Water pipes      06/14/2019

Long service life of such a device. The service life (shelf life, operation, use) of the refrigerator. instrument life calculation

Household appliances have always been related to goods that are bought, if not for centuries, then at least for a long time - for several years or even decades. However, the new century has brought a change in the reputation of such products. People began to notice that the service life of modern household appliances became much shorter, and thought about the reasons.

Today, many Russian citizens remember how long they served in the old days, for example, washing machines. The first "washers" imported into Russia carried their cross without serious breakdowns for more than fifteen to twenty years, until the owners took them to a landfill due to wear and tear. In addition, our fellow citizens still remember with warmth in their hearts the irons produced at Soviet factories, some of which, perhaps, are still used for their intended purpose in remote corners of Russia. So why do modern household appliances fail so quickly? Of course, the point is not that the manufacturers of equipment suddenly forgot how to assemble long-playing equipment.

There is a version that is very close to adherents of the universal conspiracy theory, according to which, when assembling equipment, manufacturers pre-program it for breakdown. Moreover, the sooner this breakdown occurs, the sooner the buyer will be forced to buy a new household appliance. The logic is obvious - if all household appliances work for decades, then the players in this market industry will be left without a permanent profit, and as a result, they will wither away from boredom. Of course, technical innovations and developments will attract individual members of society to household appliances stores, but that part of humanity that values ​​reliability more than technical innovations, or simply cannot boast of great financial opportunities, will be irretrievably lost to manufacturers. If household appliances break down often... The essence of this theory lies in the fact that market leaders are gradually turning modern civil society into the same "consumer society". And, it should be noted, they convert successfully.

But there is also a serious contradiction here. After all, the home appliance market, like any other, cannot exist without competition. And one of the main guarantors of the quality of household appliances is precisely the long service life. With an emphasis on this point, for example, the Indesit company advertises its products, whose marketers have chosen the loud slogan "Indesit - will last a long time!". How can the leaders of this industry create short-lived equipment, while remaining competitive and in demand? And is there any truth in the theory of programmed failure? With this question, the editors of Pravda. ru turned to the experts.

“I think that this is just a version that is absolutely not confirmed by anything,” Igor Zverev, a lawyer from the Society for the Protection of Consumer Rights, shared his opinion, “No one will specifically manufacture perishable, breaking, short-lived goods. It is not profitable for the seller.

Marina Petrukhina, an expert on the consumer market, also agrees with Mr. Zverev. “It’s purely theoretically difficult to say that there is such a neglect of quality. I don’t really believe, because neglect of quality affects the development of the brand. That is, if you once made a low-quality product under an already well-known brand, then the consumer loses confidence in the brand. plastic parts, which fail faster than metal ones. And a thing with metal parts, like the same blender, will cost much more than a blender with quickly erasable plastic parts. And the manufacturer plays from this price difference.

In order to finally debunk the myth that modern manufacturers are specifically thinking about an early breakdown of equipment, a consumer market expert revealed the secret of why in the old days more durable household appliances were produced than today.

"20-30 years ago, plastic was not so widely used, there were completely different materials. Naturally, metal was used more. That is, these things last longer simply because they used materials that were known at that time. And it was mostly metal. And today there is already more modern plastic that can be used in parts, including mechanisms, but, unfortunately, it is not as durable as metal. And everything with metal is already extremely expensive, the difference is not even two, but sometimes three, four or five times in price. Therefore, I am not I trust the theory that the manufacturer does it on purpose so that it breaks faster. No, he makes things of different price categories: economy class, premium class. How long things last depends on this, "concludes Marina Petrukhina.

The legal concept of "service life" is not quite what it imagines a common person. By law, this is the time during which the manufacturer is obliged to ensure the possibility of using the product. For example, he will have to supply spare parts and consumables (how can he use them without them?). And he - the manufacturer - during the service life is responsible for the harm caused by low-quality goods.

In general, establishing the service life of a product is a voluntary matter for the manufacturer. But there is a list of goods for which this period must be set, since then such goods can become dangerous for humans or for nature. Electrical appliances are included in this list.

Basically, ahead of time service was also regulated by GOSTs and regulations: for example, the service life gas stoves was 20 years, electric stoves - 16.5 years (these are the data of the standards of 1982, and they have been observed for a long time), refrigerators - 15 years (GOST 16317-87, observed since 1988). Moreover, the concepts of “established service life” and “average service life” were divided: that is, the period during which the manufacturer is obliged to produce spare parts and consumables, and the service life for which the device is approximately designed. Now the manufacturer has the right to follow or not follow GOSTs and at its own discretion. For example, he can, instead of complying with GOST, comply with TU -technical conditions. Therefore, it is possible to talk about the service life of a particular type of equipment only after analyzing what period the manufacturers themselves set for which categories of goods (usually this information is in the user manuals). Which is what we did.

Approximate service life of household appliances

Electrical hobs, ovens and plates: 7-10 years

induction cookers: 10 years.

Gas hobs and stoves: 10 years.

Washing machines: 7–8 years. Washing machines with an inverter motor sometimes have a longer service life - from 10 years. Sometimes the service life is 7 years, and the motor warranty is 10 years. What does it mean? Only that the motor will be produced, repaired or changed under warranty for 10 years (if the car does not “die” earlier).

Refrigerators and freezers: 7–10 years. As a rule, inverter compressors also have a separate warranty.

microwaves: 7 years (then it is recommended to change, as the camera may begin to transmit radiation).

Vacuum cleaners: 3–7 years. For the cheapest "cyclones", "sticks" for 3000-5000 rubles - as a rule, 3 years. And it also depends on the engine and the manufacturer, because vacuum cleaners with inverter motors and digitally controlled motors have appeared. This increases the service life and safety margin.

Dishwashers: average 5 years.

Kitchen air cleaners (hoods): 7–10 years.

Multicookers: 2–3 years with a heating element, 5–7 years with an induction heater.

Meat grinders: 3–5 years.

Kettles, hair dryers, small household appliances: 3 years. Professional motors (AC, DC) are sometimes put on blenders, hair dryers and some other equipment - and then the service life is 5–7 years.

Each manufacturer sets its own service life for equipment, but most often it does not exceed 10 years. This, according to experts, is the recommended duration of use of large-sized appliances, in particular, a refrigerator. The most vulnerable part of the "master of the kitchen" is the refrigeration compressor, and the most common cause of failure is power surges. In addition, experts advise, if possible, not to put the refrigerator next to the stove, not to put hot food in the refrigerator and to wash it at least once a month, but without the use of acidic substances that can corrode parts of the plastic. If you follow these simple rules and defrost the refrigerator at least once every six months (you can avoid this hassle by purchasing a device with the No Frost function), then you will extend the life of the device.

Washing machine


With proper care and correct use The microwave oven will last about 7 years. Keeping the stove clean (both inside and outside) and heating food exclusively in special dishes (no faience, china, metal!) - these are the main rules of a good hostess. And do not close the ventilation holes, otherwise the device will simply burn out.

Vacuum cleaner

The most vulnerable element of the vacuum cleaner is the motor. If overloaded, it may burn out. To avoid damage, do not leave the device switched on. You also need to carefully monitor the condition of the dust collector and change the dust bag in time. Finally, periodically it is necessary to arrange preventive maintenance for the vacuum cleaner: remove removable parts, filters and clean them thoroughly. With proper care, the service life will be about 10 years.


You will have to part with the iron early - after 3-5 years. In addition to drops in the electrical network, a “deadly diagnosis” for this device can also be a burnout of the main working element - a tubular electric heater (heater). 7 tips for those who don't like ironing.


Experts say that you need to change the kettle at least every two years, as some plastic models over time, they can release toxic substances when the water is heated. In order not to risk your health, it is better to pay attention to products made of glass, ceramics and of stainless steel. You should also not forget about permanent care behind the device, then it can last much longer.

Expert opinion

Alexander Fedorov, Head of Service Operations at Technosila:

“Most manufacturers today warn that the maximum service life of their appliances does not exceed 10 years for large appliances, and 3-5 years for small household appliances. Something has to be changed more often, say, an electric kettle, the long-term use of which is simply dangerous to health. However, if the hostess takes care of her equipment, then often by the end of the officially declared “service life”, the devices are in decent condition. In this case, you can not throw them away, but use the recycling program and get a significant discount when buying new equipment.”

We will remember the former glory of those enterprises and the quality of their products for a long time to come, especially when the Soviet industry was faced with the task of eliminating the shortage of household appliances, which is why ZILs rumbled in kitchens for 25 years. And now the main goal of the manufacturer is to force to buy new thing. Someone achieves this attractive appearance goods, someone with new opportunities, but someone follows a simple path - orders things not to live long. Is it possible? Very much!

A year of work for microwaves, steamers and heaters, two or three years for refrigerators, TVs, air conditioners and washing machines - this is the standard period of uninterrupted life of appliances indicated in warranty cards. Home appliance repair specialists claim that the brain of automatic washing machines burns out even in branded models, and repairs are very expensive.

Inspectorates for the protection of consumer rights are treated more and more every year. There are complaints from people about poor-quality equipment, and most of all complaints come from Cell phones. The central boards of mobile phones, as if on purpose, are made fragile and almost disposable. Most often, mobile phone owners prefer to buy a new phone instead of repairing it.

Short life of household appliances

Tracking this cycle of goods in nature, the American journalist spent ten years and found out that we throw 95 percent of the total volume of products produced today into a landfill in ten months only because it is beneficial to manufacturers. “Two of their most successful strategies are planned obsolescence and forced obsolescence. Short lifespan is another name for products that are projected to landfill. These are the laws of the growth model that dominates the economy - goods need turnover.

The concept of "growth economy" was ignored only in the USSR and the GDR. There was a course towards combating commodity shortages, and not towards production for the sake of production. Therefore, the goods created in the Union and Democratic Germany survived even these countries themselves. Only knowledgeable people are equipping Soviet or GDR equipment, acquiring it now at flea markets. From an old TV to an electrical extension cord, everything is superior in quality to current counterparts.

It is unprofitable for the manufacturer that the equipment works for a long time!

Replacing materials with cheaper and less durable ones becomes a problem. Now it is unprofitable for the manufacturer, From which we conclude: the vast majority of manufacturers of household appliances deliberately include a short service life in their products in order to continuously update them by the consumer and subsequently make a profit for the company. By the way, some of them honestly warn you about the short shelf life of their products in the instruction manual. In some cases, people turn to local craftsmen who, thanks to their developments, are able to breathe life into broken equipment.

Pay attention to the service life of household appliances

Still, as an option, there is an opinion that planned aging can be, if not won, then at least outwitted. Through the court. The warranty period indicates the minimum period during which the product can be used. However, after its expiration, you should pay attention to the column "service life" - usually it exceeds the warranty period by several years. If we do not violate the rules of operation, and our TV still broke down four years after purchase, we have the right to demand that the manufacturer replace the device.

Don't respect yourself?

Those who do not like and do not want to mess with the courts, it is likely that due to the breakdown of household appliances, the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bbuying a new one will come up, comforting themselves with the fact that there is also a fashion for appliances, and it is better to buy a newer model. By the way, constant advertising companies are pushing us to regularly change household appliances, convincing us that using old appliances is not to respect yourself.

Can I afford to change household appliances every 5 years?

And yet every five years to update electronic stuffing At home, not every family budget can afford. In Europe, where at the first breakdown equipment can be thrown into the trash, salaries are several times higher than in Russia. For the domestic consumer washing machine$400 is already a significant waste. Therefore, people do everything possible to get minimum guarantees for the same money that the equipment will last at least ten years. In the hope of protecting themselves from further breakdowns of household appliances, many people carefully study the market for the goods offered, make inquiries about the quality of well-known brands. According to experts of the household goods market, the products of the leading brands are quite comparable in quality and, in fact, differ little from each other.

One of the reasons for the frequent repair of household appliances

This is objective. And subjectively, another reason for the frequent repair of household appliances is the elementary illiteracy of consumers in the operation of this very equipment. Therefore, it is not superfluous to recall once again that the user manual contains important information, which helps to use all the possibilities of your equipment and use it for a long time. In addition to the rules for connecting and installing household appliances, the instruction also contains a lot useful information on appropriate care household appliances, to ignore which means deliberately shortening its service life.

Motorists and car owners are also often concerned about how to repair their best friend. On this topic, you will find many professional recommendations on the site.

Modern electronics (computers, office equipment, tablets, gps - navigators, mobile phones) are complex devices. Today, electronics are manufactured using high technology. The number of elements in microprocessor crystals, the size of flash memory cards, the performance and capacity of hard drives, the frequency of the processor, and many other characteristics of the components and assemblies of modern electronics are growing in arithmetic progression. Every year, modern electronics become smarter, faster and more convenient. The most powerful modern machine (computer) in two years becomes an ordinary middle peasant, and all this is due to the use of high technologies and constant progress in the development and manufacture of modern electronics. Modern man no longer knows how he can live without modern electronics, and after all, literally 30 years ago, all this seemed fantastic. Any progress brings us both positive and negative moments. Increasing cases of human injury electric shock. Every year we are more and more exposed to electromagnetic and radioactive radiation, and this leads to oncology and other diseases. Every six months, the fleet of modern electronics is significantly updated. old technology ceases to meet user requirements (new requirements, interfaces, games, applications, etc. appear). Manufacturers do this on purpose so that we change our equipment more often and, accordingly, replenish their budget more often. When developing a new device, the manufacturer lays down the service life. For modern electronics, the service life is a maximum of five years. Even if we do not consider technical progress, service life and user requirements, the components and assemblies of modern electronics physically wear out differently. Some nodes are able to work for 7 years, and some may not even work for 3 years. The main "trouble" of modern computers is hard drives. Some hard drives are gaining speed of 15,000 rpm. Accordingly, no matter how programmers try to ensure that the operating system reads and writes files economically, the drives and bearings of the hard drive quickly exhaust their resources. First, information begins to be lost, and then the computer stops seeing its hard drive altogether. Until recently, the most important "Achilles' heel" of electronics was electrolytic capacitors. They often failed, were afraid of overheating, exploded, were the cause of short circuits. Scientific and technological progress decided this problem, manufacturers began to produce not electrolytic, but solid-state capacitors. The new kind capacitors, compared with its predecessor, has high reliability, extended service life and good electrolytic capacity.

The main reason for the failure of modern electronics is overheating.

When buying modern electronics, one of the main criteria for the buyer today is the size of the product. To please the buyer, the manufacturer has to contrive: to make motherboards multilayer, placing them on an area of ​​​​2-3 square millimeter billions of transistors, while minimizing package size. As a result, the motherboard of the product becomes more fragile and multi-layered, the density of parts placement increases and, accordingly, heat transfer, and due to the tightness inside the case, the ventilation (cooling) system worsens. Naturally, with a poor cooling system, the service life of the product is reduced several times, the radio components fail faster. The tight body of the product causes rapid clogging ventilation holes dust and dirt. In turn, the dust that has settled on the board can cause a short circuit and even a fire in an electrical device. Fragile and multi-layered motherboards are like fire afraid of bumps and falls. For the above reasons, the service life of modern electronics does not exceed five years, and the physical and obsolescence technology makes us increasingly buy new electronic products.