Water pipes      04/04/2019

How to cure lice at home. In war, all means are good or how to quickly remove lice at home with folk remedies

When using vinegar or kerosene to get rid of lice and nits, it is important to be careful not to burn the scalp.

Lice is a delicate and very specific topic. You should not think that if you are attentive and caring parents and follow all the rules of personal hygiene, then this problem will never affect you. In fact, no one is immune from pediculosis.

Danger of getting lice

Of course, kerosene cannot be called a useful product for human skin and hair, however, it is also these days actively and successfully used to combat lice. Kerosene is a combustible product of oil refining. When using this product, you must stay away from open sources of flame, such as, for example, a switched on gas stove. To reduce the harmful effects on the skin, kerosene is mixed with vegetable oil.

To prevent kerosene from getting on the face and eyes, a thin towel can be tied to the hairline before starting the procedure.

A mixture of kerosene and oil (one part of oil to ten parts of kerosene) is applied to the hair, the head is covered with a plastic bag, and a scarf or cap is put on top. For maximum results, this mixture is best left on the hair overnight. In case of severe burning, it is recommended to immediately rinse the kerosene from the hair. Since the kerosene used against lice and nits has a sharp bad smell and greasy oily consistency, it should be washed off thoroughly until the hair gets rid of the smell of kerosene.

Vinegar is the most common remedy for head lice. There are several recipes based on vinegar. It must be remembered that it, if not properly diluted, can cause chemical burns or eye injury. Therefore, when starting to prepare the medicine, you should pay attention to the concentration of the vinegar used. Before you are going to get rid of nits with vinegar, it is recommended to test for sensitivity from an already prepared remedy on the inner surface of the elbow.

Along with kerosene, there are other folk remedies for lice and nits, which are also effectively able to get rid of pediculosis. If you see nits in your child's hair, but don't want to use either kerosene or vinegar, you can try more gentle products. Many of these tools are always at hand for every housewife, which allows you to immediately, immediately after the discovery of a problem, begin treatment. These funds include:

  • Mint and pomegranate juice
  • Black cumin
  • Geranium oil
  • Cranberry juice
  • Garlic
  • Vinegar with salt
  • Burdock decoction

Mixture of pomegranate juice with mint

How do they remove lice and nits so that the product does not harm the skin and hair? You can try the recipe, after which the hair will acquire a pleasant aroma and even heal from dandruff and split ends. To prepare such a medicine, you need to take a glass of pomegranate juice, put a handful of mint leaves in it and bring everything to a boil. After cooling, strain and apply the resulting liquid to the hair. From above, the head should be covered with cellophane and a hat or scarf. Wash off after 5-8 hours and comb out with a thick comb.

Since lice are afraid of mint essential oil, you can purchase this drug at a pharmacy to enhance the effect and use it in this recipe.

The acidic juice of the pomegranate dissolves the substance by which the nits are glued to the hair and makes it easier to comb them out.

Geranium oil


Video about effective remedies for lice and nits

Black cumin and apple cider vinegar

Ground cumin seeds are mixed with a small amount of apple cider vinegar until a porridge-like consistency is obtained and applied to the hair. Then you should spend 30 minutes in the sun and rinse the mixture from your hair. This procedure is carried out daily for several days. After each procedure, the hair is combed out with a comb.

Burdock decoction

cranberry juice

Cranberry juice contains substances that help get rid of lice, and the acid contained in cranberries helps to dissolve the sticky secretion that keeps nits on the hair. It is necessary to take two handfuls of berries, knead them and mix with a small amount of natural honey. The resulting mixture is rubbed into the hair daily for several days, and the nits are combed out with a comb.

Tar soap

Using tar soap is an excellent treatment and prevention of lice and nits at home. For treatment, the hair is abundantly rubbed with soap, put on a plastic cap and a scarf on top. With such a "compress" they spend several hours, after which the hair is washed and combed out with a comb. For preventive purposes, you should regularly wash your hair with this soap.

Tea tree oil for lice and nits

Another remedy is tea tree oil for lice and nits. To prepare the medicine, you need 30 g of medical alcohol, 20 g of water and 25 drops of oil. Mix alcohol and oil well and apply to hair. After the hair should be washed with shampoo and combed thoroughly.

It should be understood that this oil is not a poisonous substance, but can only paralyze insects for a while. Therefore, this procedure will have to be carried out daily for several days.

During treatment, you should stay at home until the lice are completely gone. This will prevent the infection of pediculosis by other people.

Have you ever used folk recipes against lice and nits? What resources have helped you? Tell about it in


Research on the phylogeny of lice helps anthropologists, archaeologists and even linguists to study the history of human development. The first documentary references to lice are found in the works of Aristotle "Problemata" and "Historia animalium". The great philosopher and scientist, who lived in the 4th century BC, provides data based on observation that are true to this day. He saw gender and age dependency in lice infestation. Galen and Pliny the Elder wrote about lice. Herodotus, describing the life of Egyptian priests and pharaohs, noted that shaved heads and beards saved the ancient Egyptians from infection with lice.

The name used today for lice eggs "nits" can also be found in Aristotle. In his writings they are called "konodos". Expressing correct observations, the great thinker adheres to the pseudoscientific theory of the spontaneous generation of lice from "living animal meat." This theory existed for more than 1.5 thousand years, which greatly slowed down the search.

Shaving hair and catching lice was almost the only method for a long time.


Eugene Segai, a French entomologist and artist who lived already in the 20th century, wrote that in Lisbon in the 19th century, many residents made money by renting specially trained monkeys, who carefully chose the townspeople for a small fee.

But back to the "origins". A striking method of dealing with lice is described in the Ebbers Papyrus (1550 BC), the oldest and best preserved medical treatise. The treatment of head lice in papyrus, in addition to the described recipes from fat, resin, oil and plant sap, also included magical rituals. So, over the caught insect, a certain passage from the Book of the Dead should have been read.

Thanks to these scientists, famous and nameless, it was possible to establish that in addition to unpleasant bites that provoke itching, typhus and relapsing fever. And folk remedies against lice, which fans now love to ridicule so much chemical insecticides, gave impetus to the creation of new and effective remedies for pediculosis.

Folk remedies for lice

No matter how skeptically scientists grin, folk methods for getting rid of lice and nits are based on a large practical experience. Consider the recipes that are used in the fight against adult insects.

There are many such recipes. To, you need to apply any vegetable oil to your hair - burdock, linseed, olive, corn, cedar, mustard, sesame or sunflower. The oil is preliminarily heated in a water bath to 35-40°C. Dry, unwashed hair is divided into strands and the agent is applied along the parting, starting from the roots of the hair, where the lice “hide”. Then the oil is distributed along the entire length of the hair with the help of palms and carefully combed with a fine comb. The head is covered with polyethylene, and warmed with a hat or towel on top. Keep the product on the hair all night. In the morning, the head is thoroughly washed with a mild shampoo, the hair is slightly dried and combed out again.

Oiled hair is easier to comb due to the sliding effect. The oil glues the scales of the hair shaft and prevents tangling of long hair. The tool prevents brittleness, electrification, restores the structure of the hair.


No less effective medicine for lice and nits are. Their use from lice is based on two mechanisms - the contact damaging effect and the repellent properties of phytoncides. In addition to the already described contact action, when a fatty substance, enveloping the body of an insect, "clogs" the respiratory openings, essential oils have an irritating odor.

For a lice mask, any aroma oil is used - lemon, orange, clove, lavender, mint, tea tree, rosemary, bergamot, pine, juniper, eucalyptus. You can use both one type and make compositions.

The advantages of using products based on volatile phytoncides are as follows:

  • has regenerating, antibacterial, antimycotic properties;
  • strengthens and stimulates hair growth;
  • heals the scalp;
  • treats and combing;
  • relieves itching and eliminates inflammation;
  • prevents the penetration of infection through minor lesions on the scalp;
  • has no age restrictions;
  • contraindicated only in case of individual intolerance;
  • can be used as ;
  • safely;
  • cheap.

To get, as a “bonus”, a healing effect from the whole variety of aroma oils, you can choose those that are suitable for a particular type of hair.

A big problem in the treatment of pediculosis are nits. Lice attach the egg with the help of a special secret produced by the glue glands. The insect lays 7-9 eggs per day, "stringing" them on the hair at the base. In the air, the substance hardens, firmly fixing the nits.

Conventional remedies do not act on eggs, and therefore folk remedies for nits use natural acids in their composition. They quickly dissolve the "glue" and make it easy to get rid of crumbled nits. Acids damage the dense shell of the egg, denature the proteins of the insect tissues and destroy it at all stages of development.

An acid-based folk remedy for lice and nits includes:

  • acids obtained by acetic fermentation of raw materials containing alcohol (tartaric, malic);
  • vinegar obtained by a chemical method;
  • sour berry juices;
  • products of lactic acid fermentation (brines, whey vinegar).


Vinegar has long been used not only as useful seasoning to dishes, but also as disinfectant. Homemade apple cider vinegar soothes itchy scalp after lice bites, disinfects, restores the epidermis. Wine vinegar normalizes the function of the sebaceous glands, treats eczema and seborrhea.

An effective folk remedy for lice and nits is the sour juices of cranberries, pomegranates, and lemons.

  • Mash 100 g of ripe cranberries until a slurry is obtained, mix with 30 g of liquid honey;
  • apply the product to the roots of wet hair, rub gently and cover with a plastic cap;
  • insulate and withstand the drug for 1.5-2 hours;
  • rinse the hair thoroughly, comb out the nits with a comb;
  • repeat the procedure after 4-5 days until the complete disappearance of insects and nits.

Lice treatment folk remedies will be incomplete without unique phytorecipes:

Do not forget to carefully comb out lice and nits after the procedure.

Refinery products

The most dangerous recipes complete folk remedies for pediculosis. Kerosene - fast remedy from lice and nits. It is used as a single agent, and in combination with other substances. Several recipes:

  • Prepare the product by mixing kerosene with vegetable oil in a 1: 1 ratio. Apply the resulting mixture to the hair, distributing along the entire length. Wrap with polyethylene and hold for 10-15 minutes.
  • Mix kerosene and finely grated laundry soap in a ratio of 1:1. Dilute before use warm water at the rate of 100 ml of the mixture per 1 liter of water. Wet hair thoroughly. Keep under the cap for 10-15 minutes. Rinse thoroughly with water, wash with shampoo.

Kerosene not only irritates the scalp, but is also a flammable substance, so these recipes should be used with extreme caution and in no case should you dry your hair near an open fire. It is not recommended to use for the treatment of pediculosis in children.

Kerosene is a strong solvent and quickly damages the shell of nits and the chitinous cover of adult fleas. The oily composition blocks the spiracles of the insect, and the pungent smell repels them. Even a single treatment helps to get rid of bloodsuckers. Today, the use of kerosene for the treatment of head lice is limited, as there are safer and effective means.

Folk remedies for long hair can be completed with another drug. can help not only from lice and nits. It is used to treat skin diseases. On long, damp hair, apply a thick soapy foam, distributing it along the entire length of the hair. Cover the head with polyethylene and insulate. Soak the soap for 5-8 hours and then rinse thoroughly with plenty of warm water.

Everyone can choose the way they like from pediculosis from recipes traditional medicine or use pharmaceutical preparations that are available in the form,. The main thing is to follow the rules of use, and the effectiveness of folk remedies is evidenced by the fact that they are used even with an abundance of modern medicines for lice and nits.

In kindergartens, schools, nurses should monitor the child's condition. Their duties include checking children for pediculosis. One child with lice on his head can become a source of infection for everyone in the group, class. As practice shows, examination by medical workers is carried out fluently and often not quite qualitatively. And even at all with a frequency far from the required rules. Children from different families are in the same room, eat together, walk, and sleep in kindergartens. It is not surprising to become infected with lice in the next period of time. And if schoolchildren can complain to their parents about itching in the head, children under 5 years old will silently scratch their heads and experience discomfort. When lice are found, some mothers panic, do not know where it is better to run, what to do. Several effective methods and remedies for pediculosis, which allow you to remove lice on a child's head in 1 day.

To know how to defeat the enemy, you need to study it weak sides. Lice have them. Infection with lice occurs from a sick person or through the use of infected things. These include combs, elastic bands, hairpins, hats, towels. Since children often come into contact with each other during the game, pampering, exchanging things, the risk of infection with lice is much higher than in adults.

Getting on the head of a child, the louse hurries to lay eggs - nits. They are attached to the hair 0.5 cm from the hair roots, using a special adhesive. They will stay there for about 14 days. Then small lice will emerge from the eggs. By their remoteness from the hair roots, one can judge the duration of infection. As the hair grows, they are closer to the middle of the head. A favorite place for nits is whiskey, forehead.

Sometimes it happens that, but there are no nits. This can only mean that the infection has occurred quite recently. Usually lice and nits exist in parallel. Another point - the nits are empty. You can check it by simply pressing on them between the platinum nails. If you hear a click, the eggs are full. If it is not there, lice have already been born.

Lice are insects that breathe oxygen and feed on blood. The smell is very good for them. important role. The spiracles are all over the surface of the body. So, you can kill an insect by blocking the air, expel it by smell, kill it with insecticides. With nits, the situation is somewhat more complicated if you can get rid of adult lice in 1 procedure by choosing an effective remedy. From nits - you need to mess around all day. The dense shell of the egg protects the nits from insecticides and other substances harmful to them. The only one effective method- combing. The final result directly depends on the quality of the procedure.

Lice control methods

You can remove lice from a child folk methods and pharmaceuticals. Currently, mothers are increasingly resorting to. They are sold in a pharmacy, they are highly effective, do not spoil the hair, and protect the scalp. Available in the form of shampoo, aerosol, spray, lotion. The products are easy to use - just apply to the hair, wait a certain time, rinse. And then the combing procedure is carried out. And everything would be fine, but these preparations contain a proportion of insecticidal substances. Manufacturers claim that they do not affect the health of the child, do not worsen well-being. Meanwhile, there is a list of side effects and contraindications.

Due to the fact that some mothers do not trust such drugs, folk remedies for fighting lice are still used. It should be noted that it is not so cheap. And the one that is cheaper has a number side effects. Therefore, very often the snag is in finance. can be done quickly or efficiently. And it is possible and so and so.

How to remove lice folk remedies

In the distant past, lice on a child's head were fought quickly and radically - boys were cut completely, girls were cut very short. No hair no. Another radical remedy that quickly got rid of lice is kerosene. And although, today, some mothers still use it, lice can be removed with more gentle means.

How to remove lice with vinegar

Such a remedy for pediculosis is in every home. Sometimes women use it to soften hair when washing. Rinse them with the solution. . It's the acid that cuts off the breath, corrodes skin insects.

  1. To prepare the solution, you will need 9% table vinegar, water at room temperature.
  2. Diluted in a ratio of 1:2.
  3. Dry combed hair is treated with a solution.
  4. Put on a plastic bag or a special cap for dyeing hair.
  5. Wrap with a towel on top. Leave for 20 minutes.
  6. Wash off with shampoo.
  7. A plastic bag on the head is needed in order to cut off the oxygen to the lice. The towel increases the temperature inside the bag, speeds up chemical reaction. After washing the head, it is necessary to carry out the combing procedure. To remove lice in 1 day, you must carefully comb each strand of hair. Dead lice are removed, surviving, but in a befuddled state, as well as nits. Vinegar has no effect on them, but the adhesive substance breaks down. It is easier to separate them from the hair.

After 1 week it is necessary to repeat the procedure, but not earlier. Vinegar dries hair, adversely affects the scalp. However, repetition is inevitable. Nits may remain unnoticed, from which lice will appear again.

How to remove lice with hydrogen peroxide

Another effective remedy for lice in a child. Hydrogen peroxide is diluted in a ratio of 1:3 with water. Do not forget that the tool is actively used in medicine for wound healing, disinfection. And in cosmetology, for some time they began to use it for acne. Hydrogen peroxide can cause a burn on a healthy scalp or irritation of the integument. It must be used only in diluted form.

It should be borne in mind in advance that the hair after such a remedy will become dry. It will take some time to restore the structure, put them in order.
The effectiveness of the product is 100%. In addition, hydrogen peroxide destroys the sticky substance of nits, eggs literally fall off the head during combing.
The treatment procedure is similar to method 1 for the treatment of pediculosis. The exposure time is not less than 20 minutes, not more than 45.
Before starting the procedure, an allergy test should be performed. Apply a few drops of the product to the elbow bend. If there is no negative reaction within 15 minutes, you can use it.
The child during treatment should be under the supervision of adults. If the state of health worsens, a burning sensation appears, the peroxide will have to be washed off.
Instead of hydrogen peroxide, you can use hydrogen peroxide-based hair dye. Regular hair coloring is done. Then carry out the procedure of combing. You can remove lice with paint for teenage girls. For boys, the method is not suitable. If they do not want to become blondes.

How to remove lice with dust soap

The louse is afraid of this soap, like fire. This one is perhaps the most commonly used. The treatment procedure is simple. Hair must be moistened, treated with soap, lathered. Put a plastic bag over your head, tie a towel. Exposure time 45 minutes for long hair. The room must be well ventilated. Dust can make a child dizzy, headache, nausea. During processing, the mother must use rubber gloves. Wash off the soap after the exposure time. Hair after soap will be dry, not combable. To facilitate the combing procedure, they are treated with olive oil.

Juices and tinctures from lice

To remove lice from a child, you can use berries and plants.

  • 1 cup crushed cumin seeds poured apple cider vinegar. Strain, rub into the scalp, hair roots. Sit in the sun for about 20 minutes. Wash off the product after 5 hours. Squeeze out the juice from the cranberries, add a spoonful of honey. Processing the head.
  • Boil 1 glass of pomegranate juice over low heat for 5 minutes. Add 2 teaspoons of dry mint to it.
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of tansy pour 1 liter of boiling water. Leave for 15 minutes. The effectiveness of this method largely depends on how carefully the combing procedure is carried out. From pharmaceutical preparations, you can use hellebore water.

Cosmetics against lice

Spray, lotion - in the pharmacy you can choose any drug. It is very easy to use. No time is wasted preparing the medicine. Acts quickly, effectively, does not harm the hair. Popular products are:

  1. spray on an oily basis FullMarks;
  2. shampoo, spray Paranit;
  3. shampoo Medifox;
  4. Pedilin;
  5. ParaPlus cosmetics;
  6. insecticidal cream Nyx;
  7. alcohol spray Pediculen-Ultra.

Instructions for use, exposure time is indicated in each preparation. The plus of all medical cosmetics is a pleasant smell, fast, convenient application. For a child, everything happens like a normal head wash.

In addition, in a pharmacy or on the Internet you can buy a special comb for combing out AntiV. The accessory has a special composition and structure. fine teeth catch even the smallest eggs of lice. If desired, you can do without all other drugs. Take the maximum time to comb out with a special comb.

Lice have the ability to reappear. In order to avoid relapse, you should periodically check the child's head, conduct conversations about the methods of infection. In addition, it is a well-known fact that girls with loose hair get lice faster than girls with braided braids. Mom should pay attention to this. It is necessary to conduct a head examination every week in a well-lit area. You can use a magnifying glass.

Pediculosis can appear in the most prosperous family. Gender, position in society, financial condition insects do not play a role. And on a clean, well-groomed head, they are more likely to settle than on a dirty one. The only salvation is precautions. First of all, parents should talk about the rules of behavior, monitor the places where children go, the environment, and the circle of friends. With age, the risk of infection with head lice decreases sharply.

19 Comments “ How to remove lice and nits at home in 1 day - is it possible to do this, what means to use

Pediculosis is an unpleasant disease, accompanied by severe itching. The presence of viable nits and lice leads to the development of the disease.

In advanced situations, the disease passes into the stage of a purulent course. The way out is a short haircut or a shave. How to remove lice and nits from the hair, keeping the curls intact, we will learn further.

If bloodsuckers in a patient were detected by chance during hospitalization for a concomitant disease, the patient is placed not in a general ward, but in an isolation room.

Features of anti-pediculosis treatment on long hair

Pediculosis in owners of long hair is a disaster. Pulling out the egg, dragging it along its entire length, not every patient can withstand. How to remove lice in this case.

Shortening the length is useless. What really helps is shaving your head. Not every woman is ready for a radical change of image.

To quickly remove lice on long hair:

  1. Apply the poisonous substance to the root zone, plus 3 - 4 cm from the root;
  2. Leave the medicine in order to influence;
  3. Rinse your hair with cosmetic shampoo;
  4. Rinse with vinegar water;
  5. Divide the curls into small strands;
  6. Use additional lighting so as not to miss a single individual, especially from blond hair;
  7. Crush the found live louse and remove it from the scalp;
  8. Use a fine comb.

How to remove larvae - nits

Larvae are more difficult to remove than lice. Not all products act on eggs, a dense shell reliably protects the larva from the reagent and damage.

In order not to drag the egg along its entire length, crush it in the head, a broken nit shell will cause it to peel off the rod and be easily removed.

Remove the processed strands with a clip, hairpin. This way you will be protected from re-infection.

The person conducting the disinfection must apply personal protection measures: their hair is removed under a scarf.

The patient's head is examined every day, because. mechanical extraction of nits and lice does not provide 100% of the result. a lost individual or small egg the path to relapse.

At the end of the procedure, all used tools - comb, comb, hairpins and clips are subject to disinfection. At home, use boiling.

Towels and sheets should be washed high temperature.

When to reprocess

Exposure to insecticidal preparations has a toxic effect not only on lice and nits, but also on the human body.

You can not carry out processing more than once every 10 days. During this time, the body will get rid of toxic substances that enter the bloodstream during bullying.

Inspection for nits is carried out daily. The missed egg will hatch and begin to produce offspring. All efforts made earlier will be in vain.

One medicine is not used more than three times. If the double treatment did not bring results, then change the active substance.

Pay attention to the composition. Choose a product with other ingredients.

Effective drugs for pediculosis

Domestic and foreign manufacturers offer a huge number of drugs, each of which guarantees complete relief from the disease in a short time. Consider the most effective means to help cope with the problem.

From pediculosis work:

  • cream;
  • Shampoos;
  • Sprays;
  • Aerosols;
  • Lotions.

In great demand among consumers are:

  1. Shampoos: Paranit, Hygia, Pedilin;
  2. Aerosol: Pair Plus;
  3. Lotion: Parasidosis Plus, Foxylon;
  4. Spray: Nude;
  5. Cream: Nittifor.

More about drugs

Let's consider each remedy, the incoming active ingredient and how it works.

Paranit - anti-pediculosis shampoo. The oil concentrate Clearol has a suffocating effect.

The exposure time is half an hour. Requires additional processing. Does not have a detrimental effect on nits.

Contains vinegar to help remove nits. Processing - twice with an interval of 10 days.

Pedilin - shampoo, with high content malathion. Paralyzes individuals, acts on nits. Available in the form of an emulsion and shampoo.

Aerosol Pair Plus. It has a high content of permethrin, malathion, perionyl butoxide. Effective on eggs and adults. The exposure time is 10 minutes.

Parasidosis Plus - lotion, acts on larvae, adult lice and eggs. Apply for 45 minutes, then wash off with shampoo.

Nyuda - spray. The active substance is dimethicone. It has a detrimental effect on larvae and adult bloodsuckers.

Nittifor - cream. Gets rid of pediculosis in one go. Provides protection against reinfection for 2 weeks.

When choosing a medicine, pay attention to the expiration date. Do not use lotions and sprays in case of severe scratching. Use more gentle methods - shampoo.

Effective folk ways

The head is abundantly lathered and left for an hour, previously wrapped in polyethylene. After washing - comb out.

Tea tree oil (25 drops) is combined with alcohol - 2 tbsp. spoons and 4 teaspoons of water. Rub the finished solution into the scalp and leave for 40 minutes.

The procedure requires regular repetition. Oil does not kill individuals, but paralyzes. After processing, comb out, the eggs are destroyed.

Whichever method you choose, reinforce the result with combing each time. Only mechanical removal will protect against relapse.

Ways and methods that don't work

These funds are not allowed for the elderly! A weakened body will react with severe allergies in the form of hives and a suffocating cough.

Conspiracies do not help from pediculosis and magical rites. It is useless to read prayers and wear talismans around the neck.

Are other products suitable as a scalp treatment?

There are many medicines to kill lice. Most will help not only to eradicate lice, but also save from fleas. On the label they write: from fleas, lice and withers.

Attention! Preparations intended for veterinary use must not be administered to humans.

Often, after removing the lice, the head itches, there is a feeling that someone is crawling. To protect yourself from re-infection, follow these simple tips:

  • At the end of washing, rinse the curls with a weak solution of vinegar. The scales of the rod will close and the surface will become smooth. Even if the individual penetrates the head, it will not be able to cling;
  • After regular washing hot water complete the procedure by rinsing with cold. The method acts like vinegar, closing the scales and restoring the structure of the rod;
  • Wash once a month with an anti-pediculosis agent to avoid recurrence.

Only compliance with preventive measures and personal hygiene rules will protect against re-infection.

Measures of personal prevention

Again, keep the following rules in mind:

  • Do not use someone else's comb;
  • Collect hair in a hairstyle;
  • Wear a cap in the pool;
  • Do not try on other people's hats;
  • Do not use other people's hairpins.

After completing the course of treatment, wash the bed linen at high temperature, pillow and blanket - ventilate it outside, shake the rugs thoroughly and leave them in the summer to warm up in the sun.

Hats, caps and scarves - wash, combs - rinse and boil.

Lice are always embarrassing and unpleasant. A person is embarrassed to ask for help from friends, fearing to be condemned.

Lack of awareness of the course of the disease, how to poison bloodsuckers, leads to severe infection of the entire family. In fact, removing lice, at one time, is not so difficult, knowing effective methods and methods, as well as effective folk recipe from bloodsuckers.

Most the right way destroy lice and nits - cut your hair and burn it so that insects do not have a chance to move to a new place of residence. This method is radical, but in some cases - for example, when lice are found on a man or a child with a short haircut - it can be very useful.

Anti-pediculosis drugs offered by the modern pharmaceutical industry can be divided into 4 types:

  1. shampoos;
  2. sprays;
  3. lotions;
  4. creams and ointments.

What is the best tool to buy

Shampoos are more habitual to use, but the concentration of active substances in them is often lower than in sprays and lotions, several treatments may be required. The use of the spray involves outside help (someone must treat the head of the victim while he is sitting with his eyes closed, while protecting the respiratory organs from the smallest drops of the drug). In addition, sprays should not be used by asthmatics and allergy sufferers.

Lotions and ointments are the strongest of the options presented, so they are not recommended for children, people with sensitive skin or poor health.


Table 1. Popular pharmaceutical remedies for lice and nits

Shampoos Sprays Lotions, concentrates Creams and ointments

Pedilin Parasidose (Parasidosis) Hygia Lice Guard Nude Para Plus Paranit Full Marx (Russia) Pediculen Ultra (Russia) Medifox Foxylon Benzyl Benzoate Avicin Medilis Super Nittifor (cream) Benzyl benzoate (ointment) Nix (cream)

Special cases

Most questions are raised by the treatment of pediculosis in children. The main rule here is caution. If a child has lice, ideally you need to consult a doctor (he will prescribe the most suitable remedy) and notify the school nurse.

For the treatment of children, it is advisable to choose drugs that do not contain insecticides, but act "mechanically" - for example, due to viscous dimethicone. When choosing a remedy, be sure to look at the instructions - there are indicated age restrictions and contraindications, features of the composition.

Folk remedies, especially toxic and flammable ones, are categorically not recommended for ridding children of pediculosis!

What to do with lice on long hair

In this case, the procedure will “fly a pretty penny”, because you will need a much larger amount of active agent than for owners of a short haircut. But, no matter how great the temptation to save money, you should not use dubious cheap products: ruining the hair that you have grown for several years will be much more offensive than spending extra money on your own health.

Folk remedies

Medicine has not always been as accessible as it is now, so we “inherited” a lot of recipes and folk remedies with which you can quickly get rid of lice at home. Some of them are still in use today, but almost all such remedies are either ineffective or pose a serious health hazard.

Lice and mustard

This method was often used in the post-war period, when other means were not available, and the problem of pediculosis was quite acute. To get rid of insects, you need to prepare a paste of 1 egg, a teaspoon of mustard and 100 ml of 9% table vinegar (long hair will require more volume, but the proportions of the components must be maintained). The product must be applied to the hair, giving Special attention scalp, and keep for three hours (preferably under a plastic cap). If the head bakes strongly, you will have to wash off the composition earlier. Next, you need to carefully comb out the lice and nits with a special comb.

Even if the folk remedy does not help to completely remove the lice, you will be provided with a “consolation bonus” - the blood circulation of the scalp improves from the mustard mask, and the hair begins to grow rapidly.

Lice and vinegar

Table vinegar was used in the fight against pediculosis because it is able to dissolve the sticky substance with which the nits are attached to the hair, which makes it possible to comb them out after treatment. It will not be possible to completely get rid of lice with vinegar: after “breathing” in its vapors, the lice become lethargic and inactive, but do not die.

Vinegar against lice is used only in a diluted form, otherwise burns and damage to the hair cannot be avoided.

The “classic” option is how to remove lice and nits with vinegar at home: it is diluted in water in a ratio of 1: 2, the hair is soaked with the resulting solution (it is convenient to use a sponge or a small towel), wrap your head plastic wrap and wait about an hour. After that, you need to carefully comb out the lice and nits with a fine comb and rinse the hair several times under running water. Then - wash your hair as usual, using the usual shampoo.

But the work is not over: the procedure will have to be repeated, and, most likely, more than once. At least 4 days must pass before the next “session”.

Lice and grass

On the basis of hellebore Lobel, a well-known remedy is produced - hellebore water. It is with its help that it is often recommended to get rid of lice. The algorithm is simple: apply the liquid with a cotton swab along the entire length of cleanly washed hair, wrap the head with polyethylene and wait half an hour. After that, the head should be washed again with regular shampoo and the dead insects and, if possible, nits should be carefully combed out.

Hellebore water is chosen by many because it is quite effective and at the same time it is inexpensive - no more than 70 rubles. However, this tool has much more disadvantages. Firstly, it is toxic, so it is strictly contraindicated for young children and people with poor health.

Secondly, the drug does not work on nits - in a week you will have to endanger yourself again by repeating the procedure. And thirdly, hellebore water is an alcohol tincture, and therefore its effect on hair and scalp leaves much to be desired.

Previously, other herbal folk remedies for pediculosis were prepared in the villages - decoctions based on St. John's wort, larkspur, burdock, tansy, chamomile. These products are all natural, but not strong enough to get rid of lice quickly.

Lavender oil also helps in the fight against head lice - but only as a prophylactic. Lavender is a natural repellent: the essential oils of this plant repel many insects, including lice.

And the combination of several such tools can even lead to unpredictable consequences. Do not forget that for all their seeming harmlessness, essential oils are very powerful drugs.

Burdock oil is not an essential oil, and therefore it is not dangerous to use it (unless, of course, you are allergic to burdock). It is used like this: in large numbers applied to the hair and scalp, kept under a plastic cap for at least an hour.


"Deadly" chemistry, or what not to do

  • kerosene;
  • gasoline;
  • turpentine;
  • diesel fuel;
  • acetone;
  • dichlorvos;
  • dust soap;
  • "talkers" based on benzyl benzoate.

It would seem that there is no need to explain why such toxic substances should not be applied to the hair and scalp. But with amazing regularity in villages and towns (and even in large cities!) There are news reports about poisoning and spontaneous combustion during a session of "radical therapy" by similar methods.

Why you should not use the above tools

  • Turpentine, gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel and acetone are flammable liquids that can instantly ignite right on your head. In addition, none of them can be called safe for health even when used externally, so do not even think about removing lice with kerosene.
  • Dichlorvos is an extremely toxic chemical intended exclusively for disinfection of premises. Processing should be carried out only in protective equipment.
  • Dustove soap for removing fleas and lice was used as early as the beginning of the 20th century. In fact, this is an ordinary laundry soap, to which an insecticide of the past generation (DDT) is added. Back in the 60s, it was proved that the toxic components of this drug accumulate in the body and over time can even lead to death. Of particular danger is the ingress of dust on the mucous membranes and into the bloodstream (through scratches and other wounds on the treated area of ​​the skin).
  • Benzyl benzoate, as well as ointments and emulsions based on it, is an acceptable option, but not recommended by modern medicine. The substance acts quite aggressively on the scalp, while being powerless against nits.

If the health hazard is not a significant argument for you, and you are sure that the “hardened organism” will survive the impact of any of these remedies, think that they all have a sharp corrosive odor and are generally unpleasant to use - the scalp is irritated, there is itching, in some cases - allergic reactions and chemical burns. All such products are very difficult to completely wash off the hair.

High tech

If you have a darsonval - a physiotherapeutic device whose action is based on the use of high frequency currents - you can try to overcome lice with it. Just comb your hair with a special nozzle, trying to work out every centimeter of the scalp.

Another modern, but untested method is cryotherapy, that is, exposure to liquid nitrogen. In theory, lice should not survive at such low temperatures (nitrogen is cooled to -150 degrees).

The allowable exposure time for each part of the head is only 4 seconds, and this casts doubt on the effectiveness of the procedure. Cryotherapy sessions are available only in special clinics and beauty salons (with the help of such procedures, trichological pathologies are treated), it will not work to apply “freezing” at home.

How to treat an apartment from lice

All kinds of insecticides that are used in the fight against cockroaches and bedbugs will work perfectly against lice. They can be very toxic and dangerous, so it’s better not to buy the first one that comes across, but to choose the safest one - for example, based on pyrethrum (Pirethrin, Pyrethrum aerosols). You can use their synthetic counterparts - "Cypermethrin", "Tzipi", "Almetrin".

If you have a household steam generator for cleaning and disinfection various surfaces, it is time to apply it to the fullest. Steam anything that can withstand this exposure.

Clothes worn by a person infected with pediculosis are advised to be placed in an airtight bag for 10 days and put away, for example, on a balcony. After this time, you will need to wash things at maximum temperature and iron carefully.

High temperatures during washing and ironing, as well as steam treatment, are the main methods of dealing with body lice. All personal hygiene items (combs, hair accessories, etc.) should preferably be treated with the same product that was used to kill head lice.