Water pipes      06/17/2019

How to install a built-in hob in a countertop? How to embed a hob in a countertop: step by step instructions How to embed an electric hob in a countertop

In the conditions of an apartment, the installation location of the gas panel is determined by the location of the gas pipe. A shut-off valve must be installed on the gas pipe. It is worth noting that the transfer of a gas pipe to any distance should be done only by specialists of a gas company. At the same time, no one forbids installing a gas panel at a certain distance from the pipe, using for this flexible eyeliner for gas (gas hose).

Bellows hose, flexible gas connection


Before purchasing a panel, you need to know the width of the countertop. The dimensions of most panels are standard and do not go beyond 55-57 cm. In the documentation for the panel, not only the dimensions of the panel, but also the size of the hole in the countertop for installing the panel should be indicated.

Panel Installation Diagram

To protect the surface of the countertop from the movement of the jigsaw sole and from chipping when cutting, masking tape is glued next to the markings or along the markings.

So that the cut does not fall and break the countertop, you need to support it from below, as in the photo, with clamps.

Cutting tabletops with a jigsaw

Preparing the panel for installation

The kit for the panel includes jets for main connection. If they are not installed, they must be replaced. The jet installation diagram is glued to the bottom of the panel or indicated in the passport.

If the gas hob is connected to gas cylinder, jets need to buy others.


In the era of new technologies, inconvenient and cumbersome gas and electric stoves comes completely the new kind kitchen equipment. These are cooktops. Such devices harmoniously fit into the design kitchen furniture, convenient to use. Installing the hob in the countertop with your own hands is a fairly simple process. If you have even small skills when working with a power tool, such a task is within the reach of a beginner. This can save you money on installation fees.

Choice of hob

These kitchen appliances are practically devoid of flaws. All devices can be divided into categories:

  • electrical;
  • gas;
  • combined;
  • induction.

According to the material of manufacture:

  • stainless;
  • ceramic;
  • glass;
  • enamelled.

In this case, the panel may different number burners and their various arrangement on the surface. At the first stage, you need to choose the most convenient and suitable device. When ordering kitchen furniture, it is necessary to think over the place of installation in the furniture in advance. It is possible that an oven will be installed with the panel. Need to think first about connecting to the network: to the gas pipe when choosing a gas panel and to the mains if an electrical device is preferred.

For the installation of an electrical network, it is imperative to provide for the cross section of the supply cable and the power of the socket, taking into account the current consumption of the panel and the possible oven specified in the instructions. Do not forget about grounding or protective grounding of metal parts of an electrical appliance. After preparation, you can get to work.

Installation hob into the countertop with your own hands - the process is simple, accessible to a beginner . First you need to prepare All necessary materials and tools. Inserting the hob into the countertop begins with sizing. Further installation depends on how correctly and accurately the markup is performed. First you need to remove from the panel all the parts that may fall out during installation (this protective grid, burners, regulators).

Marking the table top

The dimensions for the technological hole in the countertop can be specified by the manufacturer in the instructions. If not, you will have to take measurements yourself. It is not difficult. To do this, you need to turn the panel over and take its dimensions, given that it should lie on the countertop around the entire perimeter. For convenience, you can make a template by cutting it out of a piece of cardboard according to the respective sizes. Then transfer the dimensions to the countertop using a long ruler, a square, or a prepared template. With maximum precision, to avoid curvature, draw a contour on the table top with a pencil or marker.

Window cutout for panel installation

After making sure that the markup is correct, you can proceed to cut the hole. Using a drill with a diameter greater than the width of the saw blade of the used jigsaw by 2 mm, drill 4 holes inside corners drawn outline. Insert the jigsaw blade into one of the holes and make a cutout in the countertop along the entire contour. To prevent large chips, you need to use a file with fine teeth or manual cutter.

Try on the panel to be installed into the resulting niche, align it. See from the side that everything is done smoothly. If everything is done correctly, proceed to the next the stage of cutting into the countertop. Now process the cut points sandpaper, file, rasp. If the worktop used is made of wood, be sure to exclude the possibility of moisture penetration. To do this, carefully treat the cut point with a moisture-proof material:

  • silicone;
  • sealant;
  • nitrolac.

If the tabletop is made of plastic materials, such processing can be skipped. Plastic will not swell and swell from the presence of moisture. Can be covered in several layers for reliability. After the last layer has dried, glue the cut with a self-adhesive sealant. Preparation completed. You can do the installation.

Installation and connection

Installing the hob in the prepared window is not difficult. To do this, lower the panel into the hole. Using a measuring tool, align its position. After making sure that it is correct, fix it from below with special brackets and self-tapping screws to the countertop. Staples and self-tapping screws are supplied by the manufacturer as a set. It would be useful to use a seal around the perimeter of the installed device. Such a step will also prevent debris and moisture from getting under the surface to be installed. Usually, it comes with the product.

It remains to install in place all the previously removed parts and proceed to connect the energy carrier. If the panel is gas - it must be cut into the gas line. If an electric one was installed, then correctly connect it to a pre-prepared electrical network. It remains only to test it in work and use it comfortably. How to properly install the hob, you can see on the video.

The layout of modern furniture sets for the kitchen provides for a built-in electric or gas stove, hob and an oven which are mounted separately. The built-in panel is a functionally finished product, which, in principle, can be used without a kitchen. This article will tell you how to install a built-in hob and connect to the network with your own hands. The surface can be electric, gas or a combination, but the basic rules that should guide the operation are the same for all versions.

Step by step installation instructions

Speaking of tools, if the built-in panel is installed in a new set, and the hole for mounting the case in the countertop has not yet been made, a drill and an electric jigsaw are required. To connect to the mains, you will also need a screwdriver, pliers, a voltage indicator.

The first thing to take care of is a 220 volt electrical outlet, which will include a built-in hob. The choice of its location and installation must be carried out before the installation of furniture. Included cooker In addition to the panel, an oven is included. If the first is placed without a cabinet, it can be plugged into one outlet. The electrical socket should be installed lower than the built-in hob will be in order to prevent it from being exposed to moisture and grease during cooking.

When the kitchen walls are completed, you can get to work. You can install the built-in hob according to the following step-by-step instructions:

  1. First you need to determine the dimensions of the mounting opening, which must be cut in the countertop. This information can be found in the instructions provided by the manufacturer. If there is no instruction, you need to carefully measure the seats. It’s a good idea to make a cardboard layout according to these dimensions (sometimes it is included in the kit), which then needs to be installed on the tabletop and circled with a pencil. It is necessary to provide a gap between the landing parts of the body and the edges of the table from 1 to 2 millimeters.
  2. Carefully mark the future hole. You will need a long ruler and a pencil. Do not forget that the tabletop is made of pressed sawdust and decorated with a coating of artificial stone. For this reason, you should not cut a hole closer than 50 mm to the edge, as thin sections of the table may collapse.
  3. Carefully drill holes in the corners of the marked area with a drill, without going beyond it. We use a drill 8 - 10 mm for this purpose. In the process of drilling, it must be installed and held strictly perpendicular to the surface.
  4. Insert into electric jigsaw a fine-toothed wood blade to avoid chipping the tabletop surface at the edge of the slot. Having inserted the canvas into one of the prepared holes, we make a cut according to the marking, firmly pressing the jigsaw to the surface. After finishing cutting, make sure that the built-in hob easily enters into seat with a small gap. Otherwise, the edges of the hole should be trimmed.
  5. It is desirable to protect the end sections of the slot made from moisture. For this purpose, the edges are processed with a sealant, as shown in the photo below. Then you can stick the seal included in the kit.
  6. Now the built-in hob is being prepared for installation, after which it is installed and connected. Gently insert it into the hole and, with a gentle touch of the hands, push it down until the protruding edges are completely attached to the surface of the countertop. Before this, you can apply a layer silicone sealant onto the surface, which is then covered by the built-in hob. This will ensure the sealing of the connection. When pressing on the surface, care should be taken, especially if it is glass. It is important that the built-in panel lies evenly on the surface of the countertop. Otherwise, placing a heavy pan on it may create a breaking force.
  7. The last stage of installation is that the built-in panel is fixed using special fixing clips included in the kit. The clamps are installed from below, after which the case is fixed. Protruding excess sealant that has been applied to the surface of the countertop must be carefully removed. If an oven is installed under the hob, a layer of thermal insulation is laid between them.

The detailed process of installing an electric hob in the countertop is shown in the video tutorials:

Electrical connection

To connect the built-in hob to the mains, it is enough to check the presence of voltage and connect the plug to the socket. When preparing for installation, make sure that the cross section of the wires corresponds to the connected electrical power, which has a built-in panel. Otherwise, you need to draw a separate line from the inlet shield to the plate. Then the installation of an outlet may not be required. We talked about it in more detail in a separate article, which we strongly recommend that you read.

Installing the hob in the countertop: 6 steps

You can install the hob yourself if you first read the instructions Many years ago, kitchen sets did not represent the possibility of mounting a hob in them. Today, this is a common phenomenon, which saves space in the kitchen, and also makes cooking more convenient and comfortable. Installing the hob in the countertop can be done independently. The main thing is to correctly determine the sequence of actions and follow it. It is very important to correctly determine the size of the future opening.

Do-it-yourself hob installation

Modern technologies do not stand still. Today it has become possible to integrate hobs into kitchen sets, which qualitatively affects the interior of the kitchen and its functionality. Inserting the hob does not take much time.

You can read more about the features of electric hobs in the article “3 types of hob”.

First of all, on the countertop, you need to make a markup that will fit the size of the hob.

Next to each side of the niche, you need to drill a hole, the diameter of each should be from 8 to 10 mm. The next step is to cut out the niche and internal processing silicone. The tabletop is installed on the lower level of the headset. Inner part panels are attached with double-sided tape or a little plasticine. The tabletop is covered with silicone.

In order to properly install the hob, you should follow the step-by-step instructions

Step by step installation:

  1. The tabletop is placed on the bottom of the headset. If the walls are uneven, the countertop will need to be trimmed. And if they pass through it gas pipes, for them it is necessary to make special holes. The countertop should be ready for installation down the kitchen.
  2. Inside the box in which the hob will be installed, it is necessary to make markings. To do this, you can simply make pencil outlines that will help you make further markup.
  3. The tabletop is laid front side down and on reverse side make markings for a future tie-in.
  4. In each intended cut, small holes must be made so that you can work with a jigsaw.
  5. Carefully cut out the niche with an electric jigsaw.
  6. You need to make sure that the tabletop does not deviate under its own weight. In the process of cutting, it is better to carefully support it.

The inside of the cut is treated with silicone. After installing the panel, you can additionally coat it with silicone from the outside. This is done in order to create an additional hydro-barrier, since the fasteners may not be pressed against the countertop enough.

The gas hob must be chosen very responsibly, because it should last for many years. After the choice is made, the panel must be installed so that it is convenient and safe to use. You can embed the panel yourself, but you should not do this if you are not confident in your abilities. In any case, you can contact a specialist for help.

At self installation it is important to prepare all the necessary materials: panel, measuring instruments, pencils, sealant, adjustable wrench, saw, gas winding, steel hose.

All work related to gas is unsafe to carry out. It is best to perform the installation together with a wizard or someone who thoroughly knows the entire installation process. One of the most milestones settings - hose selection.

If you need to install a gas hob, it is better to seek help from specialists

Hose Selection Tips:

  • Check hose for damage. There should not be a single defect on the hose.
  • The hose must be certified. When buying, you should ask the seller to present all the documents for the goods.
  • The hose can be corrugated metal or rubber.

When installing the panel, the calculation of dimensions must be given Special attention. Sometimes in the kit for the hob you can find a template that you need to use in order to properly saw through the countertop. It is important to remember that water should not get on the surface of the panel. The gas countertop must be placed at a safe distance from furniture and textiles.

How to install the hob in the countertop

Built-in electric stove handy device for installation in the kitchen. It works just as efficiently as a stationary stove, but does not take up as much space. Installing such a panel can be quick and easy, without resorting to the help of specialists. The surface can be combined with an oven, which will make cooking even more convenient.

If the master conducts self repair not the first time, then installing the hob will not cause difficulties.

Before installing the panel, you need to properly cut a hole in the countertop. To facilitate the installation work, manufacturers indicate the required dimensions in the instructions for the device. Pre-marking greatly simplifies and speeds up the installation process.

Before installing the hob, special markings must be made on the countertop

Installation steps:

  • On the countertop, you need to make markings that will correspond to the dimensions of the panel.
  • Using an electric jigsaw, you need to make a cutout in the countertop. To get started, you need to drill a small hole for a jigsaw. The cut will be even if you use a jigsaw file with fine teeth.
  • Dimensions hob should line up with the cut hole. Sections must be treated with a sealant or nitro-lacquer. Sealing self-adhesive tape can be used for processing.

The electric tabletop is connected, focusing on the diagram. It can be found on the back of the panel. It is important to connect the wires correctly in order to be able to control the activation of the burners and their temperature.

What to look for: fixing the hob to the countertop

The installation process of the hob is simple, but requires careful pre-training. First of all, it is tedious to choose the right hob, check its passport data, prepare the tools and decide on the installation location. The installation of a gas and electric hob is practically the same.

You need to mount the panel on the countertop, in which you need to make the appropriate cutout.

It should be noted that in order to install electrical panel need more installation electrical outlet. For a gas panel, care must be taken to carry out gas communication. The built-in panel must be installed so that the maximum gap between it and the worktop is 1-2 mm.

When installing the hob, special attention will need to be paid to attaching it to the countertop.

What to look for:

  • Correctly measure the dimensions of the panel and transfer them to the cutout in the countertop.
  • Cut out the necessary segment in the countertop in order to perform the installation correctly.
  • Treat the countertop with special materials that will protect it from the effects of external negative factors.
  • Push the panel into the cutout.

It is important to remember that the mortise panel should not enter the gap with force. If there is a backlash, the location of the countertop must be aligned, focusing on the front edge. Fastening the seal over the entire surface of the countertop will avoid contamination of the panel.

hob seal

The sealing gasket must be attached to the hob. If the panel is removed after some time of use, you will notice that the seal will be covered in dirt and grease. The gasket needs to be replaced from time to time.

If there is a gap between the panel and the countertop, then the plate can be fixed in the plane, but this must be done so that debris does not fall into the vertical gap.

You can buy a special tape, or you can use a glass seal. The table and cutout can be pretreated with a transparent sealant. Sealant residues must be wiped off or carefully removed with a spatula.

Many prefer to use sealing tape because it is safe and environmentally friendly.

Benefits of sealing tape:

  • Reliability;
  • Ease of use;
  • Environmental friendliness.

Bosch seals are known for their high quality. Just placing a panel is not enough. It must be protected from moisture, grease and debris. If the panel is installed in a large opening, and a gap is formed, then the tape and the treatment of the gaps with sealant will help save the situation.

Installing the hob in the countertop (video)

The built-in hob is a convenient device that saves space in the kitchen and provides comfortable cooking. The rules for installing the panel are simple, so you can install it yourself. It is possible to embed a panel qualitatively only when the dimensions of the panel are measured correctly. After cutting a hole in the countertop, it must be well treated with sealant to protect the panel from water and dirt. All actions should be phased and coordinated.

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The vast majority of modern kitchen sets contain a cooktop. Therefore, those who want to make kitchens must be able to install it, especially since it is not at all difficult.

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Everything is very simple: you need to take a countertop, cut a niche in it, insert the hob there, and fix it. It seems to be so...

But for the sake of clarity, I suggest that we consider all important points associated with the installation of this technique.

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