus oils, especially lemon, repel annoying insects: mosquitoes, midges, horseflies.

  • Jasmine oil has a subtle, delicate aroma. Helps to focus and calm down. Creative people are especially sensitive to it and often prefer jasmine oil to other esters. In addition, jasmine improves sleep, drives away insomnia and anxiety, and soothes during prolonged stress. In a house where this fragrance is present, relationships are established and harmony prevails.

  • sage oil- a very powerful remedy with a spicy herbal smell. In addition to fighting microbes that live in the air, essential particles of sage can stimulate mental activity, improve memory, and soothe. The aroma of sage is recommended to be inhaled for migraines, as it has a distracting and anti-spasmodic effect.

  • Verbena It is considered the aroma of successful, happy people who live in harmony with themselves and others. The ethers of this plant charge with positive, drive away bad thoughts and help in revealing creative potentials. This smell is very useful for students and people of mental labor. Its regular inhalation stimulates brain cells, relieves fatigue, and improves sleep.

  • cinnamon oil has a sweet pleasant aroma. First of all, the smell of cinnamon is associated with delicious pastries. And it is not without reason that this seasoning is used to prepare many dishes: cinnamon has a positive effect on the emotional state, raises vitality. Cinnamon oil brings cosiness to the general atmosphere of the apartment. There is a feeling of constant celebration and high spirits.

How and from what to do?

Having decided on the choice of flavor, you can start making homemade device for aromatization of the apartment. However, you can use your fragrance not only for rooms. There is nothing to stop you from freshening the air in your car with it, or using it to give a pleasant fragrance to bed linen and other favorite things.

Aroma diffuser

To make this simple, air-freshening device, you need to prepare a spray bottle and a small plastic bottle with screw neck. It is even better if you can find glass bottles or bottles with a neck suitable for screwing on the atomizer.

So, in the selected container you need to pour 150–200 ml of cooled boiled water. You can also use purified distilled water. Then add about 10 drops of the selected essential oil there. In the future, you can adjust the amount of essential components depending on personal feelings.

If you have chosen a composition of aromas, drip 2-3 drops of each oil. The main thing - do not overdo it!

The atomizer for aromatization of air is ready. It is advisable to shake it before use.

Gelatin Flavoring

To create and maintain a pleasant smell in the room, you can use a kind of "jelly" that will constantly emit a fragrance for several days.

Gelatin should be taken in the amount of 2 tbsp. spoons, pour it into a glass warm water, stir and heat over low heat until completely dissolved. For a more beautiful visual effect, you can add food coloring to the water, then the frozen gel-like mass will have a certain color.

In a container with warmed gelatin, add the selected oil. Enough 10-15 drops. So that the composition does not dry out too quickly, it is worth adding 1 teaspoon of glycerin.

After allowing to cool slightly, pour the resulting mass into a transparent glass jar with a wide neck. For the best decorative effect you can add beautiful pebbles, shells, flower petals and other decorations there.

A beautiful flavor made from natural ingredients is ready.

soda air freshener

Very easy to manufacture flavor based on a simple baking soda, which is found in the kitchen, perhaps, in every housewife. The powder must be poured into a small container. It can be a jar or a plastic container, as long as the top of the dish is wide.

One or more essential oils are added to soda. You can mix the whole mass a little with a stick so that the esters are better distributed.

Then the soda container must be closed thick paper or foil, securing them with a tight elastic band. In the "lid" it is necessary to make several holes with a toothpick, an awl or a thick needle.

Such a composition not only distributes fragrance for a long time, but is also able to absorb unpleasant odors from the outside. Therefore, this version of the freshener is well suited for use in the bathroom or in the kitchen.

Home fragrance based on water and alcohol

This recipe is a slightly enhanced version of the water-based fragrance diffuser described just above. Alcohol contains a lot of volatile particles, which will help the ethers to spread better in the room.

As in the previous case, you will need a small container and a spray bottle. In 1 glass of water, add 2 tbsp. spoons of vodka or 1 tbsp. a spoonful of pure 90% alcohol. There should also be poured 10-15 drops of essential oil. After shaking, a pleasant smell can be sprayed around the room.

fragrant sticks

A very long playing freshener, for the manufacture of which you will need wooden skewers or other thin sticks.

You will also need a small bottle, always with a narrow neck. There you need to pour about 100 grams of the so-called base oil, that is, odorless. In everyday life, the first thing that comes to mind from the most affordable is refined sunflower.

2 tbsp is also added to the oil container. spoons of vodka and 5-10 drops of the selected aromatic ether. Close the neck and shake the bottle several times to mix the ingredients.

One of the warmest winter scents. Many make fragrant "hedgehogs" from oranges or tangerines and cloves. This fragrance works great for a week. The variant with a jar is more long-playing.

Slice the orange, add a few cinnamon sticks, 8-10 clove buds, and a few star anise. The ratio can be changed depending on what kind of smell you like best.

Fill the jar with water. In order for the mixture to give off aroma, it must be heated ( important rule for all fragrances water based). To do this, you can use a fondue pot, USB-warmers for drinks, coasters for teapots with candles, or just a radiator.

Cut the lemon into circles or slices and put in a jar. Add 3-4 sprigs of rosemary and a couple of drops of vanilla extract there. Fill with water and put in the heater.

Cut the lime into circles, add a couple of sprigs of thyme, a few drops of vanilla extract and mint. Fill everything with water and heat up.

You can use both mint essence and dry mint for tea. The same goes for thyme: if there is no fresh, you can add a pinch of dry.

Cut the orange into slices and put in a jar. Add ginger there: fresh (then it also needs to be cut into circles) or in powder - and fill it with water. A few drops of almond essence will complement the aroma. Nuts, unfortunately, will not give a rich smell.

Do not forget to put the finished flavor in a warm place.

This time, you don't need to add water. Just put it in a jar fir branches and a few bay leaves. So that they immediately begin to smell, it is better to break them. Add a couple of whole and a couple of grated nutmegs: their flavor is stronger and more stable than that of the powder.

Rinse and dry small glass jars. Make holes in the center of the lids and seal them with tissue paper: smells will easily pass through it.

Boil a glass of water and dissolve 2-3 sachets of gelatin in it. Pour in a tablespoon of salt and pour in a glass of cold water. Add 30 drops of your favorite essential oil and a couple of drops of dye. Mix everything thoroughly and pour into jars. Let dry (preferably overnight) and spread around the house.

7. Baking soda flavor

Baking soda is very susceptible to odors. It will not only give off the aroma of the essential oil with which it is impregnated, but also absorb unpleasant odors.

Cut in lid glass jar round hole. Tape it with scrapbooking paper and poke a lot of holes in it with a needle. You can also use a thin cotton cloth, or you can do it easier and just pierce the metal cover with an awl in several places.

Fill a clean and dry jar about half full, add 8-12 drops of essential oil and shake. If the scent is not strong enough for you, add 5-10 more drops and shake again.

An excellent solution not only for home, but also for the office. Dried flowers not only exude a pleasant delicate aroma, but also look very aesthetically pleasing inside a glass jar.

Dried flowers and herbs can be purchased at pharmacies and stores, or dried on your own. If you choose the second way, just tie a small bouquet with string and hang it in a sunny and well-ventilated place.

Put the plants in a jar and add a couple of drops of an essential oil that suits the aroma. So, if you have dried roses or wild roses, use rose oil. If you have lavender in the jar, enhance its natural aroma with lavender oil.

Comfort in the house ... For each of us, these words have a different meaning. For some, this is a chic environment, for others - the presence of pickles and other dishes, but for everyone together - a pleasant smell.

Our perception of housing will depend on the smell

It is from the smell, first of all, our perception of this or that housing will depend. And in order to always smell good in your house, it is not at all necessary to use a bunch of deodorizing preparations. You can create comfort with the help of natural flavors created by yourself.
Making a natural flavor will not take you much time, but its benefits will be invaluable. After all, it will not only fill your home or car interior with fragrance, but also help to quickly and permanently neutralize various unpleasant odors, and protect clothes from moths. And most importantly - it will not harm your health, on the contrary, it will help restore emotional balance.

Aromatic sachet

Sachet means "small bag" in French. Aromatic sachets are small bags, similar to pillows, inside of which are fragrant fillers.

Aromatic sachet

Even our great-grandmothers used similar fragrant pads to freshen the air in the house. Aromatic sachets have not lost their relevance today, rather the opposite. Unlike, for example, the same air fresheners in cans, they can be hypoallergenic, which means they will not bring any harm to your health and the health of your loved ones.
But the benefits of aromatic sachets can be huge. They will help you create a pleasant smell in the house - simply stacked in a large basket on the table, and will do a great job of "guarding" your wardrobe from the ubiquitous moth. In addition, laid out inside the cabinet, sachets will add a subtle, light and unique flavor to your things. Contribute good rest if you put just one bag under your pillow.

How to fill the sachet
The filling of aromatic sachets can be different. For this fit:
dry peels from citrus fruits: tangerines, lemons, oranges, and so on;
various dried fragrant herbs and flowers: lavender, rose, lemon balm, mint, wormwood, geranium, verbena, carnation, jasmine and others;
any other dry filler (for example, cotton wool), on which a few drops have been applied aromatic oil: lavender, lemon, rosemary, rose and so on.

Sachet filler may be different

A variety of spices will be an excellent addition to aromatic sachets: vanilla pods, anise, cinnamon, cloves and others. The only thing to consider is that the proportion of their weight to the total mass of the sachet should be relatively small due to the intense, and sometimes very pungent, smell that they have.

How to make a sachet
You can make an aromatic sachet in just a few minutes. A bag is sewn from any material, decorated with beautiful beads, embroidery, ribbons or lace on top. If the sachet is planned to be hung, then a small loop is sewn on one of its sides.
So, to make an aromatic sachet, first of all, you need to sew the pouch (cushion) itself. It is better to give preference to simple natural fabrics: burlap, natural silk, linen, and so on. The size of the pillow should be small, most often it is 10x8 or 12x13 centimeters. The cut pillow is sewn on three sides, leaving the fourth unsewn. Tie the bag (or completely sew it up) only after the sachet is filled.

In the next video, you can see how easy it is to make aromatic sachets for the New Year, but these ideas will work for everyday use. The author of the video shows several options for fillers that can be found in almost every home, as well as elementary methods for making bags.

You can use sachets as a flavoring agent for a relatively short time - about three months. After this time, the filler must be replaced with a new one.

aroma stones

A fragrance that is at the same time an interior detail. That part of it that will attract attention, fill the house with an unsurpassed aroma and amaze with the exquisite simplicity of design. It's all about aroma stones.

aroma stones

Making a couple of aroma stones with your own hands will not be great work, the process itself will not take you much time, but the benefits will be simply invaluable. Well, let's get started?
To make aroma stones you will need:
Flour (any) - 600 g,
Salt - 1 kg,
Starch (potato or corn) - 5 tbsp. spoons
Hot water - about 200 ml,
Various essential oils - a few drops,
Food coloring or paints for creativity (you can use gouache).

How to make aroma stones with your own hands:

Pour flour, salt and starch into a deep bowl. All ingredients are well mixed. The dye is dissolved in water, mixed with the rest of the ingredients and kneaded into a stiff dough.
The dough is divided into small portions, from which they form a kind of pebbles with their hands.
Or they roll it into a cake about 1 cm thick and cut out stone figures from the dough with a sharp knife (or using molds).
For each such “pebble”, 2-3 drops of any essential oil are applied and left to dry.
As soon as the aroma stones dry, they are laid out around the house: randomly, one or several pieces, or they form a composition from them, for example, by placing them in a beautiful wicker basket.
Over time, the stones will almost cease to smell, but you should not throw them away: to make them smell fragrant again, just drop a few drops of essential oil on them again.

Aroma sticks

Incense sticks will stylish decoration at home and, at the same time, help to fill it with fragrance.

Aroma sticks

To make incense sticks you will need:
Wooden sticks (for example, barbecue skewers) 15 - 30 cm long,
Beautiful Glass bottle or a small vase with a narrow neck,
Ordinary vegetable oil(deodorized),
Essential oil - depending on what smell the fragrance should have: pink, lavender, orange, sandalwood, and so on; or a mixture of oils,
Alcohol or vodka, which will help speed up the flavoring process.
How to make incense sticks:
Vegetable oil, the amount of which depends on the volume of the selected vase or bottle (ideally, the aromatic composition should cover 1/3 of the length of the sticks), is mixed with essential oil. The amount of essential oil depends on how intense the smell you want to end up with. For 100 ml of vegetable oil, 25 drops of essential oil (or a mixture of essential oils) will be enough.
The oils are thoroughly mixed with each other, after which a couple of teaspoons of alcohol are added to them and mixed well again. The finished aroma mixture is poured into a vase or bottle, after which several wooden sticks- flavor is ready.
Advice: To make the aroma sticks smell as long as possible, add a few drops of essential oils to the container as the smell becomes less intense.

From the following video, you can learn a few more ideas for making flavors from vegetable raw materials - even weeds will do.

Liquid Natural Flavor

The principle of operation of liquid flavoring is the same as that of incense sticks, but the method of preparation is slightly different, however, as is the appearance.

Liquid Natural Flavor

To make a liquid natural flavor you will need:
Vegetable oil (odorless) - 150 ml,
Essential oil (or a mixture of essential oils) - 20-25 drops,
Small bottles with a volume of about 200 ml,
Cork stopper suitable for the size of the neck of the selected bottle,
Decorative lace.
How to make Liquid Natural Flavor:
Vegetable oil is poured into the selected bottle, essential oil (or a mixture of various essential oils) is added and everything is mixed well. They take a cork stopper (for example, from wine), cut it in half - across. One part is thrown away, and in the second half a hole is made with an awl - right in the middle. stayed outside. A decorative lace dipped in scented oil will quickly soak into it and begin to exude fragrance.

Gel flavor

Gel flavor

To make a gel flavor you will need:
Gelatin - 20 g,
Water - 300 ml,
Glycerin - 25 g,
Essential oils - 10-15 drops,
Dye - optional
Beautiful transparent bottle, plate or jar.
How to make a gel flavor:
Gelatin is mixed with water and left for 50-60 minutes until it is completely dissolved.
Dissolved gelatin is put on a small fire, heated (not letting it boil), dye is added (you can also use simple gouache) and allowed to cool.
Glycerin, essential oils are added to the almost cooled (barely warm) gelatin and everything is mixed well.
The gel mass is transferred to a previously prepared container and left until completely solidified. The flavor is ready!

Fragrance with hydrogel

Simply an excellent basis for creating a flavor is a hydrogel, to put it simply - beautiful multi-colored balls made of granular polymer.

Fragrance with hydrogel

To make a hydrogel flavor you will need:
Hydrogel balls - 1 sachet,
Essential oil or a mixture of various essential oils - 5-10 drops,
Water - required amount indicated on the packaging of the hydrogel,
Nice jar or vase.
How to make a hydrogel fragrance:
Hydrogel is poured into a deep bowl or jar.
Add a few drops of essential oil to the water and mix well.
The hydrogel is poured with water and essential oil and left for 12 hours. During this time, the hydrogel balls will increase significantly in volume. After the specified time, the balls are poured into a beautiful bottle or vase. The flavor is ready!
Advice: Over time, the hydrogel balls will begin to lose their smell and begin to decrease in volume, but this is easy to fix: just fill them again with a mixture of water and aromatic oils.

Aromatizer - air humidifierAt the same time, it is easy and simple to humidify and aromatize the air in the room. To do this, place containers with an aromatic mixture on the radiators.

Lemon rosemary flavor

Aromatizer - air humidifier

To make Lemon Rosemary Flavor, you will need:
Water container - about 200 ml,
Water - 150 ml,
Lemon essential oil - 15 drops,
Rosemary essential oil - 5 drops,
Vanilla extract - 3-5 drops,
How to make a fragrance humidifier:
Add essential oils of lemon, rosemary and vanilla extract to the water, mix well.
Pour into a prepared (clean and dry) container (bowl, jar).
Install the container on the heating battery.

Spray fragrance

The fragrance spray will appeal to those who are used to using purchased aerosols. But, in comparison with ready-made options, handmade fragrance sprays are much better. Because they are made from natural materials, which means they will not harm the health of your household.

Spray fragrance

To make a fragrance spray you will need:
Water - 250 ml,
Alcohol - 2 tbsp. spoons.
Essential oils - to choose from: lavender, eucalyptus, bergamot, neroli and so on - 20-30 drops,
Spray bottle - plastic or glass.
How to make a fragrance spray:
The bottle is filled three quarters with water.
Alcohol, essential oil (or a mixture of essential oils) are added to the water and everything is mixed well.
coffee flavor

coffee flavor

Love the smell of coffee? Then this fragrance will make your beautiful home even more comfortable, filling it with an unimaginably “delicious” coffee aroma. What’s more, it can be done in just minutes. To do this, you need to fill beautiful saucers, caskets or small vases with roasted coffee beans, and arrange them throughout the house.

flavor with soda

Beautiful jars, which, as it were, are not needed, but it is a pity to throw them away, can be successfully used as a container for flavoring with soda. Why with soda? The fact is that it is able to retain various odors for a sufficiently long period of time. Just this feature makes it an excellent basis for creating flavors.

flavor with soda

To make a flavoring with soda, you will need:
One or more small beautiful jars with lids. If you don't have a lid, you can use a piece of foil instead.
Baking soda.
Essential oil or a mixture of various essential oils.
How to make flavoring with soda:
At the bottom of the jar, a centimeter layer of baking soda is poured.
Then a few (7-12) drops of essential oil are applied to it.
Close the jar tightly with a lid or a piece of foil and shake its contents well.
Then it is opened and several small holes are made in the lid, using, for example, a nail and a hammer. If you made an improvised cover from foil, then you can make holes in it with an ordinary awl or a large needle.
A jar is sealed with a lid with holes or foil - the flavor is ready.
Oranges, lemons and any other citrus fruits are also an excellent base for creating a flavor. They will be especially relevant on the eve of the winter holidays: they will not only decorate the interior, but will also have an excellent anti-inflammatory effect.

Orange flavor

Orange flavor

You will need:
Orange - one or more pieces. Orange essential oil - 3-5 drops, Ground cinnamon - 1 teaspoon per 1 orange, Clove - 2 pcs.
Method for making orange flavoring:
Cut the top off the orange with a sharp knife.
Using a teaspoon, carefully remove all the pulp.
Cinnamon is poured inside the orange, cloves are placed, a few drops of orange essential oil are added and the finished flavor is installed in the right room.
And from oranges and tangerines you can make a wonderful christmas decor. You can learn more about how to do this in the articles:

Secrets of creating and using flavors

As a flavoring agent, you can use not only aromatic sachets, aroma sprays, aroma stones, and so on, but also some plants. For example, lemon balm and basil, which can grow successfully on a windowsill.
To ensure that your home always smells good, and the smell is stable and rich, do not use for different rooms various flavors. Give preference to one or, in last resort, several, but necessarily similar.

Some plants can also be used as a flavoring agent.

For aromatization of premises, not only various essential oils are used, but also their mixtures. True, it is better not to combine some of them so that the smells do not “contradict” each other. For example, the following essential oils are in perfect harmony with each other: lemon and lavender, rose and jasmine, cloves and rosemary.
A mixture of essential oils of lemon, fir and bergamot (in equal parts) will help create a pleasant festive atmosphere. To neutralize unwanted odors in the kitchen and in public places, an aroma that uses essential oils of lemon (2 parts), mint, clove and fir (1 part each) will help.
In any case, do not be afraid to experiment - feel free to mix different aroma oils and create your own compositions! I am sure that this is how you will find it - a bright, beautiful, unique and, most importantly, a unique scent for your home.