Water pipes      06/20/2020

Do-it-yourself barometer from a glass jar. Pine cone barometer. How the device works

Razinkin Vladimir, Losev Nikita, Bondar Daria


With. Yagunovo



1 Theoretical part…………………………………………………………………5

    1. The history of the origin of the barometer…………………………………………5

      Options for making a barometer at home………………5

  1. Practical part……………………………………………………………9

    1. DIY barometer………………………………………………………9

      Conducting an experiment……………………………………………………………………………………………10

      Conclusion………………………………………………………………………… 10

Conclusion………………………………………………………………………… 11




Often, in order to find out the weather for the next day, we listen to the weather forecast. From it we learn about the expected temperature, the presence of precipitation, wind speed and atmospheric pressure.

The topic of our work is relevant, because each of us, before going out into the street, wants to know what is outside the window? The proof of the relevance of our topic is the survey that we conducted among the students of the Yagunov school. Each of the respondents wants to know what the weather is like before going outside. 25 out of 35 questionnaire participants do not know how to make a barometer with their own hands, but would like to learn.

Every day we are confronted with amazing phenomena: for example, with the force that acts due to air.

We were interested in: “What influences atmospheric pressure? Why is it reported in the weather forecast?” It turned out that weather changes are associated with changes in atmospheric pressure. If the pressure rises, then clear weather can be expected, and if it decreases, then cloudy. Changes in atmospheric pressure also affect the well-being of people suffering from hypertension.

Is it possible to create a device for observing changes in atmospheric pressure with your own hands?

We decided to play meteorologists! They measure barometric pressure because it measures the movement of air masses that affect the weather.

Object of study: atmospheric pressure and methods of its measurement.

Subject of study: atmospheric pressure instrument

Hypothesis: you can create a device to monitor changes in atmospheric pressure at home.

Target: making a device for observing changes in atmospheric pressure with your own hands.

Research objectives:

Analyze the literature on the topic;

To study who first developed the barometer;

Familiarize yourself with the options for manufacturing barometers;

Analyze the operation of the barometer at home.

Planned result: Determination of atmospheric pressure using a handmade barometer.

    Theoretical part

    1. History of the origin of the barometer

Devices were invented to measure atmospheric pressure, which are calledbarometers . ( The word barometer comes from two Greek words: baros - gravity, metreo - measure)

The first barometer was invented by a scientistVXVIIcentury. The mercury barometer invented by Torricelli is very inconvenient and dangerous to use.In liquid barometers, pressure is measured by the height of the liquid column () in a tube sealed at the top and lowered into a vessel with liquid at the lower end (atmospheric pressure is balanced by the weight of the liquid column). Mercury barometers are the most accurate, they are used on.

B. Pascal created a water barometer in 1646, but its dimensions turned out to be very large. The height of such a barometer is more than 13 m.

In practice, a metal barometer is used to measure atmospheric pressure, calledohm. ( Aneroid in Greek means liquidless. The barometer is so named because it does not contain mercury.) It shows the atmospheric pressure acting on the corrugated thin-walled metal box, in which the rarefaction is created. With a decrease in atmospheric pressure, the box expands slightly, and with an increase, it contracts and acts on a spring attached to it with an arrow.

We looked at various sources that described the creation of the device with our own hands. The easiest barometers to make are as follows:

    1. Options for making a barometer at home

Fir cone barometer

To make a simple device that predicts the weather for several hours in advance, you will need two even wooden planks. For the base, you need to cut a square with a side of 70 mm, and for the sidewall, a rectangle of 70x150 mm.

File the ends with a large file, and then clean the entire surface sandpaper. Connect them with glue, strengthening with small nails, as shown in the figure. From thick paper you need to cut out the scale, draw divisions on it and two signs: the sun and the umbrella. At the very sidewall, attach a large dry pine cone to the base. Glue a dry straw with a paper arrow at the end to one of its lower scales. (Appendix 1. Fig.1)

It is necessary to cut a twig 10-12 cm long of a young fir with needles. Remove all needles from it, except for one. And it will become a barometer.

To do this, you need to attach a twig with two small carnations to a plank of plywood, wood or plexiglass. The only requirement is that the fir needle be free to swing up and down.

Then you need to bring the needle to a hot stove, oven, or place it close to gas burner... Moisture from the surface of the twig will evaporate very soon, and the needle will rise up. Make a mark on the board - 1, and then write "Sunny".

Next, bring the plank to the steam from the boiling kettle - the needle, on the contrary, will go down. Make a mark - 10, and then write "Rain". It remains only to calibrate our barometer into 10 parts.

The barometer must be hung in the shade so that direct rays do not fall on it. All is ready. Now, leaving the house, we can predict both a sunny day and rain, depending on the position of a single needle of a young fir. (Appendix 1, Fig.2)

Tin barometer

Such a barometer can be made from a small tin oil can with parallel sides.

It is necessary to choose a cork that would tightly close the single hole of the future barometer. Before putting the cork in place, it is necessary to make a hole in it of such a diameter as to pass a transparent tube-straw for cocktails through it. However, it is better to use a glass tube with an inner hole diameter of 1.5 - 2.0 mm. The container is 2/3 filled with tinted water, a tube with a stopper is inserted into the hole, while the tube should contain a little of the same tinted water. As atmospheric pressure rises, the liquid level in the tube will rise, and vice versa. Such a barometer must be mounted on a stand with a vertical ruler. You can calibrate it by taking readings from a real barometer. Instead of a metal container, you can use any small glass bottle. After filling with tinted water and fitting the stopper with the tube, add some water to the tube. Since the body of the barometer is rigid, when the pressure increases, the water level will decrease, and when it decreases, it will rise. (Appendix 2. Fig. 3)

barometer from glass bottle

In order to make a barometer, we need to have3 simple things :

Glass bottle, 0.5 liter

glass tube

Rubber stopper with tube hole

At the bottom, the tube should not touch the bottom of the bottle by 15-20 mm.

At the top, it should stick out of the cork by 35-45 mm.

The bottle should be half filled with water, preferably rain.

If the water column in the tube at the bottom - the atmospheric pressure is high, at the top - low. It happens that it pours over the top - very low atmospheric pressure. (Appendix 2. Fig. 4)

light bulb barometer

It is necessary to take a burned-out electric light bulb, and where the base with the threaded part begins, carefully drill a small hole with a diameter of 2-3 mm. You need to drill very carefully, applying minimal force, otherwise the cylinder may crack or break.. Once the hole is drilled, pour tap water by filling the glass flask halfway. Then add two or three drops of ink or ink to it and mix. The barometer is ready. It remains to wait until the inner wall of the flask dries out, and hang the barometer between window frames. It is best on the north side, where direct sunlight will not fall on it. If the windows face south, install at the top of the window. After a few hours, you can take readings. Our barometer can predict the weather for the day quite fully.

    Practical part

2 .1 DIY barometer

At home, we do not have a device for monitoring atmospheric pressure, and therefore we decided to make a device with our own hands from improvised means.


In order to make a barometer, you must have:

    wide mouth glass jar,




    sheet A4,



    paints.(Appendix 4. Fig.6)

Creation plan

    Cut a circle from the balloon slightly larger than the diameter of the can.

    Pull the cut circle over the neck and secure it with an elastic band.

    Cut the end of the straw obliquely and sharpen one of its ends.

    Tape the other end of the straw with tape in the middle of the stretched rubber film.

    Fasten a sheet of paper near the jar so that the tip of the straw lightly touches it. After that, mark "zero" in the place where the straw touches the leaf. Below and above this value with an interval of 1 mm, mark the numbers 1, 2 and 3.

Principle of operation

1) As the atmospheric pressure increases, the film sags down, the straw rises up and indicates "Clear".

2) When the atmospheric pressure decreases, the film goes up, the straw goes down and shows "Cloudy". (Appendix 5. Fig. 7)

2.2 Conducting the experiment

We decided to conduct an experiment to see if the device works correctly. Daily at 8 30 h. we recorded the READINGS of our device and entered the result in a table, then we observed the weather during the day, writing the result in the WEATHER column. (Appendix 5. Table 1)

After a two-week experiment, the values ​​of the instrument and weather indicators coincided, which confirms correct work created device.

    1. Conclusion

The barometer that we have turned out shows the change in pressure outside the can. If the pressure rises, then the air begins to press from above on the rubber lid of the jar and the straw rises. Conversely, if the pressure decreases, then the air presses on the sensitive membrane from inside the jar and the straw falls.

You will not see the exact indicators of atmospheric pressure on such a barometer, since the membrane of a stretched ball is not thin and sensitive enough. The tube descends and rises by only one division, but the rise and fall of atmospheric pressure can be seen very clearly. These results were in line with weather announcements.

Observations have shown : With an increase in atmospheric pressure, the weather was clear and sunny. With a decrease in pressure - cloudy and rainy.

With the help of the device built by us, it is possible to predict the weather.

It is not difficult to conduct these experiments, but it is interesting. They are safe, simple and useful. Our barometer warns loved ones about changes in atmospheric pressure, and they take action in time. We will not be taken by surprise by bad weather.


During the period of work on the project, we studied various literature that helped us make our own device for determining atmospheric pressure. During the experiment, we observed the operation of our barometer and, based on its readings, learned to predict the weather for the next day. Now we know that this expensive device can be made by hand at home. This is not the end of our research, and in the future we plan to make other versions of barometers from improvised materials and test them in work.New research ahead!


    Book of Experiments. Just about the complex / Per. from Italian. I. Gurianova. - [Text] M .: Eksmo, 2013. - 128s.

    Children's encyclopedia “I want to know everything” // [Text] M. “Planet of Childhood” - 2003. - P. 260–261.

    New Encyclopedia of the Schoolchild //– [Text] M. “Makhaon”.– 2009.– P. 128 – 129.

Annex 1

Rice. 1 Pine cone barometer

Fig. 2 Fir barometer

Annex 2

Fig. 3 Barometer from a tin oil can

Fig.4 Barometer from a glass bottle

Appendix 3

Fig.5 Light bulb barometer

Appendix 4

Rice. 6 Barometer making equipment

Appendix 5

Mainly cloudy

Fig.7 The principle of operation of the barometer











Mainly cloudy

Cloudy, snow





Mainly cloudy



Mainly cloudy



Mainly cloudy









Mainly cloudy


Often the gardener looks at the sky - will it rain or not? Water today or not? After all, to believe the forecasts given by the weather service is a thankless task.

Therefore, I want to tell you about the device of a very simple (but quite reliable!) barometer, which our grandfathers used with success.

How to make a barometer with your own hands from a spruce cone

Everyone knows that wood, leather and similar organic materials are sensitive to any changes in weather conditions. In humid air, for example, leather becomes softer and wood details increase in volume. As a result, in the rain, the scales of the same pine cone are more tightly pressed against each other, and in dry weather, on the contrary, they open up, which makes the cone become ruffy. This behavior of cone scales was noticed by our ancestors, realizing that it is quite possible to predict the weather from a cone, that is, to use a cone as a barometer.

Making such a barometer is quite simple. For its manufacture, you will need two planks (for the base and rack). The boards are connected with glue, reinforced with small carnations (see fig.). Next, a scale is prepared from thick paper, drawing divisions on it and drawing two simple icons: the sun and a cloud with rain. A large pine cone is attached to the base.

Then a dry blade of grass with a paper arrow at the end is glued to one of its scales.

All. Homemade cone barometer is ready

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How to make a light bulb barometer

To make a barometer, you will need a burnt-out glass bulb with a large glass bulb, sandpaper, glue, a drill or a screwdriver, machine oil, copper wire with a diameter of 2-3 mm, ink from a ballpoint pen.

It is necessary to make a hole at the junction of the base and the glass bulb. To do this, put a drop of machine oil on the place where you will drill the hole. Rub two sheets sandpaper between themselves. Apply the crumbled abrasive to engine oil and rub until a thick mass is formed. Take a piece of copper wire with a diameter of 2-3 mm and clamp it into the drill chuck. He will serve us as a drill. Wrap the glass bulb in a towel, and clamp the base of the light bulb between two wooden planks. Carefully drill a hole in the bulb. When drilling, it is necessary to apply minimal effort so that the glass bulb does not crack.

Through drilled hole Squeeze some ink from a ballpoint pen into a flask. If there is no ink, then you can use a piece of chemical pencil lead, after grinding it to a powdery mass. Fill the glass flask with tap water up to the middle. Stir until the ink or lead is completely dissolved if you used an indelible pencil.

Take the rope and wind it around the plinth in a spiral, leaving a free end about 30 centimeters long. Apply glue to the base and leave the workpiece to dry for a couple of hours.

After the glue has dried, it is necessary to hang the barometer between the window frames. It is advisable to hang the barometer on the north side so that direct sunlight does not fall on it. If the windows face south, then it is necessary to hang the barometer at the very top of the window frame.

How to decode barometer readings

  • If the inner walls of the glass bulb are covered with small drops, then tomorrow it will be overcast, but without precipitation.

  • If the walls are covered with drops of medium size and dry stripes are visible between them, then partly cloudy weather is expected.

  • If the walls of the flask are partially covered with large drops, then there will be short-term precipitation.

  • If the drops filled the light bulb from the base to the border with water, then there will be thunderstorms.

  • If sufficiently large drops are located only at the border with water, and the rest of the bulb remains dry, then the thunder front will pass by 40-60 km from you.

  • If in rainy weather the walls of the flask became dry, then tomorrow it will be established good weather no precipitation.

Such a barometer can only be used at a positive air temperature. In winter, the barometer must be removed from the window frame, as the water may freeze and the glass bulb will crack.

It is not always possible to buy a barometer, so I want to propose the design of a home barometer, which will show atmospheric pressure with some accuracy.
The barometer (see figure) consists of a bottle with transparent glass, a glass tube and a cork. The bottle is one third filled with water, it is better to take distilled water, since ordinary water blooms in a year. Water can be slightly tinted. A hole is made in the cork into which a glass tube is inserted. The junction is covered with plasticine. Now it remains to plug the bottle with a cork. The barometer is ready. When atmospheric pressure begins to change, the water level in the tube will change. If air bubbles begin to come out of the tube, then the pressure is very high, and this is for clear, stable weather, at such a time there is a good bite. If water starts pouring out through the top of the tube, the pressure is low, you can expect a storm, but you should not go fishing.

The simplest do-it-yourself barometer

Such a barometer can be made from a small tin oil can with parallel sides.

Pick up a cork that tightly closes the only hole of the future barometer. Before you put the cork in place, you need to make a hole in it of such a diameter that you can pass a transparent tube-straw for cocktails through it. However, it is better to use a glass tube with an inner hole diameter of 1.5 - 2.0 mm.

The container is 2/3 filled with tinted water, a tube with a cork is inserted into the hole, while in the tube

Fix such a barometer on a stand with a vertical ruler. You can calibrate it by taking readings from a real barometer.

Instead of a metal container, you can use any small glass bottle. After filling with tinted water and fitting the stopper with the tube, add some water to the tube. Since the body of the barometer is rigid, when the pressure increases, the water level will decrease, and when it decreases, it will rise.

Burnt out light bulb barometer

Take a burned out electricallight bulband where the base with the threaded part begins, carefully drill a small hole with a diameter of 2-3 mm. This should be done very carefully, otherwise the balloon may crack or break.
Here is the easiest way to drill glass. At the point where you marked the hole, apply a drop of machine or sunflower oil. Take the abrasive powder from medium-grained sandpaper and add it to the oil drop to make a viscous paste, a little thinner than toothpaste. Then clamp in the drill chuck copper wire. Its diameter should match the size of the hole you want to drill. Gently clamp the lamp base in a vise. And wrap the glass flask with a towel or rag. You need to drill very carefully, applying minimal effort.

When the hole is drilled, fill it with tap water, filling the glass flask halfway. Then add two or three drops of ink or a piece of indelible pencil lead to it and mix. The barometer is ready.

It remains to wait until the inner wall of the flask dries out, and hang the barometer between the window frames. It is best on the north side, where direct sunlight will not fall on it. If the windows face south, install at the top of the window. After a few hours, you can take readings. Our barometer can predict the weather for the day quite fully. Overcast or partly cloudy awaits us, or it will rain a little, long, short-term, maybe thunderstorms ...
True, you need to know some features in order to decipher the testimony:

If the inner walls light bulbscovered with small drops of condensed water - tomorrow it will be overcast, but without precipitation.

If the walls of the light bulb are covered with drops of medium size, and vertical dry stripes form between them - partly cloudy.