In a private house      04/05/2019

Which electricity meter is best to install in an apartment - expert advice. Practical recommendations for choosing an electric meter

Any home owner must install devices for metering water, electricity, gas, etc. If there is a delay in installing devices for metering heat and water, then the installation of an electricity meter must be completed first.


Absolutely all companies that produce this type of device give them a warranty period of sixteen years, and this is a lot and indicates that frequent replacement will not be required.

But in rare cases, when it comes to purchasing a new measuring instrument, a buyer who does not have the full amount of information may make the wrong choice. Which one is better? First you need to familiarize yourself with the operating principle of the electric meter, as well as the existing model range.

Induction electricity meter

There are two types of electricity meters: induction and electronic. What email? the counter is best to use, decide by reading the information below.

So, the first type of device is mechanical. The induction meter consists of a voltage coil, a metal disk and a current coil. Because of magnetic field, appearing as a result of the interaction of two coils, the metal disk begins to rotate, also rotating behind it wheels with numbers showing the amount of energy spent electrical energy.

Such devices have their pros and cons. The advantages include their relatively low cost and long term service, and the downside is the error in readings is about 2%. But long term The presence of this type of meters on the market overshadows the rather large percentage of errors and makes them quite popular among buyers. Therefore, to answer the question of which meter is better, let's look at the second type of device.

Electronic counter

The electronic device is radically different from the above. It completely lacks any signs of mechanics, and the current is directly supplied to microcircuits and semiconductors. These microcircuits show the amount of electricity consumed, displaying numbers on the built-in electronic display. The main positive characteristics of this are small size, more accurate data, electronic display, ease of reading and the ability to calculate consumption for several different tariff plans. And the high cost and relatively short service life are unpleasant additions to it.

Single-phase electricity meters

According to the type of network to which the connection is made, electricity is divided into single-phase and three-phase.

Single-phase meters are connected to a two-wire, single-phase network. The total load on the network along with the number of wires are the main factors. Single-phase metering devices are used when electricity consumption does not exceed 10 kV. This meter produces 220 V.

Three-phase devices

These meters are connected to three-phase networks, as is clear from their name. As needed a large number of energy for their operation, found their application in factories or switchboard multi-storey residential buildings for electricity.

Which one is better to install in a private home? Most often they install single-phase ones. They can also be connected to a three-phase network, but only then will such a device be needed for each phase. The installation of a three-phase meter can only be justified by the use of any equipment with a high electricity demand, for example, welding machine or something like that. At the output, the meter produces 380 V and protects the building from power surges.

Classification by tariff

Electricity meters also come in different tariffs. Which is better?

  1. Single tariff. Keeps counting only for one selected tariff. Often used in everyday life.
  2. Two-tariff. Allows you to count energy consumption according to two tariff plans, for example, one tariff during the day, a completely different one at night. It is used in various factories and organizations where work is carried out in two shifts.
  3. Multi-tariff. Calculates energy for several tariffs at once and reduces costs.

Classification by energy type

Single-phase devices measure exclusively active energy passing through them, and three-phase, in addition to active, also measure reactive energy, also taking into account the direction of flows. This helps to save a lot on large objects.

Electricity meters: which one is better?

To choose the best meter, you need to consider some parameters of the device and learn something about the network.

Companies that produce the best electricity meters

According to official data from the Abarcad company with its main office in Moscow, in 2012 in the territory Russian Federation More than eight million electricity meters were made, of which the lion's share (90%) were single-phase devices. This suggests that electricity meters are often replaced in the household sector.

Which one is better to use? It is known that more than ¾ of all production in Russia comes from three Russian companies. Among them are the Energomera concern (Stavropol), the Incotex company (Moscow) and the Moscow Measuring Instruments Plant holding. The leading place in this trio is occupied by Energomera with 40% of production assets, followed by Incotex and the Moscow Plant of Measuring Instruments with 29 and 7%, respectively. The price of domestic meters is significantly lower than foreign ones, but the difference in quality is not very noticeable.

Market leaders in electricity meters

In order for you to decide which meter is best to install, let’s look at these companies in a little more detail:

  1. The Stavropol concern Energomera owns a couple of factories not only in Russia, but also in neighboring countries. Specializes in the production of high quality energy metering devices of all types, the price of which varies from 13 to 330 units in European currency.
  2. Incotex is a large domestic organization with factories in the Russian Federation and beyond. The specialty of this company is the development and assembly of electronic devices, which include electricity meters of all types.
  3. "Moscow Measuring Instruments Plant" (MZIP). An old enterprise producing electricity meters and various radio equipment. The devices produced include single- and two-phase electricity meters.

The decision about which electric meter is best to install in an apartment must be made at an early stage of planning the installation of electrical equipment.

Once you have purchased the device, you will not be able to return it, since the equipment passport contains a mark that includes a stamp government agency And serial number. The only situation when returning an electric meter is possible is a manufacturing defect.

Criterias of choice

When choosing an electric meter, you will have to rely not on personal preferences, but look for a device whose characteristics are suitable for the parameters of a particular electrical wiring.

Significant characteristics of the electric meter:

  • type of design;
  • number of phases;
  • device current class;
  • presence or absence of multiple tariffs;
  • accuracy of electricity consumption calculations;
  • method of fixing the device;
  • terms of Use;
  • date of manufacture;
  • time of last reconciliation;
  • interverification interval.

The defining parameters include the first four from the list above. Other criteria are secondary.

Type of design

The story about how to choose an electricity meter for an apartment is better to start with information about technical device potential purchase.

There are three types of electricity consumption meters:

  1. Induction meters. These are mechanical counters with a rotating disk. Dignity induction devices- long service life and low cost. A significant flaw in the mechanics is the insufficient calculation accuracy. The device can operate both negatively and positively compared to actual energy consumption. Induction equipment operates only on a single-tariff principle.
  2. Electronic meters. This equipment is distinguished by metering accuracy and compactness. Electronics allows you to work in multi-tariff mode (you can choose from one, two or multiple tariffs). The main disadvantage of electronic devices is their relatively short service life. Electronics are more expensive than mechanics, which together makes the purchase even more dubious for many.
  3. Combined (hybrid) electricity meter. This is an intermediate option between mechanics and electronics. The device interface is done digitally. The measuring part can be either electronic or inductive. The computing unit is always mechanical.

When choosing counting equipment, it is recommended to proceed from electricity consumption. Electronics are relevant at high consumption rates, when inaccuracies are fraught with significant financial costs. In some cases, electronic meters pay for themselves in a couple of months due to more accurate counting.

The possibility of multiple tariffs should be taken into account: not all regions have different electricity prices throughout the day. And even if the prices are different, the low electricity consumption negates the arguments in favor of buying an electronic device.

Number of phases

Based on the number of phases, there are two types of devices:

  1. Single-phase.
  2. Three-phase.

When choosing, you should proceed from the existing wiring: for single-phase wiring - 1 phase, for three-phase wiring - 3 phases.

Note! IN apartment buildings Single-phase devices are always installed. When purchasing a meter for a private home, you can figure out the number of phases by paying attention to the wiring. If there are 2 wires in the power line, you will need a single-phase meter; for a line with 4 wires, you need a three-phase meter.

Each electric meter has terminals with which current-carrying conductors are connected to account for electricity. The single-phase device is equipped with 4 terminals: 2 phases and zero for the input and two for the output. Connecting a single-phase device to a three-phase power line is not possible. If, when purchasing a single-phase device, a mistake was made with phase counting, you cannot do without a new trip to the store.

A three-phase electric meter has 8 terminals (at least). For input, 4 terminals are used (3 per phase and 1 for zero) and the same number per output. For a single-phase line, you can also use a three-phase device, but in this case half of the terminals will not be used.

Device current class

Single-phase models are used to calculate electricity consumption in circuits where the current is in the range of 5 - 80 A. Three-phase devices are designed for circuits in the range of 50 - 100 A. Some equipment modifications also work with a smaller spread: a smaller range makes the device cheaper.

When choosing an electric meter, you need to proceed from the thickness of the cable going into your home. The table below shows the maximum current for copper and aluminum conductors of different thicknesses. No more current is required than the value indicated in the table. Please note that the Electrical Installation Rules (ELR) regulate the installation of electrical appliances depending on the type of electrical wiring (closed or open) and the number of phases.

An example is the situation with single-phase electrical wiring open type with copper wire. The wire cross-section is 6 square millimeters. In this case, you will need a meter with a maximum current of 50 A. If we are talking about an aluminum wire, the current will be 39 A. There is no point in overpaying for a larger range, since the power supply automatically turns off at 39 A.

Note! At closed type electrical wiring, the current strength for a copper wire will be 34 A, and for an aluminum wire - 38 A.

Presence or absence of multiple tariffs

There are 3 types of equipment available:

  1. Single tariff.
  2. Two-tariff.
  3. Multi-tariff.

Payment for electricity consumption for a single-tariff device is calculated based on the principle: electricity consumed per month is multiplied by the price per 1 kWh.

Calculation example for single-tariff equipment:

  1. Consumption - 200 kWh.
  2. Price per 1 kWh. - 5 rubles.
  3. Financial expenses - 200×5=1000 rubles.

In two-tariff models, the cost of consumed electricity is calculated based on the time of day:

  1. Day rate (from 7 am to 11 pm). The cost of a unit of electricity is 1–20% higher than the nominal value. The nominal value is understood as the cost established in a single tariff.
  2. Night rate (from 11 pm to 7 am). The cost of 1 kWh is 20–60% less than the nominal value.

Example of calculation for a two-tariff plan:

  1. The price of electricity at the daily rate is 3 rubles per 1 kWh. 100 kWh consumed per month.
  2. The price of electricity at night tariff is 2 rubles. Monthly consumption - 150 kWh.
  3. Total monthly electricity costs: 100×3+150×2=600 rubles.
  4. Savings when using a two-tariff meter are 150 rubles or 20%. With one tariff, the costs would be: 250×3=750 rubles.

Note! All figures are provided as an example only. Each region has its own tariffs and discount levels. Specific information can be obtained from the energy sales organization at your place of residence.

If a multi-tariff plan is selected, the day is divided into 3 parts:

  1. Night (from 11 pm to 7 am). The cost per 1 kWh is 20–60% less than the nominal value.
  2. Half peak (from 9 am to 5 pm and from 8 to 11 pm). The cost of 1 kWh is identical to the nominal one.
  3. Peak (from 7 to 9 am and from 5 to 8 pm). The cost of 1 kWh is 5–30% more than the nominal value.

Savings on using 2 or more tariffs are possible in the following cases:

  1. Significant difference between tariffs.
  2. Focus on energy consumption at night.

If it is not possible to use powerful energy consumers at night or at least during half-peak, purchasing dual-tariff or multi-tariff equipment will not justify itself. Costs will increase as the peak tariff is higher than nominal.

Electricity metering accuracy

This parameter depends on the accuracy class (CT) of the electricity meter - this is the maximum permissible deviation during the measurement of electrical energy as a percentage. The smaller the number, the higher the accuracy class.

Electrical installation rules regulate the possibility of installing devices with an accuracy class of at least 2 units. Until recently, devices with accuracy class 2.5 were allowed. There are devices on the market with the most different classes accuracy - up to 0.5. However, the higher the accuracy class, the more expensive the equipment.

Note! The accuracy class can be seen in a special circle on the body of the electric meter. The error is indicated as a percentage.

There is an opinion that a less accurate device will record less electricity consumption. However, this is only true if the equipment errs on the downside. In practice, with the same probability, everything can happen the other way around.

For example, with real electricity consumption of 100 kWh and an error of 2%, the deviation will be 2 kWh per month. To a lesser or greater extent - it is impossible to predict. The indicated value (2 kWh) is insignificant, but if we are talking about consumption of thousands of kWh, installing the most accurate device can provide very significant savings.

Device fixation method

According to the mounting method, meters are divided into 2 types:

  1. Attached to DIN rail.
  2. Fixed to a shield, which can be made of metal, plastic or wood.

The method of fixation is not a fundamental issue and you can choose the option that is most suitable in this particular case.

terms of Use

Accounting equipment can be installed in the following locations:

  1. Interior of the building (heated room).
  2. Outdoors or in a cold room. There is equipment whose operation is possible at low and high temperatures, in conditions of precipitation.

Note! If the meter is located on the street, it must remain freely accessible. This important condition, since you will need to take measurements of electricity consumption.

Date of manufacture and time of last verification

According to the PUE, the maximum period elapsed from the date of manufacture of the device to installation is:

  • for single-phase devices - 2 years;
  • for three-phase devices - 1 year.

If more time has passed than required by the regulations, you will need to check the accuracy of the readings in a specialized organization. Verification is carried out at the expense of the electricity consumer. If you do not pay attention to the date of manufacture of the equipment, an unscrupulous seller may sell a product that cannot be installed without prior verification.

Any counter presented on domestic market, is being verified by a state regulatory organization. If the testing is passed, the device is sealed and allowed for sale.

When purchasing, you need to pay attention to the seal: it should not be damaged. Even if there are small chips, installation of an electric meter will be denied.

Calibration interval

This indicator indicates the period after which equipment verification is mandatory. For induction devices, the verification interval is 16 years, but for electronic devices it is 3 years or more.

If necessary (for example, if there are doubts about the accuracy of the metering), the electric meter can be checked unscheduled. Payment for verification falls on the shoulders of the customer. However, if the fault is confirmed, a new consumption count begins. The new date is indicated on the seal.

Other factors when choosing a meter

A few more factors that you should pay attention to when choosing equipment for metering electricity consumption:

  1. Automatic consumption metering. The option is attractive for those users who do not have the time to take readings on their own.
  2. Country of manufacture. At the moment, Russian devices are considered to be not inferior in quality to foreign ones. Products from companies such as Intcotext and Energomera are popular among consumers.
  3. Repair prices for a specific model. More often renovation work cost less than purchasing and installing a new device. However, repair prices can vary quite a bit depending on the model.
  4. Noisy operation. Some models make a buzzing sound when operating. This creates discomfort, so it would be a good idea to ask the seller about the noise level of the device.

Some buyers prefer induction meters since this equipment allows “rewinding” of flow. However, now the time has come for new induction models that have a magnetization indication function. The inspector will notice if the indicator goes off, which will lead to charges of electrical theft.


It is easier for an informed person to decide on the purchase of an electric meter - he understands what he wants. Such a buyer comes to the store and makes clear demands for the purchase. An appeal to the seller may sound, for example, like this: “I need an electronic multi-tariff single-phase meter for installation in an apartment. A range of 5 – 50 A, an accuracy class of 0.5, a verification interval of at least 5 years and fixation on a DIN rail are required.”

Sooner or later, the moment always comes when you need to think about replacing your electricity meter. There are many reasons - old counter may serve the period set by the manufacturer, become unusable, cease to meet the requirements of an existing or modernized home electrical network, or simply not fit into the apartment interior. There is another reason that encourages owners to decide to replace this device - a differentiated tariff system for electricity consumption.

That is why they have become increasingly in demand among consumers. electricity meters two-tariff how to choose which will be recommended in this publication.

What is a multi-tariff accounting system

It is known that electricity consumption in different time days varies significantly. Energy engineers conventionally divide day and night into five successively replacing one another zones:

  • Night - with minimal consumption, lasting from 23.00 to 7.00
  • Morning peak – from 7.00 to 9.00. The population wakes up en masse, prepares to go to work, a huge number of electrical appliances are turned on, and work shifts at enterprises begin.
  • Daytime semi-peak, from 10.00 to 17.00 – consumption levels out somewhat due to a decrease in the “home” load, but there's enough left high due to the operation of a large number of enterprises and institutions.
  • Evening peak – from 17.00 to 21.00. “Rush hour” on all types of electric transport, consumers returning home with the understandable mass switching on of lighting, heating or air conditioning systems, computers, televisions, all types of household appliances, including very energy-intensive electric stoves, boilers, washing machines and dishwashers.
  • Evening half-peak, from 21.00 to 23.00, when the total load on the power grid begins to gradually decrease due to the end of household chores and the gradual transition of the population to sleep.

The graph shows the approximate level of electricity consumption, based on statistical data from one of the largest cities in Russia - St. Petersburg.

Such load surges have an extremely negative impact on the condition of power lines and, most importantly, on the operation of power plants. By and large, this leads to irrational use of energy resources, accelerated wear and tear of generating and transforming equipment, and even to a certain deterioration of the environmental situation in the region.

In order to smooth out such differences as much as possible and minimize the consequences of such jumps, a system of differentiated tariffication of consumed electricity was developed. The main goal of this approach is to extremely motivate the population to reduce consumption during peak hours and transfer many energy-intensive household processes to this time. so-called “night failures”.

This policy has been introduced in many regions of Russia, although the established tariffs can vary quite significantly by region and city. But the night rate is always much lower than the day rate.

For example, in St. Petersburg, from January 1, 2015, the following cost per 1 kW of consumed electricity is established (in parentheses the cost per kilowatt is indicated for houses where stationary electric stoves and (or) electric heating of the premises is provided):

Differentiated electricity tariffs for 2015 in St. Petersburg

In some regions, in particular Moscow and the Moscow region, there is even the possibility of three-level tariffing with a division of half-peak and peak zones:

Tariff typecost of 1 kW, rub
General, in the absence of meters with separate metering of consumption by time4,68 (3,28)
Daytime, for half-peak and peak zones when using two-tariff meters, from 7.00 to 23.004,91 (3,44)
Daytime for peak zones, from 7.00 to 10.00 and from 17.00 to 21.00, when using meters with multi-level tariffs4,92 (3,45)
Daytime for semi-peak zones, from 10.00 to 17.00 and from 21.00 to 23.00, when using meters with multi-level tariffs4,08 (2,85)
Preferential night, from 23.00 to 7.001,26 (0,88)
Differentiated electricity tariffs for 2015 in Moscow

Even a quick glance shows that the cost of “night” and “peak” electricity can sometimes differ by almost four times. And if you sit down with a pencil in your hands and a calculator (computer) to analyze your home consumption, you can achieve very significant savings.

So, for example, you can do all the washing at night - modern washing machines allow you to program this process with a delayed start. The same can fully apply to dishwashers. If there is a powerful boiler at home, then it is also better to heat the water at night, creating a reserve hot water, which is enough for a day. Modern “smart” kitchen appliances are quite capable of preparing a hot breakfast for the owners, having completed all manipulations before 7 am. Can give good savings and rational use heating or air conditioning devices, taking into account the “intelligent” capabilities inherent in them. And for a fairly large category of people who belong to the “night owls”, such pricing is, in general, just a godsend.

In a word, a two- or multi-tariff consumption metering system opens up a wide range of opportunities for serious savings Money. However, first you will need to make a material investment - purchase an appropriate meter.

Video: what are multi-tariffs for? counters

Parameters for selecting a meter with separate tariffication

Before you start choosing an electricity meter with separate tariffication, you need to: Firstly, find out exactly whether a differentiated payment system operates in a particular locality. A multi-tariff meter costs much more than a regular one, and therefore its purchase should be justified.

Moreover, it is also necessary to clarify the number of tariff levels - as we have already seen above given For example, there may be two or more. It is possible that this gradation may increase even more - for example, with separate accounting on weekdays and weekends or even by seasons - similar experiments are being carried out, and in some places in European countries this has already been implemented. Some models of modern meters have a fairly large technological backlog - the electronic circuit allows you to program their operation with separate accounting in 8 or even 12 different modes.

Type of meter based on operating principle

All electricity meters can be divided into two large groups - induction and electronic.

Induction meters are familiar to everyone - they were the ones that were installed everywhere until recently. The consumed current passing through the coils of the meter created an electromagnetic field, due to which the disk connected to the mechanical counting device rotated. Each revolution of the disk corresponded to a certain amount of energy consumed.

Electronic meters have a different operating principle. Semiconductor elements of the circuit convert the passing current of a certain voltage into a pulse signal, which is transmitted to the counting device.

The indication can be provided electromechanically - the same wheels with numbers as on an induction meter, but with rotation transmitted through a stepper electric drive that responds to impulses generated by the circuit. Another, more modern option is an electronic digital display.

It is quite clear that multi-tariff meters can have an exclusively electronic principle of operation and digital display. By the way, this limits them by location. Liquid crystal displays require a certain “microclimate” to operate correctly, and in conditions of low temperatures or direct sunlight they may simply stop displaying information, although the meter circuit itself will properly calculate consumption. Therefore, if you plan to install a new meter in a private house, you should plan to place it exclusively indoors.

Meter accuracy class

This indicator indicates the permissible error of the device, expressed as a percentage. The vast majority of induction meters belonged to the “2.5” class. Electronic devices in this regard are, of course, more accurate, and have classes “2”, “1”, “0.5” and even higher.

The accuracy class is always indicated both in the technical documentation and on the device itself - usually a pictogram is used in the form of a number enclosed in a circle.

Of course, the higher the accuracy class, the more expensive the device. And here it is important to know one subtlety so as not to overpay when buying too much. Electricity network workers may unreasonably demand the purchase of a meter with inflated indicators - “1” or even “0.5”. However, there is a legislative act on this matter that clearly establishes the requirements for such devices. In the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 442 of May 4, 2012, which regulates retail electricity markets, it is determined that for private consumers, citizens living in multi-storey apartments, private houses, an accuracy class of “2” or higher is established. Class “1” is required only at the entrance to a multi-apartment residential building or if the total load power exceeds 670 kW, which simply does not happen in private housing.

There is one more nuance. The same Resolution (Article 142) established that even if the meter standing in the apartment at the time of adoption of this document has a lower accuracy class, then its replacement will be mandatory only after the expiration of the term inter-verification interval or when the device fails (or is lost).

Demands of electric network workers to replace the meter with a more accurate one, class “1” or within a previously established period, without the desire of the homeowner, are illegal.

Single-phase, three-phase, maximum current

Most city apartments and private houses are connected to a single-phase network 220 V, 50 Nz. Accordingly, the meter must meet these indicators. However, there are also connections to a three-phase 380 V network, for example, in apartments with stationary electric stoves or systems provided for by the design of a particular building electric heating. This will be indicated by special sockets and plugs on the cables of powerful electrical appliances, which differ from the usual connection points.

Socket and plug for powerful electrical appliances powered by a three-phase network

In such cases, you will have to select a three-phase meter. By the way, many private developers often create a kind of “energy reserve” by immediately connecting their homes to a three-phase network - this significantly expands the possibilities of using household appliances and powerful power tools in the future. Many models of modern three-phase meters can be connected to work with single-phase network, which significantly increases their versatility.

For each meter, the rated and maximum load current indicators are determined. As a rule, they are designed for a maximum permissible value of up to 60 A, which approximately corresponds to a total load of 10 kW - this is quite sufficient for almost any private home with a large margin. If the calculation shows that the total power consumption is above 10 kW, then you should purchase a meter with a maximum current value of 100 A. Such devices have a direct principle of connecting to the network, without additional converters. If a load exceeding 100 A is still planned, then it will also be necessary to connect the meter through a special device - transformer current

Voltage, rated and maximum current indicators are also always indicated in the device data sheet and on its front panel.

Availability and type of communication interfaces

Further prospects for the development of power grids include the introduction automated systems consumption accounting, and in some regions the practical implementation of such developments is already underway on an experimental basis. Communication channels are organized, transmitting first to local stations, and then to a single center of meter readings, including for other types of consumed resources (water, gas). As channels feedback the power lines themselves can be used (via PLC-modem), IP or GSM– networks.

In any case, it would be a good idea to ask the local energy supply organization about the planned upgrades in order, if necessary, to purchase a meter with a similar function built into it, so that you do not have to buy another one when putting such a system into operation.

Additional options meter

Modern electronic meters, in addition to separate tariffs, may have whole line other additional options . These include entering monthly consumption indicators into memory cells, which can be convenient, for example, when conflicts arise with energy supply organizations. In some cases, this data can be transferred to a computer. Some meters can be used to take instantaneous indicators - consumed current, voltage or active (reactive) power at a specific moment in time, thus performing the function of a multimeter. The built-in “event log” can reflect peak consumption points, power surges or lack thereof, attempts and time of opening the device, phase changes, exposure to an electromagnetic field and other actions.

As practice shows, most of the built-in functions for the average consumer remain unclaimed.

Varieties by type of installation

When choosing a counter, be sure to take it into account design features regarding the method of its installation in the distribution board.

All old metering devices were installed using standard screw fastenings at three points - the top and two bottom. For this purpose, the devices themselves were provided with mounting holes or brackets with standardized distances between them, and on the panels there are corresponding threaded sockets or places for screwing in fasteners.

Some electronic meters are produced in housings that are designed specifically for this type of installation. This - optimal choice , if an old design switchboard is installed in the apartment (entrance).

More modern version installation of a switchboard with a metering device is installation on a DIN rail. In this case, there is a figured groove on the back of the counter from the clamps, using which it is attached to a standard profile metal rail.

Some models provide the possibility of both types of fastening. In addition, the same electronic circuit of a metering device can be housed in different housings. For example, the fairly popular two-tariff meter SOE -55 is available in four versions, with housings from “1” to “4”, which differ in appearance, dimensions, and mounting method.

During the construction of private housing or when major renovation In apartments, preference is increasingly being given to modern plastic boxes for external or built-in (wall-mounted) placement, with mounting of meters, circuit breakers, RCDs and other devices on DIN rails.

What to pay special attention to when purchasing counter

  • First of all, the “golden” rule should work here - never, under any circumstances, purchase such devices from random people, in markets or in obscure organizations that do not have the appropriate state certification. What would no matter how favorable the terms of purchase seemed would neither the sellers convinced you nor showed the product passports certified by seals - such a deal should be resolutely rejected. Moreover, you should not even consider the issue if it is proposed to purchase a used device.

Probably the most reasonable approach to this issue would be to contact your local energy sales organization. They will probably either suggest you buy a meter from them, or they will tell you which manufacturers’ models are recommended for installation. Very often such information is posted on official websites. supplier companies electricity.

  • Selected meter model, independent - domestic or imported, must be on the list of the State Register, that is, be fully certified and approved for sale and operation on the territory of the Russian Federation.

  • When purchasing a meter, be sure to check its completeness - original packaging, electronic parts, housing with fasteners, technical data sheet of the product with a specific factory serial number.
  • Attention is immediately drawn to the presence, safety and clarity of factory seals. If you suspect a violation, you should take another product.

Particular attention to the technical form of the product with all the necessary marks

  • When reading the technical documents accompanying the meter, the date of manufacture of the product, the established warranty periods and, of course, the inspection interval are checked. The technical form must contain a quality control mark for the product.
  • The operating instructions for the device should clarify the permissible modes of its operation - this is especially important when the switchboard is planned to be installed in an unheated room.
  • It is not recommended to carry out a counter survey - for this it is better to invite a specialist with access to work of this type. In any case, after installing the device, it is mandatory to call the employees of the energy supply company, who must check the correctness of the connection, register it, carry out their own sealing of the device, configure it in accordance with the current tariff policy, and give it to the owner detailed instructions on the rules for taking readings and on other important issues related to the operation of a particular model. The installation of the meter is also noted in its technical form, indicating the date for its next verification.

Popular models of meters with differentiated tariffs

In conclusion, without pursuing any advertising purposes, but only as an example - several models of meters with multi-tariff metering function, which are quite popular and have earned positive reviews from both electricity consumers and specialists

ESR - 55

These are products of the Moscow Electrical Instruments Plant (MZEP). The SOE - 55 line includes 8 models, differing in both the design of the housing and the technical characteristics.

SOE-55 in housing “1” - perfect for replacing a meter in an old cabinet

Models 50 Ш are designed for a maximum current consumption of 50 A and have the possibility of four-level tariffication. Meters 60 Ш are more powerful, up to 60 A, and the number of levels has been increased to 8.

SOE-55 in housing “3” for fixing on a DIN rail

Some models (60 Sh-T -415 Ohm and 60 Sh-T-213 Ohm) have a built-in power limiter - a residual current device (RCD). 60 Ш meters have a function for instant measurement of power network parameters - voltage, current, power consumption and frequency.

Total accuracy class model range- "1".

The intercheck interval of devices is set at 16 years, and their estimated service life is 32 years. The manufacturer's warranty is 42 months.

Housings “1” and “4” are convenient for replacing metering devices on old electrical panels - their fastenings comply with these standards. Models with housings “2” and “3” are designed for DIN rail mounting. Weight, depending on the type of case, from 300 to 600 g.

"Mercury - 200"

This ruler counter V It includes three models (“02”, “04” and “05”), the main difference between which is the interfaces for external communication. In general, the technical characteristics are similar.

"Mercury 200" - successful model with good reputation

Although "Mercury - 200" is a fairly new development - it is more than 10 years old, nevertheless these meters are in great demand.

Instrument accuracy class is “1”. The intercheck interval is 16 years. The warranty period is 3 years, and the estimated period of use is 30 years.

The meters allow you to maintain differentiated accounting at 4 tariffs, and it is possible to separately record indicators both by day of the week and by month of the year. You can enter, if necessary, holidays into the built-in electronic calendar.

The meters are designed for installation on a DIN rail, their weight is no more than 600 g.

"Energy meter - SE-102"

The Energomera - CE -102 meter, which has earned many positive reviews, is the own development of the Stavropol company that produces it.

"Energomera - CE-102" - can also be available in several housing options

It supports eight-level billing with storage of readings for the last 13 months. The electronic display displays the current time and date, the currently valid tariff, the remaining limit (if it is set), active power, voltage and current.

The electronic circuit of the device allows you to make a number of additional settings, for example, up to 32 days of exceptions (for example, holidays), the breakdown of one day into up to 16 tariff zones, automatic transition to “summer” time, setting the response threshold of the built-in RCD and others.

The meters are available for both conventional placement and DIN rail mounting.

The accuracy class of the device is “1”. The average time between failures of an electronic circuit is 160 thousand hours. The intercheck interval is 16 years. The manufacturer provides the product with a solid 5-year warranty.

Features of the Energomera - CE-102 devices, in addition, are an electronic seal, three communication interfaces - PLC, radio modem and RS-485, an infrared port for programming and data transfer, a reliable data protection system from unauthorized access.

The multi-tariff meters of the “Neva” line are also of interest, which you can learn about by watching the attached video:

Video: multi-tariff meters "Neva"

Questions regarding the electricity meter usually remain unresolved until the last moment. People don’t know what types of meters there are, which model is suitable for a private home or cottage, how to install it, and what to do if the meter is asked to be moved outside.

When building a private house, the question arises about choosing an electric meter. To choose the best device, you have to fill your head with unnecessary details, because various laws and acts may require one thing, and satisfy your conditions completely differently. In order not to get confused in these classifications, this article will analyze all the details that will allow you to make the right choice.

Types of meters

There are a variety of instruments for measuring electrical energy. They are distinguished according to several classifications:

By quantity measured:
  • single-phase - standard meters, 220 V;
  • three-phase - widely directional devices, from 100 to 385 V.
By type of connection:
  • direct connection (connect directly to the power circuit);
  • transformer connection (transformers are the connecting link between the circuit and the device).
By type of work:
  1. Mechanical (otherwise called induction). They are only single tariff. They have a low accuracy class. The displayed value may deviate by 2% from the correct value. Therefore, they are definitely not suitable for enterprises that use large amounts of electricity. Service life is the main advantage of mechanical meters. It is over 15 years old.
  2. Electronic. The most popular now due to its convenience and interface. They have a special display for ease of use; there is a “calculator” that allows you to calculate how much electricity was spent over a period at a certain tariff.
  3. Mixed. The type of electricity calculation is the same as the first type, but equipped with a display for ease of operation.
By tariff:
  1. Single-tariff - count the electricity consumed at one tariff day and night.
  2. Two-tariff - they divide the consumed electricity into two tariffs: day and night. IN a private house or it is not advisable to buy two-tariff meters for a dacha; they are only suitable for a company. The cost is much higher than single-tariff ones.
  3. Multi-tariff meters - count energy costs for several selected tariffs. May be suitable for large enterprises.

Electricity metering devices can only be adapted to operate in warm rooms, and there are also frost-resistant ones. It is worth checking these characteristics at the place of purchase.

Which electricity meter to choose for a private home

To begin with, it is better to decide on the type of electric meter based on the first parameter. To do this, you need to count the number of electrical appliances and draw a wiring diagram.

It is necessary to decide what functions the electricity meter should have. Pay attention to the type of fastening, not everyone may fit, so it’s better to take universal type fastenings

It is important to pay attention to how much electricity the meter itself consumes. There are times when the meter consumes more energy than the appliances in the house.

When purchasing, pay attention to the seals, or rather, how long ago they passed the state inspection. For a single-phase model, the inspection period must be less than 2 years, and for a three-phase model - less than 1 year.

Don’t fall for the tricks of marketers: automated accounting of spent electricity is practically useless in practice. However, the cost for such a function is quite high.

Regarding tariffs: don’t bother and take a single-tariff meter. In practice in living conditions multiple tariffs are practically not needed.

It is important to consider the ease of use of the device. It should open easily and provide you with indicators of energy consumption. Quietness is also important; this item is not indicated in the specifications, but after purchasing the model, you can check this in your home. If the device does not meet your requirements, you have every right to return it to the store.

Do not forget that the complexity of installation is taken into account: either you can install the device yourself or you will have to invite professionals.

According to the selection criteria listed above, you can easily choose a good device and buy it with confidence.

The procedure for installing a meter in a house

Discuss with the company's electricians the time of installation of the device in order to calmly de-energize the network line.

It is better to place the meter in the hallway to provide easy access to it. Disconnect the input line. The input line circuit is attached to the safety switch, and from it to the device. The panel with the machines is connected to the output of the metering device. Check the integrity of the seal. Turn it on. This completes the installation of the electric meter.

Which meter is suitable for a summer residence

The characteristics of a country meter practically coincide with the characteristics of a device for a home. However there are some differences:

If your dacha is a place where you stay primarily during the spring and summer, it is important to remember that the temperature in the house will drop. Due to low temperatures, devices suitable only for heat fail. Therefore, it is necessary to choose frost-resistant models.

For a dacha, you do not need to buy a two-tariff meter, since you will not be in this place on a permanent basis.

And if the question arises: where to install an electric meter for a dacha - on the street or at home, you can have no doubt and install it at home, since there is no law that can oblige residents to install electricity meters on the street.

One of the excellent models for a summer residence is Mercury 231; it does not have a high cost, but contains the characteristics necessary for a summer residence.

What kind of meters are installed on poles?

Meters installed on lamp posts are installed by electricians to prevent residents of the house from stealing electricity. These meters often give incorrect readings that differ from the readings on your home meter. And this is not strange, because electricity meters must be installed in dry rooms in which the temperature does not rise above 40 degrees and does not fall below zero. And outdoors, meters are exposed to sunlight, frost and various precipitation.

Establishment electric meters on lamp posts is illegal. And if you notice such a metering device, you can file a complaint with the administrative authorities. They do not have the right to refuse to consider your complaint.

What to do if the meter is asked to be moved outside

No one can force you to move the meter outside. Usually the appeal contains the motive “To make it more convenient to take readings from the electric meter at any time.” The device can only be located in the house. And you cannot be forced to take it outside.

At a minimum, you can demand a conclusion from the administration that you really need to take the device outside. If the meter is your property, ask for a document confirming that the meter’s operation will not deteriorate due to weather conditions.

Important! If you are provided with an energy meter (which is very rare), contact the administration. Sacrifice your personal time for this so that you do not have to move the device outside.

Pick up and deliver good counter it's easy to get into the house. But there are criteria that need to be taken into account. Many people, not wanting to study information about this, simply go to the store, relying on the opinion of a consultant. However, sellers cannot always suggest a suitable copy for you. And there is little chance that what they choose will suit you perfectly.

On the stairwell near the door lies a new Russian unconscious, with police and an electrician nearby. Electrician:
- I didn’t touch him! I finished work, rang the doorbell and said: “Okay, bro, the meter is on...”

It is no secret that modern life cannot be imagined without electricity. It gives light and warmth. Yes and Appliances Without it, it will become an unnecessary pile of scrap metal. But electrification is impossible without metering devices. Today we’ll look at which electricity meter is best to install in an apartment and analyze their classification. It is also worth understanding how much you will have to pay for this or that type of device. Along the way, we will learn about the difference between one-, two- and three-tariff electricity meters.

Read in the article:

Areas of application of electricity metering devices

Electricity metering devices are used in all areas of public services. Any room with a separate input must be equipped with a metering device. The installation of the electrical network of an apartment, building or structure without such a device is considered theft and is punishable administratively and sometimes criminally.

Which electricity meter is better to install in an apartment: division by type of design

Based on the type of design, these devices can be divided into:

  • electronic;
  • induction (electromechanical).

How to determine which one is better to put in the apartment? Let's take a closer look at the possible options.

Positive and negative aspects of an electronic electricity meter

Distinguish by appearance It’s not difficult - it has a liquid crystal display on the front panel, on which consumption data is displayed. The work is based on direct measurement of electricity, which is taken into account by the microcircuit and remains in the device’s memory.

Such electricity meters have a number of advantages:

  • accurate reading of information, which, together with memory, prevents theft of electricity;
  • minimal error in readings;
  • possibility of installing a two- or three-tariff device.

But with all the advantages, let’s also talk about the disadvantages:

  • For electronic electricity meters, strong voltage drops are detrimental;
  • high price;
  • not very reliable and expensive to repair.

Pros and cons of induction electricity meters

Here, the consumed electricity is calculated using two induction coils, passing through which creates a magnetic field. It is this that spins the aluminum disk, and from it (via gears) the rotation is transmitted to the rollers with numbers. Let's consider the advantages and disadvantages of such devices:

Criteria for choosing electricity meters: what to look for

Let's figure out which electric meter is best to install in an apartment and what to pay attention to.

Very important! If you have already purchased a meter, and it (for some reason) does not fit, you will not be able to return it back to the store. After all, the seller has already stamped the warranty in the technical passport, which means that another buyer will refuse such a product.

Selecting an electric meter by number of phases

In household networks of apartment buildings (with rare exceptions) single-phase electricity meters are used. The exception is apartments where electric stoves are installed that require a voltage of 380 V. In this case, the use of single-phase electric meters is problematic. This is only possible when connecting three similar devices, but then there won’t be enough space in the entrance switchboard, and the cost of the devices will be impressive.

Single-phase meters have 4 contact terminals. The connection to the network is made as follows: from left to right, the first terminal is the input of the phase electrical wire, the second is the exit to the apartment. The next pair: the third contact is the zero input, the fourth is the zero output. The connection will not be difficult, but it will require accuracy and extreme care.

Very important! All work related to electricity is carried out only when the voltage is removed. Remember that defeat electric shock may be fatal.

The number of terminals of a three-phase meter is 8. If divided in pairs, the connection will be as follows. The first pair is the input-output of phase A, the next two are similar for phases B and C, the last one is the neutral core.

When talking about which electric meter is best to install in a private house, you need to proceed from the voltage supplied to the building. If it is 380 V, then there is no point in having three single-phase devices. It is cheaper to install three-phase.

Electric meter accuracy class: what is it?

All electricity meters have their own accuracy class (1, 2 or 3), each of which has its own metering error. In percentage terms it looks like this:

  • 1st class – 0.2÷5%;
  • 2nd class – 1÷2%;
  • 3rd grade – 2.5%.

The most convenient thing for the apartment owner would be to install a second class metering device. It should be understood that a first class device gives less error. For example, if a third class electric meter is installed, then with a consumption of 100 kW, in reality it can be from 75 to 125 kW.

Today, class 3 is not used for accounting due to high error. If we consider different consumers, then the required accuracy class for each will be as follows.

Number of tariffs: which meter to choose based on this parameter

First, let’s figure out how a single-tariff device differs from a multi-tariff device. Single tariff (can be induction or electronic) does not divide electricity consumption into day, night or peak. Meanwhile, kilowatts consumed at night are cheaper than during the day, and at peak times the price per kW is even lower. But don’t rush to conclude that you need such a device. Its cost is much higher.

In order for a single-phase two-tariff meter to pay for itself, you need to use powerful household appliances (washing or Dishwasher, electric stove, iron) exclusively from 11 p.m. to 7 p.m. During the daytime you can turn them on very rarely. Only then, after six months to a year (depending on the intensity of use of household appliances), the meter will pay for itself and real savings will appear. This also applies to two-tariff three-phase meters.

How electricity meters are divided by current strength

The current range at which electric meters can operate depends on the number of phases and the technical characteristics of the device. For single-phase this range is 5÷80 A, for three-phase – 50÷100 A. The exact parameters are indicated by the manufacturer in the technical documentation of the device.

Good to know! The cost of the electric meter depends on the width of the range. Less run - lower price.

Decree 442 on the replacement of electricity meters

On May 4, 2012, Government Decree No. 422 came into force. On December 30, 2017, it was supplemented and changed. This resolution regulates the timing of replacement of electricity meters in apartments, payment for the operation of metering devices and their installation, the mandatory minimum accuracy class and the procedure for citizens to contact if they want to change the meter in case of breakdown or install a more expensive one.

The main issue that concerns the consumer is the service life of the electricity meter. Is there a difference in this parameter between the types and brands of appliances, and if so, which electric meter is better to install in the apartment? Let's figure it out now.

Service life of an electric meter in an apartment

Additions to Decree No. 442 of 2017 made adjustments to the service life of metering devices. Today it is 6 years. This applies to older devices. For new ones, the verification interval is 10-30 years. Information about this can be found in the technical documentation of the device.

After the authorized operation of the electricity meter has expired, it can continue to be used until the energy sales organization issues an order for replacement. Then it will have to be replaced.

It is also important who should pay for the replacement of the meter. Resolution No. 442 stipulates that replacement is made at the expense of the homeowner. This means that in privatized apartments it is carried out at the expense of the owner, and in premises located in social networks. hiring - at the expense of the service organization.

Another question is whether the owner can independently install or replace the electricity meter in the apartment if it breaks down or wants to install a multi-tariff instead of a single-tariff. The law allows this, but there are nuances in the execution of these actions.

Necessary documentation and rules for registering electricity meters

Before changing the electricity meter in an apartment, you need to contact the service organization with a written application, attaching a copy of the technical passport of the new device and providing passport data. After the application is approved, there are two ways - an electrician comes to the apartment at the agreed time and makes a replacement, or the owner changes the meter, providing the removed one to the service company to confirm the readings. The act of installing the electric meter with a note about the person who carried it out is also signed there. One copy of the act remains with the owner, the second with the representative of the organization servicing the local power grid.

After self-installation within the agreed period (no later than a month from the date of installation of the electricity meter), the service organization sends a controller to the apartment. He checks the correct connection and seals the electric meter. The cost of sealing depends on the decision of the service organization. In some regions this service is provided free of charge.