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Preparation. Psychological resilience: how to be prepared for anything

From time to time you get into situations where we have to speak without a prearranged text. This can happen at a business meeting or at a meeting, or where it will be especially important to us personally, for example, at a meeting of local governments. There are ways to prepare for such situations.

You will need:

  • Clear articulation
  • Irritation control
  • Subject knowledge
  • Self confidence

Step 1: Practice your articulation every day.

Step 2. Practice speaking calmly and competently.

IN Everyday life try to always talk calmly, even in cases where people touch on topics that are painful for you. The more practice you have at home and at work, the better you will learn to control your irritation. When someone steps on your pet peeve, take a deep breath in and out before answering. You can do this twice. Taking a deep breath will provide your brain with enough oxygen and free you from rising irritation.

Step 3. Prepare and learn all the time.

When you find yourself in a situation in which you need to speak to a group of people at a meeting, at work, or in a meeting, you need to be able to outline the topic with complete understanding. This means you need to learn a little. We should be learning all our lives. This is what we must do, whether we are lucky enough to make speeches or not. If we feel embarrassed, then we simply do not know what to talk about, because we do not have enough information.

Step 4. Exude self-confidence.

Self-confidence comes from being well prepared and knowing that you are capable of taking on a challenge and speaking successfully on a particular topic.

In the worst turn of events, learn to bow graciously. If you are not ready, there is no shame in handing over the floor to someone else who is ready. Of course, if you had been warned in advance that you would have to perform, and not like that - without preparation, you would, of course, not let anyone down.

readiness!!! Readiness is one of the key components of human strength. If a person is ready for everything, or at least for a lot, this is very strong man. To be ready for any extreme situation , gotta get ready. Now we will tell you how to prepare for extreme situations of the future: global catastrophe, crisis, war, revolution. We touch on aspects psychological preparation, physical preparation and material base. Let's get started.

You looked out the window, and there crowds of people in masks with slogans break through police cordons, throw stones, set cars on fire. Are you ready to protect yourself and your family? Are you ready to survive in turbulent times? Are you ready to go on the warpath and rise to a new, unprecedented level, using the crest of a revolutionary wave? You are ready?

You see how alien flying ships hover over the city, and aliens abduct and kill people. Are you ready to save yourself? Are you ready to resist aggression from outer space? You are ready?

A "mushroom" from a nuclear explosion appears on the horizon. Are you ready to save yourself in the face of a nuclear attack and its aftermath? Are you ready to live and fight in the new, scary world? You are ready?

So, psychologically you have to be ready for anything, every minute and second. When you are ready - you are invincible, absolute and total! One can write a long treatise on the methods of mental pumping and development of readiness. This issue is very well disclosed in the books and trainings of V.V. Shlakhter - the topic Readiness! So, if you want to be mentally prepared for any dangers and aggressions, we advise you to read it.

Physical readiness. Normal pace of life modern man and mode survival in a global catastrophe or war- two huge differences. Fighting for life, it will be necessary to be able to run fast; be hardy enough to cover serious distances with large hand luggage; be able to enter into an open physical confrontation with the enemy and win; be able to shoot and use all kinds of weapons. To be in good physical shape - you need to take care of yourself now. A man must have muscles! It does not have to have huge reliefs, like jocks; it is not necessary to bend nails with your fingers; it is not necessary to break world records in running and swimming. However, to be a dystrophic, without form and content: means certain death in the harsh conditions of survival. I'm not saying that working on your physical form is health and high vitality right now! And even if you escape in your life severe emergency situation Your hours at the gym won't go to waste. Don't put it off until tomorrow or Monday! Right now, do some exercises, jog and sign up for a gym. And remember - tomorrow may not come, or it may be just terrible. You have to be ready today!

Material base. It is one thing to survive in a war or catastrophe without any resources - another thing is when you have a material base: a supply of food; water source; means of survival; weapon. As you understand, just like that, out of nowhere, such a reserve will not appear - you need to create it yourself, and not alone, and now! Just what is lying around in the refrigerator will not work; what hangs in the closet will not work; weapons from improvised means will not work. For effective survival in a catastrophe, special products are needed, with a high calorie content and shelf life: stew, canned food, cereals, etc. We need special clothing, paramilitary type, as well as personal protective equipment: from extreme weather and elements; from water; from bullets and fragments; radiation; chemical activity; radiation. The weapon must be ready and securely hidden. He should have a solid supply of ammunition. We will talk more than once about weapons and equipment in subsequent articles.

“Remind them to obey and submit to rulers and authorities, to be ready for every good work” (Titus 3:1).



God is always doing good deeds. The Bible begins with a description of God's works: "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth" (Gen. 1:1). After the work of creating the earth and nature on it, God set about the next work - the creation of man, in His own image and likeness. God is called the Creator: “…his God is the Creator of all…” (Jer. 10:16). God is called the Creator because He is constantly creating things. The same truth is emphasized by Christ: “Jesus said to them: My Father is working until now, and I am working” (John 5:17). God does only good works because His nature is good: “Praise the Lord, for He is good, for His mercy endures forever” (Ps. 118:1). Good is absolutely, completely good.


There are two concepts in the Bible - work and work. When it comes to one thing, it means the business of a lifetime, the most important business of a person. For a Christian, this is the mission of life associated with gifts and talents. Such a thing, in singular, was with Christ, the work of saving people. One of the sub-points of the work of salvation is the Church. The Lord Jesus speaks directly about His work, and note, in the singular: “I have glorified You on earth, I have finished the work that You gave Me to do” (John 17:4). The concept of "case", in the singular, was also in Ap. Paul: “While they were serving the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, Separate Me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them” (Acts 13:2). For example, my business is pastoring, someone in the church has Sunday school children, someone has worship, youth, social ministries, charity, prayer ministry, mentoring, evangelism. Let us repeat once again, when it comes to business in the singular, it means the work of life, one key ministry of a Christian. But when it comes to deeds, then we are talking about those good deeds that should accompany our life constantly, be the background of our life. A Christian cannot say when he is asked to sweep the floor in a church, “I cannot, because I am engaged in a ministry of prayer, therefore everything else is your problem. I would be the first to doubt the spirituality of such a person, even if he performs one serious ministry. And you know why, but because the commandment “be ready for every good work” does not work in his life (Titus 3:1).


Let's try to classify good deeds and, conditionally, divide them into three levels.

1st LEVEL. Things are long-term, long-term. As a rule, such cases can take a long time, perhaps more than a week. For example, he took up his studies at a church school. Or, accept a refugee family. The project is long and serious.

2nd LEVEL. Things that take a day or two.

3rd LEVEL. Tasks that take a few minutes. For example, a youth meeting ends and everything is scattered, although everyone understands that they need to clear the tables, sweep up after themselves and put things in order.

Ideally, a Christian, faced with the need to do a good deed, on every level, should pray.


What does the term "challenge" mean? A challenge is a test to see if a person can do what they are asked to do? In fact, the question is even deeper - is there the will of God in this challenge to a good deed? On the other hand, we can say that any task set before us is a challenge. If there was no challenge, then there would be no problem with this. And so, ask the pastor of the church, are people always ready for good deeds? Ask a mother asking her son to help her? Ask a wife who turns to her husband as a deaf family for help? Ask the clergyman, is it so quick to agree to everything that the pastor asks from his people from the church? And, most likely, you will hear - no. This means that there are problems with a positive reaction to the challenge. I recall the famous episode when Isaiah the prophet saw God seated in the temple. And after this amazing vision, a question sounded - a challenge: “And I heard the voice of the Lord, saying: whom shall I send? and who will go for Us? And I said, Here I am, send me” (Isaiah 6:8). So good deeds plural, this is a challenge and, above all, a challenge to our flesh, which does not want to do anything, wants to be lazy. Because of the resistance of the flesh, often calls to do a good deed resemble the description of the activities of John the Baptist: “The voice of one crying in the wilderness…” (Is.40:3).

Let's see how Christ dealt with the constant challenges of numerous good works. Christ had a clearly defined task. He said that he came to create the Church. And then these endless crowds of patients. “When Jesus was walking from there, two blind men followed Him and shouted: Have mercy on us, Jesus, son of David! When He came into the house, the blind came to Him. And Jesus said to them, Do you believe that I can do this? They say to Him: yes, Lord! (Mat. 9:27,28). In this situation, the blind do not even immediately receive healing. They had to follow Christ and plead for their healing all the way to the house where the Lord entered. Do you remember how Christ washed the feet of the disciples? Surely he shouldn't have done that? Christ reacts situationally, reacts with good deeds. He begins to wash the disciples' feet: "Then he poured water into the basin and began to wash the disciples' feet and wipe them with the towel with which he was girded" (John 13:5).


Let's look at the main enemy of the willingness to do good works - the flesh. For example, people were out in nature, and a request sounds, “guys, let's pick up the garbage after ourselves?” Can you take this garbage bag and take it to the trash can? And suddenly, stunning, simply amazing, with its spiritual power, the answer, - What am I? Or, yes, I can't, I'm busy. Or another option - I took it out last week, let someone else take it out. The flesh is twisted as soon as it can. There is a call to prayer. Everyone gathers, just as the whole church gathered in difficult times. I remember how one person, when I asked why he was not at common prayers, kept objecting to me - after all, the first Christians gathered together because they had a big problem. Persecution, danger. Now, if we had such problems, I would not hesitate to come. The most interesting thing is that when today the country is very big problems when there is a war, people are killed, this person is still not visible at any prayer. Because there is flesh that will always resist. And now, how much a Christian has overcome the flesh, this is evident from how much he does small, but extremely important good deeds. To what extent can one say about a Christian that he is trouble-free, of course, not in the sense of soft-bodied? How often does he respond to the needs and requests of others? The flesh hates everything that strains it. She doesn't even want to pick up a piece of paper. She loves nothing but her own pleasures. People who constantly refuse to help their neighbor, especially in small things, in details and trifles, are called carnal. The flesh sleeps for a long time, sways for a long time, rests for a long time and thinks how to change one type of rest for another. This is how Christ describes the deeds of the flesh: “Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation: the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak” (Mat. 26:41). We will be surprised - is the flesh so weak? Yes, this flesh, with its power of instincts, simply tears us apart. How does a hungry person behave, how does a person behave who is irritated, angry, craves power and money? No, the flesh is very strong, but on everything sinful, on everything that is contrary to God's will. But the flesh is weak on spirituality. It is interesting to note that the word "weak" is translated from Greek as 1. weak, weak; 2. sick, unhealthy. The flesh is sick with sin, it is sick with spirituality. I just want to say - as for spirituality, she is so weak, but as for some kind of pleasure, she will not sleep at night just to achieve her goal.

And about one more important facet of the flesh. The flesh is looking for excuses - that's her business. I imagined what would happen if Christ said to these blind guys, “I don’t have time, I’m busy with my important matter. However, we read that Christ stopped, drew attention to the blind: “Then He touched their eyes and said: according to your faith be it to you” (Mat. 9:29). So, the call sounds, we all go to prayer. How does the flesh react? The famous passage from the Bible when God asked Moses to free the Jewish people, and his flesh reacted in a predictable way: “And Moses said to the Lord: O Lord! I am not a speechless person, and such was yesterday and the third day, and when You began to speak with Your servant: I speak heavily and is tongue-tied. The Lord said, Who gave man a mouth? who makes dumb, or deaf, or sighted, or blind? Am I not the Lord? so go, and I will be with your mouth, and I will teach you what to say to you. Moses said: Lord! send another whom you can send” (Ex. 4:10-13).


First, it should be noted that God sees all our deeds: “I know your deeds, and your labor, and your patience, and that you cannot bear the perverse, and tried those who call themselves apostles, but they are not and found that they were liars” (Rev. 2:2). God will evaluate both our deeds and our motives. And what will lie before him, like material evidence, about our Christian life? “What more must be done for my vineyard that I have not done for it? Why, when I expected him to bring good grapes, did he bring wild berries?” (Isaiah 5:4). Wild berries, as a symbol of what they ask us, call for a good deed, and we bring to God, instead of good fruit wild game. How much work God does on us, just as a gardener works to cultivate a tree in order to obtain good fruit? And the tree is still not cultivated and continues to bring wild. It is precisely these wild berries that God grieves about. So a person who does not bring many small fruits to God, but instead brings many small rejections, brings correspondingly many wild berries instead of grapes. Every time you say good deeds - no, remember, this is another wild berry. I wonder how many of these berries from each person, personally from me, will be stacked before God on the day of judgment?


The Bible talks a lot about the importance of good works. Why does God so desire that good deeds be manifested through people?

1. The light of good works glorifies God. God, as you know, is light. Light is always visible. How can you see the invisible God? The invisible God is visible only in creation. Creation shows us the Master. Most of us have hardly seen Leonardo da Vinci, but we all imagine his creation, for example, the famous one. The picture reminds of the author. The light of God comes from the good deeds of people. “So let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven” (Mat. 5:16). Good deeds glorify God. Good deeds can make even the opponents of Christianity glorify God. “And to lead a virtuous life among the Gentiles, so that for that, for which they revile you as evildoers, seeing your good works, they glorify God on the day of visitation” (1 Peter 2:12).

3. Stop the mouths of unbelievers. Good gave even able to stop the mouth evil people. The expression "to block the mouth" is translated as to block the mouth or close the mouth. So a person would like to slander, but seeing good deeds, it is already much more difficult to do this: “for this is the will of God, that we, by doing good, stop the mouth of the ignorance of foolish people” (1 Peter 2:15). Good works are a strong argument against unbelief. No matter how much you preach, but if your deeds do not correspond to faith, your words are unlikely to be taken seriously. Unbelievers look exclusively at the affairs of Christians. And life, as you know, is a series of small, often repeated actions.

4. Good deeds are the starting point for God to help us. Of course, we are not saved by purely good works. But God carefully looks at the manifestation of faith in good works, observing whether our faith is alive or not. “But do you want to know, unfounded man, that faith without works is dead?” (James 2:20). The Acts of the Apostles tells us about one officer, the centurion Cornelius. The man was distinguished by a large number of good deeds, and when the moment came for him to turn to God, God answered, remembering his good deeds. Thus, good works were a good starting point for God's response. God answers the prayer of Cornelius: “…your prayers and your alms have come to a memorial before God” (Acts 10:4).

5. Good deeds lead us to perfection, develop faith, develop the will, and in general develop a person, bringing us closer to God. James clearly writes about this in the epistle, recalling the feat of Abraham's faith: “Do you see that faith worked with his works, and by works faith was made perfect?” (James 2:22).


Any right and God's work begins with the recognition of Jesus Christ as the Lord of life, Lord and Savior: “So they said to Him: what should we do to create affairs God's? Jesus answered and said to them, “This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He has sent” (John 6:28,29).

1. Understand the will of God. Of course, often the will of God is quite difficult to determine. But, nevertheless, it is simply necessary to train in order to determine. By the way, for a mature Christian, the ability to determine the will of God is characteristic: “... the senses are accustomed by skill to distinguish between good and evil” (Heb.5:14).

2. Watch and pray. We must pray for every deed, or rather, before every deed. We have already quoted that the spirit will always be cheerful, but the flesh is weak, so once again we remind you, as soon as you receive a request, pray that

3. Remember the power of the flesh and wage war on the flesh. “For if you live according to the flesh, you will die, but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live” (Rom. 8:13).

On the power of the flesh, within us, there is the power of the Holy Spirit. These forces are opposed to each other. If we read and pray every day, then we increase God's presence within us, and then it is easy for us to overcome the flesh. We are called to do good deeds and to do all our lives. Christ gives us the highest example of willingness to do good works: “I must do the works of him who sent me while it is day; the night is coming when no one can work” (John 9:4). The Holy Spirit is present within us, and God works good works through us. “Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in Me? The words that I speak to you, I do not speak of Myself; The Father who abides in Me, He does works” (John 14:10). This means that the Holy Spirit moves us to do good deeds.

4. Correctly prioritize. There must be a time for everything. “Then His brothers said to Him, Get out of here and go to Judea, so that Your disciples may also see the works that You are doing. For no one does anything in secret, and seeks to be known himself. If You do such things, then reveal Yourself to the world. For even his brothers did not believe in him. To this Jesus said to them: My time has not yet come, but it is always time for you” (John 7:3-6). But what does the time for a good deed mean? After all, God expects good deeds from us all the time, right? Every good deed has its time. As the Word of God teaches us through the wise Solomon: “There is a time for everything, and a time for every thing under heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to uproot what is planted” (Eccl. 3:1,2). Setting priorities right means always choosing Christ, always putting the Kingdom of God first. To whom we belong and do what we do: “They said to Him in answer: Our father is Abraham. Jesus said to them: If you were the children of Abraham, you would do the works of Abraham. And now you seek to kill Me, the Man who told you the truth that I heard from God: Abraham did not do this. You are doing the work of your father. To this they said to Him: We are not born of fornication; we have one Father, God” (John 8:39-41). If we belong to Christ, then we will do good deeds, reflecting the light of Christ.

5. Never lose heart in doing good.“But brethren, do not be discouraged in doing good” (2 Thess. 3:13). Why can you be discouraged or, in a more accurate translation, lose heart when you do good? Life experience shows that despondency in connection with good deeds is a fairly common occurrence. People are not grateful, as a rule. We do not see and do not feel much support and gratitude. How many stories have I heard about how for good deeds people received only bitter disappointment and not a word of gratitude. B) Good deeds can in no way improve the financial situation and in no way get rid of the problems that exist in life. And yet, good works will bring satisfaction if we learn to enjoy the service of God. Once I was talking to a guy who studied classical music, and then suddenly became interested in rock music so much that he abandoned all classes related to classical music. And when he, not without pride, told this to his friend, he answered him, - your problem is that no one could instill in you a taste for playing the music of Mozart and Beethoven, and getting pleasure from this music-making. The same principle should be in good deeds. One day you will taste the joy of good deeds, because everyone who does good deeds is supported and blessed by God.


1. How often do I do things in church that are not related to my main ministry?

2. How often do I do something that is not related to my direct duties, helping out others?

3. How often do I say “yes” when asked to do something extra?

4. How often can I pick up thrown paper for someone, wash a cup, just help a person out when he really needs help?

5. How often do I refuse when asked: administrator, pastor, boss and work colleagues, parents or children, spouse or relatives?

6. How often do I pray before deciding whether or not to help people when they ask?

7. Could your relatives and acquaintances say about you that you are a person ready for a good deed?

8. What will you work on to become a person ready for a good work?

9. Will there be many bitter - wild berries of yours before God?

10. How willing are you to imitate Christ in small good deeds?

11. Do you agree that small things can sometimes say more about a person than his one important, key thing?

12. How is love for God and neighbor manifested in your life through good deeds?

13. Is there harmony in your life between one big thing that a person should have and many small things?

14. What is your motivation when you refuse good deeds, and when you agree?

And in conclusion, one story about the importance of good deeds. A GLASS OF MILK: “It was very cold in the morning. A boy who sells household items in order to be able to pay for the fare for his education is exhausted and very hungry. And he decided to ask for food at the nearest house. But when he knocked and saw a young woman who opened the door, he was shy and asked only for a glass of water. However, the woman guessed that the boy was hungry and brought him a large glass of milk. The boy drank the milk slowly and then asked, "How much do I owe you for this?" “Absolutely nothing,” the woman replied. “Mom always taught us that we should not charge for good deeds.” Then I will pray for you, for your kindness, said Adam Zakr joyfully. When he left that house, not only did he feel stronger physically, but his Faith in the Almighty became stronger.

Years have passed, and much has changed in their village. That woman was old and very ill. Local cities were powerless to help her and sent her to the city for treatment, to the main hospital for specialists so that they could correctly prescribe the treatment for her rare disease. Dr. Adam Zakr was specially called for a consultation. When he heard the name of the village where this patient had come from, a strange light filled his eyes. And he, without a moment's hesitation, decided to take a look at this patient. Dressed as a doctor should, Adam Zachr entered the room. He recognized the patient as the woman from the village who had been so kind to him. The doctor returned to the consulting department and firmly decided that he would try to make every effort to save the life of this woman and cure her disease, little studied by specialists, as soon as possible. From that day on, he paid increased attention to her case. After prolonged treatment, the disease was defeated. Dr. Zachr has directed that her hospital bill be shown to him in advance for confirmation. When he received the bill, he looked at the amount, and then wrote something at the bottom, signed, and only after that he allowed the bill to be given to that woman. When she was presented with the bill, sealed in an envelope, she was even afraid to open it, because she was sure that it would be so high that she would have to sell all her last possessions in order to pay for the treatment. Having appealed to the Almighty for help, she finally opened the envelope and began to study the bill. And immediately her attention was drawn to the line, added by hand at the bottom: "Paid in full with one glass of milk." QUESTIONS: (see test above).

The idea of ​​a fallback in life, which I want to talk about in this article, implies readiness, first of all, the psychological readiness of each person, for any scenario in the development of events in his life. Let our friends think about this question with you and try to imagine how likely it is that in the life of each of us the usual order of things to which we are all accustomed will be violated. After all, it is obvious that the feeling of inner discomfort that we experience from time to time, as well as emotions, both positive and negative, originate precisely from a non-standard scenario that arises in our lives. To be prepared for any scenario in your life, to have a fallback for any eventuality, is of course difficult enough, and yet it is possible to do so.

I am not a supporter of making a decision at the moment when it is needed, the main thing is to get involved in a fight, we will figure it out there - these are friends not for me, because in this approach to life there are no prospects that pragmatism and moral readiness for everything gives us. Actually, this is precisely why there is such a thing as moral and psychological preparation, without which a person is defenseless against many non-standard situations in his life, which can arise anytime and anywhere. And how can you prepare psychologically for something, of course, consider many scenarios of things you are used to, and prepare in advance several options for your behavior in certain situations. Something similar is said in the book of the samurai, when a samurai must clearly and clearly imagine his death every day, up to the smallest details, which, firstly, relieves him of his fear of her, and secondly, makes him ready for a similar scenario of the development of events, as a result of which he is psychologically stable.

I, in turn, offer you a slightly improved concept, according to which you do not just review everything in your life, but if necessary most you deny it and refuse it, and even really start to change something. Let me explain why this is necessary, in this case we are talking about those aspects of your life that, as they say, have become obsolete. This is your opportunity to strike the first blow at what is very likely to strike at you soon. Example - you are employed, your boss is a complete idiot and his insanity makes the likelihood that you may lose your job in the near future very high. Should you hope for something, should you wait for the moment when this happens, or should you have several fallbacks in case they decide to fire you, and use one of them before it happens?

I believe the latter option is more preferable for your interests, no matter what brakes dissuade you from it, inside yourself, no matter how much you work at a job that you can lose, no matter how good it is, it means absolutely nothing, you always must be prepared to lose it and find a new one or otherwise arrange their lives. And this is how you should look at everything in your life, especially at the people who surround you, because the nature of a person in most cases is not distinguished by the stability of his behavior. Therefore, even in relation to the people closest and most devoted to you, you need to have several answers to their possible change in attitude towards you. There is a saying that you should always prepare for the worst and hope for the best, but I suggest you always prepare for the best, not in terms of what can happen in your life, but in terms of how you will react to it.

In short, you shouldn’t have unpredictability in your life, and even though not all people have good insight, it’s not so difficult to omit the most likely scenarios in your life that are different from those you are used to if you just ask this question . Are you ready for changes in your life, do you have options for responding to any challenges of fate, which, meanwhile, fits into many details, taking into account which makes it possible to predict many possible events with high accuracy? Imagine a situation in which your life is turned upside down, the people you live with leave you, your source of income ceases to exist, your friends are opposed to you, and so on and so forth. Even a typical trip to the store for bread at night can turn out differently than it always has, just imagine a situation in which robbers attack you or you are taken away by law enforcement agencies on suspicion of a crime.

Do you have backup options for all these cases, do you have a well-thought-out algorithm of actions, is there a psychological readiness for this? If not, then why, why don’t you consider such a scenario as possible, because the probability of everything that I have listed is very high, and you will definitely be confused if something of what I have listed happens, emotions will overwhelm you and you will be in literally lost. Most of the people with whom I talked on this topic tell me that they hope for the best in this case, but hope is the lot of the weak and lazy, who are too lazy to work with their heads, too lazy to consider various options their actions, find the most acceptable and correct and not be surprised at anything in this life. Moreover, one can even calculate a high degree of probability of everything that can happen and prevent many events, not by divination by cards or tea leaves, but by calculations and careful analysis.

In this case, I also often hear about such a concept as creative visualization, which I have nothing against, but I don’t see the relevance of this concept in my case. You do not attract what you think about and the probability of which you admit, you can only attract what you really want and mentally attract it, in fact, the authors of creative visualization represent it in this way. Are there any other reasons not to allow the possibility of something that you would not like it to happen, but for which you should always be prepared? Fear, which in principle immediately comes to mind, is actually not appropriate, because you can only be afraid of what you are not ready for, and if you have answers to any questions, what kind of fear can we talk about in this case?

The only thing that really prevents you from always having a lot of fallback options for any possible scenario of our life, and which I have already mentioned, is, of course, laziness. It is laziness that I consider the main root of all evil, because in the vast majority of cases, laziness prevents us from doing what needs to be done, namely, inaction leads to the fact that life does not develop the way we would like. Well, if we talk about your inner state, which you will achieve being armed with a lot of fallback options for all possible events, mainly the most negative and terrible for you, then this is a state of bliss. So it is much easier to control your emotions, because a person who is difficult to surprise with anything and who is difficult to take by surprise does not experience strong emotions, whether positive or negative emotions.

The mind of such a person is absolutely pure, and even if the option prepared in advance by him does not work, he can come up with a new one on the go, which is possible only in case of absolute calmness and a competent assessment of the situation. Do not be lazy, deny everything that is in your life, get ready for everything, and be the first to strike at fate, do not let it do it, remember that there is no stability in this life, but there is a pattern.

Hello dear readers! Agree, confidence helps to achieve success in the intended business. In addition, insecure people are less likely to take on something new out of fear of failure. How to feel confident in any situation? Is it possible to be prepared for everything? Today's article will help you create your recipe for self-confidence.

Let's dig into ourselves a little.

Let's not dig deep. Let's just try to look at ourselves from the outside in two opposite situations. To begin with, let's figure out in what situations you feel confident, calm.

What helps you not to panic, fuss and lose your temper?

Many people feel confident in their professional field. The surgeon operates perfectly and does not experience stress in the operating room (except for extremely difficult situations, Certainly). The singer will easily sing his favorite songs to the audience, even without being ready. A dog breeder will tell you everything about their favorite breeds and answer almost any question about pet care.

In our field, we feel free. We confidently rely on our knowledge and experience, easily share our thoughts and impressions, and can easily solve any problem related to our work. In fact, a person feels confident when he knows what to do.

So, we move on to the second question that you should ask yourself - in what situations do I get lost and do not know what to do. Try to understand what unbalances you, why you start to fuss, get nervous.

  • Maybe an awkward question hurts you?
  • Or an inappropriate comment?
  • Please help in what you do not understand?
  • Rudeness on the street puts you in a dead end?

To be more confident in life, find your strengths and weak sides. Understand what helps you concentrate, what helps you get to the heart of the problem, and what, on the contrary, distracts and interferes. When you understand these issues, then you can develop your assistants and get rid of interference.

You Can't Be Prepared for Everything

In life, situations often occur that we could not foresee, force majeure, emergencies. Yes, it is impossible to be prepared for any circumstances. Understand it, accept it and relax. You are not a divine being, you are a person who can make mistakes, be unprepared, who can get confused.

Give yourself some freedom. Don't scold for mistakes.

Stable and comfortable will not always be. But it is force majeure that allows you to see how you react in such circumstances, how you behave, what distracts you, what helps. Use it, gain experience, train for further victories.

Emergencies give you the opportunity to test yourself in action. And you can prepare for them. Not to a specific situation, but in general. How does an unforeseen situation affect a person? Fear, panic, fussiness, nervous tension.

First, accept that in such a situation, the first thing you will experience is fear and panic. Caught these feelings and you can calm down.

Secondly, you can find a way out of any situation. Remember that decisions are best made with common sense. Therefore, proceed slowly and judiciously. Give yourself time to find a solution. Over time, you will react and act faster.

Critical thinking

Let's get the concepts straight. By the word critical, we mean thinking that evaluates, analyzes, can question, and draws conclusions from the arguments presented. Criticism is not understood here as a negative judgment or a search for flaws.

At school, to my great regret, they do not teach to think critically, and this is one of the most important things in life - to be able to analyze, question judgments, draw conclusions, and so on. This helps to calmly relate to various situations, helps to easily and naturally look for a solution.

If that's not your forte, don't worry. No matter how old you are now, you can easily learn to think critically. TRIZ (the theory of inventive problem solving) will help you with this. I myself have recently become acquainted with this direction. Don't take the word inventive as something scary.

TRIZ helps to find unusual and non-standard solutions and answers to the most confusing questions. The concept of setting a task is revealed, because often problems begin at the level of a question. How to increase the level of sales, which kindergarten to send the child to, how best to go shopping - thanks to this technique, you can learn how to quickly and in an original way solve any life tasks.

Add Your Ingredients to the Confidence Recipe

Return to the first point. Your strengths and weaknesses. Make your list of helpers for your confidence. Knowing that you are nervous without a phone in your pocket, always carry it with you. Is it easier for you to be with someone in society than to be alone? Take a friend with you to important events.

Since we are stressed in an unexpected situation, relaxation techniques are the right solution. Breathing techniques help me. Today they are endless. Choose the one that suits you best and use it in a tense moment to come to your senses and calm down.

Develop your lexicon, public speaking, negotiation skills, study . All this will help a lot when interacting with people. Pay attention to your communication skills.

A sense of humor often helps me a lot in unforeseen situations. Especially when you can laugh at yourself. Self-criticism kills criticism. If you can smile when you've done something ridiculous, then the feeling of awkwardness will go away very quickly.

I bring to your attention the book by Dale Carnegie " How to stop worrying and start living". Remember, many problems live only in our head and do not exist in reality.

What drives you crazy? What situation are you nervous about and do not find a place for yourself? What helps you deal with unpredictability? What are your strengths? Do you know how to use them?