In a private house      04.03.2020

Where the sound of water is constantly heard. Why are the water pipes buzzing? How to eliminate the hum? We are looking for a problem in the design

Before finding out the cause of noise from a valve or mixer, we will try to understand its nature. Any sound is acoustic oscillations of a certain frequency generated by vibration. For this reason alone, such a phenomenon needs to be special attention, after all, it is possible to enter the resonance phase and then you need to wait for trouble, since in this case the amplitude of the oscillations increases sharply.

This is usually followed by the destruction of resonating objects. Therefore, to find out in a timely manner why the tap is noisy when the water is turned on means to avoid major troubles associated with a possible overhaul.

Causes of noise when turning on the tap

Why is it making noise water faucet at opening? There are several reasons for this:

  1. Increased pressure in water supply network. Usually it is about two atmospheres, while the system itself according to the project can withstand up to six. At the same time, the speed of the flow in the pipe increases significantly and vibration occurs, from which the tap on the mixer or valve makes noise. However, noise can be created not only at the mixer, but also at the bend of the pipe. And it appears on the tap. This phenomenon is difficult to eliminate on your own; you need to contact the control room of the managing organization to call a specialist.

To determine the availability overpressure in the plumbing you need to sharply open the tap, and then close it in the same way. If the faucet continues to hum, then high blood pressure is present.

What to do when the faucet makes noise when the water is turned on? The device of the air damper cardinally solves the problem. It is a pipe about 40 centimeters long with a plugged upper end. When the pressure in the system increases, the air lock acts as a shock absorber, since air is an elastic medium. After that, the crane no longer makes noise and does not growl.

You can connect the shock-absorbing device yourself.

  1. wear and . It can be rust, as well as significant layers of limestone sediments. Such defects most often appear on pipeline bends, resulting in a significant pressure drop and fluid movement velocity. As a result - extraneous noise in the system.
  2. Violation of the rules for the installation of the pipeline system. If extraneous sounds appear, you need to check the entire available pipeline network and eliminate installation flaws, if any, are found. After that, the crane will not make noise with hot water, the same as with cold.
  1. Worn gaskets in locking devices - mixers or taps. This reason also manifests itself in the form of leaks or drops from the tap. The simplest impact available to any consumer is their replacement. When purchasing these parts, you need to pay attention to the quality of gaskets and seals, giving preference to products from well-known manufacturers, even at their higher cost.

The cause of concern should also be the situation when the neighbors have a noisy faucet, where to complain in such a situation? The only recipient may be Management Company, which should quickly respond to such a signal.

It is dangerous to hope that the vibration of the pipes behind the wall does not concern you., it must be eliminated as quickly as in your apartment.

Single Lever Faucets

This is the most popular modern version of the kitchen faucet. It is equipped with one lever. Turning up and down regulates the pressure, and left and right - the temperature of the water.

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Such devices are available in two versions:

  • ball;
  • with ceramic cartridge.

In models with a ball lock, adjustment is made by three holes on the ball - hot and cold water enters through two of them, the third is the outlet, water of the required temperature flows through it.

A mixer with ceramic inserts works on almost the same principle with the adjustment of all indicators by ceramic rings with matching holes.

Noisy single lever mixer very rare and, as a rule, this is not related to a malfunction of the device itself. The most common cause is increased pressure in the pipes.

We have already considered the possibility air damper settings, but a more reliable way to avoid noise from the water supply is the following method. It is necessary to install a reducer in the water supply system that does not allow the pressure to rise above 2.5 atmospheres.

Thus, this undesirable phenomenon can be reliably eliminated. Considering the question of why a single-lever faucet in the kitchen may make noise, it is reasonable to say with confidence that the reason is not in the unit itself, but in the water supply network.

A dripping faucet in the kitchen? Don't know how to fix it yourself? Step-by-step instruction repair with video tutorials.

Cartridge faucets

This is the most advanced device for adjusting the output characteristics of the flow of water flowing from the mixer. There is no thread in the design, which is the weak point of locking devices, and modern high-precision manufacturing technologies provide long term operation of such devices.

The cause of the noise can be determined by knowing the design of the mixer. In addition to the designs listed above, mixed-type devices are widely used, in which both axle boxes and ceramic inserts are used. The second option with a greater degree can bring similar problems, but the first one is not without such an opportunity.

It is not difficult to determine which type of faucet is used in the mixer. When opening a faucet with a bushing for full pressure, you need to make several turns. A tap with ceramic inserts performs this operation in no more than half a turn. The main thing is that the appearance of extraneous sounds during the operation of the mixer indicates a malfunction in the system.

A cartridge faucet may make noise due to its design. Ceramic plates are pressed against each other by a special silicone gasket, which wears out over time. At significant speeds of liquid movement, they begin to vibrate and it is possible to determine with certainty that it is the cartridge that makes noise, sometimes these sounds turn into a whistle.

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Lime is always present in water in the form of fine particles and cartridge mixers are the most vulnerable to it. Therefore, if such taps are used, coarse and fine filters must be installed on the inlet pipe.

They are included in the piping and reliably trap most contaminants, but need permanent care. Filter elements with a frequency of once every two to three months must be removed and washed under a strong stream of water, in case of severe clogging, using a brush to clean the mesh.

The introduction of filters into the plumbing system should be considered as a mandatory measure to ensure its operation.

The procedure for eliminating emerging noise and assessing the condition of the water supply

If the faucet in the kitchen or bathroom is noisy, the troubleshooting procedure may be as follows:

  1. You need to start by turning off the tap on the inlet pipe from the riser to the internal wiring of the system.
  2. Unscrew the locking device for cold water on the mixer.
  3. Inspect gaskets that are worn out and replace with new ones using rubber or silicone products. Strictly speaking, it is best to replace in any condition of the gaskets, unless it is a brand new faucet.
  4. The same operation must be performed with a crane for hot water.
  5. If the locking device is a cartridge with ceramic plates, it is better to replace it completely. If desired, this unit can be repaired later.

After connecting the water to the inlet pipe, check if the faucet is still noisy. If this continues, then the cause is an unsuccessful initial installation of the plumbing system. The pipeline should be carefully inspected for the following deficiencies:

After that, you can turn on the water and check the results of the measures taken. If the internal pipeline has the listed defects, it becomes clear why the new faucet in the kitchen is noisy - the reason is not at all in it.

Watch video - IDDIS crane makes noise, who is to blame and what to do.

Often there are complaints about Iddis faucets, they make noise, and sometimes whistle, right after installation. It makes no sense to repair such a device, especially if they are made in China, it is better to return to the store and replace it with another model.

The internal pipeline system of an apartment or a private house is a complex engineering structure, so it requires close attention, both during installation and during operation. It must meet the following requirements:

  1. Manufacturability. All elements of the system must comply with the requirements of the technical documentation for their manufacture.
  2. Maintainability. The possibility of free access for dismantling and replacement of any part or assembly, if necessary, should be provided.
  3. Design. Pipes should be located in accessible, but inconspicuous places. If necessary, boxes are used to hide the wiring.

During operation, it is necessary to carry out periodic inspections of the system, if necessary, tightening is performed. threaded connections, replacement of sealing elements and other preventive measures.

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The appearance of a hum, noise or whistle when the tap is opened indicates a malfunction in the system and is the reason for taking urgent measures to establish it. If this cannot be done on your own, you must urgently invite a specialist.

If you have ever lived in apartment building, then you probably heard how loud and disgusting they sometimes buzz. In some cases, the hum is heard when several apartments are connected to the same water supply pipe, in others, the buzz of pipes gets on the nerves of all the inhabitants of the house at the same time. Sometimes this sound can appear and disappear over time, and sometimes the noise from the plumbing is constantly heard.

Why are they buzzing water pipes in the apartment at night? There may be several reasons for this. Let's consider them in detail below.

Causes of sounds from the water supply, or Why water pipes are buzzing

The most common cause of unpleasant sounds in pipes is bad gaskets installed in plumbing. The sound appears as a result of the resonance of the vibrations of the gaskets and the water running through the pipes. Resonance amplifies the sound and spreads it throughout the house. In this case, it can be extremely difficult to identify which of the residents in the house has problematic plumbing.

If the pipes in the house are not constantly buzzing, then the cause of the noise is, as a rule, a set of water in cistern one of the apartments or opening by the tenant

If the buzz is observed constantly, then its cause is the difference in pressure in the risers of cold and hot water. Liquid is squeezed from one riser to another through a broken faucet in one of the apartments. Sometimes valves can be broken at the same time in several different apartments.

Why do water pipes hum when you turn on a faucet? Probably, the problem lies in a poor-quality or deformed gasket. Plumbers with years of experience In order to eliminate noise from water pipes, works recommend starting the fight against an unpleasant phenomenon precisely with the search and replacement of a poor-quality gasket.

Methods for finding a faulty crane

To identify an apartment with faulty taps, it is necessary to turn them off one by one from the hot and cold water pipes and listen to whether the unpleasant sound has disappeared or not. As soon as the rumble in the pipes stopped, an apartment with faulty plumbing was found.

If you checked each of the apartments in the house as described above, but the problem has not been resolved, it is likely that the sound is caused by the gasket of the valve that blocks the riser. You can test this hypothesis by turning off the taps that supply water to this riser. If the sound is gone, then the problem is with the riser valve.

Remember also that if you have a branched water supply system in your basement, containing a lot of valves and valves, any shutoff valves can cause buzzing. Determining the cause of unpleasant sounds without an experienced plumber in this case can be very difficult and not as soon as we would like.

If you still managed to localize the cause, consider yourself lucky. With a simple repair, it can be easily eliminated.

What to do to eliminate the hum?

Not all valves provoke a hum. The cause of noise can be mixers or faucets of outdated designs, with valves, as well as half-turn crane boxes.

Modern or joystick-type mixers do not have gaskets in their design. Therefore, they cannot enter into resonance with water pipes.

To get rid of the noise, sometimes there is no need to buy a new faucet. Often it is enough to dismantle the crane box, remove the gasket and correct it or replace it. Such elements often hang freely on the stem or have tapered edges.

Loose hanging gasket should be replaced. And deformed irregular shape can be cut with scissors. Then the faucet box should be assembled and installed in the water supply. If the repair is done correctly, then there should be no more noise.

The simplest solution for an obsolete valve design is to replace it with a newer ball valve model. quality ball structures cause fewer problems in the operation of the water supply.

The same advice can be given for obsolete faucets. Replace the old faucet with a new model with one lever - best option problem solving.

Why water pipes hum at home: other reasons

Breakdowns of valves and water faucets are the most common, but not all, causes that can cause noise. In some cases, humming in the pipes is caused by factors that are much more expensive to eliminate and require more effort.

clogged pipes

When the pipe diameter decreases, reactive water flows occur. They make the pipes vibrate, which is the cause of the noise in the apartment.

This problem can be solved only by replacing the clogged section of the water main.

To check if there is a blockage in the pipe, it is enough to turn off one of the mixers and look at what is happening in the pipe. If everything is covered with a thick layer of dirt from the inside, then it's time to change the communication system.

In rare cases, dirt in pipes can only accumulate at the ends of the lines. If you cut off the pipes and try to clean their ends, then there is a chance that the noise problem will disappear. If it does not disappear, the only way out is to replace part of the water line.

It should be noted that not only metal, but also plastic, and polypropylene pipes. The reason for the accumulation of dirt is the difference in the diameters of the pipe and hoses of the mixers.

Poorly anchored pipes

Vibration can cause not only dirt and plaque inside the pipes. If during installation the water supply was not properly fixed to the walls, then when the tap is suddenly opened, a water hammer may occur and, as a result, vibration of the water supply.

That is why it is so important to monitor the quality of installation even at the stage of installing a new water supply system. Construction companies that value their reputation always make sure that the installation of water pipes, even in small things, is carried out in accordance with all technical rules.

Method for eliminating the problem of noise due to loose pipes - installation special fasteners on the water supply, fixing it in the correct position.

Why do water pipes buzz when the faucet is closed?

If, regardless of whether the taps in your house are closed or open, the hum of the water supply is heard in the apartment, you need to start fixing the problem from the basement.

In the basement, find the riser from which your water supply is powered. This is easy to do if you compare the location of the risers with the layout of your entrance. You can also navigate the stairs.

If you find a water leak in the basement, then you can hardly do without calling a plumber. Contact the organization servicing your home and call a specialist. He will have everything with him. necessary tools, and he will probably be familiar with the plumbing connections in your basement.

In addition, this way you will not leave the residents of the entrance without water by twisting something wrong or accidentally damaging any valve. It is also important to remember that in winter time years in the highway can be very high temperature. Repair of such a line requires special care, because it is fraught with burns.

If no water was found in the basement as a result of the inspection, then it is necessary to ask the neighbors if something is leaking from them.

Finding a bad gasket in a kitchen faucet is easy. Damage to the gasket causes hot water to enter the cold water faucet because the pressure in the hot liquid riser is almost always higher.

If a poll of neighbors did not bring results, then you can walk along the highway and try to determine by ear the blockage in the bottlenecks of the pipe. Most often, pebbles fall into valve bodies or at the junctions of two pipes. To check the valve, you can also try to see if anything is preventing it from fully opening and closing.

Periodic noise

The answer to the question of why water pipes buzz when the water is turned on in a neighboring apartment often lies on the surface. Having examined the plumbing of your neighbors, you will surely find outdated valves and faucets, or faucets with poor-quality gaskets, or a section of a water pipe that has not changed for a long time.

Not every neighbor will agree to start repairing the plumbing at your first request. People may have their own view of the problem of pipe noise, or they may not want to spend their time and money on fixing a problem that, moreover, does not seem like such to them.

Knocking in highways

How to find the source of knocking in pipes? To do this, you need a keen ear. If you hear from time to time strong blows, That best solution there will be a replacement of the valve blocking the riser. Plumbers from housing and communal services are required to replace such units at the request of residents.

Knocking in the pipe may be associated with a change in the temperature of the water in the riser or with a hot water supply. To identify the problem in such cases, it is necessary to inspect the main and outline the places where the water supply is in contact with other stationary objects.

Poorly fixed sections of the water line are fixed with staples, anchors or welded to eliminate knocking.

You can also eliminate the contact of two pipes by creating a gap between them, and thus get rid of knocking in the lines.

Loud unpleasant sounds made by various plumbing equipment are not uncommon. Next, you will learn about the causes of the noisy behavior of various plumbing fixtures and how to deal with it.

Loud unpleasant sounds made by various plumbing equipment are not uncommon. The murmur in the pipes and the toilet bowl, the buzzing faucet and the indecent snort of the siphon - all this gets on your nerves and makes it difficult to sleep. Next, you will learn about the causes of the noisy behavior of various plumbing fixtures and how to deal with it.

Noisy toilet cistern

The loudest sound a toilet makes is the flushing noise. It will not be possible to get rid of it, but it can be slightly muffled by lowering the seat cover. But the sound of filling the tank is quite realistic to make almost inaudible. This problem occurs with lateral supply, since the water jet in this case is directed vertically downwards.

When falling, it creates a decent noise that continues until the operation shut-off valve. There are two solutions to this problem: run water through a thin hose so that it does not hit, but flows down it to the very bottom, or tie it to shutoff valves a strip of fabric that also reaches the bottom of the tank.

It happens that a splash of water flowing into the toilet bowl is constantly heard. The tank cannot be filled. This happens due to improperly adjusted fittings or due to incomplete closure of one of the valves. In the first case, you need to adjust: lower the float, and if necessary, raise the overflow pipe. Please note that its edges must be at least two centimeters from the surface of the water.

If everything is adjusted correctly, and the tank is still gradually overflowing, then the stop valve gaskets do not fit snugly. Possible causes are wear or plaque formation. It is necessary to disassemble the fittings and thoroughly wash everything with soap. If that doesn't work, replace the gaskets.

It happens that the problem is in the drain fittings - the tank is not filled, although water flows continuously. Try to unscrew the button and reduce the length of the stem: it may not allow the valve mechanism to return to its original position and close the drain hole. Other options are wear of gaskets, plaque, contamination of the mechanism. What to do in these cases is written a little higher.

Loud noises in the sewers

Modern plastic sewer has one drawback: you can hear very well how water flows down it. Although the sound permeability of the material itself is much lower than that of the same cast iron, the walls of polymer pipes are quite thin. If these noises are very annoying, it is worth taking measures to eliminate them. There are many materials that are suitable for soundproofing pipes: from the usual foam rubber to polyethylene foam. For greater aesthetics, you can hide the sewer in plastic or plasterboard boxes, or overlay it with ceramic tiles.

The faucet is buzzing

Of all the instruments in the plumbing orchestra, the humming faucet is the loudest. Worst of all, his hoarse roar is perfectly transmitted through the pipes and is able to wake up all the neighbors in the riser. Luckily, rubber-lined faucets and faucets are the only source of the hum. Its most likely cause is deformation of the bottom edge of the gasket. But if it is not the mixer that makes noise, but sleeve valve, pay attention to the flow direction arrow. Perhaps it was installed incorrectly, which is why it buzzes.

To eliminate the malfunction, you need to unscrew the crane box, trim the edge of the gum with scissors or replace it with a new one. However, this will only help temporarily. Very soon, the faucet will buzz again, so you will have to change and cut the gaskets regularly. It is better to immediately replace the crane box with a ceramic one and forget about this problem.

Siphon gurgles

Surely everyone has heard the siphon snort, which is heard after the water leaves the sink. This happens quite often due to the low capacity of the sewer. This is due to insufficient pipe slope or blockage. In this case, the water, flowing down, fills the entire available clearance. Continuing to move, it leaves behind a rarefaction area, into which it begins to suck air through the siphon. This is where the unpleasant sounds of a water lock are heard.

First of all, inspect the siphon tube for clogging and clean if necessary. If this is not available, make sure that the sewer has the required 3% slope. If not, you will need to raise it. It's tricky, but worth doing. And not even so much to eliminate noise, but to prevent blockages, which, if the pipe slope is incorrect, will not take long. So you have to partially disassemble the sunbed, rearrange the fasteners to the required height and assemble everything again. If the slope is in order, then arm yourself with a cable to clean the sewer and eliminate the blockage.

Noisy metal-plastic plumbing

After replacement steel pipes on metal-plastic, for many, the loud sound of flowing water becomes an unpleasant surprise. This happens due to local narrowing in the fittings. The flow speed in such places increases, hence the noise. You cannot completely get rid of it, but at the stage of purchasing materials, you can take care of its reduction. Take a closer look at the fittings you purchase. Some have internal cones on both sides of the choke, while others do not. Fittings without cones are cheaper, but will make much more noise because they create more resistance to flow. So if you want silence - you should not take them.

Bubbling water in the heating system

The heating system usually operates silently. However, she sometimes begins to make quiet sounds. During the day they are almost inaudible, but in the silence of the night they are perfectly distinguishable. Rhythmic bursts of a stream running through pipes and radiators prevent you from falling asleep and activate unwanted reflexes. Water gurgles in the airy areas of the system, because only there can it splash. To solve the problem in the apartment, you need to bleed the air by opening the taps on the radiators. But it happens that the noise is caused by too fast coolant flow. There is nothing you can do about it, except to complain to the management company.

In private houses, which are often heated by a water circuit from pipes large diameter, it's a bit more complicated. Such a system must have a slope from supply to return of at least 0.5% to avoid the formation of air cavities when powered. If the pipes were laid with a slope in reverse side, then the heating will certainly air. True, it will murmur only when the circulation pump is running.

In this case, it is not necessary to redo the system. First you need to find a plot with a reverse slope using the level and determine its highest point. Then weld the thread there, install the Mayevsky valve, and after filling the system, bleed the air.

Whistle in the gas column

Geysers are characterized by the sounds of a burning flame and flowing water, but sometimes they are mixed with a monotonous high-frequency whistle. Sometimes it is so loud that it is extremely difficult to endure it even for a short time. Both the gas path and the water path can whistle, so first you need to figure out exactly where the sound comes from.

To do this, turn off the gas valve from which the column is powered, and turn on the hot water. By the absence or resumption of the whistle, it will be possible to determine where to look for its cause. If everything is quiet, then the gas path should be recognized as responsible for the infernal serenade, and in the event of an unpleasant sound repeating, the water path.

Most often, the cause of such a trill is a structural defect in the valve, which is responsible for modulating the flame. Whistling in this case is observed only in one specific power range, when an ideal combination of valve clearance width and gas flow velocity occurs for it. To get rid of the problem, just change the position of the regulator up or down. With a decrease in power, the gas flow rate will become insufficient for the appearance of sound, and with an increase in the working clearance of the valve, the working clearance of the valve will be too wide.

Other possible reason- blockage in the gas path. Usually this happens due to the ingress of a foreign object, for example, scale or a piece of winding. In this case, the whistle, as a rule, is observed in a wide range of power. To determine in which particular section or node a blockage occurred, the gas path will have to be disassembled, examined and cleaned. Such work requires appropriate qualifications, so it is better to entrust it to the masters of Gorgaz or a private company that has a license for this.

It happens that an unpleasant sound comes from the water path. The reason, most likely, is again in the blockage. In this case, a decrease in heater performance should be observed. In addition to a foreign object, this can also cause scale on the inner walls of the radiator. It begins to appear if the water temperature in the column regularly exceeds 60 °.

It is often possible to get rid of a foreign object with the help of a reverse flow. To do this, you must first shut off the water and gas supply to the heater. Then unscrew the liner at the inlet and let the water flow in the opposite direction. The easiest way to do this is with a bathroom faucet by setting the shower switch to neutral and opening both taps slightly.

To remove speakers from the radiator lime deposits, you will need a descaler. You can also use a solution of lemon or acetic acid. Before starting work, it is better to remove the radiator, so it will be more convenient. The agent must be poured gradually, adding as the reaction subsides. After filling the radiator, the liquid is drained, and the procedure is repeated 3-4 more times.published

If you have any questions on this topic, ask them to specialists and readers of our project.

Residents multi-storey buildings often disturbed by incomprehensible sounds that are heard in communication systems. Agree, it is unlikely that anyone turns to the housing office or calls a plumber with any slight hum or vibration. Although such sounds may well signal a emergency on the highway.

In order not to create unnecessary panic, you need to figure out why the pipes in the apartment are buzzing, and find out what measures need to be taken to eliminate extraneous noise. It is important to understand what situation requires the immediate call of specialists, and when you can do it on your own.

The answers to these questions are detailed in the article. We analyzed the nature and causes of the hum of water, sewer and heating pipelines in an apartment building.

Residents of multi-storey buildings often encounter sounds (knocking, buzzing, whistling) that can be heard in various communication systems: plumbing, heating, sewerage.

Sometimes such noises are periodic, in other cases they sound constantly, causing a lot of inconvenience to the inhabitants of the apartments.

It is important to know that humming and other sounds are not only unpleasant, but can also indicate serious problems in life support systems. Try to take immediate action by understanding the causes of the noise rather than waiting for it to go away on its own.

Extraneous sounds in the plumbing

Most often, incomprehensible noises are heard by residents from the water supply system. Sounds can be caused by the most different reasons: violations in centralized communications, improper connection of plumbing fixtures, defects in the design of the riser, malfunction of mixers.

To correctly identify the source of a malfunction, you should first listen to the noise to determine where it comes from and what it looks like.

Most often heard from water pipes:

  • monotonous hum;
  • buzz with a transition to a whistle;
  • intermittent knocking;
  • a loud sharp sound, which, when the tap is opened, may be accompanied by strong vibration.

Let us consider in detail the causes of these noises.

Constant hum in the pipes

The most annoying extraneous sound is the monotonous hum in the water pipes. Most often, such noises are heard in "age" buildings, which have been in operation for more than a dozen years.

A constant hum can be caused by a variety of reasons.

Reason #1. Defects in the centralized system. If the sound comes from the basement, and from there it spreads throughout the house, it is caused by the central pipeline.

This is a common problem due to the fact that in Soviet-built buildings, communications made of steel were usually used, the service life of which had long expired.

Often the cause of extraneous sounds lies in the basement, where the common communications are located. In this case, only specialists who carefully examine the communications can deal with the problem.

Under the influence of corrosion, metal elements sooner or later begin to collapse; cracks or fistulas form in them, from which water seeps.

In this case, it is extremely difficult to eliminate the defect on your own; it is better to entrust the repair to professionals by contacting the Housing Office. As a rule, after the repair, unpleasant sounds disappear.

Reason #2. Sometimes noise in the basement plumbing can occur even if the pipes are in good condition. Their cause may be an open vent or an incompletely closed plug. Similar problems are also easily corrected by employees of specialized services.

Reason #3. The cause of extraneous sounds from the basement may be too closely spaced pipeline outlets. When areas vibrating from the pressure of water come into contact, a hum may occur that reaches the inhabitants of the apartments.

Simple and effective solution A similar task is the processing of each of the pipes with high-quality foam insulation.

Reason #4. Buzz can be caused by the use of elements with different diameters in the pipeline. When connecting pipes of various sizes with their fitting, the flow of water is disturbed, which causes extraneous noise.

In this case, it is better for the residents of the house to contact the housing office with a collective statement regarding the repair of the water supply or.

The cause of unpleasant sounds may be a valve that does not completely block the flow of water. To fix this problem, sometimes just tightening the tap is enough. In more complex cases, it is necessary to replace the part

Reason #5. Difference in diameter. If pipes were used when laying the pipeline different sizes with fit larger diameter to a lesser extent, it disrupts the flow of water, which can cause noise.

Reason #6. The same problem can be caused by a valve that is not completely open or old valves (cock) that prevent the normal flow of fluid. In this case, a section of high pressure arises, while the sounds emitted by the swirls of water will be carried to all apartments related to the riser.

Reason #7. Sometimes monotonous noises are associated with a mixer leak. The sound may be due to a worn gasket that seals the mounting location of this device with a tee.

Due to the difference in pressure between the two pipes, a constant hum may occur. In this case, it is sufficient by replacing the gasket.

A common source of annoying noises is a leaky faucet. To eliminate this reason, it is advisable to check the condition of the faucet in the bathroom and ask if the neighbors are leaking.

Reason #8. The hum may be due to a leaking faucet in a neighboring apartment. This version may be prioritized if the noises are clearly heard at night when water consumption is reduced to a minimum.

Buzz with a transition to a whistle

Sometimes in the water supply communications a specific noise is heard, resembling a whistle, which intensifies with an increase in pressure. This sound usually occurs when there is insufficient patency. separate fragments systems.

This can be caused by two reasons:

  • fully or partially closed valve;
  • pipe clogging.

To exclude the first case, it is enough to check the position of the shut-off valve responsible for this section of the pipeline.

A hum that turns into a whistle most often indicates a clogged pipe. Often it occurs due to the growth of mineral salts.

If the position of the valve is correct, it is necessary to check the pipes for blockage. In the apartment, it is enough to disconnect the element from the mixer and clean it, if necessary, using a mechanical method or pneumatic or hydraulic flushing.

If you suspect a blockage in centralized system water supply, it is necessary to call a specialist who will find the defect and make repairs.

Tapping in water pipes

Sometimes in the water supply located in the apartment, incomprehensible knocks are clearly heard. The causes of these noises can be varied.

Reason #1. Thermal expansion of pipeline parts. Especially often this problem worries the owners of apartments equipped with steel water pipes. The reason for this is due to the special properties of the metal. If hot water begins to flow into a very cold pipe, the steel walls begin to heat up, and this causes them to expand.

The increase in size is difficult to assess visually, but often it is enough for closely spaced parts to start to touch each other, while their touch is accompanied by a knock.

To eliminate this problem, it is advisable to use . Metal parts can be wrapped with polyethylene foam or other reliable insulation.

Sometimes, to get rid of unpleasant sounds in the water supply, it is enough to fix the pipes on the wall with the help of special fasteners.

Reason #2. Sounds at the place where the pipe is fixed to the wall. A similar problem can be caused if, due to thermal expansion, the pipes begin to hit the fasteners in the wall. This can be determined by localizing the location of the noise.

Reason #3. There are also errors in the installation of the valve. If the screw element is installed incorrectly, the valve may come off. The part that has fallen into the cavity of the pipe will hit it inner surface blocking the water flow. You need to solve this problem immediately by calling a specialist.

Reason #4. Sometimes air gets into the pipes. Tapping can be caused by air pockets in the pipelines. Most effective way their elimination is the installation of a system that removes air. It will also protect structural elements from corrosion and levels out failures in the operation of the pump.

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Extraneous sounds in the heating system

A common occurrence for residents of houses with central heating Noises coming from radiators and pipes are considered. To avoid possible troubles, they must also be treated very carefully.

Monotonous hum in batteries

One of the common causes of hum in heating pipes is air getting into the system. To determine airiness, it is important to check the quality of heating.

If individual sections of the radiator remain cold or heat up less than neighboring ones, this indicates that air has entered the structure, which caused the hum. In order to get rid of it, as well as to establish full heating, it is important to bleed air from the system.

Air enters the heating battery for the following reasons:

  • incorrect installation;
  • insufficient pressure in the heat supply sectors;
  • corrosion of metal elements of the device;
  • ingress of foreign objects - debris;
  • incorrect installation of individual fragments of the heating system;
  • increased air content in water;
  • incorrect start of the heating system;
  • no air duct.

To fix the problem, it is necessary, which will require a radiator key or a screwdriver, as well as a container for water.

To perform this operation, you need to do the following steps:

  • find a valve on the battery, in older models there may be a valve instead;
  • spin it clockwise until you hear a hiss of air;
  • bleed air until drops of liquid appear;
  • wait until the water begins to flow in an even stream;
  • turn the valve.

Some radiators have a special automatic bleed option, which further simplifies the process.

Tapping and "shooting" batteries

In metal radiators, sometimes there are sharp sounds resembling shots. Such noises are associated with the expansion factor of the metal: elements made of this material increase in size when heated, and shrink when cooled.

Similar sounds can also occur if the structure is installed incorrectly and the rules for attaching the radiator are violated.

To avoid the problem, it is advisable to strictly follow the recommendations of experts:

  • the heating battery should be located 14 cm from the floor;
  • the distance from the window sill to the battery must exceed 10 cm;
  • between the wall and the radiator there should be a gap of 2-5 cm - a layer of insulation can be laid in it;
  • pipes must be mounted on a flat vertical surface;
  • the end on which the air vent is installed must be raised by 1 cm.

Besides, in heating system intermittent knocking may be heard. As a rule, its cause is the difference in the diameters of the pipes that are used to create the structure.

Replace the battery yourself or entrust the process to a professional.

Bubbling in batteries and pipes

Often in the pipes you can also hear the murmur and gurgling of water. Usually this phenomenon is typical for starting water at the beginning of the heating season.

If such noise is not associated with starting hot water, it may indicate problems that have arisen: if an obstacle occurs inside the battery, the water has to flow around them, which causes extraneous sounds.

To determine the cause, you need to check the position of the valve and its performance, and also try to determine the presence of blockage.

For prevention, you can clean the system, which can be done in two ways:

  • strong water pressure;
  • special chemicals followed by flushing the system with a jet of water under pressure.

If these measures do not help, you need to call a specialist: with a massive blockage, sometimes you have to resort to the help of a welder.

Sounds in the pipes with a good battery

The cause of noise in heating may not be in the radiator, but in other elements of the system.

Riser. Sometimes the noise in the battery is caused by water leakage from the riser. Such a problem must be immediately eliminated independently or with the help of a master called from the housing office.

Water pump. The buzzing of this device can be caused by a number of reasons:

  • the pump was installed with defects;
  • the power of the device does not meet the standard;
  • adjusting washers are out of order;
  • during the operation of the pump, overheating is allowed;
  • wear of individual components of the device or the entire structure.

To diagnose the pump, it is necessary to disassemble the device, for which it is advisable to contact a professional.

Boiler. Extraneous sounds may occur due to incorrect operation of this device.

Features of noise and the possibility of eliminating them largely depend on the fuel the boiler is running on:

  1. For solid fuel models characteristic of the appearance of cod in the chimney. To eliminate it, you need to clean this element, after which the device turns on at full power.
  2. IN gas boilers noises are most often caused by burner defects, which require replacement of this part.
  3. Diesel boilers sometimes they emit a whistle that occurs in the nozzle due to an excess of soot, which interferes with heat transfer. Installing a thermostat will help get things going.

The cause of the noise may also be a break in the control valve. In this case, an immediate call to a specialist is required, since blocking the movement of fluid by a detached element can lead to rupture of heating sections.

Noise can also be geyser or electric heater. First of all, it is recommended to inspect the valve of these devices, which most often causes problems.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Below we offer you instructions on how to fix two common causes of noise.

The first video shows step by step process gasket replacement, which allows you to get rid of the strong noise accompanied by vibration.

The second video instruction tells in detail how to bleed air from the heating battery. This process not only helps to improve the heat transfer of the radiator, but also eliminates humming sounds.

Before starting repairs, you need to find out why plumbing, sewer or heating pipes. Having established the cause of the sounds that have appeared, you can easily deal with the problem with your own hands or with the help of a master plumber.

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